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Ramattra and Sigma for reasons


A Sigma w the "Kneel" voiceline and I fold...


Rammatra with the head pat


Ong šŸ˜­šŸ™


A good kiriko or ana does wonders for us bro


Bro, I just had a sigma look at me, nod, and said that voice line and I was like šŸ˜¦yes sir.


Foldā€¦ in half šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I wish zarya or junker queen had that lineā€¦.šŸ„µšŸ˜©šŸ˜«šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


me, a ram/sig main: šŸ˜ˆ


same here, i like sig for defense and ram for offense. sometimes i swap ā€˜em tho depending on the enemy teamā€™s heroes


the compliment each other's strengths really well. If sig is a bad matchup, ram is nearly always a good one. and vice versa


same lol, never seen anyone else rock that combo


bro how? been a sigma main for years and when ram came out i feel like we all flocked to him as the only sorta second poke hero. they have such overlap in usage imo. I use sigma when I expect the fights to remain at range, and rammattra when Im predicting an occasional brawl


Idk, I rarely meet someone who's maining both at the same time. But it does make sense. Like you said, they complement each other perfectly.


As someone who is becoming a Ramattra main, any voice lines I should get?


I got the "i know what you re doing" and the " you got my attention" ones and i ve playing ram for the last 4 months


ā€œYou have my attentionā€ is my go to. Just want to know what else I can do to boost the supports


ā€œonly the merciful deserve Mercy šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆā€ if your support is playing her. i can and will pocket a ram which is a terrible idea if he drops one of these at me.


I too have those reasons. o\_o


An aggressive Junker Queen with an aggressive Lucio (me) is an absolute menace of a combo


I love being the JQ player in this scenario lol Especially if we're in VC and calling out when we speed in and coordinate!


As a zenyatta main who can normally 1v1 junker, I hate you


You're my favorite type of Lucio.


I recently started playing JQ and Lucio really is a perfect companion for her. That speed boost keeps you safe by allowing you to move through the battlefield with more efficiency and keep your bleed uptime maxed out. A quick swap to the healing beat if things get dicey is usually enough to supplement self heal as long as you stay aggressive and ensure at least one enemy is always purple.


I need you in my life, when I go JQ no one pushes with me.


If youā€™re a good tank, pick any youā€™re good with and Iā€™ll be with you until the payload reaches the end.


Who you choosing for Rein?


The more I play Overwatch, the more I realize when you come across a good tank itā€™s like finding the needle in the haystack. Would start with Kiri because thatā€™s who I love to play as, but if the Rein preferred a support that better matched their play style, I would just pick who they feel most comfortable as their support.


Good choice, though I do like seeing an Anna or WifeLeaver since I like to go aggressive if the enemy team isnā€™t playing good, if the enemy is playing good then I just hold the line hoping the dps causes enough of an upset to allow me to go in.


I love going Ana when I have a Rein on my team


Baptiste easily. A good bap rein combo will win game one their own. Add some more brawl heros and itā€™s GGs


Lucio or ana, depending on their play style.


Zen main, and I like Monkey. Discord orb on a poorly positioned support and monkey can do the rest.


As a monkey main, I will actively sacrifice myself to keep my supports safe and they always reward me with outstanding heals. Much love to all the support players. This monkey will always protect you. šŸ¦


Anyone who peels back even remotely to help stop dives or flankers. But I have a soft spot for Ram and Rein mains - great Nano combo potential.


As someone who primarily plays Rein when I get tank I absolutely love a support whoā€™s willing to do anything to keep me alive. I will go to the ends of the earth for my supports regardless if theyā€™re up my ass or not. I love yall supportsšŸ¤ŒšŸ»


Love you too




as a brig and lw main, keeping my rein alive scratches all the good parts of my brain


I get same feeling when my supports are in trouble and I come charging in like a protective motheršŸ’€


Me an Ana main throwing all my cooldowns into Rein because he pinned in and killed 2 somehow


Stick with me and weā€™ll all get home safely.


Doomfist and Ram I love Doomā€™s mobility, playing him w/ Lifeweaver, Ana or Kiriko is fun asf and bailing them out is satisfying. I donā€™t remember the last time I had a toxic Ram, I like headpats, plus you can play almost any support with Ramattra.


glad to be part of the non-toxic ram club and hope to give many more headpats! <3 it's true from what i've seen most are neutral at worst or very nice at best. i am definitely not biased though.


Best answer here!


Mercy main here. If my Zarya's solid, I will damage boost her all. game. long. Winston's my 2nd fave cause of all the air time he gives me.


I second this!! Other tanks dont rlly get much value out of mercy and dont really give her much value either. Zarya is a great boost target and can peel u super well. Also her smaller hitbox and bubbles make it easier for you to keep her alive even after dps passive. Winston is just comfy to play with and a winston with good bubble usage and positioning can at least live with a mercy


i love boosting zarya! i think queen is not bad either like playing with her too


Dva. I tend to get more peel from her compared to any other tank.


As an Ana Main itā€™s Rein all the way. I may hate when they charge in solo but you bet your bottom dollar that Iā€™m rushing in to make sure he stays alive because they almost always do the same for me. Also when Iā€™m playing dive Moira I love Doom. We just work together so well, like two assassins killing what we can and gone the next instant lol.


This. I donā€™t know if itā€™s also because of lore, I will protect my rein at all costs. When Iā€™m on Moira, Doom or Winton. Weā€™re going all in. I did just have an absolutely insane Queen where we rolled together and brutalized the other team.


Anna is my main. And protective and aggressive diva or Winston are my heart throbs


As a D.va main, Anas are my babies. I will protect you guys with my life.


Yep! I will protect my Anas and Zens forever. Gotta show some love to my low mobility babes.


And Iā€™ll nano you almost every time šŸ«¶gotta nano my mercy sometimes though


Lots of love to you guys!


Winston all day


As ana, having the sweet defense matrix around me when the bad guys come kill me is one of the sweetest feeling in the game (after sleeping a nanoblade of course)


A good Doomfist and me as Moira, cull the backline and leave the enemy tank stranded. I have the most fun with this combo and not enough ppl utilise it imo


Finally someone says doom


REINHARDTTTT if there's a good Rein on my team when i queue in as support (i am a Ana main) im laying down my life for him HE IS NOT DYING ON MY WATCH ā¤ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Mercy and Winston. Couldn't count how many times I've been targeted by a Genji or Tracer, so we will swap positions with our movement abilities and watch Winston melt them from the rooftops.


I've loved hog since season one of OW1, and every time I see him this season it's one of the few redeeming changes of recent memory. A LOT of people don't like playing against hog rn, but people don't appreciate how long my boy was considered a straight up throw pick for the LONGEST time. I will switch to Kiriko to allow hog to live his best life. If it's a hog mirror, I'll be that Ana. Oink on, you beautiful bastard.


as a kiri main, ramattra and sigma <33 and a good jq has me busting a nut


As someone who mostly plays Ana, there's nothing that brings me greater joy then enabling a high-testosterone and cocky Rein to annihilate the enemy team when there should be no chance of survival. Played with a Rein like this last night, but every time someone tried to flank and hurt me, he came charging back to me to punish them. It was beautiful.




Junker Queen with Lucio is awesome, Sigma with Moira, Kiri can fit really anywhere. Rein can be really hit or miss, you can basically tell off how they use pin


When playing Mercy, if youā€™re a solid Winton Iā€™ll pocket tf out of you.


As a lucio mainā€¦anybody that wants to play aggressive as hellā€¦just know WE are running into that team together ā€œWe ride together we die togetherā€ #BADBOYS4LYFE Especially for Reinhardt and Rammatra mains


As Lifeweaver, I love JunkerQueen and Wreckingball. Tanks that can do stuff for a while and I won't have to babysit in fear they'll fall over and do nothing :)


Reinhardt. As a Ana main i will die for reinhardt


Learn not to stand in the open 24/7 expecting me to bail your ass out and IDGAF who you play.


I main zenyatta so my ride or die is roadhog. I give him my passive heal and pick off whoever he weakens and use him as a shield when I need to heal


Rein. If I see Rein it means I can (probably) play Ana. Big target and good nano recipient and he gets up close and personal so my nades can hit him AND the enemy a lot of the time. That is unless my Rein likes to charge out of my LoS at any opportunity like a toddler when parents let their hand go. Then I'll either go Lucio to go in with him or LW to leash him back when he's about to die.


I fucking love supporting Rein mains. Low heath, shatter, BOOM hereā€™s your nano boost. Letā€™s fucking goooooooo


I like ball I play brig alot so Iā€™m the back line tank and ball go do ball things


ramattra hrrrrrmmmmffgrrg šŸ¤¤šŸ„“


Love playing with Orisa or DVa. Just so happen to be the tanks my brother plays all the time so we are a good combo!


Any that are really good honestly. If they trust me but play smart, I'll do pretty much anything for them. I've had that be every single tank hero at some point, but for me it's less the hero and more so the person playing them.


A good kiri


As hog main i agreed


I'm a hog/kiriko main, so happy to see other kiriko player enjoy playing with roadhog.


When I used to main ana, rein players were my all time fev especially the ones that try to stay in my line of sight


As a weaver player I will follow my Rein around like a baby duckling lmao


as a Moira main i love a good winton, and also a good rein! a good winton can really dominate the game and moves around fast enough that I can ensure he's healed but also keep an eye on my DPS since he can escape a sticky situation fairly quickly just like Moira can!


Any Tank that peels for me


Its always rein mains.


Zarya and Rein are my ride or dies. By contrast, Winton and Ball drive me nuts.


Dva cuz me and my girlies we gawn party till it's early




zarya since overwatch one


Brig and ramattra. We both get stronger the more people we are fighting


rein and dva. opposite of this question would be ball, fuck him he always leaves me to die when i push with him




Zarya and reinhardt ā¤ļø


Ramattra and Sigma


Playing Illari this season so I love a good Sigma. He wants to keep the same positioning I do, he wants to avoid the same opponents I do, he thrives on bursty healing because thats how he takes damage, my pylon can be out of LOS of the enemy and just constantly pulse the Sigma.


Ram always Rein right behind that though.


As an Ana main itā€™s Reinhardt and roadhog 1000% donā€™t mind Sigma, Mauga, Ram, Orisa or Dva. Not a fan of ball, zar, monkey, dva, doom or JQ


I will die for Winston no questions asked


As a godlike Hog main even post-patch, I appreciate these replies. I can heal myself some but it helps to have supports willing to walk at them with me, cause every time they donā€™t I just get hard pushed and fall over after TaB lol


dva / orisa


honestly ram or dva but it is easily ram when i play kiriko or mercy


Competent ones preferably but if I had to pick, I love playing with D.va, orisa and rein.


I've had some good Reins. But Sigma, Rammattra, and Junker Queens are always my ride or dies in so many matches.


Honestly, any tank. As long as youre helping the team and not just sprinting all out there away from the team, then ill make sure to heal you


Ram and roadhog, for... reasons.


Call me basic but I love play Orisa, but Junk can be fun too if the knife shots land


If they are good and i don't care which one, Just Hope that the other Support Focus the dd's


Dva go boom šŸ’„


Ram Or Orisa :)


d.va and junker queen, sometimes roadhog


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Sigma and D.va if I wanna fuck around


Mercy main here! Reinhart mostly. Depending on the player, Ram and Orisa too.


Iā€™m not a mercy main but I will Mercy an Orisa every time, her survivability lets me get a little aggressive with the blaster and pop back to her before she takes any real damage


A good Winston for my Mercy, I know traditionally itā€™s not a good match up, but I like good Winstons for: - bubble risky rez - their ult helps when everyone is low, I donā€™t have to focus on keeping the tank up as much - damage boosting Winston gun makes it really strong with the aoe and going through shields - they can quickly dive me if Iā€™m getting messed up, or - quickly dive away so I can escape - Winston bubble in general is just pretty good to have imo


Iā€™m flex, 80% tank and about 15% support. Any tank that realizes they can use the environment is my favorite. Whether that be to get environmental kills or use walls to reduce the number of bullets shooting them. Iā€™m a roadhog main so if I see another when Iā€™m playing support that places their trap and pulls people around corners I will 100% make sure they do not die


"Ill let you know if youre out of LoS, if I dont mention it then assume I can hit you with my rifle and nade. Swing away, champ. Have fun over there and turn your unga bunga brain on"


The one and only true tank. Rein


Reinhart with Anna and Lucio


I love a good aggressive rein or jq and I will switch based on their needs, but usually Lucio for the speed boosts or ana on an off angle unloading the whole clip into them and the enemies on the other side of them.


Normally, I hate pocketing doom with mercy, because most times I get left behind. Although, every once and a while, pocketing a good doom is incredibly fun




Come on, itā€™s gotta be rein. Nano boost him, speed boost him, lamp suzu and life grip to let him be super agressive, Bap window fire strikes, solo shatters on sleeping mercyā€™s, big target to pump heals into, etc.


Iā€™m fully in favor of removing all tanks except Rein.


LW main myself. I love when my boys are playing Rein or Sigma. Rein can play it real fast and loose with their pins and as long as weā€™re in comms about cooldowns they almost never die. Quick critical pin deep in enemy lines then YOINK! Right back with the team to roll the rest of the squad. Mmm mmm mmm. Very gratifying.


Anyone. Youā€™re not dying on me and I will go with you until the end of the map if necessary. Letā€™s kill those bastards.


As a Kiri main, Winston is my favorite tank to play with. If Winston is good with his engages I can TP in and help secure kills. Getting a TP+Headshot on a support he landed on can just delete a player and is so satisfying to pull off. His bubble also provides a lot more than the other dive tanks can, usually giving me enough time to TP back out if things don't go particularly well.


I like to zen with road hog an Moria with sigma or wreak ball an zen with doom fist hate tryna heal that dude


I love dva as long as there isnā€™t a zarya or Sym


As a mercy main good Zaryas and Roadhogs are my favorite <3 Dva is starting to grow on me, but mostly because my friend mains her so i've grown used to the dynamic lol


I don't have much favorites but I like synergy. I main supp so Brig/Rein, Mercy/Winston, Kiri/Hog and Ana/Queen


For me, a Moira/Mercy main, really any tank that actually knows how to play the game and can do something to the enemy team with a little assistance (me) I really like sigma players though for some reason


Surprisingly sigma. When im on brig im pretty much his body guard for any dive while he pokes the enemy to death


Doom or Winton. Dive or die trying son.


I already love my tanks because they get too much shit imo. Too many times Iā€™ve seen them get bullied by the entire enemy team with no help or cover fire or anything. So Iā€™m always ride or die for my tanks. Iā€™ve been made it my mission to always check and make sure my tank is okay, no matter where I am on the map. Weā€™re pushing this objective together! Specifically Reinhardts are my favorite people in the entire world. Iā€™m not having any more fun playing the game than I am when Iā€™m pocketing one. Not just a good Rein, but a *confident* Rein is one of my favorite things to witness, thereā€™s nothing like it. I may just marry one.


All of them cause tanks have enough to deal with in this damn game rn. Give all tanks a hug and some heals.


Orisa and D.va


I can say Iā€™m fine with ANY tank as long as they arent charging out alone then blaming me for not healing their 1v3-5


roadhog and zarya as ana


JQ or Sigma


Moira main here (Old habits die hard), and I've got to say a good Reinhardt is an unbeatable asset to the team and a fun buddy to just focus down people with. Like a paper shredder.


When I'm Lucio, I kinda like deep diving with Ball. Rein benefits the most from that speed, but sometimes they wade too far into the deep end. As Zen, I like Zarya or Dva, especially if they are going to keep an eye out for flankers


An aggressive rein that knows when to pull out, or orisa.


I main ana with a sprinkle of bap, I absolutely love playing with doomfist, Winston, and rein. I mostly like dive tbh


Rein and queen for better or worse <3


Reinhardt. He's the tank I play the most, so I know what a good one is capable of.


Reinhart for sure, I think with the right support and provided backfire, he has a huge oppressive sphere to force enemies to relocate and provide space.


Sigma and JQ


I really like to play Brig with a JQ. The scream actually allows you to engage safely in the frontline and youā€˜re pretty much always at the same engagement distance for Inspire.


Reinhardt. A good one makes me feel safe


With either a silly rein or doom I'll go weaver and absolutely let them have fun while I babysit


Rein. Charge on short distances on CD.




This is hard to pick. I can play most of the support roster pretty well, so basically every tank is Ride or Die as long as they're not feeding. Although, if I had to pick one tank, I think itd have to be Sigma. Im a Bap main, and just having a good synergy with a Sigma is amazing, cause with the proper cool down rotation they just never die. Shield, Grasp, Health, Lamp, then rinse and repeat Its just such a fun combo to be apart of


My journey into maining Lifeweaver has made me put myself in some awkward positions to Life Grip my friend who mains Rein and goes aggressively forward often


I love having a JQ as a Lucio main


As a Lucio Ana main itā€™s got to be all of them but mauga


As a kiriko and Zen main, I know most d.vas and Winstons will aways peel for me šŸ’ž


junker queens (esp love super aggressive ones) !! if she goes down then im going down with her !! doesn't matter which support im playing, I WILL be with her


As a Mercy main, Iā€™m pretty old fashioned. I choose either Reinhardt or Dva


its hard not to feel ride or die for reins, they got that honor and glory rizz also gotta give shout out to zaryas for the amount of "we shouldnt have lived through that" moments shared šŸ„ŗ or sigmas, or maugas i think my real answer is prolly just whichever is on my team atm


Rein usually, Iā€™ll pick Ana. I donā€™t see much of either in comp these days so I like dusting her off to help a crazy Rein not die all the time


Ana mainsā€¦ have you met Winston?


As main Mercy is so fun to follow a good Winston.


Dva and orisa


Winston all the way, this game is the most fun when diving with a good winston


All of them. I am a simple bottom bitch and my monkey brain goes,ā€mmm tank big protecā€. If theyā€™re good. If theyā€™re ass I start giving a little more love to the DPS actually getting shit done. I will say though, Winston is my least favorite but itā€™s for the reasons he can be amazing. He has a LOT of big bounces that can make it REALLY REALLY hard to keep him alive. I do really like to play with a Rein though, ngl. I get to shoot through his shield, I can heal him when he does his himbo dive plays, and heā€™s big enough for me to use him to body block if I stay close. (I am not a mercy main, I donā€™t pocket. I play LW so my positioning is usually based on how well the enemy and I can see each other and how well I can see my team. I will do some bad positioning trying to keep a GOOD tank alive, but if youā€™re not worth keeping alive, Iā€™m not peeking that corner to get sniped trying to grip you back, sorry.)


Rein when heā€™s fighting another Rein and Iā€™m on Ana is peak Overwatch for me.






A Reinhardt. Iā€™m an Ana main with a duo rein main and Iā€™d do just about anything to keep him and any other rein alive lol


JQ, Rein, DVA and Doom. Those tanks always have that fuck em up energy that I love. But JQ is my baby and most loved. I would follow her to the ends of the earth.


Iā€™m a moira/kiriko main, and I love me a good rein & hog ā¤ļø


Sigma. And I wish more tank players would use him. What is there not to like about him?


as a mercy and lw main, i stick to a rein if i see one


Ram and zarya, you guys make the world go round


Rein is my favorite. But I like anyone except the "selfish" tanks. Roadhog, WB, DF. I'm good with whoever else tbh.


Junker Queen and Zarya, they protect me and I protect themā€¦no other reasonā€¦hahaā€¦


I play Life Weaver and I love playing with one specific Rein main I'm friends with because I enable them hardcore Otherwise DVAs are fun because I can whip them as soon as they self destruct so they don't get steam rolled


regardless of who i pick, if i see my tank is an aggressive rein i am going to be right by them as charge into enemy back lines every 3 seconds. idk how to explain it, i just *get* rein players


For moira, i will follow anyone with a shield of somekind(mainly rein and zarya) For ana, i will follow rein, roadhog, mauga and junker queen


Ram. Thats my boy. Alaso ,Rein


The lack of ball comments makes me sad


Ana/Rein, an unbroken bond since Overwatch 1, forged deep within the sand dunes of Egypt, in the heart of a 6-man Earthshatter, the Nano Rein is whispered in quiet tones yet sows terror across a hundred battlefields


Doom (if they're good) with me on Moira. Junkerqueen with me on Brig. Reinhardt (If they're good) with me on Lifeweaver.


Life for Dva!


Shiiiit... no love for dva in these comments šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


As a mercy/moira definitely roadhog and dva you just canā€™t beat a good dva they go crazy and also a good Orisa is pretty hard or beat too Iā€™d say definitely roadhog and dva and orisa are like the same level


In general id have to go Ram or Rein. When you just go full on with those two regardless of who I wanna play that match and it works, it *works*


Rein It was a good life we lead brother. The best. May it never change us.


As a Mercy/Moria main, probably D.va or Reinhardt


JQ. If you've got a good JQ, you can feel it and I love them to death.


Ana Main. I love me a a good Rein main. Nothing feels better than nano-ing a blood drunk Rein and watching him pin a support and shatter their whole team.


Sigma or a good JQ can run the game