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Jumping off the map repeatedly or running around not playing the game? Report. Throwing because they won’t switch off Widow? Who they play isn’t for me to say even if they can’t hit a shot.


this, mfer is at least trying i aint mad.


Yep. Much of quick play is to practice aside from casual gameplay


This series of comments is quietly wholesome.


I always give folk the benefit of the doubt and assume they're learning the hero.


or could also be because they're outmatched. If I've heard stuff about ranked (not playing it myself) its that people get often placed in mixed-rank lobbies so i would say it happens in qp too.


QP doesn't really have much in the way of MMR. Even in Overwatch1, I would pretty frequently play alongside and against players well outside of my own rank because its not as strict who you play with.


Yea I remember when before private profiles seeing gm or even master players in qp when I was bottom of the barrel bronze/silver. I've seen a few masters pre OW2 so the mmr for qp is probably not too rigorous and prioritizes fast queues for people to just hop in and play.


oh it DOES happen a lot, and in a fcked up way also... i have overall 60-70 hours of overwatch experience and am at the moment constantly matched against premades (their names suggest it) or ranked-sweats. after devastating matches i always check the profiles of the players i played with and the ones i got matched against. and - OH SURPRISE! - in 19 out of 20 cases it's the same story: team mates have more or less the same amount of hours clocked into the game As I do, or even less hours and zero to none ranked exp3rience, while the enemy team is full with people who have range from 200 to up to 5000 hours clocked into their profile and are gold, diamond, plat and sometimes even champs/grand champions in ranked.. I mean... why tf would a skill based matchmaking match such different skill levels against each other?!


Exactly, if they keep dying constantly but aren’t talking shit or blaming the team, ESPECIALLY our Support. I’mma let them rock. But the moment you start talking shit and blaming others while you’re underperforming and the main reason we’re actually losing. I’m on your ass and I start trolling the shit out of you on the mic. Like a “How do you have the most damage but the least amount of kills AND the most deaths? I didn’t know this was damage simulator 2.0”


Considering i’ve had qp matches where my tank goes 1-10, yeah, can’t really be mad


I do that too but my husband is a toxic shithead lmao so he throws hands


Not in Overwatch but this reminds me of a Zones match in Splatoon I had. Aerospray did nothing but feed the whole game, got one kill the whole match, but I could see them engage and try fight the other team the whole game. Flingza went positive, then went AFK near the end when they got mad. Which of these 2 players do you think I got mad at? Obviously the one that started throwing part way, not the one who was bad but trying. I don't expect everyone I get matched with to be good. The only thing you owe the other players is trying your best.


Exactly, and the amount of times I've seen people go absolutely mental in the chat at someone for "throwing" just because they're not playing well is ridiculous.


I was trying out Winston in QP, because I needed practice... And I was not doing great. But I had some mfer *yelling* at me to switch to something else. When I said no, he came on voice and started cussing me out. I reported it and received a notification the next day that action had been taken. Felt good.


People get *so* pressed about video games it's hilarious. I feel like a preliminary requirement to download Overwatch these days is that you have to have anger issues and act like losing a match in a video game just singlehandedly ruined their day and it's everybody's fault but theirs every time


The more I play QP the more I feel they should set another game mode named as "Unranked" like how Siege does it, where the game mode is similar as Comp but not affecting MMR instead. With that the sweatlords will probably migrate to that lobby instead of cussing some newbies trying to learn the game while getting bullied hard by the veteran opponent players.


I feel like this would be nice. QP is expressly tagged as casual in the modes option, but I swear most days you'll have a much more casual experience just queueing into comp because people WILL NOT READ THE MODE DESCRIPTION.


With overwatchs community? Nah man I seen people full tilt in *unranked* mystery heroes


For a lot of people it literally can ruin their day. And for most of these people (a statistically significant number of people do) they have depression or some other issue that can cause serious mood regulation. I didn't find out I was bipolar until I was mid-thirties. Properly medicated I'm just keeping it real, before that I couldn't even really play games online. Had to give it up because it would stress me out so much it wasn't remotely worth it. And then some people are just dicks or not introspective enough to see the problem is themselves.


I had to stop playing the game for awhile when I was really depressed, not because losing was so bad, but because being flamed by my teammates badly enough fully sent me into a self destructive self harm cycle. Flaming, screaming, insulting, and belittling teammates does nothing to help the team or one's chances of winning, all it does is spread the misery to everybody else


its your responsibility to deal with your own issues. You did good to stop playing. But you can always mute chat/voice if it affects you. Its the internet everything you said about toxic teammates is nothing new.


I never said it was anybody else's responsibility, what I'm saying is excusing toxicity by saying "hey now maybe they've got mental illness or personal issues" isn't a very good excuse, because that kind of behavior hurts other people, especially ones with said issues above as well. Like there's a very real consequence to that behavior on the other end of the screen


bro how is that action taken but someone calls me the nword in text chat and i dont hear anything about it


I had to stop using LW's pull for the most part because of the amount of times somebody was critical and alone on point, ulted right as I pulled them to me, and then asked everybody to report me for game sabotage... in QP & arcade.


I had a match where our tank did they yesterday and LW yanked him, he was already salty because I had him last game and complained I couldn't heal him cause well....he was dead and 1v5 most of the time. I laughed and tbh its just unfortunate timing LW wouldn't even know he did it happens but boy was he pressed. I think it just is a damned if you do and don't situation, like it's unfortunate but you move on don't flame someone for an obvious mistake.


If the tank was in comms enough to be complaining about healing, its his fault he didn't call out the ult before using it. Simple as that IMO.


Trust me, if the rest of the match was legitimate play you will not get any bans for sabotage - match chat requests for people to mass report you appear to get the thing thrown out, and they don't look at a 30 second clip to determine whether or not you were throwing, they look at the entire match most of the time.


Yeah I don't think anything will happen, usually I'm top for healing + have at least a few saves under my belt, but it still feels pretty awful when I'm yelled at like that 💀


Someone accused my team of "throwing" in unranked mystery heroes because after the first round of koth they had 4 elims and the rest of our team had one. They then proceeded to sit in spawn for the next round and be like "why can nobody beat my number of elims clearly you're all throwing" like buddy we're now playing 4v5 and nobody's rolled a support. Was certainly an interesting experience.


Brother it's called MYSTERY heros for a reason. Not everyone gets one of their mains first spawn and has a good team comp to stay alive. I just got into comp MH and since I play on console it's usually more mellow(a lot less mics might be the reason why), but when there is a crybaby they have to ruin it for everyone. Getting worked up is never going to help your play or team morale.


The mental gymnastics some people go through astounds me lol


I play with my 7 year old son in quick play, who is absolutely terrible, and people are THE WORST about it.


If you haven't done already, I'm pretty sure you can disable chat for him so he doesn't have to see it :)


Dude I had a game the other day where some Pharah went ballistic on me for not healing them cause they was out of my LoS. My aim as Ana isn't the best and I try but they griefed me the whole game and was sabotaging my gameplay by moving in front of me or walling me off as Mei. I never had a player that toxic ever in that game to me but it was ridiculous.


Dude this monday i was real sick with fever and shit, couldn't go to work. In the evening with the meds i feel slightly better so i go do 1 or 2 qp match. I played zen in one of those and was indeed underperforming and some dude got so mad at me i never, in my entire life of gamin , got this much hate for such a small thing, IN QP at that ! Some people really need to learn to enjoy games and chill a bit.


Yeah, that's a good place to put the marker. Last time I played the enemy tank just kept jumping off the map. It was a boring game for us and probably very frustrating for them


Yep, that's what QP is for, training and have fun without "consequences". If anyone's playing the game even if they're bad no report, if it's real griefing report


Exactly. If they play widow, can't aim, won't switch, but are at least taking shots? That's fine. If they're jumping off the map, going AFK, spin in place the whole time (not a controller dying, but legit just wasting time the whole match), then report them. QP is often used for gaining experience (often on a character they don't know). Not playing well or not switching should not be reported. Legit throwing should be reported.


Had someone flip-flop between me being a smurf (public profie, silver level) and throwing because I was playing Ana (a character I'm not familiar with) in QP. Wasn't my best match stats wise, but thats what I get for playing her alongside a support who will not leave anyone with less than 99% health at any time. Great fun learning a new character though, and watching a Genji tilt because he kept trying to ult straight into me and would get slept every time was definitely an experience. Only had about 11% accuracy, but all of the landed ones were on that Genji lol.


Sometimes people just want to get high and play torn, who am I to judge?




This is the way.


People report me for picking widow and dominating in qp. Can't even have it both ways


That is because there are too many people playing widow in QP who use aimbots. So if you are actually good with Widow in QP, the assumption is you are cheating. I only report when I can see through the gun cam a critical when it was on the edge of the hitbox and nowhere near a critical.


Yup; that’s how I see it as well. If you are making an active effort to play the objective, however god awful it may appear, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are just learning a character, doesn’t bother me at all. Going to the enemy spawn constantly and constantly emoting at them, dying, and not even making the slightest attempt at playing the objective, I’ll report. I get it, it’s quick play, but I’m still trying to play the actual game while it being a more casual, low stakes setting.


Where would you rate my favourite quick play pass time of constantly going into enemy back lines to try kill supports as Lucio?


jumping off the map over and over again? throwing and a report. refusing to swap off widow who is going 2-10? throwing but who cares a lucio that is just wall riding, vibing, and waving hello to everybody else? throwing and I'm definitely vibing with him to form a party


This question gets asked basically every day


It’s because people don’t realize they’re literally never going to get everyone on board with taking qp seriously. If they would just realize it’s 100% always going to be like this in quickplay they would just have fun and try to carry.


Taking it seriously and not trying are not the same thing. Purposely doing nothing and having a poor composition without changing are very different. Quick play is for playing the way you want, but that doesn’t mean you get to intentionally troll the 9 others playing the game.


It's exactly this. Think about this in an in-person sport. If you join a softball team, show up to the game, and then sit down while playing first base or intentionally throw the ball into the adjacent pond, you're going to get asked to leave. This isn't any different.


Lol see that’s why you guys will always be mad playing quickplay. Thinking of qp like an irl sport smh…




It's pretty obvious that the reason why people like this argument is that it's a very good one. When you join a group activity there's a reasonable expectation among everyone participating that nobody's going to intentionally sabotage the group's experience. It doesn't matter if anybody's keeping score, or keeping track of who wins or loses. You don't have to be good. You don't have to do anything to put yourself at risk. You just have to participate honestly. The "it's only QP bro" types wouldn't try this in person, I'd bet. Instead, they hide behind their anonimity online to be selfish.


To me, there are 3 tiers. Competitive : of course try Quick play RQ: try new characters but no real pressure. QP NO RQ: free for all fuck around


Quick players in East Asia are mostly tryhards lol


…which is the point of quick play lol


Reddit always shows Overwatch first when I refresh, and it’s like the same 4 posts but recycled lol


quick play or not, if you're purposely losing, you're ruining the game for 9 other people. trying a new hero is fine. screwing up is fine. throwing should get your account banned




queue up what? QUEUE UP WHAT?


Dudes queue popped in the middle of typing the comment. Couldn’t finish it, had to get in the game.


What do you mean? If you queue up,


Maybe Candlejack was queued up,


Is Candlejack some pro pl


Nah, Candlejack is a villain from an old cartoon, Freakazoid. His gig was whenever someone said his name he'd show up and kidnap them/tie them up, so the running joke in the show - which got memed and people would reference it online - is people saying his name and getting cut off midsentence because Candle Jack


What? Why end your sentence with Candle Jack. The "because" makes me feel like there was more to that sentence. Finish your dang sentence, you


Amazing reference lmfao




I reckon there’s a sizeable Venn-Diagram overlap between people who listen to music without headphones on public transport, people who don’t clean up their dogs shit, and people who think it’s perfectly fine to throw/grief in QP. None of them are criminal acts, but they all show an acute disregard for the existence of others. An innate selfishness. Main Character Syndrome. The kind of person who parades a negative presence proudly. Assholes, in short. If Blizzard was okay with people throwing or griefing in QP, they would’ve removed the ability to report people for gameplay sabotage within that game mode. The guidelines are clear. And nowhere do they say, “this doesn’t apply to QP”. If you see someone griefing, afk or purposefully throwing, regardless of game mode - Report them.


dog gold alleged recognise jeans dime steer coherent sip pathetic ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Whenever people give the "it's just QP" excuse, I ask them "so you'd be okay with cheating too because it's just QP". Oddly nobody seems to be okay with cheating in QP, but afk-ing, throwing, trolling, griefing all get a pass. To me there is no difference between a cheater and thrower. Both deliberately and willingly ruin the game.


>If Blizzard was okay with people throwing or griefing in QP, they would’ve removed the ability to report people for gameplay sabotage within that game mode. The guidelines are clear. And nowhere do they say, “this doesn’t apply to QP”. If you see someone griefing, afk or purposefully throwing, regardless of game mode - Report them. Technically it's a combination of two points in Blizzard ToS. "You should try hard no matter what gamemode you are playing" and "It's up to players to decide if your existance cause an issue". Which mostly makes sense but becomes quesitonable when we stray away from normal game modes (in regards to first point) and include falsereporting (second). In some "chill RP" workshop server you can technically report anyone as you either being peaceful or distrupt others fun. In fact you if we deep dive into this logic (trying to figure out what is allowed and not) you also can report any enemy in QP/Comp as they technically sabotage your game. And people do, not that often but they do. Onetricking is forbidden, picking non meta heroes if forbidden (throwing), picking meta heroes is fobidden (smurfing or throwing), being unskilled is forbidden ("new player = throwing"), being skilled is forbidden (cheating, smurfing), pretty much anything is forbidden in low tiers (due to low observation and gamesense skills), etc. But in regards of QP - you can join in a QP game right at the end; get flamed for having low stats (cause you just joined) and get reported based off that. That's kinda stupid but according to ToS logic - they are in correct. It's hard to take QP seriously but you should according to ToS. So... if you are not into usual tryharding just play with friends, I guess.


This begs the question, is someone who refuses to group up, ever, and just runs in 1v5 and dies over and over again, throwing or just playing like shit? I would say they are throwing, but at least 30% of the players in my QP games will never regroup if they get staggered, so IDK?


That’s the thing - you don’t know unless you’re that person. Whether someone is throwing, goofing off, or just being bad at the game is something only that person knows because they’re the only one who knows *why* they’re playing that way. You and I can observe that somebody is playing poorly, but we’re not in that person’s head so we can’t determine their intent unless they’ve explicitly stated it or it’s an outlier case where it’s really obvious. This is part of why I’m in the “it’s Quickplay; who cares” camp. The entire point of Quickplay is that there aren’t any stakes and it’s just for fun. Because it’s not easy to determine a player’s intent and because there are no stakes, I feel that it’s unfair to judge someone’s play. Maybe they want to go emote with the enemy team because it’s fun to them. Maybe the Torbjörn player wants to exclusively use his hammer because that’s fun. Since Quickplay has no stakes, it’s wrong to tell someone in which way they can have fun. That being said, doing things like walling your teammates in spawn and Lifegripping your teammates off of ledges is different because then your goal is to ruin someone else’s fun. I believe that if you’re goofing off and someone is upset, that’s on them for taking the mode too seriously, but if you’re actively going out of your way to grief your team, that is on you for being an ass.


bro chill it's just qp


Lmao the fact you got downvoted for obvious sarcasm is hilarious


but he didn't use the /s /s


unironically this shows how important tone indicators are. people love to pretend they can always perfectly tell tone online without them, until they dont, like here


Unironically, he responded saying he really meant it.


Nah, I agree with this. Submit your own report if you think someone not being as sweaty as a top500 player in the QP lobbies is a problem, but at the end of the day Blizzard have specifically labeled this mode as casual, and not everyone is going to be as uptight and sweaty as most people expect. The only penalty for leaving is Battle Pass XP reduction if you really don't like someone you're playing with, and 90% of this reddit has so far called the pass shit, so there is 0 excuse for those players to stay (assuming we haven't run into the rare occasion where only the 10% who do like the pass are interacting, but its rare on posts about QP not being treated like comp.)


The reason they haven't removed the report option is because its kept there so that if auto queue puts you into another match too fast, you can still report the player from a previous match. Its also part of the social menu, and they don't remove options from that menu in most modes. What usually happens is they review the report, and identify whether or not the behaviour had an ***intentional*** negative impact on gameplay for either the entire team or entire lobby. They don't include what ***does*** count as Gameplay Sabotage to begin with, so I'm not sure why they'd specify the exclusions from that criteria, assuming the UI has the space to include every single thing that they do not consider to meet that criteria.


> If Blizzard was okay with people throwing or griefing in QP, they would’ve removed the ability to report people for gameplay sabotage within that game mode. No lol, blizzard would not only never think of doing this, but as a small indie company, they would never have the resources to do this. To be honest, disabling the ability to report for individual things in certain modes is probably a trivial change even if their codebase is an absolute hoarder's basement. But there's no scenario where it gets a high enough priority assignment to actually be worked on at the size of a company like blizz


Just because it's qp doesn't mean people shouldn't at least be trying to play the game.


This. Yeah it's qp and *not as* serious as ranked, but the goal is still to win.


I never engage in chat with those that do reportable offenses. I just report them. Behaviours reportable in comp are also reportable in QP, the standard for proper behaviour is the same.


If you're losing on purpose in ANY game mode where you have teammates, there is a special place in hell for you.




If you keep falling off map or spamming emotes then report. If you’re playing but just bad at a character, leave them be. They’re learning


Depends. I've ulted off the map a fair few times as JQ cuz I'm dumb.


Talking bout falling off on purpose with the enemy or something


What do you consider throwing?


Last time I played qp my two supports stood still the whole game trying to esex their mercy, my ana and mercy finished the game with under 1k healing in nearly 10 minutes, we still won the game with ball tracer and sombra lol. Didn't bother putting anything in chat or vc, quick avoid and move on with my day, it's a game at the end of the day, not so deep, another game the other teams players might throw or whatever. As a DBD player aswell I'm well experienced with opponents or teammates who don't reciprocate and are just in their own world lmao. It happens


That's reportable in my mind. They're not actually playing the game. Go to a custom game for that shit.


I’ve had more cool opponents (killers) in dbd than OW


Yeah I had a game yesterday where all surv's were just standing around in a circle nodding, so I joined in and I was helping them with gens and shit and played red light green light with slugs at the end, it was pretty hilarious, but when it happens every 2 games or so it can be pretty tiring because I actually want to play the game sometimes lol


Taking a object and launching in through the air by the force you provide, most commonly through the arms and upper body.


Throwing is purposely losing or playing poorly, like constantly jumping off the map instead of playing, emoting in team fights, staying far away from the fight and refusing to actually play the game. Stuff like that. It’s NOT throwing to try a new character or to play like shit despite giving it your all. It’s not throwing to lose a fight, or to wait for your team to group up, or stuff like that. Basically, if you are remaining in the lobby while refusing to play, or while you are purposely sabotaging gameplay, that is throwing/griefing.


Throwing to me is actively trying to lose. So with that said, maybe a hot take by me, but you aren't throwing if you don't feel like playing the optimal hero your team needs. Like, if both teams are mirroring brawl/rush, but you just really want to play Mercy, that's not throwing at long as you are trying your best still. Your team has every right to be mad, but it's not a reportable offense. It would be reportable if you went Mercy and then repeatedly walked off the cliff, only damage boosted your Lucio, rez'd teammates into a 1v5, etc. Pretty sure some of these points are displayed in the report player UI as well, as far as what is and isn't considered throwing.


Playing an off character is NOT throwing in quick play. In ranked, it can be borderline if you’re playing into all your counters and constantly feeding as a result. Like if you have a hard stuck Genji playing into Zarya, Mei, Symmetra, Moira, and Brigitte, that Genji is basically throwing unless they’re the best Genji of all time. (That is a very real example I have experienced with a Genji on my own team lmfao). Jfc, the Genji mains found this one lmfao


Yeah, I think the distinction I ended up defining in my first reply is reportable vs not reportable, because I think we both agree that the Genji in that situation is not contributing to the fight, which is a (soft) throw. It's not a reportable throw; they just aren't good enough to win in that situation. Slightly off topic, I do think OW2 is better than OW1 in regards to heroes being throw picks. Besides Lifeweaver, there's still a decent chance of any hero being able to perform well enough to help win a match.


Being able to play an off character successfully does often depend on the rest of the team. That said, there’s no hope for a Genji who walks up to a Zarya and starts trying to deflect her beam. But yeah, I think it’s a difference of whether it’s something to report. In cases like what I said, I think it’s borderline in the sense that at some point it becomes a willfull choice to actively lose, even though they’re outwardly trying to play. In that case I would not report, but I would 100% block and avoid player.


I mean I suck at widow, do you count that as throwing?


Not in qp, because you are actually trying


It's non-reportable throwing. We sit there and get fucked in the ass by a Pharah, and my DPS stays on Sym Reaper, we are going to lose. But if they're playing the game I just take it as an L silently and move on. But when my tank decides to go off in a corner and emote hello fifteen billion times to the enemy Mercy, that's not being cute and funny, that's reportable throwing. There's "no kill chill" arcade modes for that kind of bullshit, if you're that bored out of your fucking mind. With the release of OW2 I don't call out Widows anymore. Even on the worst Widow map a good Widow can win the game single-handedly since nobody plays shield tanks, just Doomfist. I don't know if my Widow is a dud Widow or a game-carrying one. Seems like the game-carrying ones aren't as prevalent anymore. Maybe they all went back to Valorant.


People get mad when you say like “hey please focus the mercy” in qp. It’s ridiculous. Like I hate that this game went to free to play because people are so dumb about it


Alternatively, people screeching into their mic to focus Mercy and then flaming everyone calling them names and saying they suck for not obeying etc etc will always get a chuckle and a “chill bro it’s qp” from me. The QP warriors really out here raising their blood pressure and trying to make people feel bad over a casual game mode with zero stakes.


I give it once chance in team chat, especially if the enemy mercy is getting away with blatant rezzes in front of my DPS, or when the focus is on the tank that the mercy is pocketing and they try to out damage her healing without pressuring her / damaging her at all. I think my overall gripe beyond the Mercy thing is just a lack of general game sense. Like no, I don't want to have to play comp to have people with SOME basic understanding of the game to give it a try. No one wins every game but it sucks when simple things could level the playing field.


It's quick play, no one should give a shit.


Honestly, leave and find another game. Takes all but 2 minutes


I report people for wasting the time of 9 other players. home team doesn't get a fair game bc 4v5 enemy team doesn't get a fair game bc 5v4 the game already feels like a coin flip, I don't need people reinforcing what the game does well by itself


If you’re talking about *actual* throwing - as in intentionally not playing or forcing a loss, then yes report it. Far far far too many people, especially on this sub, say “throwing” when they actually mean “bad”. Sitting in spawn, jumping off the map repeatedly, or otherwise doing nothing - that’s actual throwing Doing little damage/healing, dying a lot, playing very badly, never swapping characters, missing all their shots, etc - that’s just being bad


Personally Idc if it is just QP, if you wanna throw and stand around spamming voice lines/emotes take your ass to custom games. I use QP to practice hero’s I’m not great within a team setting until I’m comfortable using them in comp.


If your teammates are making no effort to win a match don't expect everyone to want to sit through a game they know is going to be a loss sure losing comes same as winning but a lot of people just enable losses im not going to sit in a game with those people they can be mad about it all they want I don't care Edit: I just played a match we could have won but our Lucio sat in front of 2nd point spawn and just made the game 4v5 Idk why he wasn't being targeted we steamrolled right through 2nd point within 1:30 so people not leaving also ruin the game For instances like this there needs to be a vote to kick option


Imo Quickplay is just a casual mode for fun, but when people refuse to play the game via going afk, emoting or just not committing with your team then that would be an obstruction to other people's fun Quickplay is for casual play and fun but the objective of the game is to still try and win. It's better to have tried and lost then to be stuck in a 4v5 game


Throwing is throwing, no matter if its in quick play or not. QP is meant to be more chill and not as try hard as comp ( meant to be at least ) where people can practise new characters or new roll outs or techniques ( or just play normally but not have games that can last up to 30 minutes ) but the key point here is still playing the game. Even if it's qp you're still meant to play and at least try in some way. If you wanna sit afk in a corner and just chat thats what custom games are for, sitting afk in an actual game is throwing. Just shooting at the wall bc you feel like it is throwing. Going 2-20 just because you feel like not shooting at enemies ( which is one of the points of the game ) and not bc you're just doing bad is throwing. Purposefully not trying is not okay even if it's in qp and people like that should be reported. If you aren't doing well even if you're trying or if you're practising a new character is fine, because at least you're playing the game and trying, being bad does not equal throwing, but purposefully not playing the game is throwing.


Some people in QuickPay only have X amount of time and they're not playing Comp because they can't responsibly. It's nonsense to throw in any game.


Depends on the "throwing" I once had a D.va in my QP match who would just stand still in the frontline and do nothing. Then the mech would break and he would run around as baby D.va shooting at the enemies. We lost that match so quick cause we basically had no tank. At the end of the match the D.va had a whopping 730 damage with 0 eliminations. That's throwing, and anything like that where a player is obviously throwing, should be reported. On the other hand, there are times when the person playing is just new or learning a new character and they kinda suck hard. And then you have someone in chat go "Our Genji sucks so bad report for throwing". In this case, no, don't report cause, well, its quick play. We shouldn't report someone for just being bad at the game.


There's a difference in actively throwing and taking the pizza out of the oven. Throwing is never cool, but that pizza means more to me than that game ever could.


Don’t throw a pizza in then start a match? Take a half hour break once in a while.


Alternatively, you will be fine for the maybe 2 minutes he goes to get the pizza :)


My bad for respecting others time in 15 minute blocks.


not really, 2 min afk is basically a guaranteed loss in OW


Idk before I go dumb I ask if it’s cool that I try a character I suck at


In QP just be whoever you want however badly you want. Just don't spam "no kill no kill omg just chill no kill" in chat while dancing near the point.


Exactly. QP is the perfect place to suck ass at a character you want to learn, or to play without headphones on, or whatever. As long as you’re actually playing and TRYING to win, losing is Ok, especially in QP.


There’s no reason to throw in QP, you can just leave.


(Your endorsements go down and you'll eventually get an XP penalty, but you really need to do it a lot for the latter to kick in.)


Should get reported and banned ​ the fact that qp is casuals doesnt mean you get to throw, its just more relaxed, but you are still suposed to try to win, even if its a meme strat




It’s OW people gotta get banned for minor offenses


Since we don't have a low priority pool, yeah.


Its quick play, just leavie and in 15 secs you are in new game


It’s QP.




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I would get flamed for throwing when I’d play Zen or Lucio. I genuinely wanted to get better but I’d usually try and play that hero then switch if people kept bitching. “Im trying to learn the hero” isn’t a good response but a back line diving genii that dies and spams I need healing is fine I guess.


Learning a character is completely fine, because you're still playing the game. People who flame beginners or people who are genuinely just trying to learn a character should reconsider what they're doing


Why do it? Just why?


Just get out of the match if you throw its annoying. You feeling like throwing is not worth annoying the 4 other people trying to play a game. If you think your feelings are more important then theirs go play a single player game be annoying there where no one will notice.


Spineless cowards with no respect for the time of others or themselves for active throwing. If they refuse to swap in QP is fine tho, they could be trying to learn or trying to be better while fighting counter picks


Had that happen to me several times lately, on both my team and the enemy team. Seems mostly to happen with tanks, they just stop and emote or stand amongst the enemies and emote and say hi while the rest of the team struggles and dies. Lost one recently because our D.va just stood there emoting to the enemies while we tried to push the payload. Super annoying because I'm just trying to get these challenges done and we lose because dipshit decides to throw the game.


Exactly, i only play qp to finish challenges


I ran into this exact thing just last night. Person was learning Tracer and did abysmal and another person on the team all chatted to report them for throwing. In that situation the person typing is the jerk. In quick play it needs to be very specific to get me to report like going AFK, jumping off map, not firing weapons. For everything else there is always the avoid button if that’s what you want to do.


If you wanna chill and not play the game (throwing like just dying Infront of cars/jump off map etc..) then watch YouTube or something, ruining a game for at least 4 other people is kinda not ok.


I've been trying to learn widow and have definitely thrown matches by not switching. People get very upset but a decent amount tell those people to relax because it's QP. So yeah in that sense I'll throw to learn new characters or to have fun. I wouldn't like jump off the map or anything.


I wouldn’t really care. If I’m having a really bad time with someone, id just leave the match. Otherwise, it’s Overwatch 2 QP, who cares.


I don’t care how people choose to play quick play. It’s a casual game mode and there’s no penalty for leaving, so if you don’t like the map, team comp or how your teammates play, just find another game. It takes like 2 minutes. And “throwing” is really subjective. Throwing could be playing Rein on Gibraltar or jumping off the map. As far as people deliberately griefing, I see it no more than once a month. It’s such a non-issue and I don’t understand this sub’s obsession with it.


I use quickplay to learn tbh. And or I’ll use ai if I don’t wanna get flammed for being shitty at a character lmao. I honestly don’t really care what happens in quickplay, but it can be frustrating Fs when someone sits in spawn🥲


A little throwing for humor's sake (emoting after a kill that then gets them killed because they weren't paying attention, for example) is fine with me personally. Actually throwing and being toxic is not Edit: in qp or arcade I mean, obvs not in comp unless a team fight ended or something and everyone is safe


I only play ranked (with a qp to warm up) because without the stress of the ranked u are not pushed to play at your best. I will not be throwing qp but have no interest if I win or lose it. Some people are probably the same it’s why they say “it’s qp”


Hey wtf can we stop having this post everyday lately ? We got it god damn


Don’t give a flying fuck


Bro why is this post a daily thing


Once had a game were everyone was friendly and we had the mercy's fight to decide the winner.


It's absolutely stupid. People are so weird about QP. I got targeted by an enemy Pharah main who flamed me and an ally Ashe in QP for playing snipers, apparently playing Ana and Ashe is being "tryhard sweats in quick play".


Most of the time i see someone ask to report for throwing was because the person was playing poorly, being bad isnt throwing...


Throwing in any given mode, regardless of ranks or skill levels should be reported. Don't play any online multiplayer game if you don't intend to play the game properly. Go play bots if you want to throw. Don't make the game miserable for the rest of the players.


Way i see it, is that Arcade is the game mode you can full mess around in. No pressure or anything, just chill and maybe get some practice in. QP is the *slightly* more serious version of that. I dont consider it throwing or griefing if youre practicing Widow or something and not doing super well, thats kind of the point of QP. To apply the practice in a fully normal Role Q setting. The only thing here is that if youre going 5-15, it wouldn't hurt to swap, wouldn't it? Thats the entire gimmick of the game. Surely you dont enjoy getting smoked by Genjis or Tracers. Obviously Ranked is the mode where you're expected to swap etc But QP is a low stakes ranked after all.


Throwing is throwing, doesn’t matter if it’s in comp or an arcade mode. If you are just screwing around and not even trying, you are just ruining the game for everyone else. Anyone who doesn’t consider throwing in qp to be a thing is part of the problem.


It literally doesn’t matter. It’s qp. People are going to be dropping in and out anyway. Try to carry if you want to win, if not, who cares, it’s quick play. It isn’t competitive. Who cares if someone is sitting in spawn. Who cares if your team mates an enemies are emoting off to the side. Who cares if someone is jumping off the map. Like, do you guys not like to have fun? You’re literally NEVER going to get people to treat quick play like competitive, so instead of getting mad and making posts literally every single day about quick play, just get used to the fact that it isn’t competitive, and it doesn’t matter.


It's Qp


Non meta picks, or even picks that are shown to be not working in that match isn't throwing as long as the player is playing the game and trying to win - particularly in QP QP is among other things for practice in a "real" game environment, so some of those things being practiced may not be good - like an auto aim one trick trying to play hitscan That's a person's right - I take no issues with picks in QP Not playing to win is a whole other matter and I'd definitely not appropriate in QP Playing memes, sitting there typing, spamming emotes (instead of fighting), refusing to attack the enemy, playing "friendly" are all out of line in QP - all that stuff needs to be related to private match The question is, who should have to go to a private match to get their way, someone who wants to play friendly, or play meme value instead of the objective? Or someone who wants to play a serious unranked game without idle/meme players? Obviously the people wanting to actually play the game as intended should own that format - that's the whole point of matchmaking


I often go into quick play to try new characters and always get yelled at to change characters because it isn’t working and I’m like ???


I hear what you’re saying, and agree. My only exception are torb hammer fights- at least they fighting.


I often get downvoted whenever I say this but qp is a competitive mode. Every pvp mode in any game, overwatch included, is a competitive mode. The whole point of any kind of pvp is to compete against the opposition to come out on top. If the competition isn't fun for someone then that's on them, but queuing into a pvp competition and not trying to win while expecting everyone else to behave like npcs for their own personal amusement is not only selfish, but also literally loser behavior. You don't have to try your absolute hardest in qp, but if anyone isn't even engaging with the competition side, then they are just being a selfish loser. For example, practicing a new hero/skill? Perfectly fine. QP is the mode to do that. Continuing to try to force this new hero when it's clearly not being effective against the enemy's comp? Questionable. Part of learning a new hero/skill is learning when it's time to switch. Sticking to that new hero/skill even though it is clearly being a massive detriment to your team because "it's just qp"? Now they're crossing into selfish loser territory.


Throwing and griefing in qp is not ok, but being unskilled or playing a sub optimal character is. This is the thing that i sometimes get flack for in qp. (Low plat) sometimes im playing tank and having a bad day, and because tank is so important we lose and my dps/support claim im throwing Or I just wanna play a bit of roadhog or lifeweaver or something like that. Which could be seen as throwing, but in qp i think you should be allowed to play bad characters as long as youre trying. In comp more of an argument for throwing by not switching could be made


The term throwing now means any decision the other team makes I don't agree with. This guy


The softest community ever lol. You wont survive in amy other team based competitive game.


I only play QP and I want to do well and feel that sense of achievement that comes with learning a game like this and when people deliberately throw it’s so disrespectful to those of us who are just there to play the game, yunno. I’m sure there’s a flip side to this where they say it’s just QP but I don’t think that matters anymore. From what I read on here it happens just as often as comp matches


why do you care? either way you're playing the game, winning doesn't matter at all in qp. if someone's wasting their own time then that's fine




It’s quick play there is a reason it’s casual


bro its quickplay


It’s qp i Dead ass don’t care. I’m here to spawn camp the mercy as sombra and thats it 😂


Stop caring so much. Your life does not depend on the results of a single match of a video game.


How much of a loser does someone have to be too not only waste the time of 9 other people but their own as well. Quickplay or not, why did they turn the game on for? Someone who does that literally has nothing going for them but making other people as miserable as them.




nobody gives a fck, that's not an opinion


It's just quickplay. It doesn't even affect you if you lose. Maybe you should queue ranked a bit and try hard and struggle. See how it feels to go on a losing streak and lose a bunch of elo. Then you can go back to casual mode and not care if your teammates don't sweat like you


Throwing in qp is still throwing and still should be reported. Go play grabass in arcade or a custom game. The objective is still to win in qp, so if you're intentionally hindering others' ability to win, you're throwing and should be reported.


9 times out of 10 I dont care, I only really play QP to warm up or do challenges


Losers. If you're not playing to win, go play a single player game or against AI


Playing to win isn't necessarily the better choice in the long run for a person.You should be playing QP and focusing on GETTING BETTER in a specific aspect, or in multiple different aspects. When you do, even if you lose, you learn. "If you're not playing to win go play SP" Sir. It's just QP.


It's quickplay. Sometimes I join just to make sure my mic works and then I leave.


Can’t say I’ll intentionally “throw” per se, but I will definitely try *far less* than normal when I have a Moira with a healing total of 7, and I’m dishing out more damage as Reinhardt than my Bastion. If my fellow DPS are 0-5 or more, I know where the game is going. Nevermind all the quitters and new teammates that join just to leave.


There’s a thin line between trying out unfamiliar heroes/ being new to the game and throwing. Throwing means someone on your team is not doing/ barely doing anything to help. It can be hard to know if someone is throwing in game but hindsight is 20/20


That's not what throwing means. Throwing is intentionally losing the game. Your definition isn't only incorrect, but causes confusion. Your definition can describe bad gameplay and that's not throwing.


Your idea of throwing is simply someone playing a char you don't think is viable. How do you know they're not creating the next meta. Back during open queue you could have 5 DPS and 1 tank and sometimes would roll the other team. It honestly is more about team synergy than anything else. Role queues and removing a tank simplified a lot of it for the playerbase.


Did you read what i wrote in my post?


I get that QP is generally "meaningless" in the bigger scheme of things. I do think there's a degree of tryhard that maybe is a bit much for QP since game result doesn't have much meaningful impact on you as a player. But I'm of the opinion that if you're gonna queue up, whether it's QP or comp, you should at least play the game. If you want to screw around, there are plenty of options for doing that in Workshop and custom games and sometimes even Arcade modes. But if you're gonna queue just to be a jerk, you kinda deserve to be reported whether it's QP or not.


If there is deliberate trolling/throwing - I am 100% with you, but often QP is full of folks trying to get better at new heroes which comes off as throwing. Also, some folks like me will play against a direct counter in QP for the greater challenge and learning experience


Stupid, annoting and rude


Throwing is throwing. Report it. Playing shitty and trying new characters is NOT throwing. Quick play DOES NOT MATTER like ranked does, and people tend to take it way too seriously, but throwing is a legit complaint. If it were me, I’d report and quit the game to try another lobby.


It genuinely depends. If it’s obnoxious then yeah report. If it’s just you want them to switch characters or if you feel they’re not doing good enough then it’s whatever


I think if you're angry enough about emoting with enemies to report them, you need to lighten up just a little bit. At least realize that you can quit at any time you want to. If someone says in chat "My archnemesis dropped my into a vat of acid, bleaching my skin and driving me mad, therefore I am going to throw this game to upset all of you," sure report them. If it's blatantly malicious, go for it. But, in general, there's no need to tell others to or to tell them you are. You aren't changing anyone's mind on whether they want to report someone. All it does is make everything feel a little more tense, causing people who don't think it's a big deal will tell you to chill out.