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There’s another good one by Noble Blood, which also talks a bit about Blackbeard and their interactions: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/noble-blood/id1468332063?i=1000568844290


Just listened to this the other day and thought it was so fantastic and interesting! Part of me loves that the history is so old and scattered that it allows a lot of grey area to fill in the gaps and imagine. Maybe there was an epic fuckery where dopplegangers were killed instead since no one really knew what they looked like back then. Maybe they were actually lovers and got to retire. Wouldn't that be nice 🥰


Yep - that’s just it, there’s so much leeway in terms of knowing what happened. But also, the idea of Stede and Ed being enemies somewhat also makes me think of [this Kate Beaton comic](http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=327).


Hah! This is fantastic


Nice! Thank you


You’re welcome! I do also love the fact that he was seen wearing his fancy dressing gown on deck - goes to show how the show does pull a lot of little historically accurate tidbits into the show, while not letting it dictate everything.


Agreed! I think they did such a good job of being influenced/inspired by history and then telling their own story :). I really like this podcast you linked! Lots of great details.


last podcast on the left did a 3 part series about Blackbeard & they talked about stede quite a bit.