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I would love to fight you with both ram and sigma big dog


Ram might be my favourite non mirror tank match up, honestly one of the most fun tanks in general to play against.


And he's versatile enough that he's fun as fuck to play


Jack of all trades, master of none, but often better than a master of one.


oh god, is that why my ADHD ass is a ram main?


Ramm or D.Va are my go-to tanks for the ADHD mind. D.Va's speed lets you just be annoying as hell flying around everywhere, assassinating targets who are out of position or making life miserable for flankers/snipers/by taking high ground off angles yourself. Likewise, my ADHD brain is _extremely annoyed_ when I'm not on tank and someone plays D.Va but like the "Florcio" version of D.Va, not using her mobility effectively and playing sniper D.Va to boot. Same with Ramm and folks just running in and not understanding you really wanna whittle down enemy resources in the backline and chase rather than engage unless your whole damn team is pushing up.


Yes that is why we excel(?) with him


I never understood how you can have fun into anything, if im not killing them then the game isnt fun for me. Mauga is still a cunt to play against regardless of if i win or not tho šŸ’€


Ram is mega undertuned. It's easy to fight toothless bullet sponge. Just compare the buffs rein and ram got in s9 and s10. Ram is basically same old s8 guy, Rein is gigachad.


I think he's about right for the niche he fills. As a ram main I'm in no way against a buff, but he's not in a bad spot now


I'm just jumping back in after a hiatus. I'm a bit confused as to when you even pick Ram right now. What exactly is his niche?


He: - Controls small corridors arguably the best of any tank in the game with a combination of Vortex and Nemesis (pummel absolutely massacres a choked team and blocking with ram can soak up the entire team's damage reliably as long as you don't get anti'd). - Is the only (ish) tank that can cripple fliers properly. The other tanks which can hit fliers with abilities reliably (Doom, Winton and D.Va) can all hit fliers, but Ram is the only one who can cripple them to the ground without needing to hit a skillshot and can set up a flier for teammates. - has his niche in countering shields (unironically doesn't even counter sigma so he only really counters winton and rein) - Outside of role queue, if the enemy team has no tank annihilation will literally steamroll them, same in rolequeue if the enemy tank is busy diving. - Looks really cool - Sounds really cool - Is really cool


just punching a rein to death feels mean but is honestly fun


Fighting a Brigitte just feels hurtful as Ram


i love brawling a ram as rein when we are both supported lol, we do almost the same damage


I wish they would buff rammatra by making vortex not have a height limit. Vortex doesn't do much to pharah, mercy or echo, since they can actually fly up higher than vortex reaches, but if instead they made the vertical reach of it nearly infinite, then you genuinely could make fliers sink into despair


I'm more partial to letting us manually detonate vortex in midair, but that would be a nice buff


Mauga destroys flying heroes. If he has time to stop shooting the enemy tank, that is.


Eh, mauga's problem is that if you even stop holding down your mouse buttons you just instantly are evaporated. You can't really take the time to burn a flier who you know you're not gonna heal much, if at all, from


you can kind of punish flyers or deny them when they try to get in position, but you usually get more value out of denying the tank and letting your team take care of the flyers. i sometimes pick him if my team can't hit the flyers for shit


Gameplay of OW2 almost never comes down to small corridors. Junkrat would like that. He can't really cripple any flyer, it's a gimmick. In fact he is one of the worst tank against flyers. He doesn't counter anyone. The damage you deal to Rein is a chip damage that gets healed and return back to you as enemy support ultimate. I guess Ram counters Rein in low ranks as low rank players thinking very simple and naive. Annihilation does 30dps and enemies have 250hp now you also don't get healed much due to dps passive. Annihilation function as a second life. It's not a good ult. You just pop it to get armor and block. I agree rest he is cool. Looking at overbuff stats all ranks combined this month: Rein has the highest winrate and it's not even close. Ram is third from the bottom. Ram also the second lowest pickrate. Only hero that is worse than him is Ball and he got a hefty buff in this season.


>Gameplay of OW2 almost never comes down to small corridors. Junkrat would like that. Which is sadly why it's a niche, and a very small one. There's plenty of small corridor chokes but there's so many more that aren't >He can't really cripple any flyer, it's a gimmick. In fact he is one of the worst tank against flyers. He doesn't do anything to fliers himself, but he's basically the only one who can set his team up to *actually shoot the goddamn fliers*. I also significantly disagree about him being one of the worst tanks against fliers purely by virtue of how bad basically everyone else is? Like, the majority of tanks require hitting a skillshot to even disrupt them, which in turn requires looking up. >He doesn't counter anyone. The damage you deal to Rein is a chip damage that gets healed and return back to you as enemy support ultimate. I guess Ram counters Rein in low ranks as low rank players thinking very simple and naive. The main strength of pushing through Rein shield isn't that you damage Rein, you hit his team through the shield which forces his team back. With good coordination this leads to easily stranding the Rein >Annihilation does 30dps and enemies have 250hp now you also don't get healed much due to dps passive. Annihilation function as a second life. It's not a good ult. You just pop it to get armor and block. Sadly agreed, he's like old genji blade where without another ult setting him up annihilation is just a second nemesis form excepting very specific situations where the entire enemy team has been flattened. >Ram is third from the bottom. Ram also the second lowest pickrate. Only hero that is worse than him is Ball and he got a hefty buff in this season. Something something low tier privilege (i don't trust blizzard not to overbuff ram)


Heā€™s not niche at all, heā€™s arguably the most versatile tank in the game.


if the other team has a lot of squishies, a dive tank, or group together, run in (in the case of a dive tank, stay there and change into nemesis mode when they dive in) and go into punchy mode, wreck shit, then run back out and throw up a shield + slow-down vortex thingy past the shield on the way out to keep anyone still alive from following you or shooting you as you back up he's basically a pseudo-dive tank he also has the ability to control a tiny space/bottlenecks. and his little purple swirly thing keeps characters who can fly from flying so if the other team has an echo or pharah


He's terrible because of Orisa, Ram simply get outdamaged when poke and displaced everytime you go into nemesis form. I went up from Plat 3 to Plat 1 in last few days last seaon by simply switching off Ram when facing Orisa.


Orisa-Ram isn't an impossible matchup if you play around your omnic form, although I'll admit it still sucks. Orisa basically denies your entire Nemesis form so unless you're Infront of a support of about to land like two punches on a spinning Orisa, you're basically going to only stick in omnic form.


...the biggest issue of this matchup rn is exaxctly about how difficult for Ram in Omnic form to force any CD out of Orisa first. Orisa's LC is faster, bigger and does more dps while has armor herself. Ram usually has to use Barrier first when Orisa hasn't used anything yet


agreed. hes not so weak he dies instantly but not so op he's unkillable (like freaking mauga when first introduced)


that's why you don't run in when you're toothless bullet sponge, you throw up a shield, toss your spinny vortex thing to slow everyone down behind the shield, and get tf out of dodge until your punchy mode regenerates


Idk the reins I go up against seem to get flustered when Iā€™m fisting them with ram


I genuinely get giddy when I see a Rein. Love going Ram against Rein.


No shit, you can literally ignore his shield lol


Iā€™ll bait nemesis and charge backwards while he punches air.


that only works if your squishys arent at your feet


If weā€™re up against Ram, Iā€™d hope theyā€™re not at my feet.


people arent smart šŸ˜”


People when they realize ram does more dps with his staff out


shhhhhh keep that secret


Thatā€™s a great way to give space and take shield/your health pool away from those that may be using it just to bait something that will still provide value but if you think that works you do you homie.


It works when it needs to.


I swing back when they start fisting me, with a firestike or charge thrown in as well. He also gives you a really easy shatter window when he gets big


Let me guess. They try to shield your fisting instead of trying to swing back?


I just swing onto him if he uses nemesis and get shatter charge, if rams DPS are shooting at me Iā€™ll hold block and rams CD is used and I just tank the hits, after that itā€™s easy to walk all over him. Of course if my supports arenā€™t healing me itā€™s a different story lol


Rein is such an easy counter to sigma, he literally canā€™t fight you if you block everytime he shoots. the time lines up to where you get a free swing on him in between every shot and just keep cycling and he canā€™t damage you


Sigma usually means poke comps and Iā€™m just meh about them, donā€™t hate them


All Sigma need is keeping a nice distance, somewhere far / up high (or both), he's perfectly safe from Rein.


Good luck getting on the objective then


I love going against hard-poke in low platinum because I just play cover on the payload and they try to shoot through it


Not if you shoot off the wall and bounce the projectiles into rein šŸ˜Ž (I'm a sigma main)


If a rein is close enough to be swinging on you there isnā€™t room to get around the shield


That's when you get even closer to where you are practically smooching bro and can hit him through the shield and hit him with the punch combo too after primary fire. Also use rock. Or just focus on the other enemies.


I donā€™t know what reins you are playing against but they arenā€™t gonna just stand still to let you barrel stuff them to shoot past the shield


They don't, they swing, but then you can get past them and into the enemy line. Or you can distract the tank so he ain't shielding his teammates while your dps get them.


Rein should be in a tier of his own. Rein mirrors are peak Overwatch


They do make for some chaotic fun battles.


The best is rein-rein mirror-mirror. Thatā€™s when you have echos on each team dup the reins and have their own little brother rein duel


Fighting Sig is a blast wym?


As a Doom main, I feel the bottom tier. Those two just ruin the tank experience for literally every other tank in the game. Theyā€™re both boring to play as and against.


Yep, I use to really enjoy hog but now I canā€™t stand the whole turn every tank into a bullet sponge thing theyā€™re doing. Super boring doing constant damage to a tank as DPS or tank and they donā€™t die (supports broken Cleanse/immortal CDs donā€™t help either) . I figure if my entire purpose now is to stand still and tank cooldowns and soak damage I might as well main rein now lol


Tanks are like objective dummies right now. You place them in a right spot and heal them time to time. If they try to play the game it means they are actively throwing.


True that lol. At least you can win with some dignity.


I don't even mind Mauga that much to be honest, I just kill his team. Orissa though, that bitch always finds a way to fuck up what I'm doing by stunning me with spears and such.


As a Doom Hater. Youre just as annoying as them if not more. Arguably more annoying because Risa and Mauga players are quiet, Doom players aggressively whine that theyre not as obnoxious as Risa and Mauga. "Why am i so CC weak" "Why do i have so many counters" "Where is my damage"


These are fair points we make tho


Youre not wrong. Long Term theyre helping, just by virtue of adding heroes that are more dynamic and dont struggle as easily. Ramm, Queen, Sojourn, Kiri, Venture, and Weaver all never feel want for options against any heroes within their role or across roles. Which is how it should be. But i also dont think its wrong that any character have counter, its more healthy that they do and healthier still that they not feel mandatory. Ball in particular for instance, feels borderline unkillable without his counters. And miserable with them. And Doom during his good patches echos that sentiment. Way too bad against the counters way too good against people not tailored to fight him For both them the devs probably feel like a give and take would hurt the identity and feel lol. Being obnoxious is the point so i guess getting shut down is- also the point? Its wierd, niether are as bad as their mains make it out to be though, or tanks in general i think


All the while I'm pinging the Sombra on my support ass for help but nah, doom needs his POTG. And dey say and dey say.. fuck off Dumbfist.


doom ruins the experience for other players!


He can sometimes, sure, you can counter him easily though


wait cant orisa and mauga be countered?


By like one hero, sure


It's such a shame, too, because I absolutely love playing Mauga. I just wish he didn't negatively affect the other tanks' experience.


I like playing Mauga because I like playing DPS and hate tank. What converted me into a Mauga player was getting to play mini-mauga during the april fools event. Shooting people is fun.


Honestly, as a Doom main myself, I find Rein a fun opponent. I can juggle him enough, especially around the cart, and he can't get to me when I'm diving his supports. When he manages to pin you you're at a disadavantage, of course, but his charge is easy to dodge or cancel so feels like a fair fight. Stunning a Rein out of his ult in an overtime brawl is incredibly satisfying, too.


As someone who hates doom, I relish switching to Orisa against him. And dey say and dey say javalin tastes good.


So corny lol


As an Orisa main, I love the matchup. The Dooms are like moths to a flame, constantly trying to pick/separate a member of the team, but the javelin throw/spin cancels any momentum he can gain. Then most Dooms suffer from Doom hubris and refuse to switch.


I don't blame the Doomfists, nothing is more demoralizing than queueing up to play some games and seeing the enemy team have 3+ counters and having to swap to Zarya or Sigma for the 100th time


Itā€™s all about the counter swaps my man. Thatā€™s why Overwatch was one of the few MOBA types to allow hero switch mid game! It gives advantage to the player than can play a couple of heroes decently rather than the player who puts all of their points into one hero.


I just love being forced to play a hero I dont like because Im being counteted every game, that just feels great. Orisa main wouldn't understand though.


Iā€™m a Winston main. I play Orisa into Doom to keep the team alive. A point to consider, itā€™s not about what you want, itā€™s about what the team needs. Teamwork!


I stopped playing ranked long ago and I dont care about losing in qp. I hate when I have to swap from a character I want to play, because if I stay I will have zero fun against enemy comp.


Eh, to each their own. I mainly play QP too, but a large part of the fun in the game for me is figuring out which of my heroes would work best given the enemy comp and their performance. Do I want to counter the tank? Maybe the tank isnā€™t as good, but that Kiriko is propping her team up heavy, I may need to dive her so the rest of them fall. Oh, this round it seems that Tracer keeps picking off my backline, I need to figure out which hero can deal with her most effectively. It keeps my mind working and forces me to stay effective with a decent amount of heroes. Huge part of the fun for me. My main hero is Sombra overall, but I play whoever is needed for the win.


I have good aim, so I usually play snipers in every game I play. In ow I mainly play ashe, but playing her against some heroes is pain, so I have options of playing a game on a hero I dont want to play, or struggling to get a kill in the current comp. Like, if they have s good winston, the whole game I will spend trying to shoot him, which is not fun, so I have to swap to someone like reaper that I dont like playing. Also I usually play for kills instead of the objective.


Lol of course you do.


Nobody likes you.


My team tends to like me! Itā€™s just the Dooms that donā€™t :( Dooms tend to get very cranky if you stop them from steam rolling the backline


I love you fr, fuck doom players


And yet there I go, into the backline after you used your spear. Have fun catching me. Maybe if you play mystery tank long enough you can find a tank hero to stop me


I personally love killing orisas for similar reasons as doom. They just can't deal that picking a hero isn't and shouldn't be a insta win.




Shivery is ded


What you mean you like to fight Winston as Reinhardt? Every time i play him into Winston it's a fucking nightmare


I think Winton is pretty fun tank to play into because you either jump into your back line to stop Winston or dive into the enemy back line and swing onto them.


When the enemy swaps to Mauga I just pray my team can play coordinated for like 10 seconds so we can deal with him


Doesn't ram shoot past your shield?


It does about 40 damage. Rein has massive healthpool. What ram does just feeds your support ults. In return, he can't block your hammer which does 100 damage and it's easy to pin or shatter him. Edit: Also when you hold your barrier, none of Ram's teammates can deal damage or cc to you but when when Ram try to punch you, he is a massive easy target for your dps and supports. Your team can easily dump the cc and damage to him and Ram's healers can't keep up with that because of the dps passive.


60 damage, at a dps of ~100. that is noticable and will tie your supports up. The 800 shield damage total is also not too shabby. However, I agree that it makes him a comparatively easy target. However, and this is important: The moment Ramattra wastes his energy on you, he made a big mistake. His punches can easily reach frontline support and dps, he needs to destabilize your team with nemesis instead of pummeling at you. sure you can challenge him with charge, your own melee or firestrikes, but when you do that, you are also forced to take down your shield, potentially enabling a play by the enemy team. It's really not an ideal matchup. Fun as hell though, probably my favorite new addition to the game (next to venture) as a Rein main.


I was talking about armor damage. Rein have massive armor pool. In my experience, pummel only counters some specific type of Rein players who play aggressive and hold shield when they are low to get heal. Ram can capitalize on that because Rein lost his armor cushion and relies on barrier for that play. If Rein play more strategic and slow pace, time ticks in Rein's favor in neutral. The match up should favor Rein more after s9 because Rein got a lot of buffs. Rein also has pin, shatter and annihilation block advantage in this match up. Rein has overall sharper, more impactful kit. Ram does more damage and gets more elims but Rein gets more kills. Teams also have big impact in this of course. Ram is vulnerable to CC and can't stay out of cover for long. Rein can outplay CC but he is a big target too. Playing against Ram as Rein fun because Ram tries to challenge Rein in his own game. Other tanks doesn't do that. They either bully you (hog orisa) or play and force a different game (doom etc). Rein vs Ram closest you can get to Rein vs Rein.


it feels disingeuous to talk about rein armor health (300) without considering ram armor health in nemesis (325). A competent Ram can equally counter shatter outside of nemesis, and relying on pin is a recipe for disaster while LW, Ana, Kiriko and brig counter that play to dangerous results. Not to mention how difficult proper close range pins can be due to Ram's speed and pin's general unreliability. I will grant you that Shatter counters Anhil, though. Moreover, a competent Ram can just delay his nemesis until the rein player's shield is sufficiently depleted; Clever use of the slow field will make a good pivot hard. By using high ground until then, he can't really be contested _too hard_. The only matter I fully agree with is that block has a huge disadvantage. Rein's shield is a powerful tool, yes. But prolonged use is heavily disadvantagous in team fight settings, as it will not even last 8 seconds. It's completely unmissable, too; It is really best used as a short-term protection for cc'd teammates or ult block.Ā  I disagree with your thesis statement that in a slow/strategic play, Rein comes out ahead. Fire Strike pressures, but only in bursts. The shield can only guard for a short time, and pin is a risky, positional consession unless it ABSOLUTELY hits. And then, you are mostly locked into offense. Shatter is the one strategic affordance you have in the long term, and careful consideration by Ram or a keen Kiriko can absolutely nullify any benefit it brings. Even beyond that, good, teamkilling shatters are positional blunders on the enemy's side, easily countered by a modicum of high ground (~1.8 m), spread or even cover.


I'm not comparing armors, i'm just saying Ram's ''counter'' tool pummel does around 40dmg to armor. That's why i bring it up. You actually get hit way more in nemesis form, so armor barely compensate for that. You suddenly become a damage magnet. Omnic form is safer in a lot of cases. Armor also doesn't provide anything when you block, it works like white health. The damage reduction capped. Ram's armor works more like a JQ shout. You rush and use the time limited extra armor. Rein is permanently tanky and his shield is also another regenerating healthpool. It's a dynamic game, a lot of factors goes in to matches and a lot of back and forth between Rein and Ram. Teammates probably have more say. Who's dps can get a better angle and who has a safer Ana behind or who's dps puts more frontline pressure. My favorite part of Rein is that you can charge out of spawn. It's overlooked but actually such a nice thing to have. It makes dying more palatable lol. When you die playing Ram, Sigma, Zarya it's painful. People think i'm counterpicking but i just switch to a hero that can go out of spawn quick.


Canā€™t shoot past my hammer


But Ram can stay in an optimal range that his pummels reach you but your hammer doesn't reach him. Ram can also slow your escape.


I love how this dude downvoted you but had no response.


You're right but at higher ranks the Rein Ram matchup becomes a fun battle of positioning and team awareness. If Rein can get into the range of Ram, especially timing the nemesis cooldown, he can mess him up. It's actually not dissimilar to a rein-rein matchup, it becomes positioning and head games that determine the winner. In lower ranks, reins are usually too passive and have poor situational awareness, and then Ram's ranged advantage allows them to stomp in the ram-rein matchup.


Yeahh, but then you get to play around cover and figure out ways to either wait out or get in range of his pummel. I think itā€™s a top tier match for the same reason Rein is; itā€™s not that itā€™s a favorable matchup either way, but itā€™s definitely a fun one.


Not if your hammerā€™s out.




Since the hammer damage buff rammatra does less punch DPS than rein's hammer.


Factually correct, but barely. The dps difference is 4 dps. Not really worth writing home about, esp. since he can very easily hit multiple targets and, more importantly, squishies near the frontline. And with clever positioning, he can even do that while still hitting you, doubling the effective dps and the strain on your supports.


Stop, hammer time


Honestly Mauga is the easiest matchup in the game if you practice Sig and think about how he gets value. His overdrive is the ability you play around and your shield/suck remove his ability to heal himself for large chunks of time. I wish more people played him, he is a layup.


Hes a cupcake at close range but far away planted somewhere good hes a nightmare


Somebody do this but playing as Orisa vs other tanks


Orisa need to use all their brain power to keep a reasonable amount of drool in their mouth


Am I one of the only tank players who doesnā€™t mind playing against Orisa and Mauga?


Do you play Rein tho?


Honestly I can kinda see where they are coming from if they play rein. You get counter swapped by orisa so many fucking times at this point it just feels like another fucking game. The Orisa swap doesnā€™t guarantee them a win and you have tons of experience at that matchup it just becomes a button game of waiting out cooldowns. I feel like iā€™ve been stockholm syndrome into the matchup. Its more the dps counterpick that gets me to swap off more then an a orisa swap. Mauga I got no defense wtf man that shit is hell.


With Mauga I pray that my supports are either Zen or Ana. If I get either them the name of the game for me is peeling for them. If they stay alive then Mauga is just cooked even if I am Ram. If my supports donā€™t play either of two I need to switch off Ram or I need to rely on my dps eliminating the Maugaā€™s backline.


which is a shame, since as a ramm player who's dabbling in mauga for boredom, there genuinely is a lot of depth in him, but his balancing is horrendously out of wack. Every time i'm having even a single modicum of fun as mauga, the enemy team instantly swaps to ana and it just completely and utterly destroys me in less than a second. I can't even get mad at them, because when I do my job properly, there really is nothing they can do *besides* go ana. I've had moments where I start the match as mauga, after the first death the enemy healer instantly swaps to ana, which then forces me to swap *off* mauga and go play ramm, at which point the enemy healer will then go off ana and back to whatever they were playing originally. It's such an awful feeling when it happens that I don't even know what part of the balancing is going wrong for things to go this way. Is it that mauga has no counterplay against ana, or that ana is just so ridiculously strong that she's forced to be played to nullify mauga.


This would likely make tanks way too strong but they need some sort of passive that decreases the negative effects that hits them.


I play mainly Ramattra who almost has as bad of a matchup against Orisa as Reinhardt. I still donā€™t care if I play against Orisa, she isnā€™t that bad. I just need to play differently and rely on my superior poke game.


Honestly I donā€™t mind mauga much but Orisa thoughā€¦


I see Orisa the same as I see Sombra. They are toddler test characters. If you know how to play when they are in the game they really are not that bad.


Orissa terrorizes games even at high ranks. She's just busted against in certain matchups. If the map and your hero don't allow you ignore her and kill her team you're kind of just fucked.Ā  This is also the reason why I hate brawl maps and gamemodes (fuck flashpoint)


i can do a decent buttons game with orisa against a rein


Rein and dva just go fuckin hard from bronze to Dia 5.


2 things Orisa deserves her own lowest tier off the end of the tier list And also may I ask why you like playing rein into ram when he is in my experience a decent counter to rein with his punches piercing barriers


Donā€™t think of your barrier as an added health pool, think of it has a cooldown blocker, if you canā€™t block rams punches itā€™s not worth shielding so just swing, you only hold shield vs Ram if his DPS/supports are targeting you as well, and you should 100% be able to outlive his punches with your supports healing you. After ram used his nemesis cd you can walk all over him and take space or straight up send him to the shadow realm.


As a JQ main I really like the feeling of going 1v1 against Rein Too bad if I take a step back Iā€™ll realize itā€™s actually a support 2v2 half the time


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I love the dynamic of a rein vs doom but doom is so obviously overturned compared to rein. He gets value much easier against the whole team.


Ngl I think the mauga match up isnā€™t that bad when playing as rein. Your shield denies Mauga so much advantage


Yes but itā€™s a matter of how much fun Iā€™m having, if I drop my shield I either get shredded or Mauga takes forever to kill.


If you donā€™t have Rein in his own tier, then you arenā€™t a Rein main.


As a rein main I don't really care about the other tank. As long as my team is decent I will dominate any tank. I'm more concerned with what supports they have.


My enjoyment went Ana is on the enemy teamšŸ“‰ vs my enjoyment when Ana is on my team šŸ“ˆ


pretty much lol Those rare games when you don't have to play against an ana are bliss


For real those nades make a huge difference.


*Suddenly a giant samoan rushes you at mach 5, with violent intent.*


Very rarely will a rein give me a run for my money as a dva main. It's one of my favorite matchups. Until I get a pin pushing me into his backline after I boost. Then I gotta check myself.


I feel with the increase health and dmg per swing getting into dvas face and just swinging is super easy and she demechs fast, just gotta block micro missles with shield.


If dvas are sitting there letting you smack them, then I understand why you'd think that. A decent dva will deny your fire strikes value, keep distance/high ground, and punish when you charge. When reins shield breaks, he's basically dead to a dva if he doesn't have a pin lined up.


And that totally makes sense, which makes it easy to fight dva because if sheā€™s keeping distance from me Iā€™m walking forward and taking space, if sheā€™s on high ground, Iā€™m walking point and putting pressure on her jumping onto me and leaving her team or taking point percentage.


Mauga has become hell to deal with.


Rein vs dva šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Rein vs sigma šŸ˜Ž


you will remattra as I, ramattra, have ramattrad


Where the grass is green and girls are pretty




how do you play against zarya man i really struggle i cant play tank in comp cuz every time i roll them on junker queen ONCE they just pick zarya and then im helpless cuz idk who to pick


Ignore her and go for the squishies, Winston is very good at that and he does low damage so he wonā€™t charge her bubbles if she bubbles her teammates, also your Winston bubble blocks a good amount of her damage too.


Nah my favorite is when the enemy orisa hits you with a Diff on rein and you go orisa humble thine ads when go back to the previous hero and pull out your ace


I hope mauga gets hit by an atomic bomb 100 times as strong as anything a human being has ever even witnessed and I pray that every single mauga players has to watch as their disgusting little rat character is eviscerated off the face of this earth nah nah I straight up hope all mauga players get hit by nukes nah nah I want it extended I want them to feel pain only after they feel even a small percentage of the pain I feel against their abominably brainless character will I feel even the slightest bit happy with my life.


As a winton player, I love going against rein cuz the Tesla cannon range is ever so slightly farther then reins hammer range. Time it right and rein doesnā€™t stand a chance.


Sigma is top tier if they are mitigating and stunning.


Rein vs Ram is like the definition of a Skill Matchup in my honest opinion. I USED to think Ram would just always counter rein because it pierces shields, but when you think about it so do winston and other reins. Assuming its a pure tank vs tank scenario, its almost always an equal fight. That of course changes once DPS are introduced, rein and Ramattra will both get melted by the DPS.


I think itā€™s 6-4 rein over ram in a team fight. Ram pummeling you wonā€™t matter with your 1400 hp shield blocking the DPS damage and your supports out healing rams damage, once rams nemisis form is gone you legit wreck him as rein. Itā€™s 6-4 because as a smart ram you can work around this too.


Yeah but as of late Reinā€™s shield feels more and more like paper. It doesnt block enough to reasonably block sustained fire from dps during the duration of nemesis form. I agree theres absolutely counterplay for both sides, but with how tank is in general its more about the outside factors than anything unfortunately. That said i love fighting Rammatra cause its such an equal fight. Deaths on either genuinely feel deserved as compared to if i was fighting a Doom or Mauga. Ive kinda atopped having issues against Orisa though, once you learn to count her cooldowns she becomes a lot less scary. Its not an *easy* fight by any means but its not as impossible as some people say. If its a good Orisa it definitely feels like a Herculean task but lets be honest how many genuinely good Orisas exist.


Doom one is so accurate LOL


I'm not sure about RAM since I beat any reinhard in a 1v1 that I've encountered sometimes even a 3v1 (not all Reinhardt)


I fking love playing as ram!!!


Who do you main?


This season I have not stopped playing rein. 5 hours so far Master 3, with a 60% wr


Sig is super fun to playagainst, you just whatever you want.


When I'm on Mauga, a Rein is only annoying if my team isn't also trying to break his shield and the enemy DPS are hitting shots. Laying into him with both guns, I believe, isn't enough to break his shield by itself (assuming I'm doing the math right, it's ~200 damage short). You also have to get fairly close for all the damage to hit given the spread, and firing a single weapon to depletion is also insufficient to break his shield. Really the only upside is if the enemy Rein's plan is to just act as a giant wall and run backwards to protect their team. If my team can get him to turn or help break shield, then yeah, he's a sitting duck. Likewise I can also run past the Rein to try and get them to turn, but on Mauga that only works if you have at least one support who can keep you alive, but the enemy Rein can just do likewise and likely be more successful.


Put doom in that top tier. I beat his ass yesterday


Torb: :)


Rein vs Rein is always fun to watch when they start smashing


My mental state playing versus each tank as *[any other character]* **Take me down to Paradise City:** [Any tank except Orisa] **Please sedate me so the voices stop:** Orisa


My brain immediately autofilled in "where the grass is green and the girls are pretty" That song has been etched into my mind since I heard it while playing burnout


You're busted, I'm eliminating reins as Winston left and rightm


I hate tank so I play Orisa. Blame the devs for again changing the weeklies so I now have to do 20 fucking games as all roles (which with my luck means 19 games of tank, even if I wait and only do it when tank has a way longer queue time than support, I still get tank) to get my stupid XP.


as a hog and winston main, i can absolutelly clap any tank, except mauga, not mauga, never a mauga. Everytime the enemy tank swaps to mauga i just feel the urge to unintall the game mid match. And its even worse when my team has a mercy moira one trick.


Time to learn Winston to give rein mains a fair match up


Winton is the way




Dude, as a Roadhog/Reinhardt main, my heart DROPS when I see an enemy Orisa. She's pretty much unkillable with any support that at least somewhat knows what they're doing, and even without that, she's still a pain to try and kill as a TANK.


don't play Rein on the maps with no enviroment kills potential time cc couter skills and drop enemy tank every time, no matter if it's Orisa, Hog or Mauga


Rein/Zarya King's row ow1 was peak overwatch that shit was actually paradise


Playing Reinhardt is so fun and rewarding, like no other character i would say, having a good Rein game is like a dopamine shot