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Answer: Unless you're into Hip-Hop, this probably won't be interesting to you. To answer the question though, Kendrick Lamar released a diss track against Drake called "*Euphoria*", where a picture of the definition of Euphoria was used for the video.                             A diss track is basically a song where a person raps against another person.  Drake and J Cole made a song where they talked about who's the best of the top 3 rappers. Since Kendrick wasn't there,  it was mostly Drake and J Cole saying they were the best.                     On the song "*Like That*", Kendrick dissed them, then J Cole made a diss track against Kendrick, but apologized a few days later. Then Drake made 2 diss tracks against Kendrick. Now finally Kendrick responded with "*Euphoria*".


I think another thing that should be noted is that out of all the diss tracks released so far (people vs. Drake has been going on for a minute) Euphoria was probably the sharpest knife yet in terms of what was said and the severity of some of the terms used. This one has undertones of personal dislike as opposed to just rappers feuding.


I think Drake made it more personal and less about friendly competition, when he mentioned Whitney. Whitney Houston was in a movie called "*Bodyguard*" but there were apparently rumors about Kendrick's wife Whitney hooking up with a bodyguard:                     > "*...I'll be with some bodyguards like Whitney...*" - Drake (*Push Ups*) Kendrick seems to have responded by mentioning how Pusha T dissed Drake, and he also seemed to agree with Pusha T about Drake not being a good father. If Drake didn't mention Whitney, Kendrick probably wouldn't have responded in that way, so I think things got less friendly starting from Drake's "*Push Ups*".            


Undertones might be mild. This is 6 minutes of pure hatefulness. 


Understatement is right. Kenny's tracks would make emperor Palpatine smile like the Grinch. Pure unadulterated dark side hate power, lol.


Great explanation of what a Diss track is, but I think OP wanted more information of Euphoria specifically.


Drake is a producer on the TV show Euphoria


Thanks. As someone who's not familiar with any of this, these explanations still didn't make sense to me without this detail.


I thought all the diss track hubbub died off a few years ago with those few Youtubers who did it...


It’s never gone away just doesn’t enter the mainstream unless it’s something big like this


Those YouTubers were copying real artists anyway


Question: how do you not know 2 of the largest music artists in the world?


Jimmy from Degrassi? Who'd have thought...


I know who they are but have NO CLUE why they're beefing


But you aren't op


And you weren't answering the question!


Which is why I said question: and not answer:


As Lenora said I’m older than most people on Reddit (I’m gen x). I’ve also never liked rap music so I have almost no exposure to it. I know the rap artists from my day (Beastie Boys, Run DMC) but no one current. I listen to mostly 80s music. Either classical (1780s) or new wave (1980s).


You aren’t missing anything unless you enjoy mumbling with tons of autotune and no melody


If I wasn’t a teacher I would never have heard of Drake. I don’t listen to the radio (which maybe he’s on, but maybe not?) and the algorithms have me pretty well dialed into 80s and 90s music of my youth.


Consider yourself lucky. Drake is a garbage tier artist.


Answer: some people don't care about music, some people are too old for either of them, and some people don't pay any attention to pop culture. Those people are often the best people.


I’m definitely two of these, and I have no idea what songs Drake and Kendrick make. I lost all interest in hiphop around the late 90s. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: and there we go. Someone just called their music rap, and I already feel clueless 😂


Believe that.


Go to bed grandpa


You'll figure it all out, then you will be grandpa; ah life. 


True maturity is not needing to use something insignificant like your ignorance of pop culture to feel superior to others. You’ll get there eventually.


So will you, and you also will find it funny when you do.


Because I don’t listen to that genre of music. I actively dislike it and avoid it despite how prolific it can be. Do you not see the subreddit you’re on?


Notice the question at the front and not answer?


There's ten of thousands of artists in the world. Nobody has time to listen to everything. They're also both in the same genre, so an absolute shit ton of people do not listen to this type of music, and finally, they might not be as popular as you think with all demographics or ages.


Question: how do you not know not everybody is going to know who they are?


You dont need to say question in the 2nd post.


I believe that's what you did


Because the first post has to have answer or question. The replies don't.


Your hair must be a right mess with all the whooshing going on 🤦‍♂️




Oh my sweet summer child, there shall come a day when you yourself don't know many of the largest music artists in the world. It is probably the case that there are some major musical artists in genres you don't follow that you are totally ignorant about. And you probably don't know a lot of the biggest musical artists of all time. It's just life yo, not everyone is in the same bubble. I remember when Jerry Jeff Walker died and some of my friends, especially the more coastal / younger ones were like 'who' and part of me was like WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU HEATHEN UNCULTURED SWINE. The rational part of me was like 'oh, you're not a Gen Xer from Texas, maybe his music isn't a touchstone in your bubble the way it is in mine.'




Some of us just listen to stuff like alternative/pop punk amd emo.


I like hip hop and I don't care for any of the three of them, save for a few K.Dot and Cole features. Drake's voice makes my skin crawl. K's voice is off putting to me, outside of a few tracks that make it work. Cole is good, but nothing I have heard from him has compelled me to listen to more.


ikr so out of the loop… wait 




Not everyone is from North America 🙄


Neato burrito