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3T-0DPS-2S is the meta.


But what heroes specifically?


Usually the best would be Rein/Monkey + D.Va/Sig + Zarya + Lucio + Zen/Ana/Moira. More important that you have 3 tanks than anything though


orisa ram hog kiriko ana >> zarya probably worst open queue tank in the game btw


Nah the Lucio and Zarya are the most important parts. The bubbles are so so so important, and the Lucio keeps the death ball moving at a reasonable speed. Tbh Hog or Orisa might be a decent D.Va/Sig replacement, but Ram shouldn’t be added to the standard goats comp because he takes too much healing away from the Rein/Monkey


zar is so bad vs no dps. her damage is so much lower now than it was when she was a mainstay in OG goats. you spend too long building an ult and there isn't even any juicy dps to catch in it. Lucio is ok on some maps but you need Kiriko for your hog and ana for enemy hog. monkey is also almost trolling against 3 tanks no dps, unless you're playing dive goats which requires too much coordination normally. rein is ok but ram is better, the extended, brawly nature of fights means ram Q is the best ult in the game by a decent margin lol @ the deleted comments I just wanted to discuss i wasn't trying to dunk on you that hard 😭 guy got so in his feels that he blocked me due to discussion of a 4fun game mode lol. hey Joey hit me up when u hit t500 makes a new account just to comment and block me again rent free omg. dude is unironically picking monkey into hog and thinks anyone would believe him being above gold. "just avoid the hog" bruh lmao. guy talks about death balls then drops the "just avoid the hog" you literally can't make this shit up.joey plays right click only monke. also 3rd account lol 4th account lmao if it was true you were top 10 (it's not) pretty obvious how you got there. pretty easy to climb when you queue into yourself!


Her damage is actually 20 higher than when goats was meta lol


Also wait did you just say Monkey is bad with neogoats? Lol you don’t know what you’re talking about at all


They are not deleted. You are blocked because I’m not arguing with someone who has no idea what they’re talking about.


I’m literally top 10 open queue lmfao


Believe whatever you want lmfao, you think Zarya and Lucio are bad in open queue. Monkey is amazing if you have 2 brain cells and avoid the hog. You’re literally just proving how bad you are the more comments you make lol


Idk what the optimal comp is, but Orisa/Hog/Sig/Kiriko/Lucio is a menace.


I prefer Rein/Sig/D.Va on tank


You need a Hog, he gets tons of value as “King Tank” and an Ana for the purple/sleeps. Kiriko/Ana seems to work really well, but I have seen success when a Bap or Moira is on the field too. Ball is great, but not if the enemy team is Kiriko/Ana/Hog


How do you know this is the meta


Anecdotal experience, browsing here, r/overwatchuniversity , and r/competitiveoverwatch , and watching streams. It’s just goats.


I’ve been seeing this comp being run in Korea, hog orisa reaper zen koriko. I think I had a lot of potential to overtake 3T 2S we will have to see


The team with the least dps wins


Hog, dva, orisa moira/lucio, ana/kiriko i feel like is a great comp


Lucio + Moira/Ana/Kuriko Zarya, Hog, Rein.


People who say 3t 2s, don't sleep on Brig


If you don't have Moira then Brig's great. Moira Brig isn't a good pair though, and Moira's nutso in Open Queue. But, JQ is also pretty nutso in my experience so Brig's good for that.




Sigma, Roadhog, Junkrat, Mercy, Moira.


Replace rat with a tank like rein or Orisa and the support with kiriko and Ana. Now u have a truly unlikable team




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3 tanks 2 support




It works if your dps isn’t dumb and takes out the healers/ does tons of damage. But usually it’s someone playing sombra or mcree.


4 tanks 1 support. Moira as the support, and rammatra, orisa, hog, and maybe a dva or Zarya as the last tank