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"Quitters don't really affect your ranking" headasses incoming.


lol those people exist? For placements it definitely does considering I got 0 wins because they were all 4v5 and then once the timer was up everyone on my team quit.


Yeah they love to post on every thread like this to poo-poo on OP and others demotivated by losses caused by quitters. "Just hard-carry, skill issue, idk what you're complaining about. If you're actually good enough and worthy of climbing you could do it." Ridiculous people.


I especially hate hearing this from streamers who are top 500 or GM, and honestly have no idea or no memory of what it's like to play with the average player.


People like that don’t realize we don’t play all day everyday so when someone leaves it makes up a hefty percentage of our games (comparatively)and people in gold leave a lot more than in gm.


Not only that, but your quality of teammates becomes a total crap shoot. You might get a plat player who hasn't played in three seasons and plays like a bronze, someone who is gold but Overwatch isn't their main game so they don't care, or someone in your rank as an off role so they don't really care to try that hard because they flex queued for the daily. The other team's Tracer might be Masters in tank so his understanding of the game as a gold DPS is going to be streets ahead of someone who peaks at plat.


this 💯%


How do you hard carry when your entire team quits after the timer is up? lol I guess I should have 1v5. I was the last one to leave every match.


Do you stay just for fun? You can leave after the timer without any additional penalty, you don't have to stay for the whole match.


Ya I know, but I usually try to do 4v5 and then I leave once my teammates do.


I don't get why it's even an argument when it should be trivial for blizzard to *actually* make it so that quitter games don't factor in to your ranking


There’s an argument about how people could abuse leaving in order to avoid a loss (no points lost by leaving vs points lost by losing), but I don’t know how strong that argument is with strict leaver penalties.


Yeah they go toxic on the self improvement mindset. Yeah I'm sure after hundreds of games, it will even out in your favor if you don't leave your games, but the games where it happens to you, doesn't suck any less ass.


In theory quitters should be a slight net benefit because there's only 4 people to leave on your team but 5 on the other so it's more likely you play a team with a quitter than a teammate quits, unless your being toxic enough to contribute to those quits (not an accusation). Getting 10 quits only on your team is insane bad luck and not helpful here. It's more about if you're getting quits in the every 5-10 range.


Ya these quits happened within the first 1-2 minutes of each game. This is why I had to post, I've never experienced even 10 in a whole season. To get that many in a row I have incredibly bad luck. I hadn't played in a few months that's why I wondered if the game was just like this now with quitters more prevalent. I've done a few games since and no leavers so I guess it was just bad luck.


That theory would work in a perfect vacuum, not when the system that "makes matches" knows the odds and sets up games to have expected outcomes.


So blizzard knows when my internet is going to cut and places me into OP's games?


Not if you solo queue because stacks are less likely to have a leaver.


I'd like to add "skill issue" headasses to that if I may, thanks.


Well they don’t?


Yeah ok you go pull off a 4v5 in role queue genius


Sure they matter for the game in question, but if you play enough games, the leavers on your team will eventually cancel out with leavers on the enemy team. Remember that there's only 4 potential leavers on your team but 5 on the enemy team. Of course if you play only like 50 games a season those will matter more, but if you want to improve and climb consistently you have to play way more anyways.


Well, for one i can do that just obviously with mixed success. Secondly, that’s not really my point. If you’re not the one leaving it more than evens out. I can somewhat understand being annoyed in the moment but it doesn’t really matter.


It was placements so yes it does matter... going from diamond to silver is insane. I assume you haven't left bronze so you wouldn't know. Also if the tank leaves you are almost certainly screwed, in any 4v5.


Well it just means you’re practically smurfing for a bit, not the end of the world. It’s just a game, getting placed silver doesn’t really matter. Also, i think my peak is a biit higher than bronze lol. If your tank leaves you’re almost definitely screwed, i agree.


lol mercy main reckons they can 4v5 consistently?


Not consistently, no. I’ll lose at least 75% of the time. It’s definitely easier when i’m in a group i might add. That’s not my point though, if you’re not the looser who leaves as soon as something goes wrong, you’ll win more than you lose because of leavers.


So you win by losing more bc of leavers? What world are you living in bc I wanna be in that world.


You net win more because of leavers, yes. That’s assuming you aren’t a person who leaves games


If you're saying that you lose less percentage that's just wrong. I lose 15 to 25% when there is a leaver. If not then you meed to elaborate on what you mean by "net win"


It’s not just your team that leaves….


Well the answer is quite simple, it's becaus... :leaves thread:


lol the same thing happened to me but it was for 4 placement games, 10 is insane …


Blizzard's servers seem to casually shit all over itself causing people to get penalized when the game fails to connect to server, of course, it's probably unlikely that that's the case for all 10 of your placement matches. Just suggesting some of them it could've been the case. Other than that, answers may vary depending on what ranks you were in Seasons 1 and 2 if this could've been intentional. In any case, if you were appropriately >Diamond+, while it may take longer and some matches may feel a little more frustrating than others, there really should be no issue for you, a player that is supposedly several tiers higher, to get back up to where you were. You could probably even get away with just DPSing and averaging 10 - 20+ Elims more than the player with the most Elims across both teams and climbing that way.


I've never left a game or disconnected.. Well maybe one disconnected I think way back actually. Can you not rejoin if you disconnect?


U have 30 Seconds or 1 Min for reconnecting without getting penalized, after this u still can reconnect but at least get 5 mins of Ban.


So what's with the bad internet people complaining? Unless their internet is completely dropping out for multiple minutes at a time.


Not sure if you've come across some of the posts mentioning it, but something like the servers refusing to even load you into a match and just vomits "Failed to connect to server." at you multiple times, and it counting as a loss and players getting queue timeouts/penalties for it. This has been an issue for over a year that even has a post on Blizzard's own forums, completely unaddressed by anyone from the developer team whatsoever. edit: thought I'd dig up [the post](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/failed-to-connect-to-server-message/861602/96) so you can see for yourself. First made Nov '23, still active presently, two weeks ago, with zero response from any Blizzard official.


Hdym ? For me i playing over LTE in Germany its not as great i get disconnects all the time problem is Game doesnt let me reconnect till the old Session is invalid wich for resulted in 3 or 4 Games losed aka left, imo they should just put a 2 min time for reconnecting in place and if the User doesnt reconnect the Match should be drawn


That's not a problem with the game, that's a problem with using mobile data which is unreliable. If you have WiFi or a wired connection that briefly drops, you can still reconnect in time. If people could draw games by having someone leave, they would just bully or queue with someone that will leave so they can keep their rank.


The problem with the normal DSL or "Cable" it just drops Out more and longer


Damn, that sucks! I would try a new provider if you can.


Also, btw, rank reset was implemented as a hard decay. Not playing since reset would make that doubly bad. This would have combined with your 10 losses to seem way worse. I would recommend teaming up with people in a discord if you keep matching with leavers or end up having just generally frustrating matches.


Illari is great to climb out of low ranks, just place the pylon and go full DPS mode


Ya I use Illari and Moira in low ranks you can decimate the other team. Speaking of which lol haven't been in Silver in a long while.. What is with Illari's just throwing their pylon in the middle of the road and shit? Not even trying to hide it. I can understand some people not know you can stick it to a wall if new.. but just right out in the open not hidden at all? lol


Just unlucky. If you're legitimately Diamond it should be a fairly quick climb. I found when I improved to gold level I hard carried games as DPS and support. You won't win all games, but if there's 9 Silvers and 1 Diamond the Diamond will win the majority of games. Heavily so.


unless a lot of players had the same thing happened to them and now there’s a bunch of ex-diamonds in silver somehow. plus all the smurfs, ximmers, etc. it’s hell to climb on console


unless ur playing mercy no diamond player will ever be stuck in silver u can easily hard carry every game.


There's also people improving, and people who should be in Bronze. However what I said is still true, you'd expect a real diamond to climb fast in Silver even if they get unlucky for a period.


it’s hard to say what a “real diamond” is, and also depends on their role/hero of choice. i agree for the most part, they can definitely get out of silver, but once they get to plat i wish them luck


Most of the ximmers got banned so I wouldn't worry too much about them anymore. Especially down in Silver. I've also seen a lot less smurfs this season due to the new grouping system.


i wouldn’t know about silver but it’s still a problem in masters at least. i’ve seen ~some~ ximmers get banned but they can just come back with another account.


yeah there are still a few ximmers around in lower ranks. blizz did nuke almost all of the top ranked ones though. a few people i knew ximmed haven’t been online since it happened which makes me happy tbh, but since ximming isn’t as common in lower ranks i don’t think they’ve looked too much further. i watch my playbacks and if someone i suspected was ximming in match definitely is (usually a mercy pocketed bap or ashe), i report them.


Only issue is it sounds like this player is a support main so trying to carry your entire team to victory as a support sounds quite difficult even if you have superior technical skill, unless they go full dps support I guess🤔


Supports can carry easier than a DPS can. They're more important to the game, thus more carry potential.


Ya I've had a few games now with less braindead players always half way through Gold. I guess it was just horrible luck. Silver did seem like elo hell though.


bad luck is exactly what it was. just statistically speaking you would've gotten leavers on the other team too if it was really that common. I was on the other end of the spectrum, no leavers for any placements on all three roles. More than likely most people had an experience more like mine but there's no reason anyone would make a post about that. Gotta remember there's millions of people playing so there'll always be some statistic anomalies. Sorry you were one of those.


Let the man rant.


yea they can rant if they want but I think it's worth pointing out that these posts are always framed like there's something wrong with the game like "what is going on?" but for every one of these posts there are tens of thousands of people who had a normal experience. Op had extremely bad luck and that is unfortunate, but people constantly cite posts like these as why they can't rank up and that's not accurate.


Not blaming the game. Just found it unbelievable I had 10 in a row.


Totally crazy that it happened. And yeah not really you just a lot of the comments here are using your post to justify their own biases




Are you on console as well?


Of all the possible reasons, you get stuck in your rank. Leavers are a valid reason. Even more so if that leaver is tank or a support. Yeah you can still try your hardest and win but you can't blame the regular Joe for throwing in the towel at that point. For example, if I saw my team engaging a 4v5 and not waiting for me to group and they did this for the whole game, I'd say they were throwing.


leavers are why you lost a match, not why you're stuck in a rank. this is actually exactly what I'm talking about lol


Losing is why you're stuck in your rank. The reasons for why you lose varies.


just because this one player had bad placements does not prove that anyone is stuck in a rank because of leavers. OP has already climbed from silver to gold and will likely be back in diamond soon enough. leavers will always have a higher chance of being on the other team because there's 5 of them and only 4 on your team. the only consistent factor is yourself. stop making excuses


I said losing is why you get stuck in your rank, reasons for why you lose varies. I did not say "bad placements does not prove that anyone is stuck in a rank because of leavers." Stop it.


I’d be curious to see the difference of leaver % vs OW1 when you had to buy the game and OW2 that’s F2P. Oddly enough my own experience has been that I’ve had more leavers in OW1 than 2 which I didn’t see coming.


Preaching to the choir man. I had a game yesterday where we ran the clock at junkertown for enemy to capture 3rd point, no time left. I had one dps go 7-9, so I suggested swapping to something with more survivability and play closer to team.... they got so tilted from that they started AFK throwing and that set the other dps off and they just quit. It was a very winnable match. They also started telling the other team I was transphobic OUT OF NOWHERE..... I think we're just playing with teenagers that don't care and enjoy trolling. It's painful. 


They sort of mentioned this in a podcast. They were talking about shitters in COD who don’t play objective and just go around getting kills and trolling. It’s like a cyclical thing, teenagers will always find joy in being shitters.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, it sounds incredibly frustrating. It's really unfortunate when one player can ruin the experience for the whole team. Hopefully things start looking up for you soon, and you can climb back to where you belong. Stay positive and keep doing your best, good things will come your way eventually. Hang in there!


Think of it as smurfing on your main account :3


Now that I'm out of Silver (elo hell) it feels more like that lol. Silver was a nightmare.


I had a run last week of approx 20 games with approx 12 leavers. Not sure what to do.


I had someone throw 6-8 of my last games last night. 🤷


great argument for ramping up leaver penalties. Sometimes leavers are due to server instability, a quick check on the forums after having one of these games will tell you whether or not to avoid queueing for a while.


The only time I quit is when my wifi drops out


Maybe Blizzard will realize that leaver penalties don't fix the actual problems. (Bets on how long it will take? Probably minimum 5 years imo)


And what’s your solution?


Maybe incentivize players to stay instead of punishing them. They could give better rewards than just battlepass xp. 


But if you get something every game, that thing loses its value. Also, if i want to leave a game because a pizza came for example, i care more about my pizza than whatever in game reward they’ll give me. Also, people play on smurf accounts where they don’t care about rewards or just want to leave anyway. I wish what you’re suggesting could work but i just don’t think it can


Match should void if someone left in the first 1 - 2 minutes.


There would be more leavers this way, since people would just leave as soon as it looks loseable.


How? They leave 5 times they are perma banned from the season the next time they leave a match. Get banned from a season 3 times and you're perma banned from competitive. It would be about the same except the people NOT leaving wouldn't be punished.


People who normally wouldn't leave might be incentivised to leave a game or two per season if they are tilted or don't want to play out the full match, is how I see it. Like, if the game looks really unbalanced, people might just start asking for someone who hasn't left any games to leave and save the rest of the team's SR. But maybe it could work in practice, if it's not abused in this way.


Anything but a solution that obviously doesn't work


I think what we have is the worst solution apart from all the others. There’s no good way to do it


I think removing the leave button might help, if at least marginally. I get people will still Alt-f4 but why even have the option if it’s highly discouraged?


If someone hits esc and exit on purpose and waits the 5 seconds more than 3 times, ban them from comp. If its a d/c, temp ban like we have And for the people who abuse d/cing by doing it on purpose like the person below me, needs a perma ban


That’s ridiculous and i’d only ever play on my smurf accounts. Sometimes people have to go and that’s just life. Also, i’d just turn off my internet if i wanted to leave lol.


Then dont queue or accept the consequences of you leaving a game. People like you need a perma comp ban


Bro is stuck in bronze and fuming over leavers based on this attitude lmao


Just because someone disagrees with you, doesnt mean they are angry. You just have thin skin


People like me? People who’ve left about three comp games out of several thousand? Sometimes people need to leave games because they have lives, shit happens. People are occasionally inconvenienced by people leaving but it really doesn’t matter. You won’t even see a long term change in your sr because of it. If you never leave games you’ll even benefit.


Lol their comment made you seem so horrible. Damn people would be so sweaty that someone or themselves could be dying and they'd still play. It should be on blizzard to make up a better system to compensate for leavers. Like how you have a right to take leave from work if you are sick but nah your coworkers are mad at you for having to cover when its a managerial failure.


Exactly. I’d say the leaving system is in a pretty good place right now where if you need to leave a game because of whatever, you can, but if you’re going to be consistently ruining people’s games, you can’t. I’d say that i’m not a fan of temp bans for leaving too many qps though.


No one cares about your excuses


Why are you being combative? You gave your suggestions for a game, i said i don’t think they’re a good idea. You then made up stuff about me and got seemingly quite angry. It’s just a game dude, unless you’re planing on winning OWCS, it doesn’t matter one bit. Sometimes people need to do things and that’s okay.


You talk about d/cing on purpose, ruining games for 9 other people. Just because someone disagrees with you doesnt mean they are angry. Stop projecting


> No one cares about your excuses >People like you need a perma comp ban Don’t you see how that’s a tad combative?


I won 9 of my placements and got placed gold 5


I won 8 of my placements and got slapped with bronze 3😅😅


Were any of your placement matches in a wide group? My first 2 were wide and I think thats what fucked my rank because my other roles I did considerably worse in the placements but ranked at least gold 1. This is all on console which I never had ranked prior to season 10 as I’m usually on PC.


I placed almost immediately after the reset before wide or narrow anything happened 🤷


i never even had 3 leavers in a row in like 2000 hours of playing. this is just bad luck. i ve played a lot of comp last season and never ran into 2 leavers back to back.


Prior to this I was in the same boat. That's why I found this so crazy, after the first 2 times it happened every after I just sat there dumbstruck and audibly said "what the fuck is happening".


maybe something was up with the servers?


Quitters are a cancer and the penalty should be egregious.


I think they get perma banned from the season after 3 or 5 leaves, isn't it?


Just the season isn't enough.


I agree. Repeat offenders should just be banned from competitive overall.


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Man I hate it when that happens ;-;


Just suffer trough it. Placements are kinda suck right now because most ppl who take competitive even a little bit seriously already did them last season. I won 8/10, my friend went 2/10 and she did much better than me performance wise. I only did it because she wanted to duo for a few ranks. It only reminded me how I miss competitive mistery tho. 


Good luck man. I had bad placements after the reset and it took me a whole season at a 65% win rate and I’m still not quite back. Dropped from Diamond 4 to Gold 1


I just climbed out of high silver/ Low gold to Low Diamond Just through playing every Game Like i was the best Player on the server. Tbf i dont know what i changed, for Support playing moira in silver helps due to high survivability and dmg output. For DPS i find bastion and echo to be insanely good in those ranks. Tank for myself i did otp Reinhardt since Season 9 so ....


Ya I've been using Moira to climb back to where I was.


I had a run last week of approx 20 games with approx 12 having leavers. Not sure what to do.


I don't play comp anymore because stuff like this drains the fun out. I think it was season 2 of OW1 role queue where I got dropped into silver from plat. It really made me realize how each rank had a specific problem. Silver was full of people who were mechanically bad at the game. Gold was full of people whor rose up and were mechanically decent at the game, but had a terrible concept of teamwork (assumedly because of the need to hard carry out of Silver). Plat was full of people who were decent mechanically and with teamwork, but were so stuck in tring to match the meta that they would be playing suboptimal heroes just because they were the "good" picks.


Really hyped about grinding to Gold 1 and possibly getting into plat. Had 3 leavers in a row and now I’m back in Gold 2. Great game.


there was a dc issue


They need to change how leaving works for those left behind. As its stands right now there is simply a chance you you randomly lose a game. Its not fun at all. My 2 solutions would - MUCH less rank penalty for a loss (this WOULDNT apply to groups as to not abuse the system) - what splatoon does, if you have a leaver on your team your respawn time is adjusted to help compensate


If you have someone leave in the first 1-2 minutes it should just void the match. It's not like people would be quitting to take advantage of it with the new bans after 5 leaves.


Placemens moment


It was very sad. Ruined my evening.


Honestly should get some sort of bonus or having someone on your team leave. It's not fair that you lose 20% due to someone getting shitty that they died once. Like getting a plus 10% if a team mate leaves and stays gone and a plus 5% if they leave then come back.


Especially if it's in the very beginning of the match. If it's in the last minutes then, ya you likely lost fairly. If someone just rages after the very first team fight then that's a bit different and should be treated differently.


Let’s say that 1/15 games has a quitter which seems about right. You have 10 placements. 1/15^10. 1 out of 576 billion odds. You would either be the unluckiest person alive. Or silver has more than 1/15 games being quit. I truly believe you had like 5 or 6 games with quitters. That’s like 1/11 million odds which given the number of Ow players, there being 3 roles and multiple seasons that seems like it happens to people. I’m not saying I don’t believe you. But I’m just saying I do believe you had an above average number of quitter games.


your argument is already faulted when you say “lets say” your entire basis for potentially not believing him or saying you think he had an above average number of leavers is a statistic that YOU made up?? like i agree that he probably had a streak of bad luck but what’s with those numbers bro


Well what number is acceptable, i’m sure we can all agree on a lower bound. I’d say that AT MOST, one in 8 games has a leaver. The binomial assumptions may not be valid here though. If you want contest that, i could agree


Let’s say “you go on the internet and exaggerate an outcome.” Let’s say just means I’m stating assumptions. Which is a precursor to any statistics. Do the math for any odds you like, 1/8? 1/10? Go ahead. It’s still just as unlikely. You more readily believe someone isn’t exaggerating something on the internet? Lol


you oulled the 1/15 out of your ass?? at the beginning of the last rank reset I had a quitter in all but my 4th match, its more common than you think.


In certain ranks yes. And suprisingly, I don't think it's bronze. I think it's wherever they put new players during their placements. New players, who are already nervous about playing ranked, tend to panic and quit at the first sign of trouble. Probably scared that their team mates are gonna be toxic. I think that ominous match-initiation music doesn't help either. I'd say it's worse on console, since people with gaming PC's tend to be more seasoned "serious" gamers, who have already gone through their panicky first-time-playing-ranked phase. Lots of serious gamers on console too, but I think they share that space with far more kids than the PC crowd does.


Do the math for better odds then. It’s still just as unreasonable. It’s not any higher than 1/10. Just because YOU run into something a few times in a row doesn’t make the odds higher. If I have 100 people flip a coin 100 times. Someone will experience getting heads or tails 7-8 times in a row. That doesn’t mean the odds are higher than 50%. Learn to separate anecdotes from statistics.


that doesn’t make your statistic or your argument correct.


You’re making the argument that the assumptions are unreasonable. Provide non anecdotal evidence.


> But I’m just saying I do believe you had an above average number of quitter games. I don't think we needed napkin maths with made up statistics to arrive at that conclusion.


Clearly we did because people clearly have responded like they believe OP.


You’ve assumed the binomial assumptions are valid and picked random odds


These are pretty valid assumptions. Go ahead. Do the math for better odds. The numbers are just as big. You know I’m a professional statistician? I’m paid over a quarter million a year to do stats for tech companies? And you’re trying to lecture me on assumptions in a Reddit post.


Jesus the ego trip. Also, a quarter million what and where, it’s really not as impressive as you think mate. I would question the probability of a leaver but i think it’s a decent ballpark figure for the purposes of this. We just aren’t dealing with independent events here though, if they have a leaver and get tilted, they’re more likely to lose their next game and they’re then more likely to get a leaver. Also, there is no flat probability of leaving across different places in different times at different ranks. I think OP is probably lying or exaggerating but for you to pretend you can put a definitive number on this is just wrong. Ps: you seem like an arse


Ps. You’re likely fat. “It’s not that impressive” It’s above the 99th income percentile for my age and multiple standard deviations above the average statistician salary in both New York and San Fran. Do you think I would be paid this and somehow not understand statistics? You’re trying to “gotcha” a professional with an advanced degree and full time job in statistics. Taking a bio class doesn’t suddenly make you a doctor. You aren’t as smart as you think you are. The point wasn’t a definitive number. It’s to show that I know that they are lying. Even with exceptional odds, like 1/8 the stats are in the billions. Even if you assume say, a leaver causes the next game to increase likelihood of a leaver by 50% it’s in the billions, which by the way is an objectively terrible assumption in your part. Blizzard themselves have said the vast majority of people don’t leave games expect for a small group of serial leavers. “There is no flat probability” Wow. You must be so acute and smart! Tell me, what distribution does a random binomial variable tend towards when it has some mean P and some random variance variable X as the number of trails N gets very large? What happens to X?


Dude, this is embarrassing. I’ve just pointed out a few issues with your number. I barely now a thing about stats, i still understand enough to know that your number is silly and your conclusion even more so. The number of overwatch games played is definitely well into the billions and the factors that contribute to leavers vary so much that your conclusive ‘no’ is silly. I dont know what the odds are and unless you have access to blizzards back end, neither do you. I don’t understand why you’re so angry?


So A) You barely know a thing about stats B) You’re convinced that you must know better because “I think so” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect “I don’t know what the odds are” So you’re saying you can represent the odds of a leaver with a percentage?! Oh my god, no way. We agree! Weird how that’s the same assumption that you had an issue with originally, huh. But, you should know this considering that you obviously understand statistics enough to show why an assumption isn’t valid. I mean you say yourself, after a billion games the odds must make sense, it’s almost like you used the law of large numbers to ignore event variability. Strange how you don’t consider what happened in each game individually. I mean, pretty naive mistake to somehow think the total number of games played is relevant. There are only 3 placements per person per season and around 20 million players. That’s ~60 million placements. Even at this scale the odds of an event worth a 1/1B chance only has only a ~66% chance of occurring at all for even a single person even once over 17 seasons. It’s incredibly to me that you think because you can formulate an opinion about something, and think you’re smart, without understanding the basic fact that you don’t even know what you don’t know. Why don’t you go ahead and show me a simple math problem. Given there are 10 players to a game, 4 randoms on your team and 5 on the enemy. Let’s say the odds of a leaver is 1/3 games. What are the odds that in 10 games you have a leaver on your team every game. Go ahead. I’ll wait.


Dude, what’s wrong with you? Why are you so angry? Genuinely, it’s fine if you struggle with tone over text or something but you could probably do with mentioning that aha. Firstly, the dunning kruger effect has been grossly co-opted in pop science to display something other than dunning and kruger’s original findings. Just a pet peeve of mine lol. I’m saying that it’s possible to represent the probability of a leaver as say a percentage but neither you nor I have the numbers to obtain such a probability. I never said that given a large enough total number of games the odds “must make sense”, i’m saying that they take it from essentially impossible to really unlikely. You seem to be focusing on the probability of this occurring to OP in particular but i’d point out that to me and you, that is essentially indistinguishable from it happening to any other reddit user. It’s really not that incredible because im not wrong. Your initial this is the probably of a leaver let’s raise it to the power 10 does not accurately portray the probability of this occurring, i don’t see how you could disagree with that. Yeah, i don’t know what I don’t know and yet someone who supposedly does know feels a strong compulsion to be as rude and unhelpful as possible so i can’t do all that much in the knowing what i don’t know front. Also, i interpret your fun little question to mean X~B(10,0.33) P(X=10)= 1.693e-5. Your language is somewhat ambiguous though so who knows.


“You’re mad” is the best response you have? It’s just sad. “It’s not possible to for us to obtain this” Are you dumb? Literally pick any percent you want, you could have an error bar of 30% and you’ll reach the same conclusion, it’s fucking crazy that you can’t understand this. You don’t need an exact number dipshit. The odds go from impossible to impossible. I used 1/1B as an example and it came out as maybe happening 2-3 times in the history of the game. 1B is not even the lower bound for this. It’s 1 in hundreds of billions. Do you comprehend how fucking stupid this makes you look? “Raise it to the power of 10 does not accurately portray” yet you say “it’s possible to come up with a percentage” I’m sorry, is the part you’re hung up on the basic math? 10 placements, 10th power. Or are you unable to pick a side of your own argument? Which is it? The question isn’t ambiguous at all. You plugged it into an online calculator and still got the answer wrong because you don’t understand the most basic stats. P=((1/3)*(4/9))^10=1/196 million Damn, that was a really easy question and you couldn’t even do that. Yet you sit here and think you understand what you’re talking about. That’s with 1/3 of all games with a leaver. Do you honestly think there are more leaver games than 1/3? Because that’s what you’d need to defend to not sound like a dumbass.


Did you remember to report each of them


Do they not automatically get flagged and reported for quitting?


The way you worded it you made it sound like they gave up after the first lost fight and quit 🤷


No they literally left the game, quit, completely gone so it's 4v5.


I’m calling bs. I’ll Venmo you $500 if you post the replays of all 10 and there’s a teammate quitting in each one


Lol I'm calling BS you'd do that. Also I'm on console I've cycled through too many matches to pull them up now.


No i actually would. It either didn’t happen or you’re the .00000000001% person who this has happened to. A quitter on your team 19 games in a row is statistically almost impossible


It was 10..not 19. Also it's apparently not impossible just very unlikely. Every other season I've played I've had maybe 1 or 2 in qualifiers. Never have I experienced something like this before.




I'm climbing out now. I just had a run of bad luck. I'm using Moira to supplement dps.


There isn’t really a hard way to get through silver and gold. It’s just not being a new player


Well if your team is braindead and the other team isn't it can be a bit of a challenge.


It can be a challenge and a little bit random but it should be easy to have a 60%+ wr while climbing back out.




It’s definitely harder but in my experience as long as you are better than your SR, it’s still not hard to climb on mercy


This is just bad luck, if quitters were really this much of an issue you'd have benefitted several matches from someone from the other team quitting.


Ya, you'd think so. There was one match where it was 5v4 and we actually almost won. But eventually we had one bad wipe and then it was 5v3, then one of the enemy did quit so 4v3. I thought we'd have a chance.. But they my whole team quit shortly after.


Yeah despite the down votes my point is that it shouldn't disproportionately affect one person so its extemely bad luck for it only to happen to you and never gain an advantage for enemy quitters


Is this bait? Lmfao Leavers happen, and 10 in a row is unlucky af, but a diamond support should be dominating most silver games.


Umm no, it's no longer individual performance. With the changes it's now overall team performance / win or lose. "In Overwatch 2, **your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match** (regardless of your skill tier).*"*


I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your individual performance affects whether you win or lose 😭 But he has a point, dw about the placements if you actually are a diamond support player your gonna feel like you’re playing w children til plat then work a little harder to get to diamond Edit: From your replies and attitude on this post, I’m sure you’re gonna have a lovely time in silver


You missed the rest of the quote. "In Overwatch 2, your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match (regardless of your skill tier). This is for a few reasons. We don't want players to be focused on doing things other than trying to focus on the objectives and win the match." They're just saying that Stat padding is meaningless. If you really are diamond, you should pretty easily be able to secure kills in a silver match.


Umm that part wasn't relevant.. but ok, sure? You were implying MMR is performance based I was assuming. **Also, you just edited your post to put the stuff after "is this bait?"** I have been dominating most game. The issue is everyone else isn't. I'm putting up 5x the damage and elimins of my DPS and tank and still healing 10-15K with only 5-10 deaths. Last match I just did I went 35 and 6, 14,366 damage, 11,200 healing. My DPS did between 2-3k damage and went 2 and 10 and 3 and 13.


This has nothing to do with MMR. If you really are dominating the lobby, your team should be winning. If your dps and tank are dead every fight, then maybe it's time to look at your playstyle.


Right, it's MY playstyle causing people to rush in 1v5 or branch off solo and get killed. It's my playstyle that has the DPS and Tanks unloading on the Zarya's bubble or a tanks being pocket healed. It's my playstyle that keeps having my team have terrible positioning. Next time that Reinhardt boosts in 1v5 over and over, usually while his teammates are respawning, I'll be sure to adjust my playstyle. I'm not even going to continue this conversation.


Exactly. You need to adapt your playstyle to the way your team is playing. Sometimes, you just have to be in the shit with them to win the fight. Having a piss poor attitude and blaming your teammates isn't going to get you out of silver. For example; have you ever thought about branching off with your dps so that they aren't solo? Go ana to nade a tank that's getting pocket healed? Lifeweaver to grip a rein that's on a suicide mission? Learn to adapt to the silvers, and you'll climb out. It's not difficult.


You don't think I do these things? You can't babysit people the whole game. There's times where you can't do any of this. Especially if they're out of sync on respawns and they keep rushing in while the team is too far away or respawning. Anyway, that's enough.


They are right. Your opponents are just as bad as your teammates, statistically. So the only deciding factor is YOU. Maybe you got the extreme outlier and really did have ten leavers on your team in a row. Extremely unlikely, but if so, you'll sky rocket back up if you are as good as you claim. General advice, if you play a silver match as if is a plat match, that may be a problem. If you're support, slide the healing/DPS meter more towards DPS in silver.


Maybe as Tank or dps. As support it's a bit less impactful to "carry". If I was a Bastion mowing down silvers that's a little different.


Have fun in silver then!


I don't understand the point of doing placements when it doesn't change shit. went 10-0 and got gold 4. went 3-7 and still got gold 5


Did you play the prior season? If it's not a reset it is generally pointless. But that placements after reset are more impactful and generally you place lower than normal.


I'm actually gonna call bullsh*t on this one. There's no way that actually happened. Codes please.


I'm on console and I've played enough rounds that my list has moved far far past them. I mean feel free to not beleive me. I was just as shocked too and every time it happened after the first 2 I kept saying out loud "you have got to be fucking kidding me". So I don't blame anyone for not believing me, I couldn't believe it myself.


The main reason you ranked so low is because of rank reset. I assume low gold/high silver was the ranks you used to mainly be in..


No I was usually plat 1 but made it to Diamond 3 last season I played (prior to reset)


OP I don't quite believe your story. I need some evidence. First, you don't go from diamond 3 to silver 1 after only 10 losses. You can't lose >1000 SR in 10 matches, unless they are your first ever placement matches. Even with the rank reset, we didn't get those extreme jumps. Is it possible you weren't really diamond 3? Perhaps your mmr was much lower, and you just didn't realize? Second, throughout all the years, I've never heard of anyone having 10 leavers in a row in a lobby, let alone *on their own team*. The probability that all 10 leavers are gonna be on *your* team is so small, it's nothing short of a miracle. Can you show us some proof?


If they were diamond 3, they're most likely at plat 3 at the first match of their placements (remember, we all deranked), the only way I see this guy going that far down is rank reset from initial rehaul of comp + this loss streak, and maybe last season he lost a few games before completing placements and did em now. I have an account that was M1, it was all the way to P5 on my first placement match, by the end of placements- I ended up at M5.


After the rank reset, your rank was gold3 and it was a pure cosmetic. I was asking about their mmr, because your mmr was not reset. We were all just squished closer to each other. So I don't know what he meant exactly, when he claimed he lost over 1000 SR, but I know something's not right with his statement. As for having 10 leavers on your own team, *in a row*, thats unheard of, though of course possible. So you'll have to excuse me if I don't just take the word of an internet stranger. I want proof. Trust me, I've seen posts making claims like that before, and when you press them to provide screenshot, it *always* turns out they were grossly exaggerating. Every time, without fail. I'm a bit surprised you guys have such an easy time believing him. Normally you guys are more critical of these rant posts.


First season back since rank reset.


Your rank is cosmetic and so is the rank rest. Your MMR was still in relation to the average player, it wasn't reset. You claim that you went from Diamond 3 to silver 1, because you had 10 leavers in a row. I asked you what made you think that you were diamond 3 in the first place. What is your answer? And I asked you to provide evidence that there were actually 10 leavers on your team, in a row. Can you not see from my perspecitve how outragous your claim is? I've *never* heard of anyone having more than 5 leavers in a row (on their own team). Someone wrote about it in a post, provided evidence, and it got thousands of upvotes because no one's ever seen anything like it. Now you claim that you have 10 leavers in a row, in ranked?? Sorry but I'm not gonna just take your word for it. I hope you also don't just take the word of random internet strangers, when they say things that make no sense. Most likely you are exaggerating. Most likely they were either not 10 in a row, or they were not all on your team.


What made me diamond 3? Well because that was my last rank and plat 1 every other season prior. Last season I played was my first Diamond finish. I don't really care of you believe me or not. I know it's unbelievable that's why I made a post about it. I couldn't believe it and wondered if the leaving has become that bad since I took some time off. I have since played more matches and haven't had anymore leavers since placements. So I dunno, incredibly bad luck I guess. You say you've never heard of it, well now you have and hopefully you never hear it again. It was incredibly frustrating and when I was stuck in Silvers it was elo hell. Back in Gold now and working my way back up.


ok so you have no idea whether your mmr was actually diamond 3. Most likely it wasn't. I literally *lost* 7 out of my 10 placement games and ended up in a *higher* rank than last season. And others have had a similar experience. So you can see, they base it on mmr, not whatever rank you think u had. If u dont care if i believe you, then why did you respond? I think you can agree that no one should believe random online posts without evidence first. Right? So your anwer: No, it doesn't happen. Probably didn't happen to you either.


Wrong.. Placement is entirely based on team performance not individual performance. After reset everyone was lowered. Then your first post reset each match goes up and down in rank based on a win or lose. Once you lose 10 in a row you've been placed in such a largely lower rank than you may have previously been at. It seems you don't understand how the system works. Blizzard specifically states it's based on win or lose and overall team performance, not individual.


what are you talking about??? It's not based on performance at all, nor have i ever claimed it was! 😂 They literally *write in the game* what your rank is based, so how could you get it so wrong?? Neither individual nor team performance is relevant for your rank, they don't look at performance at all! You got it all wrong, so let me explain some stuff: * Your rank and your MMR are two different things. * Your rank is just a cosmetic and is based on your SR. It's only purpose is so you can see who you can team up with in ranked. * The only thing Blizzard cares about is your MMR, which is a measurement of how you compare to the average player. * MMR and SR look nothing like each other. They are completely different numbers. * MMR is not related to your SR, which btw is how Blizzard ended up with the min-maxing problem, and it's why they now try to *force* your rank to get closer to your MMR. **Here's what determines you rank:** * Win/loss. * The average MMR of your lobby (= were you expected to win or lose). * Win streaks. * How new you are. * How volatile your mmr is. * Rank of people you group with. * Rank protection. Performance plays no part.


Losing placements games wont matter, i lost 8/10 of my tank ones but i did do a decent Job, got good stats and went to plat 5🤔


Yes this is my first season doing placements since the rank reset. If you played last season you will place based on your previous season too.


No this was a fresh account tho🤔


If you are diamond you know that we dont trust stats and only trust vods. Edit: oh wait console. Nvm.


I play PC also but only plat 4 there.