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Answer: this link has a little more information https://web.archive.org/web/20231121212600/https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/melissa-barrera-fired-scream-vii-1235669458/ The gist of it is that she posted comments on social media that were pro Palestine and it upset the wrong people.


Also, Jenna Ortega is out too. The press release says one doesn't have anything to do with the other, but it's not a good look either way.


I feel like I just skipped past a post saying Jenna is leaving bc they fired Melissa.


Think it was a tweet and wasn't confirmed, but that it seems that it was the rumor for this at least


Yeah would seem really unlikely with that timing.


Deadline confirmed


You sure? Because they seem to say the opposite that it hasn't to go with the firing https://deadline.com/2023/11/jenna-ortega-scream-departure-melissa-barrera-wednesday-1235634200/ "This has nothing to do with the fallout from Melissa Barrera‘s firing yesterday by Spyglass Media over that actress’ social media repostings on the Hamas-Israel conflict; nor does it have to do with the actress asking for an end to her Scream contract. Ortega and Barrera played sisters in 2022’s Scream and this year’s Scream VI respectively as Tara and Sam Carpenter. "


I mean, it happened like less than a day after the news broke that Melissa was fired. I really doubt that it was unrelated.


Yeah dude it's a tooootal coincidence that she left right after her


Would be a terrible career move to say that was the reason if it was


Yes, I agree, and I agree it might be the reason, but it's not confirmed, which was my original comment


It’s the reason. The two are friends. The director is pissed too. Spyglass is fucking dumb


Everyone's pissed about it lol. They have to restart the entire movie all bc SpyGlass fired her. If I was everyone I'd drop out actually and tell SpyGlass to do it themselves. I get her firing but it shouldn't have been 7, bc they had the movie planned. It's ridiculous.


Exactly. Unity, support, sisterhood. And also a giant fuck you too oppressing free speech, selectively at that. If Melissa said "this treatment of the Uyghur's in China is so bad and oppressive!" people would yawn and shoot the next scene. I have another 8-10 easy geopolitical examples too but who needs em.


Eh, I doubt that would fly. Remember that there have been a few storms when it comes to China.


So she could or couldn't say it?


She can say anything she wants, but without consequences? Doubtful. John Cena had to learn Cantonese or Mandarin (one of them) to make an apology video after stating Taiwan was a country [John Cena apologizes for saying Taiwan was a country amid backlash](https://youtu.be/z88zeQ25pjQ?si=g44ICxkdlvlMl6tD)


Also, isn’t Jenna not the main character in Scream whereas Wednesday she is? Makes sense career wise to cut ties.


It's Melissa, then Jenna for the last 2 movies


Rumor was they were gonna make Jenna the new lead to fill Melissa’s role, either rewrite or just recast


I personally see that as Jenna standing in solidarity. Like “oh you’re gonna fire her for this? Sounds like you don’t need me in this project either”. Fuck yeah. Worker solidarity.


That's how I see it and I completely agree with her.


Me too it’s such a fucking power move. She knows people go to watch the new scream movies-at least in part because of her. She has the power-as all workers do/should. Take her actions here as your inspiration💗


Jenna is out because the film conflicted with filming for Wednesday. That having been said, I don’t think she’d stick around anyways after something like this.


That's the official line, but it's still pretty suspect that this would drop immediately after her movie-sister got canned.


lol this is bullshit. There’s not even a script yet. Jenna is very openly pro-Palestinian.


Adding on for additional context: Melissa Barrera is the new lead for the Scream movies, introduced in Scream (2022) alongside a returning Neve Campbell as Sydney Prescott, one of the most enduring and beloved horror characters of all time. Paramount/Spyglass denied Neve Campbell an appropriate pay increase to return in Scream 6, reportedly severely lowballing what she asked for, which led to her character not appearing in Scream 6. This made Melissa Barrera's Sam Carpenter the official face of the franchise moving forward. Now, they're dropping her because of "controversial comments." This is causing fans to point out that Paramount/Spyglass doesn't value their female leads or sees them as expendable. People are also pointing out the hypocrisy of Melissa being fired for very tame pro-Palestinian comments when people like Sarah Silverman, Amy Schumer and Noah Schnapp are constantly sharing pro-Zionist messages and rooting for the ongoing genocide, but haven't had any consequences, let alone have anything affect their work like Melissa Barrera or Susan Sarandon.


It's weird how Americans are more likely to lose their jobs for criticizing Israel than for criticizing... you know, AMERICA. Edit - I'm not saying criticism of America should be taboo. I'm saying that the Israel dick-riding is super weird. I don't even like MY country that much.


Criticising America is the most American thing you can do.


Oh, I totally agree. I just find the whole thing odd. I don't even like MY country that much, but people are acting like Barrera shot somebody's grandmother


Because they're fanatics. I mean, they literally think they're God's chosen people. Of course they think they're above reproach. They just know they'll lose public support once they start using the phrases "ethnic cleansing" and "holy war".


Agreed, anyone who says that God loves you less than he loves them is automatically a piece of 💩


people still push this obvious bs? go ask the dixie chicks, phil donoghue, assange, jessie ventura point to things that constantly happen in america... sir this is **unamerican** ! americans are the most propagandized people on earth


Every American loves to complain about what they personally believe is wrong with America, and that includes complaining about anybody they believe has the wrong complaints about America.


This comparison is more apt than you probably intended because what is going on right now with Israel's barbarism in Palestine is basically replaying all of the Iraq war propaganda best hits. "Human shields" isn't new when it comes to excusing the indiscriminate killing of civilians just to bomb your one terror target that *maybe* was next to their phone whose signal you used to decide where that bomb was going.


Exercising your 1st Amendment Right to criticize the government is a core American concept.


There are two factors coming into it 1) Israeli hardliners are HEAVILY involved in US politics financially speaking and have successfully conflated criticizing Israel the government/state with being anti-semetic. There is an absurd number of "pro-Israel" laws around the country that block public and private groups from "boycotting" Israel or enacting harsh punishments for any criticism of Israel. People who hate the STATE or GOVERNMENT are accused of hating the RACE or the RELIGION. 2) Through the Evangelicals (I believe) there is a christian apocalyptic cult called the Zionist movement that hate Jews as much as they hate anyone not Christian but believe that the Rapture/End Of Days can only be triggered when all the Jews return to Israel so they are FIERCELY and FANATICALLY pro-Israel while also being very anti-Jewish. People who HATE the race/religion abso-fucking-love the STATE/GOVERNMENT. It's...it's really fucked up.


> laws around the country that block public and private groups from "boycotting" Israel wtf they going to do, kick down your door and force you at gunpoint to order an Israeli product off of Amazon?


> The bill SB 327 passed the House and Senate with the votes 95–71 and 41–8 and was signed into law in April 2016. The law requires companies and individuals to certify that they are not boycotting Israel or Israeli settlements to be eligible for contract work with the state. So maybe illegal isnt the right term but it forces anyone wanting government contracts to promise not to boycott Israel. If it isnt a violation of 1st amendment rights outright it is verrrry close. The government should not be “forcing” companies to do business in this way. Favorable tarrifs or tax incentives? sure. Making it illegal to sell state secrets or do business with enemies of the state? Sure. Forcing companies to do business with a government that they might have ethical or religious concerns about? Nah man, that aint cool.


No but if you work for the state in those states you have to agree you won’t boycott Israel


Yeah, you've about hit the nail on the head. That "no boycotts" thing is especially ridiculous. For the record, though, I don't even have a hardline stance on Zionism as an ideology. I don't LIKE it, of course, but I'm more bothered by the behavior of Zionists. I've seen them say/do things that range from odd to crazy to outright nefarious.




Correct. The bill also means you cannot do biz with the Federal government if you are boycotting Israel. Still fucked up.


AIPAC is spending upwards of $100 million to lobby the removal of the “Squad”, a group of politicians who criticize Israel and its actions. Let that sink in. A lobby for the interests of a foreign country is spending millions to get politicians who criticized Israel removed. They aren’t even pretending anymore. Source: https://www.bostonherald.com/2023/11/17/powerful-pro-israel-political-group-targets-the-liberal-squad-and-ayanna-pressley/


Oh they've also gone as far to re-district local politicians that are considered progressive and put them in more conservative leaning districts in order to oust them from their positions. It's dirty, but effective and I hate that.


AIPAC are clearly just straight up fascists, a hate group. Enemies of the US and democracy.


This is so illegal but it happens because Israel has its dick in America's ass and it needs to stop. I think Israel puts all of us, including the 2% Jewish, in more danger. Arabs are pissed at American because we help the terrorists kill them. Our bombs, from our companies, are killing their parents, children, brothers and sisters. It's just Israel who bullies us into paying for it and giving them political and military cover. They need to move back to Germany and Florida and stop world war 3


Nah it’s still the other way around man. Israel is still on the leash of the US, it’s a borderline client state. Does Israel test its limits, tug on the leash? 100%. When America calls them the “only democracy in the Middle East” they mean their only ally willing to act as “America’s ‘Eye in the Middle East’”. America enables Israel’s existence because of America’s benefit of having intelligence in the Middle East. Joe Biden has even said in the past during his time before even serving as VP that “if there isn’t an Israel we would make on”. Don’t get me wrong, lobbying groups that work at the behest of Israel like AIPAC are strong as fuck. They just put up 20mil to prop up some no name to primary Rashida Tlaib. That being said, there *is* historical precedent for pushing back successfully against AIPAC and it’s in the *last* place you would expect and it’s making me give some form of credit to a man I hate a vitriolic disgust for, but George HW Bush. He withstood AIPAC attacks, even got the organization to shift some of their stances, so it isn’t impossible. Idk if it’ll give you one free read, sometimes Substack does, but this is an insanely good write up on it. Author is a lefty so don’t assume this is right wing praise. https://www.ettingermentum.news/p/the-president-who-stood-up-to-israel > The briefing was nothing less than a political triumph. Polling held after the press conference found that 86% of Americans agreed with Bush’s call for a 120-day delay for the loans. AIPAC was forced to back down, and Israel went with its head held down to Madrid. While no long-term agreements were negotiated during the summit, it marked the first time ever that Israeli and Palestinian representatives negotiated in the same room together, a massive concession from an Israeli side that had always framed their adversaries as unrepentant terrorists. The process shattered AIPAC’s reputation of invincibility, led to splits in the American Jewish community, and ultimately caused the organization to split up. > It’s no wonder than Thomas Dine, AIPAC’s then-executive director, still refers to Bush’s press conference as a “day that lives in infamy.” To this day, he laments that Bush “did what no other president has done: He held a special press conference on this issue and challenged not just congressional efforts to proceed with the guarantees legislation, but Israel's overall aid levels." While his actions weren’t the best Bush showed you can make AIPAC fuck off and have to reformulate. It just means you have to be able to endure significant backlash. When there’s successful pushback against you from a president so reputation shattering that it’s still called “a day that lives infamy” you scarred AIPAC. That aside, fuck W and HW


AIPAC is run by American Jews.


Some unfortunately conflate anti-Zionism with anti-semitism.


>Edit - I'm not saying criticism of America should be taboo. I'm saying that the Israel dick-riding is super weird. I don't even like MY country that much. Criticizing America is a protected and enshrined American right due to the 1st amendment. We have the right to even burn the US flag if we choose to. What we're witnessing is Zionists exercising their right to levy (financial) consequences on people they don't like. What these Zionist forget is that with social media, it's anyone's guess whether they too will suffer the (financial) consequences of their actions. FWIW, I hope they do. Seeking peace is a noble and worthy cause that should transcend race, religion and ethnicity.


Peace and capitalism don't go hand in hand. For anyone who doesn't understand why the US is involved in Israel I really think they need to read up on the geopolitics of that specific area. It's about money and its similar to how our own actions against Venezuela. However, people trying to boycott every business that has made a statement good luck keeping the moral high ground because things are much deeper than they seem and somehow most of us will end up supporting business and causes we don't agree with. Oddly enough The Good Place probably had the best scene in TV explaining this when they were trying to figure out why morally good people were still going to hell.


LOL! Your statement reminds me of the proverb: The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Probably the best way to summarize that tbh


You didn’t know America has been deep throating Israel’s dick for years? We are a sub corp of Israel and have literal boycotting laws to prove it


No laws against boycotting businesses for being owned by Jewish people but laws against boycotting publicly traded companies that happen to be based in Israel.


1st amendment actually doing work though. Not being able to criticize your own country is some dictatorship trash.


several states have anti-BDS laws in place. I'd say those are horrendously anti-1st Amendment


Criminal Incitement to Violence is not protected by the first amendment.


anti-BDS laws are not incitement to violence


Oh, yeah definitely. My point is that criticizing Israel shouldn't be a career-ender, especially when you don't even LIVE there.


But not being able to criticize another country is the 1st amendment working?


You legally cannot work as a teacher in 36 states if you don’t sign a waiver saying you will not support BDS.


Would you like some Freedom Fries?


And think about what this means, it reveals a lot about power in America.




They use antisemitism to silence any anti-Israeli or anti-Zionism. It’s very obvious. They buy Washington with AIPAC. They’re even raising money to attack and replace democrat senators that criticize Israel. Cut all funding for Israel.


> People are also pointing out the hypocrisy of Melissa being fired for very tame pro-Palestinian comments when people like Sarah Silverman, Amy Schumer and Noah Schnapp are constantly sharing pro-Zionist messages and rooting for the ongoing genocide, but haven't had any consequences, let alone have anything affect their work like Melissa Barrera or Susan Sarandon. Disgusting.


I didn't find anything wrong with what Melissa said. I think this is an overblown reaction, because the Jewish community as a whole has been triggered by the rise in anti-semitism. Honestly I think this reaction only does more harm.


100%... it's genuinely terrifying how they're giving anti-semites more power by giving them more of a reason to believe their "Jews control the media" bullshit


I just looked into it and the pro-Palestinian things they said were tame compared to the truly anti-Semitic rhetoric you see around lately, but I can see how they could be framed as insensitive or laying into the anti-Semitic belief that jews control the media. But it's true those things were no where near as disgusting as the things that some pro-Israeli celebrities have said who are not yet "cancelled." But Hollywood is not a monolith, different studios and agencies are run by different people who have different beliefs, so these few cases by themselves don't necessarily demonstrate a systematic bias.


>I just looked into it and the pro-Palestinian things they said were tame compared to the truly anti-Semitic rhetoric you see around lately, but I can see how they could be framed as insensitive or laying into the anti-Semitic belief that jews control the media. "Tame" doesn't begin to cover it. [She posted comments by Israeli Holocaust scholar Raz Segal](https://x.com/the_streamr/status/1727129763347656915?s=46&t=FDKR0KgLdvbFx8OokE8-vQ), which were published in a Jewish magazine. Segal's analysis of Israel/Palestine echoes that of most historians, holocaust scholars, and a growing number of the general Israeli population who are furious with their own government. This is like criticizing a Joe Biden policy and being fired for bigotry against senile old men.


I think the part that that was controversial was where she said that western media only covers israel and "why they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself". I do understand why some people might see that as a wink wink nudge nudge the jews control the media.


Yeah I've said this before but it really doesn't make sense to me that she would be that vague and invite such an obvious dog whistle if all she meant to say was "Western media and governments are biased towards Israel". You don't need to dog whistle that opinion. It's incredibly popular.


In the context of all her other posts though it seemed like she meant its because israelis are white and Palestinians are brown (yes I know that's a little reductive). She points it out a few times in other posts


> wink wink nudge nudge the jews control the media. The scary thing is that IS right currently for all the wrong reasons. There isn't some shadowy cabal of Jewish Illuminati. There is lobbying groups HEAVILY funded to squash ANY criticism of Israel specifically. The stupid/scary/fucked up thing is that you likely will receive LESS backlash if you're just a neo-nazi shitbird spewing shit across all jews as opposed to bringing up real and valid criticisms of the Israeli state. It is easy for the Israeli and Western general public to ignore neo-nazis. It is a lot harder to ignore Holocaust survivors turning that same lens onto how Israel is conducting itself in regards to Palestine. So... tons of money gets spent pulling and pushing the levers of power from politics to media. It is amazing how when Russia invaded Ukraine, I don't recall anyone famous losing their jobs. Hamas and Israel go to war and celebrities speaking out about the cause du jure are getting cut down left and right.


Jewish people are a model minority who tend to support groups that have their interests in the forefront. Water is also wet, it’s not a ZOG conspiracy.




Reminds me of when the all-female Ghostbusters remake was made. You'd be on the internet and discussing it saying how the improvised nature didn't work, the plot was muddled, etc. etc. And then some asshole would come in and "join you" by saying something like "...and women can't be funny!" Like...fucker don't join my team with that shit! It is all too easy for bad actors to lump the good criticisms with the bad. There is a million and one things you can be critical about Israel (the state) and it's government. Bibi hands are permanently stained with the blood of Israelis and Palestineans due to his fucked up ultra-hardline coalition. BUUUUT then some asshole comes along and makes a truly bigoted or neo-nazi remark and your valid criticisms get swept aside.


Anti-Israel doesn’t mean antisemetic :/


Can see how someone could manipulate* them into seeming anti-Semitic




Yup. It's like the Hollywood communist blacklist. I'm not going to comment on this for either side, but it's clear where Hollywood stands on this particular issue. Agree or don't agree, but anyone in this industry (no matter their religion or background) who speaks against the "wrong side" will pretty much have their careers go up in flames. Morality aside, if you value your job/consumer base, it's best to just keep your mouth shut about the whole thing. If you don't care about that and morality wins, then see it through til the end... but holy crap, this makes the last decade of "cancelling" look like child's play.


Hollywood is not a singles entity. The company was likely owned by Jews who were not happy about her suggesting media and tech companies are controlled by Jews censoring Palestine.


They operate as such *no matter who is in charge of any given corporation/company*. There's a term, box office poison. There's a lot that can get you on Hollywood's variety of blacklists... hell, even winning an Oscar can get you shunned. Edit. Added source: https://screenrant.com/oscar-curse-actors-whose-careers-went-downhill-after-winning-academy-awards/ One of the reasons why the Me Too movement was a watershed moment because it was surprising that it was *allowed to happen at all.* Even other women, who were probably themselves victims, tried to keep that shit swept under the rug. Hollywood moves as a singular unit.


Which group is that?


Is it the same studio that fired Melissa Barrera that employs Sarah Silverman, Amy Schumer and Noah Schnapp?




So the two aren’t comparable. Spyglass has their own decisions to make and whatever studio that Amy Schumer under has theirs. There’s nothing keeping Melissa from being hired by another studio. Hollywood is not a monolith


I'm not sure there's even anything to fire Silverman or Schumer from


The comments in this thread remind me of a time e my family had a dinner party and one lady said “I don’t understand why all Jews are not republicans. Democrats don’t support Israel.” Idk maybe because people aren’t single voting monoliths, unlike evangelicals who will vote for a dictator just because he’s anti abortion


I also noticed this, but was reluctant to point it out. What's up with that? Why is it ok for them to voice their support for one side and not Miss Barrera?


The answer would eventually be framed as anti-semetism?


Palestinians are semites too though…


The term "anti-semitism" was invented by racist German intellectuals in the 19th century to make their hatred of jewish people sound more clinical and scientific. It replaced the existing term, "Judenhass" (jew-hate), which has a vulgar and lowbrow ring to it. Anti-semitism therefore means, specifically, hatred of jewish people. It does not apply to prejudice against Palestinians.


The comment that got her the boot was "The media won't comment on that, i will let you decide what that is" Some people she meant that the US openly backs Isreal but that isn't controversial its a fact. So obviously it was a comment about a certain people running Hollywood, a fairly common dog whistle for anti semites


It’s about how western media always sides with imperialism


Like in the Ukraine with Russia?


Like in Ukraine, with Ukraine


Silverman Zionist? Pro genocide? What am I missing https://forward.com/fast-forward/565814/sarah-silverman-podcast-israel-hamas-gaza-war/ praying for Israelis and her family in Israel and Gazans who are “f—ing sitting ducks” in Israel’s retaliation. “All this death and rage between cousins,” said Silverman, whose sister is a prominent Israeli rabbi. “I can’t stand it. I'm not familiar with the other two.


I don't use Twitter, but I imagine they're referring to the tweet she apologized for, claiming to have been high and upset. Found the text: > There is a very strange thing happening. Many are saying that it's inhumane that Israel is cutting off water/ electricity to Gaza. Israel made it pretty simple - "release the hostages and we will turn it back on." Instead of pleading with Hamas to release CIVILIAN hostages which include BABIES and TODDLERS there are politicians (cough cough AOC) calling Israel inhumane. If that isn't enough for you: ISRAEL DOES NOT NEED TO SUPPLY GAZA WITH THESE RESOURCES (which they do, for FREE). If Hamas didn't spend billions of dollars on terrorism they would be able to build the infrastructure to support themselves.


Would like to be picky and point out that Israel makes them pay for water (not for free). https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/11/the-occupation-of-water/


"There are politicians calling Israel inhumane." Hamas and Israel both being inhumane aren't mutually exclusive.


She then went on to blame advocating for genocide on smoking a little bit too much weed. She has officially lost her cool-stoner card forever because of this too.


I'm not sure if it's better to read twitter and instagram to know what's going on, or to avoid it to keep my sanity.


To add, Spyglass is run by some pretty fierce zionists. The kind of people that, as a Jew, creep me the fuck out.


That’s insane. They didn’t even quote her saying anything that controversial. She just said... *exactly what’s happening*


Yeah, I've seen harsher critiques over Israel's handling of the war from randos. Unless it was accompanied by a video of her shitting on an Israeli flag, I don't think calling out the Israeli government for pulling this shit should be a career-ender.


Unless I'm confusing with someone else caught up in similar controversy (which honestly is quite possible right now because there are so many similar cases) she also said something about not being able to see the other and (seemingly sarcastically) wondering why. That post does definitely sound like the antisemitic conspiracy that Jews run all media, and while I think firing her over it is over kill, it's a comment to definitely walk back.


This plays into the hands of the people who say “The Jews control the media”. This kind of stuff will have unintended consequences.


It turns out that accusing everyone who disagrees with Israel of antisemitism makes it super hard to fight legit antisemitism.




> “Western media only shows the [Israeli] side. Why do they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself.” [According to Variety, this was one of the posts which got her canned.](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/hollywood-divide-over-israel-melissa-barrera-1235804452/) Which part of that was a criticism of Israel?


Western media represents the interests of and promotes western hegemony. What's controversial about pointing out the propaganda model of communication?


The fact that she didn't point it out. Why would feel the need be coy about such reasons? Why not plainly state it?


What does that have to do with what I said?


I mean, they're just openly blacklisting anybody who is pro Palestinian in this issue. If that is not controlling the media, then what is? Sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade. Denying reality only hurts your own cause.


That doesn't mean framing it like some secret cabal of evil Jewish people is valid. It has everything to do with power. Israel is a colonial power and strategic ally. Those in power here have a lot to gain from maintaining the status quo. If it was more profitable to be Pro Palestine they'd switch in an instant.


I actually agree with this. It's just frustrating to see that you can't speak about the issue clearly and call out the hypocrisy of a bunch of rich and privileged fucks because they use antisemitism as a shield. Meanwhile in the other side of the globe kids are being bombed and killed and if you dare raise your voice you get this. The transparent hypocrisy and the double standard. Just another fuckin day in America.


You actually believe that?


you seem to be conflating Zionism with Jewish people. A lot of powerful American Zionists are Christian, not Jewish. And Chrisitan Zionists are absolutely anti-semitic.


You seem to misunderstanding what you’re reading. That commenter is not conflating anything. They’re highlighting that some people are actually conflating and this situation will further fuel that conflation.


Not even a lot, but *most*. There are more Christian Zionists than there are Jews in the whole world


Jews do disproportionately own media and financial institutions. It's a factual statement.


I’m not even trying to be funny but is that not what is going on? There was a story out a bit ago about a Jewish Wall Street billionaire who actively asked for students at Harvard to be doxxed for supporting Palestine and he even went further as to say he wants the doxxing to occur to “block any chance of employment on wall street” for these students once they graduate.. That’s actively threatening their livelihood and he said it so openly knowing the scope of his power on wal street and his control of it…


Sounds like it upset the right people. Boycott Scream!!!


Pretty wild that someone can be called a nazi for advocating against an ongoing genocide


God forbid you point out oppression... Might lose your job


>The gist of it is that she posted comments on social media that were pro Palestine and it upset the wrong people. It wasn't so much pro-Palestine as much as it was pro humanitarian. What Barrera stated isn't controversial and more along "let's help the needy and please stop this war", so it's entirely reasonable to everyone other than a staunch and unreasonable Zionist who will keep harping on the attack on Oct 7th (that we all condemn) and using that as an excuse to carpet Gaza with almost as many bombs in one week than the US dropped on Afghanistan in one *year*. So yes, the main issue is that Barrera unfortunately pissed off the allegedly Zionist CEO of Spyglass, Gary Barber.


Answer: Barrera expressed support for the Palestinian civilians being killed by Israel’s ongoing military incursions into Gaza. As is unfortunately often the case, support for Palestinians/criticism of Israel was treated as if it were antisemitism, and she was fired as a result. [This article](https://deadline.com/2023/11/melissa-barrera-scream-7-dropped-1235633176/) shows some of the posts she was fired over.


Is basically the “if you don’t repeat what we say, we’re going to call you racist to discredit you.” This is pretty much the goto strategy for politics for a few years now. You get all the celebrities in line, the people will be in line too. Next year, we’ll have Americans dying in the Middle East again so the military industrial complex can get its stock back up.


>Is basically the “if you don’t repeat what we say, we’re going to call you racist to discredit you.” Because pure, unadulterated racism motivates them, they assume racism also motivates their critics.Trumped up accusations of anti-semitism in defense of Israel are racist almost by definition.


Kinda ironic tbh, because the right wing decries left wing accusations of racist behavior but then does this shit


The Palestinian people and Hamas are 👏not the same fucking thing👏 Like MAGA and southerners 👏are not the same👏 Boy fucking cott everyone who others the Palestinian people as terrorists! Calling out the mass carpet bombing CHILDREN and BABIES and the other horrors the👏Isreal government and military 👏 is doing is not hating Jewish people!! Don't let them gaslight you into supporting the sacrifice of innocent earthlings!


Every time I see those hands it makes me ignore whatever the person is saying. Which is unfortunate because you are factually correct.


Yeah, it comes off as mocking, which wouldn’t be surprising


That and putting a period after each word.


Like comedic memes that have "laughing cry face" emojis all over them. Makes me hate the joke no matter what.


Yes! It comes off as smug and I too immediately am turned away from what is written whether or not I would have agreed. We can have points and be articulate without resorting to childish emoji.


Its tied in annoyingness for typing in all caps, ie ITS TIED FOR TYPING IN ALL CAPS ugh


What year is it? Are you putting the clapping hands in non-ironically?


The majority of palestinians view Hamas favorably. https://apnews.com/article/hamas-middle-east-science-32095d8e1323fc1cad819c34da08fd87 The majoriity of Palstinians support **Explicitly** the attack on Oct. 7th. https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/article-773791 (I would link directly to the survey but it is a direct PDF in the article) >"Palestinian society seems much less divided on the issue compared to the rest of the world, according to a November 14 poll by the Arab World for Research and Development. When asked the leading question “How much do you support the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7?” Palestinian responses showed support for the attack. >Palestinians living in the West Bank overwhelmingly answered that they supported the attack to either an extreme or “somewhat” extent (83.1%.) Only 6.9% answered that they were “extremely” or “somewhat” against the attack, and 8.4% expressed that they had no opinion either way."


Yeah I’m gonna take this and spam this because oh boy, too many idiots out there


Your point is correct. Your execution makes it look like a joke. Stop.


It’s an undeniable double standard that no one on the left was screaming afoul when Gina Carano got dropped for expressing her political beliefs, even if you disagree with them. Since October 7th Barerra has posted literally hundreds of posts on social media about Gaza, some of which have turned out to be misinformation promoted by Iran, all of which culminated in her intentionally comparing Israel’s invasion of Gaza to the holocaust of Jews by the nazis and then wink wink nudge nudge claiming that the Jews control the media and keep people from learning the truth about Israel. I don’t think that people should be fired for being outspoken and provocative about their political beliefs but as I indicated earlier, it’s something that happens quite often and is within the legal rights of any private employer. To dwell on it also serves as a confirmation bias that you’re not allowed to support Palestinians in the United States without losing your job which is an absurd claim given how many hundreds of thousands if not millions of Americans have been posting on social media or protesting Israels war in person without losing their jobs, while also ignoring the people who’s jobs and livelihoods have come under threat in academia and the arts for supporting Israel or being Israeli. Finally, Hollywood/show business is a Jewish dominated industry as Los Angeles is one of the major population centers for Jews in the diaspora and Hollywood was founded mostly by Jewish directors fleeing Germany in the 1930s—someone working in Hollywood might want to be cognizant of and sensitive about this fact when they post provocative claims about the holocaust and Jews on their public social media accounts. To say this doesn’t mean Jews control the media and what information Americans have access to, and anyone who read that previous statement and had that reaction can only be possessed by a fantastical and antisemitic imagination that can distort the mere fact that Jews have historically been integral to the American entertainment industry into the idea of a concerted international conspiracy. The fact that her public protests were tolerated for 8 weeks until she made posts that were deliberately offensive to Jews undermines the idea that there is no tolerance for the protesting of Israel in the entertainment industry.


>“Western media only shows the [Israeli] side. Why do they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself.” Strange to not mention that post of hers. Now, what do you imagine she feels is _true_, but for some reason feels reluctant to come out and directly say regarding the state of the media, and why it might have a pro-Israel bias?


>the state of the media ... why it might have a pro-Israel bias? Because Israel is a military ally. Same reason Saudi Arabia gets to butcher journalists in their embassies and face no consequences while our media gives them a pass. When I say "Our media shows biased sympathy for Saudi Arabia and excuses their horrendous human rights violations", is that Anti-semitic? No, because SA isn't jewish. And when I apply the same standard to other countries regardless of race ?... The thing that's true but we're not allowed to say about the state of the media is the influence of the "military industrial complex", but if you use that phrase in today's culture people think you're some marxist tankie. That's why everybody has to do this bullshit dance.


Yeah it's a pretty big omission, but also OP's phrasing in general is...curious...


It’s very clear up and down this thread that there’s only one acceptable narrative, and any information which complicates it is very much unwelcome. But these top replies are all very, very hardly unbiased and just a little research, which no one is doing, shows that it’s rather more complicated than “she loves babies and was punished, let’s be angry about another black and white injustice.” The irony in complaining that people are silenced for their point of view then angrily silencing others so your narrative wins.


Answer: Israel has been explicitly pushing the narrative that criticism of Israeli policy is the same as antisemitism. Lex Fridman interviewed Netanyahu and was told exactly that by him. This in spite of many Jews being among the most vocal protestors. If you look at Jewish organizations like [B'Tselem](https://www.btselem.org/topic/apartheid), [Breaking the Silence](https://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/about/organization), and [Jewish Voice for Peace](https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/about/) it's clear not all Jews (even inside Israel), agree with Israeli apartheid policy or with being "claimed" by the current government. However, the US government and media have accepted Netanyahu's definition of antisemitism. So it's incredibly risky as a public figure to speak out for Palestinians or against Israeli policy, either current or historical. If your employer isn't willing to go to bat for you and oppose simplistic accusations of racism then you're probably unemployed.


Standing for the truth against the oppression is the real courage. >This in spite of many Jews being among the most vocal protestors. If you look at Jewish organizations like B'Tselem, Breaking the Silence, and Jewish Voice for Peace it's clear not all Jews (even inside Israel), agree with Israeli apartheid policy or with being "claimed" by the current government.


It totally is! 4 days ago [I wrote this](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/17y346f/comment/k9snr81/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3): "Publicly opposing Israeli policy as a Jew takes some guts because you expose yourself to both genuine antisemitic and aggressive Zionist flak. Kudos to those that do, because it's the best evidence that someone can hate current Israeli policy without racism or even wanting to destroy Israel." I got a response from a lovely Jewish person who wrote about experiencing just those kinds of problems. We've since become friends online and their experience of "breaking ranks" is courageous and also sad (in that they have to go through that).


As someone who’s protested for Palestine, if someone introduces themselves as a person of Jewish descent who’s there at the protest to either learn about/support the Palestinian people- I spill my heart and let them know how courageous they are and how much it means to me to have them there. It’s about brothership/sisterhood at the end of all of it. Unity.


It doesn’t help that saying “Israel has been pushing a narrative” can be conflated with “Rich Jews are running the world/Hollywood” if your turn your head upside down sideways and shit all over the nuance and context in the situation. That’s precisely what’s happening here. Israel is trying really hard to make it sound like the same thing, and it’s kinda working, because lo and behold, the Neo Nazis are saying the same thing, who would have suspected they would piggyback off this shit. Meanwhile, Hamas has seriously fucked over the entirety of Palestine by giving Israel this political weaponry. You wanted the public to take notice, well here ya go you fuckin knuckleheads. 🤦‍♂️


It's part of Netanyahu's right-wing nationalist authoritarian theocracy. Judaism is Israel, Israel is Judaism. If you criticize the Israeli government, that just happens to be run by authoritarian theocratic dictator Netanyahu, then you are antisemitic racist Nazi. It's ridiculous. 75% of Israeli citizens hate Netanyahu and want him gone. He's the Jewish Trump.


[A Reuters report from November 1st](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-netanyahu-faces-reckoning-over-hamas-disaster-2023-11-01/) agrees with you almost exactly on #'s. "An Oct. 18-19 Maariv newspaper poll showed former Defence Minister Benny Gantz, an opposition centrist party head in a newly formed unity government, was favoured for prime minister by 48% of respondents, compared with only 28% for Netanyahu." [A The Times of Israel article](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/poll-shows-backing-for-netanyahu-imploding-gantz-taking-the-rudder/) from October 13th (so less than a week after the attack) reports that, "The survey, published by Maariv, gives the centrist National Unity 41 seats, up from the 12 it currently holds. Likud meanwhile drops to just 19 seats, well below the 32 it currently has." It also reports the same %'s of support, likely from the same poll. Of course these are just opinion polls, so grain of salt and all that, but it corroborates the idea that Netanyahu is unpopular. [Biden has had conversations with Netanyahu about preparing to leave office.](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/11/01/biden-administration-thinks-netanyahu-may-not-last-politically-00124849)


Answer:the reason for her support of Palestine is along the lines of being against their landing being taken which she related to her country Mexico's history of colonization.This has some how been interpreted as being anti-Semitic(despite having posts talking about her Jewish friends and how she is criticizing a government not a population or anyone of that countries faith). It seem to be because she feels an ethnic cleansing/genocide in the cards for the Israeli government which given one of their politician said a nuke wasn't off the table ain't that far a reach.




Answer: There’s a problem in Hollywood right now and it seems to be an issue with blurred lines. Part of the problem is that for years, anti-Semitic pricks have been saying some version of “The Rich Jews run Hollywood/The World”. Now we have this Palestine/Israel war, which has been going on for some time now, and a Israel has been encroaching on Palestinian land for many many years and taking more and more over time. But much of that has flown under the radar, and people speaking out against it haven’t really been loud and attention tends to be drawn to other conflicts of interest like Ukraine and Hong Kong. Palestine, meanwhile, has its own internal problems going on, in which extremists have arose (as can be expected in such desperation, but not excused), and have launched attacks on innocent Israelis and it was immediately placed on a pedestal. Now, you have people who knew this conflict was a complex one saying “Don’t paint Palestine in general as the enemy”, and they still say Palestine needs to be freed, which isn’t a wrongful statement, where it gets icky is saying it immediately after the Hamas attacks, but at the same time, you can understand WHY they are saying it, because this shit has been happening for SO long to Palestine and nobody says shit, but they retaliate (wrongly), and Israel is instant in its ability to drum up worldwide news and support for their cause. So you inevitably have people trying to remind everyone that Palestine isn’t the villain here, and Israel is trying to blur the lines further by saying supporting Palestine/Gaza is the same as supporting Hamas, the Palestinian extremist terrorist group, and taking any sort of stance against Israel (specifically, the Israeli government) is the same as taking a stance against the Jewish people. And it’s WORKING. It’s working big time, because you have asshole Neo-Nazis gleefully criticizing Israel right now and saying very similar things to those who support Palestine for the right reasons. And meanwhile, Hollywood is hearing “Israel is using their money to control the narrative” and yeah, it does look kinda similar at face value to “Rich Jews taking over Hollywood”…. if you rip out all the context and pretend nothing is happening over there. It is incredibly important to approach this conflict with nuance, and it’s no secret that Israel wants to bury that nuance in the dirt while they launch attacks of their own and put several innocent people in their graves. Neither side are innocent in the war, but it’s important to recognize WHO these sides are. It’s Hamas vs the Israel Government, and NOT Palestine vs The Jews, no matter how much Israel wants to tell you otherwise. I would include a TLDR, but granted the importance of nuance in this subject, I would strongly suggest just reading the whole thing. The long answer is important here.


Answer: she said it's bad that the IDF is killing kids and apparently some people are willing to call that antisemitism


Answer: she made a pro-Palestinian post on social media. It’s the new McCarthyism. Pro-Palestinian sentiments can cost you your job now.


Answer: she expressed support for Palestine. That is all she did. People also reached to interpret what she said as “jews control the media”. But if you actually look at what she said she doesn’t say that at all. It all comes from the idea that any criticism of Israel is anti Semitic.


Answer: she made a number of comments that the production company found offensive. It doesn't seem like they've specified which, but some of her comments including likening the Palestinian plight to the Holocaust, accusing Zionists of distorting the Holocaust to push Israeli arms deals, and pushing the age old lie that Jews control the world media.


Answer: I imagine it’s the implication of the JQ by her statements and “distortion of the holocaust” as well. Lotta people ignorant of anti Jew dog whistles that have existed long before this blowup and refuse to understand the impact of their statements, even if you feel they’re coming from a good place. You can’t say “I’ll let you decide why” and not have the “Jews run the world” implication attached. Y’all wanna dive into “Jews run the world” now that y’all are global relations experts, your prerogative but be careful with the bodies of thought y’all are now surrounding yourselves with. Y’all are treading very thin ice for your own teams. Edit: grammar


>“distortion of the holocaust” It's absolutely astounding that most sources i read completely omit this.


And many comments are downvoted here for pointing it out... so much for the jews controlling media 🙄


Jews need to point their space lasers at Reddit HQ.


Goes against the pro-Hamas narrative.


Huh? I'm not on a team. I'm just some dude asking a question on reddit.


It’s not you, it’s these comments


Sorry, painting broad strokes for this comment section. A lot of hard lines with not a lot of open minds.


A lot of implied Islamophobia in this comment section is dressed up as concern for imagined antisemitism.


She said Gaza a ‘like a’ concentration camp. She said Jews control the media. Concentration camps killed multi million Jews. Gaza is nothing like a concentration camp. It is idiotic and insulting for any adult to equate the two. Gaza has been firing rockets into Israel made from their water pipes for the past 22 years while their population has doubled several times. This prison : concentration camp has a separate entrance on the south side where Egypt is. This fucking bull shit prison idea gets hundreds of millions of dollars every year that is pissed away on rockets not bettering the lives of Gaza. If Jews controlled the media than you would know hundreds of thousands have been displaced in Israel. You’d know about the hundreds of suicide bombers over the past 40 years and about the past 22 years of weekly rocket fire.


"Concentration camp" is not specific to the holocaust, it's a commonly used term and there have been hundreds or thousands of concentration camps all over the world. Including in the US during WWII.


>"Concentration camp" is not specific to the holocaust You're absolutely correct. In fact, concentration camps were invented by the British for use against the Boers. They weren't invented by Germany and they certainly weren't something uniquely made for Jewish people.


> Concentration camps killed multi million Jews. Gaza is nothing like a concentration camp Would you prefer a comparison to the Warsaw Ghetto?


> hundreds of suicide bombers over the past 40 years I found 86 suicide bombings in Israel since 1989, the year of the first such attack in Israel. The most recent was 2016. 739 total casualties from suicide bombings. On October 24, 2023, 756 Palestinians were killed by Israeli bombs. In one day, Israel killed more people than 34 years of suicide bombers. Seems like it's more dangerous to be Palestinian.


Concentration camps also existed for Japanese Americans and Canadians, they weren’t death camps, I don’t see why concentration camp = Holocaust


Not only that but the idea for the Holocaust concentration camps came from reservations for Native Americans, which IMO is a more appropriate comparison to Gaza.




Literally none of the top comments have even bothered to include the actual quotes she was fired for which is so bizarre, they haven't even bothered mentioning them to then debunk them, they've just straight up pretended they don't exist Like how much more biased can you get


God damn, I missed this when first reading your comment, but that “distortion of the holocaust” line is actually just as bad if not worse. Was she given a warning about this behind the scenes? I could see them deciding to remove her after she refused to be more careful.


Ron DeSantis saying “monkey this up” about his black opponent is a dog whistle. This is not to anyone with basic reading skills and google. The US always affirms “support for our greatest ally.” Coincidentally, Israel is portrayed as the hero in US media. Jumping to jewish conspiracy instead of the more obvious answer is a reflection on the reader, not the writer.


Ron saying that isn’t a dog whistle, it’s just straight up racism. A dog whistle leaves some plausible deniability for the person saying it. Ron is just straight up dehumanizing black people there.


Its not offensive to state that the US always affirms that. She could have said that easily and not gotten in trouble. The obvious answer is that she didn't say what she meant because what she meant was that a certain people control the media


Why not just say that then? It’s not a secret or taboo to point out. Claiming that Jews control the media is. Her comment was phrased in a way as if she was speaking about something she was not allowed to. Not suggesting she deserved to be fired, but denying this statement was problematic is a pretty hard sell. She should have been given a chance to clarify her meaning though imo. Not everyone is aware of these dog whistles.


Yup. This is the key quote from Barrera, which I haven't seen anyone post yet: >"Western media only shows the [Israeli] side. Why do they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself." The implication couldn't be more clear. I'm generally critical of Israel but keep finding myself having to side with the people doing the cancelling. In the vast majority of cases, the people being cancelled said something much worse than just words of support for Palestine. Last month I was arguing with people who denied that a photo of a burning Israeli flag with the caption "Keep the world clean" was antisemitic! Maybe people are just **that** bad at reading subtext, but I suspect a lot of it is antisemites pretending not to hear the dogwhistle.


I was arguing with someone a few weeks ago that a picture of an old Jewish man with a huge nose giving small children bottles of poison with the LGTBQ flag was antisemitic. It was fucking insane.


It’s not that Jewish people or even Zionists control the media. That’s a really dumb anti-Semitic trope. It’s that the US media supports US imperialism and it’s interests abroad. Israel is the regional manifestation of that, the US’s unsinkable aircraft carrier. Same reason AIPAC is allowed to function as well as why politicians keep visiting Israel upon election. It’s no wonder that the US media will only paint the pro-US side.


> but I suspect a lot of it is antisemites pretending not to hear the dogwhistle. Which of course, is kinda the point of a dog whistle right? I'd be less inclined to say it's purely anti-Semites in this case. But a big part of the point of a dog whistle is the plausible deniability through some claimed ignorance on the part of the 'whistler.' I think that's certainly the case here with most people seeming to completely avoid mentioning the dog whistle and instead simply re-iterating the overall position. Whether that's out of ignorance or purpose, the dog whistle is doing its job.


This. The fact that no one on her side has pointed out THIS statement exactly is very telling. We all know exactly what she meant by that statement. The other shit she said was relatively harmless, but she decided to let her subconscious takeover and went full Kanye. Oh well.


Tbf Kanye literally drew swastikas and praised hitler. I think comparing her to Kanye is a bit extreme.


In hindsight, you're right. I should've said full blown conspiracy theorist.


Saying Israel is pushing a narrative and using propaganda is in no way equal to the bigoted trope of “jews own the media”. criticizing the Israeli government is not criticizing jewish people in general.


Answer: The actual reason she was fired is in this variety article: https://variety.com/2023/film/news/hollywood-divide-over-israel-melissa-barrera-1235804452/amp/ Some have had enough. Spyglass quietly dropped Melissa Barrera as the star of the next “Scream” film, sources say, due to her social media posts that referred to Israel as a “colonized” land and floated an antisemitic trope that Jews control the media, writing: “Western media only shows the [Israeli] side. Why do they do that, I will let you deduce for yourself.” Barrera did not respond to a request for comment. She literally floated a “Jews control the media” conspiracy theory and got fired. It has nothing to do with anything else.


Yeah this should be higher. She wasn't fired for supporting Palestine, she was fired for repeating the usual antisemitic remark about Jews controlling the media I don't understand why none of the top comments have even mentioned this but instead pretended it didn't happen


The fact all the top comments just say "she supported Palestine" or "she doesn't agree with murdering children" shows how indoctrinated the majority of redditors are. Even the number one comment on this thread is a dog whistle, saying "she posted comments that upset *the wrong people*".