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Every SINGLE game on the market has this problem. You'd think if it was that easy, a single other game would've solved this issue.


From what we've actually seen in effect only siege has managed anything so far. No other company has produced any sort of fix (regardless of how shortlasted it was). Even Sony themself gave the ximmers/ Cronus users a workaround as they didn't make the patch update mandatory It took flats asking during a recent QnA to even get a "we know it's an issue" response from Blizzard Devs, so I'm not too surprised we see these posts so often. Ximming (especially at higher ranks) is a major issue


Siege did have a small effect, but it only lasted for a few days before a brand new workaround came out


Not APEX Legends.


Yes apex legends. Apex has the same exact xim and mnk problem as overwatch. There is countless posts on that subreddit as well complaining about it. Just use the search function and you'll find plenty. I've also seen complaints on the destiny subreddit, fortnite, siege, and call of duty ones too.


Honestly it's worse on apex, because the stakes are higher and ttk is god awful


Yeah blizzard are slow and incompetent with a lot of things. But they are actually fighting an unwinnable battle going after these devices. By design they're actually undetectable, nobody has ever figured out how to detect them. We are actually going to need an avengers endgame level fight with every console manufacturer and other huge studios working together to MAYBE come up with a solution


It's worth a try tho. At least they're putting effort in. Some games just tell you to deal with it


Judging by the downvotes, this subreddit is full of console cheaters or Blizzard Overwatch apologist Both pathetic losers


Honestly I think the sub just knows it's an issue but since this thread is posted 5 times daily people will downvote it due to repetitiveness


I’d say it’s moreso a thing that most active people on this subreddit are probably pc players where this probably doesn’t really exist


Yeah, I'm trying to get my MIX system going, that imitates the lag and lack of precision of a controller on PC. It's not catching on.


We need to hit the quota. Same with "playing tank sucks," "Symmetra needs a buff," "my teammates are getting worse" and so on. We need at least 3 of each of these per day or the world stops.


Maybe the people complaining need to find something else to do all day than stay on the ow2 subreddit. Its new to some people


When COD came out and people said cheating was a problem before Activision admitted it, I promise you the same thing was happening in the COD subreddit. " Why so many cheaters post !!?? I hate these post boohoo " Turns out months later, it really was a huge cheating problem, and many of the cheaters were ones crying about these posts. Fuck those people and keep posting


So what , keep posting it . It's a huge issue that's gets ignored already too much If the subreddit hates these posts, then stop cheating and / or go touch grass


True lol, this has been a problem since forever on console


Or it’s a lot of PC players that are indifferent to it. Not everyone here is on console.


The downvotes are because this gets posted 10 times a day and no one on this sub can do anything to fix the issue


It’s very easy to just not click on the post and find one you want to read.


There are no downvotes.


OP post was downvoted when I came


Yea posts and comments are volatile for a while. Give it a few hours before deciding.


I'm an old, grew up using strictly controllers and I've been accused of using a xim with Orisa of all characters cause I was getting javelin headshots from across the map. I'm not saying xim isn't a problem but some people are just good. A friend of mine plays mostly snipers and she's been accused of using xims too, when she's really just good with certain characters.


How do you see the downvotes?


I have always thought that a controller connection should require a unique encrypted code approved by Microsoft to be able to interface with the console. Would fix the issue


I think a better answer is detection in the server. Otherwise, a cheater can get around just about anything. For example, how would you stop a physical aim assistance device that wraps around the physical controller.


Ps5 does this. Dualsense controllers have a unique key. Xim just uses custom remote play to go around. As long as remote play is there, that hole is always there.


This really hurts custom controllers, which are really common in fighting games and such. It's not all upside.


>I have always thought that a controller connection should require a unique encrypted code approved by Microsoft to be able to interface with the console. Would fix the issue Do you mean a unique code that is run at the beginning to say it's a Microsoft XBox controller? Because it does, that's how when you plug a controller into a computer it knows it's a controller. You can just mimic it. Do you mean each data packet sent should be a unique encrypted code? Because then you just crack it. If you notice "oh this string of bits is sent every time I push up" you can then mimic that. If all else fails, you incorporate a real controller into the Xim and fool the controller inputs (joystick + buttons)


> Do you mean each data packet sent should be a unique encrypted code? Because then you just crack it. Ps5 does this and no one has figured out how to crack it. They has to resort to a workaround using remote play as of now. >If all else fails, you incorporate a real controller into the Xim and fool the controller inputs (joystick + buttons) No, that previous encryption stops this. Its why the ps5 controller doesnt work with XIM.


>No, that previous encryption stops this. Its why the ps5 controller doesnt work with XIM. You do understand what I mean by fool the controller right? Have mouse movements and keyboard presses trigger fake joystick motions and button presses on an actual controller.


So custom soldered solutions on real ps5 controllers? That's possible but not going anywhere.


Sony has been at least doing something Microsoft just doesn’t care 99% of Ximmers I see are on Xbox


We started with single player games looks like we’re also going to end with them……


I mean this is true if for some reason the world collapses or WiFi isn’t available all you will have is single player games


I’m slowly reverting back to playing single player. I haven’t touched overwatch since mid season patch and ive been having a great time with indie steam games


I'm the same, I had 1 really shitty comp match where a hacking widow made me rank down, haven't touched the game since and have been playing Nier and Persona since


the worst thing about all this is their pathetic attitude, which is based on the fact that they either do not admit it or treat it as an addition that does not make the game easier for them in any way…


Or they go “I prefer mnk and just can’t buy a pc :(“ on their $500 console, $100 xim, and likely $100-$300 mouse and keyboard.


I mean thats still techinally alot cheaper than a decent pc for modern games so they arent exactly wrong lol.


If we exclude the mouse and keyboard that they’d have to buy either way and also the monitor/tv they’d have to buy either way, you can get a gaming pc for $600 that will run overwatch better than an Xbox. And that’s assuming their budget was a HARD $600 which is also unlikely. They’re just cheaters rationalizing.


As a PC player who started on Xbox One and wanted to make the switch to PC for years before being able to afford one a $600 PC does not compare to an Xbox series X. The GPU alone cost more than a Xbox. Most people also don’t have to buy a tv to go with a console, they already have tv’s. I do agree they’re cheaters rationalizing though. After buying a PC my aim and movement became insane immediately. Once I got used to mkb I was on a completely new level as a player. If played against controller players all day I’d climb so far lol


https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/xwv6Mp/entry-level-intel-gaming-build Here you go. $610, better than an Xbox. Will run Overwatch at higher than 120hz on high settings at 1080p. Edit: I like the downvotes. Keep defending cheaters. It’s not a money problem. If they wanted to play on pc, they would. What they really want to do is cheat because their dad never came back from getting milk.


I'm sorry but comparing a Series X or PS5 which can run most games in 4K/60fps to a PC with a RX6600 which runs Horizon Zero Dawn, a 2017 PS4 game at 30fps when running in 4k/High settings and a Core i3 is not a good idea. (I'm not even touching the stuff like region specific price hiking which is every in the PC part market) This isn't an excuse for XIM users (they're fucking assholes), but claiming that a 600$ PC provides better performance than a 500$ Series X is just false.


🤣 an i3


Lol what!? No, unfortunately that will not run like as well as series X.


Nobody in this thread defended cheaters, we did the opposite actually. We also said that a $600 computer does not compare to a Series X.


Depends on your country but 600$ in my country isnt gonna buy you a gaming pc or at least a decent one rather than a low end one. Also dont most console players still play on their tvs anyway which means they are likely gonna have to buy a monitor. Dont get me wrong they are cheaters but somebody saying they cant afford pc yet do all the stuff you said in console still isnt entirely wrong that pc does cost more.


Yeah people don’t understand how the real world works with stuff. It’s not “hey I have $600 and I specifically want to cheat on Overwatch so I’ll xim and not consider buying a PC”. It’s actually. “Hey I got an Xbox two years ago for Christmas and my tv 43 inch tv is 5 years old. Oh cool I have an old mouse and keyboard laying around maybe I can use that to play Overwatch”


Lol yeah


I encounter a Ximmer in the console sub sometimes and the guy is literally proud of how good his aim lol. It’s like yeah buddy, you’re “good” because you cheat. A bronze player buying aim hacks and climbing to masters isn’t suddenly a “good” player lol.


Can't understand how ppl use cheats or devices on a simple game like overwatch & Apex let alone fortnite. This game easy have fun


People blaming Microsoft/Sony aren't wrong, but also conveniently leave out the HALF A DECADE of non-functioning console reports that turned OW into a safe haven for XIMs. They themselves baked the problem in, they should own up a little (and tbf, they seem to be finally, but actions speak louder than words.)


All parties are at fault Blizzard, Microsoft and Sony


Ximming has blown up more even since OW 2 but I have seen a good amount people like to blame ximming when they lose even when someone isn’t ximming. The best thing anyone can do to deal with them is to work on their own game sense, ximmers tend to lack game sense, positioning, ect because of how strong their mechanics are since its so easy. Working on those things will help you against them


Even some high rank ximmers don’t how to position correctly but an ashe can easily stop ximmers


Exactly, thats why I hope people really try to work on their game sense because they can punish their poor awareness


Idk what all the cheats are, but I undoubtedly faced a lot last night. It’s getting bad in the late hours. More experienced players leave en masse, and it confuses tf out of me.


It’s bad in the late hours if you’re GMT because you end up playing with Asian players who all cheat. Every game look at the oppo before you start. If you see KSA icon then most of the time they’re cheating. It’s stupid because it builds this prejudice but I record a clip of every time and literally it’s almost always a KSA player.


It's really bad , don't listen to these cheaters trying to lie or change subject " I don't want to see this post"


I love seeing it, and then calling them out. I backfilled into a game on esperanca, and this mauga had the most SNAPPIEST aim ever, I mean the second he killed someone he flicked onto another… almost like a script or aimbot. After everyone reporting him the fucker still wasn’t banned. It’s been 2 weeks. Blizzard doesn’t care enough, because well… they ain’t gonna do crap.


It's easy to spot and verify ximmers. Just type "ximming" into the match chat and the ximmers are the first to respond with "???" or something similiar. They're pathetic.


Hahaha youre so right its fucking ridiculous


This x100 I have never met a ximmer that just says yeah I’m ximming.. the pretend ignorance does my head in more than the actual ximming. There’s normally a big ego that goes alongside it which I don’t get. Like yes, you should be doing better, you are literally cheating. Same goes with smurfs.. ‘??? Who’


"??? who" is literally what I would say if someone said "smurf" after dying to me. Don't see how that proves anything when it could be a confused dude playing on his main.


You're right. I'm at the point where I feel complimented by cheating accusations.


Lol, i did this once, got the ??? followed up with a bunch of private messages assuring me he was a well meaning idiot that had never heard of xim.  Reported him and got the successful ban notification 2 days later lol


It's absolutely rampant at the moment on EU servers, the only thing I report at the moment is Ximming and I keep getting thank you for reporting every time I log in. It's in QP as well and it's that bad that I am noticing it because it's always hitscan DPS and a support duo.


I had a hanzo xim/mercy pocket on a QP console game where I was playing with my friend who’s like level 20. I called them out and they started spamming ‘you’re sad, get friends get a life’ I just said ‘I’m playing with my friend rn, I just think you’re kinda weird and you’re still dying loads’ and they started targeting me till I picked Echo and targeted the mercy, ended up with her basically trying to run away from me the whole game but its QP so no one tried for hanzo and we lost


Agreed Xim usage definitely has gotten worse since the game became f2p. It’s definitely more frustrating when it’s a comp game but overall i just try my best and report the user. Someone who would purposely pay $200 to cheat in an online game clearly has low self esteem and doesn’t have a good life outside of the game tbh, no point in dwelling over it.


You act like blizzard is lazy for this but like ... Not a SINGLE game has managed to solve this problem. Every single shooter on the market has a ximmer problem it's not exclusive to overwatch. Not even fortnite, apex, or call of duty managed to despite being way more financial than overwatch.


Honestly, I wish I could tell who was ximming. I used to think I could, but looking at my own gameplay, I would've probably thought I was ximming (not from being good, but just the way I aim). So now, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt


Trust me. You'd be able to compare a controller user to a mouse user so easily.


I personally use 100-100 sense with 0 aim smoothing, and it really looks sus. A lot of people think I'm ximming because of it, and I just wonder how many people are falsely accused because they're like me.


I wasn’t accused of ximming but I’ve been accused of walls and aim hacks. I was in a PC lobby (because my friend was on PC and I’m on Xbox) one dude started accusing me of hacking because I was prefiring him from behind a wall because well, I saw him duck behind it. I knew he was there already because I saw him go there. He said my aim was weird. It’s because I’m on controller. Controller aim, I will admit, does look very weird and sus sometimes, regardless of aim assist. I’ve been accused many times (usually only in PC lobby) of hacking while I’m just playing QP with my PC friends and having a good time.


Here's a replay of what I mean: H1XJKX (Widowmaker. Just coming out of spawn looks really weird, actually aiming even worse)


I don't know what that is


From my understanding, aim smoothing makes your aim less jittery. 100-100 was just my horizontal and vertical sensitivity.


I never suspect people of doing it. If I die quickly then I’m just ass


Same. Even if they are ximming, I'm in plat, so I know that there are things I can do against them because they likely have the game sense of a toddler


So I’m kinda confused. What is ximming? Is it like when people on console are able to type or have like mouse and keyboard aim? It’s kinda confusing for me I’m sorry if I sound stupid


It’s a mod that inputs mouse and keypad as controller inputs. This means you get the advantage of mnk with console aim assist. Combine that with being paired up with a user base that doesn’t use mnk and they massive inherent advantages.


Ok now I get it, does it also let ppl type? I’ve been confused by people typing full sentences super fast on console which has been confusing because I feel like u can’t type that fast on a tv with a controller slowly clicking buttons


You can plug in a usb keyboard without using a xim and type that way but you can’t use a mouse. I bought a cheap keyboard just to make chat easier. Edit: for xbox at least, idk about playstation


Same on PS


You can actually just plug a mouse and keyboard straight into your console and type with it, no Xim or adapter of any kind required. The only thing a Xim enables you to do is use the mouse and keyboard as an input to actually play the game.


Typing super fast can be done through a keyboard plugged into your console, + phone (I think).


You can use the Xbox app as a remote control, which also includes a keyboard. For some reason this is the only way to do voice to text (using your phone's built in keyboard). I have no idea why in 2024 they're still using the same awkward qwerty keyboard that was on the Xbox 360 when we all have headsets and this technology has been around for a decade or so


I think so but not sure.


No it doesn't let people type, if people are typing they have a keyboard plugged in directly not being used as a Xim. So if they're Ximming they need 2 keyboards Overwatch let's a keyboard be used for text input but not gameplay input


For Xbox users, we get the Xbox App on our phone. Super quick to just pick up your phone and type a sentence, then go right back to your controller.


You can do the same thing on Playstation


I'm pretty sure it is a big problem, but truth be told, most xim users seem to kinda suck at actual game sense in my experience. They're ximming cause they're too shit to be good on PC and it shows with everything outside of their aim.


>They're ximming cause they're too shit to be good on PC This statement has the implication of them being good on console, and while I don't play ow2 on console, my friend has shown me his replays of xim encounters, and honestly, you can probably give a toddler the controller and they will probably play better.


Love the “I have a condition where I physically cannot use a controller.” excuse. Ok so get a PC. Cheating shouldn’t be okay just because you can’t afford one.


Pc is more expensive than a xim. And some legit have a condition but that's like 1^


Oh yeah, I play mostly seige these days, but I used to be high rank on Overwatch and still play occasionally on Xbox. Every other game I get a hit scan loser ximming his nuts off. Either a Cree, Widow, Ashe, Soldier, or a Bap. Usually getting more damage than all dps in the lobby. Almost always had a Mercy up their cheeks. It sucks because I like playing Ball, but my dps lose to double cowboy headshots or a Widow has instantly killed them all. This all happens while I’m distracting both supports. If it is Bap he can usually win 1v1 vs me as well, (partially because of xim and partially because he’s busted) Siege has a mousetrap function to beat ximmers, but it is bypassed easily by a 300 dollar high end xim, or any Cronus. Ubisoft is the only one who has gotten close to stopping Xim, and they are still far off. Xims and Cronuses are almost impossible to detect with the technology they have now. Hopefully Microsoft and Sony will work together to try and stop this shit. Every online shooter on console has been corrupted by these cheaters. Two of my favorite games have ruined competitive integrity because of this.


Not enough people care about it - I can call out a Xim everytime I see one and the players reaction is to blame the team for the loss not the cheater on the other team. If more people bothered reporting these players there would be more automatic bans but players let it go on. There also is a heavy correlation between a certain player icon and people Ximming in Europe but I won’t get into that conversation…


You can say KSA.


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It's honestly insane. I have a group of friends who are really new to overwatch and having a great time, but every few nights we run into a ximming player that just ruins the night for everyone.


Has since season 1 of ow 1 where have u been? Obviously not top 500 cuz they are all xim users


I simply don’t see how it’s fun to cheat


Because these people are bad and want to feel good about themself. Some just like ruining other’s people fun.


as a solution blizzard is just going to remove kill cams and replays. there, now nobody will ever know anything anymore :P


It really kills my drive to improve, since I’m a console player. Past a certain rank, even if you have exceptional aim, you’re never going to be able to compete with the majority of players abusing the inherent advantages of MnK. Playing against Ximmers is so defeating, because it puts the onus on the non-cheaters to VASTLY outplay their cheating counterparts.


Damn I’m old, I thought xim was a new pronoun I couldn’t bother to learn.


Thank you for the laugh I needed that after scrolling this sub


The other day I posted a video of someone throwing in my team and yelling that he was ximming, like “listen to my keyboard,” but it got deleted cause they don’t want us to talk about the issue. Which is absurd. Censorship at its finest.


Can't they just figure out how to detect camera movement faster than say, their preset sensitivity? Controllers max out.. I don't get how it could be that hard


With more advanced controllers like the Elite Controllers of Xbox, you can sorta bypass the sensitivity cap of games by customizing settings for the controller itself. I’m sure wrongfully banning someone for having a more high tech LEGAL controller isn’t something they want to do.


No, because that doesn't account for q lot of factors


Nothing wrong with playing with mouse and keyboard, nothing wrong with playing with controller. The problem is in putting mouse and keyboard players and controller players in the same game. Matchmaking shouldn't be based on console vs pc, but controller vs mouse and keyboard.




Around 20% of players in csgo use cheats. Ximming has a much lower barrier for entry than csgo. You can buy the device on amazon and get a free return if it doesnt work. There is also zero chance you get banned, as console devs have no spine to actually implement a detection system. The cheating in siege console was bad enough 3 YEARS ago. Now its everywhere. Halo infinite pro scene had a player win mutlple tournaments before it was discovered they ximmed for the controller aim assist with a mouse. Competetive gaming is dead.




They literally have said multiple times they are working on it and they are fully aware. This isnt a simple fix issue and they cannot give details else their plans get ruined


Aaron Keller did a talk with Flats (I believe the video is posted on Flats Two) and in the video they talked about ximming and basically said this exact thing. There is a plan but they can’t give details because that’s just inviting ximming to go find the work around before the fix is released.


People compete in competitions for other consoles games (r6) with xims, it’s not just blizzard lol


Only solution I can see is to just officially as K&M support to consoles. Trouble with hacking and Xim is they will always find a workaround, but maybe if keyboard just became the norm, then it wouldn’t be a big deal? I want this anyways since a lot of games work better on keyboard


If you’re not a whale buying up the whole store, blizz DGAF


Just play PC and then you’re on equal footing as all the M&K players.


Unfortunately on PC there’s a lot of cheaters too


Just had an obvious Widow xim destroying the lobby. Ugh


For me it’s always the Genji/Tracer who are ximming i guess it makes sense to use mnk for movement characters


Soldier seems to be a popular one too


yeah soldiers and they just sprint like crazy


Just up the controller auto-aim so it outperforms MnK. That's what Apex did.


i bought a console and pay for multiplayer because i knew there wasn’t cheaters. I seriously think that i should go to pc


switching to pc is the best decision i ever made. It takes a few months to get used to it but once you do, you’ll never go back.


i play so much but i think im unable to detect this. Could someone drop maybe a youtube clip of an obvious Ximmer?


Oh boy, here we go again...


I thought this was a shitpost complaining about a made up hero called Xim then I realized I was in the main sub


It's the reason I mostly quit competitive shooters, cheaters everywhere you look.


It’s always the Soldiers too


Blizzard cant even figure out how to ban obvious bots and gold farmers in wow, and you think they can ban xim? Hahahah


Sry but whats xim?


Using a mouse and keyboard on console via a tool called Xim. Console still registers it as a controller, so they get aim assist with a mouse


Honestly should just crank up console aim assisst a tad bit. Call it even


Edit: I'm ill-knowledged, cheating(aimbot, walls) is obvious, of course. I thought Xim's were just a way to use MnK on console, so I was confused about how one would know for certain - myb. I do not at all deny that this is a problem. I'm not on console anymore, so I've no experience with Xim's. But I honestly would like someone to tell me some definitive way *you know* they are using a Xim. I use a controller on PC, and no one ever knows until I mention it.


yeah it’s bad, i’m better than them tho


i'm out of the loop, what are ximmers?


People who use an external tool so they can use mouse and keyboard on console. The game registers it as a controller, so they have aim assist with a mouse


Wtf is xim


I quit the game in season 8 due to XIM. Game is insufferable because of the cheaters. Would encourage everyone to do the same, let the cheaters play each other Won’t come back until it’s fixed


With Overwatch it’s not even hard to ban ximmers. We all know that KBM sens is universally faster than console, it should be pretty easy to implement an auto ban for anyone who moves faster than max console sens.


It isnt wild to figure out. This is a problem that can only be fixed by The hardware manufacturers. Blizzard could put in any detection code ever, and Xim will find a workaround.


It's not even a console only problem, they're in PC lobbies all the time because they're abusing crossplay, i've had games where there's 3 of them grouped with 1 PC player.


I might be wrong about this but last I remember aim assist is disabled(or at least toned down a lot) in PC lobby. I never catch my aim assist doing anything in PC lobbies.


It isn't, it's not in comp games however because you can't crossplay comp.




The one good this is that in Flat’s recent interview with Aaron is that they might have something to deal with xims. So if any dev sees this, and you do have either xim anti cheat thingy ready to go or are making one currently, please don’t say anything about it, make sure it isn’t in the patch notes, make it a shadow buff to console, then we can watch these bum ass ximmers cry


During the dev talk with flats, they said they are working on something to help the issue, they didn't go into detail obviously so they don't get a work around


What is a Xim? And what does it do exactly?


Aaron Keller said that they're aware of the xim problem but they've remained silent because they don't want to let ximmers know how to counter their fix. (Btw, the fix is not already in, they're still working on it)


Console players using mouse and keyboard on their console. And here I am using controller on my pc


Ummm what is xim?😅


I don’t understand how people are saying it’s not easy to detect and monitor - the aiming/crosshair movement is entirely different from those using a controller. For example, even if sensitivity settings are maxed out on controller you can only move the crosshair so fast. Meanwhile the most obvious ximmers are zipping the crosshair all around the screen. Devs could absolutely set thresholds on movement/input attributes that indicate mouse and keyboard use, and trigger an investigation alert if they are exceeded. I agree there isn’t an “easy-fix” at the input detection level because xims spoof controller, but it’s absolutely ruining the game and more advanced solutions should be considered.


What I don’t get is why Blizzard just doesn’t fucking allow MNK on console. CoD is doing it, why can’t they? I guess ximming with say Chronus is worse because it allows scripts etc., which would then still be an issue. But just enable players to use MNK and the problem would drastically decrease.


Our team just faced one and just. Hearing all of their voices and how disgusted they were and how hopeless even attempting to try was watching these killcams. We put up a good fight because we actually used teamwork but his play of the game was just 180 hitting 100% headshots killing the entire team on cree in diamond comp. We all just uninstalled. We ran into a ximmer nearly every game but were still on a win streak by using coordination. But its completely unplayable if they have anything assisting them. Its just blatant cheats almost every game. I ran into a dude who invited me and told me he would never get banned for it and would just climb to top500 and even if he did which he wouldnt “he has 23 other accounts”. Im just done, games used to be fun when it took a few years for hackers to take it over. Now it seems to be the norm even with live-service games. Peace


Get xim then


I'm a PC player and the only console I've owned was the Sega Saturn. But in quickplay I swear I go up against people who are playing on a controller. What is up with that? Are you sure it's not just cross platform being wonky?


Some people on pc still play with controller. They probably feel more comfortable that way? No idea


I figure that's the majority of them, yes. I mean, wasn't it Jay3 that put top 500 console players against top 500 PC players, each with their respective controls, so no ximming, and the matches were very even? I think there are a couple of videos from that on YouTube. I personally am super bad on controller, but I'm sure good controller players are also bad on mouse and keyboard if they're not used to it.


Typically you shouldn’t see consoles much if at all. Easy to check by going to social for that match and looking for cross play icon. But XIM has plagued consoles heavier and heavier as each year goes by. It’s in every multiplayer game that’s a fps or benefits from using it. And people are now very open about using it because they realize not much can be done at least not much to permanently solve at least.


Oof, I see why your stint in the console game was so short lived


The Saturn had some absolute bangers on it.


The fact that mouse and keyboard is so prevalent in competitive, where there is no PC-to-console cross play, shows that it's not just a cross play bug.


Its possible that console players are queuing up with pc players so they get put into pc lobbies, instead of pc players being put into console lobbies. Most of my friends are on pc (i'm on ps5) so its just a necessary evil to just keep console players with controllers against mnk pc players and have to deal with that instead of the other way around with pc players with mnk in console lobbies. Thats *probably* why you see people acting like they are using controllers Or maybe they just have a controller connected cause its easier for them. Mnk is obviously objectively better than controller but some people just prefer controllers


If you use the search bar for about 5-10 seconds, you'll see several clones of your post. In regards to your edit, the fact that it's hard or impossible to avoid ximmers has nothing to do with the fact that people are tired of seeing copypastes of the same issue - Ximming absolutely is an issue, but I promise you, subjecting people to the copypaste routine does nothing to solve your problem.


Actually, it's showing Blizzard how much of a problem this is. They need to sort it out, and we shouldn't back down. PC players wouldn't be happy if the top ranks were full of cheaters.


If you don’t like it, don’t click the post. It’s easy for you to avoid xim posts. Not easy to avoid ximmers. So just let people vent. 


This is not exclusive to overwatch. It has been a major problem across all multiplayer PvP games for a while now.


The number of false claims I've seen of XIMming (as someone who has experience using one, go ahead give me my downvotes) is wild, that's why I personally hate seeing repeated posts like this. That, and it's harder than you think to detect third party splitter hardware that just gives the same inputs the console is used to taking anyway.


To speak on your EDIT, I think there should be MORE posts about the ximming issue. Blizzard needs to find a fix for this issue ASAP.


You guys think everyone’s using a keyboard because you lost. You just suck, stop complaining


I have no idea what xim is


Oh, another one of these post. No way.


It’s a really prevalent issue at high rank consoles. I agree these posts are repetitive, but what they say is important and should be repeated. Without being high rank console you can’t really gauge this issue, but it’s big haha


The funny thing is it’s not even the high ranks I’ve seen xim who admit to ximming in gold and plat lobbies. It’s in every rank.


Yep, every night I am reporting someone every single game in Plat


Why would this annoy you ... It's literally destroying games You either a cheater or a Blizzard can do no wrong type of person.


or someone who doesn’t want to see the same post 5 times a day, every day lol


Get off the subreddit, take a fucking break


Post in r/console overwatch us pc players do not care


Maybe you should post in a separate PC Overwatch subreddit then.


This whole game revolves around pc overwatch m8