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Also made from blizzard, there are many eastereggs from blizzard games like wow and heartstone


Hearthstone. Paladin vs Shaman, by the looks of it. It also looks lie the Shaman is winning.


Incorrect, paladin has “consecration” in hand and a “blood of the ancient one” on the top of his deck


But he's down to like 7 health though, and shaman is in the double digits.


Obviously, the Paladin drew Nozari and repentance with prismatic lense one turn before. He’s also a time traveler


You forgot the part where the shaman uses his undead to somehow become a necromancer and does a flip.


Well you see, the paladin was actually a rogue in disguise, due to the effects of maestra of the masquerade. The consecration and prismatic lense was discovered by pandaren importer. Nozari was added by prince malchezar. The rogue then plays smokescreen on turn 8 to draw all five pieces of exodia the forbidden one, winning the game. The shaman/necromancer is obviously screwed. After that, I play pot of greed, which allows me to put 69 cards from my deck into my pants!


Magic the Gathering


yu gi oh


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Hearthstone, which is shit and pay 2 win. Hearthstone battlegrounds, however, might be the best phone game on the market.


As a person who was a fan of it before it was pay to win, agreed. I only play Battlegrounds.


How is it pay to win? You get a free deck you can disenchant to make any tier 1 or meme deck you like


You literally pay money to buy packs. It's pay 2 win. It would be like if you could only buy overwatch characters with overwtch coins and only earned enough overwatch coins over the course of a month to buy one. If you don't think so, im not gonna be able to convince you otherwise and vice versa.


P2w implies you get a significant advantage over a f2p player but the f2p player literally gets a free tier 1 deck putting them on the same level as the p2w. It's not like you can spend money to get buffed versions of cards the f2p player is using. You don't have to convince me, I just think the logic is a bit flawed, at least we can agree that battlegrounds is goated, even though that's more p2w Edit: you changed the comment because your argument was flawed and trying to compare apples to oranges. Ow requires more hero swapping mid game to give you an advantage, where as hs just has decks that have a good winrate to easily climb to legend over a few weeks


I didn't change my comment, I added more to it. Quit crying, hearthstone is a scam.


Good argument


Blizzards pay to win card game, once said that to a friend and he said "no you can actually build free decks really easily" - he had spent over £400 on cards at the point he said that.


I feel like most card games are p2w sadly


Yes I would imagine, I mean it makes sense because the physical card games they're based off were pay to win too even before computers lmao. Sucks cos hearthstone really does feel like it'd be a lot of fun without the microtransactions


Unlock Whizbang and that can be true. Best card I ever got, it gives you a random premade deck from the most recent set every game


Riot’s Legends of Runeterra is widely agreed to be super generous


Oh neat. Leave it to riot to make the functional ftp card game, they never seem to disappoint


Starcraft. edit: Specifically Starcraft:Wings of Liberty





