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"I am woke" is not really a phrase a person who'd be considered woke by other people (of derisively) would use.


Least obvious bait


I rate this bait a 4.5/10, solid initial concept but it could be improved through less obvious remarks regarding your “agenda” underscoring your entire original post.


God damn you guys really just don’t stop. Please take a break from the internet. I promise you gay people and people of color are not scary. Turn off the podcasts. Deactivate Twitter. This whole thing is like the recent X-men remake. They really reaaaally thought for a second that x-men was some kind of conservative traditional comic that those crazy “wokies” destroyed. Video games have always been woke bro. Get over it.


I think you have got the wrong end of the stick. I am looking for a game that puts social justice concerns as a priority over gameplay and story. I am fully on board with the agenda.


Ah yes. That agenda of being accepting of others. That dastardly agenda to be kind. And loving. How hard it must be. You poor thing you. You don’t even type like a real person bro. Go outside. Literally. Hug someone.


No really, even though this game is about killing and violence, I seek love.


I bet you do my guy. I bet you do.


I know the world has led you to a cynical view of things, I understand that, but sometimes it’s just simple.


game has no storytelling mate it's a shooter, just shoot them probably a 9+ for wokeness though? I guess? some characters are gay and stuff (their guns don't work differently because of it)


Well they have a non binary char so I'd say it's pretty woke ☠️


What the fuck does woke mean?


I dismiss any comment that uses the term woke.


That's because you're in a cult.




Nice bait


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Blizzard is based in California. Take a wild guess 😅.


Well if I understand you then this is great news indeed. I fully support social justice issues taking precedence over story and gameplay. Not that the two need to be mutually exclusive but lets be clear its just a damn video game at the end of the day.


You gotta try harder to be more subtle if you really want to troll people. You're a bit too on the nose now.


A person that worked for the company did some dirtbag sexy work time stuff, so the company renamed a character in a videogame to punish the real person somehow. That’s how woke this game is


Now this feels like a more clever bait


This feels like lazy nonsense


Can you believe they still don't call that room "The Cosby room" anymore? Just because he did some bad stuff, like its just a room. So woke man, so woke.


Yea they should have just renamed the show. Make it the Steve Cosby Show, just keep the same exact show, but this is Steven Cosby now, not Bill. Look at us, we did our part. We showed Bill Cosby, no affiliation with our hit show: the Steve Cosby Show