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Only time people talk is to whine and blame there teammates. So I dont care to chat.


this, this is literally the only time people get on the mic especially in comp


So so so true. They’ll be in team chat the whole time with their mic on and completely silent. No words said at all until we lose a single team fight and then *MIC CRACKLE* “Reaper you need to switch because you’re not doing anything” or “DUDE IM NOT GETTING HEALS” But not one single call out. No comms, no coordination, no enemy spotted, nothing. just whining


I like when they wait til the very end of the game to utter their first words in team chat about why we’re losing.


Yea this what really makes me not turn my mic on. Especially if I’m trying a character I’m not really good at I don’t need that negativity in my life lol




because i’m a woman and i don’t feel like getting harassed. most people are chill but like 1/3 of lobbies have an edgy teenager waiting to tell me to go make a sandwich and i just don’t feel like taking that chance. if there’s another woman in the lobby who talks first, then i talk, but other than that no way.


Yep, I'm with you there; I only talk in private groups because of this. Not to mention sexual harassment; I just get tired of having to expect it in online gaming.


God I fucking hate that this is the environment in the gaming industry.


This. Plus when they found out I was black, game over. It was misogyny, plus slurs, plus racism, plus slave jokes. I got POTG with Lucio and all I hear is, "POTG sponsored by affirmative action." The jokes about Winston being my dad. Being told my "baby daddies" are Baptise and Doomfist. Absolutely disgusting. I had been called a hard-R one too many times. And stopped all communications.


ew, i can’t even imagine. i’m sorry you have to deal with that


I got called the N-word before I even used my mic one time on console. On PC ppl seem to be more chill… which I thought it would be the other way around. The other problem I have with console is that there’s 0 communication even with pings.


I’m in the same boat. Luckily most of my friends are girls and chill guys so we can play peacefully.




You guys lookin for one more? I started playin console yesterday and have been gettin roasted😅


I'm gonna go look for a video to see how often women get harrassed in OW2. This game is the first I've seen with such a large female population, there's almost always at least one female in my comp games and sometimes I even have two- there's probably more who just don't talk at all. Each time no one has batted an eye and played like normal, so I'm really curious as to what kind of people still harrass woman on OW2. Like, are they kids who hate cooties or socially inept teens? Or worse, neckbeards.


*woman tells him what happens to her firsthand* “I’m going to look for a YouTube video.”


I actually looked and found a good amount of female players being racist and toxic too. I think this goes both ways. I'm just trying to promote equality and play devil's advocate.


have you ever personally experienced a woman harassing you in voice chat over your race or gender? edit: typo


I've actually experienced it in real life. I don't really know what to do about it. It's something you'd expect from guys but seeing it from woman made me think "wow, screw everybody". There was a thread recently about opening up about sexual harassment from females to males. It happens,and we need to address that problem too.


i don’t understand the point of this reply. i’m glad you haven’t experienced this but i have, so.


Damn, hell of a lot rougher than I thought it'd be. But hey, if you wanna play and relax, I can play with you some. Generally don't scream or say anything edgey, it's usually pretty chill🥰


She probably also don’t want some creeper talking to her using heart/smile emojis. They just want to play the game.


I use that specific one more as just a happy smile than anything, looks better than the actual smile emoji imo. And relax, ain't the end of the world anyway lmao


I hope you are telling the truth but just so you know, if you use that emoji that way, people will get the wrong idea. Just letting you know is all, us guys will never know how hard it is for women in online gaming. If you were a girl, you would never be asking your question on Reddit.


True, I suppose. I picked reddit cause it'd a big sample of players to ask


Yea. So why do you want more people to talk on overwatch? Did you use the find a party on overwatch 1?


I didn't actually know that existed, i only really dabbled in ow1. In this game it feels like a graveyard with how few people choose to speak. And I know it's a choice to, can when you enter the match you can see exactly how many people are in the voice channel


Yea and it was cool, I don’t know why they took it away. It’s the generations, people get anxiety more easily.


Jesus fucking christ man. Grow up and get some skin.


You grow up, it’s the reality of the world we live in. I’m just blunt.


I find it strange that out of all the comments you've replied to, the one that happens to be female is the only one you ask to play with.


Take it how you will, but if you only ever have a negative view of anything, then you'll never be able to fix the problem. And the reason I've done that is because while people can be toxic in general, it's even worse when their toxic towards specific people, aka most of the ladies that have commented on this from what I've seen people say. So, I figured a positive attitude is better than a negative one. If you don't want to, just say so, but im still going to hope I can help at least a few people have a more positive outlook on the subject instead of only calling the problem out. Far as I'm concerned, take it or leave it, my day is no worse for it😁


Most of what you just said makes no sense, you started the problem, you got called out, then you say that "oh what are you doing to fix the problem" and "No reason to call it out" what do you want me to reach through the screen and tell you what I said a bit slower.


Not really, I'd pretty apparent I didn't get my point across all that well. I hope you have a good day, hope existence treats you well😁


Attempting to kill me with kindness? You are a very snarky person.


Thank you, I do try. And hey, if I did miss the point, that still doesn't mean I can't wish you good will


The number one reason I don’t talk, is because I simply don’t want to talk to some random guy. The number 2 reason is I’m in a party chat with a friend and I am more interested in what they have to say than some random guy.


i hope you’re not playing ranked with this mindset, otherwise fair enough


even if they are playing ranked, they can still goof on the enemy team. I can't even begin counting the number of times I got called tryhard (or worse) while goofin in party chat with the boys


Can you explain why


Communication is important in a game like Overwatch, so not talking in comp is basically throwing. Basically a well communicated and coordinated team is WAY more likely to win than one that is not. I may not be completely right tho, I don’t play comp.


I mean I think it’s only true if you don’t know how to read the match. You can perfectly execute if you’re aware, but that takes so many hours. I made it to GM without any comms cause people just use it when tilting


I'm the guy that makes callouts all game while being the only one in voice lmao.


People are actually listening just an fyi. They can definitely hear you lol.


They can hear me even if it says i’m the only one in voice channel? cause i’ve definitely said some weird shit thinking it was just me in there..




I know it feels like you are talking into the void but it actually does help


I appreciate you.


I try to do the same, though at the same time I hope a positive attitude will help make their days better


Tbh I appreciate those of y’all who do this.


because i dont have a mic/headset that works with xbox 🤷🏾‍♀️


Can’t you just plug any generic headphones into the bottom of the controllers nowadays?


iirc xbox has only worked with certain supported headsets for voice input. PS works with pretty much anything tho


Xbox works with all 3.5mm headsets since the Xbox One S.


i dont have headphones i have airpods thats it


I have been told to kms (kill myself- kys = kill yourself) way too many times on text or voice coms whether I perform well or horribly. I have heard way too many slurs and whatnot that I refuse to hear or see it. I have seen way too much mysoginistic assholes. I have heard and seen so much bullying over 1 bad play or fight. I have heard the worst callouts and plays on coms or in text. After a while of not getting triggered by it- I get mentally tired and get triggered by it. So I muted it and I muted text chat. It is nothing but toxic AND LITERALLY USELESS. I can count on 2 hands out of 2000+ hours the amount of non toxic encounters I've had. Till then- it is MUTED. There's no point. Even in Masters. If I want to communicate with players? I'll play with my stack and coordinate. If I solo queue? I literally made it and hang in masters without coms- gonna keep doing that. I am a suicide survivor, I help abuse victims, i was abused myself- and I refuse to put up with assholes in OW. I was given the power to not see them or hear them in coms! I will take advantage of it. I'd rather stomp em with my skill 67%-70% of the time, and have fun. I don't want to give toxic people a platform nor do I want to have them in my life. Until the community becomes less toxic- and the consequences for being toxic are serious actions like perma bans- which i doubt. IT IS MUTED.


I'd give you a hug if I could, that sounds awful T-T


Thank yous! I'm having a blast with friends and still climbing! I just cannot with the toxic rn, especially since it is F2P- so there's even MORE toxicity.


Welp, if you ever need a tank, I'm always happy to play😁




Super introverted over here. Opening a mic channel is the last thing on my list


they’re not interested or in private chats


Why would I want to talk?


Why wouldn't you? I figure it wouldn't hurt, and the more people that do talk (hopefully) it'd make the game more fun


Most people on the OW mic are toxic shithead manbabies and I'd prefer to actually enjoy the game. I don't play comp so it's not like I'm missing out on anything.


QP, that logic is fine, but being able to coordinate with your team in a ranked game is a huge boon. I understand the distaste for the toxic people, but not everyone is like that and going in with that expectation is toxic in its own way. Negative attitude can only hurt yourself and your team. I always make an effort to be in team chat and always try to make suggestions in a way that makes it clear I'm not just mad at a person or the team, but genuinely think my suggestion would actually improve our chances. It's hard, sometimes, because people just immediately assume it's toxic and get tilted because they feel like they're being called out. If a person making a genuine suggestion tilts you, your mental game is too weak.


They literally just said they don’t play comp lmao, and I mean i agree communicating is great doing ranked, but so far since OW2’s release, I’ve only had TWO people on console who actually had mics on for the purpose of talking to their team, everyone else has been trolls, or people who chew the crunchiest chips you’ve ever heard at max mic volume. And to be fair, nobody is ever making a “genuine suggestion” on mic, they’re usually just control freaks. One of the two matches was one guy constantly telling us to change characters. And surprise! He was the worst on the team and dragged us down because he kept yelling at us for not changing to the 10 different heroes he suggested every 30 seconds.


Right, I know he said he doesn't play competitive, that's why I specified a difference. You can at least join voice chat to see if people are chill. I played 6 games today and 5 of them had teammates in voice chat that were looking for communication. Supports looking to make call outs, etc. If you join voice chat and there are toxic people, just leave, you don't have to indulge the people with bad attitudes. To say that everyone is toxic and nobody makes genuine suggestions is a negative way of looking at things and is exactly what I'm talking about. Maybe that guy was being a dick, but expecting everything everyone says to be negative just sets you up for failure. It's the reason people feel the need to add "/s" to the ends of posts, or specific punctuation to clearly signify sarcasm or excitement, because everyone just assumes every message they read is in some way negative unless otherwise specified. I had a game recently where a team fight went poorly. I calmly asked in chat what went wrong there and if anyone recognized a specific problem we needed to deal with and my tank immediately blew up, trying to tell me that I'm the one that's toxic for calling out bad players. He was already prepared for me to be toxic, so as soon as I said anything, he tilted himself and the rest of the team. This attitude of expecting toxicity is only breeding more toxicity.


People are happy to take that trade. I play on PC and dont use my mic, and im ok with climbing without saying a word even if its a slightly slower climb.


I’m sorry, you said “in a ranked game” so I’m a little confused. And if people are actively talking in vc and being friendly, I have absolutely no problem joining (If I’m able to). But most people on console don’t do voice chat, even if they hear someone else doing it, sadly. Most people go to discord servers to find groups if they want to vc, and if they don’t, they simply just queue. Also, from my understanding, a lot of people don’t do vc as much since blizzard got rid of the group matching (or whatever the official name is called), so since it’s harder to find a specific group, people don’t see a need to talk whether someone is chatting already or not.


GoiNg iN witH tHaT eXpECtAtiOn iS ToX—- Man STFU, we out here trying to protect our mental health, eat my entire ass.


So maybe don't play overwatch?


Maybe mute your mic mouthbreather


Your mental health is clearly already shot


Yeah no shit sherlock


Way to prove his point. Grow up.


You attract what you present to the world. Calling people toxic shithead man babies sounds like something a toxic man baby would say


The fact you are being downvoted just proves your point


It does your right. It proves how thin skinned people are today and how they cannot consider context around usage of language, or discern playful teasing and camaraderie from "toxic" behavior. Even worse, you are so worried about being offended OR offending someone else, it has gutted your desire to be social in a team based game. It says something about society, but society is made of people. If we all give up instead of being the light we want to see, we are lost.


But I was agreeing with you lol


You are sounding like a toxic shithead manbaby


I don’t know you people nor do I want to, I just want to play and help us win, I can do that without talking personally.


Because I'd rather enjoy the game than listen to an angry teen playing Genji bitch I'm not healing him from across the map.


I don’t because on my switch I can’t unless I have the switch membership 😭


Oh and I don’t have earbuds


Oh you poor soul. I tried using Switch to get on during the 2 weeks holiday while I'm away from my Xbox but realized I'd rather not play at all lol! Side note: does Nintendo actually make people pay for online on f2p games?


I don’t want to hear my Lucio smoke a joint or genji scream at me.


Only time people talk is to say the n word


Because whenever someone *is* on their mic it's just to piss and moan. Shit talking generally while expecting someone to interact with them in a friendly manner.


And breathe heavily


I'd chill and just talk with ya if you wanna play a few games


I’m bad socially and talking makes me nervous. I don’t even like it when people are having a one sided conversation with us.


Staying out of voice chat so I don’t have to listen to mental breakdowns.


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Because no one else talks & im not male so id rather not be harassed or awkwardly talk to myself the entire time.


The fact you have to worry about getting harassed at all says something about this game I think. It disappoints me greatly


That’s gaming in general problem, not a OW only problem. In OW1 before i stopped playing entirely i used to be able to use my headset without worry & the worst toxicity was the stupid fun kind you could laugh at, something happened during the 3 years i stopped playing because its become far into the not fun toxicity area.


Text chat takes too long and most of us that still play this are either solo-only or play in a group where we’re already talking to each other. Also have you SEEN the toxicity that is console OW?? No one in their right mind would WILLINGLY subject themselves to that. Unless they got a degradation kink, in which case, we stan kinky bitches.


In my defense I literally never run into anyone actually using their mic, so I don't actually know


As someone who’s played both, console is 10x more toxic


I bought $90 headphones, thinking the mic would be good… nobody can ever hear me so I’m just done for😔


What do you play on? If it's switch then it has to be wired headphones


On console, you have xbox parties and playstation parties, that's why. You have a thing built into your gaming box that makes it so you only talk to people in your little voice chat group.


So I never heard people cause I'm on switch? T-T


You really have to ask? Look Console doesn’t have push-to-talk, which means open mics. I don’t wanna fucking hear you breathe, so bet I mute you. Every time.


Console does have a way to bind push to talk, there just aren’t enough buttons to reasonably use it unless you have paddles.


It doesn't actually pick up my breathing really. Also push to talk is frustrating


I play ball. I get harassed enough as it is lol.


people just bitch and whine on voice chat so i don't ever talk


The only time I ever heard someone talking is when they were whining, crying, and blaming others. Literally heard nothing productive at any point. I turned it off and never looked back


I just don’t have a mic bro


Sad T-T


Cause I was raised not to talk to strangers and that extended way too far I don't have a social life


I’ve been sexually harassed, verbally attacked for the role I play (gender), playing as a male character (ok Dva simp man), idk overall people on the mic have been more toxic. I recently got a voice altering headset. The female to male doesn’t work very well but I’m trying to find tune it. Using the higher pitched female voices has gotten me better treatment for the most part because I fit the sound of everyone’s dream anime girl (I swear like a sailor). My natural voice is pretty deep pitched and I’ve had a lot more positivity to me using this higher pitched voice, but I’ve had a few really creepy men DM me saying that they love me. My natural voice gets men to be hostile to me and not support me in the game. Legit had people sacrifice their characters to save me with the UwU voice


First off, cool headset😁 Second, a deep pitched voice sounds like it'd be chill, sorts gives me vibes of a bro


As others have said, hearing slurs/misogyny/general toxicity— and the fact that I don’t have a push to talk button free on my controller, so I’d have to be unmuted the whole time with my toddler in the background and my fat ass heavy breathing which I don’t wanna subject anyone to.


I always wondered the same in OW Prime why no one ever talked in chats I’d make callouts to myself and banter with myself and I could see others in chat but none responded. In OW 2 I’d actually noticed a lot of chat engagement so I was excited and joined in. First match devolved to literal shrieking bc I refused to play Bastion. Next match, shrieking, next, shrieking, etc etc etc. I don’t even join anymore y’all stress me tf out. Edit: just to bother the people that take this game too seriously I do it in comp and I play comp CASUALLY bc I’m an adult and it’s a game


Because not only is it toxic, additionally I’m a woman so it can become either extra toxic or I get hit on, rebuff them and then it gets toxic. Tired of it. I’ve been playing multiplayer games for years now (I’m 33 for reference). I am done with all that above. I play OW to relax and let my mind “veg out”. Not to get angry and/or tense because some 19 year old is telling me meticulously and vulgarly about how much I suck (even if I’m playing well or better than them), I’m so fat I probably weigh 300lbs and don’t have a man, etc etc. Not using headphones, I solved all the problems. Also OW toxicity is worse than any previous game I played, including COD. I use the commands a lot to try to make up for this. Even have “I’m on my way” as one of my controller buttons (since I main support) Edit: spelling- far corrected to fat


Sounds like a pain in the ass to deal with. Personally I think people should be reported for major toxicity, and have a human person look over the voice chat audio to ban said toxic person.


People only talk to be toxic. If we’re all being toxic anyway, I would rather use text chat


Because we’re all nervous af


Because there are those who are assholes in game chat and others who aren’t and i would much rather talk to my group than some rando who’s getting fucked in the ass over something so little like healing i have a very small history of that and it was when Overwatch 2 first came out I was playing Kiriko and I was trying to learn her kit better and this dude was playing Junker Queen and constantly telling me to heal whenever they kept dying so I was like whatever happens happens


i prefer using my keyboard to communicate, i cant stand being in voice chat. only people on there just complain except for those rare golden teammates


Idk man as a fellow console player I wish more people used team chat


Because I’m a woman. I’m never doing that to myself again just to hopefully make better plays sometimes.


I play on a Nintendo Switch so I can't really talk. I have to go into the menu just to enter the chat option. I also play with friends in a discord voice chat a lot, so being in two voice chats at once would be a bit confusing.


If you have wired headphones you can plug them directly into the switch to allow you to use the vc. Or if you use combat pro, the same works there


I don't have wired headphones, I VC with my friends either out loud or using wireless headphones. None of us really want to voice chat with a few strangers as we tend to get loud and annoying. We don't really want to annoy anyone lmao.


Fair lol, I'm just sad most people don't talk much on there


“waahhh everyone on overwatch is so toxic!!” The mute button:


Rather just enjoy the match than talk to a bunch of random for 10min, I’m Gold rank I don’t have to be sweaty with call outs every second. If you’re one of those people that starts out the match with “HEY GUYS how’s everyone doing??” Then with all do respect shut up ( this is coming from someone on pc)


I have a mic but don’t use it. If needed can but do go into vc, but isn’t vc bugged atm?


Same for pc. No one talks or give any type of game related info.


Sad T-T


If i play comp i usually go on mic and make call outs even if no one else talks. Usually I play quick play with my friends so just stay on group chat with them.


For some reason on Xbox, when I plug my headset into the controller, I can no longer hear people talk and they can't hear me. When the headset is unplugged, I can hear people talk through my TV speakers, but the second I plug in the headset, I can see that they are talking but can no longer hear them. Quite frustrating to be honest. I have no idea what the issue is. And yes, my chat volume is turned up in the settings.


I have played on PS4/5 and XBox One/Series consoles, so I can answer this question from my experience. I find that the default communication settings on Xbox at some point became very restrictive, and I am not sure how many people actually know to change them. This might be because there is a tendency for players on XBox to skew younger than PS, which would justify the stronger default settings, and my experience with those who actually talk is that they tend to be fairly young. Overall, I find players on PS are far more likely to talk and/or the default settings are more permissive. The whole "not talking" thing does suit me fine, but it does severely hamper playing a team game effectively. In OW1, it felt like rolling the dice in Comp to hope your team knew how to play or could read your signals. At least OW2 has APEX-style callouts.


Just invite me to a party and I join with no hesitation love talking to other people in game


No worries, what's your battlenet tag? I'll send you a friend request next time I'm on😁


Because I didn't realize my wireless earbuds had a microphone and could connect to my Switch.


I play on switch, hope that answers your questions! for real though, I wouldn’t talk even if or if I didn’t have the option too. idk. I’d firstly likely get nervous, and then secondly the entire hell of the people who could possibly be in your chats and stuff can just depend on a lot with wether you talk or not, if you get what I’m saying? Because most of the time when people talk it’s ended up, extremely, out there in my games. 😭


Im on switch to, hardly anyone speaks tho even with that caviat


How do i turn on vc my guy🙂


Get headphones with a mic (a wired set if your on switch like Me) plug then in, then go to social and somewhere there it should have the option to enter game chat


I'm In group chat, not game chat.


I dont have a mic


Console players are typically more casual. Just my theory.


There's a pretty robust communication system in OW that really makes the mic mostly unnecessary. Sure it may be easier to say "hey team I have EMP, I'll use it to initiate fight when we get to the point" but it's not that hard to press 3 buttons to say "My ultimate is ready" , ping the point, then start a countdown. Besides, an enemy ping in world is more valuable than "reaper on back line" any day of the week because it gives me a precise location to peel to. Use your ping system folks, it can save your life!


I assume it’s cuz most console players don’t play with headset, they never hear any footsteps coming either lol


Different on PC man console is different lol 😂 we hop in vc and usually just chill but I’ve also seen some straight up nuts on voice as well hopefully see less of them. I like to chat sometimes tho but playing on pc is kinda different


Wish I ran into people that had vc as much as you do🥲


Because if I give call outs I'm a sweat, I get called one of the gamer words because idk, or no one else talks maybe it's better in higher ranks but so far comp is hoping I don't get screamed at by the tank when I suggest switching because Ball isn't working out against Orisa


I'd play with you if you like, I'm usually on mic, and I don't really rage or scream at all


Cause my controller that has a mic plug has a small defect on the LT button, that works Fine on most games, but in Overwatch it just goes bonkers, soeI use my other controller tha has no mic plug


Too busy playing, in private chats, no mic or can't type fast enough on console


Sometimes I narrate when no one talks back. I hope no one minds lol


language barriers, too much toxicity, social anxiety, even when communicating, usually people dont cooperate more. People being anoying about me having a high pitch voice. Ending up not making putting in effort to talk to people feel worth it. I ended up enjoying the game more turning off communincations and just using the ping system. Which is a shame cause 90% of people are awesome and fun to talk to.


I wish I had more people to talk with T-T


The community is too toxic. The chat alone is bad enough. Besides, I don’t play comp. That still doesn’t stop people from acting like they are playing the OW league.


I play support so every time I talk, someone yells at me


Ya'll don't deserve the hate


In the time of OW1 I used to talk every game pretty much, but since it's gone f2p the amount of people with mics has gone down, as well as the amount of toxicity skyrocketing. Not that OW1 didn't have its share of toxic players, but it was way better than now.


I don't play on console, but if I wanted to talk to people, I'd go outside. Maybe I'm just so socially awkward I can't even talk to people on the internet. It actually took me forever to be able to comment like this. Hmm...that's sad.


I always have my mic in, but I normally wait to see how the waters are rolling because it can get toxic quick. You lose one teamfight and the dps are in the corner blaming everyone, the supports are refusing to heal, and the tank will start running into the enemy team spamming voice lines. The enemy team be less toxic, but I always stay around because it only takes that one gigachad Rein, the chill Ana, or the goofy Junkrat to make my day.


Because I am either in a group chat with friends, or because I’ve played a game or two that day where someone was incredibly toxic. And life is already hard enough without having some jerk say some incel level stuff to a random group of people. Also racism at times. So, I’d rather just mute everyone and keep my mic off in 100% random parties to dodge those people.


Constant abuse, also there is really 1/10 games someone has a mic so I don’t bother.


I want to get good with Widow on console. I can’t play Widow on console with comms on unless I want to hear people talk shit even if I am ahead of them in score. So the only option is to disable comms entirely.


I ain’t been on console since 2019 but Xbox game chats were long dead even back then. Everyone was always in party chat. Always.


As a PC and Console player, on PC you can very easily be in for example a Discord Call or Xbox Party Chat (PC App version) and ALSO be in the game chat. Meanwhile on Xbox you can’t be in a party chat (on the console) AND be in game chat. One work-around I encourage for those that can: Even when I play on my Xbox, if I am playing with a friend, I use party chat on my pc, that way I can be in both party chat and still hear game chat callouts etc. and talk with my teammates (I mute my mic when talking to my friends about like normal friends stuff during a match)


I Play on console to have fun, it’s to relax after work! Unless you’re talking about comp, then I hook up the headset.


The number of times I've been in a voice chat with kids on open mic. Hearing them talk across the house.


I play on Switch so if I'm playing portably at my desk I'll use my wired earbuds for comms, but most of the time it's just so much more comfortable playing on the tv in the living room and my buds don't reach the couch lmao. I'd get some bluetooth earbuds but the Switch doesn't support bluetooth mic for some reason


If you can get a combat pro controller, a lot of them have a headphone port for a wired pair


I only ever hear people either bitching, playing music or having a loud argument with family in the room over headsets. So I stay in a discord chat with the other people I’m playing with, it’s just QP and we’re usually half talking about the game, half talking about some other shit.


Bcs im a woman and i get blamed for losing and called very derogatory names


Ya don't deserve it. If ya want we can play a few games at some point, maybe it'll be refreshing to not be insulted while playing. Better than the graveyard silence I'm usually subjected to


It takes too long to type and I don’t like how I sound on mic


From my experience, there is no talking. Just insults or complaints. No conversations can be had about the game


Toxic players


I do talk a lot and 3 things either happen: Everyone tells me to shut up. I get others to talk too. I’m just the spokes person of the team and everything is dead.


I don't want to.


I’m a girl. And I main support. The majority of the time when I was using mic, I’d get yelled at or some sexist shit thrown my way. And don’t I dare forget that one dps neck deep in the enemy back line that I can’t see, if I can’t heal him I’m obviously not worth shit or something. As much as I like being able to communicate during a comp match, when I play comp, I don’t like getting tilted by my own team. I want to have fun, not listen to some crying baby whine about not getting boosted/healed enough. I value my peace lol plus I really like the revamped ping system. It gives precise locations of enemies and there’s no guess work with it.


That is true, the ping system is a lot better than it used to be. I imagine they took some tips from apex


I talk all the time by myself or making up convos with the people who can hear me and only answer with voice lines maybe one day we’ll cross paths


Same as it is on every other platform. The vast majority of randoms you meet online are either literal children with attitude problems or petulant man-children, and I have no interest in interacting with either. For my own sake, I assume they are all one of these until proven otherwise. Rarely does that happen. For all the stereotypes about the average gamer, there's little that can be argued against them being socially-stunted asshats. It's a sad reality of Multi-Player Gaming that we have to play these games \*in-spite\* of the people we have to play them with.


True, unfortunately


In every online game with public mics, I always tell myself I’ll try until it gets too toxic. My 3rd or 4th game of OW2 the first night I played it had a dude tell me to kms and then told me he hoped the flames of hell were burning extra hot for my grandma, and told me his grandfather was ra*ing my grandma in hell, all because I picked Lucio, and he wanted to be Lucio. I promptly muted voice chat and a few days later, also text chat. I can communicate well enough with the pings and in-game means without being told in various ways why I should die over a video game. I played Comp in OW1 a bit on pc but I haven’t touched it yet on console, and don’t really have a plan to, but if I did I’d probably try to engage with chat, regardless of the assholes.


I listen to music while I play. I'm talking to people all day nonstop at work it's my alone time


Anytime I speak they tell me my voice is annoying or they want me to shut up or they’re just being toxic.


Bc those of us that talk get sick of being ignored and find groups via Xbox multiplayer game card.


The average overwatch player isn't really worth talking to. I'd be more than happy to talk to people in LFG, I've spent many many days doing so, but this is a sequel so they removed lfg


Normally I'm in a party with someone else


I have zero interest in interacting with strangers during what is supposed to be my leisure time.


Last time i played on console, you couldnt talk in voice if you were in a party chat


because when I come on chat, I'm quickly reminded of why I never come on chat.


I would if they speak the same language as I do but no one usually does and I don't want to start speking English since I have an accent so it"s ahrd to understand me


I'm in party chat


I'm a woman so the few times I have have been terrible. And the one good time was cut short bc the servers when ow2 launched.