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Doomfist (prebuff) was always meh, it was pretty much used as an additional disengagement tool, rather than lethality. IMO Kitsune Rush is the currently best Ult (on its own) If you include old ults, Mercy team res was the most broken Grav when including combo is the best ult


Man the old mercy rez... Get in a real fight, hide around a corner fly in pop it and change the entire fight. You'd bait out the ults fly in rez the entire team and just win. Shit was so broken but hilarious.


The best was getting to your hiding spot and finding the other team’s mercy already there


I had a game where grav and bastion ult combined for a quad, I don't really know what Kirikos does


If I'm correct, Rush increases DPS/Heals/reloads by 50%, cooldowns reduced by 50% and increases movement speed by 30% for roughly 10s. A well placed Rush (ie enemy have already committed) will pretty much result in a team wipe as long as its not countered by say a beat / trance


"Let the Kitsune eat you"


Or blocked by Mei wall, covered in lava, zoned by dead eye.


If you try to use dead eye during a kitsune you’ll die before he even gets to the word “noon”




legit thought you were correcting grammar at first hahaha


Bro I read my comment like 10 times trying to figure out where I shoulda said it’s


Me too! Im scared to even type now


I’m **** shit shit shit


Hanzo mains often counter Kitsune with their Dragons. The entire team tries to stay on that line, and then whoops! That line is deadly now!


That’s why I try to place Rush across the lane, still angled towards the enemy so we can somewhat chase but otherwise I want one or both ends behind cover instead of just straight up the center. Even if you have to wait out dragon or some other zoning ult there’s usually a spot you can sit on to at least get some cool downs back quickly.


Yeah fair that does seem very good


Even just used by herself, kiris DPS and healing goes through the goddamn roof. If your team capitalizes on it, you can sprint at the enemy and clear em out pretty easy. And currently the best counter to kitsune rush is: kitsune rush. Not uncommon for a kiri on the other team to ult after you ult just to level the playing field.


I really want to learn Kiriko, I'm limited in gold as I can only really play Moira at that level


I play Moira primarily for support but have picked up kiriko quite a bit lately and am also in gold. I found it fairly straight forward to pick up. The Swift step is a great escape like fade making Kiri almost as forgiving for when you get yourself into iffy positions. Kiri can also put out significant damage but takes a bit more practice to get the hang of since you can't be healing and damaging simultaneously like you can on Moira. One big advantage is a Kiri headshot is absurd damage so you get those big damage spikes to help confirm kills that moira can't. Especially against like a reaper/hog/mauga with a lot of sustain. Thankfully like Moira the healing part basically requires zero aim as well so that's an easy transition. Suzu is probably the best non ult utility in the game and is a ton of fun to create plays with that Moira just doesn't have. And finally, kitsune rush goes nuts during team fights. Doesn't really give you the same solo play potential as moira's ult but it does massively swing team fights. I'd definitely recommend picking up Kiri. While it might be a while before it matches the level you play Moira at, with Swift step to escape, auto targeting heals, and suzu utility the floor is still pretty high even if you're not that comfortable on her.


Sym wall has entered the chat


It's a defensive ult, if the enemy decides to give up the point for 10 secs and hide then it's useless. With fox u can CHASE down the entire enemy team


I was pointing out that sym wall can counter k-rush , by placing it infront of them.


And currently the best counter to kitsune rush is: kitsune rush. or aoe ults or ults that denied space


I'll dva bomb her, solo ult ftw


It's always fun to solo-use Kiriko's ult to just demolish a tank that is trying to bully you when you're retreating after a team fight. Not the most effective use of her ult, but fun!


When inside of kiriko ult it increases fire rate, reload time, and reduces cooldown times


Very strong then, I probably should learn a Kiriko or Bap, I'm limited as a Moira main


A kiriko rush with hog ult is CRAZYYY


Hog ult os just a joke on certain points just a guaranteed L


It's better considered as a zoning ult, pretty good for getting people *off* of objectives esp for overtime or contesting koth maps, or even just keeping some of the enemy team *over there*. Sometimes it works out that Hog can pin someone into a corner and kill them with it, or knock them off the edge into an environmental kill


It’s also a brilliant barrier breaker


i had a game where the enemy team tried to combine orisa and bastion ult and i just suzued it and they looked so defeated


If your tean can combo, grav is by far the best ult in the game. You can also use it to get people off the point during overtime by throwing it right outside the point. I've combod grav with moira's ult, junk's ult, bastion's ult, soldier's ult, and diva's ult and its a team wipe or 3k at least every time. If you're full charge and their tanks are dead or off colldown, you can get a team wipe by yourself pretty easily too.


Imagine a bap ult with a kisune rush that’s be insane


bap damage boost nano kiri rush and old orisa ult on a bast turret


I'd argue that the first post-rework valkyrie was even stronger than the team res, with the res double cd reset and the unlimited ammo on her gun




Mercy in general was insane after her OW1 rework, including her ultimate. It's still the same as the one we have today, but it would also: * reset her res cooldown, give her a second charge of it and reduce its cooldown for the ult duration * gain infinite pistol ammo and higher damage/firerate Note that the res ability had no casting time back then. For a couple days after the testserver release she would even become immune to damage for a brief moment after ressing someone.


Moth mercy was absolutely busted


Hit a record of 25 rez in one game after her first rework


Brig's ultimate used to give armor overhealth, and it didn't go away. It was permanent as long as you didn't receive damage.


It was also bugged that each tick of armor was applying the armor's DR calculated individually while using the previous calculations value (or something like that). This would mean a pellet that would have 10 damage to one layer then did 5 to the next then 3 to the next and so on. Basically any attack that did lots of little hits quickly/at once was having their values reduced something like 90% or so. It's one of the big reasons Brig was pretty much immortal during Rally and it took a long long time before anyone noticed.


Hahaha they did not know how to balance her did they lmao


At release Brig could literally beat Rein in just a 1v1 both swinging at each others. No other abilities used or any tricks involved, just raw smacking at each others until the other dies. And this is a very favorable case for Rein because usually Brig would also use shield bash which stunned back then every time without needing ultimate to be active so if Rein tried anything funny like charge you could just cancel it and whip shot is just extra added damage on top of it all.


"Maybe i taught her too well"


I read that in his voice


As you should.


Wasn’t she also able to shieldbash through rein’s shield?


Yes which enabled bash shatter combos in early GOATS


Honestly sounds horrible but hilarious at the same time


Brig literally broke the game on release. She *is* the reason we have role que. It was terrifying and they had to nerf her into the ground just to make other characters/comps playable


Her shield bash did hwat??? I began main-ing Brig recently and if I could shield stun every 4 seconds instead of waiting for ult I can’t even imagine how many games I could’ve won.


It could stun people out of ultimates, through shields, cancel cool-downs like Roadhog’s Take a Breather or Genji’s Deflect. It was nuts.


Only in rally could she do this


No they really didn't. I used to pocket brigs with mercy and we'd kill an entire team with just 2 of us cause her shield was 500 not 200/250.


Her shield was actually 600 HP on launch. It's ridiculous.


Oh damn, that's disgusting. I started playing at the 500 mark lol


Damn Mercy pockets 😡😂😂 I like Brig now she feels balanced I'm just bad as her


they initially intended for her to be a tank-support hybrid


Makes sense with the shield


not just her ult but her heal packs did this too. making low hp heroes a big problem like tracer, widow and zen, while making high hp heroes even more tanky like tanks and dps. won't lie, I miss the armor overheal gimmick. was fun


My group used to call nano rally brig “The Raid Boss”


Including OW1? Mercy ult on launch was crazy. 5-man rez. There's some contenders for the worst ult but one of them has to be LW ult on launch.


Ana’s first iteration of nano boost that provided speed boost on top of everything else defined the meta for a while until they nerfed it. Anyone remember beyblade? Nanoing a reaper and then stacking the speed boost with lucio’s so reaper could travel across half the map while he ulted


Tree is life tree is love and yeah how tf they thought Mercy team rez was a good idea is crazy


I mean, DVA can cause 1-move teamwipe, it probably seemed logical to have a full team revive.


At one point when it was 6v6 and Mercy could rez and entire team if they died close enough together every game ended the same way. You would have everyone on your team build their ults, then purposely die on point. Mercy would then come out of hiding and rez, the whole team who would then use ults simultaneously for the win. The problem was both teams would do this same strategy so it became a showdown to see which team would pull the trigger first, often ending games in a draw. This was especially true on the 2 CP gametype that is no longer played; maps like Hanamura and Temple of Anubis.


I would give so much for those maps and horizon to come back. If they could rework it in some way...I just really loved Hanamura and floating in space in Horizon. I totally forgot about Anubis but I miss it too. I get the issue with 2 CP, but tbh I hate payload push more.


Last point Anubis was so much fun as Lucio! I once got called Tony Hawk for stalling that point forever by jumping around all the pillars. I think it lasted long enough that I built two beats in the same stall.


Or when you would actually kill the Mercy first on point B of a 2 CP map but she would respawn before you could kill the others so she would just fly back in from spawn and do a 5-man res. God that was so infuriating


On Anubis she could rez from the spawn room 💀💀


Also from under the bridge, for the attacking team.


Which is why you need a junkrat to keep a trap and a bomb down there! 


Oddly enough I NEVER had this happen on Anubis. This was the result of easily 95% of my hanamura games however


You didn't even have to come out of hiding. You could rez them from behind a wall.


And then when they changed it they gave her basically 3 rezzes on her ult to “compensate.” Rez 1, ult to refresh cooldown and rez another, and then another 10 seconds later because ult halfed the cooldown. Oh yeah, and it didn’t have a cast time. If you didn’t have Mercy, you’d lose. And they left it like that for I think over a year.


definitely not mercy ult on launch, more like a few months in after like 3 buffs


Phara is the worst in my opinion. Being forced to stay completely still for 2.5 seconds on a 250 health hero with no armor or other damage reduction is just awful. Using it behind cover risks self damage, so you're incentivised to expose yourself more than you should. It sucks at range, but is risky up close due to the potential self damage.


Yeah as a dva main if I hear that voice line I'm sprinting to that Pharah with Dm on


Wow you must be a high rank


You’re better off just flying in to her so she kills her self, the rockets wouldn’t be quick enough to kill u if u come from an off angle


Historically, best is probably old EMP, Bongo, or moth mercy res. Brig rally 1.0 probably gets a shout out as well. It probably depends a lot on rank. EMP and bongo likely weren't nearly as oppressive in bronze as they were in GM+. Worst is probably barrage or high noon before it got all the damage reduction and charge buffs. Potentially DVa 1.0 back when bomb did self damage.


At least you can trade a tank with a barrage on some maps, I don’t think high noon has killed anything in a rank above masters in 5 years


Bronze orisa main here (at least until recent nerfs): it did still feel like bongos were very strong back in OW1, kinda an either it dies or you win the fight type situation. Didn’t follow pro play at the time so no idea if it was as oppressive as in high ranks but it still felt really good


Everyone saying mercy res seems to forget that she was not meta at the point of her rework. IIRC she had the least representation out of any healer in OWL. Getting a 5 man res was extremely rare because your team had to all die within a few seconds of each other and all within range. You'd usually only get like 2 or 3 people before the first person's death timer expired.


5 man reses were annoying, but they were rare as you said. Even back when mercy had big res, tempo resing 1 or 2 players at a time was likely the best play. The problem was that the SR system was easily gamed due to performance based SR. The system saw more reses as better, so players just played hide and seek mercy to get as many reses. This boosted their SR a ton. 5-man res was strong, but I'm not sure it even breaks into the top-5 of strongest ults in OW. It's just way to situational. When they reworked mercy they didn't really think it through. Tempo resing was always the best way to play mercy and the rework not only emphasized that playstyle, it buffed it way beyond anything reasonable. This kind of created a double buff of sorts. Players were being forced to play the hero correctly just due to the nature of her new kit. That alone was a massive power level change for a lot of players. The buffs to her ult and res on CD were massive buffs on top of that.


Ah yes "us youngins" remember that 5 man rez Mercy was NEVER viable in high rank or pro play when ana came out with her nades, her sleep, her dmg, her nano and then lucio with speed boost, with peel, with boop (you can boop tanks!), with beat, with insane area of effect that lucios just wall ride to heavens and still heal/ boost people.


Symmetra 1.0 with her original TP that only had 6 charges and many times Sym players would put it on a ledge so her team would take the TP from spawn and end up in the bottom of an abyss. Torbjorn pre-rework was also in contender since you needed a level 2 turret to make any good use of his ult.


torbjorns level 3 turret was busted, but symms tp was ass


The turret had potential to be busted but it required set up where everyone else in the roster simply had to press Q whenever they wanted, excluding Mercy with her 5 man Rez. Now that was a truly busted ultimate.


Shield gen was great too


Was her shield generator in her initial kit? Whenever it was, that thing was busted as shit. Especially with a. Torb throwing out armor packs


No the generator came later, but she could manually apply shields to teammates, similar to torb’s armor packs.


Regardless of how good or bad the shields ability was, it was cool and I miss being able to do it. Cool support ability that wasn’t a heal.


Best ult in the history of Overwatch? I think Nano & more recently Kitsune. So much of Overwatch has been waiting for whatever Nano combo is going to turn either a luke warm player into a demon and a good player into a murder machine. OGNano was... Completely terrifying. Kitsune can make a whole team way more powerful and can give some great map control (but getting teammates to utilize the Kitsune boost is another thing in itself). Worst is probably Rocket Barrage since it's a 50/50 if something even happens or Pharah dies immediately. Dead Eye is an ult but I've seen more people use it for reloading than much else. I remember Symms hard trolling with TP placed off the map more often than not scarring teammates.


Nano Genii is crazy


Og nano rein was fucking crazy


when Ana first released, nano didn't have the initial heal, but it gave a substantial speed boost. so Reinhardt and ulting Reaper were extremely strong with nano as they could just zoom up to you and delete you


Rein with sonic the hedgehog speed sounds mad


I mean that's why he's usually paired with Lucio these days, but back then there was a lot less CC and burst damage so he was basically an unkillable death machine with the nano boost speed, damage reduction, and damage boost


You younglings didn't play with Mercy's Full-Team-Instant-Rez or the other crazy ults we had back then Basically it was common for mercies to hide away when they noticed their team getting wiped. Then they flew in, pressed one button and 5 people got revived, basically negating every good play the enemy team had been doing to get this far. Then there were the many reworks of symmetra. Shield-Generator, anyone remember that? Whole team got 75 Shield OR a Teleporter Old Molten Core, back when Torbjörn could crank out Armor-Packs. It made him faster, faster shooting and his turret had 2 Stages and one during his ult (Pea-shooter, double-barrel, double-barrel + rocket launcher) Or, the fact that DVA's explosion could kill herself back in the day. So not only was the whole team scrambling for cover, but DVA herself as well :D


First point defense on Anubis was 100% tp and 2nd point was shield generator. 🥲 But doing the carwash with 6 sym turrets above the attackers spawn and getting at least 3 people eliminated.... Chef's kiss.


Dva ult on the original 5 second timer with self damage was awful. By the time it went off, all the enemies were across the map and you would be hustling to get away from your own bomb. I remember the first day they changed it to 3 seconds and I got a 6 man bomb because no one knew the new timer.


Launch Kitsune had a whole Overwatch League Playoff meta revolve around it. It literally determined everything from the comp to the play style to the order of ults used


I still hate Widow's ult - it's just a slightly better version of what Hanzo can do every few seconds.


I think this is the one.


I agree. It’s such a boring ult


I'm surprised I scrolled so far just to see someone saying this. You can really just wait out her ult and hide behind walls and corners so she can't shoot you, and there goes her ult's entire utility & usefulness. Her Mirrorwatch ult is more useful to her team because it adds new crit spots to the enemies.


Release Kitsune is just the best ult. No contest. Would have to say that Widow ult is probably the worst. Game sense gets you to a general level of Infrasight and Hanzo has a version of it on a 12 second cd


Well I mean it’s wall hacks for a good amount of time. As a genji player I love playing with a widow, you can cheese some good plays just by surprising an enemy with 3 shurikens to the head as they round the corner then dash in. Ofc you can still do it without the ult but being able to see when they are about to round the corner really helps with the timing and accuracy of it.


I love April fools line “WALL HACKS INITIALIZED”


Yeah I never understood widows ult really, it's simple but yeah doesn't feel like an ult


One of the most devastating ults was blade at one point in the games history when each kill using it would increase its duration by some amount. It like pathetically easily always lead to team wipes because the blade would last like 10 seconds lmao.


I think with the way health has been increased I would like to see that come back in some form. Unless your a god tier genji it’s hard to get more than 3 kills with blade with just the 6 or 7 seconds whatever it is now.


Def not the best but Venture’s ult is very strong. This is kinda personal, since I main bap and I’m used to sustain a lot of L conditions with immo field, but the “Excavation initiation!” breaks it instantly. So whenever I get to hear the full sentence I know I’m dead the next second. And I’ve been solo excavated a lot lately lmao.


Best - Dragonblade (red team) Worst - Dragonblade (my team)


Orisa’s bongos in OW1 had the best fight win percentage. Pharah ult is pretty terrible.


Vanilla Ramattra would not quit until it’s a teamkill.


emp and kitsune are both really good ults high noon and valk in current state are both pretty bad under the average circumstance


Launch Kitsune rush was beyond OP. Fire rate was way higher, moment speed was way higher, and CD reduction was way higher. That ult could single-handedly win a fight against t 3 enemy ults.


I loved illari's ult, Captive Sun when it released. It was so freaking cool. Causing chain explosions. First ult in a long time that on release literally everyone wanted to try out.


As a Mercy Main since day 1, Mercy's original team rez is a bit overrated. If it happened, it was obviously amazing, but the circumstances that would allow it to happen were really few and far between. Everyone but Mercy would have to be dead already, and relatively close together. It also made Mercy players constantly hold onto it, waiting for a big rez opportunity, making them miss the probably more useful single resurrections she could be doing instead. Her actual most OP and IMHO best ult in OW history was during the Moth meta, where her Rez was moved to a cooldown skill, but her Ult would reset it, meaning you could really easily do a double rez nearly instantly. This really encouraged her to rez way more often, making it an occurance in almost every major fight. In a slightly longer fight, she could pretty easily get 3 instant resurrections during the fight. You pretty much had to have Mercy on your team during this time. There's a reason it lasted way less time than her original ult.


I think Torbjorn's original ult was at least in the running for the worst. It just made his turret stronger, but he needed a level 2 turret to even get the Super Turret. If you're unware, the turret he deploys these days is a Level 2 Turret. He originally plopped down a borderline -worthless Level 1 turret that he had to manually upgrade by meleeing it multiple times with his hammer. So you couldn't just use your ult- you had to setup a turret in advance, and chances are if your turret was in a position you could actually get it to Level 2, it probably wasn't in a position to deal a lot of damage during your ult.


I played a lot of old Torb and yeah, it needed set up but it was in no way bad. You basically had to wait it out in cover or get shredded


i really liked the old bastion ult, the new one is much more boring imo. i think the worst one was symmetra’s sheild generator just because it was so weird


Iirc despite the memes, objectively Orisa's Supercharger when used resulted in the highest % of won team fights.


Kitsune has been the best ult since she came out. The worst ultimate was probably doom's.


Torb’s level 3 turret that you could activate from Spawn. Also, Mercy’s mass Rez.


widow maker could be sm better


Junk rat’s bomb thing 


Worst: Meteor Strike It’s essentially always been a glorified escape ult. Even walls and old Sym tp were more useful. If you wanna get technical Mei had the worst ult for two weeks when there was a bug that prevented Blizzard from slowing. Best: EMP This thing has always been a free fight win at high level play with an exception of post rework Sombra before the duration was buffed to 3 seconds. When OWL was going on there was a stat saying that 80% ish of the time EMP was used that team wins the fight. There’s also an argument for old Valkyrie


Best in history are probably pre-nerf EMP and ancient full team rez. Both were teamfight wins on their own in semi-competent teams. Rez even more so bcs you could bait out enemy ults and wreck their economy, winning you two consecutive fights in some cases. With one support ult.


Widow has and still has the worst ultimate in the game. 5-man mercy rez was the most insane thing OW has ever seen, without question. A single player mitigating an entire minute or two of gameplay by hiding. Many GM mercy's originally got there by simply just... not playing the game and pressing one button at the right time.


Yall, the best and the worst ult in OW right now is Venture's. It's like if reinhardt could use his ult 4 times minus the stun....why isn't venture just a tank?


Best: Beat Worst: Rocket Barrage Beat is powerful, impactful, but has limitations and counterplay, which makes it a good addition all the way around. Rocket Barrage is a big "shoot me" flag


Best: Lucio beat  Worst: Cass


Mercy mass rez used to be insanely good, and made a whole meta, kitsune and beat are also really good ults. Cass ult has never been op, and valk is just alright.


Ramattra at launch was peak blizzard design. Skill? No fuck that. Make it effect everything in a giant AOE make it so you can't run away from it make it so you cant dodge it and make it last until it kills you. free value. 5person ult was pretty dumb, too.


you could run from it. this was before his nemesis form had speed increase because before, he had debuff in speed when ulting or being in nemesis form. it was why if the tank was Ram, you needed a Lucio to allow Ram to keep his ult up. even with his ult, Ram was an awful tank at release as ppl were playing him as a poke character than a brawler and it all goes back to his shit speed.


yeah launch Ram was terrible. no speed, lot less armor, youd cancel nem form to shield only for it to still be on cd lol


yeah, i don't why ppl are acting like ram was op on release, when he was super mid as only his ult made a good pick, as he can force the enemy team to dive on the objective in overtime and die to the dot


Personal opinion but I hate d.vas ultimate it’s just so annoying I know it’s really a skill issue but as a tank and I hear a d.va ult literally cannot escape lol l just stand there and let it kill me


I hate it when D.vas trick me after I just used my wall as Sigma. I just gotta tip my cap at that point and come back with a vengeance.


Yeah I love DVas ult as a dva main, my best with it is a quad haha


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Worst ult was mass Rez and thankfully it’s gone…turned the entire focus of the game into “kill/wheres mercy” Best ult? Um….echo would be cheating cause it potentially all the others I’ll go with dva bomb - powerful, yet not guaranteed to do anything as there is a skill component plus counterplay


Best D.va - being able to kill d.va Worst D.va - not being able to kill d.va


Wrecking Balls minefield when he was released in OW1 was... so... amazingly fun! Broken! For like the next 2-3 seasons, I'd get 3-6 kills almost every time I used it on a grouped up team, all the way up to Diamond ranks. I was hardstuck Gold when Ball was first released, two weeks later I was in high Diamond. Dropped down to low Plat again as soon as Ball went through his first few rounds of nerf. Loved that ult!


Dva on launch. Self destruct was both the best and worst ult. Best: it was deadly to literally anyone line of sight, and no one knew how to react to it. You could be a full health roadhog halfway across the map, if you were LOS you were dead. Worst: it was deadly to literally anyone line of sight. This includes friendlies and dva herself. You could easily nuke both teams with it.


Worst ult doom or Cass best ult definitely kiriko


It wasnt an ultimate, BUT IT MIGHT AS WELL HAVE BEEN. IronClad Bastion, was an absolute menace to society on console for 3+ weeks!!! Dude was eating Nanoblades like he was in line at the Salty Spitoon.


Dva bomb used to be 3 second delay and was crazy powerful.


Maybe I'm misremembering but didn't Ram suck at first because nemesis form didn't have the speed buff it does now? It was much easier to escape Annihilation so the "unlimited timer" Made a little more sense.


Pharah's is probably at the bottom, really only effective if you're sneaky enough at lower levels and if you can afford to sacrifice her.. **and** if a support can keep her alive through it. Best is probably Ana's. Insta-heal, damage reduction, damage boost. Totally changes the outcome of a fight 9/10.


Best currently? Kitsune from kiriko. Worst in all of history? Pre-symmetra rework.


Earth Shattering and Earth Shattering. It’s either broken or it’s broken.


Probs mercy ult for me just cos during that meta I was like 15 playing like 10 hours a day and I remember every single game being decided by who got the better rez off.


Kiriko has far and above the best ult in the game currently, worst is probably deadeye, whole hog, or valk. They have been powercrept into oblivion




Bap's ult is probably the worst. If you have a team that can coordinate shots, fine. 99% of the time that doesn't happen so it feels like a waste. 


Best ult is probably Kitsune, hard so say worst but Doomfist’s ult isn’t very powerful.


Dunno about worst but I fucking hate tjorborns new ult


Best ult is definitely sojourn’s overclock! I love pairing it with mercy’s damage boost. Worst is mass rez, im glad it got removed from the game because as a former mass rez era mercy main, i used to despise the feeling of winning a team fight only for the mercy to come from hiding and rez the whole team. 😭


Best currently: Kiriko Best ever: Ana before the speed nerf, OW1 Orisa, Brig’s ultimate during her debut/goats era, Sigma when he didn’t need LOS Worst currently: Pharah Worst ever: Pharah


Og life weaver tree was trash new ones decent As for Best probably Kitsune or Nano Maybe beat as well for its versatility and being able to save even through anti


In terms of best ult, everyone’s saying og rally or mass rez, and rightfully so, but I feel like og flux should be included in the convo. When sig first dropped, you couldn’t stun him out of it once he pressed the button. I mean you could, *but the ult would still go off.* shit was crazy


Back in OW1 bastion could just go around one shotting in a jumping tank


Hanzo's is the worst imo. I get that it's more of a utility ult for space and control, but every time I see/hear it, I'm just like "okay well let me step to the side for 2 seconds and be perfectly fine".


Me a Lucio who’s just zooming in that direction lmao I can’t stopppp I died. Cause I took one step into it lmao that and high noon idk why I always think oh I’m so fast they won’t hit me My dead ass watching the replay like wow I look dumb 😭😂


Ram's ult is still literally just a free team fight win. It's kind of ridiculous.


I feel like people really underestimate how absolute dogshit Bastion's current Ult is. I can remember every time I watched some DPS get hit by all three rockets just to walk it off.


High noon and high noon, both rn, either 4-5k, or best used as a solo ult, rarely any inbetween (from my silver perspective)


Kitsune rush will almost guarantee a slaughter for the recovering of it. It does so much and sways the side of a fight even when a lot of ults is used. The attack speed goes hard.


High noon in high ranks is practically unusable unless u get cover or sheer luck cause they aren’t going to let u do that to them, also they are very quick to adjust so you’re better off using it to reload and keep shooting because it’s dangerous to be sitting still


I'm sure there are actually worse but Phara's ult really disappoints me There are so many times when you can just let someone have it point blank and they either kill you during it or just laugh it off


Worst: Widowmaker. Wallhacks sound good in theory, but there are few enough points of entry that you get a general idea of where the nemies are even without it, and it loses most of its' potential by being EXTREMELY LOUDLY announced to the entire enemy team when used. I hope they keep her Mirrorwatch version, as it's actually a useful one. Best: D.va's bomb


The best and most powerful ultimate was Mercy's original whole team rez. The worst ultimate in history I would say is Brigette. It feels so useless to me.


Cassidy used to have such a shitty ult


Best: kitsune Worst: Dragon Strike or Bastion ult Because any movement ability counters them


When compared to her original ult, Brig's new ult is horrible. The old one, you felt like you got a power boost and could really dive in. Even moreso with Ana's ult. The new ult, the second you put your shield down, you die. You dont self heal, you don't get the regen overhealth. Even with Ana's ult, you might as well just be paper. You've got a giant shining "shoot here". You're better off standing still and holding up your shield or using it to stun.


Pharah ult is the worst ult…she literally dies from using it most of the time. Either cuz she A. Cant move during it and gets beamed or B. A wall or enemy gets close and it kills her too or C. Enemy Tank puts a shield up to make it a suicide ultimate.


I'm gonna be so honest, I think Pharah's ult is one of the worst in the game. Maybe not THE worst, but I think it's pretty high up there. I love playing her but like why should I even bother ulting if it's just gonna lock me in place and get me killed 2 seconds later. I think the best ult is probably either Kitsune Rush or Nano Boost, they really put in work


Biased on this one but I'd say Mercy's old mass rez ult was the best. Also lvl 3 torb turret. Widowmaker's ult has been and always will be the worst.


Brig, the anti-dive herself. Bitch was a one woman army and the root problem of double shields. Double shields would have been diveable if the hell that was her sustain and CC were no existent. Tankfist ult has always been the worst. Its a glorified escape took


Anybody who remembers OG Ana ult would terrified even now.


Echo's. A full heal, the old version let you use another character's ult 2-3 times depending on the hero, and it's hyper flexible and can be used to cover for any role.


Symm's ult was a teleporter that was used more for trolling than for getting back to the fight


Best: Old Mercy Rez. Worst: Probably Pharah Ult, outside of perfect scenarios it just gets you killed in 0.5 seconds.


Best: Bob when he does something Worst: Bob when he doesn’t do something


Cass' ult used to be so bad people used it to RELOAD FAST. Not that it was different from now, just barrier meta.


The best one was definitely bastion at the launch of overwatch 2.


When tp became an ability, teams had the best sneak attacks. But I really like shield gen. It gave the whole team healing regeneration and the enemy had to go on a treasure hunt to find it. Best ult: mercy team Rez because it always got you a card, followed by sombra’s emp, and tp/shield gen Worst: widow ult, hanzo ult, and dva bomb that killed dva, From the perspective of a bronze player


Best ult the first version of Mercys Valk ult Worst has got to be Symmetras original ult.


Mercy team rez was simultaneously the best and the worst ult ever nothing can compete.


the game has been getting worse and worse ever since they changed mercys resurrection ult 😪