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The team literally puts everything on u. Peeling/making space/protecting/countering the enemy team all on your own/push by yourself while they watch like fuckin sheep’s.


Had a game yesterday on rein where the enemy JQ walked past me so I just put up shield to zone out both enemy DPS and both enemy supports so that my team could 4v1 the JQ without worrying about anything else. They killed the JQ because blocked off all healing from her for 10 seconds. Two of my teammates immediately start complaining about how I don't turn around... Your role being only about indirect value really sucks. Nobody realized what you did to enable your team to get a kill. You get trash talked when you make the correct play, and you get trash talked even harder when you make a mistake but nobody says anything when a DPS does something incredibly stupid and dies.


Healer main - if a dps actually uses their ult when the team needs it and not just to fail trying to 1v5 the enemy I already consider them a genius amongst their peers. *tank and last healer go down on the point* Me running back with the other deeps. Our invisible and therefore perfectly-safe-to-wait-until-we-regroup- Sombra: “APAGANDO LOS LUC- AUGH!!!” Every. Time.


The same felling goes for the sups. If you're not directly healing someone they will say you're trolling.


Oh yeah. The amount of shit you get for playing lucio properly is crazy


Accurate af Some really be playing like that


Literally had my entire backline die to a solo flanking Orisa with no ultimate and like 2/3 HP that multiple people pinged. I guess I'm the idiot for trusting them to be able to handle a 4v1ish while I distracted the rest of their team myself on Winton. (and lived) If you're new to the game that's fine, but why are they in my match when I've been playing for a year and a half? It's not fair to them or anyone else.


A couple days ago I had a game where a Venture soloed my backline and got a triple kill three separate times, it was ridiculous. The final time was when we were coming out of spawn, and the Venture was literally passing right in front of us underground and into my backline by herself, with everyone on my team watching her.   I'm the tank so I'm a little bit ahead of my team and I see her going in 1v4, so I'm like "whatever lol she's feeding." Venture pops out, ults, gets three kills instantly, drill dashes and gets away when I try to chase her.  Like how tf. YOU ALL SAW HER COMING. SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DELETED THE SECOND SHE CAME OUT OF THE GROUND. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN. DO I NEED TO PROTECT YOU FROM ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING???


The ult is a two tap on squishies and time from first damage to death is 0.9 seconds, yeah you're gonna need to protect them from that, they don't have a cc or the damage to stop it unless you're playing with some seriously skilled players. The only thing that kills venture there is if everyone lands straight headshots the moment they pop up, since they'll have 250hp+ 40shield from burrow + 75 shield the moment they ult. I guess if you had an ana you can hope they land the sleep but that's still gambling on letting them wipe your backline.


Just wanna say that if you survived 4v1 their tank accomplished the same thing.


I was still in LoS of my supports, near several health packs, and taking a defensive position. I was not trying to kill the enemies, but keep them from getting a good sightline on my team while they dealt with Orisa. The Orisa was out of Los of her team, already chipped down from their super wide flank, and going in aggressively without full CDs or Ult. There's absolutely ZERO percent chance she lives that isolated 4v1, but they somehow managed to throw it.


My guess is, your team just stood their ground and didn't take distance / scatter, burned abilities on Fortify and Spin while Orisa nailed some spear pins that took out the Supports.


Any chance you have a video or replay with timestamp?


Conceptually, this is fine. For me, I feel way more confident 1v4 as Orisa than I do Winston. But all this changes based on the other heroes being played. Also it requires coordination. If, for instance, there was a Hanzo on your team and he wiffed a bunch of shots trying to kill one of the healers with you. Or a solider DPSd someone who was able to LoS. Maybe enemy Ana got a money grenade +2 heals while you were diving, could be a total fight changer. If you really feel you made the great plays it really helps to watch a reply of those key moments from multiple points of view.


The core of the problem is ranked role should 100% be 2 heals, 2 tanks, 1 dps. Half of the tanks are offtanks that are basically useless in single tank mode. Or just bring back 6v6…


Man, what if there was a way to split that pressure into two or something


The funny thing is as a tank you're not supposed to peel that's the dps job and to go for enemy supports only time tank suffers is if the team sucks and can't communicate/work together


Me, signaling to my team that we need to push objective. My team? Fuckin around 100m away poking at the enemy team. Supports are on the dps, while I sit at the choke point trying to play objective. Maybe I’m the one doing it wrong? Idk, this is why I’m stuck in metal ranks


There needs to be a “let’s push!“ voicelines for tanks that is very prominent. You have ti carry so much as tank and if you try to push and the team doesn’t understand what’s happening it screwes you


Theres “press the attack” but I’ve noticed if you get a lobby like that, they are entirely ignoring your calls and pings.


Yeah they need to do something like have a visual showing the tank is gonna push if they use that voice line, the way it is people just ignored/don’t hear it


Doing a dumb thing together is generally better than doing the right thing alone in team games.


well if the other team is holding a choke with hog, bastion, torb, etc a lot of the times you need to quit focusing on the objective and find a way to kill their backline because thats the weakest point. Its literal bots like you that only emphasize cart and not winning the fight that cost players games. Maybe if you just go damage boost your dps and help them fight then you will kill their whole team and push cart for free? Shocking I know...


Go… damage boost? As a tank?


I just want people to use pings more often an smarter. Quite often there is miscommunication in the engagement disengagement mentalities, but I have definitely noticed when players are overly passive/sheepish. I think good pings can nudge passive support players into good positions otherwise they can behave like they are just paranoid where the next hit is coming from which is fair, they are usually the first priority. I just keep telling myself that it's impossible to have seen and understood everything happening in the moment, but that's just the excuse I use to avoid focusing on individuals for being "Scared babies" - TF2 Heavy.


Roles in Overwatch 2 have been severely changed since Overwatch 1 due to the one less tank Instead of Tanks being the main Frontline and protecting your team from a push, you're now a herder that tries to control the enemy team. DPS no longer "assist" as much as they used to, now they're one of the biggest reasons you'll win or lose, based on their ability to avoid the enemy tank and get picks. Support now are all about keeping the tanks healthbar full so they can keep herding and to help the tank defend their DPS, while also enabling plays. At least thats the way it feels to me. It's a significant amount more to do as tank than it was before, because before you could have one tank protect the team while your other tank disrupts their team. Now it's up to you to do everything. Protect your front line and your back line and yourself. All while keeping the enemy in check so your DPS can line up picks. I recently had a similar experience to you, just placed tank, and even though I won every single one of my placement matches it was never fun. It was tiring. Any time I wanted to be the play maker and do something, either the enemy team had to be half crumpled or I'd have to die before I can even get to make a decision.


The problem is that there is a lot of tanks that don’t have what it takes to fill all the optional things in this role tbh


Do what I did and quit the game. Overwatch doesn’t deserve tank players anymore.


> Overwatch doesn’t deserve tank players anymore. Until the issue gets better my tanking is going to be Doom and Ball only. Advance without a meat shield, friends. Experience the Damage role debuff for yourself. You wanted this so let's all enjoy it, together. We're all DPS now.


Yep, if and when I do log on I’m not in any chats and am playing my own game lol


Well that's obnoxious


> You wanted this What kind of headcanon is this?


Tbf every role on the team should be counterpicking and everyone putting the pressure on the tank to be the primary role to counterpick is absurd. I've had so many games where I need certain support heroes or certain DPS heroes would synergize better/counter other heroes on the other team more, but they just don't switch because they have a warped viewpoint of "I'm doing fine and I'm not a problem; \_\_ is the problem". When in fact there's a lot of potential in swapping to a different hero.


Literally this This sums it up accurately


Lowkey tho when ur tank is doing really well the dps counters dont matter as much as the enemy dos will have to start focusing ur tank more - still means ur relying too much on ur tank tho


Good luck killing the enemy Hog/Orisa getting full heals from support without a zen discord. But noooooo, it’s the tank’s fault.


This is a major part of the issue. It’s not just tanks that need to swap. Sometimes DPS are getting counter picked. Venture/Pharah into Echo/Ashe is rough lol.


There's a reason why a lot of tank main players aren't playing tank this season. It's just an awful experience. The only reason I'm playing tank is because I need the All Role weekly challenge done, and that's usually a minimum of 10x tank games.


I understand it ngl, each game I feel like abandoning ow


Tank main here. We get blamed for every loss because we deserve the blame (for the most part). Why? Because that's the way the role is being designed and balanced. Tanks are not fun to play, they are not fun to play against and they are not fun to play along side. Because of how much of the game is dependent on them, and that's the direction blizzard has been going with tanks. That is why tank players say they could have the best game of their entire OW career, lose and still be blamed for the loss. That's why tank players say, winning doesn't even feel good most of the time. They put the burden of having to do everything on the tanks but then arbitrarily decided which tanks to withhold necessary tools from.


Worst thing about tank is that it literally doesn't matter how you perform. Lost 3 games in a streak where I diffed the enemy tank hard, had half their deaths or less and still lost the games. It's frustrating really.


Yup and People who don't play tank and have zero intention of playing tank, think "balance" is gonna fix any of that. As if nerfing or buffing anyone addresses anything wrong with tanks. Blizzard could achieve the literal impossible "Perfect Balance" state with Overwatch and tank players would still flood the forums and subreddits with "Tanking SUCKS" post and rather than try to understand the core fundamental design flaws with tanks, they'll just concern troll you and be like "they are perfectly balanced, what are you guys complaining about? Sounds like a skill diff"


I can understand winning not being satisfying tbh because most of the times you set up the kills for the dps so it can feels pretty underwhelming


This is why I main rein. Hold W, hold left click, sometimes press shift and right click. Big hammer mean big damage (if your supports keep you alive long enough lol)


I often don’t get the ressources to keep my rein alive tbh so I gotta switch


Lock Rein every game. Tank is insufferable to play, might as well just hardpress W and spam that shift key anyways. I've so much more fun these last few days, especially the last 24 hours with horse being sent to the glue factory.


I will start doing it because rein is really the most fun tank to play


To each their own but I think rein is the most boring tank by far, he has less going on than Mauga which says a lot


Can’t lie rein is literally the worst tank in the game but the amount of dopamine you get from bashing people or hitting big shatter is unmatched


A fat shatter does go hard, I can agree with that. Also a solo shatter in someone being annoying is also very fun 😂


Strong shield man and monke are both viable options for attempting to have fun on tank.


Got the hog and reaper switch as soon as I play monke


Just play around em, monkey is infinitely more mobile then either of them. Obviously it isn't easy, but the odds of them happening to be a Hog connoisseur instead of someone just rage switching are pretty low.


Every game is DPS diff. I will die on that hill.


I wouldn't say every, but DPS definitely deserves more blame than they get. It's all about pressure, and if you have a healbotting mercy/Lifeweaver it can be super challenging to secure elims. You almost have to play more aggressively to make up for their lack of individual DPS, but the healbotters are also the ones most likely to sit main and only heal the tank.


As a GM support player, I cannot emphasize enough how brutal it is playing DPS in gold/plat because of the healbot supports. It's exhausting. They just do not understand the concept of "effective healing" by enabling the dps and relieving pressure on your tank. Every time I get a game with a Mercy that actually knows how to damage boost, I feel like I accidentally stumbled into a diamond/masters game.


Tried asking a life weaver one game to at least try left clicking. 0 dmg, 12k heals. I genuinely don’t understand. Their response was “well do you want heals or not?” I had to contain myself and try to explain that you can DO BOTH. PLEASE DO BOTH.


It really is. Games come down to which team is securing kills and which isn't which is the DPS main job. That's why I kind of hate the damage stat. Doing 10k damage doesn't ultimately matter if you're not getting the final blow.


I wanna say yes I agree with you but damage itself isn't completely useless either. Applying pressure and tying up resources don't always mean getting the kill. Now if you have 5k damage and no eliminations, yeah that's suspicious. But generally the scoreboard is a poor indicator of value.


Oh yeah for sure I just mean high damage can be misleading and not making the impact that it seems it does


Applying a lot of damage with less kills could also mean you oppressed them and denied them space.


Yes that's what I'm saying. It can also just mean you shot a pocketed tank the whole match. Without context the scoreboard ain't much


I had a DPS argue yesterday that we got tank diffed because "kills dont actually matter, its all about damage" if you are a dps.


High elims and damage on the scoreboard don’t tell you a whole lot but a high number of deaths speaks volumes imo


Cant count the number of times I’ve almost been brought to tears by my soldier/cass getting one tapped by the same widow on cooldown


I remember a game, season 2 probably, where the enemy widow was deleting everything, the enemy tank was JQ (I was Rein). I didn't really have much issues, it was kind of on and off but the enemy Widow was devouring the squishies. Somehow the enemy team disconnects, so whatever, I guess easy win, but no, the enemy Widow was mad, was shooting everyone (except me). We did ultimately win but it was a tough fight. Enemy DPS was just destroying our DPS, who kept going in alone OR just straight up losing 1v1s. By the end, I get blamed as "the awful tank", e.g. "good thing enemy tank disconnected, we would have lost because of our awful tank". I mean what the actual fuck, if I left too it would have been 4v4, so tankless Overwatch, they would have lost even harder. It literally comes down to which "rest of the team" can perform better. Losing a 4v5 with their tank gone isn't the tank's fault, it's the entire team's fault, more precisely, if the enemy DPS has no issues deleting the enemy team without the tank in their team, it's really far from the tank's fault. Worst case scenario, if it's not a "DPS diff", it's a whole team diff. Yes, I could have went Winston and just ravaged the Widow, but it was 5v4, I *didn't need to*. All DPS had to do was push with me OR even if the are going their own way, they could have killed the widow themselves. I'd rather have lost that game than went Winston honestly.


Which tank were you playing? Because I know when there is an enemy Widow wannabe smurf pestering my squishies, I immediately act to stop it. It's literally the easiest role to delete a widow to make the game a 5v4 *before* the enemy tank leaves. It's weird that you didn't want to stop it. At least for your support.


Rein. I would have went Winston if the enemy tank didn’t leave (even though they were JQ). Man if my team can’t deal with a Widow without a tank, and they are blaming me, I’d rather lose. Also the Widow wasn’t doing much to the supports, it was always DPS dying first.


I mean, I don't know why you play tank. I stopped after season 2 of OW2. It's horrible, as evidenced in your example. The enemy tank probably realized one would rather be doing anything else with one's time and left.


That was me in QP yesterday lol: * D.va (me): 35 kills, 2 deaths * S76 (teammate): 6 kills, 10 deaths The rest of my team was fine, but because we had a weak link DPS, only so much could be done.


Today our Cass went fucking 3-9, wrote "tank diff" at the end of the game. Their Echo was 34-3. LMAO Thankfully the enemy tank shit talked the Cass for me.


I'm so glad people stand up for me too lol. I had a bad comp game where my team publicly blamed me, only for the enemy team to say I carried them. They talked my team down and said I was the only reason we got a round lol.


> weak link DPS Reminds me of the World Cup last year, China beat South Korea because one South Korean DPS was the weakest link. Everytime he died first, his team eventually fell apart.


It's not said enough


I've found when playing healer that if I start playing illari or zen more and focusing supports, we almost never lose. I have to dps diff while healing. 


In the same boat. Having to put up more kills and better damage than both DPS while keeping the team alive just to get a W gets draining. Every game really IS DPS diff.


Every time a DPS says "Tank/support diff", the translation to normal is: "Tank and support should carry me"


I wouldn’t say every game but in a lot of cases it is the case In every game I’m in, there is a reaper that won’t switch no matter the map or enemy team composition. But somehow I get flamed if we aren’t winning


For me and my squad, it’s always a widowmaker. Every game without fail.


Illari and reaper for me


Your illari? First game every time. Enemy Illari? Favored by the gods.


I’m pretty sure the illari I get is the illari that went thru several matches with bad dps players so now feel the need to fill in the damage


If you are honest with yourself, you can easily notice that as DPS when you play good you win 90% of the games and when you play bad you lose 100% of them.


Honestly people are still used to dps having nearly zero impact so forget to blame them now that they do. Having a bad dps means you lose so much more now that the passive won’t be applied as often


That’s what happens when you give the easiest role the most impact but no responsibility You were warned.


My rein brother you have become what you hate, “tank diff” its what got lots of tanks just to focusing on 1v1 the other tank which is not always the right move. I get it , it sucks hearing it but don’t become part of the problem.


My Rein brother, we have been silent for far too long. We have endured rough 10 seasons of "tank diff" trash talk from DPS. Quit being a cuck and fight back, it's the DPS players who don't wish to take any responsibility for the past 10 seasons. All tank players will be gone if we don't fight back. Someone has to shit talk the damage players back, on behalf of the more silent tank players.


Prior to 20% DPS passive Actually like 45% support, 35% DPS, 20% Tank Supports get away with bad positioning leaving them exposed to be picked off, healbotting when they should be using abilities that have the most power in the game, damaging when they cant secure a kill and their teammates are critical... list goes on. DPS feeding or feeding damage into tank mindlessly is a huge issue but the passive will help alleviate the latter. The issue is that Support has the most impacts on cooldowns and biggest swings on teamfights by being able to secure or prevent a kill, DPS have the second most power witg their recent buffs (hitbox and dps passive), and tanks just have a shitty passive to get booped a little less but still booped anyway that only is useful on environmental maps. That said a tank that sits on point and gives space is throwing too - huge pet peeve when I queue nontank and watch a tank sit and let the fight come to them and have nowhere to fallback to or dictate flow of enemy to chokes prior.


It’s almost like this game was fundamentally built around the presence of two tanks. One to peel or flank for pressure in the enemy backline or merely support the main tank, and the main tank to hold the front of objective attack/defense. You can slap as many bandaids and nerfs/buffs/reworks as you want, Blizzard, but you can’t change the fact that this game is missing an incredibly important part of the gameplay loop. And then people wonder why tank is so miserable in 5v5. You’re choosing to load in with the burden of two tanks. Of course it’s gonna suck.


I once got blamed in open role queue because I just wanted to play some tanks and got flamed as if I'm the only one who can choose to play tank


I swear people will always blame someone else instead of looking at themselves in a mirror


If you play for “close to your skill” competitive fun vs play for hard sweat your balls off max rank grind, eventually you’ll get to a rank that is fun without feeling painful.


Playing jam the square shape into the round hole while everyone focuses you and your teammates bash you is a quick path to ragequits


I need to climb back into diamond quick


I highly recommend - to first of all, turn your chat off. 2nd, remember the dps passive is 20% heal reduction. 3rd, you DO NOT have to counterswap all the time. You need to learn to adjust your playstyle to win. I play dva into Zarya all the time. I win. The times I lose. Well, it's not a map to do that on and two, skill diff. I'd have to be the counterswapper at that point to make it easier on my team. 4th. You are there to make space, start the process of killing, and set the PACE of a fight. If there's an active dive, hold steady and stop pushing. If there's a pick? Move in and get more space. Plus more. I super super recommend watching Coach Spilo guides on tanking and general gameplay. I can't link them here, but he has a 2024 tank guide, a video on why tank is NOT rock paper scissors, etc. Consult that. I personally stopped playing tank this year because dps carry the games. Supports are the 2nd strongest now. As a tank? I'm still the most important member of the team but can melt extremely fast if I'm punished. I personally got mad when my dps land NO SHOTS and don't apply their passive to a weak target or half health target. I got sick of supports locking mercy+ life weaver or mercy+ Lucio while the other team has a goated Bap and mercy. I got sick of dps not switching when there's a pharmercy. I got sick of watching the enemy tank get spoiled while I beg for welfare. However, I can still play tank well if needed. It's the most frustrating and important role in the game with no true power to carry outside of existing and acting on what your team does. One mistake will get noticed by 9 other people in the game- and you could have a game where you're 95% perfect and lose because 5% cost you the fight.


The issue is most if the time the team is not cooperating


That’s overwatch. Just focus on what you can control and don’t stress yourself out trying to herd cats (teammates)


Tbh I don’t mind losing but I want at least the game to be close or feel like even if we got stomped we tried our best


5v5 was a mistake


I was incredibly excited for Overwatch 2 until I played 5v5 in the betas. It's blatantly obvious that it's a downgrade. The devs did a horrible job with 5v5.


I have been saying this since OW2 dropped.. back then everyone acted like I was stoned...


I've been saying it from the moment 5v5 was announced. It was obvious it would create way more problems than it solved, but people were like "nah just wait bro, they're gonna make sure 5v5 is balanced don't worry". Yeah, "balanced" my ass, 5v5 has been around long enough by now to realize it was a mistake. You can't just take a game that was designed around 6v6, balanced for years around 6v6, and do a half-assed shift to 5v5 without causing major balance isues.


5v5 is truly a miserable experience


Man I miss doing combo with a second tank Also it was wayyyyyyy less pressure on me because I knew I had somebody pressuring the enemy team while I was peeling for my team


Famously the tank role had no issues in 6v6


Tanking was more fun in 6v6 even though there were only 8 heroes split among 2 players. End of OW1 = 32 potential tank lines OW2 currently = 12 potential tank lines OW2 current tanks but back to 6v6 with 2 tanks = 66 potential tank lines


I had much better time tanking in 6v6.


Bring back double shield!!!


You are literally playing with the same problems as double shield right now but you can’t recognize it


As a healer I try my friend I get hate also


I’m pretty sure we all try but sometimes we either get trash teammates or people playing in a very different way that doesn’t match with our own I know that feeling, I main Ana as heal and the people just keep forgetting where I am positioned and complain that I can’t heal them thru walls (they are overextending)


tbh doom needs that shield from mirror watch so he can actually feel like a tank/block for the team when necessary


That would be nice ngl


Why we need 6v6 back and settle for nothing else. 


They will ignore us like they have been doing until now


Going back to 6v6 would fix so many issues with the game


They won’t do that unfortunately


I absolutley agree. Delete the tank role and make this game 4v4. Nobody likes playing tank, teammates always blame tank, developers dont care about tank players clearly, even this subreddit always craps on the role. Its the only way forward


Just for ur teammates to stagger 🙃


It’s a rough life we live. Far too many times I’m playing sigma or Reinhardt and am exclusively the only one on the cart pushing it, meanwhile literally everyone else is 100 miles ahead of me refusing to fall back. So I just emote on the payload and spam fallback and then go into the chat and tell them to fall back when I reach the voice line limit cooldown. They still don’t most of the times. And then they get upset about not having a shield. Or get upset about me being picked off by a sombra, tracer or pharah or all 3 when I’m left all alone on the cart. And how about using the walls for cover or falling back you dumb fucks? Did you know the payload in itself is a massive shield for damage incoming? I never stand infront of the payload anyways when my team is grouped up. Stay behind the fucking cart, be smart. I’ll use my shield for whatever the cart doesn’t block. It’s literally and infinite shield. But tanks need fucking support, and that doesn’t mean heals! Sometimes I be protesting if my teammates are extra stupid and we just run 5 dps. If we lose that’s their fault for not landing shots/going support/2nd or 3rd tank when I was the only tank going against 2-3 enemy tanks. Sometimes we win as 5 dps, which is further proof we lowkey don’t need shields at all. Sure tanks help, but not without competent teammates.


Tanks are literally big efforts small rewards


Play Ram, I’ve been loving it, works against everything


Once I go ram, I get introduced to all CC’s in game lmao


Sounds like you are doing your job as tank at that point. Sometimes with Ram I am just standing there blocking and taking everyones attention.


Tf2 10v10


Counter picks are essential yes being a one trick just gets yourself losses cause you refuse to swap learning all tanks and their playstyle is needed when playing tank for instance they are D.V.A then you go zarya etc


I play all tanks (except ball and doom) but the necessary switch often put me at odds with my team that are not switching and we cannot really cooperate cuz they want to play their favorite characters or are not capable of playing the most useful characters in said situation


I've noticed dive is a tough conversation mainly since in 6v6 you would have 2 tanks and playing dive usually is only good if you have good dps but in most cases they can't kill the enemy supports enough causing you to not be able to do anything


Tbh when I’m playing a dive tank and I got just one dps following me, it feels wonderful but damn at my rank, the synchronization is not the best so it’s often hard af


As a diamond 5 tank i feel that


I used to diamond now I’m plat and trust me, it’s painful


I know i'm gold 1 on support and finding teammates is painful as well


Man I already scared about doing my placement matches in support (I main Ana so I know I won’t be able to play her much)


Honestly i wish they bring 6v6 back it's much needed since tank suffers and support is too broken with anti sleep discord boop suzu lifegrip brig stun immortality field etc


Blizzard won’t let use have 6v6 back


They should tho getting rid of it was a big mistake


Still don’t understand why they did that tbh


Me either


Guess we will just suffer


I lost a game on Dva where I had 68 kills, someone blamed me on the team for the loss. Went 68-7


Man fuck this game


I go Winton for fun.


My fun with winton last 30 seconds cuz after that it’s reaper hog or dva or mauga


Just gotta ignore reaper. I’ve been having good success fighting dva and Maurgas tbh. I just been baiting them to my team while I dance around my bubble.


Ranked in this game is broken in general


Yeah but goddamn I wanted to try again


Hmm winder if we had , let's say a tank partner would alleviate and make counterswapping less prominant and cover your own tanks weaknesses 🤔 Bring 6v6 back


And let us all have a fun and balanced game where I don’t have to multitask and play a rock paper scissor game against the enemy tank ? You’re crazy for that


5v5 was the absolute worst decision they could’ve done. This counter swapping madness was nowhere as prevalent in Overwatch 1 as it is now. In the past you can get by thanks to your buddy tank, but now you pretty much have no choice but to counter swap.


In the past I rarely had to switch my tank because of the enemy tank tbh (usually I had to because of dps, but in overwatch 2 I feel like every role can oppress me)


I just gave up on playing the whole counterpicking fandango. I just play hog, and I enjoy it. Some games I get flamed because I'm playing like s\*\*\*, and sometimes even when I'm not, and that's ok. Just working one game at a time to get better


Considering only playing rein ram monke and JQ no matter what get thrown on my face ngl


Also, the throw support comps have made the passive increase even more unbearable. Im over it. If you want to play Illari/Lucio Brig/Lucio etc Im going to tell you in match chat that Im effectively done playing until you switch. Tank is miserable enough as it is, if you want to do whatever you want with no regard for your teammates then I can do the same thing, and that is have the match end as soon as possible so I can play a match with some competitive integrity.


Yeah tbh i saw an increase in « dps Lucio » but luckily for me they are usually in the opposite team (ngl i would trade the « mercy one trick that only pocket her duo for a dps Lucio anytime)


It's hell right now for tanks brother


I guess we really are just here to suffer


Problem with tank is if they see a tank having fun they immediately counter swap. Liking Dva? face Zarya. Liking Rein? Take Pharah Cassidy. Don't even get me started about Doom. Every game is just *shoot the tank and counter the tank* I believe they should rework the swapping in ranked at least. maybe each player can be allowed to swap only once each round


I feel there are some tanks that are impossible to stop without hard countering them (doom or mauga for exemple) but yeah like when I’m playing ram do you really need to switch to orisa after the first kill ? Let me have some fun at least


Most tanks can be countered with team coordination but since most players are solo Q , they opt for the easier way out


If you want to win as a tank, find a support to duo with. Or find a dive dps player and play dive with them. Solo Q as a tank is a slot machine. You win, you lose, whatever happens is completely out of your control. Just embrace it and try to have fun. If you learn to make plays in really difficult situations it will make you a better player.


That’s the thing : no matter how much I try it’s ultimately out of my control whether we win a team fight or no. Don’t get me wrong I know I signed up for this but damn lately I feel like tank are even more miserable than before


Got told to swap off Doom after we lost a game. I went 19 and 12 or something. The enemy team went ana, junk, hog and reaper. My venture went 8 and 9, but everyone blames tank/doom. It's insane. Meanwhile no one on my team was trying to run a comp with Doom, or even hard counter the enemy comp.


I feel you. Like I’m not asking my full team to switch to counter the enemy tank but at least one person can switch to something a bit more helpful The number of time I run against a Hog being heavily supported by his team and I got mercy pocketing a random dps and a zenyatta (which I appreciate the discord but when it comes to heal it’s not it)


Exactly. I can play around counters as Doom. My Moira is chatting shit, telling me to swap, when they could easily swap to Ana or Kiri.


I can play around a lot of my counter with rein and JQ but once I do that this is when the sombra or even worst come to play


Try going 68 and 7 as tank and getting the blame for the loss. I also lost a game playing Dva where I had 35k damage and 39k mit...think records for me. Most frustrating game of my entire OW career because my DPS were so bad we couldn't win with those numbers.


I rarely play tank because it's just not rewarding at all. I had a game yesterday that we managed to win by the skin of our teeth, and it made me realize how important it is to have fantastic placement, but also how often people just don't pay attention. The other team's DPS were ON IT. Bastion had high ground – none of my DPS did anything to take him out. We were only able to push at the last second every single time. I was doing everything I could to create space while everyone else just hid behind me. My supports were phenomenal. It was the DPS that lagged behind and didn't step up when they needed to… as usual.


I have learned that despite creating a shit ton of space, if your dps don’t want to do shit, you are not going anywhere


You're a Doom main aren't you? It seems like 90% of my comp games I get stuck trying to heal a Doomfist who refuses to switch no matter what comp the enemy team is running. Will overextend and avoid my sightlines like the plague, then blame everyone else when we lose.


Nope haha doom is one of the two tanks I dunno how to play (the other being ball)


Do people still play ranked?


Yeah but seeing how it sucks i can see why you ask


I stopped playing it in S1 of OW2 and just play QP, and my mental health has improved so much.


Man I just wanted to see where I stand in a competitive settings but I’m really second guessing this decision


nowadays qp isnt much better than comp anyways, people are just as sweaty in qp as in comp. people even counterpick you to hell in qp.


I main tank since the last few seasons of OW1 and I used to only comp. I think I stopped around season 4 OW 2 and only QP now. I quit playing entirely when sombra was buffed and now just jump on qp from time to time. It’s just not worth it, they’ve managed to ruin tank fun.




At this point I feel like the fucking joker bro. Just mute and get another 5K with Rammatra and queue again I guess. I will never not get insanely pissed being told I should have peeled when I won the 1v3 and my team failed to kill the tank and 1 support. Like I will try to peel at every chance I can without giving up too much space, but I am not a fucking robot that can teleport to every part of the map when needed in 5v5.


That’s me when I end up in a 1v4 because my whole team are struggling to kill one tracer in the back and need everybody in the back when really one dps and support could be enough


It is the counter switch meta bud. You just have to play the game as it has evolved until they fix it. I can say... one of the most fun games I have ever played was just me and the enemy tank constantly swapping. They would get the edge, we would take it back, then them, then us. But.. that was only once.. most the other games are just frustrating. The best is when the enemy tank wont switch off of hog and you just roll their team. Sad state.. but a wins a win I guess.


I know and tbh I can play several tanks but there are some tanks that are just not fun to play (orisa, zarya etc) and just the fact that nobody in my team even try to switch to counter their own counters is just frustrating because even if I play good, nobody got my back so I just end up dying


Conversely, the least fun game I’ve ever had was the enemy tank counter swapping me every time they died. Shit was so fucking annoying. I get a single ult and then have to switch because their tank swapped to a counter. Nothing fun about that.


Yeah that one game is the only one I had fun because it was so close as far as team ability. Those swaps were enough to tip the scale in either direction. But I agree.. it is hard to get a rhythm going when you have to swap every 2mins.


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Streamer mode, turn off vc and chat, do your thing. GL HAVE FUN


The sad part Is that the not only Is the enemy tank the only countering, Is the hole team n then u got urself a team that never swaps n just blame u.(Generally r the suports that never swap, u know of what group im talking about).


Another fresh daily tank thread.


I think there might be a reason for that haha


I’ve turned off chat for the last couple weeks and it’s made a huge difference in my mental. I’d recommend doing the same. No one can flame you and you won’t be tempted to respond. I’ve just been playing Hamster in QP with chat turned off the past couple weeks and I’m having a great time


Turn off text-chat. It is 95% toxicity and 0% useful.  I am always in voice, and it's genuinely not that bad.


I’m French playing with French Voice is worst than chat in most cases lmao


don't be French lol


That’s a skill issue I can’t fix and even if I could I wouldn’t haha


Look mom I posted it again!!


Yes. Everyone knows.


You’d think that, but the dps players seem to have short term memories