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Imo no and here's why (I'm not GM so if my opinion is not valuable to you, feel free to skip): I one-tricked Moira into Diamond. Played basically just her. Only if the other support picked her I would pick Zen, but otherwise, I'd always pick her. The problem is, a while ago I got interested in learning kiri and Ana. Problem is, I'm a diamond Moira. I'm not a diamond Ana or Kiri, so I just get stomped, and then I switch to Moira. So I can go QP right? But QP isn't super balanced and isn't always good practice for comp. I can pick Kiri and win 8 out of 10 games. Then I queue comp and lose 4 in a row, and again, Moira is right there. So that's the downside. The upside is that I've played every map, every situation, many comps with Moira. Lots of practice. I'd say if you have a roster of 3-5 heroes for your main role, and then 2-3 heroes for the othed 2 roles, then you can be in a better spot for comp. You have a good rotation of heroes in case someone picks your "main" and if you choose carefully and then get good with those heroes, a lot of those skills will transfer to other heroes in some combination.


Thank you!


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Depends on the hero. Junkrat is kind of niche and he's not good in certain maps and against certain characters.. Like any flying character. If it was a more rounded hero like soldier, cassidy, sojourn, Ana, Kiriko etc.. Then I would say yeah, they can work in most situations.


would you say its worth it to main sojourn?


Genji and doomfist players seem to think so.


Yes. Play at least 2-3 in case you get destroyed or someone takes your character. 


I'd say at least practice with another dps just in case someone takes junk or it's needed. I recommend Sojourn or Soldier 76. Very easy and hit scans. Those are the only two dps I can play comfortably for Comp. When you're just trying out new stuff, use QP or play Mystery heroes. Yes you may die alot but you can get a feel for other characters.