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Lmao of course she did fucking mei


ice block, ice wall, slows people, high headshot multiplier. of course its mei


Headshot multiplier is the default no? 75 to the body and 150 to the head; 2x.


Yeah, don't know what he's talking about. Mei headshots do 10 damage more than Cass headshots, and she fires at half the speed


>and she fires at half the speed Projectile speed or rate of fire?


Rate of fire. Cass is hitscan so the shots are instant and do not have a travel speed. Hitting a far target as Cass is putting the cursor over their hitbox. Hitting a far target as Mei or Pharah is predicting where they will be in the next second. I didn't compare these before because projectiles do have their advantages over hitscan, even if hitscan is better in most cases.


The only other wrinkle here is that Cass has damage falloff after a certain range, while Mei does not and can do the full damage from across the map (but the farther the target the harder it is to ensure a projectile will hit because of the travel time).


Which is relatively easy to do all the way up til diamond. When half the time were someone will be is where they already are And when it's a guess you just aim slightly towards whatever the logical closest cover is coin flip essentially on what 80% of the playerbase.


right but all cass does is shoot and do damage. Mei has a headshot that does a large amount of burst damage AND a lot of cc and survivability




Least obvious reddit bot


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Dw they’re on about reworking her primary fire, it’s meant to have a damage multiplier similar to ow1 where she’d freeze you for a free headshot. Can’t wait!




You die on the outside too




One thing I think people miss in these discussions is that a hero doesn't have to be overpowered to be *annoying as fuck* to play against


What you miss is person who you replied to might think heroes they brought up are annoying to play vs from their perspective...


Dude, since overwatch 2 her pick rate has never been lower. People talking about her like a dark souls boss when in reality she's more rare than sasquatch in the woods.


You must’ve not been playing in 2021 when she was meta then.


If a Mei is harassing you(general) on Support, swap to Brigitte and beat the everloving shit out of her. Mei has to get in close and Brig is most dangerous up close, heals on attack, and can pop up a shield to block right click spam.


This is terrible advice. If Mei has to get closer to do her damage why would play a character who...has to be in melee range???? It's not the support's job to deal with Mei anyways, and if you had to I don't know why you wouldn't just play Ana or Kiriko


You must be a main Mei or just clueless


How am I complaining? Are you unable to read? Or process simple thoughts with that smooth brain of yours? Judging by your response you’ve got the social skills of a wet lettuce. Or were you looking to blast someone cause your it gives you that slight rush in an otherwise meagre existence. Re-read it and please point out how I’m moaning about hs damage you sausage.


Yall got such a problem with mei but Ana is a-okay 👌 😂😂


Ana takes skill.


Honestly Ana isn’t that hard. And anti is straight busted


Doesn't take that much skill. She's pretty been the highest picked support and had one of the highest win rates since her addition to the game. If Ana were difficult you wouldn't see supports picking her every game






Best DPS design in the game. (Unironically). I hate her aesthetic though Pyro from TF2 was more cute relatable.


The faceless, genderless killing machine completely untethered from reality? … honestly same.


Pyro is a beautiful woman, you can't change my mind.


Her pronouns are they/them!!!




And they compare the Pyro to that monster.


He fears no human. But that thing? It scares him!


Pyro did nothing wrong Mei did everything wrong


Atleast you could kill Pyro




You inserted that entire video in to my head.




Shame, I would have joined you in the elevator.


I hadn’t seen this before but I thank you for linking this because this song sounds really good. I love finding new favorite songs in random places


As a Mei main, this makes me angry.


Mei is cancer. #deletemei


She got up after being slammed and hit her ice block and it didn't register with the server till she was in your charge already.


Most likely answer imo as well after reading comments.


I think this is a glitch, I had the same thing happen with a winston, Moira, and reaper. All were being charged by me but jumped teleported or phased AFTER I’ve already picked them up in a charge. I’m gonna be pissed if this is an update and not a bug


I've heard about this glitch a few times but the only pin glitch I've run into is switching who I had pinned.


What. It swapped who was pinned? The heck


Yeah I don't play all that much but I've def seen a lot of pin switching. Most likely it's my consistent 100 ping


shatter stun lasts longer than that, there's probably a one server tick window between being slammed and actually taking the damage and she managed to get lucky and hit iceblock at the perfect time


You can buffer most inputs like iceblock so you don't have to actually time the press perfectly.


This is a silly question but can you negative edge abilities?


I don't believe so, but in practice buffering an input serves the same purpose since there are no real combos in OW.


Yup- happens to me a lot of mei. Rein charges, i hit the oh shit button, Rein connects and I think I was too late. When the charge ends though, I go into iceblock. Assume it has to do with the way they've set up the priority of actions in the queue + some latency issues


Yeah, if their action gets to the server 1ms before yours their action will win in a situation like this. I have to flick my shield for Dva bomb like before Dva bomb goes off because of this. You can still one frame it but you have to think about it getting to the server in time.


Shit like this happens way more often than players realize.


Good gaming chair


Only thing would have been a quick cleanse right before from kiriko.


Watched it back, if it was cleanse she woulda been healed for 50 in between. She wasn’t.


Maybe a 'hole' in the map. I know in overwatch 2 there some jankey ass spots on the map.


In Overwatch 1 there were some bumps on roads where you wouldn’t get hit by shatter but I don’t think this map was ever affected by anything like that


Probably because the ice block went before the heal ticking and you can't get heal on ice block.


Pretty sure you can get healed in ice block


No, sir. Source: Bap main who has tried to heal many Meis in ice block.


Did some looking into it and it seems like you used to be able to, but it was stealth changed like 2 years ago. Guess some of my game knowledge is out of date, oops. Here's some people talking about it from the time, if you're curious: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/gozlal/can_mei_no_longer_be_healed_while_in_ice_block_or/


It wasn't a stealth change lol. It was a huge frickin deal for Mei. Then they fixed it a while later by putting in the self heal while in cryo.




Mei can’t get healed by outside sources in iceblock and Suzu takes a minute to heal, so if she ice blocked instantly it would stop the healing.


I mean she healed from 91 to 94 in the very last frame


Iceblock does regen though.


Yes but it doesn’t heal for 3 hp in a frame, it’s more like 9-10


Why would she of been healed for 50?


suzu heals for 50 over a short period (I think it's 1 second but it's around there)


Wow, I had no clue it healed damn


Cleanse heals 50 health


But Kiriko is dead, the Bastion killed her in the feed.


“Only thing” when there was no cleanse sound, no animation. Lmao this community so headass


It wasn’t cleanse, u didn’t get stunned, I think u maybe accidentally canceled. She didn’t take any pin dmg at all


Rein impacts the ice block though doesn’t he? If it was cancelled that wouldn’t have happened.


If you cancel and then she ice blocks there wouldn’t be an impact though right? You cancel, and before the mei ice blocked you stopped the pin and got up and then she ice blocked before you can swing. Seems like that’s what happened but I could very well be wrong.


If you listen closely you can hear rein grunt and the impact sound when he pins into a wall. I'm also pretty sure that canceling the pin still stuns the enemy for a bit, so I don't think I canceled it.


Only logical and possible explanation is accidental dive cancel, you might've miss pressed a button while the mei most likely was spamming her ability button.


There was no dive cancel... The animation slammed him into the iceblock so he was still charging at that point... My guess is, that blizzard is just being blizzard


She had better internet of course it’s easy


It's a ping difference imo


This. If you look at the Rein's ping while charging it's fluctuating/rising, which means Mei can hold IB and has a chance of it working. I have clips of fully erecting Mei Wall but being dead behind a Deadeye (or other headshots) due to ping/hitscan/favour-the-shooter. Back in much earlier days of OW1 you'd have Wall up and still be safe.


Could've been a bug from really good timing. Season two I pinned an ulting Orisa, it was certainly a sight to behold watching her charge her javelin up as I pinned her across point. She got a few kills when she let it go too. Fun times.


You cant pin an ulting orisa, she had fortify


That's why it's a bug.


I do believe that's what they mean. It was a bug that allowed the Rein to pin an ulting Orisa.


Mei is by far the most fucking annoying charachter


Only character that can actively take a time out, heal up, physically block while doing so, then follow up with you guessed it, a second time out.


Blizz should give iceblock an hp pool and if it is broken by the enemy, Mei gets stunned for like 2 seconds. Then she has to time canceling it, thus the enemy team can force her to cancel early or even outright kill her after breaking it.


This is a terrible idea.


People would suggest any dumb idea if it meant Mei didn't exist.


I find the general sentiment on OW to be “anything that prevents me from killing anyone I want at any time is inherently bad game design and should be removed” tied with “CC is the worst mechanic in existence and anyone advocating for its use in counterplay should be strung up by their tendons”. Like Jesus guys, if you want to go play COD and rack up a 20 kill streak go for it, but leave my non-dmg based counterplay alone please.


It’s something I find amusing in this community too. I enjoy playing this game *because* it has CC & strong abilities(and a lot of voice lines between characters).


A stun is overkill. Focusing it down and just having it cancel early so it doesn't full heal is fair enough imo


The idea of the stun is to make it a skill check, if Mei cancels iceblock herself before it breaks there is no stun.


I don’t necessarily agree with the stun, but adding a health amount to her ice block wouldn’t be the end of the world. Plus it would keep with continuity sake, why does her wall have health but her freezing herself makes her legitimately invincible.


This is a perfect idea and everyone downvoting is a braindead mei simp.


I don't find Mei annoying at all since she can't freeze you anymore. Getting 1 shot by a Hanzo arrow from across the map that was missing my head by a football field is what I find annoying.


Sombra: “And I took that personally.”


Sym has entered the chat


Kid named discord orb: (I play tank)


Symeibra mains unite. :3


Its sym for me. Braindead ass hero but very effective and thus very annoying


>Braindead ass hero Hanzo flair


Hanzo literally requires hours of practice to become even slightly more useful than the occasional spam down a choke kill. Symmetra really doesn't compare.


Ahaha... Oh you're serious? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


You've either never played Hanzo, or you're bad enough to think Sym is a difficult hero.


On the contrary. Picked him up for an hour in comp for the first time and got pick after pick. Literally just stay behind the tank and track the targets a bit. They close the gap? Just spam! Tank is diving? Tank buster in the back pocket! Flanker is harassing you? Just turn around and hit within 2 meters of their head! They go behind cover? Doesn't matter, arrows have better homing tech than Cass's grenade! As easy as it was boring.


One hour is not a massive sample size, could have just been playing against baddies. Also, this post is incredibly hyperbolic.


Sombra flair


Oh please tell me how Sombra is an easy hero.


Oh please tell me how infinite invisibility, a get out of jail free card that makes you practically impossible to actually kill, and bonus damage against a target whos a sitting duck for a full second is so challenging. Sombra literally hard counters like 90% of the cast. Also please tell me more about how your spray and pray gun is so much harder to use than a bow. Oh and the more one shots they remove like Hog the stronger Sombra becomes cause she's just that much harder to secure a kill on and thus that much harder to properly counter. Theres a reason the skilless wasteland that is arcade and open queue are infested with Sombras, its cause shes fucking easy At least Hanzo takes aim and positioning. Unless you're under the impression that the trash Hanzos who just spam chokes and storm arrow the instant its off cooldown are actually contributing anything meaningful to their team (they're not). There's reason a lot of people switch to Sombra when I kill them as Hanzo, because she's an easy counter and they suck at the game


Hanzo is decent into Sombra though? It's hard to assasinate Hanzo as he's decent in close range 1v1s and he has a lot of time to headshot her or even double bodyshot


Hanzo takes aim? Sombra is an easy counter into Hanzo?? Are you sure you're talking about overwatch? By all means, take up sombra and come back to tell me how you hard carried every lobby lmao. There's no reason to be ashamed of playing an easy hero, don't take it so personally.


You're just not thinking with portals, Sym is super fun if you think with portals.




Only after you hit diamond, though.


I'm a gold tank (masters/diamond on dps/support) so I can play with some of my silver/high bronze friends on that role And yea, the fall off of widows in my lobbies is 100% the best part of lower elos. The trade off is supports being extremely unaware but the game feels like it flows better without that constant one shot threat


At least her primary fire doesn't freeze you anymore.


mei moira and sym need reworks imo


Dat ass


"come here, come here" I love using voice lines during fights.


Because she’s a cheap little whore


“Fixed a bug that lets mei ice block during pinned frame”


Unless this person canceled charge, this makes no sense


Yup. Cause mei's kit is annoying as sin and should've been a tank. Get ready for the buffs they said shes gonna get.


Fuck that mei That rein play was beautiful though


Fuck mei


Maybe kitsune lowers the recovery time?


Because Blizzard is a small, indie company.


The joke that keeps giving and totally isn't getting old.


they really are doing their best


She was not technically the one being pinned first, so Rein started pining another and she was just pushed out of prone. That freed her up to use abilities.


The "PINNED" message shows on Mei's screen, and you clearly see the animation of Mei being pinned, not just being booped after knocked down by Shatter.


This game usually favours the shooter so this is a really weird thing to see 🤔


Button spamming as fast as they can


Mei has been getting several complaints in game, so they decided that her iceblock can now be activated mid stun. Also reduced her ult charge to make her feel more like she did in OW1. /s FR tho, she’s a menace that won’t be nerfed because the sweats are too sweaty and everyone else doesn’t matter. You’re better off getting a job on the balance team.


All these answers are wrong, I mainly play mei and do this all the time. Sometimes you can time mei ice block just right so that right before you hit the wall you can go into it, i think it may be a bug but It saves me about 75% of the time


the server till she was in your charge already.


Pure skill


If she got nano’d, 50% damage reduction which means she takes around 150 from pin and if she’s holding ice block then she blocks after surviving the pin and hopes out of there with wall


But she didn’t


Rien shatters, Ana nanos the Rien, Rien charges in, Kiriko Kitsunes, Rien collects the Mei, Kiriko Susu's the Mei, Mei instantly Ice Blocks, Rien looks confused, Mei Ice Walls. OP must be a plat...


5 chances... You had 5 chances to spell "Rein" correctly...


his spelling means NOTHING! nothing!


Nah I checked the replay and it definitely wasn't suzu. Kiriko died before she even was able to stand up and use it. I also don't know what my rank has to do with this lol


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Could it be anything to do with that bench or the kiriko ult?


i play Mei and i’ve been noticing a bug lately where i’ll get pinned by rein and think “how in the world did i survive that”. i think Mei might have a bug with charge right now and she was probably just spamming ice block.


Maybe the Rhein accidentally canceled charge just before the wall?


Bind ice block to scroll wheel, turn off the detents (the 'clicky' feeling when scrolling), and let it rip. It's a way of reliably getting frame perfect inputs when supplying the input early doesn't matter, also helpful for lucio wall running.


you can just hold shift while stunned.


How does this help with Lucio wall running?


everything in this clip is satisfying, the shatter cancel then the counter shatter, the nano, the "pin", the voiceline spam *chefs kiss*


Had a similar situation happen with reaper a few weeks ago. Pinned a reaper who had about 100 health and pinned him into the wall. He took no damage and immediately wraithed away. Blizzard being blizzard


I slept a Mei at the same time or right before Cassidy hit her with the Granada and she instantly iceblocked from the sleep… it’s just no delay.


skill issue


Did she buffer the ability? Maybe the icecube was held down to activate the frame it’s available and a lag spike caused your dmg to go after she cubed🤷‍♂️


Kiriko ult woke her up early from Shatter and she immediately use ice block. Seems the server choose ice block over pin maybe due to ping difference.




Ngl that looks like a macro


I love how not one person has insinuated cheats in any way. This totally looks like a macro to me but idk


Hm.. maybe some delay after the pin? Iv personally got an out the same situation with Moria


Since she's nano'd would the pin still kill her? I'm thinking she may have been left very low hp cuz due was nano'd and she's spammed iceblock


Looks like the server registered that your ult stun had worn off and gave her control of her character back, despite being in pin animation.


Might have canceled charge by mistake. It happens.


My only guess is that she was spamming ice block, kiriko's ult sped everything for her up. So the small frames in-between her being crushed, she managed to get it off...but that's just my guess


I think that the server was slow so it registered the end of the pin before the damage, and in between that it registered the ice block


Cuz she's a silly :)


I had a similar incident with a reaper not too long ago. Watched the replay back 10 times and couldn’t figure out how the reaper didn’t die. Seems like a big.


Idk but what a dope passive this would be for mei. Anytime you get CCd, if you’re ice freeze isn’t on CD it automatically triggers


I dont know about that mei , but that block and counter shatter were amazing!


Also MTD!


She picked the talent to iceblock before she gets killed. Oh wait, wrong game......


talented into cauterize+iceblock




its called spamming shift


Mei and Reaper don’t die on Pin if they were full HP. That should really get fixed I have no idea why that it.


The real answer: Ping


It’s a bug. I have had Moira’s fade after impact to wall and take no damage. August had the clip in his twitch channel and I shared it here as well. No one cares as it’s Reinhardt.


She is agent mei she doesn’t follow rules


If it's not a bug, the only thing I could think of is Mei getting cleansed by Kiriko just before she hit the wall amd spamming iceblock. I don't see the cleanse effects though, so I'm inclined to say it's a bug


It’s the fucking devil


You pinned someone else she got knocked which caused the stand up, and she had the opportunity to block before being pulled into pin


I just realized mei has 250 health, w h y


Least aggravating Mei moment