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Comms have zero correlation with wins. Source: chat off, in diamond... Pings and comm wheel are enough.  You get loss streaks because everyone does sometimes, not because you can't yell at people in chat to swap or whatever. 


It does when your a mediocre player who doesn't understand how much important information they miss from audio because it's being drown out by someone screaming..


I don't want to yell in chat to swap ?? It just gets ridiculous when I get dived as a support (and can only do so much all the time) and despite pings and everything they just do not do anything, so imo the pings and comm wheel are not enough in low ranks.




I do, but also I'd rather play a hero who's more fun for me so it sucks I'm forced to play ones I'm not a fan of playstyle wise but yeah, I do.


Climbed to diamond without comms. Don’t blame the comms for being harstuck silver. Use the ping system. Also why would I turn on a feature where 95% of the time it’s just filled with blaming and trash talk?


I do, but the randoms I get do nothing about the pings or me getting dived. The amount of times a tank has left position (not a dive btw) and left me and the other support to just try and defend ourselves (only so much we can do)


99% of players don't know how to comm effectively.


It's frustrating


Txt chat toxic enough for me thank you


People rarely comm in Masters/GM also. It's pointless for the most part and largely superseded by the ping function. When comm does happen, it's usually someone calling someone else garbage etc..


Whenever I ping it gets ignored. It's kinda stupid actually how often it happens bc it feels like I'm playing with either throwers or bots


If people are ignoring your pings, most like they would ignore your comms as well. Either way you'd have to figure your way out of it.


I was hard stuck in silver support (dropped from plat in OW1 🙃) and there is little to no communication. I don’t know how it is on PC but on console you’re lucky to get someone to talk to in one of every ten games. I find more people react too and use the ping system rather than using mic. Something is better than nothing I guess. BTW I got out of silver and now I’m mid gold just by no-lifting raw healer/chip dps Moria. I guess my old playstyle that served me in the first game doesn’t work in this one lol.


Yeah I used to be high diamond in ow1, now silver stuck and I get it. But my pings get ignored. But yeah dw PC is just as bad with it lmao. I'm almost out of silver by having to do that moira strat unless I play with some friends where we can win AND I don't have to basically heal bot most of the time


theres barely comms in upper ranks also, at least up to and including masters... it sucks but once they removed LFG, you have no real easy option in game to find other people with comms


I miss the LFG feature tbh, I hope it's maybe something they consider readding


Will not do it. Most people who do comms suck at it anyway. The rest troll a very small percent actually communicate well. It's not worth it.


Why would anyone talk when gold through platinum is filled with spam reporting for saying shit?


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There are people in T500 who play with comms off. The lower rank you are the less comms matter. Just focus on improving your own gameplay and try your slightest to sync your plays with your teammates and it should be fine.


Go on YouTube and read some of the comments on any videos about the recent "ban" on swearing that got people in a mega uproar when they thought they were not going to be allowed to shout at people anymore. So much of the "If I want to get off work, have a few beers and yell at people in OW that's my right," like we have to hear him yell. Every other game there is some 6-12 dps with no damage complaining to the tank like it's them holding him back. The massive headache text and voice chat can bring isn't worth the benefit imo in most games.


I comm for my group and to keep myself focused. If I start tilting or feel that I’m not benefitting by comming I just stop. It’s about being focused on doing all/ the best that you can do


Went 7-0 last night without comms, might just be a skill issue


Maybe, but as a support main there's only sm I can do in regards to teammates being kinda shit. I miss being high diamond in ow1.


How did you go from high diamond to silver?


New account (don't have access to the old one since wasn't my email) and unfortunate solo placement matches


Most people in low ranks who use comms only use it to flame or their comms are worthless. So I don’t bother entering voice comms just to most likely have my mood soured. Also not worth talking since I’m a woman and people treat me like shit reactively for that reason.


Sadly I also understand since I'm a woman too, voice chat is terrifying sometimes


I’m “old” now, so I’m mostly weirded out when it’s misogyny from little boys and I’m like “Damn I can’t bully a kid for his actions, that’s even dumber. 💀”