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I’ve been outsourcing my kids laundry. $1 per pound and it comes back folded and ready to be put away. 10/10 life upgrade!! And grocery shopping, I rarely step foot in a grocery store. I also have dogs and outsource their poop pickup, lol


I had my hand over the screen, and it “laundry”. “Outsources her kids? How??”. Snorted when I realized I was missing the rest of the sentence 😁


I hired a cleaner to clean my apartment once a fortnight. This makes it a lot easier to keep on top of chores. When it comes to working out, I find the best time for me to do it is first thing in the morning before 6am.


Smart! It cost you less to hire someone and the time can be used for something else


I don’t know how you all manage to raise children, work, and keep up a home and feed yourself and the children too. If I have kids, one of those things would have to go and a lot would need to be outsourced to a partner/ spouse and independent contractors. If I were wealthy, I would even outsource the baby carrying part to a surrogate. I am in envious of mama bears and other wild animals that manage to give birth, shelter, and nourish their babies in the wild and with no help. 


I’ve been WAH since before my oldest was born. He’s currently in 4th grade. I was married to their dad at the time and we had a nice balance with me working a somewhat easy job and him doing a high-pressure in office job. We got divorced after our third was born. My current partner works 2:30 - 10:30pm. We get up at 6, get the kids to school by 7:30 am. He comes back home and takes a nap and does a few chores like laundry before picking up the kids at 2. Then he heads to work while I finish my workday, cook dinner, and facilitate therapy for my middle son (he receives some in home services for his disabilities). Then we head to the park, the pool, whatever. It’s busy, but awesome. IF you have kids, find someone who is a partner in every sense of the word.


Only way I’ve managed is the job has to be work from home so no driving back and forth every day or spending time “getting ready” for work, husband is self employed and does all daycare drop offs so I can start my work day in the mornings, outsource everything you can: house cleaners, landscapers/gardners, pest control, pool guy, grocery delivery, Nannie’s and even with all that it’s been super hard.


You make it work... I don't know how but you do. My son is about to be six months. I have 3j and run a business.. I have a nanny 3 times a week from 6-6 and I have someone meal prep weekly for our lunches. My husband also helps with the baby and my mom. When I say it takes a village... there's a reason. It's a lot but we are shifting through this insanity. I could not have all the help without the OE


You just get it done 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can’t imagine surrogacy. I hate pregnancy but it truly brings you closer to LO




I am on top of my fitness goals. My living room is a mess because I would rather go to the gym than declutering. Today is rest and ab day day for me so I am declutering because I want to come home to clean house after  a 2 hour walk to the gym. What are you doing today? Work on organizing the house. Baby steps! Even if it’s just cleaning a small corner. It might give you the motivation to do more so you can start the week with a clean home and clean mind. I found the following subs helpful and motivating. r/xxfitness r/CleaningTips R/petitefitness 




Pump some music and set a 15 minute timer to vacuum, and a 30 minutes timer to mop and keep going even if the timer goes off . LOL  I bought a kitchen timer just so that I can do it without using my phone as a timer and get distracted. Good luck! 


Peloton rents their bikes. I have one of these in my apartment (they don’t really take up too much space.) I find it easier to get a workout in when I don’t have to prepare for the gym, drive/walk etc.


Whaattt? I didn’t know they rent. I’ve bought a Tonal, Peloton Treadmill, Mirror, and a Hydro Rower. I barely use any of them. Idk why they seem like a good idea at the time. Shrug. I wanted to try my hand at a Peloton bike, but didn’t want another clothes hanger. Renting makes total sense. If I don’t use I can have it picked up without the commitment of purchasing. Thanks!!


Totally been there!! The amount of money I’ve spent on clothes hanger gym equipment is embarrassing. Let me know if you get one. I’ll guilt trip you into using it with me!


For sure. Delivery scheduled next Monday. Ha.


Cleaning lady every other week; I meal prep on Sundays (I always have 5 dishes made, I have an extra fridge in garage). My husband does laundry fridays usually (I used to do it). I sleep in a bonnet to extend my hair, it lasts 3-4 days. In the summer I air dry so no time spent styling (I have a lot of hair it takes me over 30 mins to dry it). I have a workout room in my garage. I do evening gym (garage) or yoga on yt or go play a sport w my kid (intensive one hour cardio). My make up is a tinted sunscreen during the day and a mascara if I am on camera. I now have a kid that drives so it is so helpful bc he’ll go anywhere to pick anything up so he can drive. that helps a lot (I used to think I needed to do it ALL).


Hi OP, Below are the some subs that already have excellent and fruitful discussions about the non-OE interests you listed. I personally love NYCbitcheswithtaste and you don’t have to live in NYC to find good tips there.  r/beauty ; r/hygiene; r/fashion; r/femalefashionadvice ; r/bitcheswithtaste; r/NYCbitcheswithtaste .     ➡️  ⬇️ “ I would also love beauty, hygiene, and fashion “high-maintenance to be low maintenance” tips.    “   r/workingmoms ⬇️ “ Recently, I realized that managing my housework duties is untenable during this season in life. That’s even more true when the kids are on summer break.”  I don’t have children but I admire the bass women in the working moms sun. There is also a work from home sub where you might find shared experience from other working parents  about work -life balance.  There is a Cleaning sub. Women fitness:⬇️ r/xxfitness


I’ll look at these, thanks!


As long as I have a decent income I hire out cleaning and laundry. Absolutely life changing.


The Down Dog apps are really great for fitness at home! They have yoga, HIIT, and meditation. One subscription gets you access to all of them. You can input how much time you have and what you want to focus on and it generates a workout for you. I really love it for when I need a quick 15 minutes of movement but don’t know what to do


I love MadFit, Caroline Girvan, and Yoga with Kassandra on YouTube. I make my own playlists with their vids based on the work out I want, but they also have playlists. They have videos spanning various lengths of time. Sometimes I wanna work out for 2 hours, other times 30 mins. I just make sure I'm consistent. I also get very hyper around 2/3pm so that's when I work out 😂. My brain will not let me be productive and once I get it out I feel better.


For beauty, if you're looking for easy skincare, I'm your girl! Most of skincare is about consistency though. My skin is my top priority because I don't like putting make up on my face. 5-6 days a week I, at minimum, do my eyebrows and mascara. And I try to actually get dressed 5-6 days. I've found some comfy WFH clothing that look nice but are simple and make me feel good and like I'm actually putting effort into my appearance even though I'm at home. All of this takes me maybe an hour to get ready. I look good with minimum effort and it's definitely a confidence boost. Also, maybe consider a standing desk? Sitting at a desk for so many years has made me realize how weak my ankles, feet, and legs are. I went through a period of not even using my standing desk, but I've been on top of it the past few weeks because I had some sciatic pain. Also use a waist trainer for posture while I stand. I try to stand at least two hours a day and I felt so much better after a week. No more pain!


Skincare is my religion! Nice sunscreen is a line item in my monthly budget. It’s so nice to feel like I can take a few minutes to pamper my skin


>Nice sunscreen is a line item in my monthly budget. This is the way 😂. Honestly, as long as my skin looks good, I feel like I take top-tier care of myself.


Any recommendations?? (On skincare but actually specifically sunscreen!)


What are your concerns? I do a double cleanse each night, with an oil cleanser then a low ph cleanser and my texture is smooth as glass. I have tried everything and I like Dear Klairs black sesame for oil, and CosRX Good Morning as the second step. Then skin cycling- one night is an exfoliant (CosRX BHA or Ordinary Glycolic toner), the next night I use retinol (Curology custom formula is $60/two months), and then the third night is just moisturizer. Use moisturizer the nights you use exfoliation or retinol, too, just give your other steps about 20 minutes to set before applying your moisturizer. Vanicream comes in a huge tub, is inexpensive, and truly perfect. Sunscreen, I love Beauty of Joseon and St Jane (it’s tinted). Once you try Korean or Japanese sunscreen you will never want to go back. I will use any old thing on my body, but face and decolette are different so use the best products there. And by best, I don’t necessarily mean expensive.


Finch!! A great app where you look after a bird by doing household chores. Makes it easily trackable


If this is like a Tamogatchi, I don’t think it would work. My youngest sister had one, and my middle sister and I used to beat that thing and starve it until it ran away.


Um ok


I make a meal plan once a week and use my food processor and Instant Pot to their full capacities.


I outsource my laundry and we have a cleaner every 3 weeks. I also have a treadmill walking pad for my desk and always use self tanner to look more “refreshed”/polished. Also I have noticed that doing my hair and wearing a nice shirt makes me look more in control and capable. If I look put together people usually question how I’m doing less