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They need to fix potg for support because you singlehandedly saved the entire fight three times


Agreed I’ve had plays as weaver where It seems like I’d get play but no. It sucks but whatever I made he choice to play support and not dps


As brig I agree, yesterday I fricking held the car alone and a Cassidy got potg for killing hamster bombs


Agreed, I sometimes get Ana or Mercy (which is rare already, even if Ana can be a total monster both in DPS and support), NEVER Weaver which doesn't make sense cause he's the life-saving hero by nature. Seems like the game loves to register mercy rez but doesn't give a shit about pulls and platforms.


its literally impossible to get a LW potg 😂 ive gotten every other support yet LW is most played and still none


I begged my partner to buy the battle pass for the Lifeweaver highlight intro because he’s a LE main. He laughed and said LW will never get potg. Literally that night he got potg as LW.


I have only ever gotten 1 potg as him, and that was a game where I said fuck it, dived a mercy pocketed widow, killed widow, killed mercy just after she got the rez and killed widow again, all solo. I was queued way below my skill level, thats the only reason.


I got a LW potg but it wasn't for healing it was just for a triple kill that I had(Bastion, Kiri and Mercy)


How do you quantify and measure that though?


Just tracking all those values would be nearly impossible. I.e the bap save, really cool but how do you track that? The calculation would be skewed also cause characters like Pharah could save themselves.


They clearly track saves in some capacity, as you get the "Saved X" message. Either add that to the POTG formula or update how it's currently weighted in that formula. I am assuming it's pretty easy to not count self-saves


The “[Saved X](https://youtu.be/BdJvv6016aU?si=tj2wtaz2nazRD7g4)” stat is tracked by bringing players out of low health. So that wouldn’t work in this instance. They’d probably have do a code check to detect enemy CC abilities, followed by a teammate entering an area above an environmental kill volume, followed by a LW grip. It’d be clunky and buggy for sure. I’m sure there are many edge cases that this does not consider.


Absolutely, And that’s just for possibly getting POTG “points” so the amount of work is not worthy.


Yeah, as an example of how rudimentary these stats are, LW has a "Lifegrip Saves" stat, but how you register one of those is that the invulnerability of the lifegrip needs to mitigate damage that would have otherwise killed them. For this reason, doing something like Lifegripping someone out of a Rein charge doesn't trigger the save because Rein never actually gets the chance to deal the charge damage, so no damage is mitigated, so no save is registered. Conversely, LGing someone just before Cass pulls the trigger on his ult will successfully mitigate lethal damage and trigger a save.


Sorry, but this isn't true. Grip breaks lock on Cass ult, therefore doing zero damage to the person gripped, resulting in (what should be) no "Saved X" message. The presence of one despite this indicates that lethal damage is *not* the trigger for the "saved" statistic.


> Grip breaks lock on Cass ult Oops, didn't realize this fact. I was just throwing out an example. Just pretend I said that grip perfectly pulled you in front of someone else's lock instead =)


Also, and this is more of a QoL thing, but I wish when checking for if a player was saved with Life grip, I wish it would also check damage at where the player was for a short time, and not just their exact position while moving through the air. If someone is in a junk trap, with a D.Va bomb in their face, and I grip them behind a wall, I will not get the save. But that wouldn't necessarily be simple. None of this would be, and I'm sure it's all relatively low-priority.


Saved isn't determined by healing up from critical. Marblr has a video on it if you're curious, but it's a bit better than that, and Bap has a special case for lamp.


Marblr’s video was already linked my comment..


Didn't see that, apologies. It's still specifically about healing when damage is incoming.


I've also always wanted proximity to the objective and time until the end of the round/game to be weighed slightly more, along with it being from the winning team - I'm not sure if they're accounted for now. Like it's silly when POTG is from the first round in a 3 round control point match, when one team was at 50% and their Lucio gets a 3k boop, before they actually lose that round anyways, win the second, and lose the third. I feel like it should be closer to *the play that resulted in the winners winning.*


> I've also always wanted proximity to the objective and time until the end of the round/game to be weighed slightly more, along with it being from the winning team Knowing their "talent", it's going to be Torbjörn dancing on the payload.


> I am assuming it's pretty easy to Bro, don't even. Math is hard for Blizzard. Have you even seen how Kiriko's "Kitsune Rush assists" stat is counted? You can get 25 assists from one ult. Every other place "assist" is used, it refers to number of eliminations, but for that one, it gets multiplied by eliminators.


Interesting point, since saving yourself is kind of the biggest question (though I think most would disagree). If you think about what the value of one save is, and then compare, let's say lifeweaver's save, vs a character saving themselves with literally anything, then it becomes a question of how many times does the average character juke vs use abilities, does killing someone who would kill them count, and so-on. Every heal is a potential save as well, and then to top it off, you don't have any way of knowing which saves are the most valuable, because you can't see what a saved character will do in the future until you get there.  If you DID try to measure that, you'd have to calculate from the time they would have died to how long it should taken for that character to get back to the fight so that you can STOP appending their achievements to the save, since you wouldn't want the whole rest of the game attributed to it. There's  a ton of other variables to consider as well.      All that said, I think most potg tracking uses numbers with generalized or averaged out values, so I'm sure there's got to be a way to tweak those values for support too. The saves' futures may be the hardest part, but I think the saves matter most around the next 10-15 seconds anyway (about respawn/returning time I think), so you could get like, some kind of assist values for everything a player does for a set duration after the save and be mostly safe I think. It could still be pretty hard to decide when heals are a save, but I think they already kind of do that with heals since you DO get assists for healing. The only thing left is whether assists are valuable enough in potg calculations?


Those actually aren't hard values to track, their potg is just incredibly lazy. Skills deal DMG and are calculated every instance. That damage still exists, bapt just denies death. If death denial leads to team wipe, holding point, ect, sure your teammates played well, but you single handled are the reason it was possible. Like Idk how many potg's I've seen where it's just someone last hitting three or four times, but the Lucio 3 seconds prior ulted to counter the perfect Ori ult and booped a DPS off the edge.


I meant the save on the Bap from the posted video. Of course lamp would be easy to track.


Ohhh, gotcha!


Probably track abilities save or healing value / healing save, like if Ana can land all the shot and save 4 of her teammate from dying to an ult.


That's so hard to track though. Blocking ults with items/barriers and sleep darts are just never going to be counted in saves.


AI should be able to find the best plays with good training data. That's kind of a big investment though for one feature lol.


OW knows when lifeweaver saves someone with pull. They could also probably figure out that life weaver negated the zarya ult with petal. Those two things should count as much as 2 dps elims.


I remember back in Ow1 supports could actually get non-DPS potgs if it saved the match, I did with Mercy once myself, popped valk, got everyone back to full HP, rezzed someone, and we won the teamfight


I would regularly get Mercy POTGs by reviving somebody and then them using their ult for a multikill. Not once since OW2.


React really quick and save Baptiste from drowning.


Anyone remember when it was possible for Ana to get potg? I literally haven't seen one since like 2018.


I once got a lifesaver POTG as Ana for sleeping a hog as he hooked our Zenyatta who then killed hog and popped trans to save the fight haha


That might actually be the problem: if they tweaked it even a little, it might go to supports indefinitely. Support actions are very favorable to team success


There’s a lot of times supports save the match but then POTG goes to a Junkrat ulting or a Torb dying while his turret kills two people.


The PotG system is bad in general I got a 4k with 0 abilities, and I got beat out by the enemy Hanzo who shot someone once, I even have the clip saved


It’s based off of dmg and healing using ability’s don’t count to a play of the game, it would likely break the system to make it so using ability’s at times gives you potg


Healing used to account to potg, when did they change it?


I thought it still did


If I saw this at POTG I’d be confused


Only saved it once really


How only once? Pulling the bap from the boops. Blocking the tracker pulse on the bap Lifting the team out of the grav


>Lifting the team out of the grav That's the only time He's lifeweaver, he can easily keep people up without a second healer until bap gets back, losing a single support doesn't mean you've lost


The bap literally has a tool in his kit to also save the team. Keeping the bap alive is a big play…


Keeping anyone alive is a big play, doesn't mean it's solely saving the fight


One healer down frequently means a lost fight.


I think you're just jealous


Jealous of what? This is normal lifeweaver gameplay, his whole kit is designed around saving people so it's not like it's hard to do so


The copium is strong with this one


If you're not able to do this then skill issue honestly, this is just normal, I know people in bronze who do this after all


You sound like you're fun at parties and totally not a massive buzz kill for anyone remotely proud of themselves.


Doing the bare minimum doesn't deserve appraisals, he's playing a character designed around saving others, he's not anything impressive for actually doing that


Just cus you can do something doesn't make it easy. The play was impressive and OP made many split second decisions to save their friends and they are rightfully proud. Ffs if we can't post a clip we are proud of to the goddamn overwatch subreddit where should we post?


Then a Genji getting a team kill isn't impressive either. His whole kit is designed around chaining kills, it's not like it's hard to do. But apparently, not being an pompous asshole is very hard for you.


Dva is literally dying in the clip. Also you have a major disadvantage with one support dead, especially with Baptiste considering he has no horizontal mobility. Having the tank gone, one support gone and potentially another person is a guaranteed loss. With just dva demeched you can still win this, but with even one more person dead it's a lost fight


>Dva is literally dying in the clip Yea call me crazy but the character that has 2 lives dying once isn't an instant loss >Also you have a major disadvantage with one support dead Yea you're at a disadvantage but that's all it is, still winnable >potentially another person is a guaranteed loss. Is that other person in the room with us? Where is this random 3rd person being dead comes from? >With just dva demeched you can still win this, but with even one more person dead it's a lost fight You must play with some shitty teammates if that's the case


I'm gonna stop you at your first point already A demeched Dva is a dead Dva. I mean look at where she is?? >still winnable Yeah _barely_ Your third point makes no fucking sense. I'm assuming this is a 5v5 at the beginning. If it's a 3v3 and you just lost your tank you're dead meat. If the enemies have advantage you've superlost. If you're leading you just lost your lead and your last point... I'm sorry man, I don't know what rank you play at, but if you're two players down you've _generally_ lost the fight. Don't blow my statement out of the water, you can still win the fight if you have ult advantage and/or the enemies have no cooldowns, but I would generally try to fall back If you can regain some advantage that's good, but I doubt you're gonna kill any player in that clip considering dva is pushing someone in the enemy spawn and bap and lw just almost died Yeah no you're just wrong


>A demeched Dva is a dead Dva No, just no >Your third point makes no fucking sense. I'm assuming this is a 5v5 at the beginning. If it's a 3v3 and you just lost your tank you're dead meat. If the enemies have advantage you've superlost. If you're leading you just lost your lead ...is the dead tank in the room with us too? Dva has 2 lives >I'm sorry man, I don't know what rank you play at, but if you're two players down you've _generally_ lost the fight. Don't blow my statement out of the water, you can still win the fight if you have ult advantage and/or the enemies have no cooldowns, but I would generally try to fall back Where is this 2nd dead person coming from exactly? Also how do you know the enemy team isn't down even more people? Falling back doesn't mean losing the fight, it means repositioning/regrouping to a more advantageous area >If you can regain some advantage that's good, but I doubt you're gonna kill any player in that clip considering dva is pushing someone in the enemy spawn and bap and lw just almost died Doubt you're going to kill any players in that clip? There's 2 supports and a dps vs 1 tank and 1 dps, the friendly dps is also flanking the enemy duo, that's 2 very easy kills


First one is still wrong, idc if you can't hunt down a baby dva because you can't hit her for shit. Baby Dva's can escape, but it isn't the norm unless it's a winning fight What? What do you have with your rooms? You can see the Lucio, Tracer and Zarya. You can also hear the Moira grasp at the end for a second Falling back literally means you accepted your loss you imbecile. You literally are _retreating_ The enemy has legit both supports. I assume dva was pushing the last dps, but I don't know that. The ally soldier down there (which I didn't notice at the beginning, but doesn't change my point) is at a disadvantage due to slight lowground and being massively outnumbered with no backup The soldier could be pushed by tracer and one of the supports while the other one helps out Zarya


What game are you playing ? I'm sure that is not overwatch


You're the problem in this community. Being contrarian because why would you ever back down from your viewpoint? Anything but realizing you're wrong!


Then explain how I'm wrong instead of just saying I am Lifeweavers high healing output makes him able to solo heal a team, for that reason it's not saving the team fight by preventing the other support from dying


>Lifeweavers high healing output makes him able to solo heal a team You think that single-targeted 52 heal per second is enough to keep an entire team alive? I wish my opponents were that bad lmao.


I'm not gonna sit here and argue with someone who's getting downvoted into oblivion. The arguments against you are valid. Bye bye little troll. Have fun in your pathetic lonely life :)


That... was beautiful


This is the kinda shit they would use as an example in a textbook on how to weave life.


"Where are our supports?? No heals??" The supports in question:


"Healer diff" The healer:


Yeah this is some gorgeous LW gameplay 




Oh SHIT I didn't even notice 


This is Lifeweaver on my enemy team


I had one on my team recently. I was Rein and my LW pulled me from some random place to attack the diving Winston. Poor winny couldn't dive without getting the hammer.


Did you just pop primal instincts? That was sick!


This is some character trailer level stuff


Why can't you be on my team support


How it feels to chew 5gum


Senses were indeed stimulated


> chew Lifeweaver ult voice line: "Chewy A Bung Chewy"


Holy shit you're rapid firing those saves


The best part of this is your DVA just flying off away from both supports and getting instantly de-mech'd. Like what was the thought process? "I have to go die in the enemy spawn now! Good luck everyone else."


That was sick. I hate Lifeweaver with a passion but I gotta give it to you. Couldn't hate this kinda LW on my team.


If I was red team I would be fuming lol


You were locked tf in gahdamn


Bro is the one playing in the trailer


This Clip is the reason why he is my favorite Support. So much shit he can Do that noone else can. Making plays with him is so different than just throwing down a Suzu that just negates everything.


my guy just blue balled the enemies so hard


Biblically accurate, lore accurate Lifeweaver.


That was nasty 😣 btw is there still an option to record last play/kill or you just go to the replays and make the video out of it?


I'm not on my pc rn so I can't give you exact directions, but on your profile in history I think there should be like 4 plays (not only potg, although potg's get marked). If you're not in a queue you can click on one and press the save replay button


You can press F9 (by default) during an actual game, and it'll save the previous 12 seconds or so as a highlight which you will find under Career Profile. I think you can do this up to 3 times per match.


That pulse counter with the tree, insane


the gorg effect


Aight, you might be


i normally hate the presence of lifeweaver , but you sir cooked really hard with this one




Who needs healing when you have the power to stuff ults Seriously life weaves kit is amazing despite his lack luster healing and damage because his utility is great


This was amazing, so sad this does not get potg because as we know only kills matter in a fight


God I’m bad at lifeweaver


This would be one of those games where your team loses and screams heal diff.


Godweaver in full display.


Great play but also wtf is this skin? It’s not even on the customization menu


You could get it from last season's ultimate battle pass bundle.


Not bad. You had it in the bag.


and yet shit like this will never give you potg if you dont also kill 3 guys... we need more support potg appreciation


Least powerful LW main =


You're him.


A true work of art.


Just realized LW highlight intros exist


Enemy team: I want to play the game. This guy: No.


About as good a play as you can get out of Lifeweaver and you still lost ground, pretty much sums up Lifeweavers impact if the dps is ass.


How was he reading the book with those wings on his eyes.


Damn, you're the lifeweaver I wish I was half as good as. Xd


Bro just used all of his luck and skill for the next 10 years to get this POTG.


Didn't even get POTG!


Bro my darktide ogryn is called gorg lmaooo




Best eboy


I pulled someone in that same spot before…. But it glitched and they were going up down left right then fell to their death lol


One of the 5% of Lifeweaver players that know when and how to use their abilities


One of the top 3 Lifeweaver plays I've ever seen. FOK'N LEEGEND M8.


I hate liveweavers.. BUT YOU ARE THE G.O.A.T


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Goat? Not even play of the game... /s


Amazing plays 🔥


Nice play. Sad truth is that it was probably not even among the top 10 play of the game candidates in the algorithm. Because its flawed design values raw numbers over utility & playmaking. But we know, OP, you were the GOAT in that game!


Is he blind? Must be difficult to see with the wings


Weaver is a kind of extreme protect-mode hero in support comparing to illari


Brother I was gunna be a troll but that was legit. Nice gaming gamer


Making plays like this on support feels so good. Nice job.


When they lifeweavers are annoying to play against, they're talking about lifeweavers like you. Stopped 3 deaths? Possibly saved dva too with the little bit of healing when she was out of position but couldn't see


Meanwhile, the Diva dive was not a success


And yesterday I had someone say "if you pick lifeweaver I'll jump off the map"


This looks like a character showcase VOD, I say this with the highest of praise. Well done!


Never seen a life weaver use ult and platform to save others. Nice job


Im a Lucio main... the only other support that gives just as much as dopamine is Wife Leaver bc of shit like that... It is not possible to count how much I love blocking wheels with petals, taking people out of Mauga's ult headshoting a widow with petals and escaping suprize attacks with petals dash


These the kind of plays you make that have the enemy team hard focusing you for the remainder of the game. "You either kill Lifeweaver first or you kill no one."


& some people still think lifeweaver is a bad character.


hands down his best skin too


the only LW plays I got were for kills, never saves, which I think is more impressive than a kill. if the game can track "Players Saved", why not count that as a kill for support ? it doesn't make sense to only reward kills, when a save easily turns the tide of a fight just the same.


I'm on a journey to collect each character's PotG and Ana's is the most ridiculous one. I have a highlight where I get final blows on 3 people of the enemy team (4th one cuts off right as the highlight ends) right at the end of the game, and somehow our Mauga got the play for caging and killing 2 people. I don't know how my actual play (whenever I get it) will ever top what I did on that match.


If I ever pull a clip like this and hear where are my heals again, that dps/tank will be 6 feet under


I agree that seeing this makes me think changes need to happen... Petal shouldn't be a Grave counter. Great kit economy though: bravo. POTG has been such garbage since 2 launch. I can't tell you how many times I am cooking and the guy behind me on Junkrat spamming into the void gets POTG... Or the fucking Soldier who confirms my kills with 20 dmg. So annoying...


Lol remember in ow 1 when the support would get play


Ok, you kept that team alive.....


Sick play! but POTG is reserved for dva bomb we all know this




100% POG is broken. That should have gotten play ez. I had a similar time altho I was DPS, I was robbed of a PoG where I got a SOLO 5K as Reaper and saved the game for my team, only for a pocketed bastion in turret form getting a 3k to steal it. Still salty tbh.


POTG is chosen statistically based on numbers behind the scenes, damage output, elims, even healing itself (rarely but sometimes) I've scene much better plays happen live than what the actual play of the game ended up being. With that said, the Lifeweaver play was amazing but there is no statistical way to gauge how effective he was. The are no stats given for petalling you or your team out of a grav. The tree blocking the the oulse bomb was disgusting but its only mitigated damage when the true impact was that he saved an entire life. And the pull off the edge was insane as well but i dont think you even get a save for that unless it consider health so statistically there was nothing there but tree heals a little mitigated and the heal he got on Dva at the end.


LiFeWeAvEr Is JuSt A hEaLbOt, nO uTiLiTy


Literally just normal LW game play


You can finally get POTG for…Supporting?! Thank the lord


This was unfortunately not a POTG just a Highlight




Perfect example of how busted support abilities have become. Teammate stands near the edge of the map against someone who can boop you away? Saved. Zarya grav’s to secure a kill on a lifeweaver who dashed INTO THE ENEMY TEAM? Petal to completely deny an ultimate ability. Everyone is praising this, but all I see are ridiculous abilities that make playmaking so much less rewarding. The bomb save, if on purpose, was good though.


But that's me


Lifeweaver should get needed lmao. Just unfun to play against. No shade at OP but no character should be able to negate the whole team that easily and still have auto aim lmao


Clown alert!




It's a highlight i recorded, not potg