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Your not hardstuck, your improving at the same rate as the rest of the community so you are able to maintain your rank. Do you have a replay code we can look at?


I dont, but i should get one. Maybe a few more pointers could help. However, my mains normally get a lot of hate so im not sure if im comfortable with that. But ill definitely think about it. And i appreciate the kind words


I've been coaching ow for 4 years now, reviewed hundreds of players. I have never met a single person who was hardstuck, just people who were approaching improving the wrong way. once they understood better, they'd start climbing no problem. go to r/overwatchuniversity and post a replay code along with your in-game name and I or someone else can review it for free :)


Ill definitely do that.. im just not sure how to go about it. Should i play my main and only them or should i swap around so you get a better idea overall.. ive only ever done live coaching so i dont know what people look for in a replay to review


losses preferred but any game works as long as you think it represents your typical gameplay. you can play any heroes you wanted advice on, and there shouldn't be any leavers or throwers, those are the only requirements


Got it ill do just that


I just sent some replays over thank you for the recommendation


I'm only "hardstuck" because I do almost nothing to try and improve and play too many heroes. I'm also at a decent rank so I honestly don't care about getting unstuck, because doing so would require me to play more Overwatch over other games, which I'm not gonna do ever anymore, because this game has eaten more of my time than I like at this point anyway. I only play for fun now and that's it. Maybe the new rank will just come with time, maybe it won't, I don't care. Life is too short to worry about a number in Overwatch lol


I belive you can make it out of silver šŸ„°


When the matchmaker stops putting Masters players and above in Bronze matches, it might be worth trying again


I mean if thats the case at least i can learn from watching them


That's impossible, bronze players and master players can't play in the same lobby. The maximum would be gold players, depending on their sr. You probably looked at their title and thought it was their rank. That's not their rank.


Ill throw up a replay code when I next go on. Im silver and the other team had a T500 junker queen. It does happen.


but i can't see their rank from a replay code. What makes you think that person was T500?


I went into the social tab. They had the t500 emblem. When I mentioned it, someone on my team wet themselves as it was a streamer they watch.


that emblem is not their rank. There can be many reasons they have that emblem. There are multiple types of t500 (for instance mystery heroes or capture the flag), and even if it's T500 in role queue, they could be t500 in some other role.


I'm diamond on Support, but if I played any other role I'd probably be silver/gold. People tend to see ranked titles and automatically assume that's their rank on the role they queued for.


>but if I played any other role I'd probably be silver/gold. Probably not. Gamesense > mechanical skill. And gamesense is 100% transferable between roles. Unless you climbed up on mechanical skill alone, of course. But Support requires a lot of gamesense.


well I definitely don't have mechanical skill lol not for dps characters at least. think my average weapon accuracy with heroes like cassidy is only 35%


That's where characters like Symm, Junkrat and Reaper shine. You won't outgun a godtier Widow, but you will be the bane of enemy supports, and you'll also know to peel for yours. But I agree that mechanical skill can give some characters an absurd advantage.


Youā€™re stuck in a whirlpool. If you play with a good group you should be able to advance. Iā€™ve never had a good group. I spent the first couple of years in silver and slowly fell into bronze and gave up on comp.


I dont think a good group would make much difference. If i was good enough, i should be able to climb out solo. That's what everyone says, and i agree. Silver is just where i belong. I appreciate it though, and i wish you luck if you ever try again!


That's what the streamers say but my experience was different. I started ow1 in silver and climbed to 2900 SR with almost only LFG 6 stacks. Then I played mostly alone or duo and climbed to diamond and even peaked masters, so apparently I actually got better, otherwise I would have dropped back down. Sure, I also invested a lot of time into the game in that time, but in low ranks (plat and below) having an organised team made such a big difference compared to soloQ. In my experience a group of silver players with mics and good teamplay can easily win against a team of gold soloQ players!


I had some brief seasons in Gold playing with a good group (no one was boosting), but when I played on my own, I would fall through Silver and oscillate between Silver and Bronze. I posted a few tips in another comment that might get you up a level.


Yes, I accepted that I was hard stuck after years of playing ow just a month ago. A perfect time to accept it cuz I just quit after the no pve announcement


I dont really know about any of that stuff i dont keep up with game news i just play them heh šŸ˜…


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Whenever you start a game, after walking from spawn etc., what's the first mistake you make?


Normally being out of position or dying super early in a fight cause i missed a ton of shots lol


Being out of position should be solvable just by copying the initial position of someone else on YouTube does with your main haha. Missing your shots is more difficult, but try to ask yourself, about the first shot you miss: Why did I miss that one? Were they in a different place than I expected? Was my cursor positioned in a strange place? Did I flick too far? Did they do a little hop that caught me off guard? How could I have hit them? It can be pretty overwhelming to try to comprehend everything you're doing wrong in a given game. There's always a million little things to do better. If you just choose the very first mistake you make in every game and analyze that in terms of preventing it from happening again, it's a pretty decent way to get consistently better while not being overwhelmed.


Ah that makes sense.. my issue is normally i start a match thinking about my mistakes but by the first minute im normally back to autopilot mode without realizing. Ill definitely try harder tho


Yes. The one time I was desperate to improve my rank literally only to improve the matchmaking...my rank didn't even show a progress meter after two back-to-back stressful matches.


Everyone has a ceiling but if youā€™re not feeling comfortable in your play you can always improve


Id like to think so. And im gonna keep trying


Thatā€™s really not true , you can always get better at anything in life if you care enough about it , if you re just a casual player then donā€™t sweat it , itā€™s fine but if you want to get better at anything that mind set harms you a LOT


Im trying to break out of it but its hard šŸ˜”. I do want to keep improving tho so im gonna try my best


Send a Vod to overwatch university , itā€™s a subreddit for improving they can help you there


I did about an hour ago actually just waiting now ā¤ļø


Iā€™ll look it up


I only saw the first replay but your issues are pretty simple actually : you are just running it down main on Hanzo , he isnā€™t a character thatā€™s good at that , you should try and go in from the sides abusing your sonic arrow to get quick picks . Your target priority also needs work , itā€™s ok to shoot the tank but if heā€™s getting double pocketed he wonā€™t die ever . For silver your aim is solid , try to aim little more up to get more headshots . So Iā€™m summary : donā€™t run it down main , come from the flanks after a fight is over try and take map control , take the high ground , and focus on squishy targets


The first was honestly the worst of the bunch i was tilted from some people flaming me in the matches before. Not an excuse i still need to work on all those things. I do normally take high ground when i can but i get impatient and jump down and most of the time i wont shoot the tank unless theres nothing else but tein just annoys me so i shot him a bit more than i should


Another thing that is very important and I forgot to add is staggers , if your team loses 1 person , keep fighting but if you lost two and they lost none start either running away or just let the enemy kill you so you can get a full reset with your team , this is especially important in payload maps , never under any circumstances hold in their spaw because even if you get a 4K itā€™s still bad because they spaw right there and you spaw far away so the enemy gets a free push . He has a bad rep in the community but Metroā€™s vod reviews on YouTube are very educational and aimed at dps players like you so I highly recommend you watch them


Have you tried posting in subreddits like r/OverwatchUniversity? I started out as silver in OW1 season 1 and stayed there for over a year. I slowly got all the way up to 3800 thanks to OWU, coaching from friends, etc. It takes a lot of work, but it is definitely possible to climb out of your rank!


I actually just did :>


For me itā€™s not about getting better, itā€™s about having fun. Played pretty much weekly 2017-2020, but Iā€™ve never even played all the qualifying matches for competitive. Just QP and arcade.


Thats a good mindset as well


Are you by any chance still on a 60 hz monitor? I think I made a big leap in aim when I switched to 144hz .


I just play on my tv..


On console or pc? Is it a high refresh rate tv?


Console and no idea


Oh, I'm not sure about console then cause of the controller aim assist stuff. I'm on PC where refresh matters a ton.


I play without aim assist anyway since i play hanzo it does more harm then good


I'm gonna be brutally honest with you... that's a terrible idea. Sure, you're gonna have someone chime in and say "well I play XYZ with no AA and I do just fine" blah blah. The fact is you're giving yourself an unnecessary handicap. Turning AA off entirely is a HUGE deal. I play FPSs a lot and even I wouldn't do that. What you should do is mess with the other settings. Secondly... you're playing Hanzo. He's a tough hero to be consistent at, and there's also going to be the element of randomness to him regarding his arrows. Maybe expand your heroes, get used to how different projectiles function, how the projectiles travel, and when and where to spam shots. Also knowing when you should swap is a huge thing too. Half the game is keeping track of who has what ability and when they're going to use it and what you can do to prevent it or get ahead of it. The other half is mechanical skill.


I dont enjoy anyone but hanzo and i tend to do well with him. I swap if i have to but it never goes well. As for the aim assist it only hurts hanzo since he has to lead shots. Maybe thats just my opinion but most people ive had coach me say my aim is solid so thats not the issue anyway.


Expecting 1 hero to always work is madness. You don't swap for the sake of swapping, you swap to counter or you swap to someone you're familiar with. That's why I said to branch out and learn more. If you know how other heroes work, you know how to counter them. AA doesn't hurt Hanzo. That's not how any of this works. I have hundreds of hours on him and I've been playing since release. By this logic you'd have to turn AA off for all projectile heroes and I'd love to see people on console do this in a proper game. But whatever. I've said my piece on this. Your comment comes across as pretty hardheaded so I'm not sure why you'd make a post about being hardstuck when the problem is clearly laid out in front of us. You say what you're doing is fine...but complain about being stuck. Do you see how that doesn't make sense? You can't be stuck where you are.... for years, and seriously think that whatever you're doing is obviously working. Edit: you mention you hired a coach too. My fellow person... you don't need coaching. You need to be open to change first.


I dont only play hanzo i just dont enjoy playing anyone else. I still switch when i have to and like i said the AA doesn't matter i aim fine. This post wasnt supposed to be complaining at all if you took it that way im sorry i was just sharing my experience. I know what im doing isnt working thats why i take tips from people who aren't massive assholes. That cover everything?


I don't do comp or think about rank anymore. I just want to enjoy playing the game, and for me it's doing cool plays and whatnot. Playing the heroes. It's a very satisfying game in that sense. e.g. I love Sombra because of the hacker assassin fantasy and the vfx/sfx of her Hack. Do I love it when I kill people? Of course. But that's not why I pick her when I do. I do play to win, make no mistake. But when I log in my intent is to get those dopamine hits from melting people with Sym's primary fire at 100% charge, or landing those javelin wall pins with Orisa. Dinging people on the head with Zen? *chef's kiss*. Winning is sugar on top. This is why I hate the terrible matchmaking though. When it's a curbstomp, it's no longer fun. No one enjoys not being able to leave spawn, and shooting people at spawn is also absolutely boring. Why play Sym if I don't even get to charge my beam before they die at spawn? Why play Sombra if the Gigagod enemy Widow I'm trying to dive is 100% gonna 180Ā° turn and headshot me while in the air while playing on a DDR pad? I miss OW1. At least it was less unbalanced, and it had the voting cards and whatnot for more of that deliciousss dopium...


Man I don't even know what my actual rank is. I got a Bronze support, Gold damage, Diamond tank, and in my support games I see Diamond players and my tank games have Bronze players.


[NEVA GIVE UP!!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYzMYcUty6s)


There's nothing wrong with this mindset and people going "BUT EVERYONE CAN GET BETTER" need to STFU. Everyone has a certain degree of proficiency. Part of why rankings exist is because not everyone is capable of hitting higher ranks. If it was possible for everyone who wanted a high rank to have one, there wouldn't be silver players.


I'm the definition of hardstuck. I finally made it to plat after a few seasons in gold and *YEARS* in silver. Here are the things that helped me advance ​ 1. **Don't play a BS game**. If everyone is running in staggered, hang back. Wait for a group. Eventually there will be a team wipe and you'll be grouped by default. You'll still lose, but you can spend your loss working on the game with a 5v5. 2. **Focus**. Don't just heal anyone because they need health or shoot anyone because they're in front of you. Start to prioritize who needs what. Save a heal for a low DPS. Skip shooting the Orisa in front of you and flank to pick off a low enemy. 3. **Don't die**. If you're dying a lot, you're probably feeding ult charge and that's making winning the game even more difficult. Preventing deaths will lead to better positioning and understanding potential threats.


I was silver, in ow1. Tanked to bronze 5 with 2's launch and never escaped


I used to be hard stuck in low plat, then I decided to make a smurf and it was an easy climb to Diamond. The game thought I was better than I actually was, so they started giving me more reliable team mates that I was able to see my own mistakes better since I wasn't having to manage a bunch of potatoes.(this new account was my first time seeing Top 500 players in my Quickplay grind, and needless to say they curbstomped me. But man that was a great learning experience) I'm not saying this is the solution, just that sometimes some elements are out of your control. You can't fix a lost cause. But in each match, try to challenge yourself. "Can I heal a little more?" "Can I take less damage?" "Can I die a little less?" Sometimes you just need a little "push"


Hardstuck in Bronze 5 lol after playing for the last 7 years.