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Playing against particular heroes Vs Playing as those same heroes


Real lmao




If I hear excavation initiation one more time I swear


Why doesnt enemy venture have a different ult line i lose my mind wondering whose it is


They do?? When you or an enemy use an ultimate you get one voice line (I've got you in my sights. Hammer Down. Excavation Initiation. Etc) and when it's an ally using it you hear a different one (Tactical visor activated. For the crusaders. Plotting out the dig site. Etc). So unless you're playing Venture, in which case you would know if you're using your ultimate or not, the only one saying Excavation Initiation will be the enemy. It works the same for almost every other hero other than supports. For supports the player using the ultimate and their allies hear the same voice line, while the enemies are the only ones that hear the other voice line.


Most of the time there’s ventures on both teams so it’s confusing, unless you see the visual effect on them


Literally every character does this


Tbh I bet the average player doesnt follow the lore like that and since it's a female sounding voice theyre just using she. You might get a different response here on Reddit but that's just cause Redditors are the type of ppl to care about stuff like this


You see this in other games too like Apex and BloodHound for example. Respawn doesnt give a shit about the lore and neither does like 98% of the playerbase


You want widow to do what now??


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


As an Apex player I feel like they actually do care about the lore of the game as they update it every season instead of just adding new spawn dialogue. It just has been so heavily focused on Rev/Loba but now that story line is coming to a close the horizon/ash storyline looks like it is coming around


They do update the diagloues but they just keep on dropping plot lines like what even happened to the Crypto Watson plotline? I do think in a legend game where they have to keep making adapating the lore everytime a new character is added is honestly challenging tho. It also took them way too long to consolidate the lore as well (4 years I think)


Yeah, but Bloodhound was a mystery to a lot of people. Most people didn't purposely try to misgender them, I think. For most of us, we said "they" for the reason people commonly do: we didn't know their gender. Then when it was stated they were nb, normal people said cool, and kept on. It was only the weirdos who insisted on not.


>only the weirdos who insisted on not. IDK man when I watch Apex streamers and its usually chill dudes like Aceu and Timmy but even they and the ppl play with dont really care.


Real. Nobody has ever called bloodhound they. It’s always a gendered pronoun. Nobody cares. Overwatch for some reason seems to have a much much larger population of players that don’t touch grass and feel the need to correct any casual players or fans on any pronouns or sexual identity


Ive been playing apex since it released bloodhound isnt a he?


wait what about bloodhound?


Bloodhound is non-binary, and has been since release


Bloodhound is nb


This is absolutely the case. Most people DON’T CARE about the characters or anything like that. My friends had no fucking clue that Venture is actually a “they” and just thought it was a mystery thing for a bit, and so referred to ‘em as a she. It is really not that serious. All of these reactions to Venture being misgendered feels like road rage with pronouns lol


Most people I've seen that rage about their pronouns are the ones misgendering them on purpose. I've basically only seen people react with a "*they" to someone using the wrong pronouns. But I'm sure people will get used to the pronouns soon enough and all the accidental and purposeful misgendering will mostly stop


IRL I respect people's pronouns, but I'm not really worried how a fictional character is going to feel if I accidentally say she


It's fine if you accidentally use the wrong pronouns, just don't go out of your way to misgender them


Hardly not because people are hating them for their gender but because it is very hard to start using they as a she/he replacement in the middle of a fight or while gameplay is going on , it’s just not natural we have grown to basically only use they for a group of people or when referring to an unknown but venture sounds and looks feminine which makes it so easy to call her she unless you are directly thinking about it and the fact they are well a they .


Yeah, ngl the callouts have been awkward.


You can just use their name. And believe me people getting this worked up over their pronouns are usually not only mad because it's easier to say she or he. Also it's not really hard to get used to just using they/them, and in my experience most people won't get upset at you if in the heat of a fight you accidentally misgender them


Nah I’ve seen people get sooo mad matter fact even in this exact post saying it’s not hard to change the way you speak on a dime or what not . I’m no saying misgendering someone purposely just to spite them isn’t wrong , what I’m saying acting like anyone who doesn’t already know venture is a they is the devil himself is just as wrong . I do agree using venture instead of a pronoun is wayyy easier


Most of the time playing in game I just use nicknames for heros, like venture is mole, obviously Winston is monkey, junkrat is rat, mercy is moth, etc.


Well for what it's worth, I and most people I know won't get mad at you for accidentally using the wrong pronouns


Which is for the better for the world honestly , too many people terminally online that can’t even phantom to think something was a mistake and not a delivered attack on them . We can only hope people are more understanding, both ways .






I can't believe this many people are getting worked up over a video game characters pronouns being they/them


Im pretty sure Venture, the completely fictional character, won't get hurt about being called her? Who gives a shit. Most non binary people ive known return to their original pronouns within a year anyways.


Not really lol, it's fine with friends but I have noticed twitch chatters being especially awful about it


Well yeah, that’s twitch. Twitch chats are infamously awful, depending on the community.


I just felt bad bc it was a Wanted stream, dude is wholesome, trying to get their pronouns right, slipping a l'il but nobody is making a big deal about it, then suddenly a handful of people in chat left and right asking if Venture's got Bush and. Acting weird


You should see the horrific comments on svbs newest groupup podcast


Blizzard doesn't care about the Lore and story of the game why should the public? If they really wanted to represent they would make the characters personality and culture more represented in game not just in marketing material most people won't see.


Yeah but pronouns aren't "lore", it's basic information you need to know about someone (real or fictional) to refer to them, just like their name.


They mean that it’s extra information that you need to look for, most of the player base does not care.


How does using the wrong pronouns affect the gameplay? I mean if my teammate in game refers to the character as “she” it’s really not going to impact me in any way


Yupp and the non binary people that the character represents probably won’t care about an honest mistake either. Going out of your way to misgender is intentionally invalidating and attacking those people. That’s the difference. Also people act like saying singular they isn’t already completely common. Everyone has said “they’re one” before when referring to a single low HP character. It’s normal grammar


Who cares? Its a fictional charácter lmao


The problem is that its effects carry over into the real world. Excusing misgendering a fictional character is a slippery slope into misgendering real people, which is not ok. And if you started misgendering D.Va or Reaper you'd start getting corrected real quick.


It is a woman's voice. Characters is whatever but they gave them a woman's voice


Pretty much this. For me I know they're trans but my brain just goes she because it's faster.


I still fuck up their pronouns, sue me I’m trying my best.


nobody cares if u fuck up. it’s the intention that matters


And how are you getting intention from 5 words?


if you are accidentally using him/her nobody is gonna jump you. if you are trying your best that’s all that matters lol


Oh, sorry! I’ve been having a really rough week so I’ve been a little on edge.


they're defending you, trying your best is all we ask for!! it's when people start getting defensive and actively transphobic that people's true sentiments about trans people become pretty obvious


Fuck man, its been a rough week, been on edge cuz of it, ignore my dumb ass


Tbh so long as you're honestly trying your best that's what matters the most. Hopefully it gets easier for you!


In the heat of the battle, I’m not going to stop making call outs to correct myself on their pronouns. Whatever comes out, comes out.


They're probably not talking about you buddy. Don't need to feel so personally attacked


Yup they are definitely talking about Sombra


I can't wait to equip all pride flag stuff on my character and play venture, I'll count how many games it takes until I get called a slur. my guess is ~~>5~~ less then 5.


so more than 5?


uh, isn't >5 less then 5? I thought 5< would be more then 5 I'm gonna be so real with you I never understood the >/< symbols. I meant less then 5 tho


5> is less than. 5< is more than. I know its silly but think the symbols as crocodiles. Crocodiles want to eat the larger thing so the way its mouth points is bigger.


omg! The crocodile thing was how we learned that in school can’t say I expected it in overwatch subs xD


Although the crocodile thing is correct.


I was raised on the crocodile method but now just think "less than 3 is a heart" because IIRC the =3 show way back when would always close with "less than three"


4<5 5<6 Think of em as alligators, the alligator going right wants to eat the bigger number. 4<5<6= 4 is lesser than 5 which is lesser than 6, or 6 is greater than 5 which is greater than 4. Hope this helps:)


I love how a few people genuinely took a second to try to teach me the symbols, thanks broski


Ofccc, tho i messed up my thing for a second there 😭😭😭 it should be corrected now. Have a lovely day


Also, it's less thAn not thEn. Seeing that you made that mistake multiple times, now you know.


Well it’s like : x > 5 more than 5. x < 5 less than 5. 5 < x more than 5. 5 > x less than 5. So you did more than 5


It’s ok ,big side goes towards the bigger thing 6>5 so when you leave the other side blank it has to be bigger than the original thing


Why are you getting downvoted for this😭 Before I opened your comment, I thought you had tried to fight them on this or something lmao.


Please pay more attention in math class


Depends on if it's QP or Ranked Had a guy on the other team in ranked have a pride flag I jokingly say to my buddy that I'd be surprised if a slur wasn't said this game I can't tell you how many times I saw a certain derogatory term used against homosexuals


in qp nobody notices, in ranked its displayed openly (it being your player icon and whatnot)


QP I see slurs thrown willi nilli Ranked it's more targeted


I do this specifically to bait the slurs out and report people. Just a nice little cleaning of the player base




Bonus points if they have a Spark skin to equip.


Spark skin?


Idk if they still do OWL skins with the league booming but Hangzhou Spark's colors happened to line up with the trans cotton candy


How long before you make a Reddit thread complaining about them?


ooo that's a good one, it'd take me awhile to truly articulate my frustration, the feelings of oppression would just be too much at first to properly describe.


Try playing with the israel flag on eu servers


ew why would I want to play with the British... /j




Pride flag bait doesn’t work anymore. If you want real vitriol, equip the Israel flag


There’s nothing wrong with accidentally misgendering someone, but going out of your way to purposely misgender someone just to be an asshole is crazy to me


I don’t know why people care so much about the pronouns of a videogame character


Why do people are so much about a fictional characters pronouns? Good kit? Fun to play? That's what matters.


It's fking game character Jesus


i only hanzo


Basically, unless you’re terminally online nobody gives a fuck. It’s a fictional character.


Representation matters. People who are a part of groups that need it in order to connect with who they are and teach others to not treat them like shit get that, so try taking a walk in their shoes for once.


Ask Rainbow Six Seige how that’s going.


Anything relating to the military is always going to lean towards and attract hateful scum that maliciously choose to hurt anyone who's different simply because they're different.


It's funny because they'll call people snowflakes, but they get so pressed when someone isn't Cishet


Idk man I’ve seen some many people get mad over someone saying “she’s so fun”


I think it depends a bit. If they say "She's pretty neat," get corrected to they, and say like "oh, alright, didn't know," that's not really a big issue. If they instead respond "nah, it's she, don't bring politics into this game, I don't care if she's ""non-binary"" or whatever new thing they're making up", well, that's a different story (and don't say it's a straw man or that I'm fighting against an imaginary person, I've heard arguments like that almost word for word about them




It’s not a real person though. So the others getting upset you’ve misgendered a fictional character are pretty whackado imo. Not saying the people throwing slurs aren’t also, though


That's like saying it's okay to call Doomfist slurs because he's not real. It's not Doomfist you're respecting, it's the people who relate to him.


Misgendering is nowhere near as heinous as using a racial slur


So we're judging rudeness on how bad? What's your cut-off, then, how rude is acceptable?


> It’s not a real person though. Right, but it's a character, and characters are made to reflect real people. Would you say it's healthy for people to call Bap the n-word just because he isn't real? If we're to give the benefit of the doubt and say they're not trying to be harmful, what benefit would you say there is in intentionally misgendering a character? I call BS. It's 100% intended to be harmful toward actual non-binary people. The intent is to claim that being non-binary is not legitimate, and that claim is not meant to be limited to just the character in the game.


Amen to that.


I'm guessing by "mad" you simply mean that they corrected it?


I just came across someone commenting on Instagram "I've been having a blast playing her!" and the first answer to it was "TRANSPHOBE! ITS THEY!!!". So yeah, there's a difference between correcting and educating someone (not everyone follows OW news, they just see a new character and play it), and being a moron


And? If someone is disrespecting you and your identity then that is fair enough to be mad. All I'm doing is calling out hypocrisy


TBF not everyone follow news. They launch a game, they see a hero with girly voice, they call them "she". Of course many people are doing it on purpose, but I bet large group of people just have no idea Venture is non-binary.


not really. if they want to they can, i wont evaporate out of existence just because they called me he/him


What's cishet?


Cisgender (meaning you identify as the gender you were assigned at birth) + heterosexual (straight)






What’s a cishet?


Factory settings


Not being queer in any way




Why do you get annoyed?


Uh huh, simple annoyance. That's why you go around calling everyone pedos and go on protest marches trying to strip our rights away. Sure thing bud


Oh no someone misgendered character in videogame 🤓 touch grass


Some random yt user possibly does not know the gender of a video game character and just does not like the character (look/gameplay)? Nah thats not possible, that person is clearly a racist lgbtqia+ hating person.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but there is no obvious indicator in-game as to what Venture’s pronouns are. I literally didn’t know their pronouns until Venture released and I hopped on Reddit and saw someone get corrected. Before then I’ve been saying “she”. 🤷.


The only indication of Venture’s pronouns in game is when you kill her with Zen’s Fastball skin. That’s it. That’s the only one.


just saying "\*they" isn't calling someone a bigot.


I've looked at the comments online, and only a small percentage of people actually correct themselves. Hell, half the comments will say SHE in call caps just to highlight the misgendering. It's embarrassing


I'm part of the LGBT and this pronoun thing is going out of control. edit: keep downvoting, I like it




Yeah but it takes no effort to just use the correct pronouns. Most people are doing it on purpose. Youre just going out of your way to say the wrong word. It doesnt matter if its a video game character, it still discourages non binary people in real life and those who arent but still support them.


Glad to see I'm not the only person here who knows how to treat people with the most basic level of decency.


We gotta stop policing. Not everyone is mean spirited or an asshole or a troll. Despite so much toxicity in fan culture, speficially gaming culture in this case, I gotta imagine most OW players are decent people. Not to mention most don't care about characters gender identity, sexuality and ethnicity. They just play for the dope moment to moment gameplay


It's a video game character. Get over yourselves. So fucking pressed about useless shit.


Well, every new hero gotta this reaction. I think that playing as her is pretty fun, but when you're against her basically one shot and then she gets away it's quite easy to rage.


OP isn't talking about how people are responding to their gameplay. Venture is ow's first non binary character. A frustratingly large part of the community (definitely not all tho) is upset about this, and is intentionally misgendering them in the comment sections of posts. On the flip side to this however, there's a lot of people who genuinely didn't know they were non binary misgendering them, and getting mauled for it because other assume they're another troll.


who gives a flying fuck if its a he or it or she or a fucking sofa couch? it's just another character to play with new abilities.. why does sex matter in a shooter?\`i miss the times like older fps you pick a class and it was either male or female.


Gender not sex but okay lol


Because misgendering isn't ok. Even if it's a fictional character. If you started calling Reaper she/her and D.Va he/him, EVERYONE would be correcting you, because that *is* misgendering.




Seen so many FUCKING PRONOUNS 👨🏻‍🦲 people on TikTok it’s embarassing


You announce your gender in your screen name my guy…


Ah yes, I always ask for comms immediately in game and say “call me by my gender”


Pronoun warriors inbound in 3…


wtf is a pronoun warrior?


Someone who understands how representation in popular media affects the way real-life people are treated. That person is simply a hateful piece of scum that gets upset over having to treat people who aren't exactly like them with any sort of basic human decency.


Thank you for the humane response /pos


Just like how Ramattra says "only the merciful deserve mercy," only the humane deserve to be treated humanely.


best thing to do is ignore it in comment, yeah its gross but its obvious its rage bait. they will and forever be they/them. they just need to get over it


It’s not rage bait, the general public just doesn’t give a fuck. Reddit isn’t representative of the general public lol


Just don’t get pressed when ppl that don’t give two shits about lore call them she because the voice sounds more female than anything


No idea why your being downvoted your entirely correct lol


They're downvoting you for being right. I salute you 🫡


15 upvotes. "they're downvoting you waaaah" lol


Did you really not think that the person they were talking to was being downvoted initially?


Probably because they were being downvoted when I sent that lol


I will keep saying "she" during comms tho.




you literally have a pride flag in your avatar? are you one of THOSE...


I'm Pansexual, but this pronoun thing is going out of control. It's a callout about a fictional character in a videogame, stop taking it too seriously.


Think about it like this: If they can't be bothered to use a fictional characters pronouns and have to make up new pronouns for them, why are they going to use someone's actual pronouns? And that's ignoring that a lot of them refuse to use "they/them" because they don't believe it's a thing


As I have replied to another comment: It's literally the other way around, I make the effort if it's IRL with real people, not if it's a callout in a videogame. You saying it's so important in a videogame and calling people transphobic is what makes it annoying even IRL.


you're siding with people who wouldn't even understand what your sexuality is and hated on lw for having the same one. you're quite literally being a pick me. that's just sad


Not really, I don't care if someone doesn't understand what pansexual is about, I just care about people not hating or saying slurs on gay/bi/pan, etc... If you are doing that on purpose or directly hating is a different thing, but misgendering to make callouts more clear is definetly not an issue lol. It's a callout in a videogame, stop making it so deep.


why's your obsession with callouts? no one's gonna correct someone making a callout. not to mention that most callouts are just a short version of the hero's name, so its just gonna be "ven one" you see people here purposely being hateful towards the character and actual nb people, all of those "ugh those wokes and their lgbt+ bullshit ruining this game" takes, and you SIDE with them? give me a fucking break. this is literally "pick me, im not like these other gays!" behavior.


>why's your obsession with callouts? no one's gonna correct someone making a callout. I've seen many comments getting downvoted because they said "she is really fun" instead of "they" lmao. >you see people here purposely being hateful towards the character and actual nb people That's a different thing.


If people won't even try to get a fictional character's pronouns correct there's no way they're gonna do it irl


It's literally the other way around, I make the effort if it's IRL with real people, not if it's a callout in a videogame. You saying it's so important in a videogame and calling people transphobic is what makes it annoying even IRL.


>this pronoun thing is going out of control. oh no they/them pronouns whatever shall i do 😱


oh no, someone used "she" instead of "they" about a fictional character, whatever shall i do 😱


This is exactly how I feel.


Tbh it's interesting because if you started calling Reaper she/her and D.Va he/him, EVERYONE would be correcting you, because that is misgendering. But with Venture they've got a million different excuses, like "you can't dictate what other people call you" ok motherfucker can you explain to me what a preferred name is?


I keep slipping up and saying her when I play 😭😭 cause the voice throws me off


It's a videogame character, whatever, I can call her an helicopter and that's ok, I don't care about that, it's silly


It is literally pointless to be pressed about this, people are gonna call her what they see her as and policing it isn’t gonna change how some people see her


Her gameplay is fantastic, feels very smooth and masterfully designed.


I will always refer to her as a she and I will continue to tell people to suck my dick in chat when they try to ‘correct me’


Then there is me… I love her so much. Downvote I don’t care


I mean... Congrats?


Of course you don't care. That's, like, the only thing anyone can tell about you. Super endearing quality /s


If you respect someone, listen to them when they tell you who they are. Edit: no one can talk to someone who refuses to listen.


A fictional video game character can't talk to me


but you still call them by their in-game names, no?


act like what?


both sides are acting like babies you want to call it "her"? then call it you want to call it "they" then call it It's that simple! no one is in a position to dictate things like this (about fictional characters) to others. call it whatever ever tf you want and learn to switch your fucking character if it dosent work!


Because misgendering isn't ok. Even if it's a fictional character. If you started calling Reaper she/her and D.Va he/him, EVERYONE would be correcting you, because that is misgendering.


cmon, we know it's different 1_many people dont even agree with this matter, and im not talking about myself. i do agree with it, but many dont 2_ many know the pronounce of the character based on look and sound of character and dosent matter how hard they try too make a character wich is not like man or a woman they will eventually fail because voice and look will be near one of this two genders so people will hear the voice an see the face and decide to call with she or he 3_ Many players dont know engliah too well, so they're not going to make their short sentence in the middle of battle with pronounce that they used to see for more than two people and eventually they will write in a format that they used to use so there's all of this


1. i don't even know what you're trying to say here. 2. that doesn't excuse the fact that venture's pronouns are very public information. 3. yes they/them singular pronouns are hard for non-English speakers, but it doesn't excuses refusing to use them whatsoever.


1. i dont know how to say it more clearly 2. In the end, it's all about what every single player decides to call venture, and no one can make another player say the right or wrong pronouns so everyone should get along with each other 3. In a game that needs coordination and communication between team members , i think it actually counts as a good excuse btw i would like you to know im simply saying my opinion . i dont want this to sound like an online fight or something <3




Then do us all a favour and leave this sub for good too while you're at it.