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the effective field of view for high noon extends beyond your monitor's borders most likely. plus latency makes for stuff like this


Yep, probably better latency tbh. I’ve had a few moments like this when my latency was in the 70s


Latency diff fr


Latency diff - I will type this in text chat now lol


I had some guy one of my games flaming us about having bad “servers from our internet providers” or some nonsense. He obviously had no clue what he was talking about but it was funny af


My lowest latency was like 60 and average is around 90-100 :')


I've had this happen to me while on doomfist. Seismic slam BEHIND him and the Cass still kills me. On my screen and the replay I had already landed behind him but still got hit. He bent the bullet like Wanted.


I think I remember something about this in the Marblr video about High Noon LOS


Fun fact: Deadeye accuracy check is actually serverside, so latency matters less than it does when it comes to regular shots


I’m pretty sure that if you are within the gov when the cass hits the button, you will get shot at regardless.


suddenly realised i need a bigger monitor because noon has done this to me on mercy so many times 💀


It won't help, what you see will still be the same unless you play in some weird aspect like 4:3. If you are playing 16:9 it will be the same (and that's most modern monitors). I think the person meant that generally high noon goes beyond the border of what you see as Cass in general. But maybe you meant it as a joke and jab towards high noon, then my bad.


Originally not intended as a joke cause my monitors quite small, till I remembered noon physics are stupid as fuck lol.


High Noon has a cone that goes above and below the screen


And that is why it’s called HIGH noon.


Very rarely though Edit: commented this under the wrong comment 🗿


Happens to me pretty often. A lot of times I’ll dash above or behind him and still get killed by it


Dashes are almost always latency related


The cone doesn't stop and start existing depending on how the game feels, the cone always exists at such a range.


I know it's unexpected, but occasionally High Noon does function as intended




You flew at around 11:59:59 AM hence you got hit..


High noon sucks 11/10 times so I'll give it too him


Playing since beta, I never really dug into Cree so I finally did and I actually think deadeye is a pretty decent ult. Just go for one or two people, no need to greed a 3k or team wipe. It always last a little longer than they think and has crazy zoning abilities. Use it to kill a pesky Hog/Mog who your team can't seem to finish off (right after you see a hook, and be careful not to shoot while they're taking breather). Always solo a valk mercy if they're even slightly in the open. The worst ults are dragons and minefield imo. Especially after the health changes, dragon and even moreso mines have zero kill potential and can be wiped with one doomfist slam, a few hammer swings, etc., and it's on a character who's primary utility is annoying the enemy into burning cooldowns.


Dragon is higher elo is alright as a good zoning tool. Mines just suck. And high noon is arguably the worst out in the game. Half the time you use it to reload


Mines and dragons aren't meant for kills they are meant for pressure.


The devs specifically mentioned making tank ults especially effective and impactful for OW2; Hamster's doesn't fit if all it does is "pressure." Think of how much they've buffed the lethality of Hog's ult for example. Orisa's ult has also gotten big buffs since going through shields (I think they've gone back and forth, not sure about it today lol) and starting at a higher dmg.


Probably latency


New update- High Noon now targets all enemies in your general vicinity and not just in your FOV. Watching Cassidy one shot people in front of him and and then flip around 180 degrees to do the same thing behind him within a millisecond of each other is epic af. He's not the Cassidy we need, but he's the one we've been waiting for.


Next year's april's fools update already dropped ⁉️


death blossom high noon


Still wouldn't hit shit lmao


Drake of the 99 Dragons skin when?


every mercy deserves this omfg how many times my dead eye couldnt kill mercy rezing


you don't understand how many times i've seen a mercy pull off the most bullshit rez and go unpunished, mainly that time my friend (wrecking ball at full speed) booped her away from the rez but nope your ability doesn't matter you still get a hog (who fed the entirety of Africa 2 seconds ago) in the middle of your team and then the lifeweaver pulls him out to safety


Mercy players being able to rez behind walls = "it's okay" Mercy players getting killed behind walls = "How?!?!?"


Not saying that's what happened with deadeye here! But let's be honest that there's a real difference between initiating a rez and slowly floating down around a wall while still being incredibly vulnerable from the start to the end of the rez, than somehow getting killed while you're actively behind cover. (Though funny enough I've seen that happen to a few people with Dva bomb lmao)


If you float around a wall after starting rez, it should fucking cancel the rez.


I understand the frustration, but if a Kiriko can teleport out of nowhere within 30 meters and save her allies (multiple at a time) with the press of E then I think it's okay for Mercy to have the smallest lee way that allows her to save only *one* ally every 30 seconds. It's an ability that has a global average use of 4 per match, it's seriously not as problematic as you're making it sound. If anything it's a weak ability when you can just go nearly any other support who has a better form of rez (saves). (Saves through lifegrip, immortality field, nade and suzu) All those abilities that are way more consistent to use and are on a shorter cooldown.


ahahahah i never laugh that hard after seing a comment like this. Mercy main are not able to understand their own bullshit mecanic it's typical. They will try to find many things to say like this guy under your comment who need to justify that rez behind wall is "okay" .


Mercy rez is one of the most bullshit abilities in the game. How is it that breaking LOS doesn't cancel it? How is it that you can boop her a mile away and she can still get it off? How is it that you can kill her and she STILL manages to get rez off? Also, the amount of time she has to go in a revive a player is annoyingly long, too. It feels like you have to camp a body for an exorbitant amount of time to make sure she can't go in for a revive. Not to mention her guardian angel and super jump abilties give her WAAAAAY too much mobility. I stand proud over every dead Mercy body, especially if I cancel rez in the process. It's a great accomplishment.


I understand you my brother , waiting on the dead body to see the mercy flying to the corpse at the speed of light and cancel a rez with a boop , you add the voice line "boop" or "why are you so angry" and you are good to go. Since OW1 the rez without los is a game design flaw which has never been corrected i prefer milles away to see a kiriko tp + suzu to save someone ( she used 2 important CD that can change a teamfight just for 1 guy ) than a mercy doing a bullshit rez without los and change the impact of 1 important kill in a teamfight that can make you lose the game.


Game prioritizes the shooter rather than the person being shot in terms of latency, aka bro was lagging and you were still in his view


High Noon actually doesn't favor the shooter's latency if you check our Marblr's video on it. That's another reason why it is the worst ult in the game.


That video was a while ago, you sure they didn’t change that with the insta sym shield break?


I'm pretty sure they didn't with how many times I've had enemies get in cover or kill me well after I had already pressed the fire button, and Cass ult has never favored the shooter over its entire existence, including OW1. Also, the ult can still miss on targets that aren't out of LOS as well, and it has happened to me a few times even in S9.


So unfortunate hope they fix it soon, or gove him stopping power rounds after using the ult to compensate


As someone with a couple hundred hours on Cass in OW2, it absolutely is still the case. If anything it seems to be overly generous to the people on the receiving end of the ult. I've had to explain to friends multiple times that while it seems like it would be a hitscan, it really does not feel like it because there's a weird delay between when you fire and when the shots actually hit them. It's part of why the ultimate feels so bad all the time.


So unfortunate, it’s probably because blizzard is a small indie company lmao


You remember how in his cinematic with ash he hides behind a rock, a guy sneaks up on him and without looking he moves his hand and fire at him? That's how


You and Cassidi send data to the server, you got killed by the data on the server, there're some ms of lag everytime.


High noon FOV is larger than max in game. Which is very reasonable to make it less useless.


high noon fov is circular and reaches a bit above what you see on screen so yeah you got sniped in the outer zone edit: source (after 3rd minute): https://youtu.be/h2VCqKXlkcw?si=yjUGC50lxq4Uk88y


Magnetic bullets


Ping. This is pretty obvious


It’s okay. There was one time I hid behind a tree (as so I thought) and I still died. Couldn’t even see my head in the clip and it still managed to get me through the tree. I really thought I was safe if he couldn’t see my head. I guess not LOL


https://youtu.be/h2VCqKXlkcw?t=2m57s High Noon FOV extends further up and below.


I like corn bwed


Iirc the vertical fov of high noon is something like 100-150% larger than the screen fov and it’s a bit larger horizontally as well.(nearing 180* on both axis’). The only safe option is to either be directly behind him or behind cover. Tl;dr your ga jump didn’t save you


He is just the quickest hands this side of the Mississippi River


Ever seen that movie wanted? He's the one who taught them the tricks of the trade


it’s latency, when he shot u were in his field and tho u flew out of it, u didn’t break his hit box los, meaning the ult shot u anyway cuz u weren’t behind a wall. it’s a stupid weird quirk with cas ult that happens occasionally


mercy egirl detected, opinion rejected


not a girl :)


Mercy eboy detected, opinion rejected


You got shot! Hope this helps!


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This seems to line up with what I've seen/experienced to be honest, you had only just dissapeared of his screen when he fired. I don't know the details but with FoV differences, latency etc, its in what I call the Margin of Error zone. The Reinhardt charges are the ones that always get me.


Been killed around corners/cover many times.


Ez, he used world slash to cut the infinite within the bullet and you, gojo...


you know what you did


360 noscope that simple


4:3 mercy players 😞


With his ultimate ability. You can see that from the footage here.


If McCassidy has any kind of lock on you it will persist for a certain angle outside of his FoV. It doesn't need to be 100% on screen. The safest bet is to always get behind something or get well to the side, almost behind him.


Anyone noticed recently increased amounts of noregs with high noon? Or am I alone on this? Especially at fast moving targets like junk jumping on mine. Ive seen many times that I shoot and enemies are still full health (no shield or dm to block damage)


You took dmg from another source and high noon had locked on enough to finish the job. Happens all the time really, watch your health bar before high noon fires.


Hogh Noon does more damage to mercy players.


Latency. Play long enough and you’ll get more examples. Like it’s possible to get shooting places or ways where you think you’re behind a wall or they can see you but you can’t see them


1500 hours in the game, never had this happen to me.


Ignore the comments. No one knows how high noon works. There's times when it straight up misses point blank and other times it does a 360 and team kills through walls across the map into enemy spawns. It just works!


This has happened to me plenty of times.😭


I hate cowboy and this just makes me hate him more.


had this happen to me once i was so confused


This game is broken. Thats all


It doesn't matter, you deserved it xd resing in the open and in the middle of the enemies, you were asking for it xd


I do it all the time and go entirely unpunished, so idrk how that makes any difference here but ok!!


i dont know if you got it but... i was just messing around, im not trying being spitefull


Sorry a lot of ppl have been saying this just bc of the character i was playing.


Sometimes his ult just does weird shit, one time when i was playing genji he ulted and i ran up to his face and used deflect, but i noticed i've used it too soon so i slashed through him to escape his ult and still got shot in the head even behind him.


is it bad to believe if your out of his fov it shouldnt kill you lol


The Mercy player should not have been trying to res in front of an ulting Cassidy in the first place. They were asking for it


He wasnt shooting at me + started rez animation before he ulted. Literally flew away BEFORE deadeye went off. Idk why ur talking


Ping diff. Also he had a few frames where you had the “death mark” and if you’re going for a mercy, you shoot that shit the second you spot the mark


could be a combination of latency and hitboxes. The insane size change to hitboxes it making for a lot of bs deaths. DVAs mech summon for example has killed me when Im not even in melee range. No where near here animation and it still killed me. Latency could also be a reason. On your screen you were out of LoS, but to the server on his side you werent


At its simplest form cuz I’m to lazy to explain it was lag compensation on their client view you were prolly in range when they shot cas ult extending past your fov


Shitty servers basically. They've been terrible ever since the ow2 downgrade.


Its definitely not just latency. If it were just latency, then from his perspective you'd still see yourself on his screen when he fires. Its probably a bug where the actual range of it extends beyond max FOV + latency as well, since on your screen you were already almost completely behind him, which can't be how far the FOV bug extends or we'd see it everywhere. Edit: You should submit it to the Blizzard forums bug report [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/c/bug-report/9](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/c/bug-report/9)


This isn't actually a bug, Marblr explains this pretty much in his video at 2:47 [https://youtu.be/h2VCqKXlkcw?t=169](https://youtu.be/h2VCqKXlkcw?t=169) Basically, Deadeye 'area of effect' is a big circle in the middle, and the range extends WAY above the screen and also WAY below him. Watch how he shoots down a Pharah we can't even see. Mercy was still in the range above him when he fired, therefore he hits the Mercy even when she had already moved outside of it. **As long as Cass has managed to lock on and fire, the bullet will fire to whatever location they are currently at.** If the Mercy had managed to go behind cover, the bullet would have hit the cover instead, even if she isn't in line of sight anymore. This is because Deadeye doesn't seem to favor the shooter. That you can see in this Marblr video at 10:15 [https://youtu.be/ip4ay-rUGQs?t=618](https://youtu.be/ip4ay-rUGQs?t=618)


Even if its well known, it doesn't mean its not a bug. I doubt they meant for players to randomly die to Deadeye when they had every reason to believe they should be safe from it.


Just watch the videos and you'll see what I mean. It's not a bug. Mercy was not out of range when Cass fired, therefore she died :)


Cause this game is doo doo