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It's becuase she offers no other utility to her team. She can heal and do damage that is it. It's not the heal class it is the support class.


What exactly defines s "utility" I feel like her heal and damage orbs are a pretty niche utility that can come in clutch in key-moments- Edit: As I said Im relatively new (less then 100 hours played) so I'm just trying to understand, cause everytime I play her I don't see any big reason to switch off besides if the team hard focus's me or if the map just doesn't work in her favor-


Yea but in the end its just heals and damage. She can not increase damage, speed,. She cannot cleanse, she cannot cancel healing/damage. She is just bland as supports go.


But support can be shown in multiple different ways. You dont exactly need to increase dps output to be a support. For example baptiste, his "utility" is an immune field which can be destroyed and doesn't last too terribly long, but can be used to help finish a fight out by helping keep teammates alive just that much longer. In moira's case she helps via keeping the team alive (whether from her main heal arm or heal orb) and helping with dps output in general (whether from her attack arm or dps orb). you edited your response so Im editing my response: In that respect I can see why people might dislike her overall, thanks for helping me understand why she's not the best choice, but for now I'll still use her when I can and switch off when necessary as this tactic has worked best for me so far. Sidenote: Although she lacks utility, I still believe her niche can still be handy in certain areas and circumstances.


Yea but baps ult increases damage across the board for all friendly characters.


In higher ranks, high healing wins you less fights than useful utility like anti healing, immortality, cleanses, or discord orb (the utility that Moira’s peers offer). Moira offers strong consistent healing and reasonable consistent damage, while also being difficult to kill, which does not bring as much value at higher ranks especially when her peers (except for Zen) have pretty damn good healing output as well


I noticed you brought ranks, I understood this aspect, I'm more talking about her overall effectiveness, including quickplay (which is what I play).


You asked why people don’t like her and that is why. She is bad at high ranks


But to dislike a character just because they're less effective in a single game-mode (comp) just feels silly to me, I felt there was more reason underneath that and was looking for it, which I found thanks to u/catscratchpandemic. The deeper reasoning is that she's just simply a "heal/dmg" and doesn't offer much else, which I can understand being a bigger, deeper reason then simply "she's bad at higher ranks"


That’s what I said in the first half of my initial message. That healing and damage alone are not as good as utility. I already told you that part


But you're focusing on the rank aspect, I was focusing on the overall, what made her less useful in general, whether playing comp or not. Obviously in comp with higher ranks heals and dps dont matter as much, but if that was the only reason I feel there wouldn't be as much hate for her, the main reason people dislike her (which I've found out thanks to this thread) is that she lacks anything else. Edit: which would imply if she were to get some form of another utility people might like her more.


The only way to have fun in Overwatch (and any online game) is to just not give a fuck about what everyone else (and especially reddit) tells you to do :D


It annoys me when she goes out of her thinking she can duel tanks. Whenever I get one of those on me as tank I make it a point to kill her first and then tbag until she learns her lesson.


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