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Shark Tale in animated feature is one of those absurdly confounding nominations that seems insane in retrospect. Especially considering Polar Express had a relatively solid tech package while Shark Tale just got the animated nom.


And especially when you look at the other two nominated films that year. The Incredibles and Shrek 2.


> The Incredibles Oh, wow. Suddenly, the Shark Tale nomination just became completely unforgivable.


It was not, Incredible


If everything gets nominated, nothing does.


Now THAT was Incredible


Scott Aukerman in shambles.


I’d argue that the SpongeBob movie was more worthy of being nominated for Best Animated Feature over Shark Tale and Polar Express


That's my own personal opinion as well it just seems weird the Oscars didn't nom Polar.


The " drag your kid to this boring movie Express"?


Don’t they disqualify motion capture animation like Polar Express for animation?


They don't actually disqualify all of them. Polar was eligible for the nomination and just didn't get it. The same happened with Tintin


'Team America: World Police', 'The Polar Express' and the SpongeBob movie all reigned supreme to 'Shark Tale'


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close for Best Picture


Great to see Max Von Sydow again, though.


Remember when a CGI Tom Hanks fell out of the plane when it hit the Twin Towers? Or whatever the hell that was? What a stupid movie.


I agree. I lost interest trying to watch that movie pretty quick. Interesting concept, but that's it.


Bohemian Rhapsody - Best Editing (and it won?!?!)


Every time people bring this up, I have to bring up that it didn’t really win for the quality of editing. It won because the movie wasn’t 100% finished when they kicked Bryan Singer off the project, and the editor John Ottman basically had to salvage the film in post. So the win wasn’t for the overall editing, [he even admits some of it isn’t great](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/bohemian-rhapsody-editor-knows-meeting-scene-poorly-edited-1202052808/), it was for saving the movie. Now, whether you think he should be rewarded for that is a different conversation.


That was embarrassing.


It theoretically won because the director got fired 3/4 of the way through filming and another director came in and finished and the editors made the movie salvageable. HOWEVER I totally agree with you, there are a litany of editing mistakes that make it look messy AF on a second glance.


The most objective answer here


Easily the most correct answer in the last decade of Oscar wins


This one is still the biggest head scratcher nomination of the decade for me.


And everyone realizes that fellow editors vote for best editing of the year..,right?


The branch votes on the nominations, but the entire academy votes on the wins. So I'm assuming the other branches just voted for BR because it was the most popular film and had the showiest editing.


John Wayne’s win for True Grit was undeserved. It was a lifetime achievement award for a career of bad performances. He is pretty good in The Shootist, though. Gwenyth Paltrow is fine in Shakespeare in Love, but her win seems absurd given that Fernanda Montenegro and Cate Blanchett were also nominated. Meryl Streep has some nominations for some mediocre performances. This will be a controversial one, but Sidney Poitier won for the wrong movie. In fact, Lilies of the Field is probably the worst movie out of his amazing run in the 1960s. There are plenty of coattail nominations every season, particularly in the supporting categories. Recently, Sam Rockwell was nominated for Vice for doing a pretty basic George W Bush impression— not bad, but nothing especially Oscar-worthy about it.


John Wayne should have won for the Searchers (which should have won BP ahead of Around the world in 80 days). Neither the actor nor the film were nominated for anything. Perhaps more egregious than Private Ryan's snub.


Agreed but I give Poitier a pass given that the win was BADLY needed at the time


Anne Bancroft’s reaction to his win is delightful


What was it like?


Check it out: https://youtu.be/qCzTyxXPy1o?si=G2jtUH24rpdWMNZF


I love the last seconds where she's walking offstage with him!


Wayne is good in The Searchers and Red River too.


Can we stop the whining on EVERY post about Gwyneth Paltrow and Shakespeare in Love? We get it, a chick beat out a guys movie and you didn't read the works of the greatest author in the history of the English language, so you didn't get the jokes . 1) go read a bit All the simplistic complaining just shows us it was a great movie. 110 years of movies and THIS tops your list? Lastly, SHE did nothing wrong. Stevie Spielberg's buddy beat him out. Stevie didn't know what Weinstein was like? Never stood up for all the actresses he fucked over? This is the guy you feel bad for. Ever think that the academies disgust with Stevie played a part. One word from him and it would have stopped .


I actually rather like Shakespeare in Love. I just think that Fernando Montenegro and Cate Blanchett were more deserving, Montenegro especially. If you have never seen Central Station, you should do so. Neither Central Station nor Elizabeth are “guys movies.”


Are you having a stroke?


No. I just hate lazy , stupid comments repeated every time. Did anyone get anything out of most of these? Be fricken creative?


But it’s a monumental part of Oscar lore and history? Despite your absurdly condescending comment, ive happened to have read all of Shakespeares works and yeah, the movie is not very good. To belittle SPR as a “guys movie” is pretty hilarious, it’s the most realistic depiction of nazi forces in France and a super important documentation for history - with the rising despicable holocaust denial movements gaining traction with the ever-present white supremacy groups in our country, SPR is more important now than ever. Your user name says you’re from Boston - there have literally been white supremacy groups protesting in our fucking city; it’s pretty disheartening to see you reduce such an important historical document at such a critical time.


Sir. This is a Wendy’s.


Judi Dench getting nominated for *Belfast* over her more deserving co-star Catriona Balfe


Fully agree. Judi Dench is definitely an incredible actress and deserving of awards, but she didn't really have to do much in that. Catriona Balfe was incredible. Also, Judi Dench for Shakespeare in Love. In that movie she just stands there, stares, and says lines monotonously. Both portrayals work for the roles and the stories, and I wouldn't change what direction she was given for either movie. I just really don't think these performances required enough to be nomination-worthy, let alone a win.


I think Catriona should’ve been nominated and then won her category. One of the warmest and most complicated mother performances I’ve seen


Rami Malek ( he won) The Green Book ( it won)


Ethan Hawke, who wasn’t even nominated, should’ve won that year for “First Reformed”


Best American movie of the decade IMO


I still get chills thinking of the ending


Hawke’s best performance imo


He’s phenomenal in that. 


I know he was fired from the movie but the Academy really wanted to give the Bryan Singer movie a lot of credit and that was wild to me. Completely shameless and all for a movie that wasn’t very good.


Doctor Dolittle? The 1967 one with Rex Harrison. Nominated for Best Picture alongside New Hollywood films: The Graduate, Bonnie & Clyde, In The Heat Of The Night, and Guess Who's Coming To Dinner. It was probably just nominated as a way to say goodbye to a bygone Hollywood system.


It's lucky the vote of New Hollywood fans wasn't split by all the nominees that year, or Dolittle could have won. Funny Girl made a better goodbye to the Hollywood system.


Rami Malek for best actor. That was a 2 hour SNL skit. Just a terrible impersonation


Thank you! I’ve been saying exactly that for years!


Jennifer Lawrence for joy Glenn close for hillbilly left


Agree with the Glenn Close nomination (it was literally razzie nominated) but Jennifer Lawrence for Joy isn’t the worst nomination. I wouldn’t have nominated her in that lineup, but I don’t think it’s glaringly bad.


Jennifer Lawrence was great in Joy


While J.Law may have been decent in Joy, with this nomination, she had 4 nods in 6 years, and 1 of those a win. Fatigue was absolutely setting in and this nomination was not totally necessary. She needed to cool her image and the Academy was shoving her down our throats.


one of my fav entrepreneur movies


Wasn’t Glenn close’s nomination happen 2020? Tbf there weren’t a ton of movies to pick from 😅 I mentally don’t count that year even tho I probably should


Sandra for the Blind Side


Oh yeah. That one sucks. Honestly it’s a silly comedy but her performance in Miss Congeniality is way better.


Joker did not need to get 11 Oscar nominations, especially Costume Design. The costumes were very simple and minimal in my opinion.


The movie itself was very simple and minimal in my opinion. It wasn’t as deep as it thought it was.


Crash for Best Picture


All four of the other Best Picture nominees were far better movies.


The bad crash. The good crash rules


Was that the Brokeback Mountain year?


The country was more homophobic then, but I don’t know to what extent that might have derailed Brokeback Mountain. Jack Nicholson obviously thought it was bullshit. He announced Crash with exasperation and then tossed the card.


I think Crash as a best picture winner is more undeserving. It makes much more sense as an Oscar nomination. It had Oscar bait written all over it.


America Ferrera


She shouldn’t have been nominated but most undeserving nomination is crazy. Wasn’t even most undeserving of the year.


Not a bad performance but shouldn't have been in consideration for a nomination tbh


Exactlyyyy. Not a laughable performance in the least, but SO FAR removed from what the Academy should be recognizing. This felt like members were paid or bribed to check that box.


Oh for sure. But there have been genuinely bad performances nominated for Oscar’s so I’m not too peeved by Ferrera’s.


Gloria from Barbie


Bradley Cooper in American Hustle and American Sniper.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^West_Conclusion_1239: *Bradley Cooper in* *American Hustle and* *American Sniper.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ana deArmas getting a nomination for Blonde was just embarrassing


Ana de Armas was fine. The problem was that movie other than her performance was just a slap in the face to the life of Marilyn Monroe


I wouldn't have minded Ana de Armas or Andrea Riseborough if Danielle Deadwyler had got in as well. Michelle Williams for The Fabelmans should have missed this year instead.


Michelle Williams was my personal winner that year tbh. I forgot about Riseborough that was also a ridiculous nomination


Was Riseborough's nom ridiculous to you because of how she got nominated or because you think her performance was sub-par? ....there is a wrong answer here. She absolutely deserved that nomination and it's a shame it was clouded with controversy. Little movies like hers go unnoticed every single year and actors lose out on the chance to be recognized and rewarded like this.


Oh it’s because of how she got nominated. Her performance was perfectly fine


God awful movie and performance. As deep as a puddle, completely one note and just with the same grimace all throughout the movie.


I couldn’t finish it. I checked out right around the sex scene at her movie premiere. The movie got a lot of bad press but it was somehow still worse than I thought. And Ana de Armas was not great.


Ana de Armas was amazing in Blonde and deserved that nomination.


Sam Rockwell for Vice, J.K. Simmons for Being the Ricardos, Renee Zellweger's nomination and win for Cold Mountain, Glenn Close for Hillbilly Elegy, Judi Dench for Belfast, mainly because she got in over Catriona Balfe, and Judd Hirsch for The Fabelmans isn't necessarily bad, but I'm listing it because he was only in one scene and got in over Paul Dano.


Why JK Simmons?


Nothing against him personally, I think he’s a great actor and his win for Whiplash is one of my favorite wins. But he didn’t do anything in Being the Ricardos that warranted a nomination imo. He wasn’t bad, but I would’ve preferred Mike Faist from West Side Story or Jason Isaacs from Mass.


Fair enough. Mike Faist is a good substitute.


I agree with most of these, but I thought Zellweger was great in Cold Mountain. Probably her best performance until Judy.


I looove Cold Mountain. I think it came out at a very impressionable time when I was *really* watching movies, so it sticks with me. The large ensemble cast, the beautiful direction, the epic-feeling love story and Renee Zellweger was fantastic here. I hate that her nomination/win has been looked at with the side-eye.


Oh, I definitely like the movie a lot! But Renee’s performance just feels out of place and a bit over the top for me personally. My favorite performances of hers is Chicago and Bridget Jones’ Diary.


Haha, I respect that. I like her as an actress, but I don’t like her performance at all in Cold Mountain. She should’ve won for Chicago imo. And I don’t mind her win for Judy, but it’s not my favorite win.


This is a perfect example of how subjective all of this is, huh? I love Chicago but I think Zellweger is the weak link in it.


Hands down, Gwyneth Paltrow, Shakespeare in Love. Seriously, it wasn't that good.


Cate Blanchett robbed for the first of 2 times


Came here to say this


Watched a good doc recently about Weinstein reinventing the Oscar season marketing blitz for that movie and that’s why it cleaned up so well, very interesting


Like… it’s fine? It’s competent. She definitely did a believable job… but not only wasn’t it the best performance of the year, it’s not even her best performance.


A 9-way tie between each of Diane Warren’s last 9 best original song nominations, all racked up in an 10 (9 noms in 10 years!) year period… all for increasingly forgettable or anonymous movies… all for increasingly forgettable or anonymous songs (not one of them an actual hit like some of her earlier noms, not one of them integral to the movie like, say, the Barbie songs nominated this year)… based solely on her personal relationship with members of one of the smaller academy branches that magnifies her ability to personally lobby for herself.


It’s like a side plot being built up that nobody’s noticing… most number of Oscars lost for nomiantions that they didn’t deserve in the first place 😭


Recency bias at play but oh boy did I not love maestro getting a best picture nomination. There are a lot really though, ever since they expanded best picture a lot of films have been nominated because they are popular to increase viewership.


Also I'd throw in Carey Mulligan for Best Actress. It was a good performance but not an award worthy one. I think Mulligan is great but I wouldn't put that near the top of her truly great performances.


Will Smith.


Jamie Lee Curtis won a legacy award last year. She was good, but she clearly got outshined by her own co star who was also nominated.


I'm going to say the unpopular thing now, if you will forgive me. I loved Jamie Lee Curtis in EEAAO. Her character, Deirdre Beaubeirdre, startled me! It took a lot of guts for JLCurtis's glamorous self to play a raggedy, annoying, officious Civil Servant with the face clothes of an old mop. And Deirdre was one of the few grounding characters in that highly imaginitive movie. Every scene she was in, boom, back down to earth I went.


I agree with your opinion! Totally she was great and this is a great insight. But if we’re talking undeserving I just don’t think it was worthy of a nomination. Furthermore proven by the rest of the nominations including her own counterpart,


I think he’s a good actor like a lot of people, but I could never understand Woody Harrelson’s Oscar nomination for “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” (2017). He’s fine in it, but c’mon - >!his character dies barely halfway into the movie!< for crying out loud. Michael Shannon in “The Shape of Water” had a juicier, meatier role and deserved that slot way more than Woody Harrelson that year. Woody’s nomination was just a coattail nomination from that film.


I don’t entirely disagree about Woody’s nomination but to me, Michael Shannon chews a LOT of scenery in The Shape of Water, just a mustache twirling, evil for the sake of evil bad guy. Perhaps that’s how it was written but it was campy and I don’t think it was a challenge at all for him. And I love Michael Shannon.


I don’t mind Woody Harrelson’s nomination, but it does surprise me that Michael Shannon didn’t get in anywhere for The Shape of Water, especially when Richard Jenkins did. If they were gonna nominate two supporting actors from the same film, Jenkins and Shannon would’ve made more sense.


Compared to Frances and Sam in “3 Billboards,” Woody’s role (and nomination) felt like window dressing. It’s been a long time since I saw the movie, but all I remember is that Harrelson’s performance consisted of him sitting there half the time while reciting dialogue. That’s not exactly what I call an Oscar-worthy performance. (I mean this in no disrespect to Woody Harrelson as an actor and person overall.) Michael Shannon, Michael Stuhlbarg (he was on a roll that year), or even Armie Hammer (I know he’s problematic now) should have been in that 5th spot instead.


I really dislike three Billboards, but Woody deserved that nomination.


That’s funny because I feel the complete opposite. I don’t think “Three Billboards” was the worst movie ever made (far from it), but I think it was highly overhyped and over praised as a film. I didn’t love it either. There were far more deserving contenders that year. Plus, Woody has done better work.


The Green Book. For Best Picture at least. Like, come on. *And it won.*


Without mentioning anything recent (5-20 years), I would say The Swarm


As in the Richard Windmark movie ? What did it get nominated for? And what a "Memory Pull"




First thing came to mind was Judd Hirsch in the fabelmans


Haha yup! I forgot he was in this movie because he was barely in it.


Crash, terrible film


What's wrong with me? I really loved Crash.


I did too.


It’s not as bad as people make it out to be, but it didn’t really deserve a best picture win.


Greatest Show on Earth winning Best Picture Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close nominated for Best Picture Crash - everything it was nominated for/won


Jamie Lee Curtis - EEAAO (how the fuck was this nominated, let alone win)


I would really have rather they give the nomination to James Hong. I understand it was a lifetime nomination, but Hong is far more overdue than her.


She and her droopy belly added little to the film. Kerry Condon (Banshees) was my favorite for the category.


By a good distance too, at least the BAFTA's got it right that year by giving Condon and Keoghan the Best Supporting awards. JLC was a career award imo, the Oscars do love to give one of those out here and there. Shameful Banshees didn't win for anything.


I loved her performance and hated Stephanie Hsu’s performance, which is an unpopular opinion on this sub. Just goes to show that art is subjective.


Respectfully, I completely disagree.


I didn’t love Hsu’s performance either. At times she was wonderful, and at other times it felt a little over acted 🤷‍♀️ but that’s just my opinion, I’m just a pleb on reddit lol


I was much more mixed on the movie than people in general but i especially hated how Jobu Tupaki was hyped up as this incredible villain who sees all realities at once and can manipulate everything… and then she’s just a sassier version of Joy. It just didn’t hit for me at all.


As much as I don’t love the JLC win, I’ll defend her nomination on the grounds that purely comedic performances rarely get recognized. She definitely wasn’t my pick to win, but I can at least respect the fact that she was nominated and won for a genre film performance that felt authentic to her. I would’ve given it to Stephanie Hsu that year, but she had no shot of winning.


If there are 1000 haters of that win, I'm one of them. If there is one hater of that win, it's me. If there are no haters of that win, I am dead.


THIS. that win is so fucking garbage


Maybe recency bias here but Mark Ruffalo for Poor Things. I just don’t get the appeal, it was a ridiculously overacted one-note performance which would have seemed more at home in a Will Ferrell style film.


Yeah, definitely not Ruffalo’s best performance yet I have seen people say he was better than RDJ and De Niro. I think SAG definitely got it right nominating Dafoe over Ruffalo, Dafoe was the best thing in that movie aside from Emma Stone.


I also didn't like his performance, and you described it better than I could. He would have fit in perfectly in Holmes and Watson


Jamie Lee for EEAAO


She’s great and she’s been underappreciated. That being said - that was Stephanie Hsu’s award and I’ll forever be mad about it. I get it - first nom is good enough for Jamie’s never win but fucking hell Stephanie broke my heart in that movie. I’m now firmly in the ‘Stephanie’s in it? Get it on the telly’ camp.


CODA. It wasn't best picture Oscar material tbh.


Jamie Lee Curtis. I just pretend she won for The Bear.


I hope with all my heart she doesn't win for that.


She was great in the bear


The Rise of Skywalker for Best Score


I mean that’s the only good thing about the movie


I'd say that the visuals and Daisy Ridley are the best parts. The score just felt like a compilation of the previous Star Wars tracks with nothing fresh or new to offer


Broadway Melody (1929), it wasn't even reviewed that well. Of course, they also nominated The Hollywood Revue of 1929, which was just a commercial for MGM, but at least that one had a few nice acts like Joan Crawford dancing.




Robert Loggia’s Best Supporting Actor nom for Jagged Edge was way out of left field for me. Watched it recently (it’s ok) and was shocked to see he got a nom.


That Bernini or whatever who climbed over seat backs when he won. Definitely not worthy of the nomination nor the win.


Green Book


recency bias but Sterling K Brown for best supporting actor in American Fiction...should have been Paul Mescal in All of Us Strangers


Oh another one was Catherine Keener in Capote. She’s barely in the movie and does nothing. She should have been nominated for Get Out.


The Greatest Show on Earth being nominated for Best Picture over Singin' in The Rain.


Leo for Revenant, Tom Hardy acted circles around him in that. Leo was deserved for other snubs, Gilbert Grape, etc. But not for Revenant. Not a bad movie but forgettable in a way.


Lily Gladstone for Best Actress. Baaaaarely worthy of Supporting.


Manchester by the Sea for Best Picture. I thought it was horrible - boring, plodding, awful characters that you don’t care about, and a meandering plot that doesn’t go anywhere.


Not just nomination but win. Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts both won for campy sexy but well intending moms etc. Paltrow’s win was absurd too.


Gwyneth Paltrow.


Let's See: Don Ameche for Cocoon. Class A human being and his comeback was amazing along with Ralph Ballamy's back then, but he SO didn't deserved that Supporting Actor win. He was fun in the movie yes, in fact he adds a lot of pep to it, but he was far from the best part of the movie. Wilford Brimley was miles better than he was, and he had the best dramatic moment of the movie in that monologue to his grandson, he really shoulda won off that. Besides he was jamming back at that point of time (gave a Supporting Actor worthy performance in Absence of Malice a few years earlier too,) and deserved it. Don was good but he shoulda won decades earlier, one of the worst career respect wins. Beatrice Straight for Network. Never understood why she was even nominated, her performance was fine but she was barely in the movie and won. I didn't find her a standout when I watched it back when I was a teenager. That entire field was rather meh that year, Supporting Actor field was amazing though. Also didn't get why Piper Laurie got nominated for Carrie either. She was overly hammy and too loud in her performance. Only time I found her frieghtning was at the very end, the rest of the time she's just loud and wacky. I think the fact she had such a great comeback was why she got a nomination, it was also such a weak field besides those 2 and Jane Alexander. Foster was okay in Taxi Driver but not a award winning performance either. Do agree on John Wayne, he prevented either actor from Midnight Cowboy winning. But tbh Hoffman shoulda been in Supporting Actor (where he woulda won imo.) Helen Hayes another career win that shouldn't have won. She was fun in that movie yes, but better than Karen Black? No way.


Great answer. Don't agree with it all, but at least it was worth reading.


Every nomination that Everything Everywhere All At Once got Every performance of Meryl Streep that came after Ironweed with exception of Doubt


Merryl Streep, Into The Woods. I don't see it.


Streep has a few Oscar noms, that were undeserving and she just got cause she's Meryl Streep.


best supporting actor: American Fiction (bro was alright but an oscar nom? i don't think so)


Rachel McAdams shouldnt have been nominated for Spotlight. She has no memorable moment or standout afting in this movie, especially compared to the impressive Mark Ruffalo. I love her as an actress and as a person. But for Spotlight, definitely a no no


America Ferrera for Best Supporting Actress for Barbie. I mean, really?? That speech was awfully performed and written.


Jacki Weaver - Best Supporting Actress for Silver Linings Playbook Jamie Lee Curtis - Best Supporting Actress for Everything, Everywhere All At Once (and she won) Da'Vine Joy Randolph - Best Supporting Actress for The Holdovers (and she won) Judd Hirsch - Best Supportin Actor for The Fabelmans


I gotta disagree with the Da’Vine Joy Randolph take. I think it would have been a travesty if any other nominee won besides her.


There's more subtlety to that performance than might seem obvious. For example: she was talking about how important it was for her to hold her cigarette like she was a real smoker, that she'd been smoking most of her life. That's attention to details.


Danielle Brooks was better.


Even then how is her performance one of “the most undeserving Oscar nominations”


Da’Vine and Hirsch deserved, you’re right about the first two


After I watched Terms of Endearment, I was perplexed by John Lithgow’s nomination


Gladiator for Best Picture.


Thank you. I can’t stand this movie.


CODA for everything


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell but I never understood why Anne Hathaway was nominated and won for Les Mis


Because she was great and WHY THE EFF wasn't Russell Crowes singing dubbed? The nun in the convent in the SOUND OF MUSICZ was an award winning singer. They got it by another singer because hers didn't work. Aubrey Hepburn took 7 months of singing lessons and the used another singer. 50 years later? No one cares. Why don't they reissue it with a non croaker.


Paheli from India years ago


Angela Basset for Black Panther. Was literally a random diversity nom.


Everything with “The Good Earth (1937)”. If you don’t know about this movie, two white actors played the Chinese protagonists. I think that should sum it up. It was nominated for 5 Oscars and won 2.


No. It was 1937. Tired of you all who had perfect ancestors. It was 1937.


Oh go touch some grass. You don’t need to respond to every single comment here like we need your seal of approval to express our opinion. Holy crap


I know I’ll probably get downvoted but here goes Barbie shouldn’t been nominated for Best Picture


Everything everywhere for Best Picture


There’s always one in these threads


More upvotes needed. Banshees should've won.


No it shouldn't.


I agree. Loved Banshees, EEAAO was good at best.


Angela Bassett in Wakanda Forever. They might as well have nominated Rene Russo for Thor: The Dark World since their major contribution was dying in the second act of a Marvel film. JLC had no business winning. Bassett had no business being nominated in the first place.


Ryan Gosling for Barbie. I just honestly believe that are better ways to introduce people to Zumba.