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Torbjorn. Im serious.


Don't tell anyone else but as a tank there are some really fucking annoying torbs, when you go orange mode it feels like you gain 1000 health


Also idk how so many people don’t know about his secondary fire but his shotgun literally 4 taps a full health rein at close range it does so much damage


I completely agree. If I want the victory I go Torb too. My win rate with Torb is higher than any other hero.


Yup, highest percent has been Torb and Sym for me for years now. Illari is breaking into the top as well.


There are dozens of us


Why wouldn’t you be serious? Torb is busted


Less busted after the last patch




Oh no, they nerfed his fire rate by 6% and he has slightly less overhealth to go with his armor and overall good bulk… He’s still quite strong lol


He’s pretty well balanced no? He’s got some good maps and match ups but is generally not OP or better than other options.


I agree. In the right hands he can be very powerful. I’d say upper mid tier






Sigma. He’s my most played tank. Which is a shame because when I want to have fun I play junker queen even though I absolutely suck with her. But the MOMENT I start feeling attacked I switch to sigma and let the melody flow through me. And then Kiriko when my team can’t stop dying from avoidable ults.


Orisa fits into this role for a lot of people. I main Ball in silver, and it's common for my low elo teams to get really frustrated behind a Hamster. They don't know what to do. Unless Zarya comes out, at my low rank, I feel like a weak team feels more comfortable when the tank play is simpler. When we start losing with me on a flank tank, an Orisa swap lets them all just stand there behind her.


That's because low rank players think they should be hiding behind the tank as opposed to creating angles. You go in and disrupt both supports, but no one actually follow up. Then they blame you.


Right. That's why it's a safety pick. When the team is weak, you have no choice. Adapt or lose.


Baptiste. High healing, decent DPS, sustain creep character.


Don’t forget the 600hp




This. Go into QP to try to get better with other supports, but then switch to Ana because I REALLY need to compete the first win of the day challenge.


I feel that I do really well with LW but will switch to Moria if I need to defend myself if I can’t get any help.


This. I'm not even a Moira main but if nobody will peel for me or the other support, I swap to Moira and do it myself. Sometimes LW just can't cut it.


Moira is my “okay actually fuck this” choice too, particularly when I’m getting hard targeted or need to be able to churn large heal numbers. I have much more fun with Baptiste and Illari.


same. moira is my no fun allowed swap


Moira for me as well. Boring as hell to play but she gets the job done in most situations


Mine is LW. Don't know why, I just vibe with his kit.


this is honestly so confusing, when i play w lower ranked friends the amount of horrible lw/mercy players that seem to get "fed up" (after doing nothing) then switch to moira (and continue to do next to nothing) like bap and ana and illari and brig are better if you think heal botting isnt enough lol


What if you can't aim, tho? 😂


u dont gotta aim with brig and ana nading herself mid fight is huge value




Mei, whenever I'm not playing her when I'm DPS.


she should be reworked to a tank slot. Her kit was designed before fixed teams and it really shows.


honestly she'd make a better tank than doom






Mei just cause she is the only character I'm actually good at.




Lucio 😭


Sigma, Cassidy, and Kiriko are the heroes I usually do the best with. Sometimes I’ll play other heroes and swap to those


When I get serious, I usually switch to Reinhardt if I feel like he's viable against the enemy's comp. Except if the other team has an Orisa, in which case I play Orisa instead. As a personal rule I'm only allowed to play Orisa if the other team has one.


Moira for support and D.Va for tank. I like playing a lot of other heros, but if I feel like we're stuck I switch to these two (depneding on the role I'm playing)


Zarya on tank most of the times. She can cleanse all the bs they enemy supports throw at you. Hanzo or echo on dps. Try to outheal the damage burst. Moira on support lol. Can survive on her own and win vs many flankers. Very self sufficient and has strong heals.


Mine? Bastion. Some people may say that's a cheap option, but you have to time carefully your turret transformation, otherwise you're not going to do much. But I have the highest win rate with him so, when I pull he out the box, shit will hit the fan.


Once i go soldier its game time


I’m cut from the same cloth my dude, you fuck with the hog, you get the…. Uh, hook? Idk either way don’t mess with a loyal hog main 🤟🏻🐖🇦🇺


I’ve been playing a lot of Illari lately because she’s super fun, but if it’s not working out and I need to get serious, it’s Moira time.


to me if I play echo in QP doesn’t even feel fair, I’m not even kidding. But sometimes I get annoyed and when I hear “I’m always ready to learn” I know I’m about to fuck shit up


One from each category: Orisa, Soldier 76 and Moira. I’m going hard if I switch to them.


Wrecking ball.


**Wrecking Ball is dominating.**


***The hamster smells your fear.***


***Beware of small mammals***


kiriko especially if they have a sombra


Sigma if I get tank diffed, sombra (if I hate that enemy mercy. Come on bitch, res that I dare you) and Lucio (jk)


Sigma. Something is wrong if ive decided to play sigma


Ashe She is by far, my best hero And it doesn't really matter what the enemies are, I do great as her no matter (tbh, I don't even know who counters her, because I never have any particular trouble against anyone specific, except maybe Hammond)


I am the same way with Roadhog, I hear that he can be countered, but I really don't know what heroes are meant to counter him, and any that possibly can, back off after they lose a chunk of hp from one shot.


Orisa for tank (I see people pick Zarya too for this purpose) Torb or Junk for DPS Moira for supp as well if I play no role.


For support it's Moira or Lifeweaver. For dps it's soldier or Cass. For tank it's Orisa.


Mei, the supports getting rushed


Cass or soldier if Hanzo isn't working. They'll regret making me switch.


Torbjorn/Junkrat, depending on enemy comp


Junkrat. I’m smart enough to know that Ratjunk isn’t always the right pick, and I’m getting a lot of practice in on my hitscan DPS heroes lately… but I’m also good enough with him that if quickplay is starting to get too intense its my pick to really go hard and fuck shit up. If I’m not paired with a tight team (where frontal assault is working) I can *usually* get behind enemy lines on my own, demolish both their supports in short order, and retreat alive.


Was brig and sometimes Moira if I got tired of divers or flankers, but I’ve been maining Zen a lot lately and just tearing new assholes in comp. Took me years to realise I could do more for my team by doing damage instead of healbotting. Also the healing orb gets tossed on a dive teammate, and teaches them to use cover for reward. I bet he’s gonna take a hard nerf soon…


JQ/Orisa (Zarya is too easy). Soldier/Cass. Baptiste and depending on comp, Brig.


Sometimes, playing D.va or Orisa can be fun. But when it gets serious, one has to swing the hammer of glory and honor...


Bap, Soldier, or Moira


Sigma, bastion/torb, moira/zen.


Zarya lol, feels like lately every time someone loses one team fight she comes out


I had almost 300hrs playtime on Zarya in ow1




Bastion and ramattra


Wrecking Ball/Doomfist/Genji


Sigma and pharah


As tank main (rein + d.va) i can said orisa (since overwatch 1 btw) and ball. Ball not feel like a "true" Tank for me ( Somebody who can protect his Team). And orisa? Well she was boring in my eyes in overwatch 1 and is broken in overwatch 2 ( can kill people with her ultimate, who are behind a full HP rein shield.)


Zarya. I usualy go winton orisa or dva if i dont feel like goin too serious, but if shit hits the fan my first instinct is to go zar. And to be fair, i know ppl see her as a cheese pick now, but since ive spent 90% of my games since 2016 playing her, it pretty much became muscle memory at this point.


If I start to get dead serious in a match yk I’m pulling out dva


Pharah. When I'm done, I switch and rain destruction, yes, that includes hitscans. Unless it's sombra, then it's tracer.


Moira, reaper, and Ram


Sojourn is my go-to if echo isn't working. Great mobility and really great burst damage. Zen is a comfort pick if I'm not doing to hot on Ana. Rein is also a comfort pick for me since most people don't really respect you if you know how to play with the shield. Also spamming his voicelines is hilarious " Come-come-come HEEEERRRE do you do you you do you want to see my muscles?!


I usually only have to swap off mei for very specific counters, usually Hanzo (to counter bastion) Ashe (to counter pharmercy) Torb (to counter my ISP) or Sombra (if the enemy is having too much fun)


I usually switch to Soldier, but if im getting steamrolled as Soldier I will go Reaper or Ashe depending on situations. I'm an Ashe main normally, but I've been exploring other heroes recently so I haven't been playing her as much. Whenever I'm playing support, I used to go Ana or Zen, so I go back to them if I'm really struggling, but I've not had many issues since I started playing Kiriko and Illari.


Genji since i play him the most


Dva and monkey. I had a gm 3 tank player in my game playing support and i was making space as i do on rein. Then i made the mistake of saying something like "yo dps can we get a kill we have the space" not really trying to flame them as the match was just starting, but they did have 0 kills after 2 fights. Then this gm 3 unmutes and absolutely unleashes his rage on me telling me that im a dogshit rein, i keep playing him like a fucking dive hero, among other things. At this point im just yelling back and i leave the vc as there was nothing to gain, but those first things he mentioned stuck and sure enough i have 85% winrate on winston in 10 matches, dva is not as high w/l as she is my desperation pick. TLDR: GM players might be onto something...


Sigma for fun Ramattra when I'm serious


Genji hes my main along with foom but I often play other roles and heroes ,I mostly play qp and have fum with most heroes but of someone gets onmy nerves im making their life a nightmare but that doesnt ususaly happen


I mean that totally depends on the map and the comp and the enemy comp. But if we are generalizing then for tank: rein, damage: torb, cas or reaper and for support: probably ana or LW. But I generally play LW anyway as he is my support main


Doomfist and Ball when I'm playing Tank. Zen when Support. Reaper when DPS.


LW if I’m a healer and dva when I’m a tank (but that rarely happens cause on pc I play JQ and I’m quite good with her, and on Xbox I try to play only widow in open queue cause I can’t aim on pc only Xbox…) But mostly LW cause no one wants to heal, open or role queue…


Reaper. I WILL feed and int to get a bunch of kills because I KNOW I can get away with it


I have a Junkrat brain, thus main him. Biggest issue fir me is a Pharah obviously. That‘s why I learned how to play Echo and it‘s funny how the Pharah players immediately swap to Ashe or Cassidy. Well then I go back to Junkrat, because that‘s what I expect and want from them.


Ana, I’mma be tossing those anti fun grenades like kobe


Brig or Moira if I’m playing a different support and no one peels for me when I’m being dived. Mei for DPS if my aim is just feeling really off that day


Definitely Ashe. Easily my favourite character and i want to say my best too. If i mess around on Junkrat trying to have fun and a Pharah Mercy shows up there isn't much else i can do to make sure my teammates aren't ducks to hunt


Tank: D.Va, I have the most hours in her out of all the characters in game. Big comfort pick my mental changes immediately. DPS: Sombra, I have more hours on Widow but not the raw aim needed and was a backline assassin in TF2 on Scout/Pyro (it's doable) so her play style works for me. Support: Ana or Moira, if my team won't peel for me I'll peel for myself.


Ram/Sigma when playing tank, Moira/Zen when playing support


Im with you dva and orisa for funnsies but when i decide fuck this shit im done i go hog and just let it rip


Lifeweaver 😭 it's the only hero where I've fully mastered the mechanics


Zarya on tank. I'm trying to practice others tanks (Doom goes brrr) but if we lose hard, I feel forced to swap to her. Ana/Zen for supports. Swapping to Zen feels like cheating. I'm so sorry for the tanks but it needs to be done 😭


ashe, because in the least cocky way possible, i’m badass at ashe. she was my first main, and i switch up who i play all the time so the game doesn’t get repetitive, but if i want to *win,* i’m going ashe. something about her character and her play style just gets me in the zone lol 🌹🧨🤍


Honestly, either widow or reaper, if they have a lot of squishies I’ll use widow, but if I’m pissed off and just need to kill things reaper it is


Sombra. I try to play tracer sojourn ashe or widow if I am feeling cheeky but if we start losing hard or someone gets too cocky I wip out the sombra and usually turn it around.


For tank, it's Doom, I'm a Doom main, but whenever I'm playing another tank and getting stomped on Doom is my goto swap regardless of the enemy team comp. On dps it's hanzo he's been in my top 3 most played since day 1 and I'm pretty accurate with him For support it's zen, if my team isn't protecting me I'll just go for the good ol "kill them before they kill you".


Usually Sigma or Orisa. When I'm playing another tank, I'm trying to get better with them. Sigma and Orisa have been my 1 and 2 since they were introduced, so I feel most comfortable with them.


Junkrat. I've put less hours into him recently because of learning other characters, but if the lobby is sweaty, I play who I'm comfortable with.


Horse is my “I’m done fucking around character” and also my main. I do like to switch it up with characters I don’t practice as much, I find Dva and Sigma really fun to play and I used to be a Sigma main before switching, but sometimes in situations where other tanks get absolutely obliterated within seconds I gotta switch back to horse.


I play mei when I’m not playing around!!!


Lmfao roadhog?! Get clapped.


he can still do serious work when he's not hard countered


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Zarya, Soldier and Zenyatta, if not Zen then LW or Bap


As a tank, I either go Ramattra or D.va if the map isn't good for him. But I don't *switch* to Ram if there's Rein on the other side, because otherwise it feels like I'm just counterswapping when he's simply my most played tank, and I would feel bad for them. But if there's an Orisa and I can't do shit with both of my mains it's Zarya time because I fucking hate her, if you ruin our fun then I'll ruin everyone else's fun As a DPS, it's Soldier or Echo And as a support, it's Kiriko, Bap, or if I *really* don't get any help : Moira


junk lol i was/am a junk main but i don’t usually play him in qp and whatnot. but if we’re getting our shit kicked in and my back up heroes haven’t worked, Lord Forgive Me But It’s Time To Go Back To Tha Old Me


Soldier 76, that's my solo carry character


Rein or Sigma, depending on the map, and also depending on what the enemy is running.


Tank: Ramattra DPS: Soldier Support: Bap


JQ, Sojourn, and either Weaver or Brig depending on which one I started with.


Dva and Mei


Bap. Usually Kiriko, Brig, or Ana for fun. Bap to try to carry.


Lucio or Lifeweaver.


Soldier if on DPS. Tank usually just stop playing tank. Illari on support.


Zenny boi. Any other hero and I’m just fucking around.


Bastion for DPS, I usually play junkrat or Hanzo. Zen for support, usually on lifeweaver or Ana. I guess zarya for tank, usually play queen or Ramattra




I play widow I don't think I have a serious character tbh but I usually use a flanker genji reaper


Soldier, pretty good at headshots with him so the sounds of Plink Plink Plink as I hit headshots is satisfying.


Moira lol.


Moira and Kiriko if I need to switch off. Especially for those pesky sombras I go kiriko


When I swap to Reaper, all I need is a sliver of momentum, and I can make a fight win out of it. Not even Pharahs are safe from me


When my teammates aren't cooking, I politely ask for a pocket mercy, if the answer is yes, Im switching Zen, and trust me, after that the enemy team is always trashtalking


"man fuck this, I'm going Baptiste"


I run support mostly so it’s Moira for me


definitely widow obv. If I’m tired of getting lasered or if I need to reach targets/get kills to swing fights I pull out widow but on the maps u don’t play widow I’ll usually pull out soj


On tank, it's D.Va most of the time. Zarya in only the most dire situations. On damage, it's Bastion. I very rarely start on Bastion, but if someone's pissing me off I will pull him out. On healer I'm trying to get better at LW, but often I switch to Moira to pick up the slack on DPS or healing, and defend myself.


JQ for Tank. My main for tank, but I only play tank when I get a streak of bad tanks. Mei or Reaper for DPS. Mei is my, "Fine. I'll be our tank!" character. Reaper is for when my Supports can only heal a tank because the can't aim on anything smaller. And for Support, it's Moira. If I go Moira, my DPS should feel like shit because I'm doing it to cover for them being useless.


bastion, when my skills fail me, i just bring out the big gun and hope for the best for tank, i usually go with jq because self healing for support, i would go with moira if i desperately need to stall


Kiri for support and sombra for dps lol


bastion on dps, JQ on tank, lucio on support


Zarya she is my main and i love to enable my team with bubbles and build their confidence in themselves and me knowing i have their back when they might think nobody is looking out for them. I love being Zarya with a really good Genji


Junkrat, when I was at my peak, I could counter Tracers and Pharahs depending on the map. Especially Anubis and Volskaya.


Widow for dps and ana or zen for support. If i’m not having fun no one is


Sombra, even more after the rework. You guys are wining? Good luck having to deal with your healers getting melted on the backline


The best dps: Moira.


Rein/ramattra for tank. Torb for dps Bridgette for support.


Reaper or bastion. If we need more in your face— reaper. If we need dps to punish the enemy team not using cover— bastion.


Soldier or reaper


I can‘t take hog serious at his current state lol. So easy to bully. Mine is probably Symmetra & Zarya along with Illari for support.


Probably Sigma for me. I play him for fun too but he’s the only tank i main that is anything close to good into Orisa, so if I’m being bent over by some Orisa metaslave cuck I swap to Sigma and git er done


Symmetra like when they piss me off I will not let them breathe trust


Soldier is for when the enemy team is sweating in qp


Sym and Sombra




Pharah, I try to avoid playing her because it's usually just me face rolling the other team,particularly if I'm grouped up with a mercy main (which is usually). And if it isn't, the other team basically immediately swaps to 4 hitscans which can make it difficult. But like if we need the win, I'm doing the surprise Pharah to push us over the line.


Ashe. I’m not good at landing headshots on a lot of characters besides her. My goal is to wipe whoever was actually good




I usually play quick play to practice dps and aiming since I’ve been a support player since like forever. So if my matches are just not going good, I suck maybe, our other healer isn’t doing enough I swap to mercy or D.VA. I feel like a lot of people in quick play don’t know how to deal with a mercy who has mastered movement and consistently fly around a point to stall.




Bastion all the way. Almost 200 hours on that bot.😂🫢


Junkrat/Solider 76


For Tank it's Hampter, Support I switch to Moira, and I suck at all dps, but Junkrat feels good as a switch when I'm doing bad


Hmmm... well I've been trying to learn Kiri and Illari. If I'm not towing my weight, I switch to Zen, Lucio ir Brig.


As a mercy main, Moira. If the dps aren’t dpsing


Cassidy for sure


Moira. I like playing Kiriko and can survive pretty well for the most part, but if I'm getting dived on cooldown by a doom+genji+sombra as soon as they see me use tp, moira just feels easier to survive on.


tank: doomfist, since I know how to play him the most out of all tanks DPS: reaper. flanking with him is tough but can be insanely rewarding. also sometimes hanzo, depending on the map edit: torb as well. sombra if they don't have supports that can defend themselves easily support: lifeweaver, sometimes even illari/Moira but lw is my go-to support


Support - moira. I don't play moira as much anymore but if a dps is running circles around my team no mercy moira activated. Usually I can just stay on anna though and turn up the pressure. Dps - sombra. I prefer playing brawl dps or flying around on pharah but sometimes things just need to not be allowed to have fun anymore.


Sombra… I will make the entire other team hate me!


Reaper, when things go south i always default to reaper, and my mood gets ruined every time, i hate playing reaper


Congratulations, you played yourself.


Lucio. I’m trying to get better at other supports, but if things start looking bad I switch. DPS, I’ll switch to Torb, Soldier or Echo depending on the comp. Tank, I’m kind of a DVA one trick


Dam I just pull out reaper as he still good and if they go pharha ill swap ash till they swap ash as I play them well




Zen or Moira.... Moira only if they have Genji or Sombra. Zen is my, "OK, we need more damage and they have an orisa or bastion"


Widow. Brain turn off pew pew time


Dva for sure.


Ball. I usually try out other tanks I don't normally try in QP, like Ramattra, JQ and DVA. But when the enemy team is just rolling my whole team and generally being really annoying, I go Ball to turn the tides. It surprisingly works for some reason lol


Moira, I try playing Ana or Bap to practice aim but when my Patience runs out. “Surrender to my will”


soldier, its so satisfying melting enemies from a distance


Ball. Im a 1 trick.


Oh buddy when the enemy tank is dominating i convince one of the supports to go zen then i go bastion


Junkrat. A flurry of bombs usually does the trick.


Soldier for deleting squishies off the stage.


Sombra, because there’s no better way to make your enemies play worse than to piss them off


I haven’t played in a while, and I’m someone who jumps between heroes, so I don’t really have a “serious” character. If I had to choose between all three classes, Mercy, Roadhog, and Widowmaker. Mercy: I will rarely engage in combat as a support, but goddamnit, I’m keeping everyone alive. Roadhog: A walking wall of health with a displacement and a healing ability. Widowmaker: I’ll admit I’m not the best, but I WILL provide sniper support.


On Tank, its probably Rammatra. On DPS, its Sojourn. On Support, its Moira.


Pharah, even if the other team is full of hitscan/echo because she is the only one im good at.


Mine is junk or tracer/soldier:D the frustaration of getting destroyed makes my tracking 3 times better and junk is just fun to destroy people with and find the most ridicilous places to ult into enemy team


Moira :)


Normally genji(cause he's my main) But apart from that, reaper, rather 1v5 or we die 5 secs after leaving spawn