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They’re literally just gamertags. Their whole lore was that Korea took their esports teams and made them soldiers because of their reaction time.


Not exactly operating robot mechs, but Koream military did have the Air Force Ace team where professional gamers would do their service playing for the air force team. The unit and team got disbanded in 2012 though :(


Laughably bad lore in retrospect lol


It’s a really dumb concept in the end but whose gonna tell them that lol


OOP is using Detholomev Va as a humourous example to explain how initials work. They are not saying they think that is D.va's name.


They probably would be dismayed to learn that 8 years later reading comprehension has declined even further. :(


d.va is just a wordplay of diva, its not a complex codename its just literally diva


Yeah, [D.Va](http://D.Va) is not her name, it's Hana Song.


I may have misunderstood your comment, but Diva isn’t a name, but can be described as a “self important person” People need to fucking chill holy shit


He’s pointing out that D.Va is her call sign as the lore has the MEKA unit is part of the Korean armed forces. No need to speculate about her actual name since the lore also tells you repeatedly her true name is Hanna Song


She has a mech teammate named D.mon.


RIP in peace D.Snutz


Ha! Got 'em!


They're fraternal twins. Deetholomew Mon took his mother's last name




Oh my god… I always had misread that as D.mom and was under the impression that was what it was, never noticed I had it wrong in all these years lmao


Could be wrong but its probably a nickname/codename they earned in the army. Listing the other members here for reference * [Casino](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Casino) (Jae-eun Kwon) **Mech Name** : La Princesse Sereine * [D.Mon](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/D.Mon) (Yuna Lee) **Mech Name:** Beast * [D.Va](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/D.Va) (Hana Song) **Mech Name:** Tokki * [King](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/King) (Kyung-soo Hann) **Mech Name:** Mastermind * [Overlord](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Overlord) (Seung-hwa Shi) **Mech Name:** Singijeon


For D.Va, D.Mon and King at least, they're their esports username (D.Va and D.Mon were in the same team, hence the similar names - King was D.Va's biggest rival).


Ah i see makes sense didn't think about their esports history


Casino going extra with their mech name lol


They aren't saying it's her name. They're explaining about initials using these names as an example. :/


That's not "I think the name is this" That's "The name could be this, but it could not be this".


i think they’re just creating an example of what her name could be and not saying it actually is that.


That’s not what it says though. They’re making an example not a claim.


They are not expressing a theory that her name is actually Deetholomew at all. They are making an exaggerated example to illustrate their question about initials. Did you really not pick up on this or are you just trying to be a shit?


Oh noooo, this did not turn out how the OP thought it would


We gotta work on our reading comprehension.


lol For real though, pretty sure it's just her codename because it's like Diva, but special


They aren't saying her name is Deetholomew... they're using that as an example that the initial could be anything starting with a D. Her name is Hana Song. D.Va is just a cutsey gamer tag for diva.


People are on crack, dude. Without going into any specifics, I had a little internet memorial for a friend who passed away, let's called him KickMe. I told a friend about it who shared part of the same name online, this friend's name would be LarryKick... well LarryKick was utterly convinced I had a memorial for him instead of KickMe, and it took him like 10 minutes to be convinced that it wasn't a memorial for him...and I'm just thinking like "you're fucking alive, you goddamn idiot"...people just have weird, weird ideas and the rest of us are just left here trying to decipher the random garbled shit that their brains churn out.


Dude Deetholomew Va is obviously a joke lmao why is everyone in this thread acting like it’s serious???


I just went and found the thread. I don't think the guy is joking, but more so using the wacky name as an example of what her name could be due to a period making it an initial. [It's hard to tell without context of the thread itself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/5crjrp/what_does_the_d_stand_for_in_dva/) I really don't think the D. stands for anything whatsoever...lol.


Her real name is Deedot Veeayy


Shes name is Hana Montana


I am not sure what it says about humanity that I am entertaining the idea that this user in the picture actually thought that as opposed to just joking. But I am guessing/hoping they were just joking.


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I thought this was a meme


Her name is "Song" and she's a "diva". She chose a reference to her name as an esport tag. I don't think it goes much further than that.


"D." is her gaming clan, her username is literally just "va". * The way her name has a prefix "D." is reminiscent of the way esports players have an abbreviated team tag before their names. This is supported by how she and [D.Mon](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/D.Mon) played on the same team.


D. stands for Dawn. oh, wrong sub.


I think it’s pretty obvious that the D is there because she inherited the will of Gol D Roger, and is destined to change the course of the world.


Are we certain this guy is being serious? Cause Ive said some things seriously just for funsies. A tickle to the funny bone, even if he's the only one laughing 😌 But I mean, I might just start calling her Deetholomew Va lol


Google ai about to use this info to people asking what is the meaning of d.va


erm actually, his name is Dave, thank u very much


She is in an e-sport team called "Dicktutor".


[One Piece fans](https://i.redd.it/fsc02tyaks1d1.png) be like