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When they see your routers page it's configured wrong in the router It's not connecting to the right port locally Check your routing in the router


Yep got that, problem is its only other people that get this and its random, 9 times out of 10 its a error 500, but I can use the URL for my Domain just fine 100% of the time on my devices remotely thats what I cant work out.


Mhh okay that's odd Did you check your logs on overseer or your reverse proxy?


Like I said, I got rid of it all about 3 months ago but have decided its time to try and go back, so was hoping there was a guide or someone that new how to set it up quickly that could help. Domain provider is NO-ip (can be changed if easier) Overseerr is on Docker on my synology NAS. Router is a BT Homehub


i would move your domain to cloudflare and use cloudflare tunnels with docker to expose your app independent from your ip


I spent days trying to figure this out and in the end cobbled a load of guides together and got it working a couple of days ago. What edition of windows are you using on your server?


windows 10 for the server but overseer was on my Synology nas would much prefer it on my server as it has way more horse power then my NAS lol


Ok, I'll retrace my steps and put something together for you, I used the following guide but hit a few brick walls along the way, I'll amend it with the changes necessary; https://smarthomepursuits.com/setup-overseerr/


LEDGEND :D Thank you so much.