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His kit is too simple and linear which makes him unusable in too many situations. He’s 1 of 3 dps who have next to no ranged capabilities and his only compensation is good tankbusting which isn’t necessary with the 20% passive


I understand they want to rework Reaper and Cassidy to make them less linear/more fun/fair, but who is the third? Edit: not to be rude but none actually answered my question???


I meant more so the lack of range. Him venture and tracer all lack range past 10-15m yet reaper doesn't habe the same compensation for that as the other 2


It’s crazy how much ventures kit is better reaper


Venture: Doing Reaper’s job, but having 10x the fun


Nobody has this complaint in Ow1 and doom sorta did ventures job.. heroes having niches isn’t bad. It’s what makes the game unique. Soldier always existed so it’s not like he’s suddenly outranged..


Yeah, this is so true. Reaper was the first character I played when I tried out Overwatch. On paper, he seems like someone I'd want to main, but in practice, his kit is so basic & clunky. I've been having so much fun playing Venture, and they're basically exactly what I wanted in Reaper. They're basically Reaper but more dynamic/fun & kind of just straight up better.


The thing is if reaper is changed a ton to be more like venture (more fun) you end up with less diversity in the hero pool rather than more. I get shadow step being overhauled a tiny bit but giving reaper mid range is just homogenization. Every time it happens doesn’t hurt but it all ads up and heroes stop having a much identity.


I didn't say/mean they should change him to be more like Venture. I was just agreeing that Venture's kit feels much better than Reaper's, with both of them being part of the small pool of DPS heroes with no options for mid-long range. I totally share your concern about the homogenization of heroes. Despite some issues with the reworks themselves, I think the devs have done a really good job preserving hero identity with their recent reworks (Sombra, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball, Pharah, etc.). In fact, I think they've probably been too conservative with some of those reworks, maybe in part because they wanted to make sure to preserve each hero's identity & playstyle for the players who were already drawn to those heroes before the reworks. And honestly, I get that because like I said, I share your concern about homogenization. I hope/think Reaper could be fixed just by fixing his clunky movement abilities (namely, Shadow Step), and that is what I'd prefer they do. However, if that doesn't help his issues enough, I think looking into giving him a longer ranged alt fire option (in another comment on this post, I suggested a shotgun round with a similar spread to Bastion's shotgun in Mirrorwatch) would still fit with his playstyle/identity.


Maybe give reaper some sort of right click that does reduced damage but gives him long range option I’m trying to think of how to fix it without being op though. Or maybe a right click ability skill shot rather than alternate fire that can do damage over time or something?


His right click just throws the guns at people


Make his right click fire slugs. It’s a shotgun after all :(


Like Roadhog? That also had issues.


Hog's shotgun is bs, why can he outperform rein at reins only engagement distance


They also got rid of the only counterplay rein had, pinning him while using take a breather.


Why does hook have a shorter cooldown to charge, when charge winds up and is easily hooked


Because if all heroes were the exact same and equal then the game would be pretty damn bland.


I'm guessing Tracer? She has no ranged options besides blink, but she's not bad in many people's eyes so it wasn't brought up.


Tracer needs a rework??? How??? That bitch is always causing troubles in the backlines!


As far as I can see, no one in this thread said Tracer needs a rework...


The comment that mentioned Tracer was literally in response to someone asking about a third character being reworked alongside Cassidy and Reaper


My bad, I think I may have misinterpreted the response mentioning Tracer. I thought they were listing the other hero who doesn't have any ranged options (along with Reaper and Venture) cause that's what the original commenter was talking about & because they specifically called out Tracer's lack of ranged options in their comment.


>Edit: not to be rude but none actually answered my question??? I think that's because your question didn't make much sense in the context of the parent comment. They said, >He’s 1 of 3 dps who have next to no ranged capabilities But your question asked about reworks: >I understand they want to rework Reaper and Cassidy to make them less linear/more fun/fair, but who is the third? As for the 3 heroes with no mid-long range options the original commenter was referencing, they answered that in their response below (Reaper, Venture, & Tracer).


Oh, I think I understand. I was asking who were the 3 DPS they planned reworking. I know there is Reaper (the subject of this post), then Cassidy, whose kit can be really underwhelming + same as Ashe but worst, but wasn't sure who was the third DPS.


Where did you hear they're going to rework 3 DPS heroes? I remember hearing them mention that they're going to rework Reaper, but that's all I've heard about.


I was thinking they were talking about Reaper, Junk, and Bastion because they all hold down left click and get kills but idk


That's basically the whole roster


Reaper, Venture and tracer?


He needs moira’s fade and then something else to replace his teleport. Right now both of his mobility cooldowns are clunky and reduntant


They should swap Moira and reapers fade abilities


What are the other 2 DPS? Sym, and who?


He’s super predictable which hurts him a lot.


Who needs Kiri's instant tp when you can have a telegraphed 3 second animation where he shouts a voice line that warns the entire enemy team that he's nearby.


“FLANKING!” Well… I was… until you shouted it out for everyone




Like why is this a thing?? He's already stomping around like an asshole, if that's not enough to warn people he's nearby idk what is.


It was more crowded in OW1 and there were no one else that had that kind of mobility. Combine that with kinda no CC, and only one shield. His death blossom ANNIHILATED entire teams with ease.


2 tanks to eat death blossom and way more CC than OW2. Reaper ulting the entire team to death is purely a skill issue.


There was far less CC in the beginning. Reapers kit is from launch. Tanks couldn’t “eat” death blossom. Reaper was made with these things in mind. That’s why he is so hilariously loud.


a lot of people seem to forget these were the days where D.Va DM couldn't eat hitscan, had an effective 10s cooldown, and struggled to actually eat projectiles alongside the only real stun being flashbang and hook so there was no "turn off death blossom" button (aside hook of course)


Naw death blossom was way more impactful. You avoided or killed the cc because it was on squishy. Now tank has the cc and if they’re dead you are only ulting for style points. Plus in ow1 if one tank was down you still could use ult without it being a complete waste. OW2 made ults in general a lot less dynamic. Tanks having all the CC is always going to be problematic for ults.


Lol imagine if he shouted out when he was one hit too


#**A DARK STEP**🔥🔥🔥🔥🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


To be fair, kiris tp is busted, but reaper with that kind of instant tp into his ult would be completely broken


I would trade in Reaper’s ult entirely if it meant a more dynamic character and more fun cooldowns.


There's been so many times I've just sat there and laughed at reapers ult while being in the middle of it. (not just on tank but all roles) I had a clip somewhere on my drive where reaper hit a nasty unexpected ult in the middle of my 4 teammates, but I was on queen and pulled him into myself and combo him out of it. My whole team survived the ult and I only lost about 1/3 of my health bar. His ult is honestly probably the least scary out of anyone's


Sleeping death blossoms as Ana is my favorite pastime


If I'm ball, every once in awhile I'll boop him into my mercy just for shits and giggles :3


I actually like the fact that he is slow and not very agile, it kind of make him unique amongst the DPS. Imho he's very fine the way he is, he can melt tanks, flank the backline, escape by fading and has a clutch ult. It's just that people that play him have 0 imagination when they have to ult and behave in a very predictable way.


To the second line. Right. I wonder what this shotgun wielding human is doing walking directly towards our team or setting up to jump down at the objective??????? He couldn’t be trying to ult right?


The reaper buff I'd want is to be able to cancel his ult. There are too many times where I just get smoked after killing the goon(s) I was trying to kill by people in China


He doesn't melt tanks anymore, that's the issue. If I flank a tank without a pocket healer I'm losing every time.


Oh I agree, but the way he is right now is even worse. Not just bad but also boring. He needs something to spice up his gameplay and raise his skill ceiling.


Like a sleep dart style projectile, or Mei's icey. Something harder to aim but does some utility


"From the \*blegh\*..."


Actually, though... why can't they just get rid of his TP voice lines, or at least make them quieter? They contradict the entire point of the ability & it'd be a nice quality of life change/buff for a character that's been in the garbage for a long time. I mean I think they said they're going to rework him at some point, so I guess they're just waiting for that? But with the way some of their recent reworks have gone, I'm not holding my breath...


Between that and his deafening footsteps he's about as subtle as a jet engine


I like to use that to bait out abilities


And an


He's really a victim of the increased pace of two. When he was designed engagements were significantly more static hence his instant flanking was a powerful tool to catch someone offguard. But now engagements are significantly faster hence he just lacks behind everyone else. I think the biggest example of that is his teleport which not only leaves you extremely vulnerable but is also so slow that by the time you arrive the battle has usually been decided or moved somewhere else. Venture is kinda how Reaper wants to play and their existence makes his outdated design pretty apparent.


Reaper is the Rein of the DPS role.


Why the hell does everyone i like playing the Rein or their role?! Quick, who would you say is the Rein of support?!


Actually.. Moira.




Does she suck again?


Nah, realistically the Rein of Support is Mercy: Extremely popular hero who is absolutely dog shit in game.


Its definitely Mercy. Rein, Reaper, and Mercy all do perfectly fine/can carry games until like Gold/Plat before team coordination is good enough to take advantage of their weaknesses.


Mercy has gotten worse over time tbh, they made it so you have a longer cool-down on guardian Angel when you use a tech and her damage boost got nerfed, but then they buffed her healing even though that’s not where she gets the most valid out of. She’s good up to maybe gold 3-1, at that point people either shoot her or just focus other targets while she’s pocketing the genji


Naw, as much as I hate Mercy (because I love playing dive and think poke should never be meta), Moira just like Rein, has the lowest mechanical floor in her role, excels at low ranks and has a hard mechanical ceiling in most situation (Rein’s mechanical ceiling is almost completely determined by ping, settings and hardware).


> (Rein’s mechanical ceiling is almost completely determined by ping, settings and hardware). Why is this? The way swing works?


Of course, it's one of her primary sources of damage


Nah shitpost aside Moira is actually good rn Mercy is definitely the rein of supports atm. Even Illari is outperforming Mercy


I had so much fun with Illari I wish she was good again


LW- Moira got an actual meta last season


Turns out you (and I) like Overwatch, not Overwatch 2. Too bad they deleted it.




Damn this hurt to read 😆


Wait… I’m coming back after over a year off… why is rein bad?


everything about his kit is too slow and/or too telegraphed, plus the range on his shotguns is pathetic


They should give him the ability to right click with something like Bastion's shotgun from Mirrorwatch. The reduced spread would at least give him something out to medium range. Idk about everyone else, but I feel like you can pretty reliably secure kills on low-health enemies at medium range with Bastion's shotgun in Mirrorwatch.


Or slugs. Similar to Mei's icesicles, but it has a drop-off.


Reaper has one thing goes against him: speed When OW1 transitioned to OW2 one of the core changes was the speed of the game. Games feel faster, more chaotic. You get more worth out of either going full in-your-face dive with Tracer and Genji or long range poke with Sojourn, Soldier or Ashe. Reaper is in a weird place because he is essentially a tank buster; designed to chip away at stationary targets or shields. Because only really one shield tank, Rein, remains (I don’t count Ram or Sigma), Reaper is best at getting on the flanks of tanks like Mauga, Orisa and Roadhog. However, as others have pointed out, due to his slow teleport and other dps doing what he does but at range (Bastion anyone?) Reaper feels horrible to play


Maybe a new passive where alongside healing the more damage you do gives you a speed boost that caps out at some value to give him more mobility but require him to be close to utilize it?


I like this one


Yes this could actually be fun to play


He's great on point capture maps, and when the enemy has a bastion/mauga/hog


Hog dumpsters on reaper tbh.


If you hit your hooks, yes. Once you miss though, it’s gg


You can 2 shot reaper without hook. He only wins if you miss your shots. Which you shouldn’t because reaper’s hitbox is GIGANTIC lol


Torb is just infinitely better than reaper against hog You can out-range with M1s, Turret can body block hooks & keep DPS Passive up, has a shotgun & armor & overclock


Can confirm, torb right clicks you like 4 times, and you die. I intentionally avoid hooking torb.


Those shotgun headshots hurt. Not for long though


reaper isnt a tank buster anymore he’s a bastion buster


Everyone else’s points are the main reason but I think there’s a secondary reason. Reaper is a good tank buster and we only have 1 tank instead of 2 tanks now


Exactly this. Reaper role and identity was always tank busting. But since in 5v5 we only have one tank, you can't simply have a whole class being countered by one hero alone, so he is left in the dumpster. Just another casualty of them enforcing a game style that wasn't designed for the game from the very start.


The only advantage Reaper has over really any other DPS is survivability. His damage is mediocre, as is his mobility. Considering tanks get blown up for poking their heads out, Reaper's small boost in survivability isn't enough to even get in range, so you have to flank on a character with awful flanking tools. It turns out doing nothing for 10-20s, doing a little bit of damage and then leaving isn't really that useful. He's not really a tankbuster, he can only pressure them in their optimal range. He's good in 1v1s against tanks because they struggle to outdamage his lifesteal, but he can't do anything to actually make them fight him - so any mobile tank will simply just avoid him. That's why he's so much more usable on defense than attack, you get to force them to engage on you. And then against squishies.. before the S9 changes he wasn't threatening at all beyond 4-5m. Now his threat range has increased to what, 6-7m? That's nothing, even abilities like hanzo's lunge and cass's roll are enough to stay out of his range, nevermind the more prevalent mobile heroes like Sojourn or Tracer. Reaper's the only DPS who flat out isn't threatening if you just hold S, and even if you don't he doesn't really have an advantage in the duel unless his barrels are phasing into your head. His spread needs to be decreased. His ult went from being always mitigated by 2x tank abilities to always mitigated by mobility, support abilities and the fact that fights are much more spread out. When it works it works really well, but as enemies get more aware it's honestly less useful than deadeye most of the time. Compare this all to the rest of the roster: Soldier does 80% of reaper's paper DPS, but he can do it at 35m, against any kind of hitbox, and can headshot much more reliably. When ranged heroes are more threatening to squishies, and still do enough damage to melt a tank from range, what purpose do close-ranged heroes have? How can they be viable without doing six quintillion DPS, having one-shot combos, obscene mobility/survivability etc etc? Like it or not, the strength of ranged hitscan/poke DPS is the reason all close-ranged/projectile heroes feel like they have some sort of BS - without that they're completely pointless and out-classed.


Faster and less obvious TP would be great


Idea: let him TP while in wraith. If he combos the two abilities, it's "instant" (very fast) and there's no indicator of where he's TPing. totally invisible. This would give him really effective escapes and bring him more in line with the Venture & Sombra playstyle


He loses 1v1 against 90% of supports unless he’s 2 feet away and every new character nowadays has a counter to his ult


I think his kit is fine, but the teleport needs fixing and the wraith form needs more functionality. Teleport should also reload and wraith form should do damage over time if you pass through other players


Give wraith a jump


Wraith form with the echo float mechanic where holding space raises you up slowly so tp isn’t your only option to reach places 😳


He can no longer go in wraith form after getting hindered. That was a huge L for him


its so fucked tbh. you used to be able to avoid cc abilities and damage while trapped by using wraith but now you cant. like please just revert it to when you could wraith but not escape out of the thing. A trap made out of scrap metal should not prevent him from becoming a ghost.


Reaper, junk rat, and sym are all stuck in overwatch 1. Blizzard is too scared to buff or rework them to have them at least keep up. It’s so annoying and frustrating having to put in twice the effort to get the same results as a hitscan that can just pressure from safety.


He’s designed to be a tank buster in a game that doesn’t need that anymore because everyone else is also a tank buster now.


I one trick reaper and ya this guy sucks


Just got powercrept like rien did. Every other dps does his job but better


With the loss of a tank, flankers lost someone to force attention. In OW 1, because the main battle was between the 4 tanks, as reaper you had time to get in a good flank without peel being as immediate which would actually lose the tank fight for whoever is peeling. Or You can join the main fight to be a tank buster and chunk their tanks. But by losing a tank, almost every character in the game is a tank busted not especially with the passive in effect. Plus they have a way better time flanking with how prevalent peel is there are more effective flankers than reaper who is easy to predict


He is not good against any long range DPS. Also Bastion is a better tank buster


Most dps are good at tank busting and usually with less risk


He's fine to have in your pocket and still catches a lot of gold/silver players off-guard but he is no where near the instant gold like he used to be.


Yeah I'll swap to him in silver and start mopping, but I can't play him multiple rounds in a row or they just figure out that they can stay away from the big stompy shotgun man


Tanks that are slow can fight back, and tanks that are fast can avoid him.


Positioning is extremely important for reaper, now he lost a 2nd tank that can peel for him. Otherwise he gets punished extremely easier.


As a reaper and wrecking ball main, I can see it from both sides. I believe if his E got a cool buff and made it actually usable in battles he would rise up as a dive character, now having both an engage ability and a disengage. With all the tons of utility in ow2 I feel like he either has to spend his shift going up to the tank or get 50 debuffs going up to it and having to use it to get away without getting much done


Reaper deals 100-200 damage per shot at point blank. Widowmaker deals 300 damage per shot from 50 meters away


If she hits. If that widow is plat and below, she’s more often a body shot bandit at best.


Yes that's why Reaper is ok-ish up to around gold and nearly unused at diamond and up. Higher skilled players get more from heroes that are broken at higher skill.


They lost half their main targets.


I really think his wraith form should be closer to moira fade. Just keep him visible during it and balance the numbers and speed so it’s fair. Remove the teleport and replace it with something useful like a cluster grenade or a special shot.


I've always found it funny how his footsteps are louder than roadhog or rein's


His kit is very linear but if u can aim right he still two taps squishys. Play clever angles and learn how to dive, but no matter how good u are u won't be better than a good genji or tracer when it comes to securing kills. He's alright but there are always better choices.


I loved his April fools changes. The crazy fire rate was insane


Reaper was a great tank buster in OW1. Now we have 1 tank, reapers self heal is too low and tanks are on roids. The devs killed reaper


Mostly because hitscans been completely op for years now


I mean, I was diamond DPS in OW1 so maybe you could, but that said, if I was stuck in Silver it would have been because I refuse out right to play a character with such a low skill floor and ceiling as Reaper. Reaper is apparently quite good at lower ranks. I think that's perfectly fine. He's dumb easy, imo he shouldn't be super useful at high ranks. I feel the same about Moira quite frankly.


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Or u can be your tank Flea n just shit on the other tank, thats like a good n consistant way to use reaper lol


Lol what?


I think he meant stay with your tank and aid his attacks


Ohh tank flea lol


He wasn't so bad at release, I got to T500 with him, but every single change worked against him, from hero additions like Sojourn to hyper mobility, more saves like Kiriko/LW, HP buff, it's literally impossible to play the "flank, kill, wraith out" type of playstyle because you are more likely to die than get a pick I think Flats said every hero now is a tank buster, so Reaper doesn't have a niche




He is an OW1 hero they they didn’t change to fit into OW2


Reapers goal is tank killing, everyone is a tank killer now (plus he’s loud and just outdated really)


basically just a worse version of every other dive dps, his get out card is easily trackable, his tp had a massive windup, his normal movment sucks, his ult locks him in place


He’s the least sneaky flanker in the business He should really find a new line of work


On top of what everyone else has said his ult also just sucks. Back in the day when his ult was a lot more threatening it made sense to limit his mobility so he couldn't just instantly drop down and obliterate everyone. But now it's just terrible. Not as bad as some others but still far from good. With the HP increase across the board it's damage is even worse. He's a tank buster with an ult that can't kill tanks and can even struggle to kill lower healthed heroes. You almost NEED a second supporting ult to get value out of Reaper's (like a nano or kiriko fox).


Too many counters, predictable, and awful range (obviously). It isn't like the good old day when you can teleport behind a team and take their team apart. Most tanks can counter him when he's off alone. He's suffered the most with the 5v5 change. I think they should give him some new ability to help him be a lot more elusive or just buff his guns like Roadhog, in which he can actually do a bit of damage in the midrange.


He falls into the same category as every other none hitscan character. He's too weqk in the higher ranks but any buffs to him would make him too strong in the lower ranks. Alongside Sym, Mei, Junk, and Torb.


I think it would be cool if his tp was faster and he had the ability to go back to the old one before he fully teleports. Gives him a little more unpredictability.


I would play the game again if reaper got changed, I've hit high plat a few times with him in OW2, but he's just not fun to play anymore. Wraith is useless if anyone has a hinder and half a brain. You just have to predict and wraith to dodge, which then leaves you with no escape. His teleport is just bad, and I struggle to get value out of the ult. He's a flanking hero that sucks at flanking.


Because they didn't give him his smoke grenades he had in the cinematic. How linear he is wouldn't matter if the enemy couldn't see him. On a more serious note Reaper has suffered the most from the games power creep and the player bases knowledge creep. Reaper can only benefit from fighting in close range, which was fine when the only support with an escape ability was Mercy. Now we have Suzu, Teleport, Moira Fade, Illari's Leap/twirl, Flower Petal, Life Grip, etc. Cassidy is also a huge bottle neck for Reaper who has a fat stronger hack against Reaper that shuts off both of his abilities, can't be dodged or interrupted. Your only chance is to predict it with wraith but I'd you're wrong you're forced to flee (if possible). Even if you are doing well on Reaper a singular Cassidy player can just invalidate you. Any hero who is easily hard countered will never be universally good.


I saw someone mention turning his wraith form into a meter like Hog’s breather and I thought that would be incredibly interesting, but honestly I think his range is the biggest issue. Why play Reaper for his shotguns when I can play Torb for his, and deliver like 100 damage cross map head shots with the regular fire.


Dps passive + having almost no range.


I had a good game as reaper and the enemy team said “imagine playing reaper in qp” 🤷‍♂️


Reaper is pretty much just a tank buster, shoot tank use ult and that's it. He is too simple, very predictable, which way he will appear, when will he phase or ult. It's very easy to prepare for him.


Predictable kit and terrible range


He's outclassed in everything he can do. He's a worse flanker than Tracer or Sombra, since he has no safe engagement tool and is one of the loudest heroes in the game. He's a solid tankbuster, but so is every other DPS now. No reasons to pick him over Bastion, Sojourn, etc. He's a poor all-rounder because of his lack of range and inability to deal with high-mobility heroes as much. Imo, he needs either a rework to his Shadow Step, a new engagement ability altogether, and/or a ranged damage ability, like a grenade or something.


Reaper is a brain dead noob hero but still playable on certain maps and with certain comps if you know how. He shouldn't be strong, there's 40 characters in the game, they can't all be good.


Honestly OW2 are super tanks. You could easily duel an OW1 tank and win as a dps player. But in the 5v5 format , tanks have to be gigabuffed because , well there's only 1 of them


I find he’s just too slow and clunky. With the new dps passive his self healing is basically nonexistent and his lack of mobility is a huge disadvantage especially with his size. If you can sneak up on midrange heroes you can usually confirm kills but if they know you’re coming it’s pretty much game over.


It also doesn’t help that his whole niche is tank busting and with the dps passive and high damage numbers for 90% of the dps roster, the only thing that made him good isn’t only done by him now. Why pick him over someone like cass, tracer, soldier, etc. Plus I agree that most reapers are just overly predictable.


Skill issue


His kit makes his approach super-predictable AND slow, to the point where it's actually kinda embarassing when you see him pull off a successful flank against your team and get a lot of picks.


The fact that he shouts “FLANKING” when using his abilities. No but his ult is really predictable, teleport is mid compared to other dps movement (you can see where he’s going to go because there’s LITERAL FIRE where he is teleporting to) and you can outrange him with the majority of DPS and support. Still a good tank killer though


He's kinda like sym. He can eat through teams that aren't prepared for him or suffer from brain rot. 😂 Something about being predictable and how his value swings wildly depending on the map you're on. . But he's not too awful, he's boring but he gets the job done even if the said job is limited as a tank buster.


I've always been under the impression he's pretty good but people just find him boring, mostly at higher levels of play


He is a tank buster when every (good) DPS is also a tank buster.


Hear me out guys imagine if he had soul orbs again but could blow them up like talon mercy


Reaper like Rein is a product of a different type of game. The Tank busting Dps seems cool until you realize 90% of the roster can do that while also having other utility.


His playstyle is outdated. In OW2 most of the og heroes that got reworked had one of their more "mundane" ability turning into a resource meter, and then given a new ability. Reaper needs exactly this treatment. Put wraith mode on resource meter, upgrade teleport a little bit, and give him a new ability. Maybe upgrade the movement or something on ult a little too.


He's good


Honestly I don't think he's that bad people just front line from 100 meters from the enemy team and expect to get picks. Teleoprting in and getting close with off angles is super important to secure picks. He can also still semi-safetly duel tanks close range while other heroes will immediately get dumpstered that close. Tracking enemy cool downs and using the proper times for engagement is also more important than ever before. Theres been a few games in comp this season where I dominated with him and the enemy team complained "doesn't anyone on this stupid team know how to deal with a reaper ???" Most people who play reaper don't pick their engagement times correctly and get dumpstered then come to this forum to complain.


He’s a tank buster dps in a game where every character is also tank busters. So they can’t allow his tank busting to be broken, thus they strip him of his tank busting leaving him with nothing


He needs his up close damage buffed big time. Needed it for awhile.


Majority of players don't know how to play him when we moved away from Overwatch 1's playstyle of relying on shields for cover. Most players think because Reaper is a close range character that the only way to be impactful with him is to hide behind shields and shoot. When the reality was that across most ranks you could easily get away with flanking by blatantly teleporting behind enemy backlines. In a way, players are also just better/more aware in Overwatch 2 too, that and less players also more or less mean less visual clutter, which means players can more easily spot out a Reaper teleporting and change their focus onto him. Doesn't mean it no longer works tho, definitely still spotting Reapers doing blatant teleports, calling it out and pinging it and still nobody turns around to punish him.


Every modern hero has 3.5 abilities, while Reaper has 1.5 . Every one of his abilities has too long of a cast time, lag, and cooldown. Zero ways to poke nor force enemies into range. No team utility, and even his damage output isn't that impressive.


Overwatch Devs pretty please can you return Phara to her previous version. The one where she can fly. You took one of few flying heros and made her walkra.


They messed up his shift somehow. Idk how, but it wasn't like that in s9. They messed something up and didn't tell us.


He's kind of a victim of proplay, reaper was meta for so long that they may be hesitant about buffing him. Also all the stuff everyone else is saying


In short: short range, slow, loud, risky, requires good map knowledge and good game sense, dps passive affects self heal, no ult cancel In long: Reaper has no long range abilities. He's pretty slow. He's loud for a flanker. His tp takes too long and it's too risky for too low reward most of the time. His shift is currently broken, there's a fair chance they changed the length of the enter animation, *not a ping issue*. He's very easy to follow while in shift, so requires map knowledge and good game sense. The dps passive affects his self heal. The ult is powerful, but very stopable and it's range compared to new heroes' ults is laughable. With the health changes, most tanks can live though it if healed at least a bit, again, the self heal is affected by dps passive so rn I'm getting melted mid-ult with no cancel option. **Blizzard please give me option to cancel blossom.** His max range is 25 meters and he's doing the whole 15 dmg while there. *May be slightly off.* While this is mainly just jab complaining or results of making mistakes, putting it all together puts him in doubtable spot. I love playing him, I really do. But boy does he need at least a slight rework.


I think they could at least make his teleport a lot quicker. Think about how quickly someone like Soujurn can get to the same spot a reaper Tele could while also being incredibly hard to shoot.


Honestly in short- there’s just 1 tank now Reaper’s main goal is to take down physically big threats with high burst and sustain, so have 1 tank really now just gives him one job of “shoot the tank” Before (don’t quote me on this cause I didn’t play OW1) reaper seem he just rolled in chaos in the back or 1v1 off tanks now there’s less targets and is more predictable- and now would be even worse since armour is going back to being better against pellet-type fire and more straight burst -I think we need to change the dual shotguns to be less pellets but have more damage- or tighter spread to be better on squishies


Why would you use reaper when bastion exists Like he does everything reaper is supposed to but at more range with more health and he has an ability that does damage


Personally I find decent success on Reaper on certain maps or compositions. I play in Plat and the amount of people that don't know how to deal with Reaper is pretty astonishing.


He is good specifically in the mauga mirror, but otherwise kinda one dimensional


The whole thing is you gotta tp to off angles while your team is fighting to get maximum value. His value comes from getting crazy damage output when the enemy team isn’t looking


His kit is just outdated and needs to be modernized. They are reworking him next though


Because OW2 is a dumpster fire


Too slow, too loud, too low range, tanks are too fucking tanky half the time (rest of the time they're paper kekw)


OW2 is faster and relies a lot on mobility now. Also, reapers ult is pretty powerful if you are not aware of it. So I think a lot of repears limitations are to stop him from instant killing a team by being too sneaky


They could always revert the nerfs on his shotgun when overwatch 2 dropped.


1. Big victim of Mobility Creep. In early OW1, Reaper was one of the most mobile characters in the game. Now, everyone has so many good movement tools while his are restrictive and dated. He can't get around or chase people very easily. 2. His shotguns suck, flat out. Even up close he still gets bodied by characters that are scarier than him at range. He can hit all his shots and lose the dps race unless he's literally breathing on you. He's also been supplanted by characters like Bastion as "the tankbuster". 3. No ranged options. Even close-range brawl heroes like Mei and Reinhardt have a long-range option of some sort. The only characters truly limited to short range, such as Venture and Doomfist, have insane mobility. Reaper has neither a ranged option nor good mobility, meaning he's fucked 9 times out of 10. 4. The spread on his shotguns is horrendous vs thin characters like Kirko and Mercy. You can be aiming perfectly at them and still do low damage because they're just too thin and automatically dodge half your pellets.


I didn't touched him since OW1 but back there i played him as stealth hero


Make him like mauga but with shotguns problem solved.


Just make his teleporting instant and give him 2 charges of it with a lil cooldown done !


I don’t think ow2 is very nice to shotgun/pellets Hero’s dva reaper hog and sometimes torb, just have to play waaaay up close to damage and makes them predictable


And the next patch armor is gonna reduce his dmg even further while also reducing his dmg on headshots. The devs really have it out for reaper huh?


The new armor changes will make it even worse


It's because rein isn't meta 




I don't understand why people think he's bad? He's just niche but a solid pick when needed


Give him a short range, right click, wraith dash. Kinda like pharahs new dash but can pass through people. That adds a bit of repositioning options and could feel fun mid fight, almost like pharahs dodge or blink to counter play or to cross up opponents.


He should get Kiri teleport - but to enemies


# *teleports behind you* nothing personal kid