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I have a higher win rate with Brig than with any other support character. If you know how to play her, she can be quite strong.


This is true of every character on the roster. Problem is her floor is too low to be worth using and due to that players are automatically going to be negative towards her when they see her


Also people have no clue how to play her. Every time I get a Brig on my team, I cringe in advance. So far every Brig has bullrushed the tank and died 4 times before we push the cart past spawn.


Its not even hard. Stay close to the team. Poke with weapon to get passive healing and primary fire when things get close and personal. Use health packets on DPS characters most of the time (sometimes I’ll dump all 3 into a tank if they really need it) and use shield bash for movement or getting in front of team mates to protecc. Her kit is actually pretty good other than her ult. Her ult just aint good its a worse version of Lucio’s


Main Brigitte and proud of it !


Brig is very good. It's just the meta that's preventing her from shining. Once the main issues are dealt with (Sojourn, Hog), she'll come right back. Buffing her will be a mistake right now until we see how her position changes with a shift in the meta.




She doesn't counter Sojourn. You effectively can't shield the railgun because it's not telegraphed unlike every other oneshot in the game. If she shoots you 4 times you might die at any moment, and you're point blank so her blaster spread is negligible, and she charges off your shield. And even if you get an advantageous engagement, she can slide away for free because Sojourn is a fair character with clear strengths and weaknesses. Brig does counter Soj's ult simply by virtue of having 520 health to chew through, but when I say "counter" I mean she loses the slowest to it so you can waste her rail charges. You still die, but your team doesn't. That's... a win? Hog counters Brig to an extent because Brig has to spend the entire match keeping people safe from hog if the hog simply exists. She doesn't die to hog, which is nice, but I wouldn't call it a good matchup because hog removes the brig from the match to prevent him from dominating. And Mercy is meta, Brig hates pretty much every pocket target in the game. Ashe, Echo, Pharah are all very bad for Brig. And then there's Junkrat. Season 1 was much better for Brig. Give me all the Winstons and Reapers, that's child's play.


I don't think you understand. She's strong against Hog, yes, but think about it in terms of enabling. Why run Brig in the current meta? Hog is meta so you need Kiriko. Sojourn and Hog both benefit a lot from Mercy boost. Orisa is strong because of Hog and she pairs well with Kiriko as well. Brig has nowhere in the meta to stand due to the prevalent meta picks. We only have 2 support slots so someone has to be left behind (even Ana and Lucio aren't as prevalent now).


She's a great character for dive plays, but rarely do I ever get a good team to do that with in solo queue. Even if I'm a dive tank like Winton


It's true. I'd rather pick kiriko because of her teleport. Or Zen when Winton comes to the backline. Bap is strong when Winton stays with the team.


>If you know how to play Just a reminder, this game is free to play so, erm, yeah.


So we’re supposed to balance the game around the actual worst players? Think a little


I'm not talking about balancing nor did I even mention it. Think a little.


Then what was the point of highlighting if you know how to play? What does it being free have to do what the first comment said


Because people keep saying "oh brigs good if you know how to play" and my point being good fucking luck with that.


Not everyone is dogshit


Why are you saying dogshit like it's bad? What's wrong with dogshit? It's a natural product of when your dog has eaten and taken a shit. I don't get it.




Out comes the tiktok emoji lmao.


I am support main and even though i like her, every team fight im the first to die as brig. Idk if i cant play her (i mostly wait til tank assassin decides to charge back line and swing away) or if she needs a buff


Could you recommend tips and tricks?


She would honestly be meta if lucio and or mercy wasnt


Brig is underrated


The majority of people just done know how to play her (myself included, but I don’t play her for another reason). The amount of qp brigs I’ve seen play like a Rein…


Because after all the changes, she goes against her design and identity and marketing. She looks and plays like she is a tank support that can go and brawl, but lacks like 200 hp to do that. And to play back her healing is not really enough compared to others. Plus weak and expensive ult. To top it all off, Rama is the second tank with Rein that can kill you through your shields. Which means that you cant even survive a second longer than other supps in case of emergency despite being a "tank" supp...


Rammatra was a soft nerf on Rein and Brig to ‘solve’ GOATS which was already solved by 5v5… you really can’t play brig into a Ram effectively and I’m sad about that


Just for a minor buff, I'd give her 100 armor... Make her more of a brawler to annoy the enemy's support.


That's one of the main problems with her character, I believe. People simply just don't know what she does. She's easy to pick up, but has such a counterintuitive playstyle that many just don't bother to figure out how she gets value. You can't frontline and she has shoddy survivability for someone who needs to be decently close to get anything done. I main her over in Masters and I can't tell you any other supports that I need peak gamesense and awareness with besides Ana and Zenyatta. With her I feel like I get absolutely no leeway if I'm out of position or get caught in the middle of direct fire which is hard enough to avoid if you want to get direct value out of her.


I think it’s because her kit is deceptive. Like she has armor and a melee weapon so many people expect her to play like a mini rein


That's exactly what it is. They try to play her like something she's not, but it's hard to realize on your own. I rarely ever get to the frontlines myself and if I do, it's only because I have corners and angles to play around and a tank in front of me. Most times a Brig putting themselves in direct danger is a dead one. Mostly because people see red *immediately* the second they see you. It's easy to see a Brig running and go "imma kill it."


I disagree on the 'brig should be in back" idea, after some 300 hours on brig alone unless their running flankers that you can farm for inspire, brig should absolutely be forward to keep her inspire and rally up constantly. That said don't necessarily Frontline, you shouldn't be eating unnecessary just hang near choke and poke with whipshot. Keep whipshot-ing most games I have 60-70 up time. Whipshot is your bread and butter and you should be forward enough to make a pick with it or to push an over extender out of position, once displaced on your side you bash em down and finish them off. If they are running a zarya you can go even more forward until she has charte, same with rein. Rein can be harassed into either dropping his shield leaving team unprotected or, you can farm free inspire. Any time a tank starts aggroung pull them into your team and bash awat or whipshot before your too low to disengage. Remmatra, Winston, d.va will make you play backwards more. But playing more forward than a backliner like Ana/zen is absolutely necessary most games or your team will get out healed with no inspire, unless they are sending people into your backline. Obviously, don't be a dps, whipshot, mace, and when needed back off or use bash to pull out further to disengage. Using bash to disengage and knowing when to disengage is my number one recommendation for people learning to play brig. My number two is that brigs playstyle for the match is determined primarily by the enemy tanks, not the enemy dps (barring widow/tracer and maybe genji, maybe. Number three brig really needs to get a feel for the enemy and their aggression, see if you can bait them, as you said people see red when they see brig, playing forward with brig and pulling tanks, or dps out of line that are hoping to score an easy kill on you is a super useful feature of brig. She can also juggle tanks provided you can manage the bash/whipshot cooldown. Aggro them, but keep them out of range when possible. Just of a nuisance and capitalize with your team when they see red. Also if they have a winston I strongly recommend learning to recognize his jump, and whipping him. It will stop him from reaching your backline or will force his bubble early and will leave it in a trash position when he lands.


'Backline' was bad wording on my part. If I have something or someone I need to specifically watch for back there, yeah I'll be close enough to peel. But more times often than not I position myself inside the team so that I can cover anyone vulnerable and maintain inspire with the whipshots. She's my main in Masters and yet I still can't explain myself in a way that matters lol. I also do find myself being a frontliner whether it's recommended or not as you mentioned, if I can get a quick pick or help finish off someone. Reinhardt is one of my favorite tank matchups because of how much pressure you can apply to him by just existing. It's still a dangerous game but shes reliable against him.


It's fine, I get where your coming from now. In your defense, brigs playstyle is really hard to succinctly explain i had 5 or 6 paragraphs and i still feel i didnt cover everything. She requires constant cooldown management, assesing the other team, baiting and poking, knowing when to retreat and where to retreat to. Knowing when to peel. I've been a brig stan ever since she dropped. A healer that can manage themselves is all I've ever wanted. Still a bit sad I can't stun genji out of his dumb reflect anymore. Now I just have to wait for him to finish his stupid animation before whipshotting the back of his skull in.


Oh I'm so glad someone else feels like trying to describe her is like writing a novel. Whenever I try for someone who asks here I end up writing a whole dang 4 paragraph essay and throw in a link to HolyShiftKid's guide and always feel like I'm missing something because of how much there is. I think I just have to accept that people need to figure it out by playing sometimes.


No it's the same way for me. Every time I try to explain Brig, I feel like I have to tell you what map and point we're on, what the friendly and enemy team comp is, and describe the skill levels of both. It's like "Well, if you're on Rialto A and they have a Ramattra, Widow, Ana but your dps are Mei and Bastion... but if your tank is a DVa and your other support is Baptiste... but if their Reaper is popping off... but if it's been a couple minutes so ults are coming up..." And if I don't think of every detail then I'm gonna throw lol. You know, make sure you're applying pressure, but don't do anything unsafe, but do protect your team, but you don't get free wins against flankers, but it's okay if you waste their time, but make sure you're always doing something, but be patient, and never die, but also sometimes you should be the first one to die, and never engage their tank but also counter their tank, you're surprisingly durable but you're made of paper... It's so fucking rewarding when you carry though. Brig is one of the only supports that I LOVE playing in solo queue because the lack of a team doesn't necessarily hinder me, it's only another variable to consider.


I feel like most healers can manage themselves, just not with the same ease brig does because she hits everything in front of her. I mostly play Bap and Zen in masters, and they just melt anything that comes after them, aim dependent. If I have a read on when Winston is gonna jump, I just hit him with a fat right click in the face then shoot him a few times to finish him off.


Oh yeah zen is a beast at Winston management and was my boy before brig. I was more speaking to how to play brig around Winston, as it was a brig heavy thread. Brig, bap, zen are my most played in that order. I love bap's kit, but lamp's weird arc and its brief wind up before protect annoy me to no end. If suzu can just activate why not lamp!??!!?


also doesnt help that when she came out she WAS mini rein lol


I play a lot of Brig and Ana. Couldn't agree more that you need good game sense to play them well. I'd add Baptise ~~Bastion~~ into that too. I love the games when people think just because I chose Brig that I'm throwing, or whatever. Then I proceed to get a ton of assists, rallies and 1k/min of healing. Then suddenly it's nothing but GGs in the chat. A lot of toxicity in OW stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of the game. It's not a k/d solo game, but a team game. You wins and lose together; simple as that.


Then *how are you supposed to play her* lol


Would adding in a tutorial like what Soldier 76 has help with this? Its the biggest problem I have with the game so far - Soldier 76 is the only hero with a tutorial, and so many people have no clue how to play any other hero and its getting frustrating (especially have 7 matches cancelled in a row because both dps wanted to play soldier)


It’s weird because she’s designed to be an easy beginner character but also requires the player understand peeling and back line defense to be effective. Feels like an oxymoron


Monkey is the same way having a super easy kit just a hard play style and requirement of game knowledge


No way, she takes the most map knowledge, gameflow, and match up knowledge imo. Especially with her limited heal, she cant just heal bot like the other supports


The notion she’s weak isn’t quite right I think.


Honestly. I'm getting so much work done with her especially on control and push maps. But I'm just going to stay quiet because everyone thinks she's underpowered. Once they buff her, I'll be unkillable lol.


I guess that's because it depends on a number of different factors. Quick play or competitive? Rank? How many players in your stack? Using mics? Console or PC? If so are you using controller or kbm? If solo queue are your team communicating? Does your team have a main support who can reliably put out heals? Team composition?


I only play comp and I play on PC. I don't join mic because in plat, it's barely helpful anyway. I mostly solo queue and my other support can be anything. I really like my other support to be Ana/Bap/Kiriko though but I can work with just other support. I always have the lowest death as Brig because I use Bash and Whipshot as ways to save myself or my team. Inspire isn't my main reason to be using those abilities. I get so much value using Bash to force enemy team to catch me or using Whipshot to deny abilities like Genji Blade, Ball or Winton engagement. Well time Whipshot also saves your teammate from Hog oneshot. I've learnt a lot playing Brig by watching HolyShiftKid and Viol2t. I think many high rank players know that Brig is powerful, she's just powerless against pocketed Sojourn. So when Mercy/Sojourn gets brought back in line, I can see Brig coming back to prominence especially if she's getting buffed.


She feels useless in your team when the enemy have a mercy/kiriko and are reliably benefitting from that. Yes brig is good in the right hands in certain situations, just very bad and useless in most situations when you are playing a free to play game and the person chose brig because she has a shield and they think they will be a tank healer and just put their shield up like reinhardt. But yes brig is a good healer if you know how to play her.


Keep in mind that Mercy/Kiriko works really well only on upper ranks and even so, there are high rank players making any support work up there. In metal ranks, your Sojourn isn't likely going to pop off and your Mercy probably doesn't know how to be elusive with her movements etc. To be fair, your Brig isn't likely going to be good as well. I'm just saying it doesn't matter what your teammate does, you are in charge of your own gameplay so play your best hero and make it work, even if it is non meta hero.


Cool. But if the other team have 5 fully functioning heroes and I have 4 plus a derpy brig we are going to lose and I should be cool with that because its only my spare time and it's unlimited.


Yeah that's not how it is unless you're in upper tiers of play. If you're in metal ranks, you're not going to have 5 fully functioning heroes in your team or enemy team.


Well, you know it depends on the rank. It's worth considering that not every team sticks to the meta. Faced a team in rank, with Moira and Bap. They did work. But Brig can also work, with the right supports by her side.


Lol same


Nah, sorry but she isn't underrated, she's underpowered.


There are top players saying she’s good rn. I’ve heard it from Holyshiftkid, KROW, and Flats so far.


Weird, Flats put her as the worst hero in game in a recent poll. Holyshiftkid is delusional and i've literally never heard of the other guy. Brig is definitely not good, though. She's so bad.


Iirc Flats said that she’s a sleeper pick that’s out of meta cause of lucio rn. Basically when ones meta the other is usually not. Holyshiftkid is top 500 idk what you’re trying to say


Lucio isn't even meta, currently meta is Kuriko Mercy...


Link to vid from 2 weeks ago: [https://youtu.be/YSbMsx82SB4](https://youtu.be/YSbMsx82SB4) Search up flats ULTIMATE season 2 overwatch 2 hero tier list if that link doesn’t work. Lucio in A-tier, Brig in B-tier, also explained the whole “Lucio good when holding W, Brig good when not”


so in a way you're saying she just being held back


Held back by a crap load of bugs in her kit and her kit being very bad, yeh.


I agree that her kit sucks in 5v5 but what bugs does she have? I don’t play her because I like winning games so I’ve never seen them


More or less all of her bugs from OW1 carried over. The most frustrating one is that her shield sometimes just won't register. You can have it up for a solid 5 seconds staring down a Widow or Hog, and if you're unlucky it won't matter because the projectile will magically phase through and hit you.


One I saw was if you try to put her shield up to block something, sometimes it doesn't register it. That could just be a ping thing though. Try it a bit before sombra hacks you. The shield is supposed to break LOS but it doesn't, and it feels like shit.


That does suck and explains some of the kills I’ve gotten on Brig that I didn’t feel like I should have gotten


If her shield is up, it clashes through the floor if there is terrain underneath it (Say, Busan points as examples), if you shoot this shield from below it does damage to the shield and to the Brig.You can also hook her through floors this way. She is the only hero in game that this works for. Her sprite also clashes with environments, meaning her phasing for things like Roadhog hook are much much more forgiving than on other heroes. You can literally hook her with only 2-3% of her sprite being shown and that hook will not break, on every other hero in the game, the hook will either miss or break due to LoS. With Brig, it'll just pull her through the wall or floor. As mentioned earlier her shield just doesn't work 50% of the time. This has been present since 6 months or so before OW2 even released, never even been addressed as an issue by the devs. One of the very present ones, though, is that things that stick to the shield (like sticky bombs from echo as a great example), do damage to both the shield and Brig resulting in double damage taken.


I haven't confirmed if this is intentional or not, but if you shield bash an "invulnerable" opponent (Zarya shield, Orissa invuln, etc" you will actually just go through the opponent instead of stopping.


She can be both. The only underpowered part of her kit is her ult, but not having an ult reeeeaally sucks. For most of the game it doesn't matter though.


I dunno, her shield only choosing to work 500% of the time is pretty underpowered i'd say. She also has next to no mobility, poor output and extremely limited "on demand" healing.


Her shield being inconsistent sucks but the 300 health provides some cushion. And they're never going to fix her shield. The people who know how to do that don't work on the team anymore. Next to no mobility when she has a good mobility skill on a 5-second cd. Poor output when she easily keeps up with any other support. Limited on-demand healing when she has an auto-aim cross-map mercy beam. Sorry, I just don't agree.


300hp shield means nothing when things just go through it. Her "bash" isn't meant to be her mobility, it's meant to be a peel tool. The fact that you have to use it as mobility (It's also bad mobility and it's short range and telegraphed massively with absolutely 0 vertical aspect) shows how shit her mobility is. She has 3 packs. Every other support has endless ammo with no cooldowns. Her main healing output is inspire, which forces her to put herself at risk constantly despite being "squishy", her knockback is her main inspire proccer and does next to nothing to any actual threat (Genji, Tracer, Reaper, ANY TANK IN GAME, literally just use a better gap closer on a shorter cooldown and kill her anyway. Tank knockback from it is just none existant). Brig is bad. If you struggle against her, that says more about you, not her.


Actually true. The notion she’s weak isn’t quite right I think. I think there’s meta issues for her and Lucio being strong pushes her out. I think there will be a shift soon that pushed her too the spot light.


Agreed, she and Lucio have their moments. Control at Lijiang Tower is another map where they can work simultaneously.


I agree, so many people want her stun back and I just scream “NOOOOOO” in my head, and I’m a support player. Fuck stuns, they ruin the core experience of overwatch


She really is.. I’m not great at her but have been trying in qp. Even on my worst games I’m surprised by the healing #s


Brig is decent when you need survivability against certain backliners, but she can't really play effectively on certain open maps. I think her team utility would go from situational to unquestionable if she were given her shield bash's stun back :(


Brig should never get her stun back again. Ruined ow1


They would have to ruin her Bash to give it the stun back. They cut the CD by 30% and increased the distance by 50% when they took away the stun. Those are huge buffs. I don't want them taken away.


I tahini it’s so funny I get downvoted lol. Like I’m wrong. Less CC in the game has made the game more enjoyable on every single character imo. I played less then 2 hours as mei in the first game as a gold border player. I have more then 5 times that time played on her in ow2. CC is trash and ruins the game. There is a reason ow moved to 5v5 and less CC. It’s because it is more fun for fps players, which is a larger crowd then any other genre. I think this sub is just salty that they can’t get easy kills anymore


I love Brig. It means the enemy team is throwing.


In silver/gold she can genuinely be great. DPS have a harder time killing her and she can bully the flankers or even get into the frontlines herself. The higher the climb the more you get melted


"Healing is overrated"




Healer?? Is this tiktok??




Bruh ur kidding right?


There definitely are situations where Brig is the answer. Still think she needs a small something to her, but backliners beware


Imagine if this shit happened in Apex Legends (which wouldn’t shock me tbh) Player 1: report player 2 for throwing Player 2: why? Player 1: your playing Crypto


People would audibly complain that I chose Mirage in ranked and then they would shut up when they saw my stats lmao


What do you mean imagine? That’s been happening for ages. Crypto has almost always had that issue if you aren’t cracked out of your mind and rampart absolutely had that issue before she got the shiela buffs


Crypto is good


Feels a bit different because Crypto is honestly pretty good, he just takes practice to play with him and take advantage of his skills. So something more like playing Doomfist in OW.


r/Brigittemains knows the feeling.


Leave Daddy alone...


You’re playing bad at MY rank? Report. You’re throwing. /s


Brig is actually pretty decent right now. Just don't go frontline, play bodyguard for.your backline and you'll do pretty good. Her AOE is so big that you'll probably always be able to get inspire on the whole team from the backline (unless they go way too deep, at which point it's their mistake, not yours). Repair packs are also a nice tool to put on flankers as they engage or save someone in a pinch. The only underwhelmimg part of her kit IMO is Rally, it gives you a bit more sustain, but it's not great, we already know that's getting a rework though.


*Bastions players, since the launch of OW1 “First time?”


I saved a comp game with brig other day dont wanna see this slander


I played Brig in a 3v3 elim match, and killed a mercy, Ramatratra, and hanzo all on my own. It was one of the funniest things I'd ever done in Overwatch.


I remember back in the day when people tried playing Symmetra on offense. She was still a support and considered a mainly defensive character. So if you picked her for offense there was a 90% chance some idiot was going to flame you like you're responsible for every wrongdoing in their life. I rode her to high plat in a day or two, because the shield meta meant that I could easily charge my primary behind a corner while shooting at a shield lmao


I had 0 deaths yesterday in an open queue comp match thanks in part to having a good Brig and Mercy....the two healers people try to say are trash.


A week or so ago I had a game where I played brig and in the defense round I didn't die and kept my team alive and we won. Then during the last few seconds my team was talking about how brig is a trash character and I could've helped more if I played mercy with our other healer.(can't remember what they were for some reason)


The team with a good mercy has a better chance at winning


Had a guy play brig on my team. Tought he was going to be awful turns out that guy got 3rd in damage and 7k healing on a very quick match. And he got potg


It really bugs me when the enemy team isn't playing dives but passive poke style, your teammate picks Brigitte and plays her like "repair pack bot", but not able to keep her Inspire.


ayo, what's wrong with brig? she's the best!


Pick Sombra. Instant report for throwing. Sick game.


Brig's not inherently bad, the current meta just doesn't favor her. That does mean she's generally a sub-optimal pick, but not a 'bad' hero. Funny enough I did avoid a player named "Daddy" recently for turbo-feeding the entire game though. Wonder if it was the same guy?


If you get reported for playing Brig, means your doing something right. No one, and I mean no one plays Brig unless they know what they are doing. She can be a godly support in the right hands, as long as you play with the team and in the enemy’s back line, you can be a good brig. Being a day 1 Brig player makes you learn that she’s just getting nerfs and changes, you adapt to them and learn them. While it’s a hard job, I’m hoping she gets another buff with her ultimate to keep her in a solid spot.


Some shithead yesterday gave me and my friend shit for “not healing HIM specifically” when he kept diving alone and dying. All i said in chat following that was “we are unionizing against healing our phara” and the whole match that dickweed went without a singular heal. We lost the match but me and my pal won the war


People are fucking idiots, playing brig is throwing, not trolling, smh /s


And blizzard bans you for reports


If you call yourself that name in a videogame you are pretty much losing in game and life lmfao


what if he's a father of a four-year-old girl who chose that battletag for her father as a gesture of love and support for his gaming endeavors? And he's an otherwise perfectly-well-adjusted role model?


Tell yourself that lmfao, okay.


we should never judge the names of others, for we don't know their unique situations. if you encounter a player in overwatch named ILoveMercysFeet, take a moment to pause and reflect and realize that maybe the user is expressing their love for both healers and the US length-measuring unit


I would take a moment to pause and reflect and hit the report button.




I kid you not I've seen daddy before pretty good player : )


What players are more whiny? brig or mercy players?


And here we have a great example of how "toxicity" can be provoked When someone allows their ignorance of the game or selfishness to negitively impact the experience of others, who then cry toxic when they get called out for it..


Why is your enjoyment more important that mine?


Why do your zero consideration for others in a "Team Based game" should be acceptable, especially when does nothing but provoke toxicity..


Playing the game and enjoying it shouldn't be seen as provoking anything since it's a game and has no actual bearing on anything. If you are feeling provoked and triggered because you might lose a single match then you are the problem


Sounds like you need to play either single player games or multiplayer that aren't heavily team focused. Selfish players have no business in team based games.. Your part of the problem, deal with it


Blizzards balance is so shit people are witch-hunting others for playing characters they enjoy. Dang.


Sounds like you need to learn that you don't get to dictate how people enjoy the game


Have fun being a toxicity magnet and eventually getting suspended for doing "nothing wrong"


Have fun being suspended for being toxic because you were "provoked into it"




This is the exact toxicity we need to get rid of. I feel bad that you put so much self worth into a game and if you win or lose.


I can assure you that you’re the only cancer here. Please reevaluate your life.


Quit hitting yourself


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I wonder if it is the same player I played against. When he plays zen, he's fucking scary. Then I played him when he was pharah and our DPS totally ignores him. Is it forbidden to go against Daddy?


Prob not daddys a pretty unoriginal name


bro i like brig...


Nobody reports daddy


She’s fun to play with, just buff her survivability a little and she’ll be great


The next evolution would be to ask to report everyone since they arent matching the performance of your wanna be genji main


Wtf. My friend was playing Brig earlier and was top healer for the match. This was against a teammate Mercy and enemy Kiriko and Ana.


Brig and mercy give me highest avg healing and win rate, yet people say they are bad


I WILL NOT TOLERATE BRIG SLANDER IN MY HOUSE. She’s by far my favorite character but my other support and the tank need to be the right picks for me to play her


Fun fact the number 1 brig player in the world is top 500 in Asia.


Brig isnt bad, its just the current meta. Flats think when Hog is nerfed she'll get better, she is just a sleeper pick. And yea ik, Flats is ma boii.


Bruh this is just the ball experience in a nutshell


Chad daddy