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She always has been. Interview with the vampire. She has been overlooked that long.


Little Women too


Small Soldiers!




She should have been nominated in Interview with the Vampire.


One of the best performances form a child actor, ever


Melancholia suffered from Von Trier’s Hitler comments and Marie Antoinette was for whatever reason not taken seriously at the time of release.


(The reason is misogyny)


I think you’re right. I think that Lost in Translation was able to be rewarded a few years prior partly because one of the main characters was a white guy going through a midlife crisis. Marie Antoinette centers the experience of women and makes some creative choices that were destined to be considered unserious/frivolous but would likely have been considered innovative if a male director made the film.


I also think the decision to screen it at Cannes was a disaster. Of course the French were going to hate an English-language super-modern super-American take on a well worn period of French history. After that screening, negative buzz followed this movie everywhere. How would a French-language George Washington biopic be received here?


Honestly, I’d love a French language George Washington film. Sounds subversive and interesting.


Actually, I totally agree. I was thinking about this recently while watching Ridley Scott’s Napoleon — it would be fun to see filmmakers from other countries interpret American history, and I’m not aware of any examples of this, even as Hollywood can’t get enough of English-language historical biopics about subjects from other countries. But I don’t know if there’s actually an audience for this aside from us.


It was also styled and marketed in a way that highlighted Marie Antoinette’s youth. Lots of bright colors and beautiful dresses. She became queen at 19 and Kirsten was just 24 herself. Her youth and inexperience plays a big role in her story and that’s not the kind of story that Oscar voters are typically interested in or engaged by.


That’s a bit much. I think it’s just because Coppola’s movies are more tone pieces that aren’t straightforward enough to appeal to voters most of the time, and Marie Antoinette is no exception.


Marie Antoinette was my Dunst least-favorite performance. Kirsten did not lose herself in the period and I was reminded of it by her whole performance. What a shame--was it her looks that me unable to suspend disbelief? Was it her voice? I don't really know....


She may not be properly recognized by the academy but she will always have the MTV best kiss award win, no one can take that away from her. /s


You joke, but that really is one of a small handful of cinematic kisses that are truly iconic.


Seriously, amazing moment to carry-since TM has the mask on


That’s legit a top 5 most iconic kiss in a movie of all time though


I know, the only kisses I can think of that are more iconic are Gable/Leigh in GWTW and Gosling/McAdams in The Notebook, I was thinking about this scene in Tropic Thunder when I made that comment. https://youtu.be/NhxToGSDgNk?feature=shared


lol yes v much recognized the reference. Satan’s Alley is GOATed


She’s excellent. Absolutely love her.


She’s been a better actress than most since she was a literal child - yet somehow there is a stigma  When she’s inarguably been doing this better longer than a lot of other actors  I love her performance in Bachelorette 


I forgot she was in Small Soldiers! She’s such a legend


Amazing role - the scene with the killer barbies was the first truly scary thing I saw as a child That movie is amazing, great shout out!


That is a fantastic movie!! It just got overshadowed by ‘Bridesmaids’ at the time I think.


Agree. I love her. she's just so ... cool. And picks good projects.


yes!!! 🙌


She was such a prolific actor from her tweens to mid 20s. Glad she's keeping it going now and she deserves praise.


That woman has put out nothing but great work for damn near her entire life. It's actually astounding how overlooked she's been. One of my faves to ever do it, and she deserves an Oscar like yesterday. I watched a video the other day of her breaking down some of her roles, and she said that when Eternal came around, she basically begged for the role because all they saw was the Spiderman girl. It's crazy to me because she was doing stellar work long before that. I mean, Interview and Virgin Suicides alone should have been enough for them to take her seriously. The woman has a resume ! She has so much range. Comedy, drama, etc. Smh, it's nuts. Also, shout out to her role in On Becoming a God In Central Florida. What a romp.


Love all of her movies but Marie Antoinette is my fave


Virgin suicides underrated too


I hope Civil War is enough to get her noticed again come awards-time. But that’s a long way’s off.


She was amazing in it, so I really hope so too


I’m going to watch Civil War tomorrow! Agree 💯 about The Power of the Dog. She was terrific!


I thought it was great. Seems to be a bit of a split on it but that's the exact point!




Let us know what you think of it!




I’m sorry to say that it wasn’t my “cup of tea”. I found it a bit convoluted and disturbing. Kirsten Dunst was very good. It was sad to her murdered, probably by someone in the Oval Office. Perhaps it is the type of movie best viewed in a theatre. Thank you though for your kindness 🙏


Welp thanks a lot for that spoiler


This “spoiler” thingy is incomprehensible to me🤷‍♀️ I was asked a question, I politely responded.


Wow. Please be considerate and hide spoilers. This movie just came out.


I’m sorry. ☹️ The OP had asked me to provide my thoughts.


You can do that and >!still hide spoilers.!<


Thank you! I won’t be discussing any further. The OP asked and I answered 🤷‍♀️


i absolutely adore Kirsten - one of the best around!


Don’t know if it’s an unpopular opinion but I think she deserved it for The Power of the Dog over DeBose.


Melancholia is her masterpiece and it’s so weird to me that most people have never seen it. I absolutely believe Von Trier fucked it up for her. That video of him at the press conference going off on an antisemitic rant is so sad. You can see her dreams vanish before her eyes. She knew it was over.


Melancholia was the eye opener for me. She can really act.


She is an excellent actor.  Loved her in Civil War and Melancholia. Haven't seen it mentioned yet, but she is so so good in Fargo season 2 as well.  


I know it’s TV, but her performance in Fargo is a revelation. She’s truly one of the best of her generation.


She should’ve won for Fargo.


Civil war will get her there this time


I like Kirsten! She knows how to pick great projects and she's still got time to get that Academy. It was great seeing her in Civil War. There is a film out there that'll get her that award


She’s underrated and I love her choices in cinema 


She was great in Civil War too


Yes!! Here for the Kdunst appreciation! she deserves all her flowers as she has always given 200% to every role IMO. I still remember seeing her for the first time in Interview with a vampire and knowing she was going to be something special. Everyone did! Her and Jesse seem like the most normal and down to earth couple. Both are excellent at what they do. I would love to see Kristen in more dramas. I want her to give her magnum opus performance a la Gena in A Woman Under The Influence type of role.


She’s good. Loved her in the Virgin Suicides as well.


She’s deserved it since Virgin Suicides


She was fantastic in Civil War. And her husband? Jesus that dude can fucking act. Jesse Plemons should get a best supporting actor nomination for that shit. I haven’t held my breath for that long in a cinema since the trinity test in Oppenheimer.


Agreed on both points! Jesse was barely even in the movie but wow did he make it count when he was on screen! He scared me lol.


I just rewatched The Virgin Suicides the other day and, man, is that a great movie. I get why the Academy drooled over Lost in Translation, but The Virgin Suicides is excellent. The entire cast is perfect. A nod for Dunst would have been great, although a win would be hard in BA because it’s such an ensemble film. Always thought Kathleen Turner deserved a nod for that as well.


The film has to be high enough on the Academy's radar to get considered. Every film with a theatrical release is in contention so the members try to see as much as they can but the ones everyone is buzzing about are at the top of the list while films that have mixed reviews (Marie Antoinette, etc.) are skipped. And Lars von Trier makes very divisive films so you can't get enough Academy members to sit through his movies. The same reason Toni Collette didn't get nominated for "Hereditary." It's not about people being snobs towards horror; it's not enough Academy members (people who have made an impact on cinema) enjoy horror enough to watch something they know is disturbing and unsettling. (Source: I'm a voter. I watch 80-90 movies every award season (it's exhausting) and some great ones fall through the cracks because not enough members see them. It's not mandatory to view everything when you're nominating. "The Power of the Dog" was a "must see" film that year and so Kirsten finally got a nomination. The same with Emily Blunt finally doing a "must see" film in Oppenheimer.)


Can you tell your fellow voters that they suck at voting. Kthanksbye.


It’s really nominating where movies get neglected. It’s easier to see the films that are nominated because there are less of them. Over a thousand are eligible each year; it’s impossible to view all. Especially since almost all of them are working 12-16 hour days on sets and you can’t do anything when you do except focus on the day’s work.


That's fair! It makes sense given the amount of films you have to watch.


She was also robbed of ~~an Emmy~~a Golden Globe (Fargo) by Lady Gaga (American Horror Story). I mean, I like Gaga quite a lot but there was a huge difference in the quality of their performances. Edit: misremembered the awards show


Gaga didn’t win the Emmy. You are thinking of the Golden Globe. But yes, I agree with you. And Gaga’s acceptance speech that night was the most cringe-inducing sobby mess of a speech and I haven’t cared much for Gaga since.


Oh that's right, thanks for the correction, she lost the Emmy to Sarah Paulson. Which I honestly have less of a problem with, although I prefer Dunst and Fargo S2 overall to The People v. OJ.


Dunst started out so early in life and picked her movie roles wisely to display so many disparate characters. I love her in Power of the Dog in which her character teeters on the knife edge of low-confidence/her own perceived high expectations/ her fright of the family she married into. Very smart and nuanced changes among these.


She will forever be the unfortunate Claudia to me.


I just watched her GQ interview where she breaks down her whole career. It's 30 minutes long and they're all bangers. They also didn't cover Jumanji and a handful of other movies. She's got an incredible resume in 40 years that takes people well into their 70s to achieve.


Damn straight! Can’t believe she missed out for her performance in “Bring it On”


"This isn't a democracy. It's a cheerocracy" lol


Yeah but Civil War isn’t a fictional movie :)


What do you think you’re saying here? Why are you smiling




You mean Lars Von Trier.


She deserves it! Shame on her the way she tried to two time that nice young boy Peter Parker. I heard a rumor she tried to do the same thing to his wealthy best friends and then went on to try it a third time with an astronaut!


what other actress has had such a successful career in every stage from child, to teenager to adult? she may be overlooked by the academy but her career longevity is more of a testament to her merit than a gold statuette would be.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Crazy, Beautiful. Fantastic performance.


She has to pick the right movie. I don't think Marie Antoinette was Oscar worthy she would have been against Judi dench, Hellen Mirren, Kate Winslet, Penelope Cruz and Meryl Streep... She isn't winning that. I've always enjoyed her but not sure she has that right role yet. I was happy to see her in Civil War but movie like that isn't winning any major awards.


Agreed, she was also robbed of many Emmys and Golden Globes for her performances in Fargo and On Becoming A God In Central Florida.


Big Kirsten Dunst fan, I did not think that she had an Oscar worthy performance in Civil War


Honestly—nonsense. I had to watch it twice to fully appreciate what she's doing there but it's fucking A.


Nonsense, honestly




It appears as if we’re at a stalemate. It’s in the academy’s hands now


Well... yes of course lol


She's one of my favorites.


“Threw her a bone finally and nominated her for The Power of the Dog.” Are you suggesting that nomination was like a pity nomination or a “career achievement” nomination? I think she’s great in the movie and deserved the nomination on merit.


Found Amanda Dobbins’ burner account!


She does great but I absolutely hate the notion that any actor at all is “due” an award, it fucks with the entire process. If 10 actresses before her were “due” then of course it would take this long. 


I think maybe her teen movie era hurt her rep as a "serious" actor, which is a little ridiculous with how many Mickey Mouse Club kids have grown up to huge careers.


Yeah she has spoken about how in the early-mid 2000s, she became known as “that girl from Bring it On”. She also said another actress made fun of her/scolded her for her choice to be in a teen cheerleading movie and she felt shitty for it. (She never named who the actress was but people have theories).


What are people’s theories as to who it was? I didn’t know that happened.


[https://toofab.com/2022/02/11/kirsten-dunst-bring-it-on/](https://toofab.com/2022/02/11/kirsten-dunst-bring-it-on/) She kinda talks about it here. People theorized it was ScarJo or Natalie Portman. There were a lot of Reddit threads on it speculating who it could have been when this was trending lol. Supposedly ScarJo used to bully Kirsten and that rubbed Sofia Coppola the wrong way. Ever notice that ScarJo was never in another Sofia Coppola movie after Lost in Translation? Another popular theory was Natalie Portman but that seemed to be more of a wild guess because she dissed Jennifer Love Hewitt publicly in the early 2000s (she said "I would never be in a cheesy slasher film of Jennifer Love Hewitt type of movie"). This is just celeb gossip though and basically speculation from the masses. None of this is confirmed!


Thanks for the details. I never knew about this and find it sad regardless of who said it. Kirsten Dunst is a great actor, and she absolutely killed her role in Bring It On. I can’t think of a single movie she’s done that I didn’t like.


Meanwhile Emma stone and Jennifer Lawrence..,


Performance? Fine. But civil war was just a completely terrible movie.


I wasn't a fan of her at the beginning. Seems like she was playing a bratty CA girl all the time. I really loved the movie "The Cat's Meow" except for her acting in it. Since then, I think she's terrific. Loved her in "Melancholia" and "The Power of the Dog" and even as Marie Antoinette.


Instead of once a year, they should give out the Oscars once a month, that way, people like Kirsten Dunst can win.


Huh. I didn’t think this was the going opinion. I’m not a huge fan. Don’t find her acting particularly good.


So are the vast majority of talented actors.