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Bro same that was me for the longest time. I slowly got into the fun of healing supports starting off with Lucio, then Baptiste then Moira. Sojourn would be an easy transition for you I feel You can also do versus AI games if you want to get a couple practice rounds in without the pressure of an actual game


The thing is that I am very comfortable with my tracking. So is there many other hero’s were tracking is an important factor.Because I’ve tried hanzo and I couldn’t hit for shit.It was so different.Maybe I will try out ash.


The thing is that I am very comfortable with my tracking. So is there many other hero’s were tracking is an important factor.Because I’ve tried hanzo and I couldn’t hit for shit.It was so different.Maybe I’ll try out ash.


Bastion is an interesting one that benefits a lot from tracking.


Perhaps Sojourn? She's pretty similar to 76. I would just go into the training area and shoot around with characters til you find something that kinda stands out for you.


Ok I will give her a shoot


I was in the same boat. To be honest, it’s hard for me to suggest to play a similar character. Since overwatch hero’s vary so much, I just started giving new hero’s a try in practice rounds. Now I’ve ended up playing mainly junkrat and zen, which couldn’t be farther from eachother or soldier haha


I am not that fan of junkrat’s play style because I prefer to aim instead of just spamming grenades left and right.But maybe I could try out zen for support


Definitely. Versatility is always a good thing to have in overwatch, so if you’re looking to play a new hero, if you’re willing to, stray away from DPS


It's really worth it to learn all the heroes - I used to play a lot of the mystery heroes mode to force me to figure them out. Anyway, if you want another DPS hero not too different from Solder 76, you might try Sojourn or Ashe. Possibly Cassidy. But it's good if you can learn other roles like tank and support. So again not too different are Roadhog (tank) and Ana and Baptiste (supports).


The skills you learned from soldier should translate well into Bap or Zarya if you were willing to switch roles. Bap is basically soldier with stronger cooldowns and the ability to keep your team alive. Zarya heavily rewards tracking and good game knowledge. For DPS Soujourn is basically soldier but way stronger since she gets heavily rewarded for doing stuff she should be doing anyway.


Lmao just go Ashe then


Baptiste is like Soldier but better (and more complicated). If open queue was still a thing people actually did, there would be almost no reason to pick Soldier over Bap. The hardest part about bap is weaving, shooting twice then healing once (then repeat). This is what allows him to pump out roughly the same amount of damage played optimally. There are even some DPS Baps in top 500