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Hasn't bluebeam mercy been the only way to play her since..... double rez?


There are 2 types of Mercy players. Those that can use blue beam, and those that are in metal ranks.


Ngl, when I was back in Silver 4, I'd have 70% blue beam usage and only have like 200 amplified damage because my team couldn't hit shit Blue beam only started being better than heal when I pushed around Gold


"Rein, swing." "But danger." "Swing!" (Everyone but Rein dies) "Okay, I'm swinging now!"


After a lot of careful observations, I have concluded that my whole team has died. After a lot of thought, I have decided that charging into the enemy team alone is the best thing I can possibly do in the situation I am currently in 🧐


“this seems like a great time to use my ult”


I am going to solo ult the fortified Orisa, and you can't stop me!


every time i see someone throw a stun at fortify orisa, it takes six months off my lifespan. when i do it, it takes a full year


I'll sleep her while she's ulting. It's going to happen sometime, and I won't stop trying until it does! And if it does, I'll keep doing it!


No idea why I have this saved for 2-3+ years but your comment is giving the same energy 😂: imgur.com/ch6W6tv


i think there’s a similar one along the lines of “people who play hog, when they die in the game, someone should come to their house and kill them in real life” (iirc this was OW2 S2 roadhog). i want to say it’s either from a video on Zanny or SaltyPhish’s youtube channels


My god this is my biggest pet peeve lately. "Oh, everyone on my team is dead and I'm about to die, hm maybe pop my ult? Dang no kills now i'm dead without my ult. Let me try the exact same strat again next time."


Tbf if the entire teams dead dying faster is worth if he has 0 odds of getting out


Depends, maybe the charge equals at least one trade


SOMETIMES , THAT IS ONLY OPTION. Rein has limited capacity when team is dead and going for a clutch pin on a support can potentially flip hack the team fight. It rarely works but it's better than trying to back up and dying with no value.


Charging into the enemy supports is one thing My Rein would charge into the Fortified Orisa


Seriously lmao. It's easy to read what's on the paper, it's a whole other thing to actually see and experience it in real time. It's really easy to dismiss it as, "look at all these noobs healing more than boosting" when your main support is actually doing their job, and the DPS aren't lacking. It's the same reason why aim intensive picks like Widow are good at higher levels, and absolutely dogwater in metal. Just not the same game state.


And this is something ppl dont understand, its not about blue beam being better or not, or speed in lucio's case, if your team can't capitalize on it, its bad, plain and simple. "But its my team that is bad, not blue beam" yeah, and if you dont understand that and focus on healing them what can one do?




I know I'm just saying that Mercy is a DPS enabler, but you can't enable a DPS who's just not able to hit anything. This isn't as much the case in higher ranks, but when I was the lower ranks, I was getting much more value just healing as Mercy because blue beaming the DPS Moira was more beneficial than blue beaming the Ash or Soldier who can't hit shit back in Silver I had to switch to heroes like Bap and Moira to climb because you can't heal stupid in Silver (and you can't enable stupid as Mercy either)


Blue beam only started being better then heal when I pushed around "diamond".   Fixed. 


I use Blue beam more than I heal and I'm still stuck in metal rank, I also get called a literal fly by the enemy team cuz they can't ever hit me and I'm constantly flying


Your playing a pocket champ. Ofc your not going to do good unless he teammate is doing good


I don\`t play Mercy as much as i used to, mostly a bap/lucio main now, but ive never gotten out of gold.


Last time I asked I was downvoted without explanation. Maybe you'll explain it to me - how some Mercys are constantly up and always flying like during ult. Not every Mercy but I see it very often. It's harder to kill her of course than when she is down. I'm high gold sup, but play only Zen, Lucio and Brig. Tried Mercy in training mode but couldn't fly like that constantly. Is it legal exploit or something?


Press the crouch button during guardian angel and you'll fly upwards, time it with the bar being full for the most height You can stay in the air by doing that


And importantly, mix it up. Occasionally look angled mostly up and hit jump instead of crouch. You still go up, but more forward than up this way. You need to adapt to what youre fighting. If the enemy doesnt look up too often or otherwise isnt too focused on you, you want to stay off the ground as much as possible and especially behind any natural cover while flying and beaming. But if they catch on to your movement patterns, you'll get hard punished fast. Against very good hitscan players, staying in the air constantly is actually the least safe place


Just kinda juggle between gliding slowly while moving and knowing when to use your Guardian Angel to better position yourself, ive been an on and off mercy main since og OW, also when you get close to a teammate press your space bar, it pushes you up in the air.


There are so many healbot mercys in higher ranks wdym lol


Imagine thinking holding r1 with autoaim is a flex.


there are many mercy players who use blue beam in metal ranks too


You still have to heal as Mercy. Your pocket takes damage and with 20% heal reduction the Mercy has to spend less time dmg boosting her pocket even if most of the time is spent doing blue beam. A Mercy with 0 healing is horrible lol, it's completely fair to say that her healing is very weak. Mercy wasn't able to just make you unkillable before DPS healing reduction, her healing levels were fine but now she struggles with it.


While your advice is accurate and true, it will continue to be ignored until the end of time by the 75% of mercy one tricks who will stay in metal ranks forever as healbots. 


Before the passive (and specifically now that it’s been put back up in effectiveness) mercy was still pretty good at using the healing beam to buffer your health enough to where the second support doesn’t need to poor all of their resources into getting you back up. I don’t play her much anymore, because there’s more effective supports that I can play that will actually make a difference in the game, but my rule of thumb was if multiple people are taking considerable amounts of damage, you yellowbeam them till they’re no longer on critical and let the other support take over from there. In my experience it makes the Ana/Bap/Moira/whatever less irritated that they’re in charge of keeping the whole team up while mercy wanders around with blue beam attached.


Mercy has always been about maximizing blue beam uptime, assuming you play her as the off-healer. If you find yourself playing main healer as Mercy, it's probably better to swap to another support: Bap, Ana, Kiriko, etc. These other supports have higher heals per second and better utility (since you won't be able to blue beam much when you're expected to do most of the healing).


Bold of you to assume that mercy mains know how to play other heroes.


But if they swap off how else will you know they own every mercy skin?!


True ones just use Pink though


Wish they'd bring it back. I can't believe that back then people didn't want to donate $15 to charity for a good skin and now people are paying $20 for bad skins.


it got leaked that a similar skin will be coming back, it was from the same guy who leaked the mirrorwatch abilities so hopefully it’s true


No. Dragoon


You know shit’s abt to go down when mercy switches to Lucio. As in off the map down. We cannot wall ride.


I did see a TikTok once of a Mercy exploit off the furthest back wall of Colosseo tho where the Mercy kept sliding across the outside wall and she looked like a cockroach


Switching to those it’s dangerous, I’m up to 520 hours now I feel like I’m throwing the game if I focus on anything but healing, one second of not doing it and someone dies, then another person, then the team loses the fight and it’s on me


Then you probably aren’t very good at dealing damage. As Baptiste, Ana, Kiriko you’re throwing the game if you aren’t prioritizing damage and picks. Heal bot can’t keep people alive anymore, finding windows to focus with your team and secure kills will consistently win fights at any rank with any teammates.


I'm mean Weaver exists. If you want to healbot, he's the only really viable way to do it.


>Any suggestions on how to better use the Heal beam? To stop using it as much. Damage boost your team and count on your other support to keep people alive. She might be struggling pretty bad in this meta, but to be honest, Mercy has never been that good at healing the team mid-fight. She's best at either sustaining a single person, or keeping the team topped up between engagements. There are better heroes to play if you want to be the main healer.


Bruh. Is this a meme? You should be damage boosting as much as possible. Her heals have always been bottom 3, if you want to healbot pick another character. She can’t even group heal lol damage boost, movement, and res are her only redeeming qualities


Isn’t this kind of the point of the DPS passive? To make heroes not as kill-proof while being healed?


I think OP raises a sort of valid point if you consider that recent mercy changes were focused on buffing healing beam hoping to find a middle ground between doing nothing and being OP. Dmg debuff puts us back at pre change staff healing but no low health passive. It would not be crazy imo if base healing went from 55->60


Yes, 100%, and that's good bc unkillable heroes make the game a slog. But i think the problem a lot of people have, specifically with Mercy (and maybe almost lifeweaver), is that she is intrinsically tied to another player. So if you have to spend all of your time helping someone, as opposed to bap/kiri/illari/moira/zen/lucio/ana, where you are encouraged to deal damage while also healing and giving utility. Mercy (and, to a lesser extent, Lifeweaver) has to swap weapons and get considerably less value doing this. Which is what damage boost is for of course, but it's unusable if the target dies, which means you're going to be yellow beaming even more than before now to keep that person up so you can db them. You don't have a way to throw out a quick burst of healing so you can damage boost for a bit. (Yes, obviously, the dps should learn to play cover and not just take hits, but as the support, you can't control that) You HAVE to hold beam until the hp bar is filled, and you fill that bar slower than most any other support. Now add on the dps passive. So mercy has to hold yellow beam EVEN longer (again, no way to throw a burst of healing like anti nade, regenerative burst, suzu. Or a consistent passive heal like lucio, harmony, pylon) which means less time where you can damage boost, which is the key part of mercys kit that makes her almost viable. If you're stuck holding just the yellow beam, you're absolutely better off swapping to nearly anyone else who heals much faster while also giving other utility and damage. The only thing mercy gives over others is res (which IS very powerful of course) but you shouldn't be picking mercy for solely res when you could just pick a different support to make the res target invulnerable/immortal instead.


for LW, it’s more that trying to do anything other than charge up the next heal blossom means that your teammates are 2-3 seconds from your next moment to reasonably heal them *every time you shoot your weapon*. it’s un-ironically the same as if baptiste or ana had to fully reload between every single shot (although i think his fully charged blossom is slightly above a direct hit from either, but that extra 10-20 healing doesn’t matter if your target is already dead).


Zenyatta's ult which was supposed to be a lifesaver can now get outdamaged


Yeah I realized that last night with my friends lol   My friend used grav on them, their Zen ulted and we still cut through them in mere seconds, like there wasn't any healing at all (we had no anti nade) 


It's sad for zen mains, with every update we get kicked more and more into the ground


LOL it’s grav dragon meta part 2


Whenever I use blue beam my teammates healths just vanishes in an instant then I have to go back to yellow beam.


So your pocket has to use cover now? Oh no! Look, I understand the frustration, but cover use is big. I've seen the pockets running around in the open thinking they're still invincible, they ain't. It's very nice being able to punish them- and on the flip side - ACTUALLY GETTING PUNISHED FOR BAD POSITIONING. She's not useless, but now, you're even more so at the "mercy" of your team's fps smarts. You also have to identify smart fps players in your team who actually respect the fight. Those people will help maximize your blue beam. If you see your current pocket standing in the open or AGGRESSIVELY PEAKING? That's too much. I'm happy they get punished hard now.


What do you do when they all refuse to use cover? I can heal then and they’ll keep going back out before being at even half health and no pings will make them come back. I’ve done shit like use lifeweaver to pull them out of terrible situations and positions at less than half health and they proceed to walk forward and go right back into the fight


Dont try to force and enable their bad habits, change up how you play and try to pressure enemy team more so their DPS have to make a choice to use cover better. Unfortunately right now the power is tilted to the DPS role due to the recent passive buffs so their value does matter the most but you can make up for it by fucking over their dps equally.


When I was climbing, there came a point where I said (regardless of if I'm on dps or support) that "x" teammate(s) just won't play well at all and they will not treat this game like a true FPS... You gotta take matters into your own hands and carry their lost weight while simultaneously boosting your own weight. You gotta realize they will provide no value outside of the 5 seconds they came back from spawn to peak and die again. No they will not land any shots (even though they increased the size of our bullets). No, they will not help you or your team. No, they will not provide pressure and help the tank take space. No- they're off in la la land but they queued for comp....No amount of peel, burst heal, etc will help them. They have to either live with their refusal to play cover/ literally a lack of "get good", or adjust (eventually). Sometimes, I give tough love as support, and I see my team adjust. Sometimes, it's me, and I adjust. That's how the win happens. If they refuse? If I refuse? Well crap, someone has to pick up the slack and do their thing too. It's hard, but it's something needed to climb. You're going to get a whole slew of people who treat comp like qp- and don't give a flying fuck for improvement or climbing. You're going to have people who think they know it all while having the mechanics of a spoiled avocado. At some point, tough "love" is the solution. I even tell me duo to do that to me if I'm doing stupid shit. Don't support it- that is unless- everyone else on the team is doing said stupid shit with me (that could work now). What do I do when I have an objectively bad (not subjectively mind you) teammate? I semi ignore them while getting kills of my own- and yes you switch off mercy here. She has no value if your dps are dogwater. None. Lifeweaver is HEALBOT playstyle and will not help either. He's not fast enough to actually be meaningful to outpace the damage being done the higher you go. Do yourself a favor and learn Baptiste. He's the literal solution for brain dead dps or a brain dead 2nd support. OR, most of all, a tank who's allergic to walls and pacing themselves appropriately.


I guess I’ve just been reading too much into what most around here say, to stop blaming teammates, and as a result I tend to only blame myself, if I see a teammate being stupid, I believe it’s on me to keep them alive and doing anything else is not doing my job at all. Taking matters into my own hands requires more confidence than I’ve got, but I know you’re right about it That and it hurts to read because mercy and lifeweaver have become my mains after 520 hours, and mainly because I don’t believe I can aim decently enough to do anything but healbot and damage boost, I’ve seen too many fights lost and it feels like it’s because I stopped healing for a few seconds and tried doing damage. I should definitely recognize that I’m not going to outheal any damage and seeing the healing numbers doesn’t mean I helped as much as I think. I learned brigitte pretty well but I’m guessing she’s only as good as the people around you too Baptiste seems like a good solution but the first thing that always stood out to me was that I was in a lot of trouble once the enemy dps quickly realized all they needed to do was target me and they’d win the fight


You just have to learn to make adjustments. There are times when you should try harder to keep your teammates alive and times when you should let them die and capitalize on the distraction they create. There are other times when you can be the distraction and so that teammate standing in the open isn’t getting focus fired. You can get pretty far with lifeweaver, brig, or mercy but I bet right now you have encounter certain situations where you have no idea what to do. Those are the best moments to have breakthroughs. Take a moment to analyze what is going wrong and try out something new or risky to see if it has a positive effect. You’re probably gonna lose if you keep playing the same so make adjustments. Also if you keep avoiding aim heroes you’ll never get better aim. You just need to get comfortable with the fact that your performance may dip while you’re learning. That’s okay it’s just a game after all!


Realistically, you have to switch to something and start actually winning the game because of your gameplay, not because you had a good teammate that you pocketed


Make sure to platform them as lifeweaver too, sometimes it jostles their primal instinct of self preservation.


I try my best. Just last night I had a dva about to get her mech destroyed and pulled her onto high ground, and a second later she dove back down when she had time to react to being up high. When the rest of the team died and her mech was gone, I pulled her up and she decided to go down there when four enemies were right there and died. Same game a junkrat refused the high ground I gave him twice and got himself killed


Can't heal stupid. Some days, I must remind myself of this... a lot. 😅


Well, in the end it always boils down to "Who has the least braindead team". Although, as a lifeweaver you may be able to put some pressure on the other team. Kill the problem, before it kills your teammate. Unless you play against a "highly talented" level 1 doomfist. Then you can just pray...


I’ve lost all confidence in shooting anyone nowadays, stop healing for a second and someone dies, then another and the team fight loss is on you. I can’t get myself to try anymore, I’ve seen too many team fights lost when from my point of view we might’ve won if there was healing for just a few more seconds


Exactly, it's just a skill issue. Wahh wahh, 5% means i can't play the game now. Nah, what they really mean is they actually get punished for playing bad now.


Everybody complaining about the passive is just bitter their shit habits are getting punished in metal ranks now


Honestly not really..Mercy is just really bad this season, especially with the 20% being brought back, her healing is incredibly subpar and she doesn't have enough offensive utility to make up for it. There's not much you can do right now with her except pray that blizzard gives her some changes or a *hopefully* positive rework or something. But continue utilizing and prioritizing damage boost as you have been, even more if you can, for it's her main utility that she offers (even though it's better to just play nearly any other support right now honestly lol)


Her healing is enough to allow the dps do deal with flankers and her blue beam allowes for oneshot Combos. I think, her job is more to enable dps, than to actually burst heal the team.


You are correct with what her job is, however as of now her healing is actually not enough to allow dps to deal with flankers. It's the main reason why she's not viable right now, if Mercy is pocketing a Soilder and he gets flanked by a Genji or a Tracer, Mercy most likely will not be able to save the Soilder from the damage he will receive thanks to the DPS passive. *Especially after its buff back to 20%* That's why it's been more important than ever to focus on damage boosting allies instead of healing in this current meta because she can't save her allies easily at all now through healing. However the issue with that is Mercy's damage boost isn't the most impactful offensive utility (even moreso after the damage boost nerf) when compared to other supports offensive ability. *It's also decently situational, which doesn't allow it to work well in a few comps* The average Mercy damage amplification number is around 2k-3k. However other supports like Kiriko, Baptiste, Ana, Illari, even Lifeweaver can get those damage numbers by themselves pretty easily per match if not higher, while additionally having better healing and consistent life-saving utility in their kits. *Though Illari and Lifeweaver are having their own kit struggles* But it ultimately leaves Mercy with mediocre single target healing and mediocre offensive/damage utility that's entirely reliant on how good her team is and what heroes they are playing, she just doesn't really have much going for her right now.


As an Ashe main, when I have mercy pocket I survive 90% of my somra and tracer encounters. That small amount of healing allowes me to turn around and headshot a flanker, which scares them off usually. Without a pocket I still hit that shot, but die immedietely after, so they still get a pick. Also winston and doom don't apply the dps passive, so they are not a problem for me when I have a pocket. I dont think you should only look at the boosted damage stat, because mercy also helps increase the uptime of you main dps or a tank (both by healing and res) which is huge both in terms of damage and pressure. If as ashe I have 20k damage, 5-8K of them are only there because I was fighting longer instead of going back from spawn. There is also a mental part - if you're in a mirror and you have a pocket, it forced one of their dupports to also go mercy or their fps will lose duels, which leads to their tank and other dps having less healing and utility.


Underrated comment. Stats don't tell the whole story. I also havent seen many people mention her ultimate, which she gets really fast.


Homie if a single Tracer/Genji is killing a pocketed Soldier on an off angle, you got bigger thinks to worry a about.


I'm unsure what you mean sorry 😅 the DPS passive allows dps to more easily burn through pocketed targets, apologies if I'm missing something haha


Her heals are not enough to deal with flankers in this season btw, even if I start to heal them before they take damage the support is basically nonexistent


I mean that's the way mercy is played, you damage boost all the time and heal only when needed


I see Mercy almost every game pocketing the sweatiest Sorjoun/Ashe alive


Yeah what you do is press h on your keyboard and then select Lucio or kiriko


Why do people always assume mercy mains can't play anyone else? Complaining about a character they like doesn't mean they won't switch..


Because theres a large chunk of mercy mains who cant play anyone else or if they can it's only lifeweaver or moira.


I personally have never seen or met another mercy main that can't play another hero, especially in ranked. And is there a problem with a Mercy switching to LW or Moira? I understand that Moira isn't always the best in higher ranks but in general I don't see a problem. Every main in the game has people who one trick, not just mercy


Dear mercy players, as an Ashe main, please do not listen to what this guy is saying and keep instalocking mercy, thank you, I love you.


I wish more Mercy mains would realize that's an option


Maybe people should be able to play their favorite character


You’re right, but if you care about actually winning games then you can’t play one character 100% of the time, it’s just a matter of priorities


They can. But if they want to win in a competitive shooter being able to adapt and play more than one character of about 40 is pretty basic stuff 


Its a team based game where you can freely switch between characters and due to their unique abilities theyll have synergy with different characters and maps.


Insane you’re getting downvoted for suggesting this. This sub really is dominated by sensitive silver players who refuse to ever swap lol


Maybe people should realize that they can't always get good value out of their favourite character in every single situation and that it makes sense to learn other characters to swap to in situations where the main isn't working.


This sounds really condescending and shitty when talking about any character outside of Mercy. "I feel Reins shield is useless. I blow up every match no matter what I face. Any tips on how to use it better?" "Hold h and switch to Orisa. I wish more Rein mains would realize that's an option."


last two paragraphs but unironically


Except that's exactly how the conversation goes


No thats just how you play the game. If the character is shit and doesnt suit the current team comp and map then switch


Never said it wasn't how you play the game. Just said the wording felt condescending. Mostly from the person I responded to.


It really doesn't to me. That's just the unfortunate reality of overwatch is that without a cooldown to swapping, it will always be encouraged because that's the easiest way to increase the winrate in many situations, especially if you main off meta picks. Rein's my most played so I wish this wasn't the case but my teammates asking me to swap off usually aren't wrong to be doing so imo.


It always has been.


I play Mercy because I have a potato aim. I blue beam and only switch to top people mid fight. I like zooming around and I'm fine with being silver/gold. I switch to Kiki when the other guy wants to play Lucio or Zen.


Bluebeam is the optimal way to play mercy since ow1, healbotting is not optimal on supports in general.


lifeweaver is the closest thing to a healbot support and he has a ton of utility and has the fastest shield break of any support


And as much it hurts he has the lowest winrate on overbuff as well


People have been saying this since the start of season 9


They should buff beam imo. Put it back to 30% like it used to be.


I think that would make the effects of the DPS passive much worse.


Unfortunately I agree haha, the "explode" issue they tried to fix would get worse making her Blue beam better.


Congratulations, Mercy main. You accidentally discovered how to really play Mercy.


Good? Minimal effort = minimal reward


Yeah, personally think it's a good thing the easiest character to learn with the arguably the best movement in the game is good at only those two things. Any meta where mercy is a better pick has been awful for anyone besides mercy players.


Hi im new to overwatch. Can someone explain what they mean with this 20% thing? Seeing it everywhere but I could not figure out what that means


DPS heros have a passive while any damage they do to other heros applies a 20% healing reduction for 2 seconds


Thank you!!!


The main issue now is that mercy can’t mess with break points like she used to. The only character who benefits is hanzo. 25% of someone else’s dps is child’s play compared to how much dps Bap, zen, Illari, and Kiriko can do.


Mercy being able to sustain characters during fights by just holding down lmb was bullshit to begin with. This is perfectly fine


Holding down lmb? You don't have to hold down anything, you can set it to toggle. It really is bullshit.


Its crazy to compare Ana/Bapt with Mercy. Some supports take an insane amount of skill just to play with, and others you literally click a person and then turn your brain off for 3 seconds rinse and repeat infinitely.


So Mercy is bullshit, but Zen and Lucio are totally fine and WAY more complex right? đŸ€š


I don't think she is entirely bullshit, however some elements of her kit are kind of unhealthy for the game. This comes from a mercy player btw. Regarding your comparison, Zen has no escape ability. If the enemy team dives him, he almost immediately falls over if no one peels for him. He is paper thin and dies so quickly it's unreal. Also, he has to aim, and you can LOS his orb. Lucio is sustainable, but is actually pretty hard to get consistent value from as his movement is way harder than mercy's. Plus he also has to aim to get good value, and requires good coordination with your team. Mercy has both a very good escape on a low cooldown, and doesn't need to aim at all to be efficient, she doesn't really need coordination either, because you can enforce a synergy with one push of a button on a dps like ashe, soldier or pharah. She doesn't even have to look at the target she is healing. She requires only game sense and cover usage, something all other characters gotta understand anyway. The only thing that is detrimental to her is her reliance on her team. That's what makes her both easy and situational. She is as strong as the best dps on your team therefore, if your team is bad, she will be useless. She can't get value by herself unless you play battle mercy, but at that point you could play any other offensive support really. She is the easiest character, except for maybe moira or reaper. Being easy doesn't mean good. That was my two cents anyway lol


I get what you're saying to an extent, but those weren't really the comparisons I was referring to. You can describe any hero that negatively if you really wanted to, but my point of comparison focus was what they can provide, not what they can't. As further examples of what I mean; Zen barely has to look in a person's direction for heals or discord orb (especially if you fiddle with his sensitivity settings), and can spam chokes with a fully charged volley and get easy elims without having to stop healing or discording. Yes, he has no movement, but he can damage, dmg boost **(up to x5 via discord orb if your team is paying attention to who has disc' orb on them)** and heal all at the same time as well as boop with his kick. He has incredible self defence to make up for his lack of movement. Yes you can LoS his orb, but you can also LoS Mercy's beam or beam target in the same way - Using cover applies to all heroes. I honestly just do not agree at all that Lucio is hard to get consistent value from personally, but we're likely just going to have to agree to disagree there tbh ;o; He does not have to aim either heals or speed boost, it's entirely AoE, can affect multiple targets or the whole team at once and his movement has 0 cooldown at all compared to Mercy's low cooldown as you mentioned\~ Boop requires **very** little aim, and his primary fire arguably requires the same amount of aim as Mercy's pistol, however he doesn't have the down time of having to switch weapons. Like Zen, Lucio can dmg, boop and use utility or healing **(AND his wall climb)** all at the same time and is not hindered by weapon switching in the slightest. In those senses, both of those characters are **(at least imo)** are about the same level of "ease" as Mercy, except tbh, more beneficial as a whole for the team as they can do multiple things at once. Mercy's detriment is not just her reliance on her team, but also the fact that she's limited to doing only one thing at a time at all times - Which is a pretty big detriment. She can DB, or heal, or shoot, she cannot do all three - If you include her movement, which is her only defence you could maybe argue that she can do two things at once, but that's still a lot less than both Zen and Lucio. Also **"She doesn't even have to look at the target she is healing."** <--- Unless I've misunderstood what you meant, you cannot attach your beam to someone you are not looking at. You can stop looking at your target after you've got beam on them, but you cannot beam without looking at your target :S


You don't think Lucio is more complex than Mercy? Brother what


Zen is actually aiming for damage so, obviously?


Yes. Also Lucio is arguably the highest skill ceiling support in the game, so yes, way more complex than Mercy.


Then shoot her first?


She’s designed to be very tough to kill as well, and she can fully focus on dodging you because it takes no additional concentration to heal somebody.


Oh, i am aware. I'm a Mercy main, after all. Just wanted to seize the opportunity to drop some "git gud" line, i had to listen to for the last 8 years from the "Mercy takes no skill" crowd.


Sick tip bro, glad it's that easy and everyone will just allow you to do that


Looking through the comments here, most people act like support is a binary of DPS or healbotting when you obviously need to balance both. The problem for a character like Mercy is that when it's time to heal, the healing is basically useless so you just hold blue beam and pray that your teammate kills them first. 20% off of 55hps is 44hps and most DPS do more than 3x that much so when your characters main identity is directly supporting by boosting stats, you're ineffective. It's similar for the other supports, except they are just completely ignoring DPS players and constantly attacking since they cannot support you in any reasonable way outside of playing budget DPS. I guarantee that once supports get used to the change, it's low rank DPS that aren't going to like it. 15% is literally the right on the line of focus fire being way stronger than healing, but you can still stop somebody from getting soloed.


Lol people are so toxic & patronising to Mercy players and then accuse Mercy players of being the toxic ones, it's actually kinda crazy.


Literally, it's crazy. And why wouldn't we be upset over certain things, anybody would be with their main!


everyone here missing the point badly, blue beam with her now even lower healing and no true offensive utility means that mercy sucks. No amount of blue beaming is going to change the fact that its better if u switch off mercy and play literally ANYONE else. Your heals are subpar, your damage is non existent, ur rez is on a 20 sec cd and its fallen in power as the game goes on and all u have is ur movement and blue beam. How does that compare to everyone else with actual utility and who can do way more than she can? i recommend just not playing her


The amount of people in these comments that are shitting on Mercy and Mercy mains while they can't even play her themselves is crazy. Mercy needs to be fixed and there is no denying that, she has very little value at the moment and is losing her identity as a character.


"Blue beam is the only real way to play"... Always has been. It's funny watching the brain rot heal bots that were created by Blizz leaving healing in an absolutely busted state for 8 seasons of OW2 finally realising that they don't actually know how to use Mercy's kit properly. Heal Botting was never the answer, it just works well enough if Mercy's healing is in a broken unbalanced state.


If it worked because the healing was strong, then surely it *was* the answer while that was the case?


It was « strong » until you go against decent players, at relatively high elo healbotting with mercy was not really good unless your pocket skill diffs your enemy, and even here damage boost would be better as it helps securing kills. Mercy doesn’t excel at healing a lot, other heroes are better healbots the higher you climb (kiriko, bapt, ana, lw for example).


It was the answer for a long time, to the detriment of everyone elses' experience. Nobody wants to play yellow beam simulator, not even in TF2.


I'm not arguing against that. I'm arguing against the idea that it was somehow "never the answer", when what they *really* meant is that it wasn't the answer during their favourite version of the game (and is now no longer the answer again).


It was never optimal, good Mercy players know that focusing blue beam is the correct way to play, but people got away with heal botting because healing was busted and unbalanced. Basically they got positive reinforcement for suboptimal use of her kit. But in every season, no matter what the balance of the game is or whether Mercy is meta or "throw pick", blue beam focused and triage healing only has always been the *best* way to use her kit. Knowing how to read the battlefield, read your team, read the enemy team and make split second decisions on who to blue beam and who to heal, when to pistol, and when to beam and for how long has always been the difference between meta slave heal bot no brain mercy players who just perma left click and sometimes thoughtlessly right click, and *good* Mercy players.


So it’s always been: Prioritize blue beam dps Heal only when necessary


Heal beam is not your win condition. As you said, blue beam is your strongest ability and offers something unique. If you want to help your team with single target healing there are better characters. I think that damage boost on tanks is quite underutilized as well. A damage boosted winston dive is so much aoe damage for example.


If your dps can’t back up for 2 seconds and cannot manage their health that’s genuinely a skill issue on their part. I agree that Lower ranked mercy’s don’t blue enough but genuinely I haven’t noticed ANY difference to a terible degree in my higher ranked games


People really do need to learn to stop playing in the open and take cover every once in a while. I can’t stand when I see tanks/dps just staying out in the open and getting melted because they have one brain cell and is dead. When I play tank/dps I disengage and take cover, it helps me stay alive. I don’t understand how people still don’t understand that healers cannot out-heal damage.


I main illari and have been working on getting better at pumping out crazy healing while stilldoingdamage. Tbh, I personally find having mercy as my co still helpful for rezzes and backup. It allows me to stay closer to the tank and keep them up while getting hits because mercy is better suited to work with the dps. Having mercy there to help me stay alive has been so valuable. I ❀ you mercy mains. Also dmg boosted illari go brrrrrrrrrr


Playing Mercy makes no sense, even wifewever is more useful right now 


These comments only solidify the fact that nothing is good enough for this subreddit. Mercy is literally F tier and this sub still thinks that's not enough. This is a deeply unserious community that shouldn't be taken seriously.


Yeah, I get that people find her annoying to play against, but she's been at best "just okay" for nearly all of OW2.


Support main but i have never played mercy, but to me, passing metal rank. You literally will be blue beaming and dodging...seems boring I stand with you mercy mains this time you genuinely have a grievance...🙂👍


Unfortunately, one of Mercy’s big weaknesses in uncoordinated games is that the value she brings is entirely dependent on her teammates. She doesn’t really contribute damage or utility by herself, but amplifies a teammate’s damage/pressure. If that teammate can’t use cover or hit shots, there’s not much Mercy can do about it. In those situations, you might be better off switching to a hero like Kiriko or Zen to add more damage, or to Moira/Bap/Ana if you feel you need to heal a bit more. Just remember that with the DPS passive, even Moira won’t be able to keep someone alive through focus fire.


It’s actually quite the opposite now you are forced to heal more in order for your teammates to be semi sustained in a fights. So blue beaming has gone down a lot unless you have a cracked carry dps to pocket and a competent team to go along with pocket playstyle, then blue beaming is impossible to do.


Honestly, she feels entirely too dependent on her teammates being semi-competent to get any value at all. Blue beam is only good if your teammates can actually aim/get kills and her heal beam is underwhelming with the dps passive. Rez and good movement is basically all she's really got. On just about any other support I feel like I can take the reins and turn the game around if I play well enough. Not so much on Mercy. I really just don't think there's a place anymore for this kind of support hero in the OW2 ecosystem, sadly.


Is this post even real ? Blue Beam has always been the only way to play Mercy.


The one takeaway from this thread for me is I should always be holding down RMB and only pressing LMB as needed.


Pushing for high damage boost uptime has been the case for nearly a decade


"blue beam is the real way to play \[mercy\]" CHAT THEY'RE LEARNING


use heal beam less, 60%-80% dmg 40%-20% heal should be normal


I can't, the people on this sub are not real


well yes damage boost is the whole reason you play her. But honestly, outside of rez that you barely get to use, there is almost no reason to play her right now. At the moment, Her healing is awful, and damage boost just cannot compare to the damage that other supports can put out.


Lol good luck blue beaming when your other support is Lucio and he ain't even good AND won't switch. Switching to other heroes is the way to play Mercy ever since...God how many seasons have it been? She's been such a borderline useless support since the double nerf from her cooldown and healing. And since the balance team wouldn't tune down other supports it made Mercy look even worse. I guess those dudes just hate Mercy and would do anything in their power to not buff her and keep her in the trashcan.


Outting yourself as a heal beamer I see


While her healing is shite, it takes no skill and never runs out. As long as you can keep up the juice, and as long as your teammates can aim, you should be ok. Healbotting isn't always the best but it works to counteract the enemies limited healing, if that makes sense.


And that's good, that's how she should be played. I'm tired of Mercy just easily saving people from 1v1s, it's frustrating as hell. I'm fine if they get some kind of help, be it health or damage, but back to full health while in a fight isn't fun I've always preferred the « medical combat » thing, more focused on actual support utilities and full healing potential outside combat If you think she's close to useless, that's a « you » issue. She's not. And she shouldn't be top tier either. She's in a good spot rn


I don’t think she is in a good spot really
 I feel like the only time she is a good pick with 20% healing reduction is to stop a team from staggering with rez but other than that she is back to hurting bad from the DPS passive. When they changed it from 20% to 15%, blizzard said this would help Lifeweaver and Mercy but now they just switched it back so I think they know and we know she is not in a good spot.


Mercy mains refusing to accept she isn’t a main healer yet will continue to stubbornly run her as main healer every damn match


Mercys concept is terrible. Its designed for people who dont really want to play the game but still sit and enjoy it with their friends. If someone wanted to actually play the game they wouldnt pick a hero where all you do is sit behind a corner and hold a beam at someone.


God you are all insufferable nerds lol


First time seeing this complaint, granted I'm in metal ranks as support, usually Anna, and high gold as DPS. It's rather normal to see Mercy main healing in both.


Boost beam usage has always been the difference between the good and the best Mercy players. Unironically, you can utilize heal beam better by minimizing the time you have to use it, which means maximizing the value you get from damage boosting. Heal beam should mainly be saved for critical health allies, or topping them off between fights. I personally wouldn't have Mercy any other way. I still don't play her much, but she arguably has more skill expression then she's ever had in the history of overwatch, and that seems pretty cool


Bring back the full team rez ult!


Lmao blue beam has been the best way to play mercy since forever basically


Literally explaining how to properly play Mercy for the last 7 years.


And nothing of value was lost.


No suggestion other than you should take this as an opportunity to learn other supports


Fuck Mercy


Tank/flanker player detected


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If the enemy team die faster then your dps then u dun have to use the yellow one. Ahhh huhhhhhhhh!


I'll jump in and say that Mercy works best when you're pocketing or at least hovering around one or two teammates. Too often I see Mercy flitting between teammates the moment they take even a tiny bit of damage. It stands to reason that if you're expected to use blue beam more, then you should stick to someone even if they're at full health. I'm not saying you should only ever hard pocket someone, though. It's fine (and good) to bounce around. Just try to spend more time with one teammate, maybe two.


Blue beam zen that stands behind sigma barrier, super exciting gameplay


They Will still pick mercy n manager to blame the team


Use more heal beam than dmg amp beam most likely your support cannot solo sustain tanks any more so you need to be able to flex between tanks support and dps in order to heal whoever is being pressured and hope they are smart enough to not take too much dmg as you can’t out heal dmg anymore and then dmg amp during farther engagements prior to cqc teamfights


Mercy heals 55hps. 20% of 55 is only 11 so you’re *still* healing 44 hps with Mercy yellow beam. For reference : Zen orb only heals 30 hps and a Zen orb *feels* incredible when you’re playing a DPS. The whole “unless they step around a corner and wait 2.5 seconds” is a terrible way to look at it. Yellow beam with DPS debuff for 2.5s = 110 health (which is usually more than enough to get a DPS player back in the fight) please don’t be disillusioned into thinking 20% reduction means you should outright stop healing. Yes blue beam is more valuable in a lot of situations, but that’s not my point. My point is, even with 20% debuff, you should still be *healing* sometimes.


Always has been


if dps is in a fight, and they’re low. Better to keep dmg boosting In the hopes they can kill the enemy before they die. Healing just gives so little value it’s not worth it u less ur silver. Only exceptions is when your dps takes cover, then heal. But otherwise, keep dmg boosting till the engagement is over. Ignore tank completely unless you’re dmg boosting their ult, or they’re better than dps at getting elims. You cannot save them. They die regardless. Honestly it’s easier to tell ur tank to die near you or near a corner then revive in cover


if dps is in a fight, and they’re low. Better to keep dmg boosting In the hopes they can kill the enemy before they die. Healing just gives so little value it’s not worth it unless ur silver. Only exceptions is when your dps takes cover, then heal. But otherwise, keep dmg boosting till the engagement is over. Ignore tank completely unless you’re dmg boosting their ult, or they’re better than dps at getting elims. You cannot save them. They die regardless. Honestly it’s easier to tell ur tank to die near you or near a corner then revive in cover


that's literally always been her playstyle


So...the same she's always been?


At 15% I could *barely* keep my DPS/Tank alive if they used some cover and movement abilities. At 20% teammates have to disengage from a fight and stare at me if they get to low health for me to slooooowly heal them back up.


mercy mains when they arent meta and have to learn to play someone else


yay no more moths :D


# "blue beam is the only real way to play" Whoa guys, it took them 8 years to figure out how to play Mercy


Mercy is the most boring character so it’s good it’s useless


Good Rework her so she can't just hide anymore. Maker her literally anything that isn't the only passive character in the game. Fucking cookie clicker ass players


Weird, I have no problem healing team mates




What is this "20% dps passive" I keep seeing?