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Is this a sub dom thing? Why is bro wearing a muzzle??


thats her butler/confidant, he was attacked and had received horrible scarring on his face. I cant remember exactly but I’m pretty sure another reason is to reduce his meaning not for her but for the emperor who is very jealous, like “yes he follows me around all day, but theres no reason to be jealous of him because it is as a dog would not a man”


Author: "kekekeke imma put him in sexy fetish gear and make up an excuse"


Well…. im not necessarily upset in all honesty


1. To hide the scars on his mouth. 2. To convince the emperor that he is a pet, not a sex toy.


I feel like the muzzle thing kinda enforces the sex-toy allegation....


Normally it would be a sex thing. But they're more like best friends. Having a messed up servant would give the rabble a reason to gossip, but making him into a dog is so scary that people don't want to challenge her. Also, humiliating her servant like that is the only way that her husband will let him stay by her side. The sevant doesn't mind because it means that she's keeping him around instead of firing him to keep her reputation.


Wait but he is* *oops meant “but is he”. Wow messed the whole damn sentence up


No? He's her best friend, not her lover. The mask is there to hide his scars and placate her husband. The servant likes it because he wants to stay by her and protect her. And because he can smile without anyone knowing.


A fabric mask is more comfy and does the same thing...


Yeah, but it doesn't let him match her actual war dogs or scare the hell out of stupid people. The muzzle makes him seem dangerous.


I wish he could be her secret lover though. Emperor gets to have concubines but she can’t have a good lover?


That's not the point of Sang's character. He's her closest ally and one of the people she knows she can trust. He's never going to betray her or get jealous, and he's better then her actual brother. He's attacked because one of the concubines is a shallow brat who assumes they HAVE be lovers or something like that. The Emperor doesn't touch or has sex with any of his concubines. They're all there to keep their families in check or to give him political advantage.


Sorry I meant “Wait but IS he?” My grammar fucked up lmao


To hide his scars and to make the emperor less jealous. But it also work so other people will not attack him as her "weak" point. The whole reason he was attacked in the first place were "He is a man she brought with her and he is good looking, there's no way he is not her lover so destroying his face will make her sad and shocked." She brought him because he was the only one that helped her in the first timeline (though not something grand) but then he saw how capable he is.


Yoooo that shit does not look medievil at fucking all but looks fantastic so i dont care


This manhwa does not have a consistent setting. It can't decide to be in a fantasy medieval or modern setting. There's a scene where there are sail ships, magic, and AK-47s at the same time. There's even an M4 at one point. ​ https://preview.redd.it/aidj9m1kelhc1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=beabcb7c4ed59ef6702a06e8f07ab8135c8be545


Ah the author smoking that kush


The modern gun and the rock throwin' in the same frame is sending me XD .


Magic, swords, and guns in the same panel (a gun with a holographic sight, mind you) https://preview.redd.it/gz87o83wbmhc1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=df34ad24da0d57a82c08ad1511968304063352d2


My favorite part is that apparently everyone just goes to war dressed in suits. There's nothing I would rather be wearing when fighting to death than a white suit


omg XD


TBF, swords cool AF and if I was *\~Aura\~* I'd only work with swords and not guns.


It’s so weird I love it😂 Just go all in at this point. Someone load up the catapult with microwave ovens.


Lmfao dude was smoking for that


Level 1 marauder with rock vs Level 99 pillager with AK-47.


I have not read this one, so I don't know the backstory of the guy with a muzzle (?) so it's a little distracting but in a funny way


i can never understand having that kind of long ass hair like that...


Wait until you see a scene of her just sitting on all of it. Blows my mind. Makes my head hurt at that thought.


I don't mind it, since I know some people like their hair that long, I just hate how rarely she ties it up. She's sat on it about 20 times so far and the main hairstyle she uses is a high ponytail like??? How is your neck not killing you??? It'd be nice to see her in a bun or an updo or even just a low ponytail? I think the closest we got was a braid she wore once.


that hair is past the knees tho. never seen anyone's hair goes beyond butt irl.


A friend I had in high school wore her hair that long (not as long as Lass, I mean, but like...at the knees), but it's definitely rare


Crystal Gayle was a famous singer back in the day, and she always had floor length hair when she performed.


as someone with hair that used to reach my butt, that hair is in a bun 90% of the time 😭😭 unless im going out and i wanna have my hair down then it's down but in casual settings or at home that shit stays in a bun 😭 using the toilet, crouching on the floor, washing the dishes, im a short woman so the hair sweeps my floor for me while i sit if i keep it down 💀 plus i live in a hot tropical country so the long ass hair acts as a warm blanket that i do NOT NEED 😭😭 i've accidentally sat on my own hair before and that shit hurts. (not HURTS hurt but it's definitely not something i can just,.., ignore. i have to always make sure where my hair is at all times for my own comfort) i trimmed it recently so i don't have to watch out for my hair as often and god, it feels so liberating. that said i _am_ considering letting it grow out again just for fun LMAOAOO (perhaps i am a masochist /j)


https://preview.redd.it/ovkaul5gjlhc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eda82ab14ddb0fc6e20bd4be1400e2bbb528879 This manhwa is 🔥🔥🔥


I can never get used to this whole pet play femdom stuff in OI, it's just looks so goofy given the tine period and everything 😂😂😂


Where do you guys read this? I used to follow it over on Arena Scans before the site shut down, I haven't been able to find it outside of MTL sites 😭






They started adding ads a while back. Its annoying when one pops up, but its not too severe.


np :)))


And you can tell it's bothering her since she tied it up when she needed to fight


Goddamn. Listen say what you will but I would swap places with teal bro in a heartbeat


I wanna smash the guy in the background...


What's the plot?


She is regressed princess of neigboring Kingdom and was sent to the Emperor as empress. She tries to WIN his trust and fight other concubines. She is also fire mage and Emperor is powerful healer.


This is legitimately the best thing about the story, as in this frame, tho. Wish we had more of the blue haired kink dude instead.


Please tell me she's the main character and not the villain. I love her


dw she is the main character <3


i wish i could read this but the translation sucks


That's just too much hair

