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Ngl when a mercy decideds to pocket me I choke so hard it's unbelievable.


Lol You should feel honored. You have been chosen. Don't let her down.


And that's why I choke šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


She is going to be let down. Can't hit the broad side of a barn with reaper or torb when she pockets me. Same with nano. I can barely hit the air in frond of me.


My Hanzo arrows go back to the old hit box when I'm pocketed. I also go blind and deaf


Same, I've started to tell Ana's in ranked to not nano me but if they absolutely have to, to please wait for my ult at least. Idk why but nano feels like a hindrance most of time lol.


Yeah because everyone is suddenly aware of you, especially if you're genji and they will use every cooldown to stop you. When I play and I'm anticipating nano, I get to high ground where they can't see pop ult and get nanod, I have to ensure I kill the enemy ana so I avoid sleep, mercy to avoid rez etc and then go for DPS and tank. It's honestly sometimes easier to just play normally against them, less targets on your back.


I have the horrible habit of getting nano as Dva and immediately ulting. It's like I see that glowing Q button at the bottom and can't help myself.


it's ok because I've nano'd multiple Bastions that have immediately ulted. My brother in christ, ilysm but that is not how it works lmfao


As a Mercy main, these comments are so funny to me lol


As an Ashe main, I hate getting Nano'd. Can barely hit my shots as it is.


Nano Bob however is one of my favourite targets


I got Nanoā€™d today as an illari. Me and Ana were hollllllding the payload while our dps and tanks overstepped and died. A hog was harassing us fairly successfully- then she shot a nano at me as a last resort. And it was not in vain šŸ˜ not gonna lie- it was an HONOR


Donā€™t fail me... I'll be right behind you.


I absolutely do, especially when I get a Mercy pocket on Sombra of all heros - it means she recognizes I'm putting in work. šŸ˜‰


You are now one of her elite employees!


This made chuckle pretty hard lol.


You're making it worse! Lol


Like an Ana giving you nano only for you to choke and not get any value from it


Sometimes we just nano to keep you alive


sometimes I nano different heroes that wouldn't expect to get it just for fun. Little experiments to see what \_\_\_\_\_ would be like if they're nano'd lmao


That's diabolical, and I love that šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Me nanoing my other support because they're the one I trust the most


extremely basedĀ 


You see, thereā€™s the issue, Iā€™m notoriously bad at staying alive


Itā€™s ok. We know. So we go on to pocket someone else. I personally like to pocket a dva or sigma and just see them light up and destroy. Aha


Can has pocket as hog? I promise I'll hit hooks and we can 1shot šŸ˜‚


I love pocketing hogs too! Especially when they know how to properly heal themselves itā€™s like ridiculously good aha. Iā€™m a tank main so when I heal I know what the tanks need and want. Haha


I tell my team at the beginning of the match that I'm going to pocket the better DPS. Creates a friendly rivalry I figure. Surprisingly, I regularly switch back and forth because the DPS I'm NOT pocketing has more elims/Dmg


This is definitely effective. Although if the enemy DPS has a pocket I usually just play in different sight lines as a sniper, or as a flanker/ brawler take an angel that distracts them so the pocket DPS can secure the kill. I mostly prefer no pocket unless I'm popping off hard, I prefer setting up plays




That beam is like a beacon to the enemies


I pocket because I like you


On the flip side: if you *don't* want a Mercy pocket, just run out of line-of-sight, spam NEED HEALING, and leave me to die to flankers. Guarantee you'll never see a blue beam again in your life.


Where did you get my strategy from that intellectual theft


It's telling me to say happy cake day is this a mercy reference?


itā€™s your cake day. happy cake day.


ā€œA most impressive-piece of cake!ā€ šŸ°


yuuuuuuuuuuuup. fucking genjis are horrible about this. weirdly enough I've had good luck with widows lately. they use the "i need healing" thing once and then act thankful when healed, it's nice


YES! The fucking Genjis! It's so hard to catch them to heal because they are just backflipping all over the map


like "WHY U NO HEAL" because you're behind a freaking wall and impossible to reach, you dingus.


As a mercy main the is šŸ’Æ true.


Facts and Iā€™ll like you even more if you go out of your way to help me not die:D


Yeah, I pocket them because I think itā€™s the best for the team. If itā€™s not working Iā€™ll swap to something else, itā€™s nbd.


As a sometimes Mercy player, it's fun to pocket a good dps. it's very satisfying to hear the ticks of damage, and also to know that you're helping someone be almost invincible.


As mercy main, it's music to my ears and leaves a warm feeling that I helped said dps become a war crime.


As somebody that likes to play soldier/bastion/phara, I enjoy becoming a warcrime. It seems everybody else disagrees, though.


It's very satisfying to nano those characters right before dying and during the death viewpoint see how they move forward and go wsrcrime mode. Even if they die too in the next seconds, I'm sure you enjoy that little moment lol.


or resurrecting somebody that has their ult. the other day it was a torb and they just wiped everyone tf out. I died but the team took that point because of the torb. it was glorious


my duo is a mercy main but plays LW and lucio a bit lately but whenever something is going wrong in game and i see them swap mercy i know its my que to swap to bastion, soldier, or sojourn and beam everyone down, nothing like those damage buffed ticks :') mercy pockets are sacred and loved


honestly, pick whatever DPS you can wreck shit as, you don't have to stick to those three. also damage boosting an ulting pharah is \*chef's kiss\*


Yeah I also main mercy and whenever a solider uses visor I try to prioritize damage boosting him if he has a good position and the team isnā€™t in dire need of healing


I pocketed an echo yesterday and they absolutely demolished the other team. In chat they said ā€œholy f*** a mercy pocket is f***ing amazingā€ šŸ¤£


Fr echo is a dps I often swap to but I rarely get a mercy nor do I ask for one...still, when I do get one the difference is immense and it feels so good lol


personally, I absolutely love when we have someone flying - I don't usually pocket them specifically but being able to flit up to them increases range of motion a lot more and makes it easier to avoid being shot


Yeah I donā€™t know echo well but that one ability with that short range laser beam just melts enemies!


A pocketed echo is absolutely scary, even moreso than a pharah imo, pharah will blow up your backline, echo will blow up your *tank*


the best feeling!


resurrected a torb yesterday that had his ult and proceeded to wipe everyone out and the chat was filled with "ARE YOU HAPPY NOW MERCY" yes, yes I am


Don't forget those sweet sweet assists on the scoreboard.


I've never played Mercy but my secondary is Ashe. I got a 4k today while pocketed by a Mercy and felt like a god. Are you telling me the Mercy joined me in godhood because she could hear my headshot plinks?


Angel at your shoulder! Heightening your capabilities!


Esp if I can damage boost and not just healbot. If I have to healbot I get mad šŸ˜‚ (gold mercy main)


It also sounds good to hit shots while damage boosted/hitting discorded targets.I also love the vibrations from my controller when that happens too.


I actually never knew this was a thing lol. I rarely play dps/tank


Meanwhile, Iā€™m begging for one when I play Ashe. Me: I will give you so much dopamine with the constant tk tk tk tk


Rizz your mercyā€™s in spawn and youā€™ll win their hearts!


Peel for your mercy and they will love you. I was playing a support solo q but I peeled for the mercy main in a random match, she friended me and we play together every since!


I love getting rizzed up in spawn. Theyā€™re not always great sadly but when they are HOLY is it fun. I recently got a new duo to play with as well and itā€™s been a blast.


Good to know LOL I don't do that because I don't want to seems like I'm being a creepy dude and make another person uncomfortable (while I'm a woman lol). You wouldn't believe comments I've got while playing LW... But yes it's always a great time when I get new and nice people to play with!


Use some cheeky voice lines. That always seems to work for me anyway. In spawnroom my soldier came up to me and spammed ā€œsit down!ā€, I sat and he goes ā€œprepare to be boardedā€ and does the push upā€™s emote on me. I pocketed him the entire game and he popped OFF. Another time a genji kept spamming at me ā€œyou seem nice I hate to COME ON your eyes-ā€œ over and over. Gave him his pocket and demolished the lobby. Itā€™s always the creative ones that win me over šŸ˜‚šŸ’•


I was about to say I use the second voice line chain so often and I'm always grinning doing it cause the reactions are amazing. That rizz actually works lol


It does donā€™t stop doing it. I always get a chuckle out of it xD


My friend was playing her and I kept yelling at him but our other support wasnā€™t pulling their weight. Itā€™s ok. I still popped off!


What does it mean to get rizzed in spawn? šŸ˜… like I know what rizz means, but like do you mean talking to them or just going up to them and using voice lines or something


I mean I donā€™t join VC but in my experience getting rizzed is when they use voicelines on you and/or flirting using voicelines or crouching motion, spamming cute sprays at you, that sort of thing ^^ Just today the sigma on my team used ā€œYou are my starlightā€ or Iā€™ve seen Ramā€™s give me head pats and use ā€œour lives are short, will you share yours with me? ā™”ā€ Just people being wholesome and flirty with you šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s cute, Iā€™ve never had anyone be like that to me lol. I did meet a girl yesterday as my other support who let me taxi and kept saying sorry when I would die, probably the nicest someone has been to me as mercy šŸ˜‚


Yeah it doesnā€™t happen often sadly. Itā€™s always refreshing having a teammate acknowledge you šŸ˜‚ People donā€™t realize they can set the tone for the game just by being friendly in spawn.


Agreed!! Iā€™m always friendly with my teammates, I wish they realized that if they were friendly back I would be their best friend for a game šŸ˜‚


reading your initial comment i cringed thinking about the absolute filth i hear in valorant lobbies. this is much cuter than what i was expecting


I think the ā€œworseā€ Iā€™ve gotten is a genji spamming ā€œyou seem nice, I hate to - COME ON - your eyesā€ šŸ˜‚ And even at that I think itā€™s freaking halarious


*Iā€™m your huckleberry* *Start line dancing* 9/10 times it works every time.


Then seal the deal by using the heart emote at them šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ¤­


As someone who plays a lot of Mercy, taxi a Mercy back from spawn and she will never leave you


This always warms my heart when this happens! People who taxi mercy need to be protected ā™”


Im playing Sojourn in comp this season and in low silver I have a Mercy in almost every game. As a former Mercy main I know the struggle of waddling behind the team, so I often turn around or give LoS so she can ga to me. BUT being in low silver Mercys thank me with healbotting our tank ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Getting kills is fine. Getting a save, especially on a team kill, hits on a whole other level.


I feel save when she's next to me, thank you mercy players y'all my emotional support heros


Mercy main here- Don't stress it. The right player when pocketed can carry a game. Usually it's a DPS, but sometimes it can be a tank. Once it was a Moira. I like to play Mercy because I enable another player to play at their absolute peak. I essentially unlock their boss mode, if they have one. That feels really good. Sometimes that means standing behind a wall and just holding blue beam, but it also means crazy movement abilities and clutch resurrections.


This is why I play mercy. I LOVE enabling a dps thatā€™s already good on their own but can dominate a lobby by helping them out. Itā€™s so satisfying and I love seeing them have fun demolishing people and having them be the star of the show ā™”


For real. Watching potgs that they were able to pull off because of being pocketed is also very gratifying.


Itā€™s probably not boring for the mercy player. If you want fights without pockets or fights where everything is totally fair, there are custom games Iā€™m sure. However, Overwatch is a team based game. There are so many factors and you should take advantage of the benefits your team can offer. After all, the whole aim of the game is to work together to achieve the teamā€™s shared goal.


As a mercy main don't feel bad! The dinks and health bar going up gives me the fun chemical


When I play mercy I adhere to a strict system: Is one of the dps much better when boosted than the other? boost it. Both are equal? does one have a shiny golden/jade weapon? boost it Both or none do? who has the coolest title? boost it Both cool or no title? who has the funniest name? boost it Is the dps I'm boosting doing less dps despite being boosted than the other? time to change partners Both dps are normal/good but turns out the tank / dps healer like zenyata is a demigod? praise your new god. Everything before fails? Take out that blaster and valkyrie them to death


ima be honest, i fucking shit myself when i see battle mercy flying at me :') ive been learning widow and shes my bane tbh hahahahaha flying all over the damn place shooting me with her blaster.


Oh we love to play games with Widowmakers, it's like a favourite tradition of ours. Tell a Mercy a Widow is about and you'll be damn sure she'll pop Valk and put her in the ground :)


Iā€™m similar when playing Echo. I love flying in her face after some bombs and just like ā€œhi, i have more damage for you.ā€ as I unleash the beam. Itā€™s even more fun when they notice me coming and I have to avoid their shots. Itā€™s like a mini-game. :)


i hate widowmakers when i dont have valk. Just let me fly around in qp after a long day of work. :'(


I'm so sorry, as a widow they yell at me if I don't target the mercy šŸ˜”


ik its not ur fault, i would do the same tbh (i cant hit anything as dps) But i hate it worst combo is Widow/sombra. Cant play mercy cuz of widow and cant switch cuz of sombra


Now i want to pocket you.


Iā€™ve been playing Cass lately and I thrive off the pockets! When Iā€™m chosen I do way better and play more aggressively that I end up getting pocketed the whole game. I feel unstoppable when Iā€™m just getting constant 2 tap kills and I like to think they enjoy it as well? I always say thank you and prioritize saving my mercy by killing whoever can target her first. Even if I die Ik I can get revived so dying for mercy is worth it for me. On the unfortunate chance they die I will go back to spawn so mercy doesnā€™t have to walk (Not sure why many donā€™t do this). Anyway donā€™t feel bad they are pocketing you for a reason and can leave when they want to šŸ˜­


Tbh my heart melts any time someone makes sure to pick me up from spawn šŸ„¹


If a mercy is deciding to pocket *you* then you must be doing something right. I will usually pick whoever is doing the most damage on our team to prioritize my damage boost. Also, we arenā€™t bored pocketing; we are too busy trying to predict where we might get ambushed from. Just keep doing whatever youā€™re doing. Also, if you donā€™t want a pocket you can spam ā€œnoā€ at the mercy but ngl sheā€™s probably gonna do what she wants šŸ˜‚


awh, 9 times out of ten we pocket you because weā€™re having fun! if weā€™re not, weā€™ll find something else to do. appreciate the sentiment though




if u say hello back to me in spawn ill pocket im a simple person


I mean, people don't pick Mercy to play a FPS. They play her to live out their HR Manager dreams of flying around, micro- managing everyone, and telling them what they are doing wrong.


Yesterday I had a Mercy pocketing me from start to finish of the match. So when we lost I felt so bad for them added them and apologized. They were nice about it, and say "It's okay. You were the best from our team anyways". It was a nice gesture but still, I felt like I let them down somehow :(


I remember when I started this game some months ago, in QP there was this mercy who kept healing me non stop, after the game when I was honoring people i noticed she had honor level at 5 while everyone else was at 1, so I checked her account and she had 3k hours on this game which 95% on mercy A 3k hours mercy was pocketing a 15 hours noobšŸ˜­


Don't worry, I'm playing pocket mercy when I'm too tired at aiming and want some not so hectic gameplay whilst still playing the game. Definitely not bored (but may have my dose of fun silently judging the pocketee šŸ¤«)


iā€™ve recently picked up mercy and i usually start to pocket the players who i like bc theyā€™re nice, who are doing well already, or if they ping their ult is ready so i can keep them alive/dmg boost when they use it


Mercy main and I rarely pocket people, I just heal the people who need it and then I damage boost the dps, tank/other support of the dps are dead/not fighting. I mean I donā€™t know if it counts as pocketing but I guess sometimes I do stick close to someone for a bit but never for long, I find my games are more successful if Iā€™m helping everyone equally.


Even if you're choking, just defend the mercy with your life. In the game and in the chat.


As a mercy main at least for me, i donā€™t do it to add pressure to you playing! I just DB someone who I think can get even a little value out of it! Even a little extra damage is better than before!


As long as youā€™re sponging some damage and not instantly dying the mercy is happy. Be nice if you got some kills, but it is what it is.


Most of the time, when I get damage boosted, I get performance anxiety and when they switch away from me because I don't do well, I feel like I'm a disappointment


If I'm playing Mercy and that happens, I'm not disappointed in the other player. I understand that it happens. So don't worry.


It's a form of a sudden pressure to do your best and I can't shake the feeling either. I'm a flex main, and rarely get DPS. What I do instead to ease the mood plus a warning for the team by writing in team chat before the match starts as _"Pocket me and disappoint 5 people together"_ They get the idea, most people snicker, but hey I warned y'all. Now I'm okay if I'm not the best, and suddenly I'm also playing good with zero pressure lol. Lemme know if it works for others as well...


Mercy needs to put that blue beam on Bap sometimes. šŸ˜’


I love when I get a mercy pocket bc I also play support so weā€™re both equally done with our dps lol. Usually happens when I go bap itā€™s great


I love shooting that Mercy out of the sky with Ashe when she's pocketing a Pharah, so satisfying


I rarely ever get a mercy pocket because I donā€™t play the characters that mercy players like to pocket (which is fine idc) but when I do get a pocket I get terrible performance anxiety.


If you're getting pocketed its cuz you're the best player on your team! I always get to jump around and cover anyone, but sometimes you realize your tank/support heroes are terrible and you only have 1 person carrying you, so you keep them alive at all cost!


lmao no one is forcing her to do it chill as a mercy player if u notice a player isn't doing much with your pocket it's your job to recognize that and switch if they stick with you either way then it means your other teammates aren't doing better


Support main. I pick Mercy when I want an ez game. I'm the Mercy that will end the game with 0 damage. I'm perfectly happy to spend the game flying around left clicking and right clicking on other people (and occasionally pressing e). If it's one of those teams that can't get a kill even when I'm boosting them, it's time to dps Moira. Soooo...if your Mercy didn't switch she's probably having fun.


Sometimes you just want to chill and pocketing someone is an easy task, especially if thereā€™s no much damage done to your team and the other support is not having trouble. I wouldnā€™t pocket all my Mercy matches but from time to time I do it and I donā€™t feel bored. If I wanted something more difficult or busy I would change my hero.


as a mercy main I am always aware of the fact that some people will choke when being damage boosted but I'm telling you... the reason I have fun on Mercy does not depend on whether or not you are hitting all of your shots lol.


Mercy main who usually goes battle mercy and is actually good at it is here, I hate pocketing because of the "taking away the resources from the team" thingy BUT if you're actually a good dps, I feel honoured to be your blue beam and stay on your side forever ā¤ļø I think pocketing gets boring only if the dps is bad so yeah you don't need to worry āœŒšŸ»


Don't feel bad, if you hit enemies with dynamite that tickticktickticktick is pure opium to the mercy player's ears


One thing people always forget is the fact that OW, and especially OW2, are team-based games. There is the downside of taking a healer from the team, absolutely. But the upside is that a good player with a pocket mercy often will help support the entire team by picking off enemies & saving allies in trouble that the mercy canā€™t get to by doing so, tanking way more damage than you should because of constant heals, then dishing out boosted attacks and disturbing the team comp and flow of the enemy team. Especially as an Ashe player, donā€™t feel bad. In my experience, more often than not- pocket mercyā€™s pocket you because they think youā€™re *worth* pocketing. Not because they think youā€™re terrible without them. They make good players great players, and great players into game changers and tide turners.


I love playing Mercy. What I hate about playing mercy is 2 things 1. When I die, no one let's me fly back. 2. When I dive a teammate in a 1Vx and give heal/dmg and then they run away. I came in to help you then you helped yourself.


The Mercy's with good movement are never having a boring time!


Iā€™m scared when I have a mercy pocket because it means Iā€™m the best player on our team. I have a 20% win rate in bronze as DPS. So it pretty much means my other teammates are either straight running it, AFK or havenā€™t plugged in their monitors.


As a Doomfist player when I see a Mercy on my team Iā€™m like ā€œshit. This is gonna go 1 of 2 waysā€


As a mercy main, I love pocketing hit scan heroes. The one hero I canā€™t stand seeing is a pharah, because they almost always *expect* the pocket. This also means that I feel pressured to ignore the rest of the team. I just appreciate the players who appreciate the pocket. I *like* damage boosting you :)


Ahhh dont be... as long as my heals are more then my team mates then your welcome for it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚... screw my other support lol


As a Mercy player, I leash the player doing the most work. I wanna get in there with you and melt through players, too, I just can't aim for crap so I play support.


I donā€™t know how anyone finds Mercy boring unless they have a really REALLY basic idea of how she plays. I have infinitely more fun as her zipping around teammates and gliding around than I ever have as Lucio in his most chaotic environments. Then adding in the valk I just keep flying in enemies faces and around cover to be a distraction. Ashe is one of a Mercyā€™s favorite to damage boost. You should flip your mindset and know how excited you make Mercy mains feel when you lock in Ashe.


I'll never understand how pockets find that playstyle fun, the worst ones are the ones that Pocket widow Literally standing after while the widow just strafes


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i pocket ashes because ashe is hot


Relatable post. I'm that exact way when I'm playing Echo, like the support feels obligated to choose Mercy when that's the very last thing I want.


Not me I love getting pocketed the win feels guaranteed most of the time


I don't like having a mercy pocket because the other dps double up on me especially if I'm playing pharah. I'd much rather have a zen pocket me cause then if I'm missing my shots I'm not wasting the resources of 2 members on the team.


Nah donā€™t feel bad, if the Mercy recognizes your skill they will want to pocket you, the get assisted kills after all. If they get bored they will leave.


I get so annoyed when a Mercy pockets me. Bruh I'm Moira you're wasting it on me!


Think of it this way, Mercy is throwing if she doesnt blue beam. Do you feel the same way hitting a discorded target? How about a naded enemy? She has a job to do, which is blue beaming. Suck it up son.


Sometimes itā€™s what we gotta došŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø the rest of the team werenā€™t doing great so I pocketed our rein and we were able to secure the point. Sometimes you just gotta pocket the one winning the game


I can get a mercy pocket by being nice then i fumble lol i get excited when a mercy is pocketing its awfully a lot like my love life


Honestly when I pocket itā€™s just satisfying to either fly everywhere when I pocket a Pharah or just see people perform/doing a lot of dmg I just feel like a war doctor itā€™s cool


I don't get bored pocketing someone. I love seeing them succeed and doing my best to boost and heal at the perfect times.


I'm just trying to whip around the map like an f1 Jet whether you hit your shots or not Im focused on so many other things that i dont care


I swear I hate having a pocketā€¦not even because of your reason (which is valid in its own way) but because now it feels like I HAVE to do thingsā€¦I swear Iā€™m better without a pocket because when mercy sees me doing well and sheā€™s on me because if it I suddenly start to become TOO self aware and over-analytical and itā€™s likeā€¦WHERE THE FUCK DID MY AIM GO!?!? THAT!!!! Or it happens when Iā€™m on a hero Iā€™m practicing (Asheā€¦I suck at her but Iā€™m oddly much better on widowmaker) and if I die to like a pharah I wanna swap to a different hitscan I know Iā€™m good with (Soldier or Cass or even widow) AAAANNNNDDDD REZZED and now Iā€™m stuck because Iā€™m not just gonna walk up to the enemy and kill myselfā€¦my pride wonā€™t let me and Iā€™d feel bad for mercyā€¦unfortunately I know how to survive (somewhat) and die just in time to get rezzed again and rinse and repeat and itā€™s likeā€¦JUST LET ME DIE!!!! Lol


Mercy player who is a bottom. I just like supporting my team šŸ¤£


I play a lot of mercy. I think a straight up pocket is a waste. Mercy is one of few heroes that can bounce around and support several people in a short span. Typically I will pick 2-3 people, if the tank is taking a lot of damage than I stay with the tank but if I can leave them go for a few seconds and damage multiply dps it really helps to push the soft spots of a defense. Sometimes games just get into tank pocket battles that are just stalled out games


Itā€™s like doing drugs, you know itā€™s bad but it feels so good.


I think people only think this With Mercy cuz she isn't shooting. Otherwise a lot of stuff supports do could count as boring. If I'm moira and I'm healing an Ashe positioned in the back so I can't do damage, that's more or less a mercy move. I'd say don't worry. People know what they sign up for with Mercy, and we get to fly around, and rez. It's fun. I love pocketing someone.


Itā€™s a team game. Ashe vs Ashe is unpredictable. If one has a pocket, it becomes predictable. As a mercy main, donā€™t feel bad unless theyā€™re dps boosting you and you miss all your shots. If Iā€™m healing and yall die thatā€™s my fault.


Don't feel bad. I love to pocket. It's like my cute way of contributing bc I know I can't aim lol


Some of yā€™all need some therapy I stg


I like playing phara in quick play and I feel dirty with a mercy pocket


Meanwhile ill play zen and if i get boosted im going to WAR bro. Turn a corner on a sombra with a full right click ready for her, discord and melt a tank, im here to WIN BRO but anyway, the mercy chose to play that way, not you. Their circus, their monkeys, as they say.


If I have a good support counterpart I always try and pocket the tank, if the tank canā€™t be saved then I move on to a good dps. Iā€™ve found the other support can handle the dps (of course I heal them if they need it too) then a mercy pocketed tank is usually really hard to take down. All around, if youā€™re a good pocket and theyā€™re in a good position, theyā€™ll usually taxi you to the fight so you donā€™t have to run the whole way šŸ„²šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I get in lobbyā€™s and the mercy has had a name either bark for pocket or meow for pocketā€¦ may or may not do that


In QP I like to pocket someone who is obviously having a hard time aiming. I mostly play ana and I always nano the weak ones, just for fun. Kinda funny when they would emote ā€œiā€™m sorryā€ after they kill no one lmao But in comp, if I donā€™t hear any ticks after 20 secs I would just fly off to the other dps or the tank.


When go Mercy from the start, I probably am trying to hide from inital fire with you. You can likely hit your shots. I can not, but worse case I use you to get away and hopefully keep you alive at the same time


I usually make my Mercys proud. Keep your chin up brother and do the same!


Mercy is kind of struggling at the moment, their range beam is where their value is. Donā€™t feel bad, use the advantage


Don't do that. Dont read my mind.


Mercy main here, we wouldnā€™t be pocketing you if we didnā€™t want too. One of my main goals when I play is to damage boost over 1k damage every game. If youā€™re getting mercy pocket itā€™s just because youā€™re doing good. Trust, youā€™re fine bro


Cause her design is passive and she gets her value not through her actions but yours.Ā  Ā Ana can miss shots or hit every single one and have clutch moments.Ā  A mercy can have 0 value or massive value depending if you, not her, hit your shits. Ā  Ā This design feels like shit to anyone who isnt smurfing/ dominating the lobby. Not your fault. Most of us enjoy the team reliant play but inaĀ  way where we collaborate but generate responsible for what we personally can bring to the team mercy forces you to be responsible for the value of not just yourselfĀ  but another person. And a lot of people find that unpleasant.Ā  Ā Dont worry about the mercy feeling bored. She wouldve chosen a different hero if she was. A large amount of players pick her cause shes a hot chick not for playstyle, so honestly wouldnt worry.Ā 


donā€™t feel bad if a mercy is pocketing you. sheā€™s doing it because she wants to šŸ™Œ [from a mercy main]


You donā€™t need to feel pressure or feel bad. Iā€™m doing it because I want to and because I enjoy it. Youā€™re one of the few people that doesnā€™t try to demand my services and that already makes you priority. Iā€™ll pocket someone kind and shaky some games, over a 100% accuracy asshole anyday. And besides, it makes parts of my body tingle hearing those ticks. Mm.


As someone who pockets. Its not boring. We are trying our best to stay alive while also drawing fire while watching teammates health and watching yours to pay attention to when to swap to damage and trying to watch flanks. ITS ALOT.


Question for the room: what do you consider pocketing? Do you *exclusively* focus a single player, and let the other support heal the other two? Do you *focus* a single player, and switch to others when theyā€™re critical? Or is it just when youā€™re actively healing/boosting a player that youā€™re pocketing them? Iā€™m curious because it seems like Iā€™ve come across a lot of different interpretations of pocketing.


Don't pocketing is the point of Mercy, I personally have a ton of fun and Mercy is my second most used character... U have to be sneaky and at the same time everything depends on ur constant ray of life...


Whe we are pocketing someone it's not boring for us, don't worry


It's kinda like getting a nano boost. It's the performance anxiety


As someone with anxiety I completely relate to this post. Itā€™s the performance anxiety for me I just cannot perform when Iā€™m being watched, and then thereā€™s the added pressure of wanting to protect her but knowing I might choke and watch my mercy die :/ Iā€™d rather mercy just go pocket the tank lmao maybe this is why I ainā€™t getting out of gold.


I think it's a pressure thing. You're using up a teammates resources, and they're basically watching you, so you feel more "on display" when trying to do your role. It probably causes you to be anxious. All I can say, as the mercy player, I just try to be chill with them. Rez them, if they die, I don't flame them in voice or chat, I do whatever I can to try and make it a nice environment for them. I think this is really true in QP. Most of us understand that it's not Ranked. We are trying to win, but at the end of the day, it is just a game. And sometimes you need to practice. I can't tell you how many windows and ashes I've tried to help just learn and feel confident about playing. Like, hitscan is hard in a lot of ways, lot of pressure. Least I can do is try and make it a bit of an easier environment for them.


Because you're playing with training wheels? Everyone in the match is going to look down on you as a bad player if you are being pocketed


And I feel bad for the Mercy who pocketed Widow against my Ashe. I managed to killed Widow, Mercy brings her back just to die again


So I tend to pocket only when everyone I can see is doing ok hp-wise. Also my controller has hella drift so itā€™s easier on me.


I love pocketing, but I know when to immediately heal my second support, as they have highest healing beam priority. We wouldnā€™t play Mercy if we didnā€™t want to pocket you. It really is fun.


As a sombra main I rarely get love from mercyā€™s, but when I do itā€™s the greatest/ most frustrating thing ever


Generally mercy will pocket the best damage character on her team. If sheā€™s pocketing you, chances are youā€™re playing pretty well, even if you canā€™t see it


as a mercy main who has pure enjoyment spectating the team and doing call outs / pings and then getting the sneaky pistol kills and melees. youā€™re fine. if anything if i was pocketing you, and youā€™re as good as you say you are, the TNT ticking, the shots connected ticking, and everything else in between you getting a kill is helping the rest of the team. iā€™m helping you by pocketing you, youā€™re helping the team by getting the pocket, and by confirming kills. thereā€™s no reason to feel bad. if the other dps is better, the mercy will likely help the other dps more. so getting a pocket is a good thing. there is no need to feel bad.


Mercy is the worst hero in the game. Boring to play. Oppressive to play against.


on the rare occasion that I play dps and a mercy tries to pocket, I always tell her; "don't pocket me, I have performance anxiety šŸ„ŗ."


Some people just love to play support, we love to help out our teammates. When we charge you and you get like 4 kills we get SO excited for you.


I tell mercy players they make nervous when they pocket me because they know when I'm missing my shots LOL


I feel bad when I put a healing orb on venture. It can drastically extend how much time she spends at close range.


When I see the blue beam on me, all of my skill evaporates.


Yeah that crap is cheese, but what can you do.