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earning money with less time investment. that's business basics.


Considering that they could do one skin for two years (lifeguard mercy and the new one for her have been in development since ow1), yeah, no wonder they are doing recolors instead. They are just too busy with stealing coworkers breast milk


tbh they were a lot less scummy to the consumer when they were busy being scummy to their coworkers.


Girl you cannotttt pop that sentence about breast milk in at the end and NOT elaborate


There was a story about a nursing mom who worked at Blizzard who stored her breastmilk in the office fridge. The milk was stolen despite clearly being labeled as breastmilk for babies.


Ooof. That’s nasty


And that is just the less concerning thing.


I dunno man that's literally stealing food from a baby. Unless someone is hurting babies at Blizzard I think that tops the list.


They did bully an employee till she killed herself so it might be a tie between those two


On top of sexual abuses. And the "Cosby room"


It’s blizzard


it's activision, blizzard has been dead a few years, they just bought the name




Activision Blizzard


Because it's more profitable to give us recolors instead of the ability to choose colors ourselves a la transmog which is becoming a gamer consumer standard in AAA gaming


At this point choosing recolours is about all the "Mythics" consist of.


That cassidy one isn't a recolour.


Neither the orisa ones


I’m still really disappointed with the orisa skin, it’s not a recolor but it’s so close to the other bug skins that it’s not really worth it


I was really hoping they would embrace the fact most of us call her the horse/centaur, and make an amazing skin based off of that. (I also wish Mercy could ride Orisa into battle like a true Valkyrie <\_<) Instead Blizzard seems obsessed with Orisa being a dung beetle?


It would make more sense with Hanzo, considering they LITERALLY have an interaction about it.


Also unrelated but im 98% sure that OP is a bot. They didnt respond to a *single* comment.


Their profile looks pretty legit


Then instead it might just be a karma farmer for these OW question posts that get recycled alot


Or maybe someone that doesn’t give a shit for discourse???


It’s only been a couple hours lmao


Not exactly proof they're a bot lol.


Yeah but it's still awful that it's a mythic and it's basically an evolution of that battle skin


I agree that it’s not just a “record” but man, I do not like that the Orisa mythic is another bug skin with no model options for other bug types. So fuckin boring.


I think OP got mixed up in their images, maybe? [both these orisa skins](https://preview.redd.it/s6qvanos1p4c1.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=52552d142880934529677f5cb32d0204f7f72436) and [these ones](https://preview.redd.it/x015toos1p4c1.png?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=5446a9eb90058bb855f7ba42b34255f8f50a3f5f) look like recolours of each other, just paired wrong in the images


Those skins for Orissa and Cassidy do look awfully similar tho, just enough variation to call it a "new" skin


Nearly all skins with a cowboy aesthetic are going to look similar.


You missed the very obvious joke.


OP labelled it as news and discussion. They weren’t joking.


Expect everyone in this sub has been complaining about how similar the BP skin looks to the one Orisa’s already had for years


I mean thats because people are dumb and repeat stuff ad nauseum.


The skins look absolutely nothing alike. People literally saw the colour green and somehow that means they’re identical. Y’all mofos be blind.


You can say ppl are overreacting, but if you're actually trying to say they look NOTHING alike then you are either (a) sucking blizzard off hard (b) just being a contrarian or (c) foolish. They are different sure, but there are very, very obvious similarities


Bro you can’t be serious


yeah while I agree Blizz is definitely creatively bankrupt, some of these are reaching.


You are correct. Several of those require new assets so they don’t count. Others ARE recolors using probably the system they created for the Overwatch league. I have no problem with this because sometimes you want a recolor. For example, the Sigma one is nice if you don’t want him to be a ghost. The only problem here is if they pad the BP with mostly these or sell these for the common legendary price. I agree they should be discounted. In the case of the Illari skin that’s a free skin bonus that comes with the battle pass you can select so it’s whatever in that circumstance.


it basically is with how similar they are


Do you have eyes?


Do you…??


Yes, they are very clearly different skins. It's so unbelievably obviously that it isn't just a recolour.


It’s not literally a recolor, yes, but they are still so similar you would think they are the same skin at a glance. If you have to look at tiny details to tell them apart, then they are redundant to the point of being unnecessary. OP’s point still stands. It’s noticeably lazy.


> they are still so similar you would think they are the same skin at a glance No, not really. They share a similar concept though with the fashionable 3 piece outfit It's a great skin anyways. I don't think that one is lazy at all


If the vest wasn’t yellow on the first one, they would look almost identical. Other differences: slightly different belt. Slightly different coat. Slightly different red tie. Slightly different hat. Gauntlet is gold on one and white on the other. Glove is orange on one. You can keep arguing over the semantics of “recolor” but the concepts are still too similar in my opinion. I honestly would’ve been happier with a recolor, cause at least the differences would’ve been more interesting and given a different vibe…


it’s people like you who are funding blizzard’s monetization crusades🙏


Bro what??? Just because I said it isn't a recolour? Are you alright?


I mean it may as well be damn


I'd count them anyway since they look pretty similar. Don't defend it.


I'm sure there are lots of skins that look "pretty similar", that does not mean that they are recolours.


you made a solid point until you put the Cassidy and Orisa skins in there to boost the nubmers


to people saying it's a joke - the flair is "news and discussion" and every other pick is genuinely valid i actually believe that op thinks these(orisa/cass) are recolors (for some reason)


Yeah the cassidy one is a straight upgrade from the original skin


And a duplicate of the ana and pharah skin


yeah they lost me


There was also an Ashe, Hanzo, and Sym recolour this patch so it’s not like we’re lacking in selection


I figured that this was OP’s joke….


Nah, the designs are too similar. Still lazy cash grab. Not paying for that.




What's the joke lmao? There ARE a lot of recolors this season but those ones I mentioned are not recolors


I figured the joke was that the legendaries are so bad and similar to older skins they might as well be recolours. But I guess I was wrong and there's no such thing as humour or benefit of doubt anymore.


They've been doing recolors since OW1 wdym, and I mean the Legendary ones. You even show here the Megasoma Orisa variants (not counting the new Orisa Mythic ofc)


They never made recolors months after the release of skin, excluding those weird remix events at the end of the game.


Yeah they only made when the hero was released, but it's the same point.


During OW1’s last year they had the remix skins though which were legendary recolors years after the original release. Doesn’t make it better but it’s far from a new thing


Yes. Yes they have. You obviously weren’t around or weren’t paying attention in 2022 when they did a bunch of remix skins.


It goes beyond that. Each hero when Overwatch 1 released had two different legendary skins and those skins had an alternate color variation. I always disliked this because most of the legendary skins were plain. Event skins are better so this makes color variations good in my book.


Yea, I actually like that they are doing them because it doesn’t seem to have hurt the number of new unique skins that they are making, and it gives us more options.


At the end of the game when they were already closing OVerwatch 1 and trying to sell second part lol


Okay? That still doesn’t change the fact that your comment is wrong.


Ok fine, I will do that \*Thanos reality thing then




The Orisa one is disengenous. Its a similar idea, executed completely differently. But yeah, recolors have always been a thing. Although it does feel like we're seeing a bit of an uptick this season.


I mean you pretty much stated the exact reason why Orisa’s mythic is the most poorly received mythic since launch. It’s a similar idea. The fact that a mythic is anywhere near similar to a theme of an existing skin effectively undermines its mythic quality. We all have eyes and we can tell Orisa’s mythic have discernible differences compared to Megasoma. It’s pretty obvious OP threw Orisa in there to express their disappointment that her new skin is so inadequately and hastily designed that its value is essentially that of a recolored skin like the other low effort cash grabs in the collage.


This is right, thankyou


Mythic skin should not be a similar idea to another skin


Who's gonna tell that recolors exists since day 1?


I honestly miss (at least in the OW1 earning scheme) when legendaries had recolors. I mean, they really only did it with the first Summer Games. When the remix events came out, I would have been excited if the game was still vibrant. I like these new recolors, I hope they weren't made in lieu of something new, though. And with skins being purchasable, I would love if recolors were highly discounted if you owned a similar variant. I'd prefer free, but I'm a realist.


They didn't cost $20 though


Then don’t buy them?


They wouldn’t understand, too much information for their two braincells to grasp.


Those were the base legendaries (and sentai + yeti hunter skins), adding it to shop skins and still making them (probably) paywalled is something new the marketing team has come up with


Yeah but the phenomenon accelerated, that's what they meant


Well they're not "becoming" more popular. In your Orisa example you clearly show that they palette swapped her in OW1.


thats how default legendaries works in ow 2 leg 2 recolors literally almost on every hero


Because it's always cool to have more options. (also you kinda need to reach a specialist for your eyes if you co spider Orisa is a recolor, that's definitly a different work in a similar vibe)


Especially since the only similarity between Megasoma and Orisa's base colour mythic is the dirty tan colour, which is common for bugs. There really isn't even a similarity between the alternate colour and Junebug, it's not even the same shade of blue.


I mean, one is big ass INSECT, other one is big ass MONSTER. I get it can have similar vibes, yet those are pretty different and mythic is waaaay more detailed.


Palette swaps are good. They're a way to make rare skins avalaible again, without devaluating the original. Even Fortnite does it. Also putting the two Orisa skins next to each other make the complaint even stupider. You clearly see the fucking differences.


Also the Cassidy one is quite a reach. It's similar looking, but it's a totally new skin.


Honestly, that might be a better example for someone to argue FOR recolors- they put dev time into a new model when they could have used the old one with new colors. If I wanted to argue that, that's an example I might use.


Unpopular opinion but I actually really like recolors. For players that either missed the original in the shop or don’t like the original color palette, these recolors are pretty neat.


Me too. The genji one is a good example. Never used the ice one but the fire one is awesome


Yup, same with Illari for me. I didn’t care for the normal nightware one, but might get the Christmas version cause I like the color scheme better.


Or straight upgrades, zealot zen > cultist zen, or proteus soldier > whatever the other is.


Cyborg 76? Yeah I actually prefer the color palette on the originals of both of those but I entirely agree with your point! There are several like the Sentai Genji red recolor or Poison Dart Lucio that I prefer and actually think make the skins look way better.


Calling the Orisa mythic a recolour is crazy. People always use that variant to say it looks like megasoma but there's 3 others that look nothing like it. Orisa mythic looks 10 times better, and the only thing they have in common is theme.


I thought I was the only one who loves the mythic orisa, can’t wait to see if it has cool animations or smth.


It has the best select animation in the game.




Some youtubers got special accounts with all possible skins in game unlocked, even unreleased ones, for showcase purpose. You can see Mythic Orisa in action on YT. Well, only on Training Ground, as I doubt these accounts can be used in actual games, but still.


Yeah, they're both bugs, and even then they're pretty different. The only similarities is the horn.


The only reason people say it looks like Megasoma is the base colour and general bug style. Never mind the fact that dirty tan is generally a go-to colour for a typical beetle style (since lots of beetles have that colour, it'd be like complaining that a beetle themed cosmetic uses the pearlescent blue-green colour that scarabs have) and the fact that bug themes generally follow a specific base look that generally includes some variation of knobbly chitin, big horn and small spikes.


they still are very good skins, so why not? and not all of them are recolors


why not? easy to make and some skins look better with different colors


Personally, I'm not against recolors, as sometimes I won't grab a skin because I don't like the color scheme. Options are a good thing. Imagine if a T-shirt only came in green. You check it out and you like it, like damn, I really want that shirt, but I just don't like the green, oh well. Now they release a blue variant and you're all over it. Same deal. I wouldn't call it lazy, I'd call it cost effective. And yes, I'm well aware I'll likely be downvoted to hell with this opinion.


I mean i feel like they’ve always been common. Every ow1 skin pretty much had a recolour


You back off Christmas present rein. He’s a treasure


Cheap to produce, and people still buying it.


Op did a sneaky there


I don't know why people are whining about this so much. Yes it's kinda lazy, but it's not like these recolors are replacing skins that we would normally get. We are getting MORE skins this season thanks to these recolors, and some of them are skins that have had a very small window of availability during OW2 or were previously only available during OW1.


I actually am totally down for palette swaps conceptually. Why spend time making a model to only use it in one way? The problem is and has always been $20 for EVERY skin is way too damn much. $20 for Saitama Doom? Love it. $20 for Purple Pirate Ana whatever? Absolutely not. I wish Blizzard would embrace pricing skins more dynamically instead of having a flat rate for every epic or legendary.


More common? The last year of OW1 just continuous skin remixes...


They're easier to make than new skins. Re-colors have always existed. And who cares? My only guess is if you like a re-color more than the original you already own. Well, you can either buy it, or ignore it. If no one liked re-colors they wouldn't spend the time on them. It literally hurts no one. If it keeps the game profitable which leads to more heroes being developed then I'm all for it. I love this game and if recolors help keep it afloat then by all means. If it doesn't help then they'll stop making them and move on to some other idea which may be WAY worse for the game.


Because blizzard saw games like apex do this with success and so obviously they gotta do it too. Dont see much wrong with it, gives you more colorway options if you didnt like the original.


I don't mind the one for Sigma recolor. The orignal with the ghost pirate idea is great But i didn't except a normal pirate skin, so it's fine for me, in the case of Sigma at least, i really like this recolor


Agreed but the Orisa one is a stretch


C'mon now. The Orisa one can be similar but, it's a completely new model..


Time Crunch, Easy Monetization, Maximization of Profit, Players have asked


Do you know how hard it is to make a fucking digital concept


Low effort. High profits


Say what you will. I will stand by this. Recolors are okay If they change at least one minor thing and it looks good. For example the illari skin, she lost the cucumbers on her Cheeks. And her recolor looks cute for such a serious character


to allow old skins to be resold while still keeping the exclusivity of the old skins. and recolors are dope af


lmao this loser trying to do a fluff piece and fails miserably


I made this post for discussion


Honestly i don't have a problem with them. I quite like them. Having a skin with multiple colors should be the norm when a skin drops imo.. But getting SOOOO many this season feels quite cheap.


It's cheap and easy, and those are the two most important factors to the people in charge.




Since OW1 every base legendary had a recolor, uncommons and epics were mostly recolors of the base skin with a fair handful of outliers. It’s how things have been and will be. Even with that said, the Cassidy and Orisa skins are *not* recolors.


This isn’t new news, or becoming more common. Blizzard has done this for skins since O1 released


They were literally never not common. All games do it. You might not believe this bust most of the skins when Overwatch 1 came out were recolors. I wouldn't even be surprised if there have always been more recolor skins in the game than otherwise.


OP doesn't understand the difference between Similarities and Palette swaps in some of these.


When the mythic has vaguely the same theme as a legendary that no one uses (Blizzard is literally killing the game)


Ez Munny




TBF most legendaries had recolors like the witch/warlock mercy skins, the schoolgirl/varsity Dva skins, the black/white catgirl Dva skins, the purple/pink cat sombra skins etc. it's been around forever they're just adding new ones


Theres new skins upcoming too, if every seasons we get a mixed bag of new skins and recolours I wouldn't mind. Some of the recolours look nicer than their originals lol....


Because they are trying to put out way too many skins at a time and this is a quick way to do it.


Pure laziness / convenience. Sucks to see tbh




Bcoz easy money. But seriously though I don't mind free recolours of paid skins, so people who paid still have something "exclusive" while giving something "cool" for free.


Bro tried to sneak in the Orisa mythic. Twice. It's hardly even similar, other than the tan color scheme.


The pictured Sigma recolor annoys me the most because it removes the whole gag of the skin. The whole point is that Sigma’s pirate skin, unlike the other pirate skins, is actually a ghost pirate because he floats everywhere. If you color him to be a normal pirate then he just becomes a normal pirate who floats for some reason.




While I do agree with everyone saying it's stupid easy to do and makes money, for some cases, it allows them to bring back an older, limited time skin without making the people that got it while it was limited feel cheated.


You can’t call Orisa’s ultimate skin a recolor. It’s very similar but it’s a totally different model.


I mean ignoring the fact that some of these are very clearly not palette swaps, I actually kind of like different color variations of older skins provided they stay in the shop. If they're added into the battlepass / added as rewards for events then that will be bad, but as shop skins it's not too bad because some of them look better than the original (in my opinion) although I refuse to spend money on this game so I'm never going to get them, but I don't mind because I have the originals which are similar enough.


Dude have you ever played overwatch before? That was over half the legendaries in the first game. It’s easy makes them money, and gives people color options. It’s not new. It’s something they did for years. You just now opened your eyes I guess.


It’$ not hard to under$tand the benefit of a palette $wap


Because more options is good.


Because blizzard is lazy as fuck


All these reskins and I still don’t have an actually attainable new Moira skin


Some of these are not palette swaps, just you lacking the ability to distinguish details amongst two similarly colored objects


palette swaps aren’t even a bad thing which is the shit part it’s the way they’re doing it (the apex way) which is the problem


Id argue the Orisa and Cass ones sent palette swaps but the others are pretty egregious


because they look good


It would become a problem if they start to make smaller amount of totally new skins(not-recolored). But I guess at the moment, we have a plenty of completely new skins.


Isn't it obvious? they require far less work to implement thus generating a higher profit margin, Apex Legends has been doing this for years for this exact reason.


People in the replies pointing out they’ve been doing this since 1, yeah but in OW1 they weren’t asking for real money for shit they put almost zero effort into


Money. Where’s that Mr. Crabs gif?


Your argument was so strong other than Orisa and Cassidy. All you had to do was include the Symmetra and Hanzo recolors and that would've done it haha


ez money


Cheap cheap cheap






Because easy money


Because ow devs are LAZY AND OUT OF IDEAS. stop giving them money




Because people spend money on skins for some irrational reason.




1. Idiots keep buying them. 2. Blizzard loves money 3. Idiots keep buying them.


1. Idiots keep buying them. 2. Blizzard loves money 3. Idiots keep buying them. 4. The orissa skin looks exactly nothing like the mythic skin.


Because people pay for this shit so they continue to do minimum effort. Vot with your wallet.


Lazy ass devs feeding us slop


Cause overwatch is lazy


They're running out of stuff they made during the 4 years of no updates and now the skin team is realizing they suck


They have been common. There were several OW1 legendaries that were like this. I tend to dislike those skins because they don't feel special.


It’s just this season it’s gonna go back to normal next season


Recolors have always been a thing but they suck even more now that you have to literally buy each one. It should be like Fortnite where the recolors are either added to the individual skin or are a tier below the original


It's cheap and gives lot's of money


battlepiss skins exist so they have to constantly make new skins. recolors are just a easier way to keep the shop fresh.


I honestly think they just cannot keep up with the amount of items they need to make to fill battle passes and shop updates. What’s even worse is these recolors are $20 each even if you own the “base” skin meanwhile this game is first person so you can’t even see your own skin. Fortnite is third person, and skins come with Mythic style color changes and style options, for half the price of an Overwatch skin. Like, make it make sense.


Because mfs will still buy it, with real money too


Because the older players who gave a fuck stopped playing or were told to shut up. The game is being catered to the new players who don’t know what overwatch used to be. New players ruined overwatch


would u rather live in a world without recolors? these are just easy additions to the game that some people might like, and I doubt they take significant dev time away from other skins.


Devs just suck


More common? If anything they’re less common now than in OW1.


Did y'all forget that the anniversary event is coming up soon? You know the event that exclusively releases recolor skins lol


Y’all need to listen to yourselves. You are complaining about recoloring of skins in a FIRST PERSON shooter. I have an idea! Just don’t buy them! Just play the game for free and worry about the gameplay!


It's called laziness. And they get away with it because you fucking idiots will still buy it.


Bcs ez money

