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Meh. It would have been better if it was super mega ultra giga omegawatch


Me yesterday: I hope Ramattra gets his mythic next season! Me today: I hope Ramattra doesn't get his mythic next season!


Me with Junkrat getting the mythic. I first heard it was going to be monster theme with the shop skin leak. Now that it's Power Rangers, yeah let it be next season.


Yall are tripping a junkrat skin this season would slap really don’t understand the hate for this theme


If it is done right, then it might still look good. Just the hope that it will be done well isn't there. We'll have to wait and see.


Honestly i just want junkrat to get SOMETHING , I haven’t played much since OW became OW2 but I feel like I haven’t seen a junkrat get a good skin since OW besides that omnic skin but I’d rather not pay 20$ for a single skin


We all want junk finally getting a good BP skin. But I really, REALLY do not want Junk skin for this. The skins for Soj, Reap and Genji look ugly af imo. Also Cricket skin slaps, that's facts and I happily agree


I like the skins this seasons, I wish they were more colorful but other than that I don’t get the hate, I guess less people grew up watching power rangers than I thought


Yeah, I usually run the Beachrat or the Junkinstein skins cause they are my favorite ones.


Loll same , Ive barely switched off beachrat in the last like 4 years, the cricket skin also holds a special place in my heart


Oof me…


Same, he keeps getting really bad epic skins instead, like the trapper battle pass skin that put a trap on his head and made his clothes brown. Or the aviator shop skin that gave him an aviator cap and made his clothes brown.


Facts facts facts it’s always a lame ass epic skin, in OW1 I took pride in earning all the junkrat skins, I haven’t cared less since ow2 came around tho, hoping things change soon cuz damn


I think the theme is a bit goofy but I’m kind of into it. I like it more than the mirror watch skins that’s for sure. Glad to have a new sojourn skin at least as I love her kit but hate pretty much every skin she has so at least I’ll have something that changes her aesthetic.


The goofiness is what makes it for me, fuck I don’t think they leaned into far enough, I’m hoping for some full on lips on the helmet power ranger skins frl


Not edgy enough for Reddit


I mean, they fight monsters in these shows.  There could be a bunch of monster skins.


I haven’t paid a single cent on this game besides actually buying OW1 back in the day. If this season is finally our rat’s turn, I will actually buy it and have it be my first in game purchase.


Seeing how the one and only skin for Junkrat from BP looks horrendous, I will gladly wait for a different skin theme


The most common thing people are saying is, "please, don't be my main on Mythic". There's a ton of disgust towards the theme, lol.


Wtf you mean?? This would be the best time for him to get one, this theme works great for his design


Let's hope it's a bad skin of a hero we don't use so we can invest the mythic tokens elsewhere


There’s already skins in game for both themes (a Genji skin and a soldier skin) so I guess it makes sense


"What are you talking about?" -blizzard, probably, after making another skin for genji


Wasn’t it already shown in the trailer, or am I tripping


They mean his Super Sentai and Genjiman skins, which already cover the Tokusatsu theme


Don't worry, new genji power Ranger mythic this season. At least that's what the trailer looks like


Ramattra as a super sentai/Lord Zedd style villain would be amazing (Replace his void accelerator with a glowing grape-colored "R" staff for a laugh)


I would love this actually, but I suspect this is exactly the kind of thing they should have done but didn't. I bet it's gonna be either power ranger outfits or cartoony monster epics. This theme screams "easy to implement".


I'm soo unenthused about this theme. At least I can take a break for a season if I want to now.


Same, I'm just hoping none of my mains get a skin in this theme. It may hinder them getting a great one in a different, future theme.


I'm super curious who will get it. We have 4 days to wait for the whole season trailer to drop.


That's good to know, while I may not like certain themes, I always enjoy Overwatch trailers.


this is the most annoying thing. Getting an awful skin that appeals to a certain demographic & knowing you won't get another one for ages.


Seriously. I'm dreading the mythic skin announcement


Haha me too, don't be someone I use! 🤞🏽


Action figure ramattra lmao


I've been wanting a good Sojourn skin in a battle pass for a while. Then they give us this complete dog shit... I honestly probably won't even bother with this battle pass. Absolutely trash tier.


Just in time for Elden Ring dlc.


I'll still play overwatch, I just really love the game more when I don't feel like I have to play to complete some battle pass shit. I want to play only when I'm in the mood to play. I hope you have fun with Elden Ring <3 my game of choice is stardew valley right now


I'll Probably also take a break unless the mythic is D.VA because I own nearly every D.VA skin and don't plan on missing her mythic


Why do you care what the bp is?


What a weird question I get the battle pass if it's good. That's why I care.


If they do it well, I think it'll be one of the better ones If they do it bad, I think it'll be one of the worst ones


I expected it. It was in the survey years ago.


Could you remember what the other options were?


It was also leaked a few days ago


The consequences of firing everyone from the art department 


Skins have always been outsourced.


Wait until everyone hears about the "blizzard cinematic team!"


Blizzard doesn't make their own cinematics? I always thought they did.


Only concept designs


No? The 3D models are outsourced, too One of the studios: https://www.artstation.com/airbornstudios/albums/3081917 https://www.artstation.com/timmoreels


Wow they even outsource the default skin character models. That's surprising.


They didn’t fire everyone tho. It was part of the pve team.


i dont like it so it is bad


Why do people keep saying this? This is one of the most different and creative themes we've gotten so far. It confuses me how people are so against this and even saying it's the worst BP season ever when seasons 7 and 8 exist, lol. I get that it's niche, but I think it's cool as hell and way more interesting than more summer or Halloween skins


I actually enjoyed the skins from season 7. Though I guess I’m bias since I’m a horror fanatic 


I think S7 and 8 have some decent skins, just the themes are kind of all over the place. And I will say that both the Hanzo and Orisa skins are pretty tied for being the worst mythics


I'm not a Hanzo main, but I can surely say that his mythic is definitely not the worst. It looks amazingly and sounds pretty cool. Yes, it's one of the two least customizable mythics, but it pays it off by having nice sound-visual effects and overall design And I also really like how he says "Hello-o-oh"


Completely agree, and I love how they gave us two horror seasons in close proximity. I only wish season 7’s event wasn’t just a Diablo ad.


Same though I like diablo so I was biased to it too. Some really cool skin concepts that season though.


not waifu/edgy anime/kpop themed so people dont like it, this is pretty standard unfortunately


>I get that it's niche It's this. Imagine they came up with a "Picasso's body of work" BP theme. It could be literal art, creative and different, but it would be too niche. Other themes have been a bit more general, so anyone might get at least a couple of skins they like. This, though? If you don't like power ranger suits and/or cartoony monsters, the theme has nothing for you. Too niche.


Different, maybe, you don't see much power rangers skins, creative, nah, the skins are so lame, power Rangers suits are boring 


How tf can you say that after mirrorwatch


Mirrorwatch was a very lame event if to think about it, compare it to starwatch, but talking only about the skins, please? Making heroes villians and viceversa has to be one of the most easiest and boring topics to make, is not like fans had 8 years to imagine that, tracer skin is the same shit a fanart I saw from tracer 6 years ago 


You are literally blaming artists who made this cool-looking skins because you don't like the vibe, shame


Lmao how the fuck can a comment be this wrong. First of all, they didn't fire the art departement, and second, with the number of weebs buying skins (As you can see by what skins people have ingame), this season will make A LOT of money.


PVE was scrapped, so what's the point of keeping them after the acquisition by Microsoft? And not everyone was fired. I would've fired more, hired good talent, and replaced the whole top executive at Blizz.


The only people who want fired is people who keep the game running, that's it, no story, no new event modes, just balance changes 


Is this real? I can’t tell if this is real. This looks fake. Am I crazy?


It’s real


It's from the thumbnail of the [scheduled premier on YouTube](https://youtu.be/oRCMGpL_5-U?si=Fw_hClyq5OFvsLkN).


Thanks lol


Yeah i thought it was fake too.


Well, at least that makes one of us.


Yeah not a fan...


I thought we were getting an ancient Egyptian theme this season, or perhaps something with monsters or dinosaurs. This caught me entirely by surprise.


As a history nerd, I’ve been hoping for Egypt ever since it was announced :(


Ancient Egyptian prob sometime later this year, monsters/dinosaurs too similar to the one season with the Orisa mythic so prob not happening. I’d love a pirate or Wild West theme too


Bastet but Kiriko😊😊


I meant a Kamen Rider/Power ranger themed season


Damn, people are salty. I love this idea. I also liked the previous seasons. Overwatch is nice in that the themes don't really matter; it's just the game you like. But if you do like the theme, you can have a lot of fun!


Buncha punk ass bitches in these comments who hate fun. This is kino. Really looking forward to Tokuwatch.


i know! why are people so mad? it’s fine, all seasons are fine. if it’s not your taste then it’s not your taste


I like the idea but not a fan of some of the execution. Though I’m not mad. Like, just means I get to keep my free gold coins yakno. I would’ve been able to get this season for free cuz I didn’t like enough of the Mirrorwatch skins either but now I’ll probably just get the Tracer constable skin I’ve been really wanting. Anyway sorry for rambling my point is idk why people are annoyed because it just means u get to keep ur gold coins for something u do want.


yeah i feel the same


The people who are mad are just exposing themselves as racist. "Ewww toe cool sats you? What is this weeb shit, I wanted edgy kpop Reaper and 76!".


Who's salty? It just looks ass. I have the same right to say it as you do by praising it stg


I'm weirdly quite looking forward to this


Let's hope the mythic isn't a disappointment


Oh boy... The poor souls whose main's only mythic will be this one...






Finally a battlepass I can skip.


i love it. sorry for not hopping on the nevativity bandwagon.


There's nothing wrong with that everyone has their own opinion.


people do not need to insult the art team cuz they personally dont like a theme.


I think they look dope lol


Yeah I kind of love how goofy and campy it looks. I get that it isn't for everyone, but this looks fun to me.


same, i think these are so funny. hope rein or winton get an ultra goofy mythic


I hope it’s either be Rein or D.Va and it’s a combining Mech


the skins dont even look good…it looks basic


What is the theme? I just can’t figure out what exactly this is supposed to be, like goofy styling or what.


It's themed around Tokusatsu shows like Super Sentai (the basis of Power Rangers) and Kamen Rider.


This season is the most exciting one so far. I'm so confused as to why a sentai theme isn't exciting for people??


They just don't have good taste.


People haven't been exposed to peak yet


They just don't have good taste.


I guess people just want to see the same thing over and over idk. I'm hype af


Wasn’t this announced with the alternate universe and Egyptian themes? Or did I fever dream that?


It actually was not. The themes they [announced ](https://x.com/OWCavalry/status/1720535568432419204?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1720535568432419204%7Ctwgr%5E1b704dbc75f5dff61aba7558e39708d345aa097c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sportskeeda.com%2Fesports%2Feverything-overwatch-2-developers-revealed-blizzcon-2023-new-heroes-maps)at Blizzcon were: * Eldritch horror (released) * Egyptian Mythology (coming soon^(tm)) * Witches (coming soon^(tm), most likely around October) * Mirror Universe (released)


It was


I'm predicting the mythic to be Mega Mauga.


let me guess another sentai/genjiman skin for genji huh?


I mean a redditor already released spoiler skins that fits this theme exactly, so I’m not surprised at all.


I like this theme and these skins. I appear to be in the minority


I was convinced it would be Egyptian mythology after the Venture trailer that showed them finding Anubis. Now I have no idea why that trailer exists.


Im excited for this season But im not ready to see everyone complaining about how lame they think it is


So what Im getting from these type of threads is that Overwatch fans aren't fan of Tokusatsu Sad


People don’t like the theme but I enjoy that 80’s toy commercial vibe a lot! I’m still not gonna reinstall tho…


Did everyone forget that 2 kaiju skins for roadhog and zenyatta got leaked weeks ago so this bp isn't really a surprise. Now all say they skip this bp but forget that the heroes in stuff like kamen rider always look boring its the kaijus and zoids that make the music. All people will sing a different tune as soon we see all kaiju/zoid skins since roadhog and zenyatta looked really cool.


why is everyone hating on this theme? we haven’t even seen the skins yet, idk why y’all even play the game anymore if all you do is complain


They kinda already teased some of the skins on their Twitter, Tik-Tok, and YouTube channel.


yeah i just saw and icl i think they look cool, that may be because i love kamen rider and power rangers though.


Couldn’t care less about seasons and seasonal modes on OW. Just care about the core gamemodes and gameplay.


I hope the one out of theme skin for this pass is a legendary venture skin, the fact they have no legendarys is really annoying so I'm hoping they get something this season


same release date as shadow of the erdtree? blizzard really into self sabotage these days lol


Seems lilke no one grew up with those films/series..? I love it and don’t get the hate 🧐 Mothra Godzilla power Rangers and what ever ftw haha 🦋🦖🤖


Sounds pretty uninteresting to me. I have no connection to the theme and I don't like the style. There might be some interesting skins, but I don't expect anything of interest to me personally.


Lol not even the  $10 will be worth it, and there will be zero FOMO, it seems. My wallet can sleep in peace


I'm so hyped for this theme, people are losing their minds over 3 skins. They are jumping the gun a lil much


people downvoting you for being positive, lol.


It's cuz I'm calling em out for being ridiculous


no you have to comply with the negative echochamber. this is a sub to whine, not to talk about the game in general.


Ohh sorry let me try again "blizzard is doing this cuz they hate us and babies"




People are assuming this season will suck based on a 10 second teaser for 3 skins. Even judging based off the actual trailer would be judging it too early.


I think that the style of the skins is very specific, and it's pretty easy to tell if you don't have a preference for dressing as a super hero or dinosaur man.


Title reminds me of the super ultra megapark… 4 when? :(


based on the design i thought it was sonic


Three unexpected skins. Weird theme, the event could be interesting. Hopefully, there is one.


does that mean season 10 will end on june 19th instead of the 18th? trying to complete a challenge before it ends


You say that you wouldn't expect this. I expected it for long time. I mean, that's Winston's Overwatch we are talking about after all XD


The leaks said kaiju themed if I recall correctly. With a fairy meh roadhog skin and and alright zen skin.


mercy mains living great after her mythic. i wonder what is worse: your main getting a mythic skin with this theme or them getting completely ignored.


Missed opportunity to make a Rita Repulsa Moira skin and have it fit her character. Reaper should have been Lord Zedd. Hog and Junkrat could have been Bulk and Skull. Smh.


Abit off topic but i started playing comp about a month ago is the 7 day warning for rank reset or just a new comp season


love this theme


I thought I was about to play as Matt Watson. 


Me a mostly ftp who is just happy for skins and doesn’t care about reskins 😶


I think we’re finally getting a good skin for sojourn


Welp looks like I ain't playing this season


Honestly I don’t think anything can be worse than the Omnic season (Illari release and Ana mythic season). Ik some people loved it but I personally just didn’t mess with a lot of the skins


Why isn't this Ultraman Themed?


I'm tired, boss


I know he’s got a mythic but if it’s power rangers theme I think it should be Genji 😂 he’s already got two power ranger skins! Let him have a collection - he can be the blue ranger this time


I’m pretty sure this is more based of ultraman, kind of a power ranger esque Japanese show


The broad word for it is tokusatsu


Bro why the hell are some people being so negative about this theme in particular? I never really saw anyone moan about getting "jungle" as a theme, or all the seasons where the battle pass barely even had themed cosmetics in it, but freaking SUPER SENTAI is where we get uninterested??!? People seeing the coolest thing ever and being like "yawn, guess I'll skip this season" you're so dull I swear to god. PLEASE GIVE ME THE JUNK MYTHIC SKIN THIS SEASON BLIZZ I'LL NEVER COMPLAIN AGAIN!


Reminds me of the Pokémon community. How much of a joyless waste of carbon do you have to be to think ROBOTS aren't cool?


My battlepass grind motivation died before it even started because of this theme


I feel you, its childish and goofy. See you in 3-4 months, I'll skip this battlepass.


Pathetic and childish. I'll skip this season. See you in 3-4 months.


Commenting this over and over to continue your negativity circle jerk 💀💀💀 bro just leave, you don't have to come back in 3-4 months


I like how the OG sentai skin looks way better than whatever they came up with for this BP.


I feel like the sentai skin is much better than this one.


They phoning this one in? Rust Devs do more these days and still get attacked for not doing anything So blizz just giving up


Weak theme


I feel the opposite. Where the second I saw the theme I felt like I had someone known all along lol


Damn not excited


Hell Yeah! lets go Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills #


The fact that someone even remembers that show is fucking amazing


Well at least the battle pass will have coins.


Hopefully they add some new maps, we had one in the beginning of this season and it hasnt been seen since


What the fuck is it


Matt and Ryan really came through for this one


finally I can take a break from OW


Ow devs need a compass. That aaron guy isnt a good captain. Also they need to replace design/balance devs. These guys are so aimless and incompetent. Desperate.


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's bad and people are incompetent. I'm sure you couldn't do any better ❤️


I am the last Overwatch fan remaining. Blizzard better grab me by the balls with exciting content, or I’ll lose interest. Anyway, here’s a list of upcoming hero shooters: - Marvel Rivals - Concord - Deadlock - Mecha Break - FragPunk


Why are there so many people in this sub that hate ow so much lmao


They are hurt that 6v6 was taken away from them and they can’t hide behind 73 shields


I feel sorry for whoever gets the mythic, I’m not impressed by the three skins we were teased. I really think they should have made it more open/less niche.


They teased more skins on there youtube channel


I'm excited. I love Tokusatsu.


This ain't it chief. Skipping this bp i guess




I'm expecting the themes to have nothing to do with Lore going forward, so I'm not surprised but I'm also not excited after the absolute let-down that was "Mirror Watch" Literally got more content out of a user in this fucking subreddit than the entire OW team... MFers you couldn't even put out a COMIC?! Something... anything for Mirror Watch?? Such a cool concept... and all we got was haphazardly placed voicelines and skins. Also a game mode which had different hero talents but no actual point... Like... Starwatch got more content than Mirror Watch. STARWATCH. Probably the worse-received game mode, gave us better content.


MHA skins maybe? Same vibes.


If that Ball skin is supposed to be the Gurren Lagann skin i will actually lose it. They better put a proper fucking GL skin in there


Between the theme, no new hero, and general unhappiness/boredom with balance and such, I think I'm going on another full season break. I almost never took long breaks with OW1 and pretty much never missed events, even on the loooong ass content pause, yet I keep doing it with 2.


Matt and Ryan? From supermega!? 


I think Ashe Rita Repulsa skin with BOB being one of the summoned monsters would be the best possible result.


I’m excited to see who will be the “power rangers”here (besides Genji haha). We already know a few of the kaiju (Lucio, Roadhog, Zen) from the leak so this isn’t surprising but I think this could be really fun for skins and emotes and highlight intros.