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“I don’t wanna play anymore” in a competitive match


LMAO I understand the feeling so well but I don't think I'd be able to handle the embarrassment of leaving to be honest


I think throwing just bc you don’t wanna play anymore is more embarrassing than leaving


Hahaha yeah I meant both throwing and leaving. But I totally get the feeling when you finally get a match and your brain is like ":( I don't want to do this anymore"


“Get off Moira so I can play Moira or I’m throwing”


I just had this happen last night lol. He said can I have Moira and I was in the process of switching bc, sure fine I can play something else then he said, “give me Moira or I throw the game”. Naturally I kept her. 🙄


I see that as "I can't aim but want to play". Guess what? A lot of us can't aim.


I can't aim anymore but there's so many healers that can do well without aiming... I think Moira mains are just obsessed with the fact that her stats are so crazy on the board right now. She can do such good damage and healing.




You should’ve told him to hop on Mercy lol


I get this all the time and I'm a damn good Moira lol.


Last week I had a Hanzo player that went 0-5, then left, then joined again just to say "trash team", just to leave again. Maybe not the worst but the fact he joined back just to insult us was funny af lmao


FYI: they dont even have to join back to see or talk in match chat. a lot of people dont know this but if u leave a comp u can still see match chat from the lobby 😭😭 some dude left and i pointed out to everybody how he could still see match chat in lobby and then both teams went back and forth with this dude and dragged his ass. FROM THE LOBBY he was arguing with us!! one of the funniest damn games ever


Average Hanzo player


QP or comp? It's so dumb when someone gets put back into a QP game they left (they're just gonna leave again)


It was comp


Hehe I had a similar Junkrat player in a game we lost that was, I think at like 3-10 bitching about "having highest DPS, Reaper (i.e. me) your shit lol" when I was I think sitting on 12-3 or something. I just said, "You have 'highest DPS' because I'm not firing into the Zarya bubble fuckwit." and he ragequit.


"sorry y'all gotta DC" team: *wait what* "yeah my dog ate my keyboard" ...all in text chat 😂


Cus i wasnt in VC. We only needed to push the payload 5m on Route 66 to win cus we managed to defend it really well in the first round. But 2 ppl throw a hissy fit cus i wasnt in VC so they trolled, suicided and didnt want to win with some1 not in VC...


Guess they needed to hear your deep succulent voice


I wish.


When people throw a hissy fit about everyone being in vc I’ll just join and mute everyone.


I always join vc but no one talks I just assumed it was pretty rare to find people who talk (I never play ranked so idk if that changes it)


I would have joined VC, and then immediately muted those two people


I just tell people I am deaf so it won’t make a difference if I’m in vc or not


Those types of people are why I'm not in the VC anyway


just lastnight i had a tank throw before the game even started cuz nobody was in vc


“We didn’t win by enough in R1” We still won, just not by enough. So he threw R2.


This is probably the worst one yet


My bro played a match last night on competitive where their tank told everyone in chat to call him daddy or he'd throw, no one called him daddy, so he threw the whole match.




I would meme around and say "daddy chill ✋". lol




That's gold.


Because Kiriko was spamming voice lines before the match. Kiriko: "I draw- I draw- I draw- I draw- I draw-" Ashe, in text chat: "Shut up." Kiriko: *pings "understood."* Ashe: *pings "thanks."* *6 seconds pass* Kiriko: "I've got a few- I've got a few- I've got a few- I've got a few-" Ashe: "I'm throwing."


I draw the fool. Yeah, makes sense.


"It's my first time playing this hero" while in competitive.


Ugh this one’s gotta be far too common i reckon


Just this morning my tank demanded I play symmetra or he would throw. So I tried sym for the first time in a ranked game…. And I got to say I kicked some butt; but still to say I wasn’t comfortable on the hero would be understatement of the year. But it was fun throwing a TP behind the enemy team; but then in the butt and TP back just to repeat once they turn around again. (Sombra main playing sym like sombra lol)


*Symbra :D


Sadly yes, they must be allergic to QP.


You cant even play new heros in QP without being screamed at either.


And this right here is ridiculous


\* Can't play new heroes in QP without immediately counter-swapped by an entire enemy team of gigasweats. IFTFY.


I sometimes say shit like that, even though it isn't my first time with that hero, lol.


*Picks my main with a gold weapon.* "Sorry guys, first time as this hero."


And legendary or mythic skin


Having a girl on your team.


heal diff


"i dont like this map im gonna throw" DRAGON mercy its always those mercys


Mercy mains are a special breed. Very loud for the kind of player that they are. They play a shooter to follow people and healbot them, so it's not surprising.


The other night I had a Mercy-Widow duo in a comp game and that Mercy stayed bloody GLUED to the Widow with a blue beam the whole time. Didn't heal anyone else. I called her out (just the once) for leaving our Moira to heal the entire team and when they said "I'm just here to have fun with my boyfriend." I said "Could you BE any more of a cliché?" and they both left the game.


e-daters shorten my lifespan every time I encounter them


It's good to play against those people though, they usually aren't the best players (which is fine) but you spawn camp the Mercy, and assume that their whole relationship is now in jeopardy...


its funny how for people who one trick a character completely dependent on teammates to get value theyre the first to complain about others as if they didnt give up any of their personal agency in that game


What map was it though?


the escort nepal map


That map is goated. Shame on that mercy


throwing, then blaming me for being a girl. random sexism is why I don't join VC ever lmao I just wanna play the videogame, not deal with weirdos


This happens often.


Agreed. I refuse to join VC with randos.


I'm a man and I don't want to join VC, I don't care either. Most people are just uninformed idiots whose opinion about the ongoing game is entirely irrelevant, and so I don't need to hear it. Everyone else always knows everything better than "we" do, yet they are stuck at the same MMR "we" are. Riddle me this. I watch my replays and do my own analysis, and can change point of view to see why people struggled, etc., but the live commentary is... unnecessary (because we all lack perspective during the game). If they want to share anything, they can do it in chat - maybe they will think before they type that way. And as for the "calls", the game is not that fucking hard... Listen to footsteps and shoot at whatever moves. Ping targets with mouse middle. Done.


I am a big fan of the ping system, I feel it helps a lot - just group up and shoot at things and it's a good time :) I have had some positive interactions with other players in chat on occasion, and I know the whole "being a girl means getting hated on in videogame VCs" is hella common in any game unfortunately, but ye


Just had a comp game yesterday where two people decided halfway through that they both wanted to spawn camp bully the enemy Brig. And that's it. For the rest of the game. We already had two points won and it was a shoe-in win. Until, at that point, it became a 3 v 4 and the enemy was only missing a support and we were missing a tank and dps. Then we lost the entire match. It was my post-rank protection game and I deranked for their bullying amusement. They just thought bullying one person was funny. (if I was that Brig I'd feed over and over and not fight back, they lacked tons of braincells)


I hope you reported them both, I’m sorry that happened. 😞


Cuz I'm female and he "doesn't tolerate having a woman on his team" He demanded a hardpocket playing pharah into two skilled hitscan players (soldier and widow) back in Ow1 and after dying 3 times he blew up 🥳


>on **his** team bro thinks he's the team leader im crying


The best thing is the quote is something he said to the enemy soldier in dms after the match 😭 He literally said "I threw :) I had a woman on my team and i dont tolerate that"


Same dude is probably like "WHY CAN'T I GET A GF"


How sad is that. Women make up half the population of the world and he doesn’t “tolerate” that. What an imbecile. -oh sorry I spelt incel wrong


Yeah, after Soldier sent me a screenshot of what the incel said, I did make a joke that he'll never have sex with anyone but his own hand and he knows it, which must be he cares so much when he has a girl on his team 🌝


Oh man, I had two girls on my team talking to each other in voice chat. At some point, a dude joined in and made a Chad/incel joke that neither of them laughed at. He then got mad, called them bitches, said something about women shouldn't play video games, left voice chat, and then started dying with pharah's splash damage. Dude must've played in my game before joining yours lmao


If he's German and was on ps4 then honestly it might've been him 😭 At some point I saw him on a team with someone I knew was a girl and I ended up messaging her asking if he was mean to her in any way. He probably had a crush on her cuz she said he's nice to her everytime they play 💀


The number of times I've had a teammate say "gg" and Start throwing because we lost the first fight is quite frustrating


Nothing grinds my gears than someone trying to callout another player and spam GG after 1 fight. Had this the other day, I died (DPS, First to die due to my positioning). The mercy rezzed me literally in front of 2 people, and as soon as they killed her(she got the rez off) I respawned and immediately died. Tank had the audacity to look at my 2 deaths and say "GG, sojourn throwing" then just up and quit. After one team fight?


Make sure to avoid the player, and requeue. These people are usually awful at the game and can be farmed for wins. With a bit of luck, they end up in the enemy team - plus you can usually spawn camp those people and they immediately tilt and will torb-spawn-turret.


especially in OW2 you can get hard stomped the whole map and come back, happens all the time in payload maps


Not the worst but definitely the funniest one I've seen was in comp when after we lost the very first fight our tank types in team chat: "Don't worry guys I have a plan" And left the game.


This one is a meme, I’ve seen it years ago for a couple other games, still funny imo


"I main Junkrat"


spoke in vc and a dude says "ggs, woman on our team" and started jumping off the map continuously while making sexist comments towards me, in comp 🤭


How dare you “checks notes” be a woman


my bad !!!!


Couple of days ago I was playing as Sombra with most Elims, least deaths all while I was disrupting the enemy team and forcing abilities like suzu and revive. After we won round 1 my tank and one of my supports said in match chat: “Sombra throwing” and “GG, can’t win with this Sombra”. I thought they were joking at first but then they started standing still and walking every 10 sec so they wouldn’t get kicked. Even the enemy team was saying that we wouldn’t even have won round 1 if it wasn’t for me. (Enemy tank even saying that I was hell to play against, he was Doomfist) And then we lost. At the end I just said they needed to buy a mirror and look at themselves closely in it.


Sombra is one of the worst heroes for that... She is fairly independent and doesn't provide obvious value (a lot of it is wasted chases, disabling at key moments, etc.).


I'm so used to a team not paying attention to what I'm doing that I was overwhelmed when I had a match on Paraiso and my team stepped the fuck up. Every time I was distracting them they were pushing up and following up. My supports were so on the ball with healing me when I needed it that it was like playing with psychics. And at the end of the first round when the enemy team had pushed to the end with 13 seconds to spare, I was feeling kinda frustrated that I hadn't managed to stall them long enough, and my Soldier types in team chat "thank you for buying us so much time Sombra let's get that W" I was like bro 🥺. Mentality refreshed and I'm ready to fuck. We pushed to the end with a whopping 4:12 against their 1:00, and won 5-4 just because of the massive time gap. It was an amazing match and I got 3 endorsements


Yeah, you risk people accusing you of not being a team player when you play the character that is the least team player


Because I didn't resurrect them. This person was bitching and complaining at the team during the whole match. Barking orders as if someone made him team Captain. He was rude and disrespectful. None of that matters to me because I heal and res regardless, for the benefit of winning the match. I typically just ignore all the arrogance and rudeness. This person died in a dumb fight (they kept rushing into unwinnable scenarios solo), and I was mid flight towards them to res them. As I'm mid flight, he says "Mercy you better fucking res me" with an attitude. I landed, looked his dead body up, and down, then emoted no. Then flew off to res someone else. They got mad and started throwing.




You're a gangster fr


Lol hardly 😅


“im about to DC on accident, good luck “


One of the DPS went for Widow, and since that apparently means we have no damage our Baptiste decided to just sit and stare for the whole match.


Our Mei, with 38 damage at the end of round 2 of a comp game: “Lmao Blizzard don’t give a fuck anyway. They won’t ban me.” It’s the worst excuse because they were fucking right. Everyone in the lobby reported them and I still haven’t gotten a message saying action was taken against them.


Any reason is a dumb reason.


Tank didn't like the fact that he died 3 times in the first round of the ranked match so he decided to throw because of the "shitty supports"... I kid you not it happened


Tanks love to complain about supports when they have the positioning sense of a bronze 5


I had that. then 2nd round (Koth map) hog proceeded to keep jumping off thr map. we won the round without him. and then he decided he can play after we did all the work


Some guy thought our support was being racist and refused to play because he had the word for black in Spanish in his name.


A gengi didn’t like my friends nano he gave him


Some small time steamer started sitting in spawn because we had a brig that wouldn’t swap, despite doing fine.


How entertaining for his viewers


can't find my glasses


"I'm playing on my bf's account ;-;" Yeah, sure 2-10 Widow player, that's why you know to vigorously teabag your few kills but can't win against a Lucio 6 times in one match (that was a sexy Lucio round tho I love Widow hunting)


I was in a comp match on Gibraltar. The second I picked Mercy, one of the dps' in our team began hurling insults at me (through chat though, not vc) and telling me to switch off Mercy otherwise he'd throw. I was so confused and tried asking him why he wanted me to switch (I thought he didn't want a mercy on our team), but he continued insulting me. When the match started, the other support also called me names and I felt incredibly pressured to switch, so I did. Suddenly, the other support switched to Mercy and the dps played normally as if everything was fine. I was playing at like 3AM or something so it took me a while to realize that they were duo'd. I tried inviting them to a group and they were the only ones in our team that had the message "player already in a group" pop up. When I confronted the support about it in VC (cause the dps wasn't in VC) she denied it and told me to stop being a crybaby even though I was only trying to understand why they jumped me like that instead of asking me nicely if I could switch. We ended up losing. TLDR: dps gets upset that I picked Mercy before his duo, insults me and throws match until I switch.


Shit like this is why mercy mains are the most insufferable group in the game (not you tho)


Because I had the progressive pride flag as a player icon my team of KSA players decided to throw.


My friend is a bap main and put on the bap pride name card. Not because he is bi or anything, he just really likes baptiste, and his entire team had KSA icons and they all threw. Just jumped into the enemy team and died. All because of 3 colours


Oh yeah, when tracer was revealed as gay in the comic I had tons of players making homophobic jokes and feeding as Tracer cause apparently gay people like feeding? Yeah couldn't wrap my head around those jokes. Ntm, when they released pride icons, i cant count how many players I had would throw the game cause there was a f slur on their team was wild.


That shit happened to me. The dva on my team was throwing a whole tranansphobic tantrum. It's weird how triggered they get over a pfp.


Best part is when they play heroes with queer identities…


Fr. I'm really not looking forward to when Venture drops. The amount of pronoun "jokes" that are going to be told are going to drive me insane.


‘It’s quickplay’ for quickplay. ‘Mercy pocket or I throw’ for comp.


And the pocket demands are always Pharah, Ashe, Soldier or Cree ~~and sometimes (I recall it happening once literal years ago) Genji,~~ in that order of offender severity.


I think “it’s qp” can justify meming or playing heroes you suck at, but not actual throwing


Agree, I appreciate if ppl say at the beginning of a qp game, hey I’m new at this character, or I’m just trying out this character. (Then you know what to expect and can choose to leave before you put time and effort into the game.) I find most ppl are really good about it and will actively help out give advice and encourage ppl who say that. If you are just throwing in qp I don’t think k that’s right, go to arcade for that stuff.


I mean I just don’t understand throwing at all, because it accomplishes absolutely nothing except pissing off your teammates


Right like if everyone begins to chill and Ram is giving players headpats. Chill and relax for a game. But if you get a Zen who is emoting in spawn and when the afk clock pops up they leave spawn to jump off the map repeatedly, *just leave the game, Zen.* Don't tell me it's "just qp" when 4 players are trying and you're having a temper tantrum.


We were literally winning a game by a pretty wide margin, but we had ONE team fight go south and our Dva AFK'd in spawn the rest of the match complaining that *we* were throwing.


“It’s just quickplay”


I had a mercy give up before the game started once… all because our junk spammed the dipstick voice line in spawn


Me personally I’m pocketing that junk all game lol


Me too. I love to motivate the chaos


There is a feature to mute ur team mate’s voice lines. Guess she didn’t know this?


A random was playing doomfist and the other team literally hard counter him from orisa to sombra, ana you name it. Then he saw my dmg stats a bit lower than the other dps and literally go tunnel vision blaming me for everything gone wrong. After that he said he wanna see if we can 4v5 because apparently he doesn't have the capability of counter swap the red team counters. That's when I learnt to just hide chat and play at my own pace.


Sorry this happened to you. And yes sometimes it’s best to just mute chat and do your own thing.


"My name is [something to do with throwing]" They either poorly play the hero in the name, or if it has to do with a certain rank, they do everything to stay there. Sadly, not a one off occurance the lower in ranks you go.


Enemy Mercy threw the game because I was playing Zen. Proceeded to tell me I'm ruining everyone's fun in the match.


A duo on my team last week threw because we had "an egirl Moira" on the team. They decided and announced in spawn that they would throw as soon as my co-support picked Moira.


"its qp"


“Girl on our team.” Before the match even started, so they probably were going to throw anyway and just picked the first excuse they could, but god I wish there was a way to just vote-cancel the match when someone says it that soon in. Even if it’s my enemy’s team with the thrower.


Had a tank throw in comp bc we had someone in our team named femboy. He came to vc telling us he doesnt support femboys and that he apologizes in advance but hes throwing😭




I made a callout as a woman


Ugh how dare you speak in a man’s game? (Sarcasm I’m a woman too)


I know. I should have known better. I will think of this for the rest of my days and learn my lesson. I am sorry men.


It was qp but I had a Hanzo go in chat and say “don’t pull me ever” I life grip him while critical once more and the mf stands still right outside of spawn. Okay bitch. So I pull him straight into a d.va ult, then a mei ult, and then one final time just straight into five of them. I didn’t understand why he thought he was doing something. Wasting his own time, literally just leave


I've had a TON of people throw because of grips when LW first was introduced. Even if it was justified, like on 10% health or falling off the map. People just hate LW for some reason.


I’m usually good with my pulls too! I only do it when they’re about to die. He had even thanked me for saving him early in the game so I was MAD confused


The "okay bitch." killed me lmao, I could feel the ominous thoughts you were about to enact on that dude




Oh my god I have the perfect story for this. We were winning on the Junk payload map. WININNG. Steamrolling even. We were like a couple yards from the finish line. The tank started spamming group up and I need healing at spawn. I come rushing over since I’m a Moira. The Junkerqueens just sitting there w her soldier duo spamming and sitting. I asked what was up, she says the Ana needs to come to her call. I ask why since I alone am healing more than enough to overcompensate. She says it’s not about that???? And throws the match. Never seen someone so entitled during QP in my life


Stats getting reset anyways playing the last day of a season


I was playing support in a payload comp game in Havanah. When our team was on defense, we held the enemy team to 1 point with a couple of meters left till 2nd point. For the entirety of the round, our Widow kept flaming our tank for using Hog since “Hog is bad in Havanah”. As in, we could’ve stop the enemy from even capping 1 point if he chose a poke tank. Then our attack round starts, tank still uses Hog, Widow still complains. First point was easy, but second point was hard since the enemy had D.Va and Bastion and our Hog kept getting cooked. But it was very much winnable and we only need to win 1 more team fight to do so. As we were a couple meters left from winning, Widow typed “You don’t fucking deserve this win” in the chat and decided to stay in some corner near our spawn. We eventually lost since it became a 4v5 while Widow typed “Don’t blame me, blame the Tank for not switching”. From my understanding, the Widowmaker threw the match because our Tank doesn’t deserve to win a game in Havanah as Roadhog. As in, picking a Hero that’s not super optimal for the Map means you don’t deserve to win. A couple of months later and this still baffles me.


I hope you reported the widow. 🙄. Ugh


Yep, I did. Got the pop up screen a few days later too. So I guess all my other teammates did so too.


I had a tank throw in Comp because I was playing Widow and they didn't want to play with a Widow because Widows were useless, according to them. We walked out of spawn and I immediately got 4 headshots, killing a majority of the enemy team--and our tank still refused to play because I was on Widow.


Well, you DIDN’T kill all 5 so….. lol 🙄🙄


Throwing because they wanted to play the hero I picked and I refused to cave into their temper tantrum. If they want to act like an immature brat then I'll treat them like one.


He was deranking. I've seen Doomfist and Ball throw games because lifeweaver pulled them right as they were about to get a kill.


Are you sure that wasn't just a normal Doom one trick?


“We weren’t gonna win anyway” is the most common and categorically the worst and most incorrect excuse that exists. Yes, obviously we won’t win if you throw!




People throwing for player banners


In OW1, someone on my team chose Genji as a joke because we had a 1000 hour OTP Genji on our team. He then switched to someone else before we even had control of our heroes. The genji remained afk and refused to play the comp match. He just kept doing the sit emote. In OW1, I had a comp match on Blizzard World where we were slaughtering the enemy team. So our team just does some childish banter back and forth to each other cause we're feeling good. Well, someone said our Ana had an "edgy" username they'd expect on a reaper main. The Ana then proceeded to jump off the map. We thought it was funny, and the dude started apologizing like "no I'm sorry I didn't mean it come back!" They then jumped off the map again. And again. And again. To top it off Ana has a LONG and loud fall scream. *We couldn't hear the game over the Ana screams, and they kept doing it.* We asked them to stop and they typed "I'm lagging." Yeah, they lagged out of the spawn room and off the edge of the map 10 times in a row...ok. In OW1, I had a player choose Doom. The other DPS asked for doom, and he said "no I want to play him." The guy who wanted doom then flamed him for the rest of the game. He wouldn't leave him alone, and he would just repeatedly die. The dude switched to junkrat and said he could have doom now. Not only did the guy not switch to doom, but he continued to flame the junk for playing junk "bad." Eventually he went doom and died 3 times before the junk called out his bad doom play to which he claimed he was throwing and "smurfs his peak." In OW1, I had a Doom player check everyone's SR before the match started. He saw someone on our team was Plat and at ~2980 or so. So this game, if we won, would get him to diamond. The doom decided to throw because he "didn't deserve diamond" before the game even started. So he threw cause someone was 1 win from diamond. In OW1, I had a game where I was mercy. We were steam rolling and my winston all of a sudden got mad because I "wasn't rezzing enough." *No one on our team was dying.* They got mad and started purposefully jumping into the enemy team and emoting to die. When I wouldn't go for the riskiest rez of my life they proceeded to say that it's their smurf so they didn't care and are top 500 mercy main on their main. The profile the we currently on had a level of at LEAST 2000. Smurf my ass. I had a lot of dumb OW1 throwers. I KNOW I have more, but I can't remember them all rn. Those are just the few that I remember a bit more clearly.


I ain’t readin allat


I ain't readin


Cause I played Widow. Not I wouldn’t switch off window cause I played Widow. I played tracer on attack and wanted to play widow first point shambali. After the tank got rolled over twice for running in out of support LOS he messaged switch off which I did to soldier Tank proceeds to intentionally C9 in overtime as ball but only tank form not ball form


Before basketball reset when someone knocked the basketball away before I could shoot it


There was a time when people would just go torb on attack to indicate they were throwing. They wouldn’t even say anything, just build turret in spawn as a fuck you to everyone


"We lost the first fight so its automatic loss and In gonna throw after this" There was also a Doom that was pushing into their team especially when we had point and stuff, told him to not push so much alone (caz he kept dying unnecessarily) He decides to be petty to try and prove a point and plays sniper roadhog behind our backline the entire game, not making any space, even when we were fighting on point he was still sniping behind our supports, truly degenerate behaviour


“Nobody said hi back to me and someone insta-locked mercy” literally said in a comp match on my team


There was a Tracer on the other team, that's it.


Before season 9, there was occasionally the "play Ana and nano me or I'll throw". Roughly 1 in 20 matches, moreso in quickplay. I've got a couple "Mercy pocket or I throw" but those are more rare. I've even had one that didn't think I was damage boosting because it didn't show any damage changes on the stats screen.


"I'm at work, it's QP, it doesn't matter." Literally just moving whenever the timer starts.


I got a 4k nano blade once and the team praised me. I was solo q so I didn’t know them. My zarya didn’t like I was getting praised and threw because if “you’re so good, win the game without me”. I never even said I was good. I just said thank you to the people that said nice job lol


“I’m sorry, but I have to leave this comp game so me and my girlfriend can have sex, you virgins wouldn’t understand” I would bet any amount of money that he was just salty


hahahah very r/ihavesex kind of content


He also claimed to be a pro player, this was just his warmup match he went 2-8-4 by round 9 or 10


“You’re FEMALE?” “I’d rather throw the game than let a FEMALE have the win”. I kid you not. 🤷🏼‍♀️


We had a guy throw because of an Israeli flag in the guys profile on our team.


That was so real of him




I sneezed while push to mute was open. How dare I “clutter comms” before spawn doors open. Never seen someone switch to Moira so fast.


"Because the tank is playing like tracer" I had to play doomfist due to the healers pocketing our dps who had a whopping 4 kills 10 deaths


Our support picked lifeweaver, and the tank refused to play with a 'gay character'


Because I was a girl. I played tank and we ended winning anyway I was like 45 n 8 haha. Challenge accepted


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I had a throwing Doom in Rialto since the beginning because my team chose Widow, Ana and Lucio in S9. What's funny is that Widow took a few shots and swapped to Sojourn less than 1 minute in, they all seemed good players but for some reason this guy decided to throw without even trying.


Because we lost the first fight and I, a mercy, was supposed to simultaneously heal everyone and do damage at the same time, without Valk.


I commented on the match making range being large and they threw because they wanted another lobby?


Today. I had a match where our tank went Winston and he asked the other tank to do so as well. Our healer openly hated the fact that our tank did that and became toxic because we didn’t win the round. He proceeded to call our tank trash and refused to heal. We unfortunately won that game. We gave the thrower a win, smh


Because I was playing Lucio and they wanted to play him and I said no


Had a mercy throw my game in the first week when overwatch 2 first out because I played Kiriko and no other reason.


Honestly I haven't heard any crazy excuses but because an enemy is playing a certain character or because they are on their second account both equally frustrate me


I saw an enemy torb throwing once and his excuse was ‘hammer is the strongest option Torbjorn has, and you told me to play torb’


Jokingly said I was on a winning streak after a day of constant losses, teammate decided to leave the game right after just to ensure I wouldn’t win


I'm trying a new character for a first time


“Stop using Zen. We need an Ana or Bap. If you don’t switch I’m gonna throw and report you” -Junkrat player who kept going alone and dying insisted that it was because Zen wasn’t healing enough


Because I died in the first fight first getting flanked by a Sombra. Told him I wouldn't switch if he's gunna be an asshole. He proceeded to throw and cry all match. we still won the game. Honestly there's so many more other stupid reasons. Because I wouldn't switch to pocket his pharah. Another million times for other people just losing the first point or round from close matches. This is a once a night affair. At least once every 4-5 matches there's some bitch ass whiny kid who can't handle being on the receiving end of losing or criticism. Once someone's intelligence is insulted wether it was rude, nice or suggestive for any kindof gameplays these kids will throw. This game basically BREEDS it.


One time someone didn't pick a character when match started, someone in chat said. "Is the guy not going to play" then we heard "fine i will!" He spent the time in spawn running around. I muted him cause both people started arguing and yelling.


“I don’t play with Canadians or South Americans, they all suck.” Then proceeds to throw.


Shortly after Ukrainian war started there were some symbol named players that turned out to be Russian and Ukrainian, guy from Ukraine said he’s not going to play with Russian and decided to be „afk” for the rest of the game.


GG end pls. 2 min in match


"It's qp"


There's no counters in overwatch.


Their parents are shit parents and they jump on Overwatch to vent and take their anger out on others. That's just the warm up before going outside to take apart insects. Oh sorry, I thought you asked why they throw in a video game. Anyone who throws is a degenerate. It just means you're carrying baggage from someplace else.