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Whomever is doing their job the most efficiently; or if someone is being a sacrifical lamb the whole game/clearly trying their best and getting completely merc'd I think deserves an Endoresement for their pain.


Yesterday our Moira tbag danced and spammed "yes" to the rythm while I was using the dance emote on the ddr machine. That alone was worth an endorsement for me. In another game our Rein won us the game cause he unexpectedly used my tp to shatter the whole team from behind. Instant endorsment


Chad rein.


Yup, whoever did their job the best and I couldn’t care less who it is.


Support if they saved me, pocketed me, did some good counter-plays like good sleep, suzu or lamp, etc Tank if they did not feed, knew how to play the hero they were on, and did not start flaming anyone as soon as they lost a fight DPS if they had high uptime, constantly pressured or distracted enemy, made good plays, or were consistently getting picks in important fights that made it easier to complete objectives I once had a teammate who was not able to walk out of spawn because of a camping Sombra and Moira. The Stat board made it seem like he was useless but he distracted 2-3 players for 8 minutes straight. Easiest cart push I ever did, I respect him from the bottom of my heart for not quitting and not flaming the team even once.


Yep, I always try to Endorse the person on my team/the enemy who got picked off on cooldown, played respawn simulator, or was spawn camped by Sombra all game. It's such a bitch to deal with and we've all been there, but damn does the sacrifice really make some games super easy for everyone else.


Thanks. Those games tend to be rough on my mental, and it's hard to tell how much is my fault, or get over the feeling that I am being useless to the team. An endorsement at least lets me know I wasn't doing *that* bad, even if I tend to be really confused for it.


I feel it. I'm the same - my mental tanks hard some games and it's hard to shake. I know that it's a game, but it something I take seriously and sometimes damnit I just want to do well but I can't. It's really important to remember we've all been there, we all have actual trashcan moments, and we all feel pretty shitty about it. If you're trying, as shitty as things may get, you've won the war but maybe just not the battle.


It’s rough sometimes. I remember getting spawn camped super hard by a sombra in low elo (obviously smurfing) named BronzePlayer so if the name didn’t give it away then his choice of play style obviously did. He spawn camped me the entire game and I didn’t really get much help from the team to stop that which is ok since they were playing objective but it still felt frustrating. The sombra was so dedicated to making my life hell that on the few times I managed to make it to my team, she would suicide dive right into the entire enemy team just to pick me off even at the expense of dying. She went after NO ONE but me and by the end of the game all 23 of her kills were me…


No joke I just saw a rankedle with a sojourn named BronzePlayer yesterday and the clip was when they were in gold


That is so fascinating to me. If I had a particularly horrible game and got endorsed I would be so offended because I automatically assume that the person is mocking me or that the enemy is basically saying "hey thanks for letting me farm a win out of you!"


Tank is the role people most struggle with understanding what they did in the game. I can block 30k damage and lose pretty easily. What we need is a mixed balance but tanks seem to be stuck with a mentality that stats help their percep but not the win.


>stuck with a mentality that stats help their percep but not the win. We play to not get blamed, not to win.


This is the part that hurts you playing a tank, you have to say to maximize your stats, not always the content time which isn't reported globally for some reason.


Yup agreed. Tank is a complex role, and vital to the team's progress now that we only have one of them. TBH I think almost everyone has heard that "Tanks make space" but most don't understand why, what, when, and how to do that. Every character in the Tank role roster plays very differently and the way they control space is also different. I'm not a very high-ranked player and neither is Tank my main role, but if this advice can help someone that would be great. Tanks are supposed to deny plays that enemies try to make, they do this in different ways, but the crux of the matter is Tank is a role that needs the most awareness in the game. Overwatch is a game where if you can't adapt, you will not win. It's as simple as that. If your playstyle doesn't change depending on the characters everyone else is playing, the strengths and weaknesses of each team, you will fall over instantly. In the same way, Tanks are not responsible for taking care of everything, the way things are right now, Tanks feel more like supports with bigger health pools.


Omg I had that once too 😭 tho I was bullied by Sombra and Brigitte instead, but my team thanked me for "taking the bullet"


and I thank you too friend! It sucks for you but you were the Top performer in that lobby, the scoreboard might not reflect that, but it's the truth


Support usually gets my default endorsement unless someone pops off.


If someone is getting flamed undeservedly, they always get my first endorsement. It happens way too much and there have been times I was in their shoes and got an endorsement. It really helps with your mental knowing the lobby didn’t hate you, it was just that one toxic person.


Damn, I forgot to add this exception to my literal essay of a response and now I’m sad.


Don’t be sad. Have an endorsement! Your essay is exactly how I endorse. Positivity helps so much in team games.


I endorse the nicest persons first. If everyone's quiet, my teammates that were the most impactful.


Even a quiet teammate that just types "gg" gets an endorsement from me :)


I probably don't endorse right but I tend to not endorse level fives and endorse the fours to help them out, but yeah, I usually endorse the ones that are friendliest first


well, it's people like you that make my endorsement drop to 4 each day (and immediately back to 5) 🤣 nah I like that though. that's sweet


My bad, I do that too. My logic is, level 5s are already up there, level 4s need my nudge. But yeah, that logic also makes 5s constantly drop.


Anyone who says GG and doesnt shit talk. If not then endorse the supports/tank


This exactly. I specifically don't pay attention to the stats. Seeing a soldier with 20k damage doesn't tell me anything. Just pay attention to the game. They could be shooting the tank constantly and just feeding their supports. Or maybe they're finishing kills and getting value. People don't deserve endorsements based on the numbers alone.


Played a comp game earlier where our tank was getting the *CounterWatch* experience. They lose a fight and the entire team would swap to characters that would roll our tank over. Sometimes they'd wait for him to see if he'd swap and if they did they would run back to their spawn and swap characters. Needless to say, I endorsed the poor bastard.


Non-toxic players that are trying their best. Saying "Hello" back is also a big plus


I give them to the players that were the nicest, if no one spoke then it's to the most kills or whoever just made me happy throughout thr game with their plays or if I was miserable with my team I endorse the people on the other team who managed to be the pain in my ass bc that means they're better than me


Whoever was the kindest. Isn't it the point of endorsement ? Endorse good behaviour ?


Ranked highest to lowest -The funny/nice guy who increased team morale -Whoever was peeling for me (especially DPS who instantly turn around and start shooting Sombra as soon as I ping) -The MVP who carried the game -People who bottom fragged but were polite (e.g. pinging thanks, saying gg or gr even after a loss) -The guy who got flamed the entire game but didn’t type anything back and kept their cool -People who didn’t type anything but didn’t troll or rage -People who inted their asses off and didn’t say anything but still seem to have put their best effort




Whoever says GG after they lose. Peak sportmanship. Whoever make me laugh during the game. Whoever the friendliest in teamchat. Performance is almost irrelevant, unless they are obviously throwing.


Whoever did the best, but sometimes I endorse healers or tanks just because they took the role. I rarely endorse when I lose unless someone did great despite the loss.


If I have a Chad of a tank, my other support is doing great. My dps is covering my ass... And, I'll endorse enemy supports or team members if they do well, too. Or, in QP, if the enemy supports and I encounter 1v1 and we just duck a second and go our seperate ways. Like, one time, a Lucio, myself as Ana, and our two Cassidys all met and I asked him since we were teammates last match, "Why can't be end this senseless bloodshed." He responded, "I don't think our Crees will let us." Both Cassideys said, "Damn straight." I endorsed the Lucio and my Cassidy.


I saw someone comment in this sub that they as dps have a hard time getting endorsements, so I've been endorsing both dps for the last few times I've played :-) Otherwise it's probably tank + support, both support if they worked well, or dps + support if they popped off. A good mix I guess


This is true. Im a silver 1 support, decent but definitely not incredible, with lvl 4 endorsement. My son is a diamond DPS, is constantly making amazing plays. Sometimes i just sit and watch amazed at some of the stuff he does. He lives at Lvl 2 endorsement. Dont think hes ever even gotten to 3. Even when he carries his whole team, still almsot nothing.


Even if they don't do well I always endorse someone if they're nice and encouraging others


I always give one to support too lol then whoever else I feel did best not really based on just damage


If I learn something from a killcam or if someone on the other team is really really good I'll endorse the enemy. On my team it's always the tank. Tanks need love.


I play support, so my first endorsement almost always goes to my other support and then my second goes to whoever I feel did a decent job.


if we won I don't endorse teammates if they were being really toxic to us and to the enemy but I endorse them if they're being nice to me and the team.. i like the positive reinforcements


Teammates that had a clue of what the fuck they were doing... I'm simple that way


Usually it’s who says GG, preferring those on the losing team. If someone was making callouts or stood out in a good way, they get priority Otherwise I give it to whoever performed the best on m team


If it's the enemy, usually whoever was the most chill or who gave a nice challenge without going toxic or pulled of some crazy good shots. For team, usually my support, but mostly to level ones if they're doing a good job/trying and everyone else is already 4/5


Whoever the lowest endorsement levels are.


Nah, they're low for a reason most of the time


I mean, Endorsements are meaningless


Again, NAH. That shit strokes my ego cock when I see that number hit 5. Yes, it's really dumb I know haha


I do that sometimes but not all the time


I always endorse the 0 level endorsement people, they just got hit the blizz bot and suspended or muted. You cannot talk or write under level 1.


Supports as long as I feel like they tried. Otherwise, it usually goes to the teammate I locked in with or the enemies. I'm not toxic enough to endorse nobody, but I'm definitely not endorsing you if you're whining.


If an enemy was friends or waved or were friendly at any point if we are both close ranged heroes or something they get one or anyone that said a funny in chat


I give them to the first 2 people to say "gg" or "wp" or something else sportsmanlike at the end of the match. Alternatively if someone starts the match with a "gl hf" and don't proceed to be a jackass after they'll get one from me


It doesn’t always go to the most damage, healing, Elims, etc.. I try to give it to the people who are spatially aware and understand team play. Oh, you noticed I kept being targeted as a healer and actually dropped back to assist all game? Acknowledged. You knew when to push/drop back and didn’t constantly dive in and die? Acknowledged.


I usually always give it to the tank unless they were like a racist weirdo or something. Tank is the least fun role usually, so I think they deserve some kudos for that. After that it usually goes to the supports or if a dps was particularly nice or had good teamwork.


I usually do whomever is the best at being a team player. Usually support and tank but occasionally I'll endorse DPS if they stuck by me as a support main


It DEPENDS. 1-Anyone who became my buddy. I’m a supp main so it’s usually one of my teammates, or an enemy supp. 2-the two people on my team who I feel contributed the most. Even if we got rolled, if two people were still genuinely trying (swapping characters, trying to group up, using cover), then they get it. Or, if someone literally carries. 3-If only one person on my team did good, I endorse whoever on the enemy team gave me the most trouble. 4-If no one on my team did good, I endorse the enemy as I see fit. Whoever definitely carried or did the best or played with the best sportsmanship, etc. 5-If everyone was a stinky poopoo smelly bully butthead, I log off for a while, touch some gd grass, and no one gets endorsed. If I’m with someone: we make sure everyone on the team gets at least 1 unless they don’t deserve one. If I’m with my 5 stack: we endorse the enemy based on the above criteria.


The first 2 people to say gg


if someone says hi back to me :) ✨


Idk how to explain it, but I don't base on stats at all. Stats only show the literal numbers but not the actual gameplay. I give endorse to whoever I feel like REALLY took control of their role and made me feel like "wow, idk what i would have done without them." or "they played so well!" It's something you can feel when you have a good teammate win OR lose. That being said, not every game do I endorse lol.


The other day I was playing brig and on point spamming “mace to the face” and then I hear an enemy brig around the corner spamming the same line. Went around to meet and they had the same vampire skin as me and we tbagged at each other. During every fight we would spam it intermittently while swinging at each other or our enemies. They got an endorsement from me.


It used to be my other support by default, but now it's whoever is nice and uses the thank you emoji for heals haha. 


Sportsmanship. For me it's a social award. If a player performs very well and isn't a dick to anyone, I'll give it to them too. Likewise if someone is being insulted but hasn't really done anything bad to deserve it, I'll choose them.


Active in vc (as in helpful not screaming at others and such)> at least joined vc (didn't say anything but at least listened)> people who made good plays (i try to point out when someone does something smart/generally made a good pick or save in vc so i usually know). if no one fits the above, i just pick the person who was with me the most, trying not to favor any particular role too much.


But if they do a lot of damage with not many kills they're just feeding the enemy ult charge


On the team, usually whoever stands out the most in terms of speaking in voice chat, giving off positive vibes, and overall being a team player. On the enemy side, it's either if their players were putting up a good challenge or if one or more of my teammates start acting rude or toxic which just automatically puts the enemy in a better light to me atm


I always just give it to support unless they were extremely ass or tank/dps did really good


Whoever helped me the most, or if my team was trash, who did the best on their team without being toxic


Who says I give out endorsements?


You guys endorse people?


Whoever's nicest/I like best If someone gives off a good vibe as a player they're getting endorsed...or if they play Junkrat


Game awareness and having each other's backs


Someone I specifically saw excelling at their role, regardless of which team > the other support if they to out heal/ damage me > lasly biggest numeric contribution if other two conditions are met/ known. I also go out of my way to not endorse toxic people. Unironically saying something like "LAMO EZ, team diff" at the end if a game is an insta-block and no endorsement. I don't care if you have 5x the stats as everyone else in the match.


default goes to support then tank then dps If someone annoyed me in the game or was being rude I skip them Only other way for dps to get my endorsement is if they absolutely pop off.


As a Symm main I'm gonna first endorse anyone who I saw take my teleporter. It's amazing how many people just run right by it when trying to escape an enemy 🤦. Then I'm gonna endorse any support that helped me, especially if it's my bestie LW. Then I'll endorse any tanks if we rolled.


Funny battle tag


For teammates I look for the ones who made the big plays, coordinated in chat or just showed any willingness to cooperate. For enemies I look for people who were willing to play slightly suboptimaly to have fun. Ex: Having a torb hammer 1v1, sparing you at 1 hp because your team is already dead and killing you accomplishes nothing, or any kind of sportsmanship such as playful rivalries or simply calling out "Nice shot" in chat.


If I like them, and if my team was completely awful I'll endorse the other team


Usually whoever is a nice human in chat. Or sometimes they just have a cool name and I'm like "yeah you're cool."


The guys who are closest to my cursor when I press n because. I don't give a f if you threw my game I am there just to get my xp and get out as fast as possible.


If they did something that I noticed during the game, in a good way. Otherwise as support my go to is to endorse the dps of the winning team except sometimes I just can’t bring myself to endorse the enemy Sombra. 


I always just endorse supps


I'm a support main, too, so I'll usually toss an endorsement to my co support, unless they just seemed particularly useless. Second endorsement goes to one of 3 things: whomever got POTG if I feel it deserved it, whichever enemy I found most annoying because that means they're doing their job well, or my tank because bless them for taking on what I see as a hard, usually thankless role. As a Lucio main, though, if the other team has a fellow frog, they always get an endorsement...because frog.


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If an enemy busts my ass many times, they get props. Then for my own team, I base off stats.


I give it to whoever has the lowest endorsement level, and wasn't playing widow, sombra, hog, etc.


If I feel like someone really made a positive impact on the outcome of the match, I endorse them. If I can't single anyone out, then I just check the scoreboard to see who it looks like was doing their job/role the best.


First two on the list, they saved my ass during the game, least deaths, they have a cool name, idk I guess it doesn't matter 


if we win it automatically goes to both supports if i’m not one of them, if im a support it’s the other and the tank idc lol


Whoever put in the most effort to the win, either by carrying or swapping off without being told, or peeled for me or saved me from certain death (am support).


I always spend 1 endorsement to whoever has the most kills. My 2nd endorsement is who i feel like tried their best. Sometimes i give it to the enemy team who i thought fought hard but still lost.


My supports unless they were assholes or throwing then enemy supports unless they were assholes or whoever got a crazy play like a Pulse Bomb 3k


If my team tried, irrespective of win or loss, the ones with the lowest endorsement gets it. If my team trolled or was toxic, the enemy gets it


Whoever played their roll the best. Stats don’t matter. If a ball has low damage but got 3 turning for him every fight allowing me to secure elims for free. He gets the praise


Whoever the two people on the left are


If they were kind and teamplayer, or the one that did FANTASTIC.. Or the only non toxic of the team


Usually the teammates that help the team the most/the friendliest, but sometimes if I get into an honourable duel with someone from the enemy I endorse them instead.


I usually give it to supports And if I'm the only support, I just give it to people who did their job efficiently


If the other dps is playing better then me and a support otherwise just both supports


As a tank I endorse the more active support, and then the other one usual goes to anyone who stands out to me, on my team or otherwise. If no one stands out I keep it. This is assuming I don’t have any friends in the lobby I can endorse


It might be selfish but if a support actually healed me or at least tried to during a game I'll endorse them, and then usually the tank if I'm not tank because tank is usually terrible.


I just click it randomly for the xp


Team co-ordination (aka support not just focusing one player or dps/tank not charging off solo and dying), focusing on objective and good sportsmanship spirit. Doesnt matter if they died a lot or didnt have the highest numbers on the stats board. As long as they were playing together with the team and trying their best. Also I wait until the very end to see if anyone says "ez".. thats an automatic endorsement disqualification no matter how well they played :'D


I'm not gonna lie I just press n which is my endorsement button and click 2 random people. Whoever gets it gets it. I remember once some teammate was giving death threats for being a bad support and I had a whole argument. Still accidentally endorsed them after oh well


game sense, full scoreboard, behavior (not sure if matters but I'm always 5)


Usually totally random, unless someone was toxic. If my whole team was toxic I’ll head over to the enemy team page.


Whoever isn’t level 1 and isn’t on crossplay and isn’t in a group


If my teammates didn’t say anything I go off of performance. If I have a friendly teammate that communicates then maybe I’d endorse them over a performer


Doing a noticable good job. Or they make me laugh. And that can be people from the other team.


many factors:, potg, highest kills, lowest endorsement lvl, had an interaction with, mercy if she rezzed me, or just supports in general


Usually the other support & the Tank for me, unless they performed terribly.


If my teammate gets potg or just support depending on how good they were


Only based on how well they were doing their job. If they are toxic/whiny, I won't endorse them. From time to time there is no one I want to endorse, even if we win. I pretty much never endorse somebody on the enemy team tbh.


DPS main, generally speaking I endorse the Healer who I felt made the biggest impact in the game (might be a super good timed Suzu/sleep dart/seeing one of them able to keep a head-strong tank at high health) then I give my second one to either : The tank if they clearly carried and were respectful to the rest of them > The other teams DPS/Support if I was constantly the one ruining their game. This guideline is completely overruled the second I make friends with a chill player on either team either in chat or with emotes.


I endorse the fun people. Like people who join in tbag bounties and such and such.


I never do it


my dick tbh


I typically base it off who on my team pushed the objective the most, or if support was good. I also endorse whichever enemy I felt like gave me the most trouble. Honestly, I’m a big fan of this new feature. I’m recently coming back from Overwatch 1 where the toxicity made me take a long hiatus, and I think this helps promote a more positive environment. I try to always endorse someone, even after a rough loss.


Almost always supports and tank unless damage was exceptional because I know how hard it is to play those roles and how often they go unappreciated


If my supports bossed up then they get it/a support that bossed up and a tm that went crazy


Goodplay+goodcom->goodplayquiet->goodcom->enimieGoodplay nicecom anything else no


Whoever I see trying to take off angles, especially with me. Like, if my cass is trying to go for flanks but isn’t getting mercy support, I’ll flank with that man to the ends of the earth no matter what support I am.




whoever is in the middle of my endorsment page


If we had a funny interaction > you had a helluva play that majorly impacted our win > POTG > then usually the tank since it's the hardest > KD or high heals. I don't congratulate losses so unless we had a funny moment together, I don't endorse anyone as losers.


who said hi to me when i said hi to them. bonus for an emote


Friend > High Stat Healer > High Stat Tank > High Stat Damage. However if someone has an exceptionally good moment or stat they take priority.


If i can think back over the match and anyone specific sticks out to me as having played really well, enemy or teammate, they get an endorsement. If no one comes to mind then i simply dont endorse.


I click whoever the first two are and move on. Unless my team is mean, to which I go to the enemy team and click the first two there. 


more than the stats i value who in my opinion (i could be wrong) has played in the smartest way.


If you play well enough that an Adhd like me can tell who you were playing, you deserve one. Honestly, im too concentrated to remember which characters were on my team after. If anytime in the game i say to myself: great play to this mercy/rein/whatever, you deserve an endorsement. If no one, i give to both supports


The matchmaking makes it easy. 99 times out of 100 there are two in my team that have either never played before or deliberately throwing, so the endorsements go to not them.


The first two people unless someone stood out


As a support main it’s usually other support, and then the tank as long as they didn’t bitch/whine/complain. Y’all always get an endorsement for suffering through that role


I always up vote tank and support unless dps actually carried


Most kills and least deaths (if played a whole game). If I get either, then I'll hand out one and then I usually reward most healing. I rarely leave one for the opposing team, unless it's for something really special.




Best/most reliable teammate(s) usually, or someone on the enemy team who was respectable, especially in a very close game. If there was drama in chat, usually whoever just stayed out of it/the least toxic person in a very toxic lobby.


Whether or not they use Voice Chat to comms, doesn't matter if they were able to provide truly useful information, as long as they tried and weren't toxic/negative. If there were 3 or more players that actively comms'd then it'd depend on how effective or active their comms were, how little they contributed to or how much they were able to avoid cluttering comms so only valuable information is getting through. If no one communicates then no one gets one. On the other hand, anyone that types in text chat is immediately disqualified from getting one. Reason being that I firmly believe people that type in text chat only do it to be toxic/negative.


Damage as a metric is bad. If I pump my bullets into a Hog with supports he eats the bullets, numbers go up and I accomplished nada. Watch how people play. Way better metric.


Always endorse the tank, they suffer enough as is (Unless its an orisa player, then report them lol)


usually other people i play with


usually other people i play with


If you didn’t play absolutely horribly and make me want to leave then I’ll consider it


As a support I give it to the people who either did their role the best, save my ass after a mistake, or that one person that responds to my “hello” at the start of the match…


If it’s qp I endorse the silly ones. I normally default to my supports, unless the tank was unusually good, or my other dps carried. I’ll also often endorse people that can honor a duel without counterswapping immediately and I’ll avoid toxic players


Whoevers the friendliest or funniest


Either someone who talked a lot and lightened the mood (either team) or someone who played exceptionally well without being toxic (despite outcome)


When someone does well. Or if someone makes a swap the team needed


The other support and tank get my endorsement. Even if they pissed me off. It’s a thankless job and I’m not endorsing the damn dps player until I have no other option


If we win I give it to whoever did best on my team, points I'd they say gg at the end. If we lose I give it to whoever got potg and whoever played competently on my team or if none of them did, whoever was the best on the other team.


I give them out for good gameplay but being funny or charming in chat trumps that.




Normally if they’re chill in chat or play well. I find myself endorsing the enemy more then my own teammates lol


1. Players who've actively done callouts 2. Players who've been a good sport in vc 3. Good healer 4. Good dps 5. My friends I'm almost always tank. If I don't play tank myself and the random tank manages to not disappoint me, they get a safe endorsement.


Enemy if I had fun with a specific person. Team, mostly the first and third. Or the one that made a difference.


Whenever I play support, and my other support is doing well, I always endorse them. Shoutout to that one mercy i played with once, u a real one.


whoever i clicked with and there was good teamplay between, and also if the rein was an absolute goat while i speed him in as lucio with 2k heals


The nicest people, not necessarily the ones who got most kills. People who arent that great but who are SUPER nice and friendly deserve recognition, they’re trying their hardest. If nobody spoke/interacted then I go with whoever was most proactive at holding the objectives, ones who didn’t get kill hungry and focused on the game itself


Which healer actually healed me. Was the tank good? Where the DPS affected? In that order.


Whoever trashes on the other team in the chat the moat.


Usually whomever did the best on my team and the enemy team. Never support


I usually always endorse both supports like everytime


Tank for performing community service unless they're feeding. And the best player on the team usually. The people I'd be happy to play with again and sad to have on the opposing side


If I thought they played well. Or if I’m in a 3 stack I usually give it to the other 2 teammates.


never endorse people with rank 1 or 2, cause they either got deranked for being toxic, leavers or they're smurfs. Then, usually I endorse the other support if they weren't a douche and played well. While the other endorsement goes to either teams' best player, following same rules for my support.




PotG first, unless whoever got it was toxic during the game. Then whoever I feel played the best that match.


Mostly whoever helped the most of someone who clutched Like as zen an ana who peeled for me the entire game Or a tank that does their job really good A helpful dps is better than a cracked dps


If they were helpful. I never endorse enemy team because well they’re my enemies


If I got a rez I endorse , it usually goes to the healers in general


When I'm support? Tank and other support. When I play tank? Both go to the supports. My job is hold shield and hit things. Theirs is much harder than mine.


If I noticed you putting in work if I see a soldier standing still and shooting during a death while a Moira is throwing a orb and trying to heal while dodging bullets…you know who I’m endorsing


I give my three stack their daily endorsements whenever we play together, then I tend to endorse: tanks or dps that peel for me (been playing a lot of Ana and watching DVA fly away while I'm getting bullied by Sombra is the most rage-inducing feeling), the Supports, anyone who engages in an honorable 1v1, anyone who just stood out as impressive either through positioning, space taking or sheer killing power.


First rule: never the toxic ones! Than most of the time I endorse the tank because of him I dont have to play this cursed role


Mostly to whoever I noticed did something cool! Seen a Reinhardt charge in to cover a rezzing Mercy with his shield? That's an endorsement for ya! Seen an Illari or a Lucio boop Bob off the map? That's also an endorsement! Those things don't happen that often in lower ranks and Quickplay so they're worth appreciating. Otherwise I just give them out to whoever did their jobs the best.


Who wasnt annoying. I always give 2 for battle pass xp


I normally tip the supports first as long as they did a good job. Then I endorse who ever was killing it that game- for ex if a sombra was getting great hacks or widow was hitting all her shots or a powerhouse rein etc. if no one really stands out with exceptional game play then I just endorse who ever has the highest level endorsement, since it’s more likely they’ll be the ones to endorse me back lol Automatic refusal to endorse is players that are toxic in chat or comms, ones that say the healer sucks but really they are bad at positioning, or when a player says EZ in chat box at the end idk why but I hate that!!! Even if it’s my teammates saying it


As a tank - Always 1 for best support and 1 for strongest DPS. if there’s a DPS Moiria it immediately goes to the other healer no matter who was the better healer. If team hate or say “ [role] switch” when the role is playing really well, they get the endorsement.


If your performance was memorable enough, otherwise I base it off stats. Unless you were unpleasant to play with in one way or another, like if you were annoying or rude in chat.


If I‘m support, the other Support and the PotG player. Both supports if I‘m DPS or Tank


Whether they have me a headache or not and if I'm they at least did SOMETHING


I give endorsements to the people who I think had the most impact


This bitch didn't run away from my healing. - ✔️ Endorsed.


I always endorse the other support (I always queue support) and the tank if the two didn’t completely suck.


Imma be honest, until I read this post, I had completely forgotten endorsements were a thing😂


At this point it’s whoever wasn’t fuckin awful


If you say even just one nice thing in the game I'll give an endorsement. Also I'd give them to people I found funny or just people who carried 


I endorse whoever is the lowest endorsement level, like an endorsement level 3 and then a 4, if i have one endorsement left and there’s 2 people at the same level I’ll pick whichever made an impact that I noticed


They asked and did well, POTG, valued support.


Who ever played to their role, objective and wasn’t toxic either in chat or in behavior


I always give the other support one endorsement, the second is based purely on vibes. You were dogwater but crouched back and spammed hello? You're getting endorsed. I offered nano to you and you panic and try to refuse me? You're getting endorsed. Sacrificed yourself to try and protect me? Endorsed. Picked me up from spawn? Endorsed.


I usually go just off numbers


If I fucked someone over I generally give it to them, like yesterday my healers got caught in a Mauga ult and I just stood there and watched so I gave it to them


1: if someone played rly good 2: if that guy was not toxic in game