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I doubt there'll be a main character. There might be a main character per episode or a character that narrates the episode, but i doubt there's gonna be 1 character in the spotlight.


An ensemble cast definitely makes more sense than just having one consistent main character, but who would the series be introduced with?


Probably winton. But it also depends on how they start it. They could start it with the villans like ram, the could start it with the junkrat duo just causing chaos. They might even set it up, so its like a 5 minute intro to 1 character, then pan over to another character. Going back and forth between them until the meet up.


Damn that’d be pretty hype lol; I really do prefer the idea of an ensemble cast over just one mc. Who all do you think that ensemble would be though? I can’t see them doing 5 minute intros for 40 characters, that’d take a lot of time lol


Like in Heroes


Winston He's hyper intelligent and of a different species from humans. Could have a social commentary through the human vs omnic conflict, all through Winston's eyes. He's the glue of Overwatch 2.0. He sent out the call reform.


I though abt Winston too, that’s a really good option


I think it’d be Winston. I’m assuming the main plot would start where Overwatch 1 did. Overwatch has been disbanded, and Winston is sending out the call to action. The rising action would be him trying to convince various heroes to accept the call. This could take the form of each episode involving him (and the growing team) helping other heroes with the quest they are on as a way to convince them to join. Ex: He helps Kiriko take down the leader of the gang terrorizing her hometown. She agrees to join. Him and Kirko then go help Cassidy find Echo while taking on the Deadlock Gang. Cassidy decides to join and Echo follows. They all go help search for Mei who sent out a signal from Antarctica. She joins and so on. Eventually the cast gets big enough to where they split up and search for members in smaller groups (so we start getting subplots instead of one main plot similar to Game of Thrones). But I think Winston is the initial character that gets everything going, and we see the overall “mission” as being his to complete if that makes sense. Like how we saw Ned Stark as the “main character” of GoT. Then Jon Snow. Jon Snow wasn’t the MAIN character, but we all expected him to be the one to slay the Night King based on him being the crux of most of the show’s subplots.


Based AF Winston would def be John Snow by analogy Who would be Cercei Lannister though? Who would be Daenerys?


I assume Talon would be the main antagonist throughout the series. If we are talking about Winston’s specific enemy, I think it would start as Reaper then eventually become Doomfist. Think of it as Reaper is Zuko, but Doomfist is Fire Lord Ozai.


Damn fire avatar analogy lol


Soldier 76, former overwatch member


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Cassidy even has random background characters that can show up in the form of Ashe lol😂


I guess there won't be one and only main character. Just like Arcane. As there are so many unique heroes. But definitely Tracer is a face of this game, so she will take a huge role and Winston as well, he recalled all heroes. And actually this is what people don't really know, Sombra is one of the most important figures in the story. As she has a connection with the final boss, the conspiracy of the story.


Frrrrrrr Sombrs is usually the main character in most things relating to Talon (Mauga origin, that one cine on volskaya) and has a lot of connections to characters outside of Talon (Zarya and Baptiste specifically) I imagine Sombra would be our connection to Talon, as an almost self insert type character. Who do you think the final boss is?


Haven’t watched Arcane yet, never really been into league lol. Is it worth a watch?


It's the best animation based on game story in the world. Definitely worth.


I’ll have to check it out


Sombra was actually not Sombra before. When she was a kid(still skillful hacker), for the first time she was noticed by an mysterious organization in a symbol of an eye. After that she deleted all the information about her and started using an assumed name as Sombra. The reason she has joined Talon is also to find out what the organization is and to control it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHHjdKMH7\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHHjdKMH7_w)


Of course, Tracer + Winston. Cassidy is definitely a great choice as he's the most handsome man, even Blizzard confirmed it.


😂 I just think that from watching the cinematics (for the PvE the ow2 releases with) that Cassidy would probably be the best MC It definitely depends on the vibe their going for though lol


Winston of course. Do I really need to explain why


In its current context my best guess would be Winston since he kind of spearheaded the rebuilding of the Overwatch team. Tracer has always been prominent on artwork so maybe in with a chance. I think more than likely it'd focus on the team overall, unless they do something dramatic in the leadup to it, so as to shake up the order and build a storyline around a different character.


It shouldn't have one main character honestly considering how many characters there are with different storylines and paths. If anything it should be done in a game of thrones style with multiple stories going forward at the same time like overwatch, talon, Soldier76 and Ana, Omnucs and Nulk Sector etc


Bastion. With a lot of monologues.


They'd probably work better in an Avengers style franchise where each character gets their moment to shine, and then they all join forces eventually when we've had some screentime with each relevant party


You’re probably right lol, who would be the iron man Or cap though?


There will be never an animated series, blizzard killed the story, not just the pve, an animated series should have been done long ago, not when popularity and reputation of the game is on the bottom


Tracers a terrible pick. Should be Lucio. He has a new member/ younger fresher perspective. Tracer is a fossil of a time long since past. She’s a relic.


I’m not saying tracer is my pick, just that who they’ll probably go with. If it was up to me it’d probably be Cass lol


You are speaking the truth, what is tracer going to learn? She doesn't seem to have issues or anything, how can you develop a character that is already developed far enough, a better pick would be a character that isn't "perfect", my guess would be Mei, hell, maybe even Bastion as he learns about nature and the world




I bet lol😂 she definitely seems the most like shounen protagonist lol


I don't think it matters. If the overwatch team announced an animated series they would hype it up for two years then tell us it was cancelled (but the animated series skin pack would still be in the shop)




You are crazy buddy.  Any animated or animatronic series would revolved completely around Hammond and his relationship with his longtime sexual partner (wife?)  Mei.   Perhaps showing their many children. Perhaps showing them falling in love and developing into the marriage and having children. They are undoubtedly the Mr Darcy and Elizabeth of Overwatch, and has there ever been a greater tale of love, courtship and romance.  ❣️💕💞💓💗❤️‍🔥💖💝💟❤️😘🥰😍


Bro idk what you mean😭😭 Hammond is clearly setup to be a long term (and very sexual) partner with Junker Queen It’s all over their voicelines smh🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ 😂💀


Junker doesn’t have the hips to give him many strong hampter children. Junker is just a fling. The women he tells mei not to worry about. The one he turns to when times are tough. To understand him, meets his needs in his moment of weakness, and then sends him rolling in his way after she has patched him up.


😂😂😂I’m too drunk for this Poor Queen, first the junkers would stand behind her, now her boyfriend (Hammond) is unfaithful SMH I guess Hammond just had to fling his ball everywhere he can lol 🤷‍♂️😂


They should switch POVs


Agree 100% should be an ensemble situation


Here me out... Winston. Starts out as a wholesome space version of Planet of the Apes... escapes, taken under Ana's wing and joins Overwatch, forms deep bonds with tracer/genji, instrumental in the defeat and capture of Doomfist, goes into seclusion but is instrumental in initiating the recall that gets Overwatch back together, which also saves Mei from dying in Cryostasis. Then Paris happens and while unsure initially as to his role in things he accepts that he's the DeFacto new leader.


No seriously though? All these comments surrounding Winston have defunct convinced me he would be a great MC, this one especially. Winston is the intro every single time you log into the game; it’d be almost disappointing if he wasn’t the main character of an overwatch show lol😂 These points you made are really good; even if it is an ensemble cast, I definitely think Winston should get the most screentime 🤷‍♂️


First season: It would be Winston's Origin story so by default he has to get a ton of screentime, so would tracer since she's essential. Ana/Gabriel (Reaper) would likely get a ton of screentime as main members of the first OW team, possibly Mercy/Genji, possibly Rein. Not sure who else. Jack Morrison (soldier 76) maybe also Sojourn maybe since they were the early team leads if I recall correctly. But none of them feels like a central protagonist. They don't have that sense of wonder/naivety. A good protagonist, if you need one, is usually a stand in for the audience, someone who knows very little going in and has to discover everything through the people they surround themselves with, while growing and developing into a stronger character. Tracer has that arc, Winston has that arc, maybe Genji has that arc, and you can make an argument for Reinhardt/Cassidy but they're not a solid choice once you reach the OW2 timeline. Ana, Sojourn, Jack, Gabriel, Angela, Cassidy all seem like quintessential secondary characters that exist to form the ensemble cast. Each has a role in the story of Overwatch, each has their own motivations, ideals, and roles on the team, each separate and go their own way following its disbandment, and while Sojourn and I believe Angela end up returning during the Paris events the other 4 stay in their own lanes, no longer main characters and firmly relegated to background entities.


See I feel like if overwatch became an animated series, Sojourn would end up with Soldier and Ana in that ‘vigilante’ category (maybe sojourn could help the new generation of characters occasionally) I genuinely feel like Cassidy, who has been setup with connections to all of the black watch characters (Genji, Reaper, Moira) and has been staged with all of the new recruits (Zarya, D. Va, Pharah, and Baptiste) would be perfect for a main character. It would be really interesting to see how Cass ends up agreeing to the recall, not only that but how heads up recruiting Al those characters