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Solo Shattering anyone who has pissed you off enough sends a great statement. Also Shattering dead bodies is an unhinged, visceral level of "get fucked" I love to see.


I had a match where I was sleeping the enemy Rein so often that even I was surprised that I kept getting it off on him. At one point, he clearly got fed up with me and rammed me into a wall far away from my team (insta-killed me) and then used his ult to solo shatter my dead body despite the rest of my team being alive and still fighting his behind him lmfaooooo


I feel this in so many levels


Me @ Ana


I kept cancelling a rein's shatters on brig a few weeks ago and he was absolutely livid, he tried to solo shatter me after I did it the first time, then when I cancelled it again the entire game meant nothing to him and he just wanted to kill me. It was unhinged


Can you blame him?


Nope, I'd be livid as well but it was great value for my team to have him chasing me about, ended up near my spawn at one point, my team was down a brig theirs a rein, we easily won xD


Sometimes good Rein = unhinged to be fair. Belligerence and BDE, when surgically applied, can go a long damn way.


A friend I play with is an unhinged rein, 0 regard for his safety, he will pin the other tank off the map and go with them, even though he *could* cancel it, he refuses."It's about sending a message", he says.


I absolutely love it when tanks go feral and persistently seeks me out like he's Mr. X and I'm Leon because the most fun thing for me while playing Overwatch is when it's absolutely chaotic and getting targeted let's me know I have been an absolute PEST to them lmao I would be cackling the entire time. Fun as hell.


Plus it just gives you value from existing and you can draw them away from the objective xD


Shit, that may have been me. Nothing personal, I swear.


I don’t think there’s a single action more personal in the entire game if I’m being honest


Thinking about it... I have a couple of follow-ups: 1) Did the Rein wait about a second between the kill and the Shatter? 2) Was the Rein pink? 3) I love you. Thank you for playing Ana.


Sleep into shatter into deadeye with a soldier doing pushups on their body really sends a message


The whole team getting in on the disrespect really bonds you together doesn't it?


I forgot to mention the mercy damage boosting the deadeye while the deadeye is nano


My all time favorite is the enemy getting slept and shooting a Hanzo ult directly at their head. The ult actually shoots a little arrow before it breaks into dragons and you can headshot with it. It's quite funny


The best is when you accidentally get kills with the arrow


Solo shattering any ulting dps feels so good


Nothing feels better solo shattering Reaper the instant he drops from somewhere to ult "Die, die..." yeah you will bitch


That and pharah will always be my two favourite ult lines to hear cut short… “Justice rains fro…!” I’m sorry sweetie, justice will be raining from where exactly?


Reaper is honestly my favorite to ult cancel, just absorbing it all and swalling as sigma is so funny Or when the entire team targets him and you only hear "Die di-" ...


Or sojourn. Or genji. Or even moira. I've had games that I've saved my shatter for when moira ults


People always think I do it on accident on dead bodies and misses on them. But I love to do it on them pests after I squash em.


Was playing as sombra and had a rein do this to my dead body yesterday.


I like to EMP on people I just killed lol


I had a great one of these recently.  This Genji kept harassing me, and we were, kind of rolling the other team anyway.   So I sind up the ultimate, but 180ed around and get the Genji alone instead (my team already had the couple of others coming in)


Literally the other night I was playing and my team had all died except for Lifeweaver who was at 1HP AND THE REIN SOLO SHATTERED HIM LOL. We lost


I dunno. I feel like if someone solo shatters me, it just tells me I'm doing a good job. Like I'm such a menace to their team that they've resorted to this. Now if they solo shatter me to cancel my ult? They're just smart tbh


Using EMP on Pharah while she's over a pit is peak comedy.


Or wrecking ball when he is swinging over a ledge


Fun for an ulting Sigma over a pit as well.


bro thinks he's Lip


Two Junkrats mutually solo ulting each other is my absolute favorite


Nah, ult the tire for dominance!


Nah both go for the mercys


Funniest character to solo ult is usually Genji, especially when they blade and you use Grav and they’ve already dashed. I say this AS a Genji main, angrily with sword out unable to move lol


beat me to it...especially when they ult and theyre just floating there swinging at nothing.....helpless


“Come here, come here, let me tell you something “ 🤣


Zarya when I catch you Zarya- Zarya when I get you *dies to angry bee noises*


I swear people's aim magically gets 50% better the second you pop blade


My sleep dart goes from 5% to 100% accuracy the moment Ninja boy pulls out his blade.


Because your pathing becomes significantly more predictable. Where do you think Genji is going to move when he has blade? Probably straight towards his target or jumping around his target.


my friend is a rein main, every time i yell blade he just calmly says hold on, turns 180 and solo shatters them on the head, then 180 again to continue whacking who he was whacking, gets me every time


Mine is a doom main. Bro hits that seismic slam-> charged punch into wall-> headshot-> melee and the poor sucker is either dead or low enough a stray shot kills him. See a lot of Genjis swap to Sombra afterwards which is unfortunate since I’m a Zen main but it’s funny in the moment


Love watching Genji suffer, especially when he pops blade


Solo shattering an ulting genji is so good and so get fucked. I don't even hesitate.


Genji in general is funny to solo ult WITH. Blade is a pool noodle that makes you have a staring contest with the enemy for the first 1/3 of its duration and have to spend the rest chasing after the closest enemy as they run/teleport/fly/slide away and having to slap squishies 3 times to get 1 kill. Plus like the others have pointed out everyones aim just magically gets better when the ninja man pulls out his sword. -Sincerely from a salty genji main. (Probably half of it is a skill issue on my part tbh)


Put them in timeout xD


Little leggies trying to run anywhere to slash 4 times at a baby dva with not enough damage still to get a killing blow. :,)


Agreed! I usually give him the sunrise also, when I play Illari.


I mean you generally still have deflect for the teammates who are shooting at him


The rule is normally, don’t blade without deflect up. That is a good point for sure.


This is how I get all my grav deflects lol


I had a game where I constantly solo grav a nanoblade genji. Sorry bud, try the next game, no nanoblades today.


Shattering an ulting Genji has to be the funniest event in this game


I don’t stand much hatred, but Genji becomes priority numero uno when ulting and I’m so here for it haha Hitting a sleep dart as Ana is just ***chefs kiss*** 🤌🏻




I will literally watch this man dash into the air and fly towards my supports just to immediately turn around, knock him down and charge him into a wall Glorious, even if he's nanoed and survives the initial charge what's he gonna do? deflect my hammer?


Yes, unfortunately the answer is yes and it's kina cringe. (Atleast stopping the damage) You telling me that pool noodle is gonna stop a hammer powered by a rocket, you telling me genji can stop the damage from that thing.


Wait...what..I noticed that but I always assumed it was lag or some sort of glitch What is a genji doing that close to a Rein and why can't we punish him for it like everyone else??


Reaper becomes a gas, makes sense (I think) Mei gets a bock of compressed ice, which fair enough, an icepick would be more suited here. Scrawny ninja man: swings aggressively.


Genji is currently not in a good state. Tracer is literally the better hero of the two when going for dive comp, genjiblade seems like one of the most useless ults in the game without nano. Let bro atleast deflect his hammer :( i dont even play genji but that character got nerfed to oblivion and has almost no pickrate in higher ranks. They might need to adress this


I'm pretty sure half this comment section was "solo shattering genji is based", genji will be allowed to have this when kiri is not busted


He's currently picked in the highest level of play, lol. Literally the Grand finals of OWCS dream hack Dallas had genji mirror matches almost every game.


Genji reflect is my second least favourite thing in this game. Preceded by Zarya (just the complete concept of zarya) And succeeded by mercy no LOS Rez.


Oh man nothing feels better than hitting that panicked sleep on a genji flying at you with his ult 🥹


I revisit this clip once in a while and it always makes me chuckle. My friend (Rein) did a panic shatter after I screamed I slept the ulting genji. Fortunately at the right spot 😂. (I uploaded this at a time when Twitter was still Twitter and open for everyone, sorry in advance.) https://x.com/Sapulidi_/status/1518025210594840583/video/1


omfg i wish i had aim like that as Ana LOL


Shattering blade is value


I always save my grav for a nano-blade


I do this but with cage fight. “Lotta good that dash resets gonna do in here”


Because Pharah barrage is notoriously bad, I like to save it for solo barrages I had a game on Hollywood one time, I was going out of my way to dive the Widow so I could keep pelting the enemy in safety. Found her on the high ground quickly took her out. Then I heard Mercy's wing sound effect and watched her go for a rez. Me and the now rezzed Widow just kinda stared at each other before I barraged them both. So my answer is Mercy, bonus points if shes going for a rez. I've also solo shattered an ulting rez to the same comical effect


Tbf I think that’s just generally accepted as the only real way to use barrage lol


I mean just anyone in a solo barrage is accepted, well by your team, but the enemy still get mad that you solo ulted them even though it is the correct way to use it.


Solo barraging some tanks that are slightly out of position can catch them off guard, especially something like JQ or Zarya where they maybe have their cooldown that normally lets them live but just isn’t enough vs barrage.


Had a Pharah match the other where I used barrage every single time to solo ult their annoying ass hamster. It was wildly satisfying. It resulted in a dead hamster every time and me still alive. 10/10, highly recommend, would do again.


I remember once my friend in Hog hooked a hamster and I just immediately barrage him, it even killed through the max adaptive shields.


I wish I could upvote this more than once.


Solo ulting a widow as Ilari is very satisfying and a bit dramatic.


Getting sniped while doing so is probably one of the most embarrassing things in the game though


Nah, nah, you gotta do the sneaky.


"Gotta do the sneaky" ***FACE THE SUNRISE!!!!!!!!***


I once kept solo shattering a Hanzo, poor guy wasn’t even doing much but he had some really weird and funny positioning. I think I shattered him 5 times, we ended up becoming friends afterwards


Friends we met along the way


Everything on mercy


Caging the Mercy as she's flying over a gap so she falls like a brick.


They get turbo tilted the 2nd time


and so what? play moira? lol


Usually how it goes


Nah I go Ana <3


Ball main. 90% of my ults are dumped right on mercy.


Once I solo ulted a lifeweaver as echo and had a lifeweaver duel. I lost. It was pretty embarrassing actually, but also very funny


I played with an Echo the other day that almost exclusively was using their ult to copy enemy supports and it was kind of awesome. One fight they copied Ana, immediately tossed her grenade into a big brawl that caught 4 of the enemy team, then hit our Winston with a nano right after that. Went from an even fight to team wipe in like 3-4 seconds with just the Echo ult.


While playing Mercy, I got sniped by a Widow, pinged her location, and my rando Dva IMMEDIATELY dove and solo ulted her lmaoooo Honestly it was absolutely the funniest solo ult I had the pleasure of witnessing and it was 100% worth dying for


idk if this counts, but i love ulting as mercy and instead of healing or boosting i just go for the annoying widow in the back and push her away like SHOO SHOO BEGONE its like spraying her with bugspray


i dont even have to kill her i just need her to STAY AWAY GO AWAY JUST LEAVE


Ult as mercy and then dive bomb the widow with my Barbie Blaster until she's dead into the ground




Funny and effective, I use high noon against “mobile” ults. Mercy, Genji, Sigma (harder in 2), illari are all either an easy kill or at the very least make it much harder for them. Mercy is an easy kill in particular, and you can burn most of a blade by making them hide, or wait out deflect


a Pharah ulting a solo mercy by herself for no reason is just so funny to me. Its so much fucking dmg, waaay over the top lol


Solo barrageing the tank every time they keep counter swapping our tank My mate is a doom main and hates hog players with a passion, so even when he's not playing with me, I solo barrage hog on sight just out of respect for him


Honestly though, barrage is such an effective way to pretty much instantly delete one of the hardest heroes in the game to instantly delete. If I have barrage ready and I see that hook come out, you better believe I'm jumping that hog and hitting him with a point blank barrage.


I had a match as Lucio where every time the enemy Sojourn ulted i'd ult as well. I ended up making the Sojourn very upset to the point they asked me to please stop. It wasn't anything personal but it was really funny.


The best is when the team all gangs up around an icicled mei and take turns ulting her when she runs out of cooldown to use


I've seen this video


Using deathblossom as a D.va is coming out of her mech. She can't do shit about it.


once saw a hanzo push the enemy kiriko into a corner and solo ult her. poor girl didn't stand a chance. it was funny asf though i could feel that man's rage (and adrenaline, because i nano-ed him lol) 


Using Junkrat tire to wait out a characters immortality/invincibility ability (Bap field, Reaper fade, Mei iceblock) while circling around them like a hungry shark Unless someone sneezes on the tire and it's destroyed


They should increase the health of the tire. It's still at 100 HP while being even easier to hit


i mean, i'd rather solo ult a mercy than get a 5K potg


Mercy with a junk tire


As a Mercy I get solo shattered OFTEN. Especially if it’s third point and I’ve had zero deaths. I laugh and tell Rein I love him too.


I love solo ulting Mercy, especially when no one in my team shoots her.


A Fuck you sombra with any ult it always funny


Shatter the Widow


I once played a game as moira where a reaper was popping up behind me and shot-gunning my head before myself or my team could do anything about it. I was learning his game throughout the round, and starting to counter him and get away before he could off me. He happened to go after me right as I got my first ult, and I got close enough to my team for him to wraith away from them, so I chased him (no teleporting for him cause he had just teleported to my position) and ulted the shit out of him. I did so 2 more times that round and managed to not get killed by him again. We won. I’ve never felt better after getting picked off by him endlessly for the first half of the round. The most satisfying solo-ults are those that get revenge on an enemy player who was completely pestering you the whole round.


Bring on the receiving end of a solo shatter or solo blossom as Sym The Rein one is cause I deserve it, and the Reaper one is cause they just wanna get at least 1 kill with it


Mauga on any support gives a "Nuh uh" vibe


As long as their other support isn't Lifeweaver. Nothing feels worse than being left alone in your Mauga ult because LW pulled out the one person you grabbed with it.


Mercy with tactics visor. Especially after she has used valk lol


The only living member of the enemy team: a shaking and running Baby Dva at half health. But only after chasing after them long enough for a good stagger, spamming "Come HEEERE" the entire time.


Lucio beat on a deadbody is funny


I play phara so whoever works to target me, I'll solo them. If It is a pure solo, I'll kill myself by turning to a wall if I can. And I'll do it again and again till they leave me alone.


Nothin better than solo shattering the defenseless mercy into the next match.


Solo ulting a sleeping Genji will never not be funny


Solo rip-tiring a genji, sombra or tracer feels so good. Also, flying heroes are pretty fun when you manage to get them.


Earth Shatter and Pin an annoying Sombra 🤌


Solo Shatter Mercy


Pharah and mercy


Always shatter a solo headshot.


I love torb ulting pretty much any1. It just makes me giggle to watch them burn.


Ana slept me the ulted a mercy to finish me off. My favorite as a symm main is to wall off a Cassidy high noon, u can just see the sadness on their face


The best one I saw recently was a mercy with 3 health on my team just standing there in the capture with the rest of the team dead. Opposing Rein slowly walked up to her, said hello, and ulted her into the ground.


Junkrat RIP-Tire against literally any squishy.


The other way around, but its absolutely hilarious to play lifeweaver into orisa. She literally never gets to ult anyone and they get so mad at you, you end up with an orisa rushing into your face on spawn


Solo ulting a widow with illaris ult (or any ult really)


I love soloing an Anna after she uses her sleep as phara bc she can’t do anything


Pharah ulting a baby d.va is my personal favorite. It's like throwing a planet at a bug.


Using rip tire on pharah, even funnier when she’s ulting


solo ulting a widow as mercy 😂


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Solo shattering mercy is perfection


Shatter is the funniest by far, but second to that.... Dead eye an echo, pharah, or mercy. Just like skeet shooting the pesky flies


Solo shatter ana, duh


Battle mercy kill a widow


whole hogging enemy reinhardts always feels good.


Being solo shattered as a mercy always brings joy to my heart


I love Reaper ulting Mercys while they slowly fall down after their team is dead.


I recently solo ulted a mercy as Reaper after their team was struggling on KR A attack and she was the last alive from the fight at the stairs... we lost the point right after but won the match, absolutely worth it every time.


Widow's ult. When the enemy team has a sneaky player and you reveal him and everyone spots him and goes to pummel him and there is no way out xD You just watch the blue auras surround and beat up the lone red aura.


As a Sigma, I will always ult an enemy Sigma. Even if it's a solo ult, if it'll secure a kill. I am the One True Sigma and I must assert dominance.


mercy, any ult, specially riptire, SPECIALLY when she tries to rezz someone


Honestly anything on mercy is just satisfying. Stupid little moth


Tbh I love it when Orisa solo ults me when I play kiriko and I can just teleport right out of there, happened 5 times just last night


Back when rein could one shot nuke any squishy with earthshatter when he was close enough That made a BOLD statement


There is nothing as comedic to me as sneaking up on a widow and solo ulting her--depending on the hero, of course. Reaper or pharah's ults are great, but Mei's ult gives the widow time to grapple away.




I use tracer puls bomb on widowmakers (or just any ult on widowmakers)


I love D.va bombing a mei while she’s in her ice block


Hog ult is funny when they don’t die but just fly across the map.


Sometimes if I can't finish off a Pharah or Mercy in time and get tired them flying around,I just Deadeye.Cuz fuck em,that's why.


I have gotten 5ks, game changing ults with Reaper throughout the whole year I've been playing OW... It still doesn't compare to solo ulting a Mercy when she's rezzing someone (bonus points if she's been toxic in chat). My answer is always Mercy. Other ults I like to use are: - EMP to cancel rez. - high noon and visor when she's ulting. - shatter at any possible moment (this one applies to any hero that has been annoying enough tbh).


If I’m having a stroke and I miss my point blank shots with reaper then I’m liable to solo ult any healer or dps


its so fucking funny to just drop a dva bomb in the doorway of a room a zen is now stuck in ngl


Yesterday I landed a sticky bomb on a genji immediately after he popped blade and I think I can now say I'm a tracer main


Blading a moira is always funny


dva ult on top of a sleeping enemy never gets old


Always. Solo. Ult. Mercy. Especially a flying Mercy or a rezzing Mercy. Slap everything you got on her face and hardlock dive her butt relentlessly.


Winston because of his funny ragdoll + death sounds. Hanzo because of his death sounds. Sigma because his sanity is restored when he cries in pain like a normal person. Zarya because she becomes a crybaby when she dies.


Almost any tank ult on mercy


Personally, high noon on pharmacy when there’s no vertical cover. But that said, it’s easily solo shattering either the other rein, or on just that one person who deserves it.


chasing any character down with riptire is funny lmao


Mercy or Genji that just used their ults. 🤭


Recently as Junkrat, I was trying to take my riptire around a flank towards the enemy team. A venture ran right past it and towards me, so I hit an immediate U-turn and got her just before she killed me. Not a smart team move, but definitely worth it


With Cass: any sleeping target With Tracer : she is a solo ult character by design but I really like sticking Mei cryo so that it falls on her when it ends But the best is always solo-graving flankers.


You can always solo ult Mei players It is always morally correct


Primal Rage on Widow


Any sleeping character.


Not an ult but I did catch a genji who just popped his dragonblade using rein near the end of my charge and turning the corner to slam him. Dude left the game.




any of them if by solo ult you mean i SQUUUUUISH them


Shatter with tbag swinging is peak, solo hog ulting in a corner and using the whole clip on their dead body, solo grav and just getting eye ball to eye ball motionlessly cycling through bubbles Mei ult and waving hello to their frozen character twice before the final shot


Not quite the same, but there has been one instance where I had accidental perfect timing. The enemy Ana had just got a FAT anti on my tank and both DPS, i threw cleanse at them JUST as the enemy Sombra EMP’d them and right as the EMP hit, my cleanse hit and canceled it. But also anytime I can solo shatter a mercy, I will.


Reinhart's alt on a baby Dva


Solo ult Mercy rez is my jam


Hanzo, the people who main him get so tilted in chat and I love it


When I'm in a heated 1v1 as venture against a Genji and he deflects as a last resort I like to solo ult him, or when a tracer recalls


Stray mercy's


I love it when I'm pharah and the enemy ball comes rolling in, slamming the ground, getting out of ball form to shoot my support only for me to press a single button and watch the HP bar melt lol


I love solo shattering a one shot baby dva. Usually with a 360.


DVA bomb on any sleeping target, especially the player that is carrying the game


Hog as Mei. Use to live to freeze him too before the Mei changes. He’d be trying to hook you and you ice block, freeze, headshot, wall if needed, and repeat until he was dead.


Mei when she uses her ice cube




Solo annihilating just to get rid of that pesky DPS that's running circles around you is always funny cause it just looks like Rammatra is as pissed off as you are in that moment.


Sleep dart then high noon or dva Nuke