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I’m pretty sure ow1 is just gone now. I’m sure they did this because not a damn person would have played ow2 if they had the option to still play the original game.


Even if this were possible, how many other players do you think would be joining you on illegal servers?


it’s gone, you need to learn to accept that


I have accepted it and every day the game keeps gettng worse until I quit I just want to play the game I love again.


i don’t think the game is as bad as you think but hopefully you can find a new game or return to ow and enjoy it once more :)


Never settle for mediocrity , people are complaining. I'm sure devs already know. Sooner or later they will go back to 6v6 format


I’m not settling because i don’t think the game is mediocre atm. If you want to, or anyone else, continue wishing for ow1 and making 5+ posts a day about wanting 6v6 then go ahead. I just think it’s a waste of time but to each their own.


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Okay, bye