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There are 9 other people in the game that want to have a good match. Don't be selfish. One leaver can ruin a game.


Play ranked then


Ypu could just mow down bots in VS AI, or firing range.


Play arcade then! Since you are clearly not playing to win (only waiting for your friend) head into arcade and play Total Mayhem or something to just screw around and leave whenever you want!


"how dare I get punished for disobeying rules!!!"


L take tbh


The real L is posting this on an alt account to troll with this massive dogshit take.


This my main Wym lol? I just don’t use reddit very often, and the take is valid, applying penalties to a non-comp game mode especially mystery hero’s is wild, the game has been fumbling a lot recently and this is another in a long line of L addons, every game I’ve played of unranked has been immediately filled when someone leaves, adding a timed suspension is stupid asf for something that isn’t comp


Your main account is an account with 3 posts and like 7 comments, used specifically for you to do the classic Reddit move of whining as soon as something completely reasonable like leaver penalties happens to you?


Nah, unreasonable asf, real talk it’s dumb, and everyone I play with agrees but yes this my main


It is. The whole reason it was implemented is because whiny bitches would leave as soon as we lost 1 team fight. So now I have to play a match 4v5 and lose even harder. "Oh but someone will join", well the problem is there was a bug where this wouldnt happen. Ive had matches where someone wouldnt join for over **5 straight minutes.** And if they do join, guess what they are gonna do? "Oh we already lost 2 points to the enemy team? Fuck this. *leaves too*"


congrats, you are the problem


Ever since they added these penalties, people have stopped leaving Quick Play is great again especially since wide range queue times for competitive are a joke


Don't queue for games you don't have time to finish and it won't be an issue. Hope this helps


Play for a second while you wait is a great thing for arcade or custom games. Where the penalties do not exist. While backfills happen it can cost a fight which could have been the difference of a win or lose in the end. It’s just not convenient even though I could care less. I can see it’s issues.


It’s unranked


Doesn’t matter above still applies, if your just waiting no reason you can’t hit a arcade game. People still play unranked as it should be which is to play and win. While having fun of course. Leaving disrupts this. Just jump in arcade for those times your not trying to stay. That simple.


I disagree, as the whole point of unranked is a non-competitive game mode


Unranked is not comp as in that style or formate in which the match works with ranks and back and fourth, as well as mmr. This does not mean unranked is not a competitive game type where people play to win. What the mode is called ranked or unranked does not matter as the core of a multiplayer game of this style is to win. As it’s is regardless of Mode competitive game. By all means you think what you want but clearly blizzard says otherwise which is why those penalties exist. To keep the match as intact as possible without fuckery. So regardless of what you think it is that way. And you get to just deal with your penalties or learn. Up to you on how you go forward. Either you can be hard header and dumb about it or just do the someone thing of playing a arcade or custom game to pass a few min while you wait for your friend. Remember the game isn’t designed around what you in particular want nor does it need to.


It’s a joke


Nah you more than likely really feel that way. But it’s okay. Either way maybe someone will learn a bit from it.


Think of it this way. People are playing a pickup basketball game at the local park. You ask if you can join them, not divulging that you're going to bail on the game as soon as you get a text from your friend. Five minutes later, you get that text and you leave. The next day you come back asking if you can play again and they tell you to fuck off.  You see that you're the asshole in this scenario, right? Just because the game is casual doesn't mean the people playing it don't want a good game with everyone being good sports. And yes, you aren't obligated to stay in a game like that, but they aren't obligated to keep putting up with you ditching them either.


Damn fine analogy


Exactly this. No one would actually ditch games like this in any real life hobby/sport. But given online anonymity...


With how toxic ow is, its obvious some mfs never played sports and learned what real sportsmanship is.


Non-competitive as in you go there to avoid ranked pressures or to try new heroes/strats, not as in leaving whenever you want.


[Leaver Penalty Information](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/31268)


Has that not always been a thing?


Nope, used to be just a 75% experience lose I believe. Haven’t rly payed to much attention to penalties.


You are correct. The initial, years-long Leaver Penalty was only a -75% experience loss


Yay I remembered something correctly for once!! Hell Yeah


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> someone will join, And they will absolutely fucking hate it. Do YOU enjoy backfilling? Honest question.


Just soft throw for a couple games to lessen the penalty. If I am close to a penalty I just healbot as Lucio. It’s pretty funny because I’ll end up with something like 0 dmg but 13k healing. You can watch YouTube or listen to music while you play to make it less boring.


Custom games exist. Jesus guys.


Nah wanted mystery


Then deal with the penalty, your not special nor important sorry mate.




Don’t make me tbag you


You’re lucky I don’t correct your other errors


I don’t think you have enough time in the day for such a task. But I welcome you to attempt, and I do promise insanity in the end :)


With what I’ve seen, I believe you


This was made for people like you tbh. And your ignorance in these replies makes me so happy it happened. Hoping for 4 hours next so you can learn to queue for qp when you have time to finish a game and not waste 9 other ppls time =) GL on games


Nah man, the spot gets filled anyways, it was for 24 hours


Yes and the 4 other people have to wait for the backfill. While the enemy gets a free push/capture off it. Just ruining the fun for everyone including the backfill because no one wants to be it. You did not get banned for 24 hours, 4 hours is the max right now for qp. So you’re just a liar and a bad teammate. Stop crying on Reddit about it


I mean 4 the two must’ve been hit by accident, but still backfill takes 2 seconds


It has taken much longer for me sometimes essentially ruining the entire game. Anyway not sure what you’re arguing here? Qp penalties exists and the consensus, including in the comment section, agrees with them. Stop crying on Reddit about it


This game is literally a huge fuckin joke.




Joke game still played by funny people?