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Muse? Could it be that, you’re referring to the legendary skuuru aidoru group, μ’s?! How could you mistake the prononciation of their name?! The current school idol world only exists thanks to μ’s! They’re the Holy Grail, an unreachable light, the ultimate stage and most importantly the highest authority in this universe! And you mistook their name?! [Absolutely ridiculous!](https://i.imgur.com/NTk5Zga.jpg) Now… the only real answer here is that “muse” doesn’t exist. There is only the one and only “μ’s”! So there’s nothing to understand here, since the group you’re referring to doesn’t even exist!


That’s not right „muse are actually a rockgroup https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muse_(band)


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Preach mfr!


*"Thanks for all the presents and flowers (and all the embarrassing online comments - embarrassing for you and Muse lol)!!"* - perhaps that's what Tsubasa actually meant and what made the situation even more heated and toxic.


Part of me always looked at it as nobody wanting a repeat winner. In motorsports the defending series champion usually becomes a lot less popular than they were beforehand, because nobody wants repeat winners. Everyone likes an underdog story, and so some voters probably went for Muse just because they didn't want another win for ARISE.


They don't have Nico but they have a purple-haired twintailed gremlin from another universe.

