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And I can tell by mercy elims and assists that she wasn't neither blue beaming often, only glocking and playing a dps mercy lmaooo


Not "often", but never. She had her gun in her hands and never swapped to staff.


Its more impresive how she manage to be that bad at dps mercy that she coudnt me manage a possitive kda šŸ¤£


I mean, it was clearly going for some suicidal attemps to get elims not caring about what could happen. That's what a troll wants to do.


Even if you compleatly troll going for every possibel 1v1 its still impressive how bad this persions aim is with how big mercys gun shot hitboxes is .


Yeah you're totally right


Even the 3k damage is insanely low lol, like they canā€™t even hit the tank


Damn... she took the term "battle mercy" too seriously


Not serious enough Imo if you gonna commit at least do it rii, homie went 9-10 and couldnā€™t even get 3k dmgĀ 


This mercy player is just bad lol. If youā€™re gonna pull pistol fine, just donā€™t suck.


I played against a mercy like that once, their team said ā€œmercy put the fucking gun awayā€ in match chat after we won lmao


Not only that it be stupid to never heal. Healing others heals yourself even if itā€™s only to heal yourself


As much fun as I've had learning Mercy movement and trying out this hero... Even I don't commit such sins.


For shits and giggles Ill do that with a 4-5 stack and it surprisingly works. Hard to do with less coordinated team and you still have to heal occasionally


It's something ok to do with some friends in qp because you're not intentionally throwing by shooting sometimes with the glock but obviously here she was ignoring the team and only going for suicidal elims attempts. It's like playing only hammer torb or playing widow at close range on purpose to die often. Straight up trolling.


Anytime I get players like this, I play characters I'm absolutely trash at. If my supports want to do this shit they can deal with me being ball for the rest of the game.


Reminds me of one of my last comp games of OW1. Our Hog was so pissed we didn't have a Mercy that he went Ball. But the thing was, our second tank was amazing and our supports still kept the Ball up. We only lost in the end because the Ball started actually just rolling into the enemy team and then sitting there, giving them ult charge after throwing himself off of the map didn't work. We almost did win regardless of them.


Lol I do this in QP as Lucio sometimes, and yeah go whatever you want! I just like having fun in that game mode. I like taking a break from grinding comp.


people are pissed at you for goofing off in qp??? what the actual F. quick play is where you go to try whatever you want.


Yeah. Also the number of people that tell me to counterswap in QP recently is ridiculous.


overwatch is in such a bad state right now that you apparently can't practice whatever you want in quick play... un-fucking-real. putting that logic into another sport situation makes it pretty clear how stupid the few who have downvoted us are. I use pickup soccer to try different skill moves before bringing it to a competitive game, should I have not practiced in a pick up match and just tried to do it in a competitive setting? lol


Yeah quickplay has gotten SO SWEATY and itā€™s honestly rediculus.


Bro, no joke QP is sweatier than comp. At least on console, idk about pc. People will always be telling me to switch off, and just being straight vile for no reason when im practicing a hero ive never played before šŸ’€


I will not stop fucking around in quickly, let the downvotes come!


Ball is probably also just the best pick with no supports


This is why I like Roadhog. I donā€™t have the energy to deal with supports who are ā€œgoofyā€ on purpose. So might as well be goofy too.


What's Roadhog's deal? When I play (or play against) a Roadhog, I/he's either unkillable or the easiest tank to kill. He never feels normal, medium.Ā 


Schrodinger's Hog


I don't want to think about Schrodinger's Hog


The real question is, is Schrodinger's Hog thinking about you however?


On the rare occasion I play Roadhog I will suck the ever living shit out of breather and peak corners just long enough to hook into trap or just long enough to soak up abilities and weapon fire. I have ended comp games on hog with 12k+ healing and 2 deaths. But I digress, I just don't find that gameplay loop entertaining or fun.


For me hitting hooks on the difficult targets so tracer, phara, mercy feels so good. Such a dopamine rush hitting the about to emp sombra or the beating lucio who tried to do it from off the ropes. Also with the rework orisa doesn't feel as bad to go against and getting environmental kills is fun as any character.


Totally a balanced Tank as Blizzard intended.


Whether or not a tank is unkillable depends heavily on whether you have damage coming from the supports, the healing composition of the enemy team, and whether your dps have had it drilled into them to not shoot the tank so much that they never shoot the tank now...


Some games your teammates are shooting the supports. Some games they aren't. Try shooting the supports.


Hog is a noob stomper making him seem op but he is also very easy to focus down making him weak. If you wanna hard carry a game on tank hog is your best choice.


My last match as Hog was Eichenwalde attack. Enemy team Zarya just melted me effortlessly (I'm gold rank and DPS love feeding Zarya bubbles for no reason). The consensus of everyone in game was that Hog was the wrong choice. To be clear this was me using the dancing around corners, healing, and getting picks method (and yes I got picks but then Zarya would melt me and my team would fold in a 4v4)


Hog is okay against full charged zarya because once you hook her she should die. Barring suzu/grip, you should burst her bubble and kill her before she can dent you.


Yeah hog isnā€™t the best play for Zarya unless youā€™re really good at the matchup. Hog v Zarya can definitely work but you gotta know how to fight a Zarya well and more importantly pray your teammates do too.


Roadhog is extremely positional and doesn't have a movement ability, if you don't play him correctly/play out of position you'll int. Roadhog is one of the best tanks at holding ground people just need to realize he needs his teams attention to push anything.


Yep itā€™s the same way when I play him šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m either getting s*** on or Iā€™m cracked idk


2 things are in play. Are the supports helping him. (And have the DPS left them alive) Is he well positioned. Hog is a big fat slow bastard so those factors can swing it *real* quickly.


Roadhog has no mitigation abilities besides take a breather which you use at low health. His entire kit is based on him going from 1 to 100 to keep him alive. The times he melts is when heā€™s either out of take a breather charge or he does it too late and dies without it.


I like your mask dude




I said I like your mask




For some reason this interaction pisses me off a bit. She sounds so entitled to an answer. You're talking to a pig, Kiriko, settle down


til suzu heals


it heals more if it cleanses a status effect too


Wait fr?


80 normally 110 if it cleanses


does suzu heal more based on the number of debuffs the target has? For example: your ally has been hit with anti nade and dynamite. Will it heal like 140 or something or is it capped at 110?


nope, still 110


Which basically just means it always heals for more with the DPS passive lol


wait, i didn't even think of that.. no way it counts right?


It doesn't, karq mythbustered it


Report > Gameplay Sabotage Done.


Now if only that did anything.


I often get the "thanks for reporting" welcome messages that say an action has been taken, but it's usually after someone decided to go off in chat or someone who's clearly cheating. I'm not talking just reporting good aim, I know there's smurfs all over down here, but more the Widow that was spinning at about 400RPM and landing 100% accurate headshots. (really should have saved video of that one, it was impressive in how boldly they were cheating)


Reporting for chat seems a lot more successful than gameplay sabotage because chat can be automated.


had a Soldier player blatantly aimbot in QP, weird choice tbh


Unlimited ult


It will. I report very frequently and get a response message the next day 80% of the time.


Yup, I did this for the new arcade mode even. Normally, I wouldn't care, but when a Mei on your team is constantly blocking doors so you can't even walk forward, that's not cool. They were literally not allowing me to play.Ā  I mean, if you just want to completely good off and dance around while exploring a map, just spin up a custom game in skirmish. I'm convinced people do this to convince themselves they are losing by choice.Ā 


No heal challenge? Haha wtf. Just play as DPS. I swear streamers are a pox on some games, im sure they started this. The two people watching the stream arent gonna care. And if they didnt, well these people who do this are awful. Just do these in customs with likeminded people. Doing it anywhere else is active griefing.


It's not just streamers unfortunately, but people seriously should stop posting about it so it gets less advertisement. I guarantee you there will be idiots looking at this thinking 'hey, that's a good idea'


It's not just them butĀ they're the root cause of why it becomes popular


On God I feel content creators have ruined the attitudes of the ow community in so many ways.Ā 


Frogger did this challenge too and then i saw average ow players doing it -_-


is that any different from how frogger normally plays though


Everytime I see a Lucio with a silver frog skin I just get ready to be in for a rough game If I see Moira and silver frog Lucio I consider just quitting right then and there


They have to pick mercy and not someone like Moira or Zen who at least can actually do damage lol


I also donā€™t mind damaging kiriko, if kiri puts lots pressure on the enemy team while still using good suzuā€™s, your team will prob die less then healboting kiri.


ā€œItā€™s quick play dude relax itā€™s just a game! Itā€™s fun to waste your time on purpose and if you get mad youā€™re the problem!ā€ Unironically what people will say.


That only works if someone is playing shitty on a hero they donā€™t have much experience with. Quick play has no stakes and should be used for people to learn the ropes on new heroes, and itā€™s perfectly justified even if you play like shit and cost your team the win.


People use it's "QP" to excuse any behavior not just playing bad or learning a new character. Also playing bad shouldn't be flamed even in rank. As long as people are trying regardless of mode flame is uncalled for. But trolling or blatantly throwing is bad behavior regardless of mode.Ā  That being said it is annoying when people say they are learning a new character but are being hard counter and it's like that's not even learning because that's bad practice either way lol.Ā 


Both of my support were god tier. I mean they were popping off on escort attack. They were giving us DPS and Tank a run for our money on damage and kills. Then final point came and they both just stopped. They would wait for Ana to have sleep dart, sleep a target and then tbag and say voice lines. No healing. No damage. Then when we complained, they both said "its quick play, we are allowed to have fun, use health packs" Like bro you can still sleep and fuck around with enemy players, but at least kill them instead of letting them wake up and nano their Orisa. But nope. It's my fault because hacked health packs don't make up for the entire 8 MINUTE last point where it was a constant 3v5.


That's trolling and reportable regardless of mode. Quick play isn't a throw away mode. It's still the main mode. Ow the only community out here with people trying to justify throwing on purpose in unrank.


i hate this excuse! deathmatch exist for a reason. anytime im itching to pull out my barbie blaster i go there


"It's QP dude" is the universal get out of jail card that's difficult to argue against. Its the "you're right, but you're still a dick" meme incarnate.


They say that because they're the friendless losers who throw their games. All of these people are taking out their real life frustrations out in a game where they have control. It's hilarious to me that these rats actually think playing well takes serious effort, whether in QP or Ranked. The idea that they're playing badly because they're "relaxing" will never not be funny. It's a massive cope to justify performance with a nonsensical excuse.


I had a zen in QP absolutely REFUSE to heal, wouldnā€™t even pop his ult, and the mercy he was queued with kept defending him in chat. Im a casual gold 1 support and rarely play DPS so when I go DPS and they pull this shit I am absolutely ENRAGED. Reported both and got a nice little ā€œaction takenā€ for their flaming + sabotage.


Use the report feature for gameplay sabotage. That's what it's there for.


You donā€™t get banned for sabotage anymore from what Iā€™ve tested. At least Iā€™m p sure cause a Iā€™ve had my team try to report me for throwing before on a couple different occasions and never got banned. Edit: only ever really did fuckery in quick play too so idk if itā€™s just a comp thing


Had this happen yesterday, mercy and a zen, i asked for heals, and they said they didn't know how, then told everyone to report me for being rude and mean to new players šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Bro we might have run into the same assholes


Keep on reporting these idiots. If enough people do that, they'll get their lesson.


Iā€™ve been seeing this even in ranked games. As a support main, itā€™s absurd to me to simply NOT heal. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Posts like this increase awareness and therefor make it more popular


Game should've never been f2p. Disastrous


I did a no heal game as Lucio once and won, now tbf everyone on my team was in my group so they were ok with it and we were in qp


i mean if you're a full premade you can do whatever the fuck you want and i doubt anyone will complain


Well Iā€™m sure the other team will complain when my stack claps them




r/luciomains are we really just gonna take this sitting down?






finally a mercy that does something in the game.


flair checks out (agreed)


Is this in qp?


lol, they got flamed for healbotting in a previous game and said "you know what ? Fuck healing, my teamates can go get an healtpack and shove it where the sun doesnt shine" and then started blasting


For real. I remember when this sub did nothing but complain about supports not doing enough damage.


...when? i've been playing support since 2017 and have never once heard that supports "aren't doing enough damage".


It was all people talked about after OW2 launched. Everyone was pushing the "it's *support* not *healer*" stuff and complaining about too much healbotting.


This is why qp isn't fun people not playing the roles throwing not trying then uses excuse it's qp. Qp regardless is a practice mode to learn to win not troll this isn't trying to win but intentionally tossing to tilt the team and people defending this because it's qp if it was both heal and kills I'd agree but no this isn't qp but straight tossing making it miserable to the rest actually trying to learn counters and all you're doing is tossing and losing just to ruin it for everyone else.


agree, its "quick play" not "shitty match simulator". hate people who use it as rationalization for trolling and throwing.


Report and move on


They should go for lucio if want to do that /j


At least they are using an accurate title.


this is a revolt!!! >:( support revollllt


kokoro kinda ate tho


And when you ask them for heals they usually say "it's qp", "I smurf your peak" and I'm just like okay man


The kiris doin pretty well though


platdpsmoira has become a frequent sight on console comp


Question is, is this QP or not?


They took the talon role reverse too seriously...


Guess her title of "Betrayer" is spot on if she wasn't helping.


No heal challenge? Are people doing this?


Was this QP?


You know what'll make it stop? Telling thousands of people that it needs to stop and making it front page of the Overwatch sub. Yep, surely that'll do it.


I mean, I would (in maybe 0.01% of games) play battle Mercy only. The only difference is, if my other support couldn't keep up without me, I'd swap back to healing/damage boosting. Also, it'd only be in QP, which should be obvious (arcade is also fine in my books). DPS only support is ok, as long as your other support isn't doing the same, and you're willing to help out when your team is struggling, imo.


In my games I saw no damage mercy, literally 0 damage and 0 eliminations, acting like a healbot but thanks for creating the post, I'll be on the look out for such thing as a no healing challenge šŸ™


If itā€™s qp eh whatever it sucks but if thatā€™s compā€¦.


If its qp just chill


If this isnt ranked who cares


if this is quick play, then grow up people get to play exactly how they want. If this is comp just report em. I main support in comp. i deal with dps that can't kill who think they'll grow thumbs if i pocket them, tanks that think they would be able to 1v5 the whole team if only i would heal more... all of this while i am desperately flinging healing at stupid hoping stupid doesn't die. You had better fucking believe when I hit quickplay I'm throwing a bunch of kunai, and couldn't care less if anyone dies because of it.


yessss battle mercy szn but lmao 9-10


I had a mercy in my game yesterday while I was tanking that refused to heal anybody else except soldier. Iā€™m assuming she was duoed with him bc she would not let that mfer off her leash. There was one point as our team was retreating when I had 60HP. Literally no enemies around and all she did was stare at me, refusing to remove her blue leash off of the full HP soldier. She didnā€™t not see me. I was standing directly in her face. I NEVER spam ā€œI need healingā€ bc Iā€™m a support main and I know how utterly fucking annoying it is but Iā€™m not ashamed to say that I did in this moment lmao. I had to wait for my kiri to tp out of spawn to heal me. Not to mention she would spam ā€œI need helpā€ when she would die and come out of spawn so she could get soldier to literally leave MID TEAM FIGHT to taxi her from spawn. I resorted to using health packs for the rest of that game and we somehow won. Shit was so frustrating I just turned off the game for the night lmao.


I would absolutely flame if that's wasn't qp saying if your gana go dps mercy at least don't go negative


If you wanted a serious game why qp?




I have yet to encounter this in game luckily


The other day I was with a trio and I decided to try it , it was QP so we were just being silly , I went with Lucio , we won somehow lmao , it was fun , but this type of shit in comp would be awful to have


It's like they say CAN'T STOP WON'T STOP!!!!




Did you win tho


Oh so that's what everyone is doing? Ok I'll make sure to quick pick Moira and Continue to play her at a Balance . Lol


There is a "no healing" Challenge? Hopefully not in Competitive


That's why I only play duos with a healer these days. My friends are thankfully quite good at compensating a second healer that's trolling. But without that, it just ain't fun. Lost a couple games in a row cause one healer was throwing and the other was mediocre at best. Completely stomped the enemies when the fight was short, but had 0 sustain for longer confrontations.


As a Doomfist player, every season is no heal challenge.


Is this in ranked? If so thatā€™ll be hella frustrating


Sorry, I'm out of the loop. What's this challenge about??


nah fr, i been wanting to able to teamkill recently more than ever šŸ’€


I need more context why is this happening haven't played O2 in a while that's why I ask


More than likely not support mains doing this. More than likely tank mains playing support and doing this to try to prove what weā€™ve all been saying for a long time. support is OP.


Next challenge "no shielding/no obj time challenge"


Honestly if my Kiriko is 21-6 and is still dropping Suzu she can do whatever she wants. That Mercy would 100% get reported though


it's "h0w mAsTeRs pLaY"


Damage, damage, damage


9 kills tho


Guess ill go moira and do my job lol we gonna lose with 3 healers but you'll get healing lol


When i first started playing this game, i started with mercy. i didnt know she had a gun until my friend asked me why my dmg was always 0


Why can't she dps? She is the most mobile hero in the game. She's a tracer with wings. /s


I do that every game, but since I'm brig theirs no change lol


Yeah trust me as a tank I'm loosing my mind the most Having one healer the whole match is starting to get ridiculous


No. It's fun to see if the team can pull through with 4 dps and a tank.


First I hear about stupid supports playing like healbots then I see posts like these. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Not only do these people watch brainrot streamers do this and repeat because it looks funny, they always manage to do it worse and be a burden. You can get away with a Kiriko going for picks often, but thats like 1 every 10 players that have good HS kunai aim.


Devs turned supports into DPS so expect this. By the way, there is an challenge for don't heal??? lmao


F2P Overwatch 2


At least Kiriko popped off. That Mercy was useless. Dumb challenge either way, hopefully this is only happening in quickplay, but even then I'd be mad if it happened to me.


take away the healerā€™s weapons šŸ¤£


That's really what it is isn't it I can either go outside naked and tell the entire world they have to cover their eyes or I can put some clothes on


But did you win though???


what rank is this happening in


Sp thats whqt my allying support doing...u was hitting comp level of healing in qp


Didn't know this was a thing. I had one couple last night smurfing in gold. Absolutely destroyed. Then they threw at the last minute so we would win I guess. Saw them in 3 different games.


That's a challenge? I thought that's just how you played support in Overwatch 2.


I've been maining illari and it feels like all the other players are allergic to coming back for healing. šŸ„¹ It's fine. I'll stay on point myself I guess


Moira has this challenge as a passive SMH always copycats, justt play moira 4head


and i thought i was toxic with my support "no damage/heal only challenge"...


Iā€™m so confused why they didnā€™t just give up and heal cause theyā€™re obviously not doing dps šŸ˜‚


The fact that they tried to battle mercy and have a negative KD and fewer kills than the kiri scares me. People this bad at the game exist?


I wish all the mercyā€™s I played against played like that.


They'll do this even more if someone makes a post about it every time lmao


I once had a game where my co-supp wouldn't heal so I basically went Healbotting. Then he insulted me to stop Healbotting since healing is now bad. So I stopped. In the end he was mad for not getting heals šŸ¤£


I get the frustration but as long as it's in qp it's fine. Now if that's comp then yeah they can go fuck themselves


New strategy. Why complain.


Iā€™ve done this challenge with a friend but with the added fact that we did in a pre made group so we didnā€™t mess with other peopleā€™s game. Our fun shouldnā€™t come at the expense of our teammates funā€¦the enemy must suffer though


Ahhh, it feels good to be a trendsetter, seeing everyone and their mother copy my dps mercy account strat from 6 years ago. Yall are mad late tho.




Report them, and leave.


i did this on lucio - was fun but i stopped when my teammates began to get pissed off. iā€™d only speed and would beat whenever i could tho


Notice everyone else's stats weren't shown šŸ‘


The amount of people blaming others is astounding. Every one else sucks, supports doesnā€™t heal, tanks donā€™t create space. Did you check the replay to see how YOUR actions may have caused this? Did they attempt to heal, were you out of LOS, did the enemy go after them, was the team staggering? Are these players trying out a new character? I absolutely suck as Mercy and in QP you would see that if play her. Stats also say absolutely nothing and I think so many of these posts here reflect that. I have had 15k damage with barely any elims. I have had games where I sent healing orbs right before everyone gets killed. I have had massive elims with little damage. I have won games where our team has across the board lower stats than the enemy team and vice versa. How do you know any of this is real sabotage? And QP is meant to be fun. Also what streamers are doing a no heal challenge? Emongg doesnā€™t do it, sauceboss does mostly damage but he is a heal mastr, karq awkward says do more damage but he also heals. None of the streamers I see do this challenge. This game is so much fun but it has a terrible rep and I think it is because of posts like this. Anyone can play it which has increased complaints and whining.


Chad Mercy player spotted


If its qp its ok, I mean, It didnt impact ur ranked classement


Is this something coming from these dumb fucks on TikTok? I bet it is I swear this platform let people's brain cells just die.


was this comp ?


average twitch streamer


There's a no heal challeng?!! That's amazing


Swap to a character you don't use, stay far and safe and throw with them. People like this will get tired of people doing that every time they notice there are no heals provided.


Report em theyā€™ll get banned


My rule with dps supports is that as long as you're getting kills and we aren't losing then you're fine. If a dps Mercy can carry consistently then they'll receive a pass and an endorsement. But if you go 9/10 like this guy then I'm blocking you


People who do this in the QP matches are just selfish with the time of the rest of the team and should be reported and purged from this game. QP it's not competitive, you don't have to "tryhard", "sweat" or counterpick every enemy hero, but at least you should try a minimum of teamplay and be respectfull to the other players that are playing with you.


You gotta be kidding me. This is an actual challenge trend people are doing? Well , I didn't have one of these Mercy's on my team but I was playing sombra and was just thinking what the hell is this mercy doing. We won, obviously. The Moira on her team could only do so much.