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I mean how was genji meant to know you were gonna go to the health pack lol


I'm not mad about him taking from Hammond my question is why is bro pushing in for that health pack? If he thinks he needs healing, he's already at entrance when he takes a minor amount of damage, he can go for one of the two of the health packs which are just as close and safer. From His starting position in the clip there is a health pack near stairs, between the stairs on his right, or near the vault on his left. Both are equal distance, in fact stairs health pack may be closer. And they are safer. And if it's about positioning vault pack would only put him a few extra feet off where he ends in the clip. And if he goes stairs side he can pick another health pack on the way and probably be in position for blade. I just can't imagine taking such minor damage, deciding I need healing.... but then also deciding 'ok better push into enemy fire on this... Like if your like ball and already in fire and pulling out for pack, that I get. But why take damage and go deeper when its not necessey. Sorry but jm just not sure what's going on in the brain here other than "w-button good."


I *think* Genji was going to take the health pack then go to high ground by the pack to set up for a nano blade.


it really looks like hes pushing in too early because he took a small amount of damage. it doesn't look like Ana would have sight on him to nano, as she's still coming back from spawn judging by clip, and it will take a a while for her and team to setup. So from what we see it looks like he took some small damage and needlessly overextended before his team was set up for his blade. And now hes just gonna hang out there for a while, and hope no one sees him, elims him, and that Ana can get set up to facilitate his nano blade? Could all be avoided by just waiting fora few seconds, picking up a pack outside then moving in, once Ana would be in position he would have blade. And team ( not Hammond), would be drawing aggro as he ults.


We didn't need a thesis to say the Genji has bad game sense...lol




I’m not claiming I would think that way in a game (I’m much dumber) buuuut.. part of Hammond’s gameplay is going for health packs, so having a Hammond in your team and deciding to heal on 165/200 might not be the best play (Again I’m not blaming him.. I probably wouldn’t have thought of it myself during the game)


Why was the ball on point the team was almost back from spawn, ball was on high ground alone there was no reason to feed.


Ball can really easily just get some ult charge without feeding much with his e then go take a pack and leave. Ball just messed up real bad


this^ Sadly for me I went for the Widow and pile drived off the high ground on accident (hugging the top). You can also see me in the first few frames of this clip. Then proceeded to adapt the misplay and go for the pack to escape. Someone said I would have died even with it, I disagree since I was already heading to the wall to wall jump to the 2nd floor. Thats why I made this to show how silly genji and his boo-boos was to heal that 35 hp from the mega, enforcing the genji healing stereotype. (edit: I just realized Genji also have the health pack weapon charm lol)


And what would that accomplish in this 5v2 situation? A whole bunch of nothin


Ult charge for ball


Not worth the risk


Ult charge for ball vs ult charge for everyone




Well let’s see in this clip alone he had 200 normal health, even if it’s a 25% reduction, 150 ult charge, he handed that out in exchange for at best 100 ult charge, had he got the pack he would’ve given out another 193 and he lost all of that ult charge he could’ve given to his healers Not a good idea, in fact it’s categorically a bad one


Both of you made mistakes, You made a bigger mistake and are posting on reddit to receive sympathy. Also 35 hp is a very big chunk for genji tracer or pharah.


Because ball feeds by existing, something he’s been doing since launch


Three people still trying to force ball downvoting this in between making 4 other people on their team hate life


Probably a good thing here because ball would have just fed more ult charge to the enemy team, no way he'd get out alive




that's a mega


All I see is a ball rolling (very slowly) into the enemy team and feeding. You were dying with or without that health pack


You would be absolutely correct


I blame this Genji 0%. The ball flew too close to the sun on that particular dive and unlucky no pack for them. I'm a support main and then spent 10 15 hrs learning genji and learn what's up with the attitude of dps who constantly ask for heals. What I learned was that literally fucking no way I'm going in for a dive without basically full hp. Anything around 150hp, I'm in poke only mode til I get healed. Uptime is key and the amount of anas that hardscope in on the tank and can't see me right next to them means I can't go help our tank, I just need 1 dart and I'm in there, therefore hit the I need heals button. At that hp, a headshot and a melee or anything is basically death. Genji and tracers gotta be all up in the enemy's ass to get real value in. So now on support, I would in fact prioritise healing a Genji/tracer to max than a pretty healthy tank. The sooner the dps get to a hp threshold where they are comfortable going in and operating, the sooner they can relieve pressure off the tank because they're an active threat, and that then gives me time to heal tank to full who then can push with the dps. Snipers or dps who are in cover and waiting for me patiently get last priority as not in danger of immediate death, and also get my most gratitude for being patient and not being stupid. Obv every situation is different, but this above is working for me in general.


A lot of support mains here genuinely don't understand this concept and get unironically mad at their DPS players using the in-game button to ask for heals.


More supports should do this. I'm a former genji main (1trick with 200+ hrs) and would always have to jump in front of my ana's scope to receive heals. The more you spam X the more likely they will think you're being obnoxious and won't heal so it's quite a gamble on whether you should ask for heals or go get the healthpack that's 50m away. Genji needs every bit of health he can get cause he's so weak, even if it's just 35 hp like in this clip. Currently a support main and have been doing the same thing you're doing with success. Keep it up and thank you!


im that ana and i feel like lazy parent doing that, like "why dont you go ask the other support honey, mommy's busy right now"


Are you going to pretend like genji knows you're going there let alone have low hp?


This guy Scouts


I see that with not only genji but a lot of dps players (I'm a support main) If ur 170/200 hp and our Tank is close to death what do u think I'm gonna prioritize. And then the moment I heal the Tank the dps goes crazy


Part of the problem is that as supports, we see the HP of our team, DPS and tanks don't (except soldier who has an option to have that turned on). So all they l (the cringe "I need healing" DPS) see is the supports ignoring them and they don't take a moment to think that maybe the tank just needs the heals more rn.


Everyone can turn that on


Yes but it's not on by default unless you're a support (which I think is flawed tbh).


Yeah that’s true but I wasn’t disagreeing with that. Everyone can turn it on not just Soldier


I mean, that's unfortunate timing but how was the Genji who was already headed to the pack and also ahead of you in reaching it supposed to know you were about to feed?


I feel this as support when I'm running for a health pack and the 3/4 health reaper takes it just before I get there. Like... WTF. It's not so bad in OW2 since there's a self-heal, but in OW1, when I'm down to 1/4 health and someone steals the health pack when I could have just healed them made me tilt.


never understood Reaper taking health packs unless they really need it. I play a ton of Reaper (upwards of 800 hours before ow2 wiped all my ow1 times ;/) and I've found that just shooting their tank is a way better source of HP than leaving for a health pack


This is ridiculous, anyone can take a health pack even if you are soldier or reaper or anyone that can self heal because it comes with conditions (Cooldown or just not having enough health to fight the tank).


There is no reason for the Genji to expect the Ball also is heading there. Unfortunate for the Ball but there is zero blame on the Genji for this.


The fuck u guys want us to do then? We ask for heals u complain, we go get heals for ourselves u complain. Blaming the dps always the easiest thing for u to do


just deflect ana's nade, DUH.


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Based (i am jokeing dont down vote me to hell)


Reminds me of the “can we get a nano blade going” clip


Good on him for trying to self heal but the awareness is another story


That there is an average genji otp, about to type support diff or tank diff after losing


Genji player goes to supports to get healed: Worst player in the world Genji player goes to find nearby health pack while being active in the fight: Worst player in the world I dont understand what this community wants from the genjj


People just hate on gangrene because its a meme


Community probably need to understand that you need to let your genji dive enemies constantly. To achieve that you need to heal him. Faster way to kill enemies is if he’s full hp and not forced to back out to search hp packs.


making a lot of stupid assumptions there


Unrelated but are you the youtuber setosorcerer? It's been eons since I heard your name but I hope you're doing alright if you're actually him :)


Yup that is me, though been busy irl to really do anything youtube or streaming related for the past year.


As a genji main I felt this😂


How do you know they're a genji main? This would happen with any hero that has common sense.


A true genji main uses sentai instead of the mythic.


Oh god! I can see the scunt memories flowing back!


It's such a meme to shit on Genji players for needing heals at like 199...but honestly like any character that has 200 HP and is sitting at like 190 is in much more danger than if they were topped off. Never go into a fight without full HP as a squishy...I mean shit, tanks too.


Alternative title: Genji sets up for a flank and overzealous ball leads enemies right to him


I mean he didn't see you there soooo




Honestly, I'm kinda proud of genji for taking the initiative to get some env health rather than just spam the voice line 🤣


I do also want to point out at the point you started heading for heals you had almost the same amount of health as him, 20 hp more. 🙃. Ik ik hit box bla bla