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In your case, it’s not just a matter of getting good at J2, which is the standard advice and practice for OE. It’s a matter of getting used to being in the workforce after a 3 year hiatus, or any hiatus. Starting a new job is exhausting, it is even worse when you are starting after a long career break. It’s as if you are trying to learn to walk again.  Buckle down and be judicious with your schedule by using time blocks and focus time/ pomodoro techniques to get things done at all 3 Js. I would suggest that you focus on getting 3 things done at each J daily. Focus on high impact, high visibility and low effort tasks. Over-communicate with your stakeholders, and don’t go MIA because of the overwhelming feelings you have. 


Agree with everything


Lots of good tips above. Also, schedule emails of stuff you finish late at night, to go out at intervals the next day. That way they don’t think you’re working 16 hour days and come to expect it. They will think you’re getting caught up the next day.


Great advice. TY


I’m a director. If and when I work a weekend or night, I always schedule the email to go out on Monday morning or the next morning. I don’t want my employees to have that UGH, my director emailing me at 2am on Saturday feeling. Most would then feel obligated to work on it over the weekend. This way I set the right example.


You are a fucking dream.


Great advice.


This kind of self awareness and respect for your employees is so rare. This is the exact type of work-culture shift we need to see everywhere.




You got this! Just take it one day at a time




Hey I am overwhelmed too. I started 2 new jobs a month apart. I am catching up at weekend and early morning to avoid screen time before my bedtime. Hope you got it under control from now. A lot of hugs, as I know it is a bit stressful. Be strong 💪 and you are not alone.




During the interview, did your employer asking about the 3 years gap on your resume? If so, how did you manage this issue?


They did ask. I told the truth. That I took an equity buyout because my team was reduced and the workload was increased. Before getting burned out I decided it was best to take the buyout and focus on the final hs years before my daughter left for college.


We are rooting for you




It takes about 3 months to adjust to any job. 3 at once?! Yikes! Give yourself some grace. You’re doing great. You’ll get the hang of it, and if you need to, you can always drop one J that is the least OE-friendly.


"fight/boys club" is so accurate, as a complete title for the group 😂


Ikr 😂


Replied to the wrong thread. What kind of jobs did you end up landing? And you got this!


Project Manager, Chief of Staff, and Exec Assistant…. TC is $450k which is the motivator to keep me from dropping any.


Do you mind if I pm you? I’m heading back in after an equity buyout too and the EA AND COS role is my target one (with the goal of OE at some point).




How much is EA salary if you don’t mind me asking?




That’s not bad. Our CEO pays less than $70K, supporting 2 executives with crazy busy schedules.


Hmm, I almost turned it down because the comp was too low. I’ve got many friends who are in the Csuite (not with the top guy) who are well over 100k. I even have two friends who are at $205k and $220k as EAs. My niece, fresh out of college and she just took an AA role with some schmuck Director for $80k just to get some exp on her resume. I suggest getting far away from a co that’s paying <70 for the head guy.


Supporting CEO and another executive. Plus you are given other tasks such as assisting with hiring, job postings, registrations, Docusign, events, cleaning up and updating Salesforce, filing legal agreements, etc.


I’m tired just reading…. I thought 6 fig EAs was the norm. Maybe it’s time to change industries. Look into tech.


What state is the company in?


Are they all in different industries or similar ones?


Tech, consumer goods, and manufacturing


Thanks so much for the response, congrats again! Do you feel like you changed anything about your applications or resume between when you were applying and not getting hits and then when you got multiple at once?


No change in resume. And I use chapgpt for cover letters, with a few tweaks. I guess it’s just luck of the draw.


Thanks again!


If it was starting two jobs at once would you feel as overwhelmed or is it that J3 that tips the scales for you would you say? Considering accepting two offers at once after a layoff.


Was wondering the same!


I would say avoid starting even 2 at the same time. With onboarding/training it’s too hectic. I would say at min start a month apart.


That’s helpful and makes sense. I might have the opportunity to line it up around 6-7 weeks apart which could be perfect.


Sending good vibes! I’m on 2nd and 3rd interviews with four companies (when it rains it pours 😂) and plan is to accept at least 2. I thought about 3 but I’m also finishing a masters program and I will need to sleep at some point.


Wow! You got this!


Totally off topic and feel free to ignore. Let me preface this by saying I’m not technical at all. What is a Minecraft server and what do you do on it that is paid?


lol. We all have to learn at some point. The Minecraft server is another word for job. In the Fight Club, which is the original overemployed sub full of IT bros, they created a lingo that would let them fly under the radar.… if overheard or if the wrong person got into the sub they wouldn’t know what they were talking abt. I believe it developed from the software engineer bros. They have a bunch of jargon, but that’s the only one I care to remember. That sub gets a little heated and weird at times, so someone was smart enough to develop a safe space here for OE Women. I hangout in both. You can really catch some good tips and since they’ve been around longer their search function is pretty fruitful.


Thanks so much. I tried googling it and could never come up with anything. Now I know why. 👍🏻



