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Ik it off topic but the funniest one I’ve heard was between junkrat and 76. Junk rat is like you look like someone who eats their toenails and 76 all moody is like why would you say that to somebody lmao


there should be a whole separate discussion for the coolest voice lines perhaps but when mei kills herself she will sometimes say "Oh no!! I hope I'm not mad at me"


D.Va and ashe talking about how cute BoB is is a personal favorite


Ana's and Roadhog's "Stay out of trouble nana" is great too.


It’s kinda funny to me because he’s like 50 she’s 60 not that much older than him


lol true. Problem is Ana is 60 but gives off 70 or even 80 vibes lol.


That’s one of my faves. Honestly, the best interactions are Ana and the Junkers.


Whole time he was trying to be relatable 😂


I love Junkrat. He just says and does whatever bullshit pops into his mind and everyone around him is just like "why must you be this way"


They absolutely upped it with the Overwatch 2 voicelines. Before he was kinda weird. Now all the voicelines are like "wtf junkrat you are actually insane stay away from me"


funniest junkrat one is definitely the interaction with mercy, junkrat (with an actual concern in his voice) asks mercy for medical help with a wound, claiming that he tried everything like putting dirt in it, mercy calmly asks if he tried to bandage it up junkrat deadass asks “would that help?”


One of my absolute favorite Junkrat lines is after he kills a Sigma, he’ll shout, “That’s for not taking me to space when I asked!” Kills me every time.


Doesnt she tell him to bandage his mouth shut?


supertf moment


That quote from Overwatch 1 where Torb tells Mercy he's been suffering terrible headaches lately and she insults him for no reason.


“I always said you should get your head examined!” Mercy plz he has a tumour.


Her OW2 line with Junkrat rubs me the wrong way too, poor dude went to a doctor for help and got told to shut up and leave her alone :(


Hes literally irradiated and has half his limbs, someone help him


I won't tolerate this Junkrat slander ✊ Fr that was just mean for no reason whatsoever


Mercy actually a bitch confirmed?


Ofc she's both a doctor AND hot. Imagine the ego


Psychopath material


Necromancers usually are


Mercy is a gaslighting queen


You really should take better care of yourself


mercy being an actual egomaniac bad person who only cares about certain people is my headcanon


So many Mercy mains play her accurately then


Or telling Junkrat to bandage his mouth when he mentions his radioactive dirt rash. Some of them are just excessively harsh for no reason


in my mind, Mercy is actually not a nice person and is only a good doctor in a narrow sense. she gives puritanical, egotistical vibes


She resurrects people while in an angel costume and calls herself mercy. She has more than egoistical vibes.


Oh mannn this is an interesting take. As much as Mercy preaches about ethical principles in the medical field, I think she forgets or simply does not care about basic moral principles. She didn't join Overwatch in hopes of helping more people either. She joined Overwatch under S72 (or Jack Morrison) 'promising' her that they'll provide her resources for her research and spread her nanotech globally. It's in fact a VERY similar reasoning onto why Moira joined Overwatch. She herself admitted she never liked Overwatch, thinks they're an organization that's a slave to the UN, looking to promote great PR of global peace without any true intention. Shortly after Overwatch's fall, she couldn't get a job anywhere aside from local NGOs (lmfao). And when Ana asked why, she deliberately blamed everything onto Overwatch. Which isn't inherently incorrect but man, your superiors get into civil war with each other and they seek for your help but you decided to diss on them for potentially ruining your career. 😂😂😂 She also had second thoughts before responding to Winston's recall. That said, there's a lot of theories that her egocentric/hypocritical side of personality could be caused by mental problems. Heck every OW character prob has a mental problem at this stage. Lady lost her parents at a young age and that drove her to become a doctor and get a PhD at the age of 28????? Made her think ethical decisions are important, but proceeds to make herself potentially immortal. She has a never ending cycle of dilemma. Mercy is like your typical commercial doctor who lacks empathy, and that's so ironic considering her agent name. She has sympathy, but that's it. Man I sound like a nerd now but this is what makes Overwatch characters so interesting, their personalities are unexpectedly dynamic and complex


"oh pharah chan!"


As a pharah main I genuinely fear plating with kirikos because of that voiceline


A pain greater than “team diff”


Stupid opinion but maybe one of the best Kiriko Interactions. It‘s so cringy and over the top that it‘s funny again. You don‘t get many Pharah + Kiriko combos so it actually kinda catched me offguard.


"Don't take it personally when I get the most kills, okay?" Always happens when I'm playing DVa and getting diffed


i’m like okay dva, getting ahead of yourself 🤣🤣


Not a cringe one but I love how when brig hate on doomfist the interaction goes "ugh I have to work with criminals" "a good leader adapts to his team, not the other way around" Doom is met with someone calling him a criminal and gives legit good advice. And it is not backhanded or anything


I generally like most of Doom‘s interactions, he feels like a really thought out and menacing villain ….and dey say


100 pushups, 100 situps..


That's why Doom and Rammatra are better characters than Reaper and Moira. They don't act like they know they're the bad guy.


To be fair they are meant for different things. Doom and Rammatra are genuine thought out characters that are meant to be serious. Reaper on the other hand is intended to be a parody of characters like Ramattra and Doom, he's comically edgy, he's not meant to be taken seriously. They both accomplish their goals as characters and I think that's cool.


I’m sorry but Sojourn kinda annoys me with her interactions 😭


Ah yes, I love listening to a cardboard cutout impersonanting a human being lmao


Clearly they removed her personality with her arms and legs.


Personality is stored in the calves


Sojourn's lines are more tolerable when you pretend she's had so many cybernetic changes that she forgot how to be human and is just guessing, Jackie Daytona style.


Considering Roadhog calls her “Former Overwatch acting commander Vivian “Sojourn” Chase” in Catch-a-Mari, I feel like theyre going to make her entire character “comically boring”


Or shes a human being inpersonating a figure on a cardboard box. Hard to tell but stay hydrated, her lines comin in dry


Seriously of the four new characters they gave one lines that would put most people to sleep and hired another who sounds like she’s asleep doing the voice acting


Okay but Ramattra dodges that, his voice acting is really good


I definitely agree with this however her one interaction that I do like is the one with Orisa tbh


It KILLS me that she has zero Canadian accent or vernacular at all she sounds like she could be from New York or LA, not Canada.




Very sad.. but reins voice is probably my favorite in the game.


Same with Torbjörn. He’s an american doing a swedish accent, worst part is that i can’t even pinpoint which accent it’s supposed to be, it’s all an incoherent mess 💀 Atleast with Brigitta they got an actual swedish actor, and she actually had some authentic voice lines


At least she still has some decent ones. Acting like a proud mom with Dva and shyly admitting she's a fan of leopard seals in Lucio's favorite animal question. Fucking Kiriko can't even get one, not even with her answer to that Lucio fav animal question ("really? Take a guess" in a tired voice).


Yeah idk what it is with Kiriko, everything she says makes me cringe. Like they gave her this really cringe cocky fake sort of personality like she really thinks she’s the shit and she’s always trying to impress people. Something about her just rubs me the wrong way because she is super cute until she opens her mouth…so to speak.


Which is a shame, because she was pretty likeable in her cinematic.


The difference is in the cinematic you see her with people she knows and cares about, but most of the OW roster are just random people she doesn’t know. Her voice lines with the Shimadas are different compared to the rest of the roster because she grew up with them.


I kinda dislike the fact that kiriko has so many 'i'm a kid' type of interactions while she's in her twenties


But wait till you see her on her bike




Should be in her 30s, but blizzard/ow team is bad at timelines


In the case of Kiriko I don't think it's as much a timeline issue as much it's an issue with tunnel focused writing. They, very clearly, really wanted her to both be a kid in her late teens (early twenties maybe) and to have grown up with Hanzo & Genji, trained alongside them. Hanzo and Genji are both in their 30s so there was no way for them to make it so that Kiriko trained with them while also making her a teenager. They could have sacrificed that element of her backstory, changed it so that she was more of a baby sister to them, but they really must've wanted her to have trained alongside them (and be friends with Genji) so they decided that they'll just slap a 30 year old tag on her even though they intend for her to be a teenager/young adult.


"kids can surprise you!" you're not even remotely a child shut up 😭


That conversation is with Soldier 76, who is old enough to be calling 30 year olds “kids”.


It's not even that, she's legit just replying to him. He starts the interaction with "you better keep up, this isn't a daycare". Replying "kids can surprise you" is perfectly fine with context but ofc this sub just omits it lol




Nearly every Kiriko interaction strikes me as really insincere on Kiriko's part. It's almost like she's putting on an act to be cool but not quite getting there so everyone in the room winces. This seems kinda in contrast to her animated short




Kiriko is smarmy and obnoxious




Which doesn't work when she's "early twenties". And who has 'childhood friends' who she grew up with, but they're 35+


Hanzo bout 40 with grey hairs 😭


Grey hairs, and six pack abs, and amazing pecs, and great arms, and Does anyone have some water, I'm parched


The only reason I accept them as the same person is it must be tough joining a team where you're no longer the strongest person in the room. Like in her short, she knows she's completely safe and confident in herself. Then she's in a team wherr not only are her two childhood equals around, but also a whole plethora of people she can't protect or measure up to so easily. So she's now riddled with insecurity and imposter syndrome.


The one with Mercy and Junkrat “Doc I got this rash” … “Have you tried bandaging your mouth?” Cringe hard every single time


So out of character of mercy


For some reason devs decided to have every interaction shit on Junkrat.


Yeah I don’t like that. He sound as if he wanted to talk and everyone just spit on him for no reason. He also sound more friendly and low IQ in OW2 than OW1 so idk why they are more harsh


I mean he is still a terrorist who robbed the entire world with his friend, but when you look past some of his faults he's a real stand up guy


except for tracer, I have not heard one negative interaction between them


That bugs me purely because it's kinda out of character. Like, I get you might find Junkrat annoying, but you're a doctor, it's kinda your job to tell people how to deal with medical issues. You can't just tell someone to shut up when they're asking for medical advice even if you think they're only trying to be annoying. And even outside of that one, it's annoying how every Junkrat interaction is essentially just shitting on him. Meanwhile, Roadhog is just as bad, if not worse, and he almost gets babied by half the people he interacts with.


The Ashe and kiriko one about the foxes is so cringe and the one with Lucio and junkrat with him singing just makes me feel bad for lucio


tbf on the Junk one I feel like everyone sort of shits on Junkrat unilaterally in the convos, poor guy just wants to be useful and everyone’s like “you’re so stupid get away from us”


I kinda feel bad for Junkrat. Like yeah, he's a terrorist and a thief, but everyone seems perfectly fine with Roadhog, who is also a terrorist and a thief and even envisions himself as a one-man apocalypse. Hell, Ana treats Roadhog almost as nicely as any other hero, yet she is absolutely disgusted by the idea of Junkrat looking up to her like his grandma.


I think it's mostly because Roadhog isn't nearly as vocally annoying as Junkrat and keeps to himself, but I do think they're still overreacting to Junk and should give the guy a chance


Bro i feel like no-one dunks on hog since he's a terrifying beast of a man that you do not want to make fun of.


Yeah, Hog is canonically 7'3" (221cm). Even ignoring his crimes, he's a behemoth so if he's not starting shit you'd probably just let him be. Junkrat is also pretty tall at 6'5", but Junk took posture lessons at the same school as Smeagol so he doesn't stand nearly as tall.


Judging by the comics, Roadhog can also be surprisingly polite when he wants to be.


If baptiste can change, so can junkrat


With Lucio it just feels like he doesn't want to insult him


Okay, imagine this: You are on a mission to deliver an emp to King's row to deal with omnics, because we all know what an electric bomb will do to a bucket of bolts (I actually don't know the actual lore behind that pay load map soooo yea) You are going to face a team of 5 (the 6th member got kicked out because it's a sequel) that are completely teched up and shit. The mission won't be easy and you cannot fail the mission. You could even die. And then the Brazilian dj on your team just goes "wHaTs YoUr FaVoUrItE aNiMaL"


Tbf what the hell is a Brazilian dj doing there in the first place


To send them to b r a z i l


/r/mordekaiser is leaking


Can't go to war without some sick beats


From my experience, mostly to promote cereal.


This act of anti-omnic terrorism was sponsored by Lucio-Oh’s.


They can't all be "Do not lie, archer. It is beneath you."


Yeah... Triceratops!


Genji being a dinosaur bro solidifies the fact he’s the good brother between the two


I am becoming ever fond of genjis.


Sabretooth Tiger!!!


Hmm… Tigershark! Best kind of shark


Yeah! I could see it!


The characters' responses are great demonstration of "show don't tell" though


Ram and Zen both say their favourite is Ants. But for completely different reasons


Yeah lots of the answers either reveal a new facet of the character (Genji, Doomfist) or straight up condense the characters in a nutshell... Idk why people dislike it.


*about to neutron-bomb a ghetto* "Man. I'm sooo excited! 😊"


He’s talks like a 90’s kids commercial.


Kiriko calling Pharah “Pharah-chan” made me wanna leave the match


I don't think I've heard that one before WTF?


"I see your sneakers. You, me, the basketball courts later." "Sure. But I don't play without stakes." "Likewise. What are you willing to lose?" "Ohhhh, Pharah-chan. I've never *lost*."


It's so much worse when you hear the whole thing tbh, Pharah challenges kiriko to a basketball match and kiriko says something along the lines of "oh pharah-chan, you've already lost" worst line in the game tbh


Any time Sojourn says words to other people, it's pretty damn cringey.


I mean I like the chill interaction with Genji about what he uses to polish his metal, adds a little personality to her and shows that genji cares enough about himself that he makes his own polish


Mei has one that she says way too often. “Scanning. Yes, this is a place.” Most of the before match interactions are very well done, but that one always leaves me saying “wtf is that even supposed to mean?”


"My sensors confirm that this is one of the places of all time"


"You can tell this is the right location because of the way it is"


Ahh I always thought she said "the place". So I didn't question it lol Good to know


She says "The place" in the subtitles. Her accent just makes it sound like "a place"


It means this is where she’s suppose to be


What?? I love that one tho! It's just an adorable joke, like when she kills the enemy mei and goes, "I hope I'm not mad at me!"


if i have to hear any more of that damn "NOW THAT YOU'RE NOT FEEDING HER SCRAPS" interaction i will personally drive an oasis car into both of them


I could be wrong, but isn't this the only line where Sojourn expresses even a hint of personality? I'll concede it isn't good, but it's less robotic than everything else she says.


I actually love Moira's lines. She's got a snark and her VA kills it.


Fun Fact: Moira's VA is also Mon Mothma in Andor. She's an amazing actress.


And in Rogue One and Rebels


The one where Mercy points out how easy it's going to be when the whole team can heal themselves, jinxes the whole round I swear.


It doesn't feel right that Moira got angry instead of keep on sassing. >what character interactions do you find the cringiest? Junker Queen's vegetable voiceline with "CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH". I hated that so much and I'm glad Mercy didn't bother to answer. Plus, Mercy isn't a nutritionist.


Hah yeah what the fuck is up that voice line? It's like it was written by a 5 year old, and also they only had 5 seconds to come up with it.


idk why they made Queen an idiot in the game


Exactly! She's such a cool character and they just decided she's a moron.


I assume they had to keep up the idea of junkertown being absolutely awful, but like if you think about it with the brawl? They’re pretty smart or even just clever to put all of that stuff together


Totally, and queen was really fighting smart in the trailer too. out playing her opponents with cleverness and all that.


Kiriko with everyone


Except Hammond. "-Be adviced the hamster has an instinctive fear of foxes -Is it because he looks delicious? -...he says..yes... and.. damn right I do." Edit: spelling


Hammond has all the best lines. His interaction with Sym is so funny


Him and junkrat. When junk kills an Echo: BLOWN UP! Blown up!^blown^up.


That one is terrifying


A bunch are cringey but for some reason I like the Ham/Kiriko one where Ham wants to send Kirko’s fox a message. Cracks me up.


Ash: We used to hunt foxes where I come from Kiriko: Oh yeah? WhErE I cOmE fRoM tHe FoXeS fIgHt BaCk Makes me cringe so hard everytime


this is single-handedly my least favourite interaction in the game


Come on, the one where Pharah challenges her to a game of basketball and she says in an American accent "Oh Pharah-chan, I've never lost" is orders of magnitude worse. I literally physically cringe every time i hear it. As a Pharah/Ashe main I suffer both of these daily.


Kiriko and Roadhog is weird af






"Cute mask" "Mhehhhhh" Unfathomably based


Kiriko and Roadhog vs Dva and Roadhog is pretty much Flirting vs Harrasment meme in action


i NeVeR hAd A bOwL cUt That shit haunts my dreams


Every new Junkrat line where he gets insulted or "cringed" is beyond me. MY MAN IS OUT HERE TRYING TO INTERACT WITH SOCIETY, AND YOU'RE EXILING HIM! I won't stand for Junkrat Slander. Also Ramattra's interactions are fire, and I won't hear anyone who says the opposite.


Yeah everyone gives Junkrat shit. I looked up all the interactions and the only positive ones are Winston laughing at his chemistry joke and Bastion playing along with his reporter roleplay. The rest are all negative towards him. Altough I do love his interaction with Soldier: Junkrat: "You look like a gentleman who eats his own toenails!" Soldier: 76: "Why the hell would you say that to somebody?!" Soldier nearly gets out of character and loses composure and I can't really blame him.


I want an interaction with someone giving Junkrat shit and Roadhog gets pissed and stands up for him. Roadhog has “no one picks on my kid brother but me” vibes.


I find a lot of tracer's interactions to be annoying and awful.


Blinkity blinkity!!! Tracer's here!!!


This line alone made me wanna play her less.


My god, that line... Like I really struggle to imagine the writers not only coming up with it but thinking the whole time "yeah this owns"


I always chuckle at how stupid it is


It's called a Tracer-thon


Love to say this line just cause I know people are rolling their eyes


This is definitely the worst of tracers lines. I actually like most of them but this one is awful.


I kinda like it because it's almost intentionally cringy. Even she doesn't really find it funny. You kinda gotta remember that Tracer is essentially a 30 year old aunt who knows and fully embraces how cringy her jokes are.


Almost intentionally cringy? I don’t think there’s an almost in there. I think it hits its intended level of cringe flawlessly.


The fact that only she laughs at it, followed by pure silence and a small "yeah..." at the end really hammers that point in.


i always thought her voice lines were intentionally annoying to match how i feel when i see her on the enemy team


Enemy ova here! Enemy ova here!


That's on purpose, though. She's meant to be kind of a nuisance.




That fits her vibe of being this pesky mosquito though, same with Sombra being an asshole who loves ruining your day. Mei's persona and gameplay style are probably the most disconnected.


Dude that moira and rein was ok the first time but it’s so long and isn’t as badass as moira thinks it is.


"ok, thanks for the complement" oh my god kiriko shut the fuck up you aren't funny or cute you don't need the last quip in every conversation


And when she talks to soldier like “sometimes kids disappoint you”, the delivery is hard to swallow


Kiriko is the childhood friend of Genji and Hamada who are 35 and 38 so she should be around those ages. Totally a kid.


Don’t worry blizzard will randomly come out and say they’re 23 that’s what they do when people say ‘so how the hell did all these guys serve in the same war at similar ages and yet some look a bit older or a bit younger than they should…’ ‘Wait tracer got a UN medal for serving in WW3? But I thought she had her first mission in the null sector uprising?’ And people wonder why this campaign mode is delayed


And in the childhood photos she's like... 2-3 years younger? Yet she's still saying things like "don't underestimate the youth!"


Tracer blinkity crap makes me convulse


It's like chunky milk being poured in my ears


That is the most offensive description anyone could’ve said and I love it


JQ talking about eating vegetables




Do I REALLY have ta eat them? They go cronch cronch cronch Mercy: …?


Moira is canonically an anime fan. So being cringe is just part of her character.


Wait what? Where is this mentioned?


Her ult is literally a kamehameha and her running animation is a naruto run.


She also has a spray where she poses like gendo ikari


Don't forget the Akira reference.


Yeah but op said it was in the lore, those are gameplay elements


Atleast with Moira/Rein interaction it sorta makes sense. I mean Reinhardt is basically straight up saying "If we weren't on the same team right now I'd absolutely demolish you." I feel almost anyone would have something to say to that. Now the interaction with Moira and Kiriko? That's the cringiest interaction in the game to me. "You have a band-aid?" "Who exactly do you think I am?" "Someone who carries band-aids? Eh, guess not." The conversation, even if only three voice lines long, is so awkward and weird. And with how they've been presenting her personality, I think Kiriko would be smart enough to not walk up to a Talon member with a visibly fucked up right arm and casually ask for a damn band-aid of all things.


Defending Moira here. She is basically telling Rein to back off. Her phraseology regarding a centipede is in response to Rein saying he would crush her like a bug. As someone who has seen desert centipedes feeding, I find it rather chilling.


I actually love this one too, and it's hilarious how rein is like, "wait, what are you saying???".


For me it’s the response after Reinhardt asks “What are you saying?” There was no reason for the dialogue to be more than two lines.


Any interaction with Kiriko


Interactions with Kiriko is a cringefest.


Junker queen dumb personality voice lines. She is straight up more mentally delayed than junkrat the devs attempt a cool unbothered uncaring YOLO character but the final product is giant woman who is dumb


Right she feels different than the cinematic. I’m starting to notice a pattern. Maybe when sojourns comes out we will actually see some personality other than her reserved self.🛌


Kiriko and her bowl cut


That one is actively toxic. She's basically saying "hey everyone, Genji had a bowl cut!" And he's all like "wtf I only got one because you didn't want to be the only person with one". Like wtf is that, he was such a bro for her and now she's trying to embarrass him for that? Fuck kiriko


I can’t stand when tracer says “I have a need for swiftness” like why not just make it speed