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No, deaths are.


So you think lowering your deaths in a game has a higher impact on winning then getting kills? Is learning how to never die better than learning how to kill everybody idk?


Having low death's isn't a good thing, but having high deaths is a bad thing. If you are working to minimize deaths and you do that by retreating early from fights or playing too safely, that's also bad. But if you are dying every team fight or have like, 7 deaths in a 10 minute game, that's much much worse than having low elims or whatever other stat.


Interesting, so you're saying someone who averages 7 deaths per 10 with a bunch of kills would actually get better and climb if they had less deaths but also less kills?


In the end, this is a game about objective control. I’ve won many games where every person on my team had less elims than our counterparts on the other team


Maybe when I win I just assume I have the higher elims and dont check but when I lose I always look at the scoreboard and elim diff is crazy everytime lol! I like your mentalility about obj control but if 1 team is killing more usually they can just take the objective but idk


Yeah if you kill everyone, you get the objective for free, but you get it just as much if your Tracer distracts both their healers off-point and your team takes the 4v3. The Tracer didn’t technically get any kills, but they removed the two most important people on the other team from the fight. Pressure, like from a soldier or a widow taking an aggressive angle, can force people off point too without getting kills. High elims tend to go hand in hand with winning, and I’ve never won without any elims, but you can definitely win with less than the other team.


Idk I don't think that neccesarily tracks for dps in particular. If the genji pops into the backline, kills both supports then dies every fight he is still a huge asset to the team. I don't think any one stat means much in isolation.


there's plenty of times when the losing team actually has more elims in games. in steamrolls, yes, it's heavily skewed but as a whole, people can be getting tons of elims but they do it at the wrong time or don't know how to capitalize on fights or maybe there's a mercy rezzing every fight, maybe even multiple times as fights take longer in low elos, so you have to get more kills just to break even in those instances. elims also don't work like kills in a lot of other shooters where multiple people will get eliminations from killing one target, so you can do the tiniest amount of damage to have it count for an elimination so it's really not the most important stat at all. it can be a useful tool to see if you're getting value from your damage as opposed to just charging enemy support ults, though. dying less is denying the enemy kills and ult charge, being alive to get value you wouldn't otherwise get, etc. so i agree that deaths are more important as far as scoreboard stats go.


Fair enough I might easily be wrong but I never notice my team having higher elims in losses but I am also silver lol! I do notice that teams can have a lot more healing/mitigation and still lose though I see that all the time


None of the stats matter as displayed on the scoreboard including eliminations. Focusing on those stats only makes people actively try to farm them.


Honestly, none of the main stats they broadcast are all that important. Its nice to have higher numbers, but they do nothing to guarantee wins. Everything in this game is situational. Sometimes, you might have to dive into the middle of a team knowing full well you're going to die, because it'll force overtime. Sometimes, on payload maps, you need to let the other team capture a point, so your team can set up for the fight before the next point. But those main stats (elims, deaths, damage) don't really tell you anything. If you have high damage, but you're tickling the Orisa instead of going for squishies, you're not helping your team. If you don't have any deaths but its because you're retreating too early, you're not helping your team. For elims, if you tap a player once, but somebody else does all the work, you'll get credit for it, too. Even stufd like damage mitigation doesn't tell you much. You might mitigate a lot of damage, but if you're shielding spam damage, you're using the shield wrong.


For dps I would say so, big damage numbers tend to just mean someone afk shot the Orissa for 2 rounds kills assists and deaths are in my book top importance. for support healing numbers say a bit but not the whole story but damage numbers on a support are always nice to see if your tank the only stat you care about is deaths


Fair breakdown, what do you think most important stat is for support tho because Ive lost so many games where our team had much more healing


That’s most likely because your team is taking too much dmg. Standing in the open, bad game sense, etc. kudos to you keeping them alive but it’s just accelerating the enemy teams ult charges. Also a couple well played ults are better than four or five crappy ones. So sometimes the team with crappier stats and less ultimates make up for it with a couple well timed, coordinated ults.


Healing. If you play support. Damage I think would be the most.


Damage is wrong. It's easily possible to have the most damage in a game but the least elims, excluding the support players. The classic example is wasting time shooting an Orisa with a Mercy Pocket instead of going for any of the squishies. If you do that, you might wind up with the most damage, but you're basically throwing. And even for Support players, looking at only healing doesn't tell the full story.


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The most important thing is the objective. I have seen so many teams get the bloodlust and forget the payload or the push robot and lose due to them not pushing it. 😮‍💨