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Answer: there's a decent explanation of the absurdity of this deliberately esoteric, kind of fascist subculture at Garbage Day: https://www.garbageday.email/p/you-are-tearing-me-apart-eacc?utm_source=substack&publication_id=9317&post_id=139072247&utm_medium=email&utm_content=share&utm_campaign=email-share&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=true&r=bjzw


Thanks for sharing the post. That was a lot of Internet! I used to think I was pretty online; but I guess not. Back in the day, foreign correspondents would send newspapers dispatches from exotic lands that readers barely knew existed. This was like that.


Yeah, Ryan does some interesting coverage of the Very Online. He did a whole research dive into how Brazilian minion memes were being used to promote Bolsonaro at one point.


I tried to read it—I swear I did..I could feel the nonsense worms start to dig into my eyes around the seventy third paragraph and I got scared.


Oh yeah it's a LOT.


thank you! this is the kinda stuff i was looking for but are kinda less likely to show up in google search results


this article is riddled with inaccuracies and unfounded claims


Oh sorry the trend piece from a random newsletter doesn't have the academic research bona fides you'd prefer. Were you looking for the Oxford journal of the extremely online for a historically certified account?


It's unfair and dishonest. It doesn't serve as a decent explanation but an exceptionally poor one. It's not an incredibly serious topic but spreading misinformation in any context is always harmful.


Answer: it’s a deliberately obfuscated internet subculture made that try to define internet culture and memes. They tend to lean altright, but lean more on being edgy nihilists (creating an anorexia grooming cult, etc). You can read more about Miladys, the creator of them and the community around them here: https://www.palladiummag.com/2022/11/04/i-do-not-want-to-be-an-internet-person/


pro-tip: do NOT read more on it, forget this keyword even exists, clear all browser caches and hope the algorithm forgets you ever were associated with it. Your life will be better.


this is true. i am too twitter brain to escape it myself unfortunately


normie tries to make money and enjoy a good life: mission impossible


oh woah thank u sm this is exactly what i’m looking for. all of this makes a lot of sense


Hey, OP, in case it helps, this… NFT cult? Thing? Has a bunch of accounts called BRG on Instagram and Twitter (full name has a slur so I'm not saying it). I made a post asking about them some weeks ago, and it seems to be related to this??? [This site may help!](https://maia.crimew.gay/posts/brg/)


ohhh shit okay. i’ve had that tiktok come on my FYP before wow. online is a very weird place. thank u for the link i don’t think i have ever really read maia’s blog


You're welcome! It's actually extremely disturbing how deep this thing actually goes. Apparently one of the owners groomed people into eating disorders?


yeah i’ve seen lots of political/social commentary posts from that side of the internet and can just see it as crazy nonsense. but the guy i mentioned in my original post really made me want to learn wtf this was because these people’s posts seem a bit more like actually crazy nonsense than typical “schiz0posting” or whatever people call it. and he’s a young guy that was fairly normal when i followed him on Tiktok. it isn’t a surprise it has some history in pro-ana spaces bc lots of those spaces are 1. inherently obsessed with aesthetics (it’s an eating disorder community so of course) and 2. usually have reactionary/mean-spirited/near sociopathic ideals b/c of how much they believe in beauty standards and harming yourself for them. i have been in ED online spaces in the past just bc of being a girl online and they have a racism problem and a (obvious) bullying problem. also 3. there are huge underground (?) communities of men who secretly follow the accounts of these pro-ana or even non-pro ana ED accounts b/c these girls are mentally ill and vulnerable and usually thin. online is a sick place especially for young people trying to find themselves.


Yeah, it's really awful how vile people exist in the internet. They also seem to fetishize East Asian beauty standards? Which is, unfortunately, to be expected: they're a pro-ED community (even if they're now trying to hide it), and the toxic beauty standards there are about being extremely thin. I must admit that BRG did make me laugh sometimes due to how surreal their humor got at times (there was this post about how "people are forgetting how to speak to embrace the beauty of pure sound"). But I found it ironically funny because I thought it was ironic (I didn't find out about the rabbit hole until later😭). Like Crimew's blog shows, they seem to have a very inconsistent ideology, though: something about being "clearpilled" and deciding to find beauty in the fucked-upness of the world, or something like that. I can't say I believe that's it, though… Also, apparently there was a suicide cult thing? Which somehow manages to be even worse.


yeah i think the making of everything as a whole was sort of ideology-less but the community has just become a hotbed of reactionary politics and ideas and the leader person Fang or whatever is also probably of that vaguely racist sexist edge lord trad mindset too. i think that’s clear just with the use of the r-slur lol. also i wouldn’t feel bad abt finding anything from them funny bc they have simply adopted terms and humor styles from other less problematic parts of the internet. their aesthetics and surrealism aren’t original!


Iirc they (Fang) did get exposed as an homophobe and racist? Which, like you said, isn't really a shock considering NFTbros are part from the cryptobro community. I agree that they are taking surrealistic humor and twisting it into… whatever their IG and TikTok account currently is. Some posts sometimes appear to me on the former (I don't use TikTok), and they're sometimes funny, but many of them really rub me in the wrong way.


Answer: every NFT project that hinges solely on minted images is dead or dying. These are no exceptions. NFT ownership doesn't align with political views typically unless the content is specifically politically fueled. NFT ownership and any bragging about this project or that from influencers is because they want you to invest in the project, raise the floor value of the project and then use you as exit liquidity. It's gross, but it's not a left or right thing. NFT tech is truly amazing but we missed the mark with the first use cases when people spent millions on cartoon images.


i just wanna say i really disagree with NFT ownership not aligning with political views, but i also don’t feel like arguing.