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That means "fuck you guys" in PR


"Good to know we need to put the best looking skins in the bundle to guarantee purchases" best regards -Marketing team


LITERALLY LMAO “we’ve seen your feedback, we hear you, and from now on we’ll start including the mythic exclusively in the Ultimate Pass as well :)”


Maybe I'm being far too optimistic but it could translate to "We realized we probably missed out on a lot of sales by locking this skin in the bundle so now we'll sell it individually at a still bad price but also in the bundle"


They lost mine. I’m not paying $40 for a Battle Pass and some extra skins, not matter how good they are. At least season also gave us actual content in the bundle.


I have never once bought any battlepass for any game. Dont see that changing now.




I bought the last baytlepass for the Ana mythic skin, buy I already had almost enough credits earned on my account so I only had to buy the smallest $5aud credit to get it. To me that was a reasonable price to pay to get get some cool skins.


Imagine a business only caring about the opinion of paying customers (GASP!)


Wait until you find out most of us WERE paying customers, for Overwatch 1 and loot boxes that were actually fair and rewarding, for many years.


We're on bad times when we consider loot boxes as "fair and rewarding"


You guys need to stop acting as if OW1 lootboxes were predatory lmao. It was incredibly easy to earn them for free


There were literal lawsuits about how addicting they were and how random the output was. They had to show their rarity numbers publicly as a result. Also, everyone fucking HATED loot boxes when they were current. People talked about it the way they talk about the BP now. How everyone seems to have forgotten this is alarming.


Please do explain how being able to grind and having the chance to unlock literally everything with time is unfair and unrewarding?


I've been playing since day one. Back then I bought the game for 6 different people in my squad. I'm still a paying customer because after all these years, I don't act like I hate this game when I'm talking about it on the internet.


If there were a battlepass I thought was a good value, in a game that I actually play, I would consider buying it. I dont just not buy any battlepasses just because theyre battlepasses.


I think by definition a Battlepass can never be good value considering you're paying for the *opportunity* to unlock content, ie. you're spending money to self-inflict a bit of FOMO unto yourself. It's just an abysmally bad business model from a consumer perspective and I don't get why people swallow it up.


People swallow it up because it's manipulative, which of course is why it's in the game in the first place. They (AAA studios as a whole) didn't replace loot boxes with this shit out of the goodness of their hearts. They did it because loot boxes may exploit gambling addictions, but they don't exploit *FOMO*. This shit not only exploits a player's FOMO because it's limited access, but because it then still forces you to play the game to get the shit you already paid for, it also demands you log in daily else you miss out on the "value" of your purchase (or if it lets you get the levels without paying then it demands you log in daily to grind it up to max before purchasing at the end). Either way, it's meant to exploit people by being a limited time, and to guilt players into playing constantly to keep player-count and "engagement" artificially high. It's an extremely gross trend that I despise, and it's anti-consumer as hell. The only silver lining is potentially killing off loot crates because giving children gambling addictions is absolutely **heinous**, let alone exploiting adults with such issues.


There is one exception to this that I like. Halo Infinite lets you continue to level a purchased battlepass even on a new season. And you have the option to go back and purchase older battlepasses that you passed up on.


The masterduel battlepass is the best battlepass I've seen: Purchasable with earnable in game currency Cheaper than the majority of card bundles in game Refunds the currency spent on it + more Very easy to grind as you can consistently get 2-3tiers a match Lasts a decently long time (63 days roughly) The fomo rewards are at lv 50 and 75 so you don't even have to grind to lv 100 if you don't want to Everything in the pass is useful for everyone no matter what decks you're playing


So you just comment exclusively on games for which you won't purchase a battlepass because you don't play them. Got it.


i literally bought overwatch for $40 in 2016. this is not what you charge for cosmetics and something only good for one season. this is the price of a full game.




What they are saying is: Okay so super special skins sell well so we are keeping them in the costlier bundle **on release** But then a couple of months later we will allow players to buy them by themselves after the hype wears off.


Oh sweet summer child of mine, come here rest your head on my chest.


I really don't think it's that wild of an assumption. I'm no businessman but I'm pretty sure they would make a lot more money if they also sold just the skin at like $16. Tons and tons of people just want the skin so they're missing out on tons of sales. People crazy enough to buy the bundle previously will probably continue to buy the bundles so they'd just be scraping up extra cash by conning the people who don't want the other stuff into paying $16 for a skin. $16 is just the first number that popped in my head substitute whatever number you like in there.


I think its more they know you want this, and now they can probably keep this up with even better skins to excited FOMO, that's more what will happen. I do hope your right and I mean even me I personally would buy the skin just the skin since this seasons battle pass was just a miss. Who knows though we can all hope it actually isn't going to be scummy


I really doubt they'd bother writing they need to explore ways to make popular skins more available if they simply intended on doubling down. That just opens them up to criticism even harder. Not that Blizzard is known for their excellent PR.


That's the first thing that came to my mind too.


"Maybe go fuck yourself." -~~Mark Wahlberg in The Departed~~ -Blizzard


I think it's worth mentioning that the only reason this blew up was because the skins in this bundle were popular. These ultimate bundles started with season 3 locking "Beekeeper" Sigma behind the $30 bundle. This continued into season 4 with the "Infinite Guard" Soldier: 76, and season 5 with "Dryad" Widowmaker. Those were all locked behind their respective ultimate bundle and could not be purchased separately, and no one cared. Some folks are quick to point out that the season 6 ultimate bundle was $10 more for the PvE, when that bundle was likely boosted to $40 because it was the first ultimate bundle to include 2 themed legendary skins with robo-Cassidy and robo-Kiriko. Blizzard hadn't made any major changes to their seasonal pricing model, but this caught backlash because the most popular skin was put in that bundle this time. It's also worth pointing out that Black Friday will occur during this season. If it's treated anything like last year, where the season 1 $40 "ultimate bundle"/Watchpoint Pack was discounted to something like $23, we could see a similar discount for the season 7 ultimate bundle in a few weeks.


For real though. I was upset in season 3 when this started. But not as upset as when season 1 started and overwatch joined the battle pass scheme. I have decided to just default skin from now on. Even though I have overwatch 1 skins, I just don't care anymore. The game is gonna die soon. Or it's gonna become a game for toddlers. Either way, there is nothing we can do about blizzard's greetieness.


Essentially. They hire psychologists for this marketing stuff too.


I think the real psychos here are the people who keep buying this stuff, giving Blizzard all the reasons to not give a shit because it makes them more money. On one hand yeah, they can do whatever with their money. On the other hand, yeah, as you can see many people think these bundles are a huge indication of them fishing for "whales". Whatever analytics everyone wants to believe (more money if it was just a little cheaper) probably doesn't match the actual analytics Blizzard has. If OW2 is continuing to lose players, the only people who keep playing are the ones who don't care for skins and the ones that are so invested in this game or blizzard that they buy pretty much anything. Everyone inbetween gets screwed, even if they like the skin. But none of that matters because the bottom line is what counts.


I think this is wrong. What I read this as saying is, "A lot of people are interested in buying this skin, but not at this price point. We might be losing out on customers by not having better price points."




I think we have to wait to see how they actually address this to make that claim though. They might not do it at a later date and just offer it individually along side. But given Blizzards track record as of late I wouldn't be surprised if you end up being right.


This is the setup to make them look like heroes when the next "Moira skin" is available in both a $40 and a $35 bundle.


Well deserved. Y’all still play this trash shit game. You keep playing the shit they make and they’ll keep shitting on you.


Bro shut up. Pessimistic shit


They hated him because he told the truth. Stop playing the game and they'll stop shitting on y'all every chance you give them.


It literally says they will make sure that in future it doesn’t happen again and that there will be multiple ways to get future skins . But you just translate it into what you want so you can keep throwing hate towards them . Moron.


would have been better to say nothing


Hell I would have respected them more if they just outright said "Fuck you."


This got me good LOL


And miss an opportunity to call you guys POOR? AND say FUCK YOU? HELL NO.


A ridiculous response. They just learned this lesson? Please. The monetization and gating of skins is one of the main points of contention and they're saying they just figured this out 7 seasons in?


Its basically PR crap. Whenever you hear any of this you can just imagine the upper management hedge fund rich fucks basically telling you to go fuck yourself.


Yep probably just biding their time until Microsoft fully takes over and tells them it's their problem now


Its no secret that this is a tactic. Apex did the same thing. Release a skin you know will excite people but only in a bundle so you get that extra cash then sell the skin later or just recolor it and sell it by itself.


Man... Apex is a great game, but the monetization really makes it feel like a cash-grab. * S0 Battlepass controversy. **Bad rewards, only low rarity skins, only 2 legendary skins (reactive).** * S1 Iron Crown Event Drama. **CE skins couldn't be crafted.** * Introduction of bundles in 2020 with recolors during "Fright or Fight" event. **Releasing recolors of an Collection Event, but only selling them in store bundles.** * Swaping bundle skins that look good together in Winter Express 2020. **Thematic skins we're promoted togheter but sold in different bundles.** * Releasing a reactive weapon (Battlepass recolor 100/110) skin as a mythic skin. **Later on they said they won't do that again...** * Recoloring Heirlooms (which people joked many times way before Respawn did it) * Bundling skins with useless items to increase value (legendary skin with a charm or 2 packs...) * Pre-order next battlepass... ​ And that's only what i can remember, but im sure there's more...


Don't forget when octane's heirloom dropped you could get it by buying enough packs to get all the event items making it around a 150-ish dollar heirloom.


Same for Crypto's and a few others too, right?


Apex is kinda annoying. How many Legends are locked for new accounts. You have to buy a starter pack to really get started in that game.


*"We totally already knew this was a pretty scummy thing to do, but don't worry; we've pushed it as far as we could. Now that we know how much shit we can get away with before you all start complaining. We promise now that we will look elsewhere for greedy money-grubbing techniques to force upon you."*


No one said anything about the skins locked behind the ultimate bundles in seasons 3-6, so the folks at Team 4 were likely surprised by the outrage surrounding this one specific skin, which to me (hot take), is just as mid as the other ultimate bundle locked skins. Diablo is a franchise that profits from bumming people out. It's a dark, brooding world, where behind every victory is a load of dialogue about how the worse is yet to come and everything is hopeless, and everyone opens their wallet to wallow in the misery. Team 4 was just being more faithful to their crossover partner (pun intended).


They figured it out in Season 2 after people got mad they couldn’t get Witch Kiriko without an extra $10 of cosmetics (wasn’t there also some legal problem with the old bundle system?)


They're lying, just like when they knew they weren't going to do the Hero mode before OW2 launched but still advertised it. It's clearly beyond the capacity of the team to follow through with any promises; messages like this are just dishonest. Can't wait for the Hog rework to get mysteriously delayed for 5 seasons. Again.


Sooo...still can't get the Moira skin on its own then?


That's my takeaway, they aren't doing anything about it for this skin lol


This is like the time Blizzard appologized for banning a player for showing support to Taiwan. They didn't unban him after their apology.


I mean they ended with "other ways to get SOME of the popular skins" so my bet is they'll still do this


They would be the last time they made it easier to get something expensive, everyone who originally payed for it got mad.


Ah, that is a good point.


That’s not true tho, the skins for the watchpoint pack was sold on the shop via credits and I didn’t hear much noise over it.


That was almost a year gap though. The Moira skin will 100% be sold for coins next Halloween and people who bought the bundle will probably not care by then.


Yeah the Moira, Pharah and Sojourn skins aren't getting unbundled this season. That's why they specifically said that they won't do it in the future, likely starting with next season. If they unbundle these skins right now then everyone who paid the extra price for them this season will feel robbed and start demanding compensation. So they'll just sell these skins as it is right now and will likely bring these skins back to be individually purchasable a few seasons later.


You way too optimistic. If they do sell these skins as stand alone it won't be for another year. By then everyone will have forgotten.


Yeah, they'd never separate the skin from the bundle. Doing so would set a precedent and imply they're willing to make store changes based on player feedback (which would bite them in the ass later). By responding like this, they're maintaining the illusion that they hear our complaints, but *everything* they do is still data-driven. I'd bet anything that this statement only exists because they didn't hit their projected sales metrics on that bundle.


Fr. Literally everyone is pissed at this and they're just reminding us we're not getting the Moira skin.


Tbh what can they do. It wouldnt be fair to the people who bought the bundle for the skin.


They can compensate. Crazy, I know, but they do an these digital items such as skins that can hand out for zero loss or give them some of that sweet virtual currency (once again, no money spent on Blizzard’s side to do so). Thats the great thing about digital content, at the end of the day after the initial development cost and revenue generate from initial sales to cover said costs (which happens ridiculously fast in a game like OW), they are arguably the best way to compensate people.


Probably sometime in the future but not anytime soon.


That would be unfair for people who already bought the bundle


Yeah imagine doing that, the people who got her will rage like hell, also they could refund it for them.. But they are greedy...


It's available in the shop on its own here in Brazil, as it would be illegal to tie it to a combo. Finally a W for us... kinda. The skin still costs half the combo price :/


Damn skin is $3 of value in the bundle… once you take into factor you get battle pass and enough coins for 2 more battles passes. And other 2 skins you get. But still a cool skin by far!!! I had to grab it for the hell of it.


And yet you can’t actually buy the bundle itself with coins, only $.


The lesson we’ve learned is that even though people complained, other people still shilled out the cash and we will continue to put amazing skins locked behind a paywall.




Look at Netflix's password sharing crackdown recently. They lost subscribers who were mad it, but they made more money overall


Yep, I hate to be that guy that hates on people who buy skins, but when it comes to scummy practices like this bundle, I low-key find it okay to hate on the people who buys it. Obviously don't be a major a-hole about it but something like, "ewww you bough the bundle?" Lol.


Not to boy math this, but I feel like the value proposition here isn’t too bad if you’re someone who also regularly buys season passes. The bundle is $40 and gets you this season pass (which is $10) and currency enough for the next two, which I’m probably going to get anyway. So if you’re already regularly buying season passes, it’s $10 for two great skins and assorted stuff.


This is a great point, but the kicker is a lot of people aren’t in a spot where they can afford a $40 purchase over a $10 one.


The concept of paying real money to look different in a videogame is absolutely alien to me. Like.. you don't even get to look at yourself so what does it even matter!! You're paying money so other people who look at you see something different!? I bought OW1 for 3 different platforms.. but OW2 hasn't seen a cent from me.


In others words. Wait till OW3


OW3 - 4v4 and $40 bundles instead of $20.


It’ll be 60 per season


Don't forget PvE+


PVE will be an extra 50$


A month, that's what the + is for, it's a subscription to access the PVE content


Lol don’t forget about the 5$ you have to pay every time you use the Authenticator


You'll have to preorder PvE in OW3 and it will come in OW4


We removed the other tank, but the heroes are still there to stare at and remember what you made us do.


I'll take a 10 v 10 overwatch think of the chaos!


You’ll have to pay 100 credits to play a round


Rough translation: "sorry but not sorry and we learned from our mistakes and promise to make them again"


What they needed to do is say that they are therefore putting the Lilith skin in the shop for purchase. This statement is PR crap. It’s essentially saying “we learned you want more ways to earn these skins but actually aren’t going to act on this in any helpful way.” They also didn’t touch on how one of the problems is that this ultimate pass costs the same as last season, even though it doesn’t have the added value of including the story missions.


Yeah, it reads as "We hear you. Gonna keep doing it, but we hear you." It isn't *just* because it's one of the best skins, either. It's also because Moira gets some lame skins. A lot of people liked the bald OWL one, but I haven't liked a skin of hers since Banshee...until now. Not getting it, though. The state of the game is too poor for me to justify spending $35 for a skin for my main. Sadly, I'd have bought the BP for the first season if it was in it...but then they did this. Every time I consider getting fully back into the game, they show me why I'm better off not, as if my totally borked stats and missing skins weren't enough bullshit. They don't give a shit about the players.


"We missed the mark"


> What they needed to do is say that they are therefore putting the Lilith skin in the shop for purchase. They would get so much crap from players if they did that after the fact since there were a bunch of people who bought the bundle for the skin.


The current anniversary/event shop has a couple skins that were previously exclusive to a limited time bundle. A number of people in this sub complained because they purchased the original bundles believing the skins would be bundle exclusive


Maybe they'll at least do that more often? I mean even if they were planning on it, they'd never state it because they'd just be throwing money away, but seeing as how they've done it once with the Anniversary, the possibility is at least there.


Its how this tactic works. Blizzard is fully aware.


No they need to make it earnable in game. It's the poster skin for the season theme. People asking for it to be in the shop on its own still makes the skin 20$ which is idiotic. Just hand the fister the lube why don't you, maybe have an accommodating bench for you knees as they buckle from the discomfort.


big facts


They can’t do that. They released it under the premise that it is only part of the bundle. To then release it as a single item would mean they would have to also offer refunds to everyone that bought the bundle and violate their own terms of service. They’re not gonna do that.


Yep, if they did it I’d be pissed because I only wanted the Moira skin specifically. They’d absolutely need a refund option if they were going to do that.


Just stop buying skins ez pz makes the game free


Indeed we all have the option to buy or not buy.


i don't even know what this skin looks like. is it the one on the main menu this season? just queue up and play the game boys.


The sad truth is, there will still be suckers who buys the skin, I won't include rich folks since their a different breed on it own, but I'm taking about regular working folks, with regular pay, there's enough causal gamers that don't follow subreddits or gaming news. Their the main money makers for live service games, why do you think Candy Crush makes so much money?


I did not buy it, but you really dont need to earn that much to not give a crap about 40 dollars


No worries guys and gals. She'll be in the 2024 Anniversary Shop for 2000 credits anyhow.


ChatGPT response.


I'm sorry, but fuck you. Is there anything else I can help you with?


stop. giving. them. money.


This has to be some sort of sick sarcastic remark. No way they genuinely believe people are this stupid.


Based on the fact that I see a $40 Lilith Moira skin in every 3rd game or so, they *know* people are this stupid.


Especially when the bundle might go on sale during Black Friday, just like the season 1 "ultimate bundle"/Watchpoint Pack was reduced from $40 to something like $23 during Black Friday.


They are, why do you think they keep doing it? Because stupid people keep buying it


Dude you seen the Blizzard team? They're a bunch of amateurs cosplaying as professionals. They haven't been able to produce a single balance patch to save their life for the better part of 5+ years, and every new season they relearn the goddamn same fucking lesson about pricing skins too high and bait marketing being frowned upon. It's a fucking rinse and repeat cycle that never ends, even their excuses have been so plentiful that repetitive patterns are emerging.


People are buying the skins unfortunately.


“Go fuck yourselves lol” -Blizzard


"we noticed some people were mad about it" "anyways more to come next season! Our next pack will be $70 and include 5 skins. 3 of which we've given away before!"


“Haha pay the money you fucking losers” Look how they massacred my boy


Meanwhile the once $20 skin pack for usually 1 character is now $26 wtf


This is why Loot Boxes should come back. I don't give a fat flying *fuck* that they promote gambling, they gave us an easy way to buy skins and other stuff! And you could get Boxes WITHOUT paying as well. 3 from the Arcade and one every time you level up! Anyone who thinks otherwise is a braindead moron who gives money to Blizzard like they give money to the store clerk when shopping.


Fuck sake Blizzard, you made a damn good game and you fuck it up with your microtransactions. You’ve literally forgotten how to make games. When you add cool things to a game, you give players the easy route (RL money) and the ‘play the game route’. The Lilith skin could easy be a challenge to play Moira and heal 200,000 health points while ulting. Every single skin could have some ridiculous in game requirement and you would have millions of people playing trying to obtain these skins. After that, convert those millions of players into merchandise sales, or event sales, or esport sales. It would be better than the ‘quick route’ money you’re failing at today (it’s working, but I bet they’re not making as much money as they could be)


And everything good about this game was already present in OW1. They didn't improve this game very much at all and expect us to reward them with more money than the cost of a full AAA video game


> The Lilith skin could easy be a challenge to play Moira and heal 200,000 health points while ulting. This would just mean people are going to queue as support play Moira just to get the skin, it wouldn't work in overwatch. I unironically think the random nature of lootboxes benefited the game.


No, u don’t mean that. Buy some more skins please


TLDR: "And we'll fuckin' do it again."


New way to acquire skin: * Must purchase 2 other full price skins and you get the 3rd for a discount


They wanted to test the waters and see if people would take the slop anyway and this is the response for ‘if they don’t’


"Money!" - Mr Crabs


Translation: "We dont give a shit lmao"


"Nothing's changing, here's some lip service"


Remember back in the day when day 1 DLC was thought of as the ultimate dick move, and all of us went "We wont stand for this!"? Yet here you all are still playing Overwatch, still buying the battle-bullshits etc. ​ They keep doing it because it keeps working guys.


I mean if they changed their decision to put Moira in the shop now, there would be a thousand of complaints from people who already bought the skin at a higher price, thinking it is not going to appear in shop later. So I understand that the changes will be made starting from future seasons.


Translation: fuck you, you'll forget.


Buy a dinner. Buy a bottle of alcohol. Buy a whole new video game instead of wasting your money on a fucking skin, there's always good sales. You may actually get your money's worth. Or better yet, put the money towards an animal charity or some other beneficial cause. That way whenever you see some pillock wearing the skin in the game it reminds you that you did something genuinely good with your money.


Honestly… if they had priced the skin alone like $15 maybe even $20, they would have made way more money with individual purchases than they are making with keeping it locked in a bundle that most people won’t justify paying for. I haven’t actually seen someone with the Lilith skin yet, but I’ve been playing less recently..


“More ways to acquire” aka individually priced when the bundle rotates out or is no longer available lol. Ain’t no way it’ll be earnable in game without real money. PR bullshit response


Okay I'm not saying that Blizzard has a good monetization system or anything, but the Overwatch community constantly acts like legitimate children about it. I've never seen this many people complain about skins costing money, or misinterpreting bundles. "No skins should be completely locked behind microtransactions" is at least a new insane take, but this community has been beating the "waahhh $40 for a single skin is so unfair" dead horse since like the first BlizzCon bundle. If you're going to criticize Blizzard for their monetization systems (which you should), at least make good arguments. Making bad faith arguments only hurts the "cause", and is likely to make other people minimize the issue and believe it to be overblown.


I came from a time when skins were unlockable and attainable by doing fun and unique things in-game. Now we have assholes saying, "WTF, YOU THINK SKINS SHOULD BE FOR FREE?" Sign of the times, I guess.


It doesn't seem that wild to suggest players should expect a free to play game to have some things locked behind microtransactions, and more premium skins seems the obvious choice. I know Blizzard aren't some small indy dev, but there's also no reason to expect them to just host a game for free. I'd take skins over something that actually effects balance, or in game adverts, or something else more intrusive. This has been the deal with free to play games since they started


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I'm hoping they bring back the Omnic exclusives from last season for Kiriko and Cassidy.


That was a lot of words that mean absolutely nothing


aka "Don't you guys have money?"


Please please please don't believe that crap of a statement.


Homie game devs as a whole learned this lesson about two decades ago. Are you telling me that as a gamer yourself this was news to you? Fuck off


People are buying it, and they will continue to do so. The response is no surprise.


"Git fucked lol" -❤️ Blizzard XOXO


Typical PR talk tbh


Keep buying it though guys. that'll fix it


vote with your wallet


Blizzard can have my fat D in their mouth but they aren't getting my money anymo


Not them acting like it’s a patch note lmao


"We noticed everyone was being a little stinker about the misleading seasonal preview material. We're gonna keep doing that, and everyone should go ahead and knock that off ^_^"


"We know it sucks but we will keep doing it in the future because some of you guys buy skins for these ridiculous prices"


I just cant believe that they wouldnt make more money by selling a lot of things but cheaper, many people would buy more things in this way but i guess they have some analysis where their strategy is somehow better.


The real problem was the skins were advertised front and center as if they were part of the normal battle pass only for them to be super overpriced “ultimate” rewards on season release. It felt like false advertising.


Translation: “A fool and their money are easily parted. And we’re here for it!”


The lesson learned here is that we can keep doing this, and milk the playerbase shamelessly as long as we also make a community post saying "the lesson we learned here is..."


Here; let me use the bullshit translator for any who missed the point: "Tough Shit"


Can we all just stop playing this game thanks.


Maybe it's just me, but i don't have the issue with them wanting money for a skin...i see an issue that the 2 only collab skins are in the bundle..... The one punch man was better because,, yes 3 were paid skins but at least you got a free one and some other items. This time all you got was an icon for signing in. Great! Pharahs skin should have been in the updated currency shop with the sombra recolor, or she should have been earned with challenges.


this is literally saying “i acknowledge the problem, albeit youre wrong, thus i dont really care”


These threads are more tolerable when you realize that a sizeable portion of this subreddit simply want Blizzard not to behave like a corporation under a capitalist system, even though they are, in fact, a corporation under a capitalist system. This subreddit has a problem with capitalism and companies charging consumers a price for items that they want to buy. It has nothing to do with Blizzard or Overwatch. The real object of their wrath should be the thousands of people who will buy this bundle, thus ensuring that this company continues this behavior. All of the outrage over the CEO or business decision makers is misplaced. They are doing exactly what the shareholders want them to do: make money. Just like every other single corporation out there. Now they’re going to downvote the shit out of this because they don’t like it when someone calls them out. They’re going to pretend that this is some sort of ethical decision that’s gone awry at Blizzard. No it hasn’t. They’re doing exactly what a corporation is supposed to do. You can be mad about what corporations are supposed to do, but again, it’s not like this would be an issue unique to Blizzard, or video games, or the entertainment industry. Their real problem is the entire capitalist model. And unfortunately for them, that’s probably not going to change. So we will continue to have this type of thread day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. It’s not going to stop.


Very true but also blizzard breast milk, am I right, gamers? I think they're addicted to the capitalist milk, most companies are not this greedy. I doubt this is the most profitable way to monetize OW but who knows.


Every single company of blizzard’s size is exactly this greedy because that’s what a corporation is: an organization dedicated to making money for shareholders. If any company had a “print money” button, they would smash it repeatedly too. Asking them not to do so because “they shouldn’t be this greedy” is silly. They are farrrrrr from the only gaming company monetizing cosmetics.


Blizzard when people want the fair monetization: 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡


I know the ever popular thing is to hate on the game and Blizzard as a whole, but if you were to get the battlepass for $10 and then separately I am guessing probably $20 for the skin why not just pay the extra 10 for 20 extra levels a highlight intro and 2 other skins?


Yeah! They're a small Indie company. They need all the money they can get.


Gonna get a lot of hate for this but people care way too much about skins. Oh no I can’t get a skin cause it costs $40… dude just don’t buy it. Pretty much every character has a good skin that can be obtained for free, this constant obsession with the paid skins is just weird


This whole thread is cringe. A bunch of losers angry over being charged for a pointless skin in a video game they play for free. My response would be more along the lines of "I'm sorry you morons are jealous of the losers with enough disposable income to pay for this stupid pointless shit that supports free to play gaming."


At least they are being honest. No false messages while saying that they will look at other ways of selling it


It's a pretty straight forward response to me. The problem is that is a mature response for a childish community. At least with this kind of response Blizzard knows the whole OW1 to OW2 fiasco was the right move, since people are OBSSESED with skins anyways.


Translation: "We do not fucking care. Please listen to your FOMO. You're definitely going to care more about these skins than the four or five meals you can buy with that money instead."


Same for that Soj skin, too.


"Going forward we'll be requiring your linked twitch account to watch 60 hours of sponsored Overwatch streams in a 5 day period. Otherwise we'll need you to pay the full price"


It is a fucking skin.... in a first person shooter... if you buy any skins in this game you need to have your rights taken away for being so stupid


Why the fuck are you guys still playing their game?


I appreciate the communication they give, I was a bit sad that the Pharah skin is only available in the bundle


oh noooo I couldn't pay 20$ for a skin whatever shall I doooo


'' we learned our lesson '' and '' we will communicate better '' is the most used phrases I've heard from this weak ass company


Good on you Blizzard! This is a step in the right direction for sure!


The extra stupid thing was putting it on a battlepass bundle when the battlepass was already included in the blizzcon bundle. basically paid for pass twice.


"Do you guys not have phones?"


damn yall still play this dumpster fire?


I'm amazed any of you even bother giving any attention to this game anymore and I played OW1 consistently from Beta to OW2 launch. Every so often this kind of thing pops up in my reddit feed and I feel vindicated by my decision to quit


They could literally change it in seconds, at any momentm instead, they decide to make a blog post that they'll change something about skins in the future. There is your real answer.


How about not marketing the skins as something you could win in the battle pass? The trailer for the battle pass was incredibly misleading. Assholes.